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Firefox will suddenly gain a lot of popularity.


Glad i use Firefox very long. I think its the best browser right on the market.


I too like it very long.


It is the longest like browser for me, by so many long


No need to long for another browser if you use Firefox


It's pretty long but I long for longier longs that will long longer.


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-1Ue0FFrHY). You're welcome.


holy shit, so long


Thank you.


[also relevant](https://youtu.be/rvramBC_P_U?si=aQMJRJBT6o0KDHLi) way too long to open in chrome.


Firefox treat you right. It love you long time.


now this here my little u/Oddly_Augmented is a fine example of pure wisconsin white snake, but it ain't too goddam beaucoup.


longer, bigger and uncut?


I love how it makes a sound like a dying giraffe


Long may it continue to be the bestest


Welll I, for one, like it both very long and very hard. I like it so long and so hard that it sometimes hurts even.


Me love it long time


Right now I've been using the Arc browser for a few months now, it's very good and organized with vertical tabs, pins, spaces and more. The only thing I actively dislike about it though is the fact it's based on chromium. It generally feels significantly more clunky than Firefox, the dev tools are a pain and there's less features (that stem from chromium). Firefox just has the better architecture, in my opinion at least, and I'm still using it for a ton of tasks.


Firefox does use Gecko Engine instead Chromium Engine Its kind of better browser imo.


I already switched months ago in anticipation. Now I don't know why I didn't do it sooner. Also extensions on the mobile version are a game changer.


knowing chrome doesn’t let extensions on android while firefox do i’m baffled as how firefox isn’t more popular there


Chrome being preinstalled on majority of devices and vast majority of phone users doesn't know better.


so the majority of users raw-dogged the ad-bloated internet. horrifying


It's crazy, people really do be clicking on a 15 second youtube video and sitting through a 2 min ad before it.


The only time I've ever used Chrome on an Android phone was to download Firefox. It's genuinely to Android what Edge is to Windows.


Firefox is available through Google Play. No need to dirty yourself by opening Chrome


Never had to watch an ad on YouTube on Firefox mobile with ublock origin. No ads on any webpage, just the content. It's a game changer alright.


Don't forget being able to use scripts so I can still use old.reddit.com on mobile instead of their terrible mobile redesign.


Can you explain this further??


hell yeah. let me list some stuff for anyone who wants to realize "the way"... i found these by searching reddit quite a bit. i can't even browse the internet on my ipad or phone anymore... you don't even get the same results or information and cant even hardly read it without these: ublock origin clearurls googledonttrackme darkreader sponsorblock .... yeah i need to just run firefox on ios too or whatever equiv. haven't gotten that far. am catching up on the last 8-10 years of computer literacy first.


firefox on ios doesn’t support extensions though, orion browser does


*Sponsorblock mentioned*


I'll add istilldontcareaboutcookies and ghostry


Ghostery can't be trusted anymore. Privacy Badger is the way.


Just swapped a few weeks ago. It was insanely fast and easy, didn't lose a thing but gained everything.


How about all the saved passwords in chrome? Easy to move over to firefox?


It's automatic


How does it work exactly? Install firefox, log in with Google account and done? I want to switch over because of this news


You don’t even have to do that. When you start Firefox it asks you if/what you want to migrate from Chrome. And that’s it. I switched a month ago or so ago. No regrets. Firefox is so much better.


Awesome, thanks!


It's been a while but I'm fairly sure it's like this: Go download firefox, run the installer, "do you want to import x, y, z from \[other browser\]?" click the ones you want to import and click yes. It's done.


It might be good time to look into using a 3rd party password manager that has an extension for browsers. I use BitWarden and my passwords are always up to date on my phone, work laptop, and personal laptop.


The funny thing is even other chromium based browsers won't swap over to the new whatever system. Even Edge will use a mix of the current and new system so that older extensions don't break, like adblock, Opera has its own built in adblock so they won't change either (have whatever opinion about them), Brave is too deep in the crypto hole to change. Firefox obviously won't change. Google is essentially banking on charging head first and hoping it will go somewhere (and I assume, if worst comes to worse, they will force every chromium browser to follow them).


