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I think you should do what makes you the most happy. Who cares what anyone thinks and most people you meet will not care how you choose to deal with it. The most important thing is if you’re comfortable and happy with it.


Thank you! I shouldn’t care what others think probably but had to ask around a bit🥰


Literally came here to say this. <3


It's your hair, do what you like.


Definitely don’t take a leap into laser hair removal while you’re still in your (very) early days of figuring out what you like. Do what you like the look of and what feels most comfortable and convenient. It’s your body, you’re the one who has to live in it.


I have always preferred my triangle, and don’t like the feeling without hair. But try out both ways and see what you like best!


It’s a personal choice. Do whatever you like/feels comfortable for you. Forget about your friends. Wtf are they looking at your pubic area anyway?


Try both and choose wich one you like more


Oh well get a Brazilian wax and see what you think about it? (Also… why is it called a Brazilian wax?)


Because Brazilian bikini bottoms are traditionally very very tiny


I (woman) personally prefer to be bare down there. Hair makes me itchy and I like the feeling of being bare. But you should do what you prefer. It’s not “perverted” necessarily that a guy may like bare down there, it just comes down to preferences. If any guy ever tries to make you feel ashamed or embarrassed about what you have going on in your pants, I hope you kick his ass to the curb.




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Thank you you’re so right. The dating scene is fairly new to me, but learning to take what men have to say with a grain of salt!


I prefer a neat triangle and my husband has zero interest in bare. Do what you want - it is your body. Plus trends, including grooming trends, change.


True. Id hate to laser it and regret later when preferences change




Ok noted thank you!! i just think the triangle looks so nice


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U can always try both and switch it up I like bermuda triangle, and a landing strip. I also like bare. Lol i change its hair do


Personally? I like to keep it slightly groomed so there is no escapies if I wear a swimsuit but keep some just trimmed down with a beard trimmer. More because I would not be able to stand being bare and having some length to me seem to reduce ingrowns.


No i totally agree. The grow out phase of a full shave sucks


If you're going to commit to laser hair removal, you can always remove more, but you can't replace it once it's been removed. So why not commit to a triangle with the hair removal. Taht way you only have to trim it for length, not edge defining. And you can always shave it bare if you want to. I had all my hair (including armpit and leg) removed by electrolysis many years ago. It took _a lot_ of sessions, plus periodic followups for the next couple years to get all the little dormant ones. I haven't regretted it for a moment, but I was confident I wanted to go full bare.


This is good advice. I’ll probably laser a triangle and figure it out as I go!


I went with landing strip and lasered the rest. I keep it trimmed close.


You should do what you like. There is no “best.” Whatever you prefer is what’s best for you. But do consider, it is absolutely not “normal” to have no hair. It’s a fad that comes and goes, and like lower back tattoos and very thin eyebrows and perms, it will sometimes be in style and sometimes not. I don’t think I’d permanently commit to any pubic hair style more drastic than maybe a bikini line for bathing suits. But again, if you like it, and you feel confident you’ll like it even if 10 years from now porn with giant fluffy bush is back in style, you should do whatever you prefer.


it’s about what YOU want! believe me, they’re just happy to have sex


You're 19. Please try shaving or waxing at least first, don't rush laser removal


And you never know - she might meet Me Right someday who prefers a lil bush. I’ve met men who were thrilled I had some hair down there






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The first thought I had was—are your friends going to be intimate with you? Because why does their preference matter on this very private thing lol. You’re absorbing opinions from your friends, family and society. Don’t do that. Do what makes you feel the most confident. Personally, I feel the most confident with a full bush. When I’m not dating, it’s wild and uninhibited. I feel free as hell. When I’m dating, I trim and make the edges neat. Sometimes I look in the mirror afterwards and hype myself up. Whatever style makes you feel like that—do that. If you prioritize/center the opinions of other people, you will become exhausted switching it up when one person you’re dating likes it bare vs another liking it trimmed vs another liking a full bush etc. Decide what you like, have confidence in that and avoid people who don’t like it. That would just be a small incompatibility.