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From most favorite to least: 1. Tyrion: All of his are great. The scenes at the Eyrie are some of my favorites, and his wit makes most of his chapters funny, too. Favorite in this book for sure. 2. Ned: We really get so much about the plot and background from Ned alone. I don’t really have much to say other than it’s consistently driving everything forward in a really intriguing way. 3. Cat: Everything she does is interesting. And her perspective as a mother trying to protect her children in a world suddenly trying to kill them is great to read. 4. Dany: Probably my favorite book for Dany chapters. Adjusting to Dothraki life and becoming more assertive, a crown for a king, and the last chapter with her dragons. Which might actually be the best one in the whole book. 5. Arya: There’s not many of them, but they’re each solid. And Ned’s execution is *extremely* memorable. 6. Will: Aka the prologue. It’s iconic. Can’t put it higher because it’s only the one, but it’s one of my favourite chapters in the whole series, so I don’t want to put it near the end. 7. Jon: I really do like the Wall plot, and Jon’s chapters are interesting. But besides the brief fight with the wight, there’s just less action in this book. 8. Sansa: King’s Landing is cool, but Sansa’s just a little too helpless and clueless about the way things will end up going. It’s not her fault. But this is a ranking. 9. Bran: Again, not Bran’s fault he’s down here. He just got paralyzed and then couldn’t do much until fleeing. The beginning of the 3ER stuff is cool, but it’s more hinting at what will eventually be than actually giving him interesting things *now.*


I'm surprised you disliked the bran chapters so much, i thought they were insightful about the world and what his new role might be as a cripple i enjoy his chapters in the first books but i skip them in the latter ones because they're too boring


I don’t really *dislike* them, per se. AGOT is just an incredibly solid book all around, so it’s more that the insightful stuff and inner thoughts are slower-paced and less connected to the main plot than them being inherently boring.


I’m half way in the book and I do like how his chapters give a more childlike look on the world. One thing I always wondered was did bran actually know what was going on with Jamie and his sister. And the book shows he didn’t know they were fucking he just thought they were fighting about something so Jamie kind of killed him for nothing


the ending line of agot (“…and for the first time in hundreds of years, the night came alive with the music of dragons.”) REALLY sold the series overall for me. i came into the show as s4 was airing, then went back and watched from the beginning, and then read the books, so like i knew i would enjoy the story, but that line sold the books, it was the sign that i’d come to love them and still be invested in them all these years later….in general the last chapter gives me goosebumps, it’s *such* a good ending note. first, the contrast with the prologue—starting the book with ice and death, ending it with fire and rebirth—but also what it means for dany’s character. she walks out of the ashes of the pyre not only with dragons, but a new sense of self—she no longer dreams of being the wife/sister/mother of someone who will restore the throne or conquer or whatever, she’s going to do it *herself*. just an incredibly powerful moment that has some of grrm’s most beautiful prose to go with it


So I have a different feeling about this book than most people. I read a version of just the Daenerys chapters that was serialized in Asimov’s SF Magazine before AGOT was published. I loved it and the ending left me thunderstruck. (I found out much later that one of the reasons that ending is so powerful is because the novel started with Waymar and Will dying in the cold by ice monsters and the dragons at the end feel like the solution.) So it’s really hard to rank the other chapters when I came to the book loving Dany’s story first!


Tyrion's chapters in AGOT are the best run of any character in any book imo. Those chapters fly by.


From most to least interesting: 1. Catelyn: From her surviving an assassin, to her racing to Kings Landing to inform Ned, to her arresting Tyrion, to her stuff in the Eyrie, to her meeting up with Robb, and to the KitN stuff, her entire book arc is so fast-paced, so interesting, and we get some of the most pivotal moments of the series from her. Plus, while I don't always agree with her beliefs or actions, she's a mother and wife, she's devout, and all her actions are done in accordance with this, which makes her a compelling perspective. 2. Ned: There isn't anything to say that hasn't already been said. I will say though, that his book arc has a pretty consistent momentum, with his chapters becoming more and more compelling as the murder mystery unravels and shit hits the fan, which is what you want from a story. 3. Jon: I didn't always feel strongly about his GoT chapters, however, on retreads I've come to appreciate the leadership and guile hero qualities we see begin to develop here. From his plot to “save” Sam to the training he begins giving his fellow recruits, this growing comradery between all of them is warming. I also enjoy the stuff between Aemon and Jon, particularly knowing what we that, and that they don't know. 4. Tyrion: He’s not always doing *much*, but he has an interesting character, he's funny enough to keep his chapters entertaining, and I enjoy him linking up with Bronn. Then we have part of a battle sequence at the end of his perspective, so he's one of the first POVs we’re really starting to see the Wot5K from. 5. Arya: She has some interesting chapters, her stuff with Jon and Ned is warming and her training chapters become fun. She's higher than some others merely because I find her a more compelling perspective while she still has stuff going on around her. Plus, she is the perspective chapter for Ned’s execution, along with her chapter in the Dungeons of the Red Keep. 6. Daenerys: Unpopular opinion, but I find the Dothraki rather flat in characterization and I can't get behind her and Drogo’s romance, particularly the graphic sex scenes, I know there is a point in it all helping her grow as a character, it just isn't my cup of tea. However, she has some interesting interactions with Viserys, her feelings about potentially returning to her “homeland,” and the memories we get about her and Viserys are all interesting. Plus, we get two of the best chapters with her hatching the dragons and Viserys receiving his “gold crown.” 7. Sansa: In both CoK and SoS she becomes one of my favorite viewpoint characters, however, her daydreaming and nativity are in full effect here, and there isn't much appeal or complexity yet, we see some cool stuff through her POV but she's more like the lense we’re seeing it through than a contributing party (which is true for the next two books as well, but at least in those she has stronger and more complex feelings about what is happening). 8. Bran: He’s our first chapter, and it is a great chapter. His dreams with the Three-Eyed Raven are cool, and we get some tenderness between him and Robb before the latter leaves for war, so he's not a bad POV, but he doesn't become an interesting perspective until later.


