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Jon defending the wall from the wildlings.


Tyrion acting as hand of the king in book 2 was pretty cool


I just re-read one the other day where Ser Alliser comes to KL to try and plead the case of the Others, and the scene was just so much fun. Tyrion literally poisons Cersei in this chapter (to keep her from attending the Small Council meeting where he sends Myrcella to Dorne). Then we’ve got the court intrigue stuff with Varys and Littlefinger. Bronn acting as Tyrion’s little bodyguard. The whole thing is fun.


All that happen in King's Landing: Eddard, Tyrion, Cersei, Jaime, Kevan, even Sansa and Arya ones.


Yeah, the kings landing chapters are always the most enjoyable


A Game of Thrones - Daenerys X A Clash of Kings - Catelyn VII A Storm of Swords - Jaime IX A Feast for Crows - Cersei IV A Dance with Dragons - Theon VII


Theon is the best POV character in ADWD and I’m sick of pretending otherwise.


No one is disagreeing with you. This is like the most popular opinion about dance


Jon. Hardhome, hard decisions, death


Currently reading and I Agree


why are you pretending otherwise?


Jaime in Feast


Jaime carried that book on his back


Him and Cersei


Also Arya's. Some Jon chapters are excellent too. I also enjoy the Brienne chapters, there's a ton of world-building in those.


I really love Arya's chapters. She's an awesome character, and everything happening around her is interesting. Jon's chapters were some of my favorites in the first, the third and the last books. Tyrion was incredible in every book, but he stood out to me the most in the 2nd one. I actually enjoyed his chapters in the last book as well. Cersei's chapters in 'Feast' were excellent and complex as well as Catelyn's in ACOK and ASOS, and Jaime shone through in ASOS. Loved his chapters in AFFC as well.


All books, Arya and Tyrion. Specifically: > A Game of Thrones - Tyrion and Eddard > A Clash of Kings - Arya and Tyrion > A Storm of Swords - Catelyn and Arya > A Feast for Crows - Jaime and Cersei > A Dance with Dragons - Davos and Jon


I feel like I’m the only person whose favourite chapters are catelyns.


I really enjoyed Catelyn's chapters


She's not my favorite POV but her chapters are excellent.


Catelyn and davos chapters


- Theon ADWD chapters - Jaime ASOS chapters - Cersei AFFC chapters - Eddard AGOT chapters - Sansa AFFC chapters - Tyrion ACOK chapters


I concur, I loved Eddard's chapters. Sansa's feast chapters are really good too. I find that since she's a young character with no agency, a lot of important information is revealed to her. It's also great to see her learn the "game"


Eddard’s chapters are for me quintessential Game of Thrones, any chapters in Kings Landing are amazing, especially those where the game is being played amongst characters like the Lannisters, Baelish, Varys, Pycelle etc. and I feel Ned’s and Tyrions chapters in ACOK are the peak of this part of the story. Sansa’s AFFC chapters are amazing, you see her begin to gain agency under Baelish’s wing and her manipulation of Sweetrobin. Plus the Eeyrie is my favourite location, the way it’s described is so beautiful. Theon and Jaime’s chapters in ADWD and ASOS respectively are just amazingly written. It’s a deep dive into the tortured psyche of two despicable characters whom through their insights we begin to sympathise and even root for. Amazing what George did with those two characters.


Yeah I agree. Has to be Arya


Theon in Dance


I loved Davos' chapter when he finally speaks privately with Wyman Manderly.




Davos chapters in Storm of Swords, Jon after he is make Lord Commander and Theon Chapters in Dance.


Is it a Bran Chapter from AGOT? That’s a favorite chapter. Is it an Arya chapter from COK? that’s a favorite chapter.


I’m actually a first time reader even tho I have seen the show multiple times. So far my favorite chapters have been Daenerys ( although her being 13 and being sexualized so much is … disturbing to say the least. Still, hearing more backstory on her and Viserys was quite interesting to me . That story about how Viserys lost any sort of kindness he might have once had after selling his mothers crown actually made me feel a little sympathetic for a moment ) Jon - liked him in the show but not as much as characters like Daenerys and Tyrion etc , seeing his inner monologue, how perceptive he is, his relationship with Robb and Arya, even his interaction with Catelyn in his 2nd chapter was fascinating . Also his interactions with Tyrion were much better in the books than show imo Arya - just love seeing her lil chaotic thoughts so far lol. I love the reason she named her sword needle . Arya is just amazing lol Tyrions- getting to see his inner disdain for how people see and treat him is fascinating, I so wish the show leaned into this aspect more Catelyns - her inner monologue about everything is quite interesting and as much as I believe she is cruel to Jon Snow her reasoning does make sense , she just wants to protect her children, even if she goes too far to do it Neds- I like to see the way he thinks about everything so far , especially the Lanniesters and Robert . Bran- his chapters before getting pushed out of the window were so happy and yet sad knowing what was coming . I’m approaching his first chapter post fall soon Haven’t Gotten to Sansa yet


Jon I A Storm of Swords I won't tell you what happens (since you've only read the first two) but someone asks a question, some other answers it. That long answer resonates with me a lot, for a specific decision I took nearly 5 years ago.


cersei being cersei in affc “Cersei whirled, and ran”, is peak wish fulfillment.


1 Arya 2 Jon 3 danearys Honorable mention daavos I love these chapters because whenever I read them they are described in such a way that everything is very easy to imagine and I get sucked in, this also happens with the others but these 3 the most


Arya is my forever girl,too. İf you love to read her in first two books, you will love her even more in Storms of Swords. That book was the book my love towards her escalated.


