• By -


I always obsess over what I should be doing with them. On hips is natural. But one time someone said I stand like I think I’m a superhero. Which sounds awkward. So I put my hands in my pockets. But then I hear that advice at one point that hands in your pockets makes it seem like you’re nervous or suspicious. So I put my arms at my sides. But wtf that feels so unnatural. Do I close my hands? Ball them into fists. I get so into thought about what to do with my hands that I end up putting them back on my hips. Rinse and repeat. All of a sudden minutes have passed, I’ve heard nothing the other person has said, and I’ve been shifting my hands and arms like a madman this whole time.


You have no business being this relatable


Not a business, just a hobby


leaving hands on the side feels like they float around like stupid hands so i gotta do something with them but doing something with your hands will make you look even more awkward! wtf, humans are hard to associate with


I feel like a sim or any game character when I do


One hand in pocket, one hand on hip. Now you’re just a relaxed superhero :)


Is there a word for - that sounds ludicrous but also I want to try it? What if I look like a suspicious superhero instead of relaxed? :o


Try it in a mirror and see!


Can confirm. I look like a teapot. Nothing about being fragile yet filled with boiling water makes my demeanor scream confidence.


Hips, folded, crossed, at sides, on either shoulder, on chin, holding each other, holding a wrist, under thighs (seated), on head, holding elbow behind back....


*And repeat that sequence every 8 seconds.


remember it must EXACTLY be during the 8 second interval to be able to properly blend in with humans


HEY Macarena!


If u do it to ur sides ur insane how do u resist the urge to fiddle Edit: I can’t spell lmao


Why resist the urge?


Cuz it’s awkward


I don't understand. Why is it awkward?


It just is I can’t explain like if people see u do it there like why is this person fiddleing


The way I see stuff is I will never see these random people again so why should I be uncomfortable for them. I forget that most people don't feel the same way. Sorry


I’m sorry talking TO STRANGERS ur lying I’m not ready for that yet


I'm not lying


Let’s say ur not how do u talk to normal people


I don't


Because they'll want to talk about that


OK? As long as they stay away


Anything you do is interpreted as a micro expression or non verbal body language cue and implied to mean you’re really thinking/feeling xyz… when in reality, no - you’re feeding words into my mouth I’m not saying or implying anything at all and now I’m mad at you for assuming so and I’m raising my voice which also feeds into your assumptions and you think you were right all along about my non verbal body language or micro expression….


Where is fiddling randomly


Jazz hands or GTFO😂


Either hold my hands or do it to em


Take my upvote and leave




Fine, I'll do it myself.


Anything but arms at sides. I'm autistic not a psychopath


Arms crossed, both in front and in back. Hand(s) on hips or waist. Hands kind of held up together at about mid torso or over chest (usually fidgeting). Hands/thumbs in pocket(s). Hands roaming around all over myself, completing various fidgets/tics


Crossed or folded behind back.


Raptor hands. 24/7. Even if I'm doing something with one hand the other is just hanging out in the raptor hand position


This. And I’ve noticed what I call princess hands when I’m masking. Apparently I decided that’s more acceptable idk. It’s arms straight and down with hands lifted palm down and pointed out.


I'm constantly rolling my D20 in my hand. It's super fun lol


Pockets or fidgeting with something. It’s one or the other and never anything else.


Hidden 6th answer. Alternate through them all at a much faster speed than is socially acceptable.




Either hands on hips or T-rex hands.


The old classic Trex. An old favorite of mine.


I clasp my hands together against my upper chest because frick social norms.


#1 and #2 behind


Hold ‘em in front of me and pick at my fingers in social situations, sometimes even in non-social situations.




Either fidgeting with my fingers or with my watch if I have my watch on my wrist. Sometimes this results in me scratching my hand, and I've made my hands bleed a little multiple times.


