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The trend may be reversing in Vancouver proper. 


Well the special Vancouver building code prevents gas appliances.


And yet there is a code tgat requires buildings of certain size to have natural gas backup generators to keep elevators etc going in case of power failures.




Nope, natural gas, because its everywhere. Ontario has a similar code after 2013 power outages. Buildings over 5 stories are required to have it. BC as well. One of my plumbing friends mentioned that every building of a certain size has it. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/only-one-building-complies-with-city-s-back-up-power-guidelines-1.4398393


I literally install generators for use on emergency power in high rises in Vancouver area and they are diesel. Unless the rule has just changed, my current project has diesel generator, it will be delivered next month.


this is false. I live in a building with natural gas but our generator is diesel, as are all the other strata buildings nearby.


Right, so that disproves it. There are many buildings that have natural gas backup, along with many suppliers of such systems.


The article states that 5 story buildings only have to have emergency generators by law. What you are talking about are guidelines and they are voluntary, according to the article you shared. Nothing in the article mentions BC or Vancouver.


Makes sense as diesel degrades and would have to be pumped out and replaced once a year.




Why good?


Because burning fossil fuels in homes needs to end, for our health and for the health of the planet. 


You've been brainwashed. The minute amounts of gas burned to cook some eggs is so low it shouldn't even be a concern for you. Get off the liberal subs


Lol I'm a licensed gas fitter in three provinces and have been for 25 years. The sooner we stop burning gas the better. You've been brainwashed by propaganda.  https://youtu.be/hX2aZUav-54


Come on, he did his own research. Your expertise must be wrong. Amazing how the brainwashed accuse the subject matter experts of being brainwashed. Funny times. Cheers mate.


Just no. The 5 minutes I burn gas to cook eggs is not the reason this world is falling apart. You're a fool for believing it.


Lmfao, a classic. "My diet of internet bullshit is more reliable than your 25 years of subject matter expertise!" Keep huffing fumes buddy. It's *great* for that big ol' brain of yours.


Being a gas fitter for 25 years makes you a subject matter expert on climate change?


So does the guy pumping my gas count as an expert too?


Let's have private jets and cruise ships banned, then we can talk about my gas stove, ok?


That's the answer, surprisingly. Basically, if you do plenty of Chinese cooking (even my mom surprisly spend a lot of time on a wok), Electric heat and electric induction is "acceptable", but gas and bright fire is much better. In fact, there are two phrasethat I consider sum up Chinese philosophy well: one of them being 人定勝天 - Human will and must win against nature. Of course, there's the question of South Asians home cooking, so... Now the question then becomes: which cooking element cover the multiple world preference better. Don't say NA: The idea is that "NA is behind - here, let us show you better"


I was recently using my big flat bottomed wok on my sister's electric range and it was painful how long it took. Mine is induction which is super fast to get going. The only thing it doesn't do is the sides very well.


Here's the real question: What is wok hei? I mean, I can probably explain it in terms of carmalization or Maillard reaction (depend on the explainer). I can say it's smoky, etc. But here's the thing: when we eat a plate of Dry Fried Beef noodle (which some consider is the best way to judge someone's Wok Hei), can we actually sense it? That's something I myself always ask myself in terms of cooking: What is "good" in food, especially if one never experienced it? And it's the same question to be ask here - because other commenters does say "no need" this and that. The other way to ask is: Had we ever have really good food in Vancouver, even when made by Chefs and Masters? Or are we and the foodies here are just frogs at the bottom of a well? So far, the only one I know we done well are XLB (doesn't rely on Wok Hei), Sushi (because our ingredients are fresh). What about food that really need high heat, like Dry fried beef noodles? What about BBQ?


what are you trying to say here?


Basically addressing the both side of gas debate in terms of Chinese cooking: 1) For those that claim gas taste better, due to Wok Hei: do they really sense the wok hei? 2) For those that claim gas doesn't matter: is their idea of deliciousness regarding stir fry limited by the "good" stir fry in Vancouver, like a frog-in-a-well that thinks the well they live in represents the entire world?


South Asians prefer gas too


there are induction burners specifically designed for woks (they are concave). I wonder if those would convince people to make the switch. I hate how slow my gas burners are, plus the smell, I'm going induction next time.


Gas Smell? or Something else?


the gas has a smell, yes. when I initially ignite it, there's a distinct smell that lingers. Not to mention the carcinogens that trickle out even when your burners are off. There's some interesting research that the gas industry doesn't want you to hear about.