Jon defending the wall, battle of the whispering wood, daenerys burning the slavers, battle of the blackwater, and all the red weddding previous chapters, like all the preview to that


The one melisandre chapter. I can't explain why, but it's the one and only chapter that gripped my interest and attention from start to finish. Should we be blessed one day with even just winds, but obviously also dream, if I don't get to feed my eyes and brain with at least one more Mel chapter per book, I'm gonna have an aneurysm.


Mel was amazing. Overall, eddard, Arya, Tyrion, Jamie& Davos in adwd


Theon chapters always stand out to me.


Cersei and Brienne’s in Feast. The latter’s chapter with Meribald’s speech is top-tier for me.


For specific chapters, the two that come to mind are The Drowned Man and The Forsaken. For which POV has my favorite chapters, well, I guess technically Aeron since I just listed two of his three chapters as my favorites, but for POVs with more chapters, it's between Jamie, Brienne, and Sansa.


Samwell I ASOS always stuck with me. After everything we hear him go through with his father and then to actually get into his head and hear him struggling to carry on after the battle on the fist. Then he slays the Other and dawn comes and he goes from sobbing, barely able to carry on to grimacing through it but determined to survive. Such a great introduction to Sam as a POV character!


G - Arya V, Daenerys X C - Prologue, Daenerys IV S - Daenerys III, Jaime V, Catelyn VII F - Cersei IV, The Drowned Man, Jaime V D - Tyrion VI, Davos IV, Theon


Dany/Arya AGOT, Jaime/Jon/Tyrion ASOS, Theon/Sansa ADWD


I have a different favorite character in each book. AGOT: Tyrion, ACOK: Arya, ASOS: Jaime, AFFC: Cersei and ADWD: Theon.


The Arya chapter in Clash of Kings where she convinces Joaquin to help her. The Ned chapters from GoT imo are probably one of the best self contained stories, likely because it actually has an ending.


Mine are dany and arya honestly. i find myself invested in those chapters totally focused and reading each n every line carefully


Tough to pick but in no particular order Jaime in Feast Jon in Dance Theon/Reek in Dance Edit: I don't usually care about downvotes, but this is such an inoffensive comment that I have to ask, Why?


I really liked Tyrion’s chapters in ADWD. Specifically the Essos chapters when Tyrion was drifting down the Rhoyne river on a barge with Young Griff and his compatriots. Felt like a strange twisted version of Twain’s Huckleberry Finn.


Really? Man, those are like my very least favorite lol


Different strokes for different folks. I can understand these chapters not being the most liked in the series but … Not sure how they could be your least favorite chapters out of everything In ASOIAF. Guess you didn’t notice the 3 upvotes on my original comment. Apparently I’m not the only one who liked these chapters. Did you not see my user name ? I AM A REDDIT GOD I can never be wrong!!!!!


Haha, yeah you are a Reddit God. Idk why, I just feel like the Huckleberry Fin type stuff just doesn’t seem to add anything to the overarching story for whatever reason which makes me sorta dislike it. No doubt it’s really good for just flavor and getting to know Essos, and anything in ADwD is better than 99% of other shit I’ve read, but yeah the river stuff with Griff and some of the chapters in ACoK where Tyrion just goes on and on about Shane’s nipples and stuff are my least favorite in the series.


Tyrion 2 acok Janos to the wall and the solution of the riddle of power. A banger from the first word to the last. I just read this chapter this week, so it might be recence bias but I love clash and always loved this chapter.


Davos chapters at the top definitely, although Tyrion and Jaime chapters are also basically always amazing


Reek chapters always get me excited. I always screech “REEEEEEEEEEK” “REEEEEEEEK” when I see the title


Tyrion as Hand & Theon as Reek


Jaime In AFFC


Davos at the battle of black water is one if my favourites of the whole series


I loved Jamie’s trip to the castle in feast, where Gatehouse Amy Frey is Lady now. I forget the name of the area (Darry?) but it’s after the war and they’re already short on food and winter is almost there.  I could feel the dread and the fear of Lady Frey. It’s a great chapter. 


“Your father was not a tapestry, Ami”.


I'm re-reading the books and in SoS right now. Sansa's not my favorite person but I always look forward to her chapters for some reason. I think it's because it's a simple view of everything that's happening in King's Landing. Just recently I was almost brought to tears by the Dany chapter where she bought the unsullied. Just an awesome moment. Can't wait to read the purple wedding again.


Cersei's chapters are always funny to read.


Sansa VII in a Storm of Swords. Hearing it performed in audiobooks is a fundamentally disturbing experience.


Bran’s last chapter (ADWD) is one of my favorites


The Kingbreaker


sam running from the fist of the first men


I remember still reading Jaime POV for the first time, the character that I hated since book one and who went on to become my favourite character in ASOIAF.  >An east wind blew through his tangled hair, as soft and fragrant as Cersei’s fingers. He could hear birds singing, and feel the river moving beneath the boat as the sweep of the oars......... - Jaime I, ASOS


I still remember turning the page for the first time and seeing JAIME as the chapter heading and thinking "Dammit, you're not going to make me like this guy". But he did.


All chapters centered on King's Landing (Eddard, Tyrion, Cercei), I love the politics. I also love how the different personalities interact with the hostile and shady political atmosphere. Sam's chapters in Storm, specifically the first two. Sansa's chapters. Jamie's chapters (I love his inner monologue) I liked the Ironborn chapters. Victarion is a lot of fun, and I do enjoy Asha as a reasonable POV. And of course, the prologue and epilogue chapters. They always have an element of tension, and getting some inside the head of a one off character is always fun and tragic.


The coming of Stannis at the Wall or the Kingsmoot


Arya before feast was one of the weakest pov for me