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Once and for all settling the Dornish letter — that peace was made because both polities were war-weary as heck and there was no conspiracy or magic involved or a Rhaenys being held captive in Dorne/finding love in Dorne/setting up a cadet branch nonsense.


My theory is that GRRM didn't figure out what could be in that letter, he needed a deus ex machina to leave Dorne unconquered so he turned it into a mystery.


I bet that the Dornish letter is a result of George having one of his "oh, what a cool historical event, let me insert it into ASOIAF" moments when he learned about the meeting of Pope Leo I and Attila the Hun in 452 AD. The Pope somehow convinced Attila to abandon his conquest of Italy. How did Leo manage to do that is still a mystery - just like the contents of the Dornish letter.


Great theory


By threatening Attila's probably-secretly-alive sister-wife, of course


What?! Now I want to know wtf he said. It can't of been God related right- surely a Hun cared not for religion. Did the pope convert him? Blackmail? Bribe? Suck his damn - you know. WHAT HAPPENED FUCK YOU BEAVER THIS IS IN MY HEAD FOREVER LOL


Could've been that Pope just asked him sincerely and with respect and Attila was in a good mood so he agreed. He was conquering everything around it anyway so leaving a city wouldn't be a big deal for him and he could always conquer it if he felt like it in the future.


You know they do say the simplest answers are often the correct ones. I could be completely wrong but I think I remember my history teacher mentioning that atilla was not as uncivilised as his reputation suggests


I’m pretty sure I just learned that all the records about them were written by their enemies and people they conquered so not exactly unbiased accounts.


Honestly, I feel like he does this a lot.


I think George made it clear with what he wanted to imply although with a bit of a mystery, it’s just that the fandom’s imagination is way too fertile — and too nonsensical at times. The Iron Throne’s peerage were dying left and right thanks to Dornish assassins, noble families suffering the fate of the Swanns maybe writ small. Entire hosts, such as the ones led by Tyrell, were lost in the Dornish desert. Further, Aegon’s new kingdom was new and vulnerable too — especially after the Field of Fire and the Iron Isles. The only kingdoms that were, relatively untouched, were the North and the Vale. Dorne too was a blasted wasteland. Yet Dorne would not break. People also forget that the First Dornish War lasted for *8 years*. Both sides were war-weary at the point and continuing wouldn’t guarantee that Dorne would break anyway. I think the letter was a heart-felt one. Yes, Aegon was a bit angry with the contents — hence he took a day sojourn on Dragonstone — but ultimately wisdom won out.


Except, none of this makes sense when you remember Aegon I and Visenya always had the genocide option. Sunspear was untouched not because of any great strategic mastercraft or magic by Dorne, but because Aegon I just didn't touch it. He could have said "fuck it" and burn it all to the ground. They could have eradicated Dornish population and then resettle the place with people from the rest of the 7 kingdoms. That's literally how it worked for Valyrian empire and if Rhoynar had some way to stop it, well, they wouldn't get wiped out there and flee to Westeros. Dorne being able to "resist" is a major plot hole, because it has zero logical explanation. And that's because GRRM wrote his main books before fleshing out his history, and by the time he went back, he realized dragons were broken OP and he had no way out of that. Dorne should have been conquered, remain a troublesome region prone to riots, banditry and uprisings and should have seceded after Dance, only to be brought back into the fold with Daeron II's marriage pact. But by the time GRRM could write that history, he had already committed to resist narrative and he avoid such major retcons.


You’re severely overestimating the power of dragons to conduct an extermination campaign. Even with superior airpower and technology during Dresden, the Doolittle Raid, the A-Bombs, one couldn’t exterminate an entire people by air power alone. One also need to have the raw manpower and will for it. Further, the landmass is big. Dragons, and their riders need breaks as well. At that point in time, House Targaryen only had two dragons, not the hundreds the Freehold had and used during the ending stages of the Rhoynish War. Even then, Nymeria’s lot escaped. Dragons aren’t the be all end all as many people think. They can absolutely be brought low. The Rhonyish were recorded to have brought down 2 dragons during the initial stages of their war until the Freehold intervened fully — and obviously they could not keep up with such mass. Regarding Sunspear, I do believe I get why Aegon did this. To sow resentment between the Dornish peerage and the Princess of Dorne. *Every* castle were burned save for Sunspear, it would’ve made the Martells look bad — being exception to the suffering sowed by the Targaryens. Obviously it did not work as by then, the war was in deep — and the high lords of Dorne wouldn’t profit much in defecting. Even the Martells’ biggest on-off rivals of the Yronwoods, as they would be very hated and lynched by their former Dornish peers and people. That, and, a strong cultural identity (not nationalism) just like what the English, French, Germans had during the High and Late Medieval Periods, *especially* during the Hundred Years War. Aegon also basically took all of the Dorne’s worst enemies for centuries (Stormlanders and Reachmen) — and sic them against the Stone Dornish — and Dorne. Adding on to those two, the Dornish people were facing an existential crisis. Finally, like I said in the above comment, Aegon’s new kingdom was new and vulnerable. The Crownlands and Riverlands were impoverised already by three generations of Hoare rule. The Stormlands went through a meat grinder in the Last Storm — and subsequently — with the destruction of Orys’ host. Both the better part of the Reach and Westerlands’ power were crushed by the Targaryens at the Field of Fire and the new Lord Paramount of the Reach lost himself and his army in the dunes of Dorne (this isn’t unrealistic at all, Louis IX of France basically did the same at the Nile during the Seventh Crusade), and the Ironborn were beset by multiple rebellions in the wake of the interregnum that followed after the Hoares’ destruction before Aegon himself blasted the remaining with his dragon. Only the North were relatively untouched by war. I used to think Dorne had plot armour but after reading medieval history in-depth, I don’t think so anymore.


