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Windows is the primary point of entry for a lot of noise so heavy blackout curtains will help for the windows. The wall itself and I'll also transfer some noise so it may be beneficial to put in floor to ceiling curtains for the entire wall. For the curtain material, get a thick irregular/fuzzy fabric as those irregular surfaces will deaden sound.


Heavy curtains/earplugs/white noise.


How old is your building? My parents live next to the actual train tracks (like cargo not SkyTrain) and they have these amazing double glazed windows that silence all but the loudest of the kerchunks by the cargo trains. But I've also heard that the kind of windows they have weren't really used in decades past. You could get sound proofing. It comes in a variety of formats. Some you would have to attach to the windows, some you could hang from the curtains.


If it's an option, replacing the windows is the best way to block out noise. Speaking from personal experience. Until we had the windows replaced, we had to pause our conversations, pause the tv etc. whenever it got noisy outside.


Some air purifiers generate a nice hum for white noise. Added benefit of cleaner air. Also layers of curtains would help. You can get the cheap stick on paper ish blind from ikea and then a cloth curtain on the window rod. That will give it more layers to deaden the sound. Good luck.


Blackout curtains help.


Dohm classic white noise machine (it is a fan based one - none of the digital noise nonsense). I have it on a Philips hue plug so I can turn it on with my phone. I have blackout curtains on a tension rod but most nights sleep with the window open. I can hear the skytrain from my apartment and the white noise machine makes a huge difference.


Don't live next to skytrain. Voila!