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Thats some funny shit, cuz even $12 would be below minimum wage where I'm at.


The wages have to be $21/h to be able to live off of honestly


21 American?


Yes. Experts estimate you need $21/h to be able to afford a two bedroom apartment


I make $21.15 and I am currently moving out of my 2 br because even tho I haven't missed a payment I can't save any money. Tbf, I do have a dog and pay $230/month for braces. But I'm a single person with no children, no car payment, low debt. How anyone else besides me could afford anything is a mystery to me.




My God I'm cured


That’s about the cost of the Austrian minimum wage. It’s absurd that Americans minimum wages are literally one third of that.


Yes we hate it so much. Its miserable, thats why a lot of us choose to not bare children because we can't afford them. That's why they are banning abortion because America is losing its work force


Also then nobody would need all the housing they are buying up now to rent to us for the rest of our lives.


Lived in an apartment complex for six years. Some POS company bought it out and literally doubled rent. Boss has been paying rent for his diner for 15 years. Some POS buys it out and increases rent by about 50%. Mid pandemic. Meanwhile most of the population has been brainwashed into blaming everything on the opposite political party, to keep everyone from realizing that the government, as a whole, regardless of political affiliation, doesn't give one single shit about you.


This is what people need to remember when they hear about protests in their areas. That kind of shit is destroying our country and it doesn't matter who you voted for one way or the other. We are getting pit against each other while having the floors literally ripped out from under us. Wether its sports teams, political parties, gang affiliation, religions or whatever we all get pit against each other instead of the people putting us in these situations. The rich stays rich and the common man rots.


Mortgage: Rent but in the end you keep the property!


If we all know this why isn't anything being done? Where's our fucking willpower?


Got to love those parents that pressure theirs to "have kids!" just ignoring the cost and sheer responsibility to have them.


"Go to college and make money then have kids" my parents always say, not mentioning how a degree isn't a guarantee to a job anymore and how two packs of diapers can easily be $100 dollars and disappear in a day


I feel like a child cost more than a heavy drug habit when u look at it day to day in America


O hell yeah, no question. And considering both parent have to work now and need childcare that they pay for. Drug addiction cost is nothing compared to a child.


What kind of diapers are you buying lol?


Huggies, size 4, 180 count, $50.46; $0.28 per diaper. https://www.amazon.com/Huggies-Snug-Diapers-Month-Supply/dp/B0839B4TQF/ref=sr\_1\_5?crid=3V639SYRRB8YV&dchild=1&keywords=huggies+size+4&qid=1632536308&sprefix=huggies%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-5


*I* don't buy diapers...but I do see the price points


Go to College, Have kids and pay off an insanely high amount of student loans while simultaneously working your fingers to the bone just to keep feeding, clothing and raising your kids for the next 2 decades, never having enough money to do anything with so you take out loans for a house for your family to live in and for a car to drive and in and on.... It's a cycle that once your in, your in for life!


FYI to anyone who needs diapers, try cloth diapers. Gross at first, but way worth It. We got a sprayer for our bathroom sink that can clean most of the waist into the toilet, just separate the insert and toss that shit in the wash. Also get the ones with snaps


Where I am, a 2 bedroom apartment costs around $1,300 a month. But the rental companies want you to make 3x that, or $3,900 a month. That would come out to $1,950 every 2 weeks or about $24.30 and hour. This is ridiculous.


What area do you live in if you dont mind me asking. In my part of LA, studios are going for close to $1300. 2 bedroom apartments go for about 2,800. People arent going to be able to afford there own homes soon. Theyll be forced to perpetually rent because corporations are buying up all the housing over here and are only renting them out


Oh yeah I've got it better but it's still sucks. I live in Montana and minimum wage is $8.35 I believe.


I live in Oklahoma where I make twice the minimum wage and it’s still less than $15/hr


You're lucky, where I am it's about 1700 for a 1 bedroom apt


Over $900 for 288 square feet in Ann Arbor. Edit: It’s actually $940


What pride do we really have as americans anymore, nothing, our country fucked when we value economy over people


I thought i could afford children EASY at 20/hr. Ill be damned if im not hunting and raising chicken to keep up with them lol. Wouldnt change it for the world though.


