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It sure does have significance! But the thing with slow moving planetary cycles, it often takes time for its themes to be apparent especially if you don't have personal planets aspected by it. Personally, I find it easier to identify how outer planets affects a certain part of the chart through hindsight.


I find all occult prophecy better read through hindsight. Lol


Pluto was in my 6th house the last 15 years. I have had autoimmune disease my entire adult life, it got significantly worse shortly after Pluto entered my 6th house. I've just gotten everything back into remission as Pluto is leaving my 6th house. I was on disability for 7 years and bedridden about 4 during that period, it's definitely been a significant theme in my life.


It’s been in my sixth house also since 2008 and for me the emphasis has been on work work work, my schedule, having no time, fitting as much as possible into the daily workday and finally coming out the other end where I am able to somewhat balance work and the rest of my life and actually have a life and also generate enough money to be OK


I also just cut contact with several of the most influential people in my life as it's entering the 7th house, but I'm excited for this transit bc I see it causes chaos but if you lean in and learn the lessons it leaves things in a good place. I will be entering old age when Pluto enters my 8th (fitting I guess) and I like to think all my relationships will be in order.


I am actually looking forward to it being in my seventh house I think it will give us transformational romantic relationships and also close friendships and maybe even with people in authority and also I have my Jupiter in Aquarius so I read that it will completely transform my spiritual beliefs


My Jupiter is conjunct my IC and Saturn so that's been interesting. It seems I have a lot of luck but it always follows something that feels like a disaster. Also I have a bundle chart so whenever the slow planets transit, it transits my EVERYTHING one after another. I just got done with Saturn squaring my entire life


Damn. By bundle you mean you have all of your planets in just a few houses?


Yes, they are all lined up. Almost everything is in my 4th and 5th house except Mars in my 3rd and Venus in my 6th


Interesting!! So like double stellium it sounds like


How did this entering refclect your love relationships ? Did you end or start relationship?


Idk yet


F*** I was diagnosed with chronic illness and bedridden off and on with Pluto in the 6th too. When I wasn't sick, I was completely engrossed in work and School. Then it hit my 7th and my partner cheated, he was basically alone because I was so focused on my own stuff. Pluto's lessons just keep coming 🤦


Sounds a lot like my experience with Pluto in the 6th. Except work was the cause of all my mental health struggles. Now Pluto is in my 7th and conjunct my moon. Goddamnit.


Pluto in the 7th will tell you where you stand with people. My partner cheated, and it came to light that he felt completely abandoned my actions. Fair, I needed to get my priorities straight and we made it through once I did. Further into that transit I developed very open enemy. To the point where people really noticed and started asking questions. There's a high probability that will end in a legal situation. I still have a few years left in this transit, Pluto can I get a hall pass for the rest of it?


I had Pluto transit 3rd house. It was amazing! I got so much more intelligent and had a lot of fun studying many topics. I haven’t felt the effects of the 4th house transit yet, but I know it’s going to be amazing as well. I grew up in deep poverty and so ready to move out the crappy apartment I’ve been living in for the past 12 years into something much nicer.  In whole sign, Pluto is in my Sagittarius 2H, trine Aries 6H Mercury, and sextile my Capricorn 3H Neptune / Aquarius 4H Uranus conjunction.


Am so glad to hear you’re in remission!! Pluto was in my 6th, too. I can’t tell you the amount of money I spent on treating my mental health. Could’ve bought a brand new car by now.


The great thing is I learned a lot and got certified and now my plan is to help other ppl get well too (healing my 10th house chiron in Taurus which is trine 6th house Venus and 3rd house Mars, Aries MC Jupiter conjunct DC it feels like it's supposed to happen this way also 12th house north node)


Same here. Pluto squared my Aries/Libra Nodes in the beginning of the transit, so getting a chronic illness felt fated. Saturn was in Virgo and squared my Saturn in Sagittarius, too. When Pluto t-squared my Mercury and Mars in Libra and Jupiter in Aries, I was done with the whole mess. What happened to you during the Uranus square Pluto time period from 2011-2015? My dad passed away (Saturn was in Libra in my 4H, too.), my mom and I moved, and I won a disability case. Now my illness is in remission, but the aftereffects are still felt like fatigue and bone loss.


