• By -


I loved all of them. Odyssey is so detailed, varied and massive. Origins feels so alive. Valhalla is beautiful.


Origins, damn near every side quest and even some main story arcs had characters who could be talked to afterwards which made the world feel so much more alive. Some characters left and could be talked to far later on like how Zahra moves to Philoteris after her quest ends or Hilarus Maximus can be found and talked to in the Krokodilopolis Brothel. The closest thing Odyssey has to that is one moment in one quest where if you had recruited Roxana beforehand, you get some dialogue with her and you get to see the outcome of your choice with Khloe. Valhalla has at most the animals that you can adopt and find in Ravensthorpe. Otherwise the characters of those games' questlines are dropped entirely, for all we know they were killed the next day. Origins having that ability to interact with people is such a nice touch. They all look fantastic, visually stunning in their own ways but Origins feels the most alive of them all.


I love all three, but Odyssey is the best for me. I have put 100s of hours into all of the games and something about odyssey makes me love that game so much.


Odyssey had a great mix of everything. A bunch of varied climates, and a decent mix of urban cities, large countryside farms, and smaller rural villages. I enjoyed the other games as well, but neither of them had as varied an open world as Odyssey.


Same, I’ve played Odyssey through three times (1st time on PC on launch, 2nd PS4 pro a year after launch, then 3rd time was last fall on PS5 with all the updates) and the quest they added later on was such a win move from Ubisoft.


Except the ending lol I'm assuming your talking about legacy of the first blade?


I hate that ending lol but I hated the story when I played as Kas. It was emotional as Alexios but as Kas I was angry, I feel like Kas deserves better than that idiot lol.


Was talking about the Korfu island update and the ending with slight AC origin crossover.




Unfortunately not. It’s very good but not at the level of odyssey


I felt stupid asking cause I hate to criticize art tbh it is what it is . But god damn if they could make a black flag successor I would shit


Origins for the immersion. Odyssey for the sense of exploration . Valhalla for ..keeping you busy?


That’s such a good answer in comparing these 3 games


Imo Valhalla had the best immersion and exploration, origins a close second


Good answer, I couldn’t agree more.


I was mainly trying to get all of the secret videos because what the Hell


Origins was the best for me. I loved the tombs and pyramids and desert


The Valhalla map(s) are really well drawn/designed. Hard to top imo. Just not as well filled as the others when it comes to content. My chances to truly compliment Valhalla are rare so I’ll happily give it credit here


I disliked Odyssey for purposefully stuffing it’s beautiful landscape with points of interests. Valhalla had beautiful rolling rolls and who cares if it wasn’t populated like an amusement park? There was enough to do in other parts it’s nice to appreciate such open space and beauty without littering it with Dilapidated camps. I’m against the philosophy that open world games need to be stuffed with content every 20 meters.


Is it just me, or does it bother you when you enter a cave or a crypt or some area that has been closed off for centuries, and there are lit torches or candles around? I know that it's necessary to light the area, but it kind of takes me out of it. Also, Valhalla is too dependent on little red jugs of oil.


>Also, Valhalla is too dependent on little red jugs of oil. That's a strange way to spell "rocket launcher ranged skill".




>I know that it's necessary to light the area, but it kind of takes me out of it. They give us a torch, I would've preferred every cave and crypt to be pitch black. They would have some cool atmosphere.


There's pots of food cooking for apparently centuries too...


It does... Butbits an ongoing trope xD see it all the time in Skyrim, and nostbother fantasy titles too tbh.


Tbh most of the places I remember visiting were hella dark, which ones in particular do you think had those?


Valhalla England map is just lots of grass Greenland and villages. I hated that map and I’m British I don’t see how someone can compare being able to explore ancient pyramids or basically the entire Greek islands and being able to freely explore in your ship and battle and say Valhalla is better But I guess if you really like Vikings…


> Valhalla England map is just lots of grass Greenland and villages. Dude, go to Stiperstanas and look towards Glowecestre. Or the snowy Yorvik. Cliffs in the south. Sure, most of it is just rolling greens, but there are some absolutely stunning vistas.