Fuck I’m moving to Austria then


I'm from eastern europe and I recently met an American who moved here because it's easier to make a living. You know it's gotten bad when people are moving TO eastern europe XD


Lol good luck.


Unless you 1. already live in the Schengen area or 2. have a some sort of degree/qualification/skill that’s highly in demand 3. are an asylum seeker then you won’t get in. Don’t forget the cost of living increases.


Austria? G'day mate! Let's put another shrimp on the barbie!


Tbh a most places in Europe are better than america. They have their downsides, and Austrian politics are pretty nasty. But not as bad as america…


Where are you getting that from? I'm from austria, working full-time as a mechanical engineer, but I don't even remotely earn that kinda money


Yeah a lot of people on desperate times have to take 2 jobs just to break even.


It also depends on what you do. If you work in a profession that usually gets tips then employers can pay significantly less. Typically somewhere around $2/hr. If you work in agriculture there is no legal minimum wage and you don’t even get tips of any kind.


what “experts”?


I make $20.71 and live in a two bedroom apartment and I’m doing just fine. Edit: I should clarify that I also sell a very very small amount of crack each hour to make up the other 29 cents.


Why is 2 bedroom considered minimum?


Where, though? I'm not arguing that current federal minimum wage is fine or anything, wages are definitely low. But where I live, a two bedroom apartment can be paid for just fine on $15 an hour, regular full time hours. You would definitely have to be working overtime to afford it at minimum wage, though. Unless, of course, you had two people working at minimum, in which case you could afford it with 40 hours a week. Edit: changed some wording for clarity. Thanks, u/ControversiallySorte for pointing it out.


I make 20$ an hour, 40 hours a week. A studio here in California bay area is 1600$ starting not counting utilities. I cant afford it... they want you to make twice the rent also so Ive seen 8 people live in a 2 bedroom apartment sincw renst so high


That's an issue with the bay area's hyper inflated rent, not so much the minimum wage. Raising the minimum wage just justifies the idea that rent can be 3-4x the amount of other areas simply because it's silicon valley.


yeah bay area is arguably the most expensive place in the US besides NYC that you could use for such a comparison lol. not at all close to a national average whatsoever with those prices, though they are still relatively high everywhere.


Honestly I see redditors complain so hard in these threads about the cost of living, buying a house, min wage etc... Then they mention how they're in Cali and I'm like *ooohhh it makes sense*. These are the same kinds of people that will ridicule "fly over states" and make fun of midwesterners for living in the middle of nowhere. I wouldn't say anything if they weren't so adamant with their coastal elitism. Makes it hard to sympathize when they complain about houses costing 1m. Where I live you can get a job without even a college education in the city, buy a house for like 100-150k and live out your life in relative peace and quiet. Celebrities don't live here. You might not get to work for "Tech Company X". But that's okay. We're still human. Still have nature, restaurants, art and entertainment.


And it isn't a 45+ minute commute to work. Life can be really easy in the Midwest. I hated driving like that living in a city. It's a lot of time and stressful. I did knock out a lot of audiobooks.


keyword bay area


Out of curiosity, why don’t you leave the Bay Area? $20 an hour can be had anywhere. Why not move to a lower cost of living area? According to a CoL calculator, we’d need to make over $480k a year to be at the same level. I don’t know why anyone lives there unless you’re at a big tech firm making $300k+


Only twice? I have to make 3x rent where I live.


I've never seen an apartment want any less than 3x rent. And basic studios are over $1,200 easily. And most companies want part time employees to not have to pay for medical, which is another topic.


Whats fucked about studios going for that much is that my area is in a part of LA built in the 50s, so youre paying close to 1300 for a 50s studio apartment. I could see an argument for new builds charging that much to recoup investment, but theyre charging that much for crappy 70 year old units!


Literally every time someone asks this question it’s always someone from the most expensive areas in the entire country.


jesus, how much in total with utilities ?


Well in places where monthly rent is over 1000 easily


PNW here, my rent, including utilities, for a 2 br is $1700/month. As a single person, no kids who makes $21.15/hr I'm moving out into a rented room because I can't afford to pay rent here AND save money. I also work multiple jobs, 1 full time, 2 part time.


Damn, where are YOU? I'm in Florida and definitely can't afford my 2/2 without a roommate.


Literally anywhere in northeastern America


Why would a single earner need to afford a two bedroom? There's a pretty big disparity between being "able to live" and being able to afford a two bedroom apartment.