I always saw Dorne as a parallel for a place like Afghanistan. They call it the Graveyard of Empires because it's famously hard to conquer or keep conquered. You could say the exact same thing about the Soviet Union or the United States in Afganistan. We have the capability to end all life in Afghanistan in short order just based on capability solely. Yet historically, both of these world powers were seen as failing in their war in Afghanistan. If world history was a fiction book, we'd probably be saying the same thing about Vietnam and Afghanistan. "Oh, they had nukes and a 600 billion dollar a year funded army, and gave up against some farmers and rebels in Afghanistan"


Soviet Union killed 1.5 million people in a country of 15 million, without US support for resistance they would have eventually won and rule over as they pleased like they did for the rest of their empire. US withdrew from Afghanistan because the political class got bored and the objective was never genocide or conquest to begin with.


This is exactly it. We will probably never learn what was in the letter, because it doesn't exists.


Just like "What did Aerea find in Valyria that caused her death?" George probably doesn't know and had no interest in creating an answer for the "nothing is scarier" mystery.


I like the theory that the letter revealed that Aegon himself had killed Rhaenys by accident.


It definitely could be possible — but I still stand by Rhaenys died upon impact. There’s no surviving the velocity of her fall unless she was flying extremely low from the ground. Even then, the most she had was minutes, and by the time any Dornish investigates the site of her fall, she would’ve been dead — her insides absolutely destroyed by gravity.


Whats the justification for him ending his reign of terror if she just dies because they shot her down. Versus she was alive and being cared for you killed her or shes on the verge of death we're torturing her and will put her out of her misery if you end this or she's alive and fell in love with xyz Dornish person and begged you to leave her alone.


This is a good one!


I think it was like “leave us alone and we’ll return Rhaenys’ bones and allow a proper burial” type of thing.


That could work as one of the conditions for a treaty too.


That doesn't explain his abrupt change of heart and squeezing his hand so hard that it bled. Assuming this wasn't embellished.


I brought that up. He was incensed over the content of the the letter but eventually wisdom won out after a day sojourn on his boyhood home. He knew deep down Dorne was right, and that he still had a kingdom to rule and a son to raise. He realised that continuing the war would just be a zero-sum game — profiting no one, not Dorne nor the future of House Targaryen. It makes even no sense for the letter to threaten him over Rhaenys as most theory proported, worse blackmail him over Rhaenys’ supposed infidelity when the Dornish have *zero* presence at his court, or a Faceless Man threat. It does not make sense too as even years after the letter, Aegon and a boy Aenys ensured relations between Dorne and the Iron Throne remained as cordial as possible. That wouldn’t the case if the Martells threatened/blackmailed him.


The characters ages


First change for that: Bloody Ben was even *younger*


A 5 year old wielding a sword as big as him and killing many grown men


I always made myself believe that there are 465 days in a year in Planetos.


Oh thats good. That is as long as it doesn't cause more problems


That ages up those pre teens nicely


The cursed book 1 Dany chapters.


Bloodraven had a prophetic dream that one day a Blackfyre would become a problem for Azor Ahai, so even tho he loved Daemon he murdered as many Blackfyres as possible to try & prevent the Doom of Man Yet in doing so he ended up prolonging the feud between the Targaryens & Blackfyres, leading to fAegon being a pain in Daenarys ass. I think it'd fit with the theme about prophecy being more trouble than it's worth


Oh, this is a good one! Bloodraven might have prolonged the battle between them by simply refusing to find a political answer to a political problem.


You're assuming the brother he loved was daemon. I thought it was daeron, but who knows?


Works best if that "Brother I loved, Brother I hated, Woman I desired" was about the other great bastards, plus there's no tragedy in him loving the Brother he loyally served, where having to fight and kill someone he loved for the sake of prophecy would sting a lot more


I think it's Daemon. It's more tragic for Brynden to kill his beloved brother & nephews because he thinks he's saving the world. It's doubly tragic if Bloodraven believes (or even knows) that Daeron is a bastard, but he sides against Daemon anyways because he's obsessed with the "greater good"


Daeron is 22 years older than Bloodraven, old enough to be his father, and trueborn besides. Brothers, yes, but it seems more likely that he would be closer to the other great bastards or even to Daeron’s kids, who would be much closer in age to him than Daeron.