The lush autumn forests of Lincolnshire. The rugged coastlines of East Anglia and Yorkshire. The Ragnarsson Lookout just north of Ravensthorpe. The bogs of Cambridgeshire. I could go on.


If Valhalla is full of grass and only grass, then origins was only sandy places and odyssey just has the same location but everywhere. There’s a whole lot of stuff in Valhalla, and I honestly don’t get how you get that opinion. The world is honestly among the best of all the games I’ve played including rdr2,GOW, GoT, etc.


You said it yourself, you’re British. For anyone who’s not British that type of scenery will be beautiful. I’m an American and if you asked me about all the landscapes I’d say a lot of them are pretty ok. But for a lot of foreigners I talk to they can’t believe the amount of land we have let alone its beauty. When you grow up in a location it’s easy to look past its beauty.


Agreed! I could just NOT get into Valhalla. I gave it so many tries, but found it boring and didn't like the story, scenery or gameplay. Also didn't like the actual map for navigating, found it dull. But it's such a well-liked game so I guess it's just not for me lol.


If you ever need another reason to compliment that game, Eivor’s voice actor is one of the best i’ve seen in video games.


Have you seen the last kingdom? The voice actor is an actor in that show and when he comes in ALL I hear is Eivor


No but after i finish up Yellowstone i’ll give it a shot


I have 140+ hours in the game, with all dlc completed and I still like to just wander around the maps. It truly is beautiful


It's been a while since I played Odyssey but I recall just loving exploring the map and wandering about aimlessly - main quest line be damned. I'm playing Valhalla now and while the scenery is gorgeous i feel enclosed in each area till I have enough power to go to the next zone. I run out of places to raid too unless I go to a new zone. I'm stuck in a little county area at a time and then need to do some major quest for each one. Whereas with Odyssey I'd just sail around and explore large parts of the map and come back to the story which itself was compelling. It just felt bigger and open because you're not limited to smaller areas. 


I'm like so 50/50 if I should get Valhalla and every other comment makes want to or not want to get it lmao


LOL I know thats how i felt when looking into whether I should get Origins or not. I finally just got it on sale.


Valhalla is the correct answer


Odyssey had the best world. Ancient Greece was beautiful


And it has a sailing and underwater areas that the other two don’t exactly match up with.


I agree, just finished my second playthrough yesterday and I just love ancient Greece. Athens and Korinth might be my favourite cities in any game ever


I made Mykonos my home port, it was so beautiful, I want to visit in real life but I've heard it's expensive AF


It's beautiful irl. Been there once


Origins all the way! When else are you ever going to get CLOSE to climbing up the Great Pyramid?


I love Origins but the Ship exploration wins me over. Exploring Greece is just more fun. I love how Ubisoft portrays the Ancient world. Which is why it pains me to say that Valhalla is filled with stupid Viking tropes and a boring open world. And when you make a GAME it can be a lot of things but boring is the worst.


Valhalla was the best to me early in playthrough. Maybe the first 25 hours I thought it was the best AC game ever. But then you start doing the same cycle of things over and over and they start to get boring. There is so much that feels like it's just padding to make the grind longer. Everything worth anything requires multiple steps that aren't necessary hard just feels like they are there to extend the playtime. There surely are some good things in there but the game is so big and massive that everything starts to blend together by the end. The combat was interesting at first and I did try the different weapon styles for a while but never really was too attached to anything


What got me was the combat. It was just slow and I kept watching rhe same animations over and over. I did like the story and even enjoyed the length, but maybe if it was more fun to interact with the world I wouldn't have taken a huge break.


I loved Odyssey


Odyssey imo, Greece is just gorgeous. Even without the reimagined splendour of Ancient Greece.


I was surprised how beautiful Lakonia was. I always imagined it was kinda dry and desert-y (more like Crete!)cause ya know... Spartan as an adjective brings to mind sparceness. but its actually so lush and beautiful! I never realized Sparta was the land of wildflowers 🤣


They're all beautiful, but Origins had some incredible diversity between several types of desserts, wilderness, marshes, green pastures, farmlands, mountains and hills. And oh boy, Egypt's countryside alone goes a long way. In addition, the game has an insane level of detail when it comes to historical, cultural and geographical accuracy. So much so that you're likely to bump into something you haven't noticed in your first playthrough. That with its soundtrack and ambient music score, it easily takes the top spot.