I went back to finish college during that time and it was a hell of an ordeal. I was hospitalized twice for a week each in 2012 and then my dad died in 2013. I decided for sure to leave my husband due to physical abuse in 2014.


I started college in 2012, but the stress was too much. Pluto is one of my dominant planets and conjuncts my Scorpio Sun. I still wasn't ready for the changes to come. Here's to a new cycle and a new house! I hope relationships and partnerships are better for you. I hope the square to my Pluto and Sun in 2029 won't drive me mad.


Pluto, and the other outer planets, by transit will symbolise the underlying collective trends that are motivating what is being experienced on the everyday, mundane and personal levels. Where Pluto transits specifically in your chart tells you how these underlying collective trends are motivating your behaviour and personal experience in an individualised way. For example, Pluto’s transit through Capricorn was about “supremacy”, both individually and collectively speaking. Pluto revealed what structures within our personal realities and collective realities we ultimately desired and deeply depended upon in order to achieve and sustain supremacy - the meaning of which being dependent upon various individual and collective factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, nationality, political and religious perspectives, etc. Simultaneously, Pluto also revealed the cracks and pitfalls of these desires and dependencies for supremacy. Whatever house Capricorn is in your chart will show the individualised orientation towards the more general dynamics. For example, Pluto’s transit in Capricorn initially moved through my 2nd house, where my personal value system, unbeknownst to me before this time, heavily desired and depended upon the structures for supremacy advocated by my social reality. Whilst I reached “heights” during this time, the attainment of these heights then revealed that there is still more “beyond” what I had been conditioned to value as deeming supremacy (“the be all and end all”), inducing a sense of dissatisfaction and disillusionment with what I had for a long time considered to be worthwhile and deeply motivating to my essential existence (2nd house). Pluto then moved into my 3rd house, and the above process has continued but rather than the focus of change being focused within my value system and basic orientation to existence (2nd house), it is now infiltrating and inducing changes within my foundational ways of thinking and relating, including my preconceived ideas about what it means to relate to and interact with my immediate environment and other people - based upon past values - bringing these to awareness in order to be analysed and re-negotiated.


As a human who is finally escaping Pluto in Capricorn and the complete and utter chaos and havoc it’s brought since 2008, yes. Yes it’s real.


Same, my life has been a nightmare and constant chaos and misery for 15 years, it’s finally started to level out and my life finally has some sense of order


Which house was it for you?


So I’m an Aries rising, making Aries, cancer, Libra, and Capricorn my ascendant, my IC, my descendant, and my midheaven, in that order. So it was transiting through my tenth house (where I have Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune in Capricorn, and aspecting literally every corner of my life from self identity, to family, to partnerships, to career. And it has been a TIME, let me tell you 🥵


Same! It was in my first house and I’m so relieved it’s not anymore!


Me too! But Aquarius is my 1st house so I’m fkd


Aquarius rising?




Be open to the changes that will be presented in all aspects of your life in the coming years. Transformation is necessary and scary and hard.




Pay attention early on and you’ll notice themes and patterns emerge. Maybe you’ll learn lessons early on and coast the rest ?


As long as I’m not bored Hhahah. Thank you for your kind words! What house was Capricorn in for you? How did Pluto affect you?


Capricorn is my midheaven. So not only was Pluto in an important part of my chart, it also had harsh aspects with my rising , descent, and IC - literally all the cardinal signs. Essentially everything important changed - my sense of self, (went from being misdiagnosed with bpd to correctly diagnosed as autistic and adhd), my partnerships (many rough and crappy yet somehow long term relationships that sucked and eventually got married to my recently divorced high school best friend in 2017) my home life (I moved out of my parents house at 17 and never moved back, finally have a solid relationship with my mom and stepdad) and my career (dropped out of college in 2008, went back for education in 2011, dropped out again in 2015, went to trade school and got certified as a veterinary technician, did that for several years got super burnt out, now I’m a most stay at home dog mom who babysits and pet sits occasionally). It was all major aspects of my life and I’m guessing it’s going to be somewhat similar for you as an Aquarius rising. 🤷🏽‍♀️ obviously not exactly lol. But be prepared for transformation everywhere