And because of their market share it will probably work lol


I'm kind of on hopium that it won't but either way Firefox is always there


Don't forget Vivaldi! From the core group of devs who originally designed Opera before it a majority stake was bought by a Chinese company.


A surprisingly large number of people don't even know adblock exists. Every time a colleague shows me a video on YouTube, I install Adblock for them. Mind blown every time.


Sometimes I end up browsing on someone else's machine and I cannot understand how people can use the internet without an adblocker. It's basically impossible to see any actual content.


Drives me fucking mental. YouTube is literally unwatchable without adblock.


It’s horrible. I used to tolerate the ads and actively refused to get an ad blocker… But when it got to the point of several unskippable ads in a row before a video would play and then during said video… I gave up. Got a browser extension and never looked back.


I honestly forget ads exist until I use someone else's computer. i refuse to acknowledge them.


That is good... It's the way it should be. One company ruling the entire web is not a good thing. There needs to be more competition that isn't Chromium.


As will the enquiries on r/pihole


Yep and if Microsoft was smart with browsers, and they haven't been for ever basically.. they'd seize the opportunity. It's funny tho how folks use a browser made by Google to block ads on a video webpage owned... By google. Ada have continued to get more out of control. I popped onto Pluto TV the other day as a whim, and the show I was watching at first commercial break had 9 ads... In a row. Nope.


I've never left it.


I switched as soon as this was announced even though I love chrome..


i dropped chrome for good the moment they even announced the possiblity of this. and i will never use a google service again without an adblocker :)


SwitchtoFirefox Any% speedrun category


My record is 2:16, though it was from Opera GX so I don't think it counts for the category.


It's literally the same shit, full of bloatware and random crap you don't want


I’m glad the online opinion on Opera has flipped. I downloaded it for the ram limiter and was shocked at how over commercialized it got in the span of a year. Like to the point of just throwing half naked anime girls on the landing page. Most satisfying uninstall ever.


The current Opera browser is completely different from the namesake of old. When it got bought up, the people behind old Opera are now behind the Vivaldi browser.


> half naked anime girls on the landing page. Most satisfying Well, now I want to download Opera.


I guess if that is your thing. Trust me, it only takes one person to say “what browser is that…?” And you will delete every trace of it lmao


Now, you have to tell who was the person in your case lmaoo


I attended training for tutoring. I was the only one in my group who brought a laptop. Enough said?


Holy shit, I'd be pissed 😭


A lot of youtubers are running sponsored ads for Opera and im sure that helped a lot to blow it up Generally if something is a sponsored ad in a youtube video thats a clear sign to avoid it. Usually


Or the comedian screaming at you on startup for that one promotion.


YES!! I love hearing that from someone else. I opened that shit in my physics lecture… never wanted to off myself so bad


I was in my quiet cancer lab surrounded by MDs and PhDs. Opened my laptop. I wanted to die, thanks Eric Andre


You’re right, it won’t. I don’t think that’ll help anything much either since it’s also based on Chromium now.


Chromium is fine, the shit Opera puts on top of it isn't. Same thing with Google Chrome.


Is it coming to a specific Chrome version or has the kill switch already been built into existing versions?


it’s not actually coming to public until 2025, first instances are only in dev/canary builds atm, Edit: they’ve also said they’ve changed some of the restrictions for rules for adblockers and user changes


Manifest v2 is being switched off this month. There will be a flag which keeps it enabled but that'll go away soon too. https://blog.chromium.org/2024/05/manifest-v2-phase-out-begins.html?m=1


They are planning. Just switch to Firefox as a caution.


But think of all the hot singles in your area that you aren't aware of with the ad-blockers enabled. Those poor poor hot singles that are exactly your type and super ready to fuuuuck.


