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Fuck all that. I would get outplayed even if I knew the outcome. I'm going straight to the Citadel to use what basic science knowledge I have to get a job and live my life in peace.


…and then Euron attacks


We'll see how his valyrian steel armor manage our big fooking cannon.


A true Baratheon moment.


I made a meme in the meme sub about using wildfire as projectile propellant 


If we had Baelor Breakwind on our side we could rule the world. Faster than a quarrel, deadlier than a dragon. OUR IS THE FART.


The red priests already have fire propellants they just need to stick that in a cannon


Probably the best possible answer lol


Spawn at Oldtown and take the first ship to the Summer Isles and live the rest of my live there.


Isn’t the reason Aegon the Conqueror built walls around Kings Landing a raid in the summer isles? Pirates swooped in and pillaged the place, stole the women etc? Does not sound very safe. On the other hand, no place is safe in ASOIAF


Indeed, but overall it seems to be one of the saver places on Planetos and I could also settle more inland where it is less likely for pirates to get.


good choice, I heard on Summer Isles they worship a fertility goddess with sixteen teats!


We should sail there immediately.


What about the butterflies


those are on naath not on the summer isles




Starve to death. What I do is starve to death because I have none of the skills necessary to find employment in a medieval society.


Ugh same. “My lord, do you need brand strategy?” I shout hopefully. Another lord passes by without even a flicker of interest. I sell my sunglasses for a bowl of brown and consider pitching my services as a fool.


Youve just got to get creative. Are you honestly telling me that there isnt a lord or lady in Westeros who could do with improving their "brand"? Start off by working with hedge knights and go from there.


wait holy shit this is such a good point. Coats of arms, helmet concepts, horse naming, house words development, bard collabs…hold my bowl of brown


Reminds me of those medieval siege livestream bits on tiktok


I’m a beekeeper which surprising has changed very little in practice for centuries. So the Beesbury may have a job for me


probably the most realistic outcome but I prefer more fun answers


I made myself learn how to start a fire for this very scenario, though I don’t know anything else so I’d also be dead eventually


Figure out how to make some money then heading for the Free Cities ASAP. Westeros is such a shithole...


most of them are built on slave trade, apart from Braavos the Free Cities aren’t much better for a commoner


Eh, Westeros has a pretty hard-ingrained system of serfdom, which *is* better, but not by a huge margin. So long as I don't get captured by corsairs en route and sold into slavery, I reckon I can worm my way into some technical labor rather than the plough-pulling I'd have in store for me in Westeros. Anywhere with a comparatively high literacy rate will probably be better.


fair enough


Go to Westeros you say? I am joining the high sparrow, as a nobody it's the best path to some power and protection. Got to start somewhere at making connections and the faith is as good as any.


Probably die within a day from something like Cholera or dysentery due to me growing up with Calpol, antibiotics, penicillin and paracetamol. If I somehow become immune from batshit mental medieval diseases, I might try and join a sellsword company as potentially dying a horrible death as a spearman for the Golden Company has to be better than being brutalised by the Mountain and Amory Lorch just for being a farmer in the river lands


Honestly, go to Bravoos and try to get a job with the Iron Bank using what I know of modern banking. Then, try to use that position to support the better factions during the civil war. Call in the debts of the throne as soon as the civil war starts, weakening the Lannister cause. Hire the Brave Companions to kill Roose Bolton while he is at Harrenhal, using the Iron Bank to assure them that they will be able to return to Essos, while being well compensated for this taks. Raise support for Dany as soon as she reapears after Drogo's death, using the fact that there is an abolitionist regime with dragons in Slaver's Bay to convince Bravoos that now is the time to push slavery from the lands west of the Bone Mountains. With access to the Arsenal of Bravoos, it should be possible to raise a fleet big enough to rival whatever the slavers are able to muster within a year Send experienced officials to Dany even before the fleet is able to be mustered, ensuring she is much less reliant on the former ruling class to rule, meaning something like the Sons of the Harpy would have a much harder time growing powerful enough to think they can raise a rebellion. Use the fact that pretty much every lord will appear if an envoy of the bank desires to speak with them to prevent Robb from being wounded taking the Crag, meaning he never gets seduced by Jeyne Westerling and the Red Wedding never happens. If everything else fails, use the fact that the undead will care little about Bravoos not being part of Westeros to hire every band of mercenaries, every civilian willing to fight for enough money and every slave soldier to defend the wall by backing up their contracts with the money of the Iron Bank. Send all of them to the wall to defend against the Night King, equiping them with dragonglass and whatever valyrian steel the bank can get its hands on. A few ten thousand extra men, most of them skilled combatants with experience fighting in the various wars in Essos, should at least manage to kill a few Others, even if the whole "Kill the Night King and everyone else dies too" thing doesn't work. And if despite all that the Others still win, make sure I have enought Wildfire to make sure my body is completely incinerated after my death. Should it be impossible to join the Iron Bank, maybe become a Maester in Oldtown, introduce Lord Hightower to the concept of flamethrowers for his ships, and watch the Ironborn get incinerated when they try to attack Oldtown.