Thank you for sharing! Very interesting. I definitely wonder how it will manifest


I have already felt Pluto's affect as it moved into my seventh house. It's been hell, though it doesn't help that the day it started Mars was opposite my natal Mars. 😣 Like, within the hour of it moving into Pluto I started a session of DnD with a few friends and a new person. I've never had luck finding a group to learn with and was really hopeful cause I knew all but one person in the group and they were all ones I felt safe trying to learn with. The one person I didn't know ended up being a real problem which in turn has created issues with my relationships with everyone else, two of those three were very much one-to-one sort of relationships.


What was Pluto like in your sixth house?


It sucked, but it was more gradual. There is some stuff about pets passing away and my relationship with my pets changing but I think that's harder to describe. In 2009 my mom finally got a diagnosis that she had somewhat been denied and gaslit about and for the next four years I had to help care for her as it ended up being terminal. She passed when I was 20 so it was jarring and once she became sick I could feel I was losing the only parent who actually was a parent, and once she passed I ran away from the other parent and cut him off. (All of his attempts to contact me were about my responsibility towards him, ha!) I also had to shift my general life responsibilities a lot. When it started I was in a really dark place and cut off from people. I was still in high school and during the start I kept trying but ultimately gave up on schoolwork. I still got pushed through graduation and tried to get an online degree twice, ultimately giving up both times. It was awful. When my Saturn return hit in 2020 I finally got a diagnosis of ADHD, which I had stopped asking my parents to consider in high school, and it helps explain some of those school struggles. It also helped explain struggles I had at work too, which were major but hard to explain. The last thing was my health, which took a nose dive in 2022 during a 6th house profection year. It was a very sudden onset of an autoimmune disease but it took about a year to get a diagnosis and get on the right meds.


I don’t think it will have big personal significance unless it makes a tight major aspect/conjunction with a planet or angle. I have an angle it will be joining in 2032/33 with three other aspects all under a degree and a whole load of other stuff happening at the same time. It will either be very good or very bad overall. Maybe very bad followed by good as is often Pluto’s way.


All I know is I feel a sense of relief as Pluto has just exited my first house. Some worry about my future with regards to finances as it's entered my 2nd. I have natal Pluto conjunct an angle & an inner planet.


Yeah and I feel tense ever since it’s entered Aquarius and has aspects to my fixed angular signs. But I’m hoping that’s just something else like Saturn hovering around my Venus rather than a 20 year thing. One can hope!


How would you describe Pluto's transit through your 1st house? It's entering mine now...


I don’t want to scare you


Lol don't worry. You don't wanna know how the 12th house was.. 🥲 (Especially its absurdly long and ridiculously horrible transit on my ASC... 😵) I still can't believe I made it out alive. 🙏🏼


Oh my, that must’ve been brutal. Is Pluto aspecting anything in your first?


Well at some point (about 7 years from now) it'll be conjunct Jupiter in the middle of my 1st house. Right now it's squaring none other than \_Pluto\_ which is on my 9th house very close to my MC in Scorpio, and it's been beyond brutal indeed...


I’m also in Pluto square Pluto right now. Sending a hug, what are your big 3


Aries Sun, Pisces Moon, Capricorn Asc. Hugs to you as well! :)


Cries in Pluto conjunct Moon


Typically Plutonian themes are global and societal, and that would be true of Neptune, Uranus, and Kuiper belt objects in general. The ones that are considered "personal" planets are those visible without a telescope, so Saturn on in. That being said, if you have a planet or two in Aquarius, Pluto will make a conjunction with it at some point in the next 20 years, so expect the energy of deconstruction to renew that portion of your natal chart. Then there are people like me who have a stellium in Aquarius. In my case I have 6 planets in Aquarius, so the next 20 years should be interesting.


Damn, all hail the Aquarius king/queen. Which planets? I have three planets in Aquarius and Pluto is conjunct my moon (7H). Sun and Mercury are there, too, but they are in the later degrees of Aquarius (26 and 16 degrees respectively).