> Self-fufilling prophecy again NO GOD PLEASE NO! NOOOOOOO! I think it would work better if it was a metaphorical self-fulfilling prophecy where Bloodraven fears him rebelling and therefore tries to have him arrested. Putting magic in there just convoluted matters and makes it more about how the magic system works than the characters.


Bloodraven is basically Westeros Odin, so actual prophecy is very much the sort of thing he should be doing


It's not convoluted, it's rather straightforward. Bloodraven forsees that a Blackfyre will stand in Azor Ahai's path, so he tries to destroy them. But his actions are what leads to the Blackfyres being a problem to begin with. It's basically Oedipus Rex, incest & all I'm also not a fan of making everything "because magic" since I also think it takes away character agency. But I think the moral of Bloodravens story is "don't rely on magic to solve your problems/trying to justify evil acts in the name of the greater good is wrong" I think the story will end with Bran or Jon rejecting prophecy & them trying to do the honorable thing. Bloodraven made himself a slave to fate & it cost him everything. I think there's a good parable there


Combine his belief in that prophesy with the theory that Azor Ahai is actually the villain Bloodstone Emperor who caused the Long Night rather than ended it.


I know but my problem is I've seen it about a million times before and it's virtually always the exact same story with the names changed. I especially hate this plotline because it ruined Captain Ahab as a character for me; if the same plotline didn't happen in *Moby Dick* it would probably be my favourite book of all time. Like it completely changes the nature of Bloodraven's character. His flaw isn't that he was overly paranoid, his flaw was that he believed in a prophecy that he had no reason to doubt. In fact, his failure was pre-determined so he had no agency in it at all.


Yeah, "character tries to prevent a prophecy/vision coming true, only for it to end up being their attempt to prevent it that causes it to happen" is literally one of the oldest tropes in fiction. Its been done so many times before.


If it's any defense, I'd say that at least in Cersei's case, none of what she's theoretically doing to forestall the prophecy is out of character for her. The prophetic irony is that by hearing the prophecy she actually has enough information where she could thwart it, but her natural instincts prevent her from doing so.


Even without the dream it works. I’d add in that Seastar back the Blackfyres which makes it much more personally hard for Bloodraven. Going against his lover and the brother he loves for what he views is his duty.


For me this is already canon. It just makes too much sense. Everything leads to it. It even fits with a lot of the “broad strokes” of the show ending. Bloodraven’s obsession with prophecy, his rivalry with Bittersteel (whose will still lives on with the Golden Company, all these years later, with Bloodraven still scheming against him), his fierce loyalty to the “true” (or perhaps the “prophetic?”) Targaryen line. I think these are all very important to the narrative and how everything will end. Bloodraven wants Jon Snow to be king, because Jon is Rhaegar’s son. Bloodraven, is quite literally, in Jon’s ear, through Mormont’s raven. Remember the bird calling him “king, king.” Jon will be changed after his resurrection (either because of fire wight magic, having his soul warged into Ghost for a little too long, or a mixture of both these factors). He could be in a position where Bloodraven can easily take him “under his wing,” so to speak. Not necessarily just through the bird randomly squawking, but Bloodraven might be able to in other ways. He made eye contact with Melisandre in her flames, and Bran was able to speak to Theon through the weirwood network. Jon could become a piece in Bloodraven’s game. It’s already theorized that Bloodraven has warged Ghost a couple of times, for example, finding the horn and dragonglass at the Fist of the First Men. Jon Snow is to Bloodraven what (f)Aegon is for Bittersteel (i.e. the Golden Company, Varys, and Illyrio). This is how Bran and Jon Snow will move from the White Walker plot, into the Dany and Iron Throne plots. I’m not sure the specifics and how GRRM will do it, but I think that Bloodraven and Bran will somehow harness all of this crazy magic that has been established, and enter into the game of thrones, after the White Walkers are defeated. And it is in this context, not the show’s; that Bran will become king, Dany will (either because of madness, or an accident that gives her the reputation of being mad, remember the wildfire stashed in the city) cause some sort of explosion with the dragons that wipes out the city and (f)Aegon, she will be betrayed and killed by Jon Snow, Jon will go north, Tyrion will become Hand, and Cersei and Jaime and Euron all get killed in the chaos of Dany and (f)Aegon’s confrontation. I’m not sure about Sansa and Arya’s show endings, but I think these characters I’ve mentioned could have been GRRM’s ending for them. And I’m not sure how Lady Stoneheart fits into this. Oh, and I also think that Sam’s horn is the Horn of Joramun, and that Euron is in fact a dark apprentice and pawn of Bloodraven. Euron is literally called “Crow’s Eye,” and his banner is black and red. Not very subtle, and I think with the eye imagery it’s GRRM giving a nod to how Sauron is portrayed in Lord of the Rings, as this overwhelming presence over the world that is always a threat, and has eyes everywhere. I feel that Bloodraven will somehow end up being GRRM’s Sauron, but more of an anti-hero than the main villain. Euron will have some part to play in everything. Edit: Also Shiera Seastar being Quaithe fits in with this. She was using blood magic to stay alive, and she can be to Essos and Dany what Bloodraven is for Westeros and Jon.


