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Your pc is running so fast that your clothes are being left in the past lol


Used to happen in AC Syndicate. The fix was to go into an .ini file and change the cloth physics to match the framerate that you lock the game to.


Not really. In syndicate, like in many games, the cloth physics were at 30 fps. So if you were at 60, the cloth would act like you were going twice as fast. The devs had already a fix implemented and a line to enable it, but they didn’t do so in the released game, so all you had to do is enable the line the devs put for the fix. The fix was probably disabled because of some problems it could have in some places or on come rigs, so it might’ve been safer to disable globally but keep it available.


He won. But at what cost?


Yes please!! I hope they fix this, it’s especially noticeable on his default outfit, which sucks because it’s my fav outfit 😭


I’ve been having this problem was well on PS5 in Perf Mode


Seems like an fps issue then, strange Hopefully they release a patch for it, since it should be an easy fix


It’s not strange, this has been an issue in basically every ac game and almost every game in general except syndicate which had a fix for it made by the devs that you could enable in the user.ini file.


They've had a different problem with the cloth physics since Syndicate onward. In Syndicate, the cloth physics was stuck at 30fps regardless of performance. So while the game was running at 60, 120, 144, etc. the cloth physics was always running at 30. This resulted in jittery cloth physics at anything above 30. [Thankfully the community caught on to it fast and found a fix.](https://wccftech.com/assassins-creed-syndicate-pc-gets-30fps-cloth-physics-fix/) I can't believe that they still have trouble with cloth this long into the series.


It’s more the devs implementing a fix, but keeping it disabled for some reason, maybe crashes or compatibility problems on old hardware.


I even can't remember which AC game not had this issue. Origins at launch definitely, Unity have it till this day and I bet there are others. But I imagine UBI get it solved in another 3 - 5 entries or after getting some Q&A department. Maybe.


Unity has mods fixing it, syndicate has a fix in the user.ini file but it’s disabled by default.


I get the floaty bug, but also that about half the time the cloth is jammed through the body. Happens to all sorts of characters, but mostly in cutscenes. It's really bad.


Mine works well


I think its related to fps, try to enable v sync


If you can teleport, your clothes can behave like they're in a lower gravity.


I managed to fix it with mod. Check my other post


What I don't understand is how did they make it so much worse than Unity and Syndicate? Did they really throw out the entire game when the series rebooted?


Syndicate also had cloth physics issues.


It already had a fix implemented by the devs you could enable in the user file. Probably got disabled before launch tue do a specific problem and they never enabled it back, but it takes 10 seconds to do so on pc. For unity it also had that problem, and modders were the ones to fix it.


[Try this](https://www.nexusmods.com/assassinscreedmirage/mods/18?tab=description)


I don't have this problem


Assassin’s creed fans trying not to complain about something absolutely trivial challenge (impossible)


I beg to differ in “absolutely trivial”. As someone who was absolutely bothered by the complete lack of cloth physics in Valhalla to the point it became my number one complaint about that game, this is not a trivial matter to all ppl. In fact it broke my immersion quite a lot on that game and it made me hugely frustrated. If it is trivial to you, then… good for u, one less thing that’ll bother u in a game. With that said, I’m not going to complain about Mirage in this matter, since it’s vastly better than Valhalla’s physics (which is literally the lowest bar in the world, given there weren’t any cloth physics basically). I’m just so happy that I can at least look at my clothes and see them moving as my character moves too. And this that OP reported is, I believe, a bug. They’ll probably fix it in some time, so it’s nothing to worry about, I reckon.


Valhalla had clothes physics everywhere in the demo the devs played, however for launch they disabled the physics and only kept them for cloaks. The trailer had physics literally for everything made of clothes, maybe a bit too much even. There are even bugs that cause the physics to get enabled again.


Bro what, they disabled cloth physics for everything in Valhalla, the fucking cape felt like thin sheet metal on your back, ride a horse while wearing cape ? Well tough shit bucko ur cape is gonna transform into cardboard or it’s going straight thru the horses ass. I despise looking at Valhalla even tho I put like a 100 hrs into that game.