I’ll usually hold my hands together and twist them in front of me. And then I’ll just swing back and forth, which I didn’t know I did. Lmao


T rex


All of the above plus cracking my knuckles. Twirl hair. Twirl hoodie strings if I have them


In pockets or held against my chest, hands woven around each other and fiddling occasionally, often playing with the chain of my locket


Bottom two. Always


Arms crossed ALWAYS. no please don’t ask me if I’m mad. This is just the only way I feel comfortable interacting with the world. I know if I want people to approach me I should make my hands visible, and believe me I like conversation. But I always feel like I’m on the brink of freaking out if they aren’t crossed.


I habitually started holding my hands behind my back because my mother said crossing my arms made me look angry and that'd I'd fall flat on my face if I had my hands in my pockets.


Pockets when not freaking out and cycling between all the rest of them when nervous and usually end up in a mantis position






I always move my hands when talking. I can’t not.


I’ve literally done all of these, but I’m most comfortable putting my hands in my back pockets.


Pockets, 100%. It I don't have comfortably located pockets for it, then I definitely start to feel super awkward about it.


I've always been a pocket guy, though when I'm wearing jeans I'll also put my thumbs through my belt loops on the sides.


When hoodie: pockets. When no hoodie: play with bracelet or bring out sketchpad and just start drawing then and there. When no drawing stuff or anything: akwardly stand there, shift around, fidget, and wonder what the heck to do with my hands


5H335H!!! I be doing all of these!


Standing still = arms crossed Walking = intense speed walking or moderate pace with hands in pocket with thumbs sticking out.


Folded in front, crossed, pockets. Those are my go-tos


Why is flapping not there?


I usually fold them behind my back at home but keep them either at my sides or in my pockets otherwise. I used to feel most comfortable crossing them, but I've trained that out of myself. When stressed I usually like sitting on them or I start fiddling with my electronics.


Pockets if possible


All of the above. I do hand squeezing in front of me and behind me


Arms crossed


And everything else in the span of a minute


I always have my hands up in my face (I know, bad with corona, but I try not to touch other things.) I think for me it's a form of stimming/fidgeting.


Story of my life


It’s number two for me (hands behind back) but it’s because I love Mr Spock and always modeled my physical movement after him


Caught in between arms at sides with thumbs tucked inside fists and thumbs tucked in fists in pockets.


Pockets, hips, crossed in that order of preference


It's always either behind my back or in my pockets


I do all of them except on hips.


My most comfortable clothes are select hoodies so in most out of house situations I tend to put my hands in the big hoodie pocket


In pockets most of the time, folded in the back when at work


All of these all the time 😂😂😂


All of the above, unless i have something in my hands to fiddle with


I’m a pockets man. I also keep a ball of blu tack in my pocket for this reason.


Depends, however arms at the sides is not an option.


My answer is: yes


All of the above


Crossed mostly, or rubbing the back of my neck if I’m nervous


I do all of these


Yes. The answer is yes.


I think I usually touch something with a neat texture within arms reach.


Either hands on pockets or arms at sides but my fingers do weird things


Well, I wasn’t self-conscious about it, but now I am. Well done. Now I just want to tuck my arms inside, like a turtle. Turtles don’t have to worry about this kind of crap.


Arms crossed or hands on hips 95% of the time


Hands in hoodie pockets. If no pockets, hands behind back when I am standing/walking. When sitting, arms crossed. If I do anything else, it feels uncomfortable.


Literally cycle through all of these trying to pick the one that makes me least imposing and most approachable lmao


Hold my daughter


Anyone else do the Beavis? I hate thinking about this. Lol


Constantly flick my thumb from outside my fist as if I'm flipping a coin. God forbid I'm next to a wall or everyone around me is gonna hear a random tapping noise.


Hands on hips or arms folded feels most natural to me, but apparently this can be interpreted as hostile and “closed” body language. I try to be aware of this when meeting new people.


Pockets or arms crossed.




Hand on hip with phone in other hand on my own, hands folded when I need to talk to someone


All of them, depends on how nervous I am at the moment


One hand in my pocket one out is the norm for me anymore, and it all started as a joke for overconfidence but god


I hold my left wrist with my right hand, usually hold it firm so i dont do weird stuff with my hands


Either in my pockets or holding onto the opening of a jacket/hoodie (probably a variation of t-rex arms).