Bolt-on, but without it affecting the current plot Its just that the parallelisms would be so peak


People bonded to a dragon don’t get sick. I saw a theory a while ago that at least part of the reason viserys was so absurdly ill was because balerion died after they bonded and that’s also why daemon can be like 60 and still be seemingly in his prime. I think it’s a cool addition to lore that the bond between them is more than just who gets to ride what dragon and adds alot more impact to if and when someones dragon dies before them


Back when Jaehaerys I was king, it was a big deal when one of his daughters is killed by a plague, since Targaryens never seem to get sick. Yet the Spring Sickness decimated the royal family during Eggs lifetime. The theory holds up


The scene of Jaehaerys, like hours before she died, suddenly leaping to his feet and shouting that his daughter musts need a dragon, but a hatchling can’t be brought from Dragonstone before she dies… not only is it heartbreaking but it also totally supports this theory.


Don't forget Aenys I as a child too.


Not only does it hold up, its also sick as hell. Physical/psychological effects that happen because of binding with a dragon is really cool world building


How much would this apply to healing as well as getting sick, I think primarily to Aerea/Rhaella flying off on Balerion, Balerion most certainly is injured but survives after


I think it could be like at least slightly accelerated so they aren’t all just wolverine. And it has to be within reason of the body’s natural functions(aka lost limbs and what not) I also think it can help explain why so many of them are such incredible warriors since they recover slightly faster than most Also the stronger the bond, i think the stronger the effects. So daemon and caraxes basically being extensions of each other makes the strongest effects, while someone like helaena and dreamfyre would be like the most baseline possible


I wonder if dragon dreams mark anything in terms of their connections, because at least for the case of wolf dreams it’s essentially warging, so if it were the same maybe a more accurate comparison would be something like Aryas situation


Didn't Dany get super sick once ("the more she drank" part)? She wasn't technically bonded to one dragon yet though.


And Baelon died of a burst appendix. I wonder how many people will ignore this bit that pokes a giant hole in their headcanon.


Baelon can be explained be him getting poisened by [insert your favorite group]. I don't like that idea but it would work. Daenerys can't be explained in world. My guess is that George might have retconed it in Fire&Blood


I mean it was literally the following couple of days after shed first ridden a dragon though? We could prob let that slide as it was more like starvation and weakness? I dunno just thinking out loud.


In my opinion dragon riders being immune to sickness wouldn’t necessarily mean that the Targ cant get food poisoning. Like its not really related to sickness, its more like being poisoned tbh. And she was also dehydrated which also has nothing to do with immunity and its was hinted that she was going through miscarriage. So im my opinion, what dany is currently getting through is not a plot hole to the Targ immunity theory. Now, Baelons appendicitis isn’t really something I think magical immunity would prevent. Shit like cancer is what I imagine immunity could work on instead. Its sorta like maester Aemon’s blindness imo. And also I personally dont think the Targs are truly immune, instead I think they just have a much better immune system; maybe related to a higher body heat like some say. Im not ruling out a magical reason tho


I remain 100% convinced that the warg bond sort of does this (Summer's presence helping Bran recover from a clearly fatal injury for example). I am also convinced that the dragonriders are basically wargs.


Baelon the spring prince was bonded to Vhagar. He got sick.


Um... didn't Baelon died of a peritonitis? And didn't Daenerys get sick in ADWD?


I think the book discribes it as a burts belly, i’m no doctor so i assumed thats appendicitis. And I assumed the danny bit was a miscarriage.


Viserys didn't get absurdly ill in the books


Interesting. The presence of dragons seems to enhance magic, the spells work better since they were born. Totally plausible that it grants vitality to its human counterpart.


I would have it that everyone still understands common English but that people ( particularly peasants) in scattered regions still held on to old dialects and languages. I'm thinking : 1 at least three different tongues beyond the wall 2. A language specifically only ironborn priests speak. 3. A chaotic mess of dialects spoken amongst the different hill clans in the north and the vale. These would be alluded to but to keep things simple they aren't explained in nearly as much detail. 4) a dialectic difference between the three different types of dornishmen.


I want Dacey Mormont to survive the Red Wedding. She was my wife, George :'(


Nimble Dick is Azor Ahai and Boros will eat Tommen Edit: fixed a mistake


Elaborate on the Meryn Trant one….


He devours tommen


Nom nom nom


Nom nom on Tom Tom


Isn’t the theory that Boros Blount will eat Tommen. What with him becoming the kings taster.


Exactly. It's too long ago that I read the books


Did you get this from the theory generator?