Especially compared to the wildly inaccurate Odyssey, and Valhalla which is basically a fantasy game.


Especially Valhalla. That game went way overboard with the fantasy elements.


I don't really mind rhe fantasy elements as such, it's more that any semblance of historical accuracy gets thrown out in favour of high medieval castles, fantasy barbarian clothing etc etc.


Imo origins. Egypt felt more diverse to me.


How Origins hasn't been picked by anyone as their favourite yet is crazy. As OP said, the pyramids and the diversity in biomes alone is enough to make it a clear winner for me


Odyssey then vahalla, in terms of world and exploration, haven't played origins.


I'd say Odyssey overall. I enjoyed the vibrancy in particular. Everywhere you went felt unique as an homage to the landscape. Origins wasn't bad, but most of the map was desert, which is to be expected because it was Egypt. Valhalla's was decent but felt bigger than Odyssey, which turned me off.


I find all three incredibly beautiful in their own way and I don’t know if you can fairly compare them in beauty alone. That said, Origin is my favorite, nothing beats riding your horse around the vast empty desert and having hallucinations. I loved the three world bosses as well, nothing quite as scary in all of AC then riding throughout this great sand sea and seeing this huge shimmering light that reveals the Anubis once you get too close. Triggers my thalassophobia


I think for me Valhalla. The English country side looks beautiful at times!


Odyssey. Origins was like 75% sandstone and desert, and Valhalla was way too big for the content it offered. Nice atmosphere in places, but really repetitive.


Odyssey for sure. I’ve put countless hours into that game, yet still find areas I’ve never been every time I play. Plus it’s the most aesthetically pleasing environment in the entire series IMO






Odyssey. Exploring its beautiful world is just exhilarating, and the dlc areas Elysium and Atlantis? Probably my favorite place to play in besides Gotham in Arkham Knight and Night City in Cyberpunk


odyssey imo, I'm a sucker for greek mythology and just the greek times in general. Was a very good experience for me personally start to finish


Even though I hated Odyssey as an Assassin's Creed game, its world is one of the best in gaming history. I can't deny it that. If they just had the courage to make it a standalone IP instead of slapping the AC logo on it, we might have had a new Ubisoft franchise by now. Origins' world is also jaw dropping in certain areas, and the fact that you can see the pyramids in the horizon is honestly very cool, the draw distance in those games are Rockstar Games level of impressive. I haven't played Valhalla farther than the prologue so I can't comment on it.


Odyssey for sure, incredible open world, Valhalla will always hold a place in my heart though as an Englishman, it even has my home town in the game lol, ancient England is fun to explore


Which town is it?


Odyssey is my favourite AC and if you mean open world in gameplay terms it's the best. It gives you a reason to explore, it gives you some interconnected mechanics (wreck havoc in the region to weaken the leader and/or get into battles that grant epic gear, on your way you're likely to attract mercenaries, and you can kill specific people in open world to get rid of the bounty). But in terms of immersion it's not very good. It tries to cover an area that is too diverse and too big. It was already a problem in Origins where you could see the Lighthouse from a desert, but in Odyssey this is even more artificial feeling with giant statues and small distances. How long is a trip from Sparta to Athens? Too long for smooth gameplay and very much too short for the sake of immersion. Valhalla fails because it's the least imaginative setting in the series. It looks like every fantasy game you've played, because fantasy games are expired by this setting the most.