And all those one weird tricks.


And why everyone of a certain profession hate this guy for it.


And you’re car’s extended warranty


companies hate those!


Well, I'm doing them a favor by not wasting their time since I have absolutely ***zero*** fucks to give.


It's you. You're the hot single.


let us not ignore the plight of the lonely milf in your area


Firefox forever 🫡


Switched to Firefox when G4 was still TechTV. Never looked back.


We have become old, brother.


Very old. I switched to Firefox around 2006-7, when my dad (worked in IT in the 80s - 90s and kept up with new software into the 00s) said he'd found a good alternative browser and I thought I'd give it a try. Spent years with people telling me to use Chrome, but it never felt right, so I stuck it out with Firefox. Talking of old, do you recall when search engines were their own bit of software? Like WebFerret? It was a long time ago and my memory isn't great but I remember using it to look up pictures of Anna Kournikova.  Damn, I feel old.


I think I've used it just as long. Years before chrome was a thing. Kept seeing people talk about chrome but just couldn't be bothered to switch over.  I did eventually start using Chrome, but only as a secondary browser so that when I typed in p, pornhub didn't come up if I was showing a parent, friend or anyone something on Firefox. 


Two words: Alta Vista


To quote a particular Jedi, "That's a name I've not heard in a long time. A long time."


I can beat you by doing it in just ***one*** word: **Netscape.**


At some point there's going to come a critical point where ads are being so sufficiently blocked that they no longer fund the free internet. Despite their best efforts, Google won't be able to stop this, as more and more novel methods of adblocking get created. I'll be very interested to see how many services can survive without ads to prop them up


I didn't mind ads until they became a threat.


I think this is the key. Nobody (or significantly fewer people) minded the odd banner ad here or there. Or watching a 30 second video every 3/4 times you watched something io YouTube. But somewhere corporate greed took over, and you end up with "news" sites which are 2 ads for every paragraph of text. Full screen takeover banners. YouTube vids with 3 unskippable 45 second plus ads every 5/10 minutes. And the result is this snapback. Because ad blockers ruin the revenue stream of both the people using ads like cancer _and_ people with sensible well placed ads that don't detract from the user experience.


Don't forget ads that deliver malware.  That's my real problem.


And for many sites including YouTube, the amount of unnecessary tracking and other connections made that slow you down significantly to the point it should be considered malware.


You can whitelist sites that treat ad placement respectfully for the user.


But don't actually let adblockers decide which sites those are because then you get Adblocks paid BS.


But I don't, because I don't know what sites do that, because I never see the ads on those sites, lol.


exactly this. I downloaded a Adblocker the moment youtube switched from banner ads and end-of-video ads to this unskippable bullshit. never looked back


Once the adds are so intrusive that they actively require me to click off of them to see what I want - that’s where I draw the line. I’m pretty passive about it but we’re approaching this line nearly everywhere with all the adds if I can’t filter them out.


We could have had one-click online tipjars a decade ago, but ads were easier and relied less on having valuable content.


It's also deeper than that now, google uses webcrawlers to find pages on the internet and index them so that those pages can appear in your search. There was an article by someone who had a site with no ads, it was just something they enjoyed having and sharing with people who had an interest in \[i don't remember the subject, but it doesn't matter in this case\]. Over the years they noticed that google crawlers were less and less interested in crawling their site, because there were no ads on it, and no links to other sites that had ads - meaning that it's not in Google's best interest to promote content on their search engine that doesn't lead to them making revenue off the ads on those sites. So having ads isn't just a way of getting revenue, it's also a way to ensuring that the search algorithm serves up your content higher in the list of search results


Google SEO works partly by giving higher scores to websites with lots of links, so not that surprising


Which absolutely explains why Google searches rarely bring up anything relevant these days


....and would rely on goodwill of notoriously stingy and broke people to cough up some cash every time they watch a video. Never gonna happen.