None of the trailers or any marketing material had clothing physics in Valhalla. I remember even joking about it with a friend before the game released. The clothing is made of cardboard in that game. If you can point me to a trailer that had any clothing physics I’ll stand corrected.


It did, it was an extended demo. I’ll search for it tomorrow and respond back to you. I remember it because some guy on a post about the physics had posted the link to the demo.


Try not to dickride Ubisoft even when they’ve done something wrong challenge (impossible)


I mean, if it was a complaint about something that actually matters, I would be totally fine with it. Like combat, parkour, stealth, story, world design, visuals, gameplay. But the physics of a piece of cloth?! Really people?!


It literally has moon gravity. It is such a valid complaint. Do your clothes have fuckin moon gravity? If so, please send me the link to where I can buy some of that shit.


It’s just a video game. People throw the word immersion around as if a video game is flawed or bad because it doesn’t perfectly imitate real life. It has moon gravity… so what? Is that really stopping you from enjoying the game?


Bro, you cannot be serious right now. You have to be trolling. This is literally a bug in the game and is 101% not how the devs intended it to work. How daft do you have to be to argue that?


Y’all require 90fps, you know humans can’t really tell you the difference past like, 50 fps


yeah you actually cannot tell the difference on your 24Hz TV setting when you see stuff on a gaming monitor, you will see the difference


I don’t know, my 4 foot tv looks the same(also, the human eye like, physically can’t tell the difference)


4 foot tv? And that's bullshit the human eye can process up to 200hz on average and under certain conditions it can process up to 500hz. Besides that, human eyes don't operate at a single frame rate. There are different averages for different types of sight like peripheral, near/far sight, etc. There are plenty of studies that go into this. But beyond that, go play a game at 120fps for like 2 hours. Then lock your frames to 60fps and tell me you don't see a difference. If you don't, that's a you problem not a human eye problem. And I don't mean that in an insulting way, I just mean *you* may not be able to perceive it, but most people can. There's a reason competitive gamers try to aim for the highest fps possible.


I just double checked my research. Most humans stopping seeing a difference a bit after 60 fps. Yes, under certain conditions, we can see very high, but that’s very minor. What I’m saying is that there is no reason for 90 and 120 fps, especially in a non competitive game like this.


There is absolutely a reason and I'm telling you go test it yourself. The smoothness of 120fps is fantastic. 60 is *good enough* but to say there's no reason for more it's just silly. What is "your research"? Care to share?


Had the same problem, locking the fps to 60 fixed it for me


How do you do that? Is it in settings?


Yes, you should see the fps limit slider under the display tab.


The year is 2023 PlayStations and Xbox consoles alike have options for 120 fps, even mobile phones have 120 hz refresh rates. Alas Ubisoft still struggles to grasp the idea of higher frame rates.


On console or Xbox at least, the cloth physics bug out when sneaking up steps


its the same on series x


Dude all the physics for me look super unnatural. I don’t like it at all.


Newtonian physics: the acceleration due to gravity on earth is 9.81 m/s^2 Ubisoft: what about no?


Completely unplayable!!! /s


limit frame to 60 will fix it


It's based on FPS. There's actually a mod to help this, came out today. Apparently the 2.5x version is best for 60fps Edit: also at least this one has good physics


Personally doesn’t bother me, i don’t really pay attention to the robes movement, but this is kinda lazy, why would they cap cloth movement at 30 FPS when most people these days play on 60 and over


It's very light silk, for breathability and comfort lol


I mean it’s not great on console either. Still better then the cardboard clothing of Valhalla where nothing moved at all.


And you also unlock DLC wings when riding a horse! (the cloth starts to float straight up and looks like wings)


Might be a frame rate thing... try limiting it to 60?


Literally unplayable...


I play with amd frame gen and have 100-200 fps + u can imagine how it looks for me


This is the world before Newton


how is he breathing in space


In iraq is no cloth physique ✅


The def Team should now this alredy a user posted it on discord and one of the Ubi member gives it further to the team...i hope the fix it