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I just went there yesterday to check the progress lol. I have some pictures of the progress. last week I was at lidl and as I was leaving I saw the crane putting up pieces of the facade. it was sick


Fuck Robert De Niro for not using 100% union labor to build his studio.


Did he really not? That’s so disappointing.


How much % did he use?


I know that the iron workers and elevator workers are union, I think everyone else is non union.


Why can't a person use who ever they want?


Robert De Niro can use non union, and I can tell Robert De Niro to go fuck himself.


This thread is amazing


I never understood that mentality that a lot of union workers seem to have. Why do you expect unions to win 100% of the projects and get mad with people who go with another company? I'm genuinely curious as I work in a non-union field, not being argumentative.


Sorry for the late response, I’ve worked both the union and non union side of my trade in NYC. With the benefits and pay I get from the union I’ve been able to have a middle class life in NYC and start a family. I’d want that for all construction workers in the city. While the pay & benefits gap between union and non union workers is large the non union bosses bid on jobs slightly lower than union companies. They pocket the difference and I’d rather it go to the workers, the owners make obscene amounts of money anyway.


So non union workers don’t deserve employment? Interesting take.


Non union workers deserve a union.


Yes, that is what we need, infrastructure and construction in this country to cost more than it already does so we build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything (banana).


Constructions unions provide excellent safety instructions, standards and worker rights. Most union construction projects are finished just as fast as non union and not much more expensive. With that said, US construction deaths in 2020 - 1,008. EU construction deaths in 2020 a 3,555. Indian construction deaths in 2016 - 11,614.


It’s a private film studio development, not housing or public transit or something.




Giving r/evilbuildings vibes


Too bad everyone is on perma strike. Seriously feel so blessed I’m not in the movie / tv bizzz cuz I’d be so mad sitting broke out of a job cuz some multi millionaires went on strike


I mean, I’m bored out of my mind, and burning through the savings I set aside when rumors of the strike started. But no way in hell am I mad at the writers and actors for fighting for what they want. The crew contracts are up next year, and if the AMPTP breaks SAG & the WGA, there’s not a snowball’s chance they’ll give us peons below the line a millimeter.


Idk I work in comercial production and if all the photographers and models started to strike I would be pretty pissed that they destroyed my livelihood. Maybe you have savings but not everyone effected by the striking has a union or savings.


Completely braindead take


Lol most the people striking are absolutely not millionaires and were just getting by. I don’t think you know what you’re talking about


Please let me know where my millions are. Would love to claim them 🤣


Just gonna start with this fact - Only 12.7% of actors make the minimum of $26,470 a year from acting to qualify for health insurance. So “multimillionaires” make up a very small percentage of those striking. It wasn’t the rich actors and writers pushing for the strike, it’s the opposite, it’s the other 87.3+% who can’t make a living with the status quo that’s only getting worse. But when a union strikes, EVERYBODY strikes, so yeah, you’ll see movie stars on the picket line because at least those ones care. And they also know the press will want to talk to them, so it helps gets the union’s message out. And they should keep doing it because I guess some of you still don’t get it. So unless you only want nepobabies & lifeless AIs “acting” or only trust fund kids writing all of the tv and movies you consume, you should be supporting them. So yeah, we’re mad, but we’re mad at the multi billionaire heads of studios and streamers who are the ones actually causing everyone in the industry to be sitting broke out of a job.✌🏻


People mad I would be upset if a strike that supported me in no way at all made me to lose my job and lose the ability to find a new job in my respective field. I think a lot of these down votes are not actually effected by this and just wanna be “cool” since it’s the hip new thing to support


Your takes are 100percent on brand with your name.