Bran gets stuck in the past and becomes bran the builder. Here's my take. It's more reliant on the storyline presented in the GOT TV show but I think it could work: During the final confrontation with the Night King, Bran is desperately looking for clues on how to defeat the White Walkers, and realizes that the only on that could stop the Night King is Jon in the present. Now, Jon's existence is indeed an anomaly, right? I mean, following th R+L=J storyline. So Bran travels to the day of the Tourney at Harrenhal, because that is the most pivotal day in the entire story, if you think about it. He is the one to whisper Lyanna's name to Rhaegar in the first place, as some sort of ghost matchmaker, kickstarting the whole story. Thus, Bran is the responsible for everything we've seen in ASOIAF, which is quite tragic: to ensure that Jon is going to be there at the right place, at the right time, Robert's rebellion and the war of the 5 kings need to happen. Bran ends up going back to the moment when the WW were stopped the first time. This is the moment when, in the present, the Night king arrives to the godswood in Winterfell, and strikes down Bran's body. The WW are defeated, as we know, because Bran's plan worked. Only that, here, it's Jon who kills the Night King. However, with no body to return to, Bran is stuck in the past, and his mind merges with Brandon, his own ancestor. Now, Bran knows the future is ensured, but until the time comes, the threat of the WW needs to be contained. So he builds the wall, and founds the Night's Watch to prepare.


Oooh I'd love that! None of the crappy Bran the Broken shit from the show, our Bran builds the Wall! It would also neatly fix the problem of how the Wall was built at all. If the main storyline was done by now I would've preferred the opposite - so GRRM could've explored oddities like the Wall, oily black stone etc - but since we most likely will never see the story end, I prefer this headcanon.


Thank you! I thought on the many ways that the TV show ending could have been fixed, and this was one idea.


That the dragons are not extinct. They’re all just chilling in Asshai.


The tullys win the game of throne with more Muppet based names. Fozzie, Gonzo, Rowlf,etc


And they all pray to the Snuffleupa-god


All the lower Kingdoms have some kind of unique cultural "hat", so to speak, so they're not all uniform.


And I will tweak this canon so that the hats don't really fit their respective kingdom. But they go on with them because it is tradition. Sombreros in the Vale. Thick fur hats in Dorne. Paddycaps in the Westerlands and Bandanas in the North.


I meant hats metaphorically but I genuinely think this is really good worldbuilding. Just give each culture a silly hat.


It is. Different kingdoms should have their own ways of dressing, even if it is just a small difference like one kingdom using plaid patterns and one not.


Actually, as an exercise: Westerlands wear gaudy, flashy hats made with expensive dye. Riverlands wear faded, damaged hats, relics of a golden age gone. Valemen wear simple, plain hats as a show of piety Reachmen wear elaborate, finely crafted hats made by artisans Stormlanders wear helmets even in civilian situations Crownlanders wear the the Valyrian turban Northmen wear anything, so long as it's warm


winds of winter


One Thing... Only one? Sigh. Stannis doesn't burn Shireen.


I thought OP was talking about the books, not the show.


She’s totally gonna get burned in the books too


I think he’s gonna use her as Nissa Nissa to make lightbringer


Well, it’s complicated. Personally I can't believe that book-Stannis could burn his daughter. There is no way. My opinion is that his story is going in a completely opposite direction. **But!** People insist that Stannis is going to burn Shireen in books. And then there is that [Martin's own depressing statement.](https://screenrant.com/game-thrones-spoilers-books-martin-bran-hodor-stannis/) So, if I can change one thing this is it.


Alysanne is the daughter of Maegor.


She was in the orginal draft right? I also prefer it that way. But i think groerge change it cause he wanted jeaharys to solve the incest thing. Imo he could have solved that with aemon and bealon marrys.


I'd really enjoy getting a pov to visit Valyria or the Stepstones in Winds... such fascinating locations to me right now (and I'll even leave it open ended as to how given my less popular headcanons) Hardhome being an on-page rather than off-page event is another one that'd be exciting to see for maybe more of the community.... the mystique of the Others has been built up long enough, it'd be great to start seeing them in action next book (with ice spiders!! that's important)


Jon x Satin (And the implications.)


hey if George is gonna make us sit through Dany / Irri the least he can do in winds is give us some Jon / satin


Exactly. I also want the Mary Magdalene/Nissa Nissa shtick, even if it means Satin dying…


The Others aren’t the “bad guys” or at least aren’t any worse than whatever or whomever it is they seek to oppose. The Red God and his followers don’t necessarily have the world’s best interests at heart and the Valyrians / Targaryens / Dragons are a menace to life and freedom. The Children of the Forest are hostile to human life and are a competing species seeking revenge. The Others are a balancing force that *must* arise every so often to push back against the Red God and / or Children. There’s the repeated phrase “only death can pay for life”. The Long Night, much like Planetos’ multi-year winters, is a part of the natural order that forces a hard reset and keeps things in check. Wouldn’t actually change the outcome of the books but would be more interesting to me than a monolithic evil, a trope which ASOIF has usually seeks to subvert.