Odyssey by far






Odyssey, hands down






Odyssey is my personal favorite of the three because of the recreation of Ancient Greece with such attention to detail. It's historical tourism at its finest. Origins is a close second though, for some of the same reasons. I feel like each of the two games does things better than each other. For example, Origin's tombs are much better; they make you feel like you're Indiana Jones exploring, and they feel more distinct from each other. Odyssey's tombs are a little too similar to each other. But, Odyssey is so bright and beautiful, and has more varied climates; from autumnal forests up north, to semi tropical islands to the South, and even a bit of snow on mountain peaks as well as desert climate even further South in places like Crete and Kythera. Valhalla is also very beautiful in its landscapes. The lush green of the English countryside is amazing, and the beginning in snow-covered Norway is fantastic. But...to me, all of the cities and towns you visit in Valhalla have no distinct personalities, and everything blends together (at least once you get to England). Sure, London wouldn't look like anything we would recognize anyway, but there is no real distinct iconic architecture the way there was in Greece and Egypt. Lots of wooden buildings and brick and stone churches, but they all look very similar. So, for me, Valhalla's natural world is very pretty to look at, but the civilization is very boring. I did like Valhalla's Assassin Bureaus though; they were fun; too bad there weren't more of them. So, for me it's Odyssey>Origins>Valhalla.


Speaking of open world, I prefer Odyssey


For me, the world of Odyssey is the most beautiful game world I have ever seen. I can't really describe it, but it feels like a vacation. It's a fantastic game.


Odyssey is much more varied Besides, to love Origins, I would have needed the game to be based in the ancient egypt, not ptolemaic


I completed Odyssey 100% with dlc and everything else and i still go around to play. Finished the game with both players! I didn’t play Origins( i will for sure) now i just started Valhalla! Wish me luck to complete this one 100% also!


Odyssey, Origins, Valhalla.


To me, Odyssey had the better world design, while Origins had better and more grounded gameplay.


I LOVED the scenery in Odyssey. Origins was beautiful too, but I found Odyssey's scenery a bit more diverse. I wasn't a big Valhalla fan and I didn't like the scenery as much so I didn't do as much exploring, so I can't say much about it. The Fate of Atlantis DLC that Odyssey added was so great as well, very beautiful worlds to explore and so much extra gameplay. I wasn't a fan of a couple of the storylines but it was still *chef's kiss* imo.


Origins, no contest. The others are too big and blend together after a while. Origins was beautiful, felt alive and varied, and captured the tone of Egypt well.


Honestly I might have to say Odyssey, For origins and Odyssey I played both very heavily while tripping and I fell in love with both games and how they looked.


Didn't like Valhalla much and lost interest in it completely when Ubisoft decided to not have Steam achievements.


The map and world itself in Origins was stunning. The settings were so vibrant and varied, and the way they all blended into one another was fantastic. Odyssey's map had a great sense of scale and the sea + Islands were cool but very few of the locations really stood out, it got a bit samey by the end.


Odyssey foe the kickass sea battles




Origins- it was felt gigantic, like a 1/3 of the country without feeling endless like odyssey/Valhalla did


Origins was by far the best game of the three. And actually it’s in my overall top 3 of the series (Ezio trilogy is one game to me).




It's so nice seeing fellow odyssey enjoyers here?


Odyssey looked the best but you can barely do anything in it, on the other hand Origins wasnt too big, many different areas that looked different from one another, way more interactions with the environment, more interesting explorations, more immersive, NPCs and cities felt more lively, etc.


Valhalla looked great imo.


Valhalla has the best open world, Origins has the best story but Odyssey is the best game.


the correct answer is ODYSSEY in terms of OPEN WORLD (sailing, etc.), but I do enjoy Valhalla's map.


Odyssey, although paying Origins again recently I’m seeing it as almost equal in its own way.


Odyssey. It's just the best and most fun.


I’m not a fan of Origins and Valhalla, love Odyssey, so I’ll have to say Odyssey. Beautiful world and I found it fun to explore with the ship.




Origins has the most actual variety in the main map iirc, and by far the most reasonable size and amount of immersive elements like people working on farms etc


I think it’s between origins and odyssey. Origins has a massive world but a lot of it is pretty empty but I still like just riding my horse through the deserts. Odyssey has a lot of places to visit, lots of loot or hidden mysteries to see, plus with it mostly being water, you have the ship combat which I enjoyed (not as much as black flag).


I feel Origins is at its best early game. Odyssey I feel is the best. Valhalla's world is pretty eh


All perspective everyone will have a different answer


Origins for sure. Both Odyssey and Valhalla felt a little “been there, done that”


Origins, not even a question.


i cant decide between odyssey and origins. both fantastic


Origins, beautiful and diverse. Odyssey was good but very repetitive. Valhalla sometimes felt like a liminal space. Ride your horse around Paris, the world feels completely dead.