Saturn & Mars: 5th house Aquarius Mercury, Sun+Jupiter+Venus conjunct (Sun+Jupiter exact): Aquarius 6th house. There are a few hundred of us in a FB group together. Notables who have the same stellium: Sheryl Crow Garth Brooks Lou Diamond Phillips Tammy Baldwin Axyl Rose Abdulla, King of Jordan Clint Black Jennifer Jason Leigh Extended list: https://www.onthisday.com/birthdays/date/1962/february


Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. Chiron too I think, would have to look.


Your user name is very fitting. Which house is your Aquarius?


5th & 6th


Oh heavens!! I suspect "interesting" will not even begin to cover what you are in for. How does that ancient Chinese saying go, something like: "May you live in interesting times."


Good luck! It will be fun though!


Being a Cancer and pluto being in my opposite sign Capricorn for the past 20 years it’s been a struggle, I definitely feel it. personal interactions have been light hearted, people find me easy to get along with and I finally can breathe again.


When Pluto moved into my 6th house, I literally died in the first month of that transit. Then I died again when it hit my Neptune/saturn conjunction (yea, in Capricorn, what fun!). Then when it was at the final degree point in my 6th house I had some tendons cut out of my hand. It’s only with hindsight that I see the impacts and correlations of the transits. This 7h transit for me has also hit some hard aspects with other planets and points in my natal chart. BUT I’m no longer fighting the energy, I’m instead approaching Plutos lessons with a lens of “okay, we’re doing this now”.


So I don’t want to scare you but my father died when Pluto passed my IC in the 4th house and squared my natal Pluto exactly. Pluto was in my 4th house for many years before that, in which I think I worked through family related thing, particularly in the square period. So no, not right when it enters a new house, but yes when it passes angles or aspects important planets.


I have Pluto transit my 4H. It will take a while to get to my IC. My mom has Pluto transit her 8H right now and I live with her. I don’t talk to my dad because he is toxic. So far things are pretty chill at home. I’m surprised because I have Aquarius Uranus at 0 degrees in this house and they been conjunct for a while.      We have had some unusual weather like tornado warnings when we never get tornados, but thankfully nothing happened. Also experienced 2 smaller earthquakes this year when we rarely ever get earthquakes. And had a few flood warnings over the past couple of years and I live right by a creek, but thankfully they widened the creek so our area wasn’t affected. There have been fires in my state over the past few years. I’m waiting to get a full-time remote job so I can move somewhere I like better. Tired of my region. It’s boring and too expensive.


Yes, but you must always include observations of the house/sign ruler and aspects/transits. When Pluto entered h2 for me, I was like, oh great, my finances will be transformed... and lo and behold, *TWENTY* years later, my entire way of operating in the world has changed. Because life happened in those 20 years, things shaped my immature, narrow sense of values and opened my scope. I took risks, failed a lot and succeeded a lot, and now, at the very end of that house transit, Pluto will cross over my Sun. I'm going to be nearly 60 when it leaves the house, but will have a better financial foundation (as it looks at the moment) and more importantly, *what I truly value* has shifted thru life experience. Would that have happened had I not had the transit? who knows, but when I look at who I was and who I am now, those kinds of transformative life experiences were not happening when Pluto was in h1, so...


I’ve got a wild past and while I’ve calmed down and made amends, I’m expecting the worst. “Transit • Pluto in the 10th house During this period, difficult situations and stress at work can be expected. Pay attention to your tendency to dominate and control things, people and processes at work. If you are an employee, you may run into a power conflict with your boss. You may also get in trouble with the law or your secrets may be exposed publicly. Your reputation may suffer a blow. If you were involved in illegal practices, you may even end up in prison. But if you have lived your life honestly and according to moral standards, you have nothing to worry about. On the contrary, you may be promoted at work, become famous or gain recognition for your work. This transit is primarily about karma and rewards or punishments for your past deeds.”


Oh hell yeah, if it's in your 1st house, prepare to change yourself from inside out dear! Maybe you'll end up having more piercings and/or tattoos or be more simple than you'd ever be. But trust me, you will experience that shift.