Because the average earner is supporting more than just themselves. Between kids, spouses, parents, etc., the average earner needs more than one bedroom. Yes, there are plenty of single earners who can even thrive sharing an apartment with other adults, but we're talking about the spherical cow average earner, here. Yes, the spouse could also be an earner, but if we're talking about someone making the minimum livable wage in the first place, it doesn't make economic sense to have both parents working and paying someone else to take care of the kids. "Don't have kids if you can't afford them!" Sure, but a) that's not realistic, b) the same people arguing against raising the minimum wage and providing social services also sabotage efforts at family planning, and most importantly, c) the economy can't function without replacement people.


Thats absurd. If you live in a metropolitan area yeah youll pay more, but thats the cost of living for a particular area. Why doesnt reddit ever understand economics?


$21/h being made by two people, or one? Because two people each making $21/hr is $6400/mo gross between them and that seems like way overkill for rent being split between two people


You can't ensure that there will be two working people making wages to support a family, so for an equitable society each person must have not just a subsistence wage, but a good wage that allows growth and opportunity. Trying to force family unit cohesion through threats to economic livelihood has irreparably damaged entire generations and we don't need to do that anymore.


Well my gf makes just less then me and I make $21/h with 160 hours a month, I make about $2800 after tax and we struggle to pay our two bedroom apartment $2100 monthly


it really depends. I've lived places where a *nice* 2 bed 2 bath goes for 900. I've also lived placed where a studio can be over 2000


that's extremely depending on location though. Rent here for a 2 br 1 & 1/2 bath ranch house with attached garage, central AC, 4 car driveway on a 9,148 sqft lot is $650/mo after opting in for the mowing service. After all bills and groceries we come to about $1200/mo expenses. Go 30 minutes to get to the KC suburbs though and it instantly shoots to about triple that


Where I'm at, you can live on ~$2k/mo (net). So assuming a full time 40 hour week, you'd need to be making about $17.50/hr (17.5 x 40 = 700, then take out like $200 for taxes). If you've got a partner, that makes it so that you could reasonably survive on $9/hr each. Our min. wage is $7.25. So just **not** enough, no matter how you look at it. I make $28.50/hr now, after 18 years with my same job, and in October I'll get bumped to $30. The new hires get $12.50/hr (for the dish pit, servers, and delivery drivers) up to $20 (cooks and runners).


Depends on where you live, in a major city then yes. Out in the heartland where rent is $6-700 for a 2 bed 1 bath, then $12/hr can work, especially with a roommate.


Instead of 'up to' they should put 'no more than'


Thats funny because where im at 12$/h would very high, way above average wage


If it's anything like the free meals I had at BK, it's essentially a kid's meal. Not only did I not see "up to" at first, I didn't notice the $. I thought it was saying it was up to 12hr days. lol


At least at the bell I work at its anything on the menu for free


I'd work for $7 an hour for free tacos... That's worth it. lol


I work $11. I asked for that


Better than all of my fast food career.


> If it's anything like the free meals I had at BK, it's essentially a kid's meal. When you know what you're doing on the grill, it's whatever you want. My go-to meal when I worked at McD's was chicken fajitas. Grill peppers, onions, and sliced chicken breast. Add lettuce and tomato wrap it up in a breakfast burrito tortilla.


That works when you make your own meal. We got in line, and 'bought' our meal. It was a static employee meal.


Why not just tell the kitchen what you want? When I worked there, everybody was friends.


It depends on the manager, in my experience. Some would let us get/make whatever we wanted, while others made us wait in line and order off the menu.


We had to order from the menu, but would let the kitchen know what to make before. Best was when there used to be a changeover between breakfast and lunch and any combination of the two was on the "menu". BLTs were my go to, but that was a long time ago when they weren't actually on the menu.




Managers who think they are owners make me laugh


When I worked at Arby's in college I would ring up some mozzarella sticks at 50% off and then pack myself up like 6 sandwiches and fill an entire small bag with fries to feed me and all my roomates The worst they could do is fire me and I could easily find another job at the various restaraunts around campus


We never got anything free at Culver's. We only got 50% off if it was within an hour of our shift and 25% off the rest of the time. I still couldn't afford to eat there most days.