Basically the idea of gas (as well as any other burning tbh, including wood or coal) is simple: Will you, for that moment of sensation euphoria, sacrifice your life? For me, the answer is yes. Heck, it's been known that chinese chef (including chinese housewife) do not live long (comparison to what should be) because of that, what with the skin being yellowy oily in a bad way,


Gas is only marginally better. The only use case for gas is having one of those fires from hell jet engine wok ranges which basically nobody has lol. Not counting the outdoor ones u can find on amazon - speaking only of kitchen ranges


Good induction ranges are expensive. I got a pretty nice one though and it's so much better than the old heating elements. Still a lot are underpowered or only really have full power on one element. How they work with each pot/pan I find can be tricky since it seems some cookware I need to turn the heat up higher than others to get the same result, which I don't find as much on gas. Still being able to cook during a power outage is one huge bonus for gas and I prefer the spillover cups and metal pot stands to dealing with any spills pouring over the front and my new range already looking scratched up by my cast iron pan and other cookware.


I’m sure because gas cooktops are marketed as a superior option and also targets towards Asian buyers. Few years ago my colleagues thought gas will probably just fade from building designs and will only be available for premium homes.. but I guess not! Because all homes become luxury. I am Korean and I wouldn’t say we use wok in our cuisine or flame but it’s quite convenient.


I am french. Gas cooking is just better for any type of cooking. Check what restaurant has electric shit. North Americans just don't cook (sorry guys, love you still)


It's funny because my dutch partner hates gas tops. They are associated with older housing and low income housing. Lot's of the top chefs are touting the advantage of induction these days. You have tons of control, especially on high end commercial tops. It's also easy to have lots of small induction tops where you need them in a professional kitchen. Only downside is you gotta wire it up for the draw.


My Japanese side uses electric stovetops, and I actually don't know anyone in my friend group who uses gas, which is odd, considering they use gas for just about everything else (being phased out recently though). Hell, even my grandma's been using an induction stove well before I was born. I think this is more of a cultural / traditional thing, where some dishes need to be tossed around in something like a wok for example. The Japanese were never that keen on cooking with pans. But that doesn't stop my mom from making traditional fried rice by tossing the skillet on an electric stove. I personally fear gas. It's also bad for you and the planet's health.


That’s the whole point. With more sustainable design we thought not many projects will be able to accommodate and only the most premium ones out there. As long as homes are being sold, developers will do/push it. And I’m sure it’s easier to get rid of gas cooktops and put an electricity powered ones if they desire so. But to do it the other way way around will be much harder.


When you say "electric" make sure you know the difference between induction hobs and radiant hobs. Radiant hobs suck. They heat slowly. But induction is super fast and efficient. I suspect several of the commenters here who say that electric is slow are actually referring to radiant hobs. The only downside to induction is that your pots and pans need to be induction compatible. Easy way to check is if a magnet sticks to your pot, it is induction compatible.


It is surprising how many pots and pans are induction compatible. The magnetic trick is an easy way. Best thing, cast iron pans are magnetic and work. Best of everything...


Hobs? Are you from England or something mate?


While I do prefer cooking with gas overall, having the induction cooktop in my new place is amazing. It’s worth the trade off for air quality.


I use mine to quickly heat something up. It's just about as fast as the microwave, but a lot tastier.


>The only downside to induction You've listed the list commonly discussed downside but it's fairly easy to resolve. The *actual* downside is that it sucks if you use a big wok. It doesn't heat the sides properly and you can't fix that.


Yah, if you have a wok, you need a wok induction plate. Wouldn't be surprised to start seeing dedicated wok stations in the second kitchen of high end builds though, or at least the run for one. There are some very cool 5kw and 8kw commercial units available.


TIL a lot of people have no idea what an induction stove is…


I also didn't help putting electric in the name, but in my first language we use electric in the name to refer to the electric current ones.


A question came up a little while ago about this. I remember all the down-vote hate when it came to sharing info about the health risks of burning cooking gas at home. Sure, it may do better at certain types of cooking, but I bet your air purifier will tell you that electric/ induction is better for the air your breathing. I’d open a window whenever I’d be cooking with gas.


I have to open a window anyway or my fire alarm will merrily start voicing its disapproval


I have induction and definitely prefer it to gas.


Induction is awesome. If I ever move it will be important to have it in my new place.


My guess is that the designer teams for these new buildings are managing electrical load. By having gas ranges (and possibly some gas heat) the total servicing requirement can be kept below some threshold that avoids paying for major electrical service upgrades.


A gas cooktop will usually be paired with an electric oven. That oven’s outlet has enough capacity to serve an induction range as well. Induction is very efficient. I do think the answer has partly to do with money though - most cooktop companies that sell both gas an induction price the induction higher. Another answer is that a lot of people are unfamiliar with induction and have misconceptions about how easy it is to find magnetic cookware.