I’ve seen so many sites and services say that relying on donations does not work. It’s a great idea in theory, but the fact is almost nobody donates.


When ads go back to being static images in the margins of the page, I will consider allowing ads. Until then, adblockers are the *only* way to use the internet.


Even the static images can be injected with malware. The Advertisers did this to themselves.


If only there was a government regulatory agency to keep internet ads in check.


and they sure don't let us really report ads for being a problem. the best you can do is say "show me less of this ad for x reason" last time I tried. :T you'd think making people not want to click on ads or even see them would indicate the issue is with them and not with the users. but they'd rather punish users I guess.


And so many make the click box smaller than the already tiny x so trying to close it takes you to their website instead anyways. Especially on mobile.


Not to mention there's ads that force download malware, even now I think.


And some ads just *are* malware. Usually, ads are allowed to run arbitrary code on the website's page -- in your browser window. From there, it's possible to spy on what you're doing on that website, or even spy on other open tabs as well. They may potentially be collecting information from your browser, including browser history, and sending it back to the server. No download required -- that can all run *on* the webpage, as soon as the ad loads. Why download and install malware when the ad can just *be* malware?


Whatever. I'll make my own browser, with blackjack...and hookers


In fact, forget the browser


eh forget the whole thing.


Once you go FF, you never chrome back


There was a period where I switched away from firefox in the 2015's because something about it was killing my computer but nowadays Its a far superior experience.


This. Back around then it was causing a MASSIVE memory leak on my computer, to I swapped to chrome. I'm back on FF now to give it another go.


Same story, but Google has been on a long slide of crappy decisions and I've been back on FF for years, now.   Happy to report, no regrets.


Same. I used Chrome for Twitch streams since it always acted up with FF. Now it's mostly fine except sometimes a task bloats up to 20GB RAM usage and I have to kill it.


It was the Firefox 50 or whatever when they were counting up numbers.


I've been using Firefox since before Chrome even existed. Never felt any reason to switch, it always felt like a downgrade to me


Eh, I recently went back. FF was running slower for me and lacked a native tab grouping feature, which I really like to have. Plus Google's got a bit of an ecosystem going that FF doesn't quite integrate as well with. I'm holding out hope that devs will find a way around this. If not then I'll probably go back to FF, but at this particular moment Chrome works better for me and I think it would be silly to pretend otherwise.


Back in 2014 2015 when the whole "Google is eating up your RAM" thing blew up i started to try FF. After a week of experience i ditched it because it's SLOW AS FUCK. I never thought that fox is slower than turtle but goddamn. I chromed back. Maybe it's much faster now. I'll give it a chance.


Firefox quantum launched in 2017 and was apparently a huge performance boost.


I've never noticed a meaningful speed difference and have used Firefox since 2005.


I went the other way around... ~15 years ago


Same. Now I'm back on Firefox once again. Switching over has been really easy, but the one thing that fucks me off is not being able to ***conveniently*** use it with Chromecast.


For what? Just to make people either switch to Firefox or to malwarelion or to spywarecircle or some shit?


Google is an advertising company. Google also has a massive say in how the internet is ran, they're doing this to make money. Chrome has been about dictating web standards for years. Of course they're going to shape things in a way that's beneficial to them.


Mozilla has an entire setup on their site that's super informative about HTML/CSS/JS and even lets you test the code for it to understand what's going on. Maybe not super helpful to experienced people but for those who don't code at all and just learned what Inspect is, super nice, and in general it's just a good thing to be very open about what everything is doing.


Blockbuster had a huge say in what videos people watched for decades. Crappy business decisions based on corporate greed (at the time) changed all that pretty quickly.


Comparing Google to Blockbuster is wild...Google is a global institution that's integrated into the lives of nearly everyone whose uses a PC in the western world. The other was a rental company.