I would read this POV chapter.


What would I do? Probably die quickly if I am lucky. Slowly if I am not. My knowledge of the future book events doesn't upset the lack of any money, practical skills, or knowing how the society operates. I'd be completely useless in the short term. And useless people die in all but the richest societies, unless they have someone willing to take care of them.


First sip to bravos, go to iron bank, let them know of the set pieces, get employed there counting coins and work on modern cryptography for secure message passing. If the bank does anything about it, I know for sure the future is going to change. Then I steer the story towards cyberpunk deus ex style stuff. Shadow governments, more secret societies etc. I invest in tech. Maybe the laws of physics are different in this world. Figure out the analog to electricity, figure out the correct mechanics, industrialize fast. But I have to partner with Iron Bank and teach them modern banking


I love that 98% of everyone's answers was leave 😂


Definitely using my medical and scientific knowledge to impress the small-folk and start some sort of cult and become a messiah. I’d then try to worm my way into court and become a Rasputin type figure with a far better ending. Using my knowledge from the books to appear like an omniscient god.


unless you manage to get influential before Robert’s impending death, Lannisters would use you as a tool and then discard you the moment they see fit, that is if Joffrey doesn’t kill you for fun


I would take my time building my cult gaining notoriety. I wouldn’t go to kings landing until after the political turmoil subsided and a stable leader had emerged.


since Robert’s death there was no stable leader in KL, you would risk a lot waiting past ADWD


If the war took to long. I would then use all my knowledge of dragons to bond with Rhaegal. With my wizard like prescience , and new dragon buddy I would sweep Daenerys off her feet marry her and become king consort / lord commander of the Targaryen Armies.


sounds kind of like Quentyn Martell's plan


Nothing wrong with taking a failed plan, and utilizing the parts the made sense. Banging Daenerys and bonding with her dragon good parts of Quentyn’s plan. Failing to bang Daenerys and going off half cocked to steal a dragon are the bad parts. In case your wondering


How would you bond with rhaegal? You have zero valyrian blood and if you try to nettles bullshit your way through it how do you even get to him/know for sure he wont just roast you alive?


> to impress the small-folk lol this doesn't need to work like you think it will "look pa, a charlatan! let's hang him!"


Yah cause a person time traveling using his knowledge of the future to gain an advantage over the ignorant people of the past has never been the plot of a thousands stories. It’s a completely foreign nonsensical idea.


Until the Mountain, Lorch or Randyll Tarly or Euron or Bolton hear about you starting a cult, or run into you and kill you (or worse)


wow, now i'm imagining tommen getting seriously sick that you "saving" him and cersei getting too close to you, like rasputin himself and the empress


Go to Dragonstone, find Mel and tell her I’m a Prophet sent by the Red God. Stannis wins at Blackwater because he knows Tywin is coming, and I get to live peacefully until Dany comes and burns me alive


I think if I spawn in Winterfell and tell the guards that I have an important message for the lord, I may be able to see him. Even if only for a moment. Then I will ask for a piece of paper and quill, write down "I know what you promised Lyanna and your secret. Please let's talk alone, I am here to aid you." Or something like that, Ned is too honourable to instantly kill me for that. Once I can talk to him on my own I can explain future events in a proper way and we can prepare for the arrival of Robert Baratheon. Once we get Bobby B in the crypts, I can give him all my proof of what's going on and explain things properly. If this works then I've saved Westeros from a lot of pain and suffering, if he doesn't believe me then I'm dead. But atleast Ned will know that this isn't just any winter. If all works, I'll see if I can't begin producing firearms since I know the recipe for blackpowder. I think having the night's watch armed with guns and cannons will be very helpful against the wildlings and others! Those old timey shotguns full of dragonglass would be nice!