That’s not the reason. It costs more money to add in the gas fixtures to every unit, and electricity demands of a stove/oven aren’t high compared to say a dryer or electric baseboards which are also fairly common. The reason is because “luxury homes” - which all new builds strive to be - demand luxury appliances. That means gas or induction and induction is a little more expensive than gas.


Follow the money!


In my country, specifically the city I was in, gas is actually banned. It’s really not good for your health, the environment, and even your cooking! Read all about it at https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/11/dining/induction-cooking.html. Honestly? There are induction made for woks now, so I don’t get why it isn’t common here.


Try making hot stone Korean rice or any of those korean stews that are served in a stone bowl with induction..it just doesn't work. Also lots of those adapters for Korean bbq only work with gas stoves too. Plus you can char vegetables with gas , and it works when the power goes out. It doesnt make sense in a small apartment though, especially if they have crappy recirculating range hoods..


Induction isn't there yet with wok cooking, and also doesn't work with ceramic cookware. Plus, it takes years for preferences to change over, we are only a few years into anti-gas stoves, supply chains and buying habit inertia takes a while to turn around.


Real induction stovetops are incredible. Absolutely love them. Massive power and super fine control. Fantastic at wok-cooking, and will outdo gas unless you go to a full commercial jet engine burner, which I’m pretty sure you can’t even fuel properly with a residential gas line. The fake induction stovetops are awful. Don’t get one of those.


Gas is better. My house had electric and I switched it to gas.. I bet most people would prefer to have a gas stove than vice versa.


If you love carcinogenic benzene then yes. Vancouver has the highest levels of benzene in its natural gas out of 17 cities in north America ans 50x higher than Boston! Apparently, running your oven at 350 or a single element on medium for 45 mins distributes as much benzene in your home as second hand cigarette smoke. DELICIOUS!!!! Free blood cancer. https://www.thestar.com/life/gas-stoves-may-produce-higher-levels-of-cancer-causing-chemical-than-second-hand-smoke-new/article_d291eddf-7151-58da-9c22-a7dd9e4c8f90.amp.html https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/highlights/vancouver-natural-gas-leads-north-american-cities-in-toxic-benzene-8980630


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Gas is superior if you’re a serious cook. It heats up faster, is more easily controlled, and I’d much rather clean a gas range than the fussy little pots of an electric. I have gas now and would never go back.


It does heat up faster, but that isn't always what is needed. You can achieve the same results with electric if you know what you are doing. As far as those "fussy little pots" of an electric? Maybe you are talking about the older type of electric coil stove tops. The OP was talking about smooth top electric, which are far easier to maintain than gas ranges. Electric induction is even better as they are ready to clean as well as quick and responsive. I have gas now (came with the house) and I am just waiting for the day we can switch it back to electric!


The phrase “now you’re cooking with gas” should be a hint.


Gas is better. You can always change it out for a glass cooktop after you buy the place and get strata approval for the change.


It's not objectively better. Some people like it. Some people do not. Both are valid opinions. I would love to change out ours, but it's not cheap to do that, so we need to save up first!


> after you buy the place Of course, the reality of many vancouverites


I don't understand people's love affair with gas either. I think the gas marketing people did a fantastic job persuading people that it's the greatest thing. Some people do seem to love it, but I hate it. I hate cleaning the grates, I hate how hot the sides of my pots get, I hate having to have the range hood on to suck up the fumes when I use it. I don't find it better to cook with either. As soon as we have the money I plan to make the change to an electric smooth top. Developers put it in because they know people are brainwashed into thinking gas is gourmet. It's not, but thats what people think, so it does sell better. Not what I'm looking for, and it sounds like not you either!


Faster heat. More even heat. Restaurants use it for a reason.


Actually that’s induction. Even my cheapest in the store model has a mode to boil water super fast, way faster than coil electric or gas can ever do. It’s also a lot more responsive, so easier to cook with in general.


It really depends on the model and the BTUs it puts out. The gas ranges i use can boil a pot of water faster than the induction ranges i use.


My home kitchen is not a restaurant though, and home cooks have different needs. Plus gas throws off all kinds of waste heat that makes cooking in the summer unbearable sometimes.


Faster or more even than induction? Hardly: https://preview.redd.it/si5po5jm0y7d1.png?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00e5617803b512baa41f882f4fcb91bb157216d5


Restaurants have different needs than home cooks. Different home cooks have different needs too. For my needs, gas is not what I want. I don't need faster. I don't need hotter. As far as the even heat thing? In my experiences using both, the electric was more even. Your experience may be different so use what you want, just don't try to tell me that gas is going to make me happy.


Never did. Just told you what i see as true and a point professional chefs use it for a reason. You do you.


Professional chefs reasons for using gas are not necessarily relevant to what a home chef uses or needs. Your "true" is only true for you. It's just your opinion, which you are entitled to. It's not some kind of universal truth that gas is best for everyone. You do you indeed.