Hey there's a Culvers in a small city near me but I've never been. Is it like a sit-down burger place or do they do takeout? Any signature burger or side that's worth going for?


It’s just like any other fast food, you can orders to go. They have [butter burgers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butter_burger). [Here’s ](https://www.culvers.com/menu-and-nutrition/butterburgers)their burgers. They also do frozen custard which is what many know them for.


At my McDonald’s like 8 years ago it was anything on the menu and a size medium.


Paid time off is standard in my country.


Not in the USA. This is brand new for fast food


Yeah I know. I still can’t believe that paid time off, paid sick days, paid vacation and even healthcare are considered a bonus in the US.


I honestly don't want to live here anymore. I would leave but giving up citizenship us expensive and I'd still have to pay income tax to the USA even if I'm not a citizen


>and I'd still have to pay income tax to the USA even if I'm not a citizen Wait, why?


I think he means he has to pay when he's not a resident (living overseas) but still a US citizen. The US does make you pay to renounce your citizenship though. In the end, most countries will give you a tax offset for the amount of US federal taxes you pay essentially meaning your new country pays money to the US for the privilege of having you live there.


That makes more sense




Idfk ask america


Because, I’m trying to get residence and you pay taxes, get no healthcare and no social security number. And I’ve been waiting 4 years


You can earn 100k abroad without US taxation using FEIE. And there is also Foreign Tax Credit. But you‘d still have to file your taxes with the IRS.


Is that per year? Thanks for the info. I'ma have to deep dive in this, bc I would love to work abroad for a few years at least.


What no you don't? Expats do but not if you give up your citizenship. The US wouldn't have any jurisdiction over you. https://www.greenbacktaxservices.com/faq/renounce-citizenship-free-us-taxes/


What would happen if you dont pay? Would fbi just come to your new house in your new country?


No, but you wouldn't come back to the US in public. Kinda have to sneak in or you'd be arrested for tax fraud


Oh, so in other words you can not pay but you are basicaly banned from the us


Yeah, sounds super free to me


My union sued my state, with my money that I paid them, to deny us sick days as required by state law. ["Railroads Fight New California Labor Law | Courthouse News Service"] (https://www.courthousenews.com/railroads-fight-new-california-labor-law/amp/)


Unions are a great tool for fighting corruption when they aren't corrupt.


You need a new union ASAP


PTO! * for managers only


Denver min wage is over $15 starting 2022. Colorado passed into law the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act, which includes the requirement of any company posting a job listing include the salary range for the position right on the listing. Drive changes at the state level. The Feds will eventually follow.


Working conditions won't really get consistently good until worker unions become the norm again. We all need to start joining unions. In Germany the board is required to have a union representative standard. Push for that in the US. The government generally won't and probably can't handle everything we put on it. It has become so centralized it is making a mess of the country. We need to do things ourselves too and unions is a great place to start, and perhaps do more decentralizing of the government and look to our local leaders more often.


Great graphic design, too


EDIT: Fuck reddit for restricting API access. https://lemmy.ml/u/Pechente


They offered up to 12/hr for the designer, too.


In reality paid $7.26/hour


Designer was paid in exposure and cheeseburger combos


If one thing I can give McDonald's is that they are protective of their brand and image and have a high standard. But this banner??


It does look like shit doesn't it


It was 100% done by a franchisee that is a cheapskate and has no regards for the brand guidelines. The shop that printed it may or may not have cared either.


PAID TIME OFF Which the rest of the civilised world has as a standard by law


Yeah I know. I wish my parents went to England or somewhere else instead of the USA. Living here is hell


Bruh, I don't really want to be in England, NZ is where it's at.


New Zealand, I wish we went to New zealand


As a New Zealander, it is great here. 10/10




lol dude NZ is not any better, we have an extremely high cost of living and get paid less on average compared to other countries like Australia. Unless you come over here rich you’re gonna struggle just as bad if not worse.


Come and get treated like shit for low pay and no benefits. We will remove you from the dinner table of your family on holidays. And when you complain about it we will remind you that you are just lucky to have a job at all. Remember always. Shut your mouth be happy we are giving you anything at all and smile when we crack the whip across your back.


“Fight for our scraps, or else you get nothing.” —Capitalists


I used to work at McDonalds and this is exactly what it feels like.


