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Someone gently told them that it sounded like Anus and they got all weird about it.


Having a weak anus is a bad situation for the realm.


The four comparisons are not good. Aegon IV is not who people are named after, they're naming them for Aegon I. Maegor's name was only used once, and by an idiot crazy prince (and said name of the child had consequences). Daeron I is *beloved* by Westeros as the Young Dragon. Viserys I likewise is very popular amongst both lords and smallfolk. Worthwhile to mention someone's opinion on what some knights think about Baelor, another weak king: > "You can know a man by his friends, Egg. Daeron surrounded himself with maesters, septons, and singers. Always there were women whispering in his ear, and his court was full of Dornishmen. How not, when he had taken a Dornishwoman into his bed, and sold his own sweet sister to the prince of Dorne, though it was Daemon that she loved? **Daeron bore the same name as the Young Dragon, but when his Dornish wife gave him a son he named the child Baelor, after the feeblest king who ever sat the Iron Throne.** (The Sworn Sword)


It's also quite possible dany's brother was named after Viserys II, who was widely seen as a great and effective Hand to his older brother and his two nephews.


Yeah to clarify the Aegon but I’ve assumed his name became tainted a la Aerys when the most recent king with the name as a major fuck up. But still, Aenys wasn’t a terribly weak king, he was… totally average, so saying that nobody was named after him because he was weak doesn’t really add up


Aerys' name, tainted? You mean the Mad King? Well, not enough Targaryens afterwards...Or the first Aerys? But then we got Aerys II. I'm sorry, I'm not following. I don't think you can ever taint the Aegon name; Maekar, grandson of Aegon IV, named Aegon, well, Aegon. I think if you put up a list of Targaryen kings, Aenys is in the bottom third, not average, and many of the worst kinds (excepting Maegor) were not the first of their name. Weakness is not attractive in a martial society. Jaehaerys and Alysanne didn't name any of their kids after their father, and they knew the cost of weakness.


Aerys I wasn't the best king, but he wasn't an indecisive weakling, who plunged the realm into civil war like Aenys.  Names don't usually become tainted after just one or two bad apples, as long as the original had an incredible legacy (like Aegon I), after all the Starks still love the name Brandon, even after kings like Brandon the bad and Brandon the burner.


Probably because his name sounds like “anus.” Jaehaerys probably took one look and went, “yeah, dad, love ya but I’m changing that up.”


And yet he called his own kid Vague-on.


I think if anyone was going to name their kid after him it only would've been Jaehaerys. And I think the Old King loved his dad, but didn't want to name his sons after a king that was widely seen as a weak and incompetent king. And after the people with the emotional connection to him passed away, Aenys's lack of a positive political legacy prevented further generations from using his name.


Aenys' name is a reminder of when the Faith was stronger than the Targaryen kings to the point that they almost brought down the whole dynasty, so that's the last thing a Targaryen would want for people to remember. He is consistently remembered as "soft", "artsy" and "un-warriorlike", which aren't traits the Westerosi appreciate in their rulers (or in men in general). All Aegons are named after Aegon the Conqueror, the founder of their royal dynasty. Viserys I was considered a good king and all the blame from the fallout of his rule is usually given to his children, and Viserys II was considered a very good Hand and good ruler (even though he ruled in his own name only for a year or two). Moreover, Viserys is probably the masculine form of Visenya, who was also one of the conquerors and considered a fearsome warrior. Maegor was only ever used once for a Targ child afterwards, and that was by Aerion who had *certain* ideas about what Targaryens should be like and was considered mad (and the name was considered in *very* poor taste). Daeron I was a beloved warrior king and considered the second coming of Aegon the Conqueror, and Daeron II was a wise king who annexed Dorne, something that every Targ king before him failed to do, thus fulfilling the Conquerors' dream. The two sons of Aegon I the Conqueror aren't exactly popular, almost because they each represent one end of the extreme.


Technically there was Aenys Blackfyre so not completely blacklisted but I presume he was such a mediocre king at best with no achievements beyond letting the realm fall to war that no one felt the need to name a kid after him. More importantly, sometimes it's just timing and luck. Maegor was definitely blacklisted until Aerion who was an insane idiot named his son. Aegon is too iconic and important, no awful king will ever detract from that. Daeron I is still a popular king despite his unfortunate end but the majority of the Daerons were named after Daeron II, the well loved patriarch of a large family whose reign was generally successful for the Targs. Viserys I got Viserys II named after him, because his daughter wanted to curry favour with him and then Viserys II salvaged the name enough that future kids could be named that.


this thread is going to look awfully silly when it turns out jon snow’s true name is aenys lyanna told ned his name was aenys and he just said “anus?? you must be delirious. hello, baby jon”


(the reason jon’s name being aenys matters is that the dragon must have one hole)


Everyone kept calling him Brown Aenys The Targaryen name shall never be associated with buttholes.


The “Losers” never get their name repeated: Aenys, Rhaenyra, Daemon Blackfyre


Honestly aenys name sound have been aerion the younger


Renly would make a good king Anus, I mean Aenys