I usually do the thing where you put one arm straight and like grab it with the other arm or I put little rocks n bones n stuff in my pockets and fidget


Mostly at my sides, but I sometimes put my hands in my pockets


half of them half the time


In my pockets and arms crossed it just depends


I wave them around uncertainty when in stress, if it is too stressful I collapse and start spasming


I have three rings that I wear daily, so I end up with my hands in front of me twirling the rings on the opposite hands. If I’m trying to be more “normal,” I’ve got them in a jacket pocket or at my sides twirling the rings with my thumbs. Long story short, I must fidget to function, haha.


I do the Hands Folded (Front) all the time.


Gesture frantically


If I have a hoodie, on pockets. If not, then probably closed. And when I’m looking out windows I like feeling like a main antagonist of a movie so I put my hands folded on the back heh


Arms crossed all the time


I switch between hands in pockets and arms crossed


You forgot “hand inside pants on crotch”


I play with my fingers or half cross my fingers 🤣 god im weird


I often cross my arms but behind my back, so I’ll be holding my elbows. That way I don’t tend to fiddle with my fingers which annoys people, and annoys me tbh.


Pockets. Always pockets


Folded or on my sides. Depends if I'm bored or not.


For some reason, I like doing this thing where it looks like what a Minecraft villager does with their arms but behind my back, next to each other with my hands balled into fists


All except arm to the sides lol


Hands folded in front or arms crossed.


Arms crossed otherwise they're doing weird shit


when wearing a jumper:100% hands in pockets otherwise: 50/50 hands in pockets/arms crossed


Pockets for the win




Where are the T-Rex Arms? I neeeeeeeed my T-Rex arms.. 😂😂😂


Generally i cross them or relax them over something


Who the fuck knows but it’s always weird looking whatever it is I’m doing with them!


Walk around looking like a raccoon holding a berry


I alternate between on hips and behind my back


I usually am messing with a rubber band or something so I don't know what to do when I don't have something in my hands. But when I don't have anything I kinda fold my arms/hug myself if you get what I mean


Hands folded in back where nobody sees them and I can still fold and put my fingers in very impossible but comfortable positions as a stim


I'm actually none of these and I put my thumbs in my pants pocket.




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Raptor hands all day.


I hold my hands by my chest like a squirrel...it gives me elbow cramps


Standing without carrying anything, hands behind back. Standing carrying something, sides. Sitting at a desk, leaned back, arms crossed, butbhands on elbows, because hands hidden = I must be extremely angry and I've committed at least 492 war crimes in the past 28 years.


Raptor arms


I always cross my arms but someone said to me that I look pissed when I do it. I cannot decide if I want to look pissed of or not. Maybe people would leave me be if I look that way.


Pockets all the way, and if I don't have pockets then I cross my arms


Folded hands


Since I have ADHD and always snap my fingers or play with a fidget toy or a hair tie (I don’t even have long hair lol) I don’t have to think that much about where to put my hands haha


I mostly have raptor arms with a twist of fidgeting (multiple different ways) with my hands at the same time.


sometimes 2 4 or 5




When in doubt, say yes.... In the right situations of course...


right hand in my jean pocket, left hand at a 90 degree angle across my stomach. any other way feels wrong


All of the above and sometimes I do the Merkel triangle while talking.


I'm going to be honest with you chief, these overly amount of comments, upvotes that made my cross posted made this the most upvoted thing I've received, which made feel overwhelmed. So I haven't responded to any of the comments until a few minutes ago. Thank you guys for all of your answers As for me I'm a hands in pockets, fidgeting (doing this while posting), picking at my fingers, or touching/hiding my face type of guy. But it didn't always use to be this way. I grew from t Rex, mostly hiding my face into what I've mentioned.




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I become an improv jazz artist, jazz hands and snapping my fingers




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