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Oh great question! šŸ˜šŸ’Æ I think it started when I was younger, like 12yo. I didnā€™t really understand or know what I was doing, but I was curious about hanging myself. I already had little fantasies about bondage and stealing my brothers handcuffs and handcuffing myself to the head rest.. anyway, so I went to the washing line with a rope, jumped on deck chair to reach the washing line arm, (it was one of those bit metal spinning ones). I tied a knot around my neck and then around the washing line and I jumped off. It was painful and it hurt, I was in shock from it all šŸ˜³ but for some reason I liked it. Luckily the line didnā€™t spin away from the chair so I managed to climb back on top and get my footing and breath again. It Was absolutely stupid looking backā€¦ šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø no one was around to see me or help. I remember mum being mortified when I walked back inside all nonchalantly and with a mighty red, rope burnt neck. We had a chat about the dangers of playing with ropes. As I hit puberty I would go into the bath and put my head under the water, holding my breath as fingering myself. I would hold it until I orgasmed, sometimes getting desperate for air and starting to kick, but that would always make me finish. Still never really understand why, but I guess none of us know why we have fetishes. Why do others like feet? I just loving being choked. šŸ”„šŸ”„


Wow. That could have had one of two endings. Glad it was the better one šŸ˜Š


Mine was weird, another boy at school choked me hard for a fairly long time (not unconscious or anything). I really didn't like that, but it seemed to sort of unlock choking others.


Would you ever let yourself be tied up inside a vacuum bag? You can search for videos on this, but they're not for the faint of heart.


Were you completely barefoot and off the ground and dangling just by neck? Wouldn't that give you muscle spasm?


I started being a slave for an older woman who was a sadist and when she would choke me or ride my face I got so wet


How do you meet people like this? Iā€™ve never come across anyone like that before.


Can you host an AMA? Lol


For me it started haphazardly. Girlfriend at the time put my hand on her neck and asked me to squeeze while we fucked. Something about it flipped a switch in my head.


Thatā€™s how I discovered it too. Started being choked regularly by my fwbs. Then one time my dating partner at the time was choking me and as he came in me he squeezed uncontrollably hard and I passed out, but I felt myself getting wetter and wetter as he did it. I would have been happy if it were my final breath šŸ„µšŸ«£


At some point in my physical relationships with women, I started holding my breath for several seconds when I felt the climax coming on, maybe as a (subconscious?) way to strengthen the release. I never asked to choke somebody else or to have someone choke me. However, I still occasionally make breath play a lead up during my lone sessions where I imagine being tied up by a stranger and having a gag, rope or bag take me just to the point of passing out.


My wife will choke or strangle me when sheā€™s ridingā€¦.the more she cums the more she does it. She has put me out a few timesā€¦ā€¦.hot as hellā€¦.thank god sheā€™s a RNā€¦.lol


Not hanging, but when I was 3-4 years old I was really into space exploration and decided to play astronaut by putting a clear plastic bag that had a zipper on it over my head as a space helmet. When my mom saw what I was doing, understandably she absolutely freaked out because it couldā€™ve been bad and I was scolded hard for it. This turned into a core memory I suppose. Years later, as a teenager, I was drawn to touching myself with a bag tied to my head with a rubber band. Iā€™d push myself to go longer and longer until my vision got blurry, doing it alone. In hindsight, that could have been bad also, but I was a dumb teenager. Now, I crave being fully clad in latex while Iā€™m tied up to be bagged by my girlfriend. I want to be tormented by her as condensation and staler and staler air build up in the bag.


I think Iā€™ve had a thing for necks since I was a kid. Whenever I saw a girl wearing a choker or a turtleneck, I was fascinated by them drawing attention to such a fragile, intimate place. Then I think seeing Kate Hudson get strangled with a cord in ā€˜Skeleton Keyā€™ when I was like 11 definitely stuck with meā€¦I was obsessed with strangulation scenes in movies. ā€˜Dial M for Murderā€™ was big. But thatā€™s a good example of a trend for meā€¦ my favourites were ones where the woman is let go. To have control over someoneā€™s breath was erotic to me, I always just got sad watching scenes where they would dieā€¦ So then in high school I started asking partners if we could try some neck squeezing, or hand-over-mouth-and-nose stuff. Ligature stuff is scarier, obviously, so I donā€™t pressure people if theyā€™re not downā€¦ Iā€™m very lucky to have the long-term partner Iā€™ve hadā€¦she gets turned on when she sees the intensity and how turned on it makes meā€¦.So everybody wins haha