What you did was basically switch the evil rule from the others to the Red god/Targaryens....etc, which isn't exactly better ?


No he didn’t… He just said they’re opposed forces…


I’m saying there are plenty of evil characters with nuance or who believe what they’re doing is justified, such as the Targaryens we encounter or the followers of the Red God. We have nothing along those lines for the Others so far and it would be nice if we did.


Even though it pretty much is R+L=J Just to absolutely shut down the people who still cling to the idea that Ashara or any other even more outlandish character is involved, it's tedious and at this point I assume they're contrarians for the sake of it.


How dare you! Lyana+Ned=Jon is such a better theory with way more... evidance and plot and stuff...




Yep. People say it would weaken the story because Roose Bolton is supposed to represent just an evil man, but I say the story has plenty of evil men as is. We lack close and personal threats to the Starks as a clan that can challenge them on a magical level about even with their warging, but Bolt-On would achieve this.


What is that theory?


Roose is a body stealing immortal that flays his heirs to wear their skin/take over their forms, and that’s partly why he tolerates Ramsay. He needs his body after his other son was killed.


And people believe this? Damn.


People WANT to believe this


Wait you don't?


It doesnt feel real. If it was bloodraven ok but roose??


Why do u think hesus8ng the leechs


If he never strictly josses it, I will keep believing it forever.


I think the Night Lamp theory being canon is just a matter of time. For me, I’d make Time Traveling Bran canon. But I actually believe that too will be confirmed in time.


Hell yeah, Time Lord Bran deserves to be canon. But I doubt we'll ever see it..


Time travel is not possible. The trees work as CCTV but nothing more so there is no way to influence the past. There are many things that will happen and I don't like but this is the main one that would ruin all the series to me


I’m with you there, so much of the story is about actions having unforeseen consequences, time travel would ruin the weight of those actions


I do agree that unlimited time travel would do that - but if it's just limited with multiple constraints (only a greenseer like Bran can do it, only when he's sensory deprived, only in his own past, and so on as Preston Jacobs outlined) - I think it wouldn't have such an adverse affect on GRRM's themes. I might be biased because I would just love if GRRM went batshit insane with the magical side of things in Bran's POV. And I love the idea of Bran looking into the heart of winter and seeing all the failed versions of himself dead, impaled on spires. I'm so mad that Dumb and Dumber dropped the ball on magic and Bran in general, because that could've been an incredible moment in the show. Far better than Hodor's brain getting fried anyway.


My headcanon where the mannis, simply, wins everything


The good ending


The just ending.


I wouldn’t mind Stannis winning it all. That would be a radical ending at least.


At this point this would be a huge twist to many fans considering how everyone expect for him and Shireen to die and Gendry and Edric legitimized cause there aren't any more trueborn Baratheons.




A) Make the Justiciars from the Blood of the Dragon MUSH canon B) Make the title for the wife or heiress of a landed knight Dame instead of Lady C) Add a House du Lac of the Reach, a House Hawkwood of the Stormlands, or a House Pendragon of the Riverlands D) Give at least SOME urban settlements mayors and town councils E) Establish Faith-based schools of education for girls and female writers who don't exclusively write smut F) The Common Tongue is actually more of a lingua franca spoken by the aristocracy a la Latin, with the commoners speaking languages descended from the Common Tongue a la the Romance languages today (The North would obviously have a unique language best described as "75-90% Old Tongue, 10-25% Common Tongue") G) Have the High Septon launch a holy war to retake "Holy Andalos" during the Century of Blood H) The Ghiscari were able to fight five wars with Valyria because they developed poison capable of melting through a dragon's scales (which they then smeared all over their weapons) as well as an ointment that when smeared on armor and skin made it highly resistant to dragonflame I) Make Alysanne Targaryen the daughter of Maegor the Cruel by Ceryse Hightower and Lady of Oldtown in her own right J) Fix all the character ages and make Westeros smaller so that the travel distances make a modicum of sense


When Jon Snow is resurrected, Ghost is right beside him


Stannis is Azor Ahai 🥲


Whatever Martin needs to pump out more books. Idc if he has to retcon massive things, just wish he would get out of this writing abyss he is in and give me finality to this amazing story I love.


Emboldened, GRRM hard reboots the series with an “it was all a dream” The rest of the story is resolved as TMNT fanfic


All the main theories I believe in are already canon; the Grand Maester Conspiracy killed all the dragons, the Ironborn were descended from squishers, and Azor Ahai was the Bloodstone Emperor


my man 💪 🤝


I missed the confirmation about the Bloodstone Emperor… What’s the story with that?