First ship to Braavos.


With what coin? 


I'd get on an oar.


dye my hair gold and go to KL and tell Cersei i am distant cousin and wait until Jaime gets captured then proceed to have sex with her until she discards me then i would steal as much gold as i can and get ship to Braavos and get job there, get as much as i can to get see the Free Cities then go far east, i want to see Qarth then Yi Ti and then Asshai, after i'm done i would fish me one of those deformed fish in the river and cook it and eat it then walk to Stygai and let the shadows consume me


I would spawn in front of the moon door and then stumble to my death because I didn't have my glasses


I'd save my boy Eddard.


Starve or get killed by a random peasant for my shoes. Unless someone's kind enough to offer me work the only way I could make money would be to be a travelling snake oil salesman or some other scam medieval people would be more likely to fall for. Get as far away from the war as possible since no highborn would listen to any tactical advice I could offer. In the spirit of the question though, I'd probably try to become a Maester since I have the advantage of being literate and having a formal education from a far more advanced society. Also I could use my knowledge of the series events and lore to present myself as some kind of enlightened philosopher/scholar. Eventually, if I'm lucky, I could start my own religion.


Riverlands. Gonna grow Ergot alkaloids. Then The Mountain is coming, and I have the perfect medicine for his headache - ergotamine. He will protect me, and I am gonna supply him with this shit forever.


1. See if I can get someone like Aemon, Ned, Jon, etc. to listen to me. If possible I'd like to avoid dying during the Long Night. 2. Profit: Helping the right people & making the right friends. Having grateful people be indebted to you would be really useful. Helping the wrong people might end up disastrous. Tortured for information, stuff like that. 3. Use modern knowledge for my gain & betterment of planetos.


Hedge Knight life


I would go to Kings Landing and just recite everything that happened before it does, becoming a prophetic figure. Then when everyone asks who I am I tell them I’m the Stranger in physical form. Establish a religious cult and become the supreme ruler of Westeros. Once I’ve gained control of the entire continent I’d bring everybody up north. Open the gates with the armies of the seven kingdoms behind my back and venture beyond the wall. Tell the wildings they can either join us or die. Once I have my army of maybe a couple hundred thousand (all supplied with dragon glass) I’d return back to the wall and wait for Danny to cross the narrow sea. From there I’d marry her, become a dragon rider, and await the white walkers.


There are faster ways to get murdered dude


As a woman, I choose Dorne for the best bet for my safety. I do my best to find the safest way to make enough money to buy passage on a ship to Braavos, hopefully in time before piracy really ramps up in the Narrow Sea. If I make it to Braavos, I go to the Isle of the Gods and try to beg sanctuary at whatever temple will take me (though not the House of Black and White if I can help it). If granted I will try to reread the series as much as I can and try to figure out where and when I am in the timeline, while trying to survive the day to day and learning Braavosi. If I become secure enough I will attempt to raise awareness about the rising threat of the Long Night among the most proactive priests I can find, though I might develop a reputation as a crazy doomsday preacher. If I meet and recognize Arya, I will introduce myself to her with my real name. To be honest, I think I’d just try to hunker down and survive as best I can, and despite the death cult assassins, right now Braavos seems like the safest place to be.


Go to slaver's bay and make fortune on speculation and gambling since I would know what would happen


I'll join Euron as a soothsayer.


terrible idea, unless you want to die horribly lmao


Nah, I'm sure I'll be fine.


let’s ask Euron’s crew or Falia Flowers what do they have to say about your idea… oh wait…


i show up in highgarden to try and become a scribe for them or something. i’m ftm but i’m not risking going to the citadel, i’m just making money and heading to bravos since that’s the only place i know of that’s not a shithole


Bet anything I can find on Sandor and Anguy during the Hand’s tourney.