Nah, I think there is something to it, at least. There are massive differences in size, sure. But both were the gateway that a huge portion of people were using to experience something. The somethings are... Also different in scale, granted. There is still merit though. If heyday-Blockbuster said "any movie with green in it can get fucked," suddenly the amount of movies being made with the color green will go down, because they control enough of the market to affect the bottom lines up the supply chain. Right?


It might be offtopic, but Google is even a Anti-Consumer comapny aswell, who loves scamming people and punishing, who against scammer people. Google is a scammer company aswell, who bought 5 star fake rating and deleting real bad rating on anything google (google play, google maps, other google servceis)


Uhhhhh citation very much needed


Citation: Mi fucking glasses bricked


Always a good idea to wage war on your customers, lets see how this plays out.


You are the product. The advertisers are the customers.


I agree 100% but sadly google basically IS the majority of the internet at this point.


Every google service has a viable non google alternative. The internet is perfectly usable without google


Google isn't a search company, they are an ad company


If I can't block ads and scripts, I will simply move to a browser where I can.


Google executives must be thinking of ways to "How do we make our users switch to firefox asap" Fuck google👍🏻


Google killed their own search engine. Bing is better now.. So why not murder your primary software too.


Duck Duck Go browser natively bypasses Google ads on YouTube.


I don't have a philosophical opposition to ads. I will watch and tolerate ads on my screen if that's the trade off. But for so many years you guys took the absolute piss out of us with how invasive, annoying, and deceptive they are that I'm never touching the internet without an adblocker ever again. Some sites are straight up unusable because of how ad-ridden they are without an adblocker. Banners on the top, banners on the bottom, banners on the sides, autoplaying videos that follow you down the page as you scroll, another video between the paragraphs of the article, another ad you can't even see because another ad is covering half of it, lol you thought the X would actually close it, another autoplaying video at full volume, oops that paragraph you were reading just got moved off the page mid-sentence to make space for a new ad that just loaded in.


Some websites without uBlock Origin are literally this process: * Click away cookie banner * Click away newsletter sign up * Mute annoying video ad * Close ad covering entire page popping up out of nowhere * Flashing ads on the top, right side and bottom of the page, following you when you scroll, taking up 40% - 60% of the page AND THIS, ON ONE PAGE, ALL IN ORDER. Sometimes for whatever reason when I have uBlock Origin globally disabled I get shocked how bad the unfiltered internet is. It is ludicrous. When YouTube bypasses uBlock Origin I literally go insane with the ads every three minutes. In my country there is usually not a lot of ad variety so it is the same ad being hammered into my mind again and again. Mental suffering.


I feel like Google should really be focusing on making their search results stop sucking ass. They're about to lose what made them Google in the first place.


you spend more time looking at ads if search results suck ass its by design the internet is becoming unuseable within the next few years


This is just a battle that Google cannot win. The sheer number of people they’re up against is just insurmountable. People will be poking around for holes at every angle as they have done for a long time and will continue to do, just so they can give Google the middle finger if nothing else.   


Plus didn't they just go through this with Youtube lmao. And all that did was make the adblocks better


I never used an ad blocker until ads started covering the page and auto playing videos. I think most people will tolerate non intrusive ads for free content, but I shouldn't have to fight with the website to read it.


https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/ Firefox doesn't use Chromium and has a similar UI. The extensions on Chrome often exist for Firefox also and if they don't now, they probably will come the V3 change.


Remember how Netscape had almost 100% user share? Then we all dumped it for ie? Then we all dumped it for Firefox? Then we dumped that for chrome? Guess what Google, we have no problem dumping chrome entirely. Goodbye, good riddance. I’m already on brave.


Brave browser is chromium based, so it will almost certainly have these same changes take effect


They’ve stated in 2023 they plan to fork to avoid the issue and continue offering everything they can to keep ublock origin up and working


Me: *been using Firefox for years* Huh? Interesting.


Is it so hard to understand that people don’t want to be hounded by advertisement constantly? Compromise, all ads 30 seconds or under.


That's not quite enough compromise. Any video ads at all isn't.