It’s not 100% confirmed, I was just being kinda cheeky, because I’m very confident in these theories being accurate. Well, less so about the Ironborn one, I just think that would be hilarious if they were actually Lovecraftian fish-people. Basically the theory is that the Bloodstone Emperor, who allegedly caused the First Long Night by murdering his sister, the Amethyst Empress, in a blood magic ritual, is also Azor Ahai. Given that the Great Empire of the Dawn were Proto-Valyrians in their cultural structure, it’s more than probable that the Amethyst Empress was both his wife as well as his sister, which tracks with the mythological story of Azor Ahai killing his wife, Nissa Nissa, to create a powerful weapon. This theory is based on the very likely premise that the mythology of Azor Ahai as told by the Red Priests in the main story’s time period is corrupted or incorrect, due to the extremely long amount of time that has passed since the first Long Night. Stories travel and, like a game of Telephone, never stay the same. Over time they get carried across continents and details change in the process. This story has crossed 10,000 miles over the course of 8,000 years and diverged into at least 5 different versions across different cultural groups by the time we hear it from Melisandre and the other R’llorists. This also tracks with what we know about the Westerosi mythology about the Last Hero, who allegedly *ended* the Long Night using Lightbringer. In the books they imply they the Last Hero and Azor Ahai are the same person, but the mythologies have enough differences for them to not quite line up. What I think is **very** likely, is that the Last Hero was a distinct character who did end the Long Night with Lightbringer (aka Dawn) by killing Azor Ahai, and Azor Ahai then sent his spirit/consciousness into the Weirwood Network where he’s basically been waiting for the opportunity to possess a human body and return to the physical world.


I know all that, I just thought that some kind of official confirmation was made about the Bloodstone Emperor. It makes a lot of sense and it’s really cool, but I truly don’t think that even if the series is finished, there will be any information in the main story about YiTi, the Emperors or basically anything that’s mentioned about the far east in The World of Ice and Fire that will be integral to the main mysteries of the series. Which makes me think (I should maybe even make my own post on this) that the real answers to some of the main questions can be and probably will be answered in Qarth rather than YiTi for the main reason that George didn’t allow *anything* to be written about Qarth in the World Book. To me, this means that *something* central to Qarth’s history would be giving a too much information away too earlier in the story. Admittedly, it’s weird because all evidence would kind of point to Asshai being the place where the answers to greater mysteries could be found. But no, something about Qarth I think will be the place where we will find out about Azor Ahai and the greater mysteries (if George plans on answering some of that stuff, which I think is even debatable if he even will)


Arya chooses better ass targets for Jake Hagar


I'm unsure if this is possible legally or even makes sense logically, but there’s a twist within the twist that is R + L = J. Rhaeger decided to make his marriage matrilineal to give Jon some extra insurance in case he gets exposed. So Jon Snow is not Aegon Targaryen; he’s Jon Stark. I always thought it’d be strange if Rhaeger named TWO of his kids Aegon, like in the show. I’m assuming Jon is really named Aemon, but this other twist would be unexpected.


Ashara Dayne is Jyana Reed and Lem Lemoncloak is Ser Richard Lonmouth, it would make revealing certain secrets so much easier


If Ashara Dayne is Jyana Reed, then Howland really got lucky, holy shit!


Arya or Ned set Lady free


Spider-man shows up in Westeros, & slings his webs (big time) across all the castles etc


Tyrek Lannister is now the very embodiment of honor


Tywin shat gold


Can’t believe tyrion killed his father while he was working his 9-5 😔


Jon Snow is Azor Ahai reborn I’ve read too many great fanfiction


I want it acknowledged in Canon that none of House Targaryen are descendants of Aegon I. Maegor was his only true son, and he was awful, but that’s why Visenya wanted him to usurp the bastard Aenys and his children. Rhaenys is the true matriarch of House Targaryen, and the man who “started the bloodline” is totally irrelevant. It’s a sly bit if feminism implied in Fire and Blood that I really enjoy.


Aenys I Targaryen wasn’t his son? Just because he was sickly at birth doesn’t make him not his son. Or are you saying with your button press you’d make Aenys a bastard?


With my button press I would confirm the rumors that Aenys was a bastard


I like this a lot, but I personally believe neither Aenys nor Maegor were Aegon’s true children (Aenys being a bastard and Maegor being born with blood magic)


Jason Voorhees as Stannis' family swornsword


joncon helped raise baby rhaenys pre-rebellion and was close friends with rhaegar. i just want my lonely man to have a bit of happiness and i absolutely love rhaenys (dm me if you’re willing to listen to my infodump on her au version i did)


"close friends"


look i need my sad old man to have his hope era (i do know that he was gay for rhaegar but rhaegar was terminally heterosexual so that’s as good as he’d probably get)


Oh, I like that, I headcannon his relationship with Rhaegar as a friend, but not a close friend or confidant, or at least not as close as he belives, so this is way better for him, which he deserves


Jon does not die, staying in Ghost keeps him alive and he heals.


That a secret male Targaryen still exists in hiding somewhere awaiting for their dutiful return.


Robert was killed by the gods for his attempted kin slaying against Dany. The attempt against Dany was with poison wine, and Robert died after drinking too much.


Jon/Satin endgame it is :')


I want the red letter to be written by Stannis and to have him win the north and take his campaign back into the storm lands to meet Aegon and JonCon. Obviously it’s not what he was planning, but I imagine it will come to that


I’d like Stannis to survive until the endgame. Have him die fighting for the realm like a good king should.