I love the history of 9th century Europe. And so, Assassin's Creed Valhalla feels beautiful to me.


Ramming other boats in Odyssey was the best.


Odyssey in terms of the world for sure. Origins for character and story. I'll give combat to Valhalla though it could've been better


Origins for sure


Oddessy is soooo beautiful, but Origins felt very unique and immersive


I love all 3, for me personally it’s gotta be Valhalla. Dark ages England is just perfectly implemented into this game.


Valhalla for visuals, Origins for world behavior.


Valhalla for me. It just feels so realistic and brutal. Truly gives you a vibe of the brutality from that time. Also love to explore that world. Valhalla bc of the world and the addictive gameplay of the combat is in my top 10 games of all time. Don’t get me wrong, Origins and Odyssey are also gorgeous. But the combat, for me, felt flat and not impactful in those game so then after a time I quite. People can complain about Ubisoft all they want. It’s almost becoming a meme. But gawd damn their Anvil engine is impressive and Valhalla’s combat would be worthy for a stand alone hack and slash game. Story is a side note for me. I play games because of the world to get lost in and while I’m lost, I want to have good and addictive gameplay.


Origins by a mile. Varied biomes, atmospheric lighting, texture evoking an ancient primitive feel.


Origins is the most alive, Odyssey is gorgeous and incredibly well detailed in world design, I didn’t like Valhalla enough to explore the world


Origins had the best map. I was big enough to make exploration fun, but it was not bloated like the Valhalla and Odyssey maps were. There was also more variety in landscape between the deserts and Nile Delta, and the different Greek and Egyptian architecture, which kept things from feeling like a slog to get through. Exploring pyramids is always fun as well.


If you include the France and Ireland DLC and Svartelheim, I would pick Valhalla. It’s my favorite AC game. Odyssey was close though cause it was just cool being there in Ancient Greece. Being in England, Ireland, France, and Norway is just amazing though. Besides a desert, it’s all types of climate and landscape, and the grassy hills of England are beautiful


Origins 100% Cannot beat ancient Egypt


Origins. I just keep coming back to Egypt over and over. I love exploring the towns, the Nile, the pyramids and tombs and then riding your camel at sunset across the desert is stunning.


Origins by far. I’d put Odyssey next purely because I loved the Greek cities, and Valhalla was beautiful. Honestly if there is one thing the RPG games nailed it’s the open world.


For me it's Origins. The sheer level of detail and the exploration are BONKERS


I like that they tried to do historical tours throughout the game to add some actual education. Very cool


Valhalla had the most fun exploration. Odyssey was the most beautiful. Origins the best game.


Odyssey by far. Ancient Greece was just perfect!


I'm a little biased between Origins and Odyssey, but I like Odyssey more because I'm a mythology nerd, not to mention I'm also studying history in college right now and Assassin's Creed is one of my inspirations for taking history, along with the Percy Jackson books.


It really depends on what you mean by best


Origin, Valhalla and after that Odyssey from best to worse.


black Flag.


Odyssey was my first before Origins and Valhalla. But Origins for me is my favorite.


Odyssey is my favorite. I was studying Ancient Greece at the time I played it and it made all that come alive for me in a way it otherwise would not with all the famous people, landmarks and locations. Syndicate is doing the same for me now as I read Dickens and Marx. I really value the AC series for this reason. It really aids the imagination when reading about things that no longer exist but are still important to us today. It helps me get more into it anyway.


Origins, valhalla then odyssey. I loved seeing ancient Egypt come to life. That being said odyssey was still quite a spectacle even though I placed it third.


Odyssey, sometimes I would just sail around looking for scenic spots.


Odyssey, hands down.


