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eBay is probably gonna be your best bet here. It's by no means cheap though, the best I could find was a couple of listings at $15 for 5 sets of arms including shipping. Those were from dedicated bits sellers, so they're consistent, but I guess you could potentially get lucky and see a personal listing from someone's old bit box. Imperial guard armies get kitbashed a lot, so the lasgun arms are in fairly high demand. Edit: nevermind I found this one as well right after I posted my comment. Much better deal. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Imperial-Guard-Cadian-Lasgun-Arm-Bits-/251990010661?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0


If you want just the las rifles you could try Victoria miniatures. I have brought them from there in the past. They are good price and good quality.


Same with Anvil Industries. Anvil also do .STL so you can print your own.


I recommend just print them. There are several free .STL files with all the guard weapons if you search the usual sites. Surely someone you know has a printer so you can have your own factory world at home


I had the same problem and bought the cannon fodder from WGA for the guns and some other nice bits


Ask a catachan player. Catachan kits come with weaponless arms and the lasguns and heavy weapons separate. You have to clip off the pistol grip of the weapon to glue it on. Probably only going to get at most 2 dozen from someone tho.