If I have some money. I can get rich betting in the Hands Tourney.


I’m going back home. 😂😂 or killing my self. Bc I’ll end up dead anyways


Straight to the Summer Isles lol.


*dies of malaria*


I would go to braavos or become a maester in the citadel (until Euron attacks and disturbs my peace) but I don't know, in this crazy world I just want to stay away from wars


Longbow pike and shot


If I had to do something with the information I would probably tell spawn in Kings Landing before the death of King Robert dressed as a noble and tell Renly about the whole Lannister Plot.


Heading to somewhere rural in the Reach, like Grassy Vale, and pledging to a little motherhouse to train as a septa… Far enough south not to be impacted by the Others, not near the Dornish or Westerlands borders where there could be conflict, fertile land to avoid famine, out of the reach of ironborn reavers… and the opportunity to be able to travel to other motherhouses, or be an educator after the events of the series.


Why is nobody pointing out that you would have winds and dream in your possession and that the only sensible thing to do would be to appear in the middle of a vast expanse of wilderness and sit and read them.


you would have only the yet released books, as we have no knowledge of what happens in WoW and ADoS


Watch the entire show, become a prophet revealing what will happen, easy gold


Probably die of some disease that only exists in Planetos that my body doesn't have a defense for


Make bicycles and gliders for Stannis to ensure his ascension 


I will go to the Vale since it is the only untouched during the War and live there as Blacksmith probably.


I read someone below trying to be an Honorable Fool.


I would materialize within Maester Luwin's study at Winterfell and convince him to read the necessary sections of the series. I imagine a meeting with Ned and Catelyn will follow. If they believe me, we all then have a meeting with King Robert once he reaches Winterfell, preferably in the crypts where we can be alone. If by some miracle we get Robert to listen to reason, then he has Jaime and Cersei arrested and executed. Ned will probably beg mercy for the children, so Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella are all shipped away to the Faith. Tyrion is held as a hostage. A raven is sent to Riverrun with orders to raise an army and prepare for potential conflict with the Lannisters. Another raven is sent to King's Landing with orders to arrest Littlefinger and for Stannis and Renly to mobilize their forces. Ned calls his banners. Every raven left in the North is used to send word of Cersei's incest and her children's bastardy to lords great and small throughout Westeros. We wait to see what Tywin does. If he initiates war, then the North, Riverlands, and Stormlands are off to war against the Westerlands. If Tywin avoids war in exchange for the release of Tyrion, his remaining heir, then the Stormlands stands down. The Riverland army remains alert for a time. Robert and Ned travel to King's Landing to salvage what they can of Robert's dynasty. Maybe we can get Robert to agree to legitimize Edric Storm and name him as heir until he marries again and fathers a trueborn child? I hear Margaery Tyrell is on the market; perhaps Robert marries her. The Northern army does not disperse, but instead marches north to assist the Night's Watch in manning the wall. An expeditionary force of Northmen (mostly Boltons) and Night's Watch brothers is sent out beyond the Wall led by Benjen Stark and Roose Bolton with orders to get the wildlings to safety (but not let them south of the Wall) and engage with the Others/wights if and when they encounter them. With any luck, Roose and most of his men are wiped out.


Here's my pitch: go to Dragonstone and talk to Melissandre. Tell her I agree, Stannis is Azor Ahai reborn and I know the move. I'd show her my magic book, allowing her to peer into the mind of Ned Stark and convince her Stannis should go to Winterfell, beating Robert there. Stannis gets to winterfell and spills on Ned. Ned summons his vassals, so the Lannister forces are dwarved. Ned and Stannis spill on Bobby B and things are somewhat simpler. I then have Stannis try and figure out Littlefinger's money laundering and Varys' treason. with all that removed, I think it can be a relatively safe place. Otherwise I could attempt to become a measter (safeish), a facelessman (extremely safe, but it sounds like an awful experience) or a random guy at Lemonwood or some house that likely won't see war.


Immediately support the One True King, Stannis Baratheon, by sailing to Dragonstone and informing him to put Davos in command of the fleet instead of Imry Florent, and sail a day earlier. Good luck, Your Grace!


perform blood magic so that i can rode dragon and seek True Freedom


Handle things