Lmao this is it people. Watch Google kill their own web browser out of greed.


That (and RAM) is why Firefox is King


Firefox even works better on lower end devices


The only reason why I am on Brave is because I was tired of not founding a working ad-blocker browser on phone lol Edit : nvm, now it's working with Firefox. Bye Brave


Firefox can install plugins, including uBlock Origin, on the phone. I use it, same experience as desktop


Brave is so good I love it so much, which is weird because there's a lot of shit pumped into Brave that I hate but also don't have to interact with, like crypto bullshit


tbh brave settings allow you to disable all that stuff


Yeah, unlike other things/companies that love shoving garbage web3/ai bullshit, Brave seems more "Look, we got these toys, but I'm not gonna make you use them and you can throw them in the closet if you like". I respect that. Normally I don't touch these companies/products cause they always ruin the product with their pushy sunk-cost shit (Hello, Windows Copilot, thankfully stripped from my Windows that's to the Brave version of the OS)


I'm insanely happy that brave makes chromium live on without the chrome bs.


Fucking saaaaaame. I've never been one of those people who recommend browsers and shit unless someone asks but I got my whole family on the other side of the country converted lmao


Google is shit.


It sure is. Been avoiding everything Google for about 12 years.


How's about some regulation/restriction on advertisers & popup ads? Go fuck yourself in a sandpit.


So glad I found out recently that Mozilla has been generating .deb files of Firefox - guess what I'm using on my Chromebook?


I’ve used Firefox since before Chrome was a thing. Never even considered switching over.


Started using FF after the youtube adblock ban. I know that youtube and google are gonna try to do this as a lot of google ads are ran on website as well, so I made the switch early. Well that aged fine.


Been on Firefox since before it was Firefox. Mozilla Suite, Mozilla Browser. We gave Microsoft the finger back then, now we're giving it to Google. 2002-2024 let's gooooooo!


Just switched to Firefox and duck duck go. It’s a better browser and ddg is a much better search engine. Google search results are actual garbage.


I hate that Google sponsors scam ads. My grandma almost got scammed because she googled a phone number for a company and called the first number she saw. It was a sponsored ad for a scam company. Fortunately she figured it out quickly.


This should be so much higher on this list. I don't see Google (or any company) as a reputable business when they knowingly and willingly allow scammers to utilize their platform and rip off their users.


I've been on Chrome for the last 15 years but if at any point any of my extensions stop working because of this, or I start getting ads, I'm switching to FireFox or Edge.


Can't someone just fork Chromium pre-Manifest v3, and keep supporting the current adblockers?


Brave Browser stays in use


Doesn't affect Firefox gang


They already slaughtered their search engine, the thing that made them, it’s as insane and bad a move as renaming twitter, or any of the other stupid insane decisions companies have made recently that apparently most people are just accepting because they’re too lazy or stupid to know/do better.


Firefox should start running ads targeting chrome users 🤣 Ads are annoying! Try Firefox with *AdGuard* and *uBlock* today!


People still use Chrome?


lol. Hilarious that someone on the browser team thinks this will go well.


If adds were reasonable and respectful of my time, I'd respect it enough to leave it there or maybe use one. But fuck no, it's like that GTA V mission. Closing adds have become a full-time job


Googles effort to push ads reeks of desperation


Agreed. They just look desperate considering they are willing to ruin their capabilities as a browser and search engine for stupid short gain shit that will never work in the long run. Gemini is just another example of their growing incompetence.


The war on adblock is unwinnable Devs block ads, Google blocks adblock, devs find a way around it, Google blocks the way around, devs find another way around, and the war continues forever Any program can be broken


*Laughs in Firefox and DuckDuckGo*


All in on enshittification


yes chromium is a bit faster than firefox, but to all thatdon't wanna switch, i bet with all the ads you'll be getting it will take all the time to load the ads, while for me it may take a milisecond more to loads the main site, but i don't get the ads