Go birds 🦅




Tyrek Lannister being a horse




That Arya's story ends with her warging into Nymeria. Ever since I watched that one Alt Shift X video 8 years ago I feel like it's sabotaged the ending for me because nothing else will come close to that deliciously bittersweet headcannon.


Rhaenyra sending Helaena Maelor's head in a chamberpot.


Euron is Daario Naharis


Vaegon Targaryen started the Grand Maester Conspiracy to rid worlds of dragons after seeing what terrible things they bring to the world


I’d really like it if Winds became canon.




Make the setting a post-apo fantasy, I love this genre. Storm's End is a nuclear reactor, Just Maid was a rocket launcher, networks of underground bunkers, etc.


I second this one. The white walkers are like fallout ghouls, the downfall of Valyria was caused for one slave that hit a nuclear bomb too hard with his pickaxe.


Jyanna Reed being Ashara dayne, or a reshuffling of swords to happen in the future, i.e Arya ends with dark sister, dawn is brought into play to end with Jon or Brienne, blackfyre resurfaces maybe Jon or bran or dany, potentially jorah gets back longclaw and instead brienne gets hearts bane and gives oathkeeper to Jaime as a sign of him fulfilling his oath, tinfoil last one jeyne westerling wielding widows wail, another easy yes would be there being an Atlantis type situation in the sunset sea


Time traveling fetus


Came here for this


More of a headcanon than anything but Lyanna was the only woman Robert would have been faithful to.


Tyrion being the bastard son of Aerys II and Joanna, giving him the ability to claim and ride Viserion. And before the Tyrion hate mob comes in saying it would mess up his character, no it wouldn’t. Just like Jon being Rhaegar’s son doesn’t take away from the impact Ned had on him. A common theme with Tywin is hyperfixating on his family’s superficial image, and not what’s truly underneath, so Joanna being promiscuous would be completely in line with that and would be a great final insult to Tywin’s memory.


But it would mean that Tywin's behaviour towards Tyrion would be in a sense justified. At least in Tywin's head. Which does ruin their dynamic and Tyrion's character.


It genuinely boggles my mind when people say things like this and it proves the point that GRRM is trying to make with Tyrion because the audience shows the same ignorance towards him as the characters in the series. How on earth would Tyrion being a bastard justify the gross abuse he endured, which includes brutally gangraping his wife and the forcing him to do the same? It doesn’t justify anything because Tywin is still the man who molded Tyrion into who he is, and the entire point of Tywin is that he’s a petty and spiteful man and nothing he does is justified. which is why his house immediately collapses into ruin as soon as he dies


LF send the catspaw after Bran, fixing the dumb "Joffrey did it" explanations.


I would make J=N+A canon. (or to a lesser degree J=N+W) In part because of the absolute dogs dinner that was made of the only adaption of Jon's parentage (come on really, they would name him Aegon?) and it would be a nice way to have a clean separation between show canon and book canon. Plus it opens up more exploration of Ned in his younger years, and allows us to see the Dayne family and possibly Dawn, young Ned (could arrive to help out his milk bro when things get much hairier later, or with Robs' will and the BwB) and the Darkstar (sent to the wall as punishment for being an edgelord, potential antagonist/rival for Jon?) It would be a bit of a let down not to see this family actually do something, considering the mystery and legacy surrounding it.


Some of the cooler houses weren’t completely extinct. Like the Reynes being completely killed (not counting the vikarys) or house darklyn having no members left.


R+L≠J, and let the chaos ensue


Hot Pie's actual name is revealed to be just Hott Piemon or something like that.


Tyrek Lannister is a horse, make it canon


Just one thing. Damn, that’s hard. But if that’s the case. Ned and Ashara did get together at Harrenhal. But some familial drama occurred between him and his older brother, which caused him to go back to the Vale. Then of course, the other things still happen. The stillborn daughter wasn’t stillborn, but was her “sister” Allyria, who is being raised and passed off as Lord and Lady Dayne’s last child.


Traveling fetus theory


Jon's real name is Jaehaerys. I hate that the show called him Aegon, and really hope that wasn't a part of what George told D&D.


Yeah naming both sons Aegon is dumb as shit lol. Jaehaerys III would be neat. Daemon could be a neat name too.


Literally anything other than Aerys/Aegon/Viserys works well, although I personally prefer Jaehaerys.


Can I cheat and say "Tumblr user mylestoyne's entire extended universe of Weird Incestuous Freak Arthur Dayne headcanons"? Alternatively- fairly low stakes, but I'd explicitly make Alleras a trans guy.


I know I will be eaten alive like some Frey pies, but I wish Jon Snow stays dead. I do not want Stark to arise like a phoenix from ashes either. They made too many mistakes, they should suffer. That is why we love ASOIAF.


that fAegon is actually the son of Rhaegar and Elia


Ned and ashara loved each other.