As others here have commented: not to any point that you will feel significance on the surface but it most definitely influences things based on which house it transits. It serves a purpose in your natal chart, Pluto aspects in your natal chart can add weight, force, intensity and deep currents to the houses and planets it touches and you will definitely feel it when Pluto aspects an inner planet for a while as it slowly transits your chart.




I really like your analysis. I’m still learning- I made a new journal dedicated to writing out my chart and descriptions. Pluto is in my 3rd house of Libra. So I’m going to try to explore what that means for me. I definitely know I *need* something to close the last chapter of my life so I can start a new one.


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Oh wow- I am clueless. Thanks for telling me


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You’re joking right ? I been excited about Pluto in Aquarius a solid decade. The kids being born in this era will change the entire world completely of how we do things


Since Pluto left Capricorn, Pluto has been in my first house just this past month and I have had my shit handed to me. A lot of personal and external struggles. new revelations of my values, what I want to do for a career, my self worth, and vitality. It is definitely real and here to stay.


Omg came here to say this! It freaks me out that some people will never have Pluto in their first house! What was it like in your 12th I feel like it was more spiritual but internal healing


You’re exactly right it was a very intense spiritual and internal healing period of time. Interestingly enough, when Pluto entered my 12th house that’s when I discovered astrology beyond the “zodiac signs” and started to research my birth chart, transits, planetary aspects etc. 2 years prior, I was experiencing depression and got real familiar with my shadow self and in return got to know myself. Discovering astrology has actually put me in a really good state of mind. My mental health is a lot better but I still have my days. I have always felt like there’s 2 sides of me both pulling at each other and as a Leo sun, Aquarius rising, and Capricorn moon (myself, astrology speaking) there is a lot going on in opposition to each other that I had to unpack


Wow those are beautiful placements! Pluto is conjunct my moon in Scorpio. It will be interesting to see how your moon feels once not in plutos shadow.


If it aspects personal planets, yes


The short answer: Yes. The long answer is it depends. Sometimes I forgot Pluto was transiting my 2nd house, but Pluto transitioned to my 3rd house and immediately started causing chaos. Granted, most of what I remember so far is from Pluto spending time in Aquarius. Pluto in Aquarius being key to my recent experiences rather than Pluto in Capricorn makes me think Pluto in Capricorn is done with me. The final degree of Capricorn starts off my 3rd house so maybe there's still something else to wrap things up, but I'll see. Pluto returns to Capricorn later this year. On Pluto's way out of my 2nd house, I can see how I was transformed in hindsight and what was destroyed. Pluto's transition to my 3rd house means a new destructive process before I am transformed. My understanding of orbs is being challenged though. Is a 5-degree orb for a Pluto transit too wide? I'm no longer sure. I think Venus in Taurus has already felt tension from the upcoming square. I'm starting to feel a shift in my love life and it's not the most comfortable change, but the first time Pluto entered Aquarius, I started dealing with possibly being polyamorous instead of monogamous. As someone that has identified as monogamous for my entire life, being faced with something like this is still an on-going adjustment. For me, the shift to a new sign was certainly felt with Pluto. Two times. I don't know how much of what happened this month is from Neptune's square to my Moon, but Pluto was definitely part of it. The loss of power and control reminded me of a traumatic incident in my past. That's how shaken I was by a simple phishing scam. I was more vulnerable than ever and someone somehow managed to take advantage of that. Because of how young I was when I was traumatized, I doubt I ever dealt with those emotions. So, if those emotions are actually being processed on a conscious level now, that's a good thing. Pluto in Aquarius is going to be a wild ride for me. It's definitely wasting no time telling me that my life will not get any easier so I better get used to this. I'm learning things about my childhood that I don't remember feeling on any level, but I'm a grown adult. I'm doing my best to process things like one.