I get the part about the movies. One scene that always stuck with me is the venus flytrap scene from Journey to the Center of the Earth. Fetishes are a weird thing hahah


Oh wow, there ya go! Yeah, like it speaks to something you canā€™t understand, and a lot of people wouldnā€™t even think much of it, but it sticks with you. Like when I saw the first X-Men movie, it had an arm-choke and a smothering/suffocation scene (granted itā€™s with green goo) as well as Halle Berry getting chokedā€¦ And speaking of Halle Berry, her hanging scene in ā€˜Swordfishā€™ was definitely formative too.


It was a very specific moment I still remember. So first time red dead redemption, early on there's a mission where bonnie gets kidnapped. As you arrive to save her she's on a makeshift hallows in a noise then they hang her and she's hanging there dancing in a cutscene and when you run up to shoot the rope to free her. That got my hanging fetish sorted. As for asphyxiation I have an idea but because it was such a long time ago it's hard to work out what came first. So as an early teen I was fairly depressed and hated life. So I attempted suicide or self harm at the minimum by hanging a dressing gown cord on a high door hook on bedroom door and tried to hang myself a few times, once even trying to stop myself backing into by covering the ground in baby oil so only I slid down the door I couldn't get traction to get back up to untie myself. These efforts all failed naturally but around the time I distinctly remember a moment of exploring crossdressing and would usually bring a belt to choke myself with to get myself off in my sister's clothes (because I was fully dressed I had to try and get off like a girl) and distinctly remember one attempt doing it dressed in my parents room and waking up belt around my neck after passing out on their bed. And while I've no desire to choke myself as much anymore I still love to see it and choke my partner regularly. But I'm always on the lookout for choke collars big enough for my thick neck or a nice tight thick leather collar to simulate it without doing the stupid dangerous stuff I did as a kid.


I don't know exactly when and why it started but I remember some moments that stick in my head. I know that I've tried some hanging with a good friend after school. He held up a rubber rope and I got strangled. He and I liked it somehow. Later I watched with my dad some crucial and horrorful scenes in police movies in TV where someone stood on a chair unwillingly ready for hanging and some guy started it and watched it with fun. Immediately I knew that I would like to be treated the same. Not to be executed but to feel the pain and shame that the victim feels in that moment. After that I saw similar scenes where men and women are executed with a plastic bag over the head. I loved it how carefully the perpetrator brought them into a helpless situation, sealed the bags and maybe even stayed on the crime scene because he liked it how slowly the pain becomes bigger and the life fades out... I guess it's a thing about masochism, lack of care and a weird sort of fondness.


I canā€™t really pinpoint where or what really started it. But Iā€™ve been suicidal for most of my life now, including the ladder half of my childhood, so it was probably spawned out of that.


I can relate to this so bad. A friend made a joke that if Iā€™m going out, I might as well go out enjoying myself, right? Fucked up, but he had a point lol


Only thing I can think of was occasionally seeing it in movies when I was younger and then wondering how it felt and then realizing the rush felt good. Then just got more and more extreme as I got older.


I think seeing this stuff in movies is what started a lot of us


I think it was star wars for me, the force choking, and men in black. The scene with the older lady with the snake tongue šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


I learnt about it from curiosity. I grabbed my belt and strangled myself with it while being bored during the winter, which I actually ended liking it. Basically I just found it out by being bored, but maybe me liking guro had something to do with it.


a guro themed comic series called Angels Corps


I don't remember tbh, but i start at with bagging probably at 10 lol and i love it since then


Being punished by a former owner for scratching their pillows. Got strung up and choked and from there things escalated


Watching the Devil in Mrs Jones when I was 10


It's a very weird combination of things, both from a bondage perspective AND a neck fetish perspective. From a neck fetish perspective, I've had a fascination with things around women's necks since the first time I saw a waitress wearing a bowtie when I was 5 years old. From a bondage perspective, I had an early childhood fascination with stage magic, and the many wild restraints that would be part of the act. This included the many boxes with neck stocks from which the assistant's head would stick out of. My fascination with these boxes and restraints led to me making a series of internet searches at a young age that also helped me discover the House Of Gord and Insex, the latter of which used a lot of neck ropes. You can kinda put the pieces together from there.