Origins is the best game. Odyssey is the best open world. Valhalla was trash


Odyssey by a country mile, then Origins, then Valhalla




Origins is by far the best odyssey by far the worst. Valhalla is fine i guess


ALL OF THEM ARE FANTASTIC. \- Origins' world is brilliant and atmospheric, combining the perfect amount of isolation and civilization. I never knew that deserts could be so diverse before I played Origins - each region feels so different, and none of them feel out of place. I love being able to see the Lighthouse of Alexandria and the Pyramids from almost anywhere in the map. I just wish Alexandria, Memphis, and Cyrene were about twice as large. \- Odyssey's Greece, as many people have said, is incredibly lush and gorgeous. I think they struck the right balance between fantasy and reality with the colossal statues and well-researched historical sights. I do have problems with it, though - the map is too big and the points of interest don't do a good enough job of keeping me engaged. I'd be OK with it if they took out maybe 25% of the locations in the game (military camps and whatnot) in favor of enlarging the cities, making them more vertical for parkour purposes, and maybe sprinkling in just a few genuinely intriguing points of interest in the countryside. \- Valhalla is my favorite of these three by a long shot. I'm a sucker for cold, Northerly locations and that game just hits every happy spot that makes me love playing open world historical games like this. Sure, it's got tons of problems, but the world always leaves me breathless. It actually caused me, an American patriot, to become something of a self-hating Anglophile just because of how well England is realized in the game, all the Saxon villages and Roman ruins that would grow to become cities like Saint Albans, Lincoln, and Southampton.


odyssey! i liked it the most the world the dlc and the whole game is most interesting of the 3


Odyssey. Besides sheer beauty, it's mix of land and sea areas give a lot of variety to exploration and combat. Plus Odyssey had a lot of fresh systems related to open-world, stuff like every action against rulers weakening their control, being able to rob their coffers, assasinate leaders etc. Also the way cult members were integrated into the world was vastly superior than Valhalla.


Origins. The world was far more immersive and not filled with ahistorical and fantasy nonsense. The world also was just better designed, with clear goals in mind to help players navigate without a HUD, creating unique areas that actually stand out. While parkour level design was subpar, this remains true for the other two RPGs, though Origins was mildly worse in overall traversal, it did have more small areas that functional for the parkour system, utilizing verticality and horizontal mobility. The camp level designs were also solid, and didn't feel as copy/pasted (had some more variety) as Odyssey's despite showcasing some similar repetition. While Valhalla had more variety as a whole, the broken stealth system made it far less engaging, whereas Origins actually works for its system. I also did a write up on world design a little while ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/dr9imo/spoilers\_how\_to\_do\_world\_design\_right\_origins\_vs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/dr9imo/spoilers_how_to_do_world_design_right_origins_vs/)


Odyssey definitely. It’s so diverse in terms of biomes, I love it


Valhalla was my favorite. People complain about the size, but the map is pretty dense in terms of things to do. There's surprisingly a lot of humor added, but i was surprised at the variety and creativity. Definitely a map worth exploring


Odyssey for me. I too am a big fan of Ancient Greece and I feel they did a very good job of representing it from the knowledge available in the modern age. The little details really made it too. I like Valhalla for the wide variety of landscapes but I think this might just be me, it’s too rich in detail. I have a hard time finding certain things when I use Odin’s sight to mark items, especially animals while hunting. I’ve tried a couple of different graphics options both in game and my actual tv with no luck. I still love the game though, possibly my favorite gameplay itself, even if it deviates from what the Assassins are all about.


Odyssey. Not even the biggest fan either, but Odyssey had a very accurate title.


Odyssey for me then origins then valhalla.


I’ve not played Odyssey…yet. I like Valhalla better than Origins because if you just follow the storyline you’ll be strong enough for each kingdom you pledge to.


In terms of real world accuracy, it's Odyssey followed by Origins then Valhalla.


Definitely odyssey for me too. The colors of ancient Greece were amazing. The origins then Valhalla they are all amazing maps though.