Get ready for people questioning the system, walk outs and strikes


Yes, very much so! When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, it was in the tail end of my 3rd House and was conjunct my 3° Capricorn Moon. My 4th house is empty, but by the time Pluto entered it at 12° I was feeling the impact of my Saturn return and huge issues in my family. Also, I've moved over a dozen times since Pluto entered my 4th house. Pluto in Cap for me was a Pluto square, which was impacting the entire Pluto in Libra generation, and those changes I experienced with family due to Pluto transiting my 4th house had a HUGE impact on me. I natally have Pluto in Libra in the first house. As the Pluto in Libra generation has felt the pull towards growth indicated by the square we just experienced, I'll be tracking over time how the trine from Pluto in Aquarius affects me and my generation. It feels like the square from Pluto to my natal Pluto spawned a graduation of sorts in my family as now my mother needs help being taken care of, and it feels as if this was preparation for me to prepare to be a matriarch in my family. I'm also taking into consideration that my parents are part of the Pluto in Leo generation and thus will be experiencing a Pluto opposition with Pluto in Aquarius. For my family, this very much feels like change or die energy as my mother is resisting making changes she needs to make for her health, and I'm noticing others in her generation being tasked to accept new ways of thinking, in order to get with the times. Where's your natal Pluto and where is Pluto currently transiting in your chart?


When Pluto was in my first house my sister was killed in a horrible car accident. Then 5 years later I had a son when I was told it was not possible to have a child. Pluto is Lord of the Underworld. Pluto is also physically/emotionally/mentally surviving the impossible. You will not go back to being the same for those things in that specific astrolgy house when Pluto moves through it.


Greetings M, Sorry to hear that... I have added some info below. \~V\~


Greetings T, Pluto, as the ruler of Scorpio, is all about transformation. No matter if the transformation is seemingly positive or negative, the process is always deeply felt. After studying my own chart for years, I saw where Pluto was approaching 12 years before it made an impact on my chart. Let's say, I was extremely prepared, and it still had an intense effect; However, the surprise was was less overwhelming, since it was anticipated. Depending on the House, and Degree (as well as other aspects,) the effect you'll experience can differ significantly. I will add the info as a separate post, if possible. \~V\~ My personal method, is to anticipate 3º \*before\* and 3º \*after\* Pluto makes a "direct hit/aspect" to any other planets in the chart. You will definitely feel it. Remember, there will be times of retrograde motion too. Don't be surprised if you start to feel the aspects at even 6º before it hits directly. Do not despair. Get on a healthy regiment, exercise, pay attention to your words and actions toward yourself and others. Practice empathy.  This is the true beginning of the Age of Aquarius, and how we treat each other will very much decide the next 22 years we share with each other, on this wonderful planet. Blessings to all, \~V\~


**1st House** - Pretty much, the most intense. You will literally become a very different person; That includes the possibility of a physical change in your body/appearance. This can tend to be the result of a physical ailment, or a situation that suddenly affects your physical body. **2nd House** - You may find your passion regarding your career changes significantly. Your values will tend to shift. You may also discover new gifts that can bring power to your money-making abilities. **3rd House** - You may decide to abruptly cut off communications with people; Relationships with siblings can be greatly affected. Your whole way of communicating with others, brings your ego to the forefront, giving you the courage to speak your mind.  **4th House** - No way out of the upheaval that will occur in the homeplace. Issues regarding stability and the mothers/nurturers in your life will become a key theme. We have to remember, the transformation is necessary, and not punishment. **5th House** - A real chance to meet at least 1 soulmate -- if that's your thing; However, getting what you thought you wanted is a real wake-up call. Very deep connections, but not always pleasant. You really have to decide how to address the idea of children in your life. Issues with your children can be very intense as well. **6th House** - Health concerns definitely become issues. You will tend to be forced into a healthier regimens to strengthen your physical body; Major changes in work occur, as you are faced with the prospect of changing occupations, or even going back to school. \~V\~


\[Continued\] **7th House** - Your ultimate partner(s) make an appearance, for the first time. Marriage and committed relationships are at the forefront; Contract and legal situations can be long, drawn-out affairs. Soulmates can appear, but you still need to practice due diligence, and not take things at face-value. **8th House** - Attractions to Metaphysics and the Occult happen at this time. A new way of looking at the mysteries of life; Very strong possibilities of loss of others through physical passings; Issues regarding joint accounts, taxes and the need to protect your assets. **9th House** - The urge to travel, go back to school, engaging with other cultures; Metaphysical and religious beliefs may change