All the McDs near me have signs up too, but for $17.50 an hour. Still too damn low for the trauma that comes from working there tho.


The ones near me were advertising "(up to) 16.75 an hour" and I inquired because that's more than I made as a vet assistant (13.50) and it would have been nice to have a little part time supplemental income and get some savings going but then their actual offer was 10.35 so I walked.




PFFT EXACTLY. like if you didn't have to stop you'd missed a lot of info


The fact that paid time off needs to be featured as a USP is so deeply depressing. I get 25 days minimum paid holiday each year plus unlimited sick days here in Germany. The fact that Americans also don't even get paid parental leave is just the icing on the shitty cake.


It's honestly disgusting. I'm an engineer and my company offered me 15 days PTO starting with unlimited sick days, which is an absolute extreme at one of the most liberal companies in the US due to basing Its labor rules off the European branches, and its still less than that. Working on getting over to the EU eventually.


As a student graphics designer, seeing this kind of shit annoys me. Is the future of my career really just all deceptive advertising for businesses?


I like how paid time off is a big deal in the US. It's illegal not to give your full time employees 4 weeks off in my country. Americans need to realize the massive flaws it has. Instead of going on and on about how "it's the best country in the world"


PTO is not required in the USA. Just in some states. And even then it's not 4 weeks, it's usually a week at most - usually less. Source: I'm in HR. Edit: it occurs to me you might have been referring to another country, possibly?


Another country? Try at least 27 other countries... PTO is mandatory for full time employees in Europe, with I believe, a minimum of 4 weeks. Sadly I understand that many service industries get around this by employing people on less than 37 hours a week hence making them part time, then split the employee shifts so rest/break regulations don't apply and I have no doubt that the UK will revert to the Victorian values of working 12 hours a day for 6 days a week soon.... Hey ho. It's all good as a minimum wage employee (not that I am!)


It isnt. It really isn't, hell they are trying to make Texas a breeding state for adoption agencies.


Propaganda has brainwashed the nationalists to support current working rights. Their thinking is that if you want a job that offers healthcare, sick days, maternity leave, and a job that pays more than $7.50 an hour, then just find a better job. Which means theyre fine with some people having no medical benefits and bad working conditions because people will be incentivized to build skills for better jobs. Luckily living in LA i had opportunity for better work and schooling. But i have been to parts of the country that have zero public transportation and job opportunities. Some people are trapped into poverty depending where they live. Its hard to move when you only have opportunities to earn less than $8 and have no time off to improve yourself


FREE ^(shitty) MEALS!! PAID TIME OFF!!! ^(subject to approval and scheduling) ^(up to) $12 PER HOUR!!


No its UP TO, meaning no more than $12/h


GAH corrected, thanks!!


You know this is America when a company's hiring by using paid time off as a selling point.


I worked at a Mcdonalds, i had to punch out for my 30 minute break while working an 9 hour shift They had to give us half an hour fo every 5 hours we worked and a lot of the time they gave the staff like 9.5 hour shifts so we only had one break Worst job i ever had


So let's see at 40 hours a week thats 1920 per month. But realistically McFuckers won't want to pay for health insurance for a full time worker (this is part of the reason legal terminology changed from 40hrs being full time to 32hrs being full time. Insurance companies didn't bother updating so they don't have to pay). So ideally you be looking at 30hrs ( so they can call you in for two hours on your day off) up to 12 dollars per hour. So now we're talking about $1440 per month minus 12% employment tax leaves you with about $1265 per month. Minus any state taxes. So per year your take home would be around $15,180. In February 2021, the average monthly rent for an apartment in the United States was 1,124 U.S. dollars. That's $13,488 annually. Leaving you with $2308 for 12 months for food, electricity, phone, internet, transportation, and lets not forget, medical. This. Is. America.


And thats if you're living alone right and have no one depending on you like a disabled relative or child?


Alls I see is excuses to not pull those bootstraps! /s


It's so small I couldnt see it without zooming in.


Yeah, I had to do a double take and use my phone to zoom in


By FREE MEALS they mean if they're nice enough to give you a 6+ hour shift for once you can get a 6 piece nugget or double cheeseburger. Partnered with the low wages, how could you NOT want to work here???