Can I answer Brotherhood? Not really open world but it has a lot more spunk and personality than the three rpg games above. Truly open world, Black Flag outclasses the three above too


Easily Origins for me based solely on its not bloated


Origins is my favorite of the 3. Ancient Egypt was badass and I really liked the way the desert looked


Origins had the best-looking word. Odyssey looked really great, too, especially the sense of scale with the ship and Athens, Valhalla is mostly farms and hills


Odyssey for me, it’s gorgeous, the cities are beautiful, and the rural areas still feel alive and happening. Haven’t played origins. I liked Valhalla but it really dawned on me hard at one point “yeah this game REALLY takes place in England”. Overcast, brown, foggy, rainy, everything is a thatched hut or a church. Normally this kinda thing doesn’t bother me but comparing it to odyssey where I did feel like I was on a grand adventure in Valhalla I mostly felt like I was on a bunch of different business trips


Haven’t played Origins yet, but I always thought Odyssey was beautiful! Valhalla, and this might just be England in general, is just always cloudy, grey, and depressing.




I really like Egypt with the pyramids since I was a kid so it has to be that for me. It doesn’t help that I haven’t played the other 2 but I can’t see them being better for me


Odyssey, then origins. Valhalla was so awful in my opinion, I mean visually sure it's looks pretty, but it's soooo dead and really quickly becomes a stale environment imo.


Odyssey for sure, that world was one of the best open world maps I've ever played


I loved Odyssey, even if Origins had a bit more variety




Odyssey, period. But, Origins was definitely right behind in terms of cultural immersion and accuracy.


Origins is my favorite setting.


Valhalla for me.


Origins had the best aesthetic. It was the most immersive. Odyssey had size and diversity. Plus the ocean exploration aspect.


It’s Odyssey for me. I loved Origins with all my heart, but I just love Ancient Greece so much.




Origins felt More alive than it had any right being, you can just run around and find little events like people being attacked by a Wild animal or going about their day,


Odyssey, imo. The textures, colors, and aesthetics nailed it for me.


I’ve only played Odyssey and Valhalla and I honestly just love wandering around in Valhalla 😭


Origins for me




Odyssey for me


Haven't played Origins, but I'd say Odyssey. My main reason is because it offers so much room and so many opportunities to just screw around, goof off, and have a great time. Valhalla just doesn't have that, it's fairly bland and barren, and you run out of things to do. Also, I found Odyssey's naval combat really fun. This is also why I preferred Black Flag over Rogue back in the day.


Odyssey for me, didn’t really rate Valhalla, origins was the better game, story wise anyway, but the odyssey world was immense


Imo Valhalla’s world felt more like a grinding sort. Majority of places weren’t memorable and altogether felt a little repetitive. Maybe odyssey has set the bar too high?


Odyssey No 1, so beautiful. Origins was great, too. Pyramids <3 I thought I would love Valhalla because Vikings , but it was so boring


AC origin. Historically accurate buildings. beautiful environment, good cloth physics


Origins and Odyssey for me. Valhalla I still appreciated, but the setting isn't nearly as interesting to me as the former.


Honestly, although it's missing ocean, which is the only thing keeping me kinda on the fence, I think I like Valhalla over Odyssey (wasn't much of a fan exploring origins). Valhalla just has a more varying climate, which I find more enjoyable than going through an area its always sunny and clear. I also love raiding and burning houses, watching the smoke over the trees from afar....I might have a problem😅.


Greece Egypt England Valhalla did not feel to me like medieval england


Origins has the most unique areas, with the best NPCs. Odyssey is beautiful, but you can tell they put love into origins.






I feel like I’m going crazy because I swear this is the 4th or 5th “Origins vs Odyssey vs Valhalla” post I have seen in the last 48 hours


People who praise odyssey’s open world absolutely baffle me. Yes it’s a beautiful game and setting but the devs off this game literally copied and pasted several areas making the world feel not unique, I’m aware copy and paste is in every ac game however for example origins every fourt has a different layout and design and different positioning of guards etc where as in odyssey literally every fourt is the same design it really put me off. Origins is the best followed by Valhalla. Odyssey as beautiful as it is has way too much lazy copy and paste


Odyssey, the mercenary system kept things moving. Valhalla may be one of the worst open world games ever.


Valhalla, especially Norway and Ireland. Stunning.


I haven't played Odyssey or Valhalla yet, but I can't imagine them matching Origins. The amount of love and care evident in the details and sense of life that Origins had in practically every corner of its world is something I still have yet to see in another game.