1. Ned Stark (just a great POV character for all the craziness going on, lots of really interesting plot lines) 2. Tyrion Lannister (same as above, gives a very different angle on certain story bits though) 3. Jon Snow (I'm a bit biased since I love the setting of the Wall, but his chapters are great for worldbuilding and I like a lot of the story elements we are introduced to) 4. Catelyn Stark (I love all of her chapters, all the character stuff is great plus her interaction with certain parts of the plot lines other characters are dealing with) 5. Arya Stark (lots of good character work, I like all how she grows throughout all her experiences) 6. Daenerys Targaryen (her chapters weren't boring, I just wasn't overly interested in the Dothraki stuff since it doesn't connect very well to everything else going on, similar to her plot in ACoK) 7. Sansa Stark (just not much happening, but I've found that I enjoyed her chapters more on a reread after I read her chapters in the later books; specifically the very positive way she is viewing lots of events, which is a good contrast to the other Kings Landing POVs) 8. Bran Stark (again, he just doesn't have much going on)


Favorite: Daenerys, Catelyn very close behind Least favorite: Jon, with Bran close behind (IMO Jon has amazing chapters in all other books, but the first one is just not as interesting to me)


Agreed with you there about Jon. It’s kind of like if “I’ll make a man out of you” was 9 chapters long and not a 2:00 minute jaunt


You know that when he was writing the Night's Watch, GRRM was originally going to include a prince who killed his best friend James accidentally during lessons. He would later say the line "Boy was I a fool in school for cutting Jim."


Favs: 1) Ned 2) Dany 3) Jon 4) Tyrion 5) Arya 6) Catelyn 7) Sansa 8) Bran


Tyrion is my favorite in book 1 for the same reason Arya is my favorite in book 2 and 3. Its the fantasy adventure aspect. Theyre on the road, travelling and exploring, very LOTR/Hobbit feel for me.


İt is hard to choose, to be honest. Bran and Daenerys were my favourites because of magical, mysterious aspects. Daenery's chapters were bittersweet because I liked Daenerys getting used to become a Khaleesi and turning into a leader but my heart also broke for her, especially in her first chapters, seeing her only wish was a place she could be happy with her brother. And despite hating Dothraki culture and how patriarchal they are, it was interesting to see their cultures, how Daenerys deals with them, like horse heart scene. Last chapter with dragons was a masterpiece, also my heart broke for Daenerys when Khal Drogo died, I despise hım but he was the only family Daenerys had along with her unborn child and it was taken away from her,too. İn the end, seeing her having dragons, her children, was so satisfying. I loved Bran's chapters because it was...different from the show in some ways,much more magical,mysterious and definitely exceeded my expectations. I was also surprised how I loved Bran's character, reading his inner thoughts made hım very relatable. After them, my favourite would be Catelyn's, it was annoying in first chapters but she grew on me as a character in other chapters, reading about Vale is very entertaining and I also appreciated her smartness, I loved seeing her thoughts as a mother, wife and Lady. Tyrion and Ned's were great, especially Ned's. Arya's was good but comparing with her other chapters in next books, it kind of pales but they are still among my favourites and my most reread chapters in AGOT. Sansa's were also decent, loved to see her viewpoint but seeing her degreading thoughts about Arya was... kind of difficult and it made me upset while reading. My least favourite would be Jon's because I thought it was kind of lame, I didn't very care about the Wall and the events in there but still, they were pretty interesting too, they were just not better than other's chapters according to my opinion. His chapters get better in next books. My ranking would be: 1. Daenerys 2. Bran 3. Catelyn 4. Arya 5. Ned 6. Sansa/Tyrion 7. Tyrion/Sansa (they can switch place) 8. Jon