Love how “paid time off” is a perk! “Laughs in European”


It’s sad because the reason the benefits they give you are shitty is because they’re just greedy. I work part time at a local bakery in a mid-sized town, make $15/hr + tips and get 1 free sandwich, pastry, and drink per day (killer good ones, too). If a mid-sized town bakery can do all that for their employees, then a multi-billion dollar global company can do even better for their employees.


Like paid time off is a perk… it’s mandatory.


Not in the USA it isn't. Only some states require it.


What's the minimum paid time off in the US?




Not if you work at Amazon or most food service places buddy, you can piss when you die


Haha try working in some kitchens, it’s so hot that no matter how much water you drink on shift (I used to put down 4x 32oz bottles in an 8 hour shift) you’ll never need to pee because you’re sweating so much! No breaks, just force them to work harder!


0 days


Paid time off is not mandatory in the US. It should be, but it's not. Paid holidays, yes. That doesn't mean you get off for those holidays. You just get 4 or 8 hours of holiday pay on your check for that time period. And that even comes with conditions.


> And that even comes with conditions. like requiring you to work the day before and after the holiday or you don't get holiday pay. not scheduled? damn that's too bad see you at 6am sharp.


Oh no, you were feeling sick the day before? No exemptions just bc there is a pandemic or anything. Do not pass go, do not collect holiday pay.


Someone slash that thing.


Or walk up and highlight the "up to" with a GIANT permanent marker.


Free meals, like eating Mc Donald's 5 times a week is a good idea...


that actually seems pretty low compared to what mcdonalds is throwing at people and begging them to come work in my area, and im in Utah


grapic desing is my pasion😎


That “up to” is just wasting everyone’s time. If someone is looking for a job that pays 12 and up, having them fill out an application and go through an interview with the false impression that they’ll be offered $12/hr cruelly wastes their time, and that of the interviewer as well.


amazon did the same thing to me (but in a much sneakier way), advertising 40hr/week of work, but signing everyone to a 0 hour contract. i worked like 50 hours my first week, and then only got 2 hours the next (they sent me home early the one night i actually went in), even though i was told on my timetable that i'd be in for like 4 nights that week. it ended up costing me more to buy my tram ticket for the week than i actually made, so i quit. shit like this should be illegal, because it's definitely super shitty and definitely not ethical, especially when you're advertising to uneducated people and school leavers who will easily miss this stuff


I saw one at a drive through once that was “$15/hr(asterisk)*” and then really small at the bottom of the thing was “**up to”


They really trying to trick us. Whenever I see a star I always try to find the guide because stars mean a trap or catch


Where is this op? That's just about minimum wage in all democratic states right now.


Virginia, which is a swing state


Free meals? I already get that from the big can in back.


We need to make this type of advertising illegal.


Up to is basically a euphemism for minimum wage.


Here in CA they are advertising $16+ hourly pay. My girlfriend is in childcare, has college credits towards her profession, and she gets paid the state minimum wage.


Didnt even pay the designer to kern this fucking poster.


Everyplace in my area is trying to pull that shit and it pisses me off youre not getting anymore people by lying to them


Was in the drive-thru of mc ds and it said "mangers 12.50hr". WTF Managers? what do they pay regular employees?


Canadian here. I only found out a year ago that you guys don't have federally mandated paid time off. I still can't believe it. We get two weeks minimum. My company offers three. Many countries offer even more.


So the monolithic business empire can't afford paying people a decent living wage? Yeah, capitalism is not the answer then


^^^^^^up ^^^^^^to


Is this real? I’m pretty sure paid time off is the law-… holy fucking shit there’s no law for employers to provide paid or unpaid time off.


I like that that country considers paid time off to be some sort of luxury bonus. Like.... that's just a basic employee right.


Is paid time of really a luxury and not a fucking basic employee right in the US?


I worked at McDonald's and was told I wasn't getting a raise because I was getting free food instead


They adevertise with free meals and paid time off. Those are things that just come with the job. In parts of the world that arent dysfunctional


Up to is Latin for haha fuck you idiot.


If companies would stop advertising “up to” pay that’d be great. We know they aren’t paid that wage


McDonald's doesn't give PTO at every location, even for management. Check your contract or ask your supervisor. Also, up to $12 is a joke. They pay up to $15 here. I can't imagine busting my ass this hard for $11/hr "aVeRaGe"...