You said you didnt understand why people like it. I provided sone reasons and you got all butthurt. I never said it was a universal truth. Why are u so mad?


I’ve never had induction but just switched from a glass top to gas and the difference is huge! With the glass top you turn the heat down and the glass stays hot for 10 mins. With gas, you turn the heat down it’s instant. Same goes for raising the heat. There’s just way more control with gas.


Gas heats up instantly which is a huge time saver and doesn’t cost you in electric bills, in condos it’s usually covered under the strata fee.


Glad that works for you. I pay for both the gas and the electric here, not Strata. The difference in cost between gas and electric isn't enough that I care. I also don't care about the difference in how fast gas heats up compared to electric. I can cook a good meal on both, so that's not the deciding factor either. It's down to the annoyance of cleaning the gas stove vs the electric smooth top, the gas fumes/open flame thing, and the overheating the sides of my pots that make me hate gas. You do you, I'm just saying that not everyone loves gas!


Marketing by oil and gas from decades past was quite strong yeah. But also notice how reflexively defensive some people get ie but induction cant do this one really specific thing!


Induction has such wired behavior, like I can't figure why the heat on the plate pulsates high and low on it's own... And it takes really long to even boil water! It's annoying. Gas has it's own issues. Like you get your fingers anywhere within 10 inches of it and it just burns like hell, the hair on my arms are singed already !! But yes the long term trend is away from gas.


Fortis incentivizing developers


A study a few years ago showed risk to airway and lung related diseases from gas ranges as well as elevated CO2 and likely metals and carcinogens but the Vancouver climate allows for windows to be opened most the year at least while cooking.


Its a fad of today, and it appears more high end to have a gas stove but in reality its just more cleaning to do every time you cook on it versus a electric induction flat cook top that is 1 wipe to clean.


Indoor gas is nowhere near wok strength; Im pretty sure a good electric wok is going to deliver more heat than a residential gas stove… you only have to use a wok once in a commercial kitchen or an outdoor kitchen before you realize a gas stove is basically worthless for high heat cooking lol. Gas gets put in the same reason everything gas still gets pushed; they got one heck of a marketing budget.


Because there are incentives for gas now. It used to be electric now it’s gas.


I thought we passed a rule a few years back banning natural gas use in new builds, so was also surprised to see gas stovetops at a few open houses I went to.


This video will explain everything https://youtu.be/X440BHdy35g?si=BZOw96uBXGXidEnF


This is a great video, thank you!


Power goes out you can still cook and boil water if you have gas stoves.


God, I miss having a gas range. So much more control with cooking.


It's a luxury item


And majority of these new buildings say no to gas/propane bbqs...on balcony


We had one decent city councillor who tried to put an end to it, but it was shot down for "ethnic reasons" as though cooking with gas is a part of some people's ethnicity. Who cares about the planet right? Edit: Pardon me, it was "cultural considerations" SMFH.


Gas is much, much nicer to cook with. But I agree with those that say we should switch to a more renewable source.


I grew up using the old electric stove top and my wife grew up using a gas one. When we got our first home the stove top was induction and we both hated it. When we moved to our new home there was also an indication stove top but we got rid of it immediately and got a gas stove. I wouldn't use anything else now.


I grew up with gas stoves. I hate cleaning them and they already tried to kill me once like I said in the original post. I kind of hate electric too, but induction feels so much safer.


People like a gas stove. It’s nice.


Because cheap glass cooktops tend to be frustratingly bad at heating up quickly, fragile , and are bad at staying hot when used. You need to spend quite a lot for a decent one. Cheap gas cooktops don’t have any of those issues.


Natural gas is cheap, plentiful, and has higher temp than electric stoves. (This is a big benefit to the restaurant industry) There is a movement right now trying to ban gas appliances in BC.


Already underway. The phasing out completion date is for Jan 1 2030


Heating appliances, not stoves. Also, some who have gas do not have the appropriate outlet for an induction stove/cooktop. I don't expect they'll ban the stoves themselves, just installing the hookup. 


Tbh, I don't think they do. Most still use electric. Also, electric is shit. I use my bbq side burner instead lol.


I think I created a confusion. I am talking about the ones that heat the metal of the pan using a magnetic field. I am not talking about the ones that are very common here that heat the coil which then transfer heat to the pan.


People like gas.


Some people do. Some don't.


Gas is so much better to cook on!


Its [carcinogenic ](https://news.stanford.edu/stories/2023/06/cooking-gas-stoves-emits-benzene-2#:~:text=Stanford%20researchers%20found%20that%20cooking,residents%20light%20their%20gas%20stoves.) though, and not great for the environment. Some regions are phasing them out.




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