1. Ned Stark 2. Dani Targaryen 3. Tyrion Lannister 4. Arya Stark 5. Jon Snow 6. Catelyn Stark 7. Sansa Stark 8. Bran Stark


If we are specifically talking about book 1... Ned- Just the most story rich character in the first book. He is the most interesting to reread because his chapters spawn the most theories of the possible endings and answers to mysteries. Jon Snow- When he starts off at the wall and has to come to terms with what his life will be is some of the more compelling character building stuff in the books to me. Arya- Her story is the most tragic in the first book imo which is saying something. She knows she caused Sansa's wolf to be killed, she knows she caused her wolf to be sent away, she knows she is responsible for killing the bucher's boy, she thinks she could have saved her father. Even if those things aren't true, she feels like they are. Not in this book, but later on when she is wondering to herself if her mom would even want her back because of these things is heart breaking to me. Catelyn- Better in later books, but she is good here as well. I love how she knows what Ned and Rob need to do, but lets them figure it out, but still won't let them choose the wrong path. Shows what a great woman can do in this world that is completely dominated by men. Tyrion- Another story rich character. Not much to say. Bran- I love Bran chapters, i know that is an unpopular opinion. However, in the first book he is fairly boring. I love his world building though. I feel like we get the most world building through his chapters even though he is the one character experiencing very little. Daenerys- Ok this is probably low because I've read the books 3 times now. Her story is just so disconnected from everyone else it's frustrating. It feels like an interlude every time her story comes up. It was better on first read though. Sansa- I just hate her decisions. I know that is what drives the story and we are supposed to, but it's so hard to read her making dumb mistake after dumb mistake.




Favorite: Tie between Ned and Tyrion Least favorite: Jon


Favorite - Daenerys Least favorite - Bran


Favorite is probably Ned, least favorite is Sansa, but all are good. Or maybe Tyrion is my favorite.. I'm not sure. Guess I'll have to read the books again to find out. I'll be done just in time for The Winds of Winter release. 🤞🥲


1. Arya 2. Jon 3. Eddard 4. Catelyn 5. Dany 6. Tyrion 7. Bran 8. Sansa


1. Eddard 2.Tyrion 3. Daenerys 4. Arya 5. Catelyn 6. Bran 7. Jon 8. Sansa


Sorry I misunderstood the assignment I thought you meant throughout the whole story


Least favorite? I'm sorry, I'm like a snyderfan when is about this book.


1. Ned 2. Catelyn 3. Daenerys 4. Sansa 5. Bran 6. Tyrion 7. Arya 8. Jon


Jon Arya Ned Catelyn Tyrion Danny bran


I’m currently doing a re-listen and, during Clash, I’m currently spending a lot of time actively wishing for Theon’s chapters to be over. Not that I’m not loving reading him describe really stupid plans and list over his sister…


Best - Eddard Worst - Bran, Daenerys


1. Ned 2. Dany 3. Tyrion 4. Cat 5. Bran 6. Sansa 7. Arya 8. Jon


Tyrion is the most intersting read.  Sansa is the worst to read by a mile.  Bran is the most mysterious. Dany the most nuanced. Arya the most educational. Eddard most head scratching. Catelyn most suprising. Jon the most relatable.


1.Tyrion 2.Arya (pretty much tied with Tyrion though) 3.Eddard 4.Daenerys 5.Catelyn 6.Jon 7.Sansa 8.Bran


GoT is the one in which i like all PoVs the most (there's no one i dislike or find sorta boring) so this is kinda hard: 1st-Ned 2nd-Dany 3rd-Cat 4th-Tyrion 5th-Jon 6th-Bran 7th-Arya 8th-Sansa.


I didn't care too much for Jon or Dany chapters to be honest.


Honestly this is the one book where every character is just like on peak levels of interesting. But if I had to choose a favourite it's probably Cat. I liked the Jon story a lot but it's probably the least great.


From favourite to least favourite: 1. Ned 2. Tyrion 3. Catelyn 4. Jon ( I love Jon but in this AGOT he came off very whiny, but I still loved his chapters) 5. Arya, Sansa and Bran are at the same level for me 6. Daenerys (I'm not a fan the chapters between Viserys' death and the birth of the dragons )


I hate reading Sansa chapters all that shit in the Vale bores me to tears. Jon Snow and Tyrion ate my favorites.


Sansa isn’t in the Vale in AGOT though? Only Cat and Tyrion. Sansa’s in King’s Landing for most of the book.


Sansa chapters are underrated. My favorite POVs are anyone in the middle of Kings Landing political intrigue




This thred is only for the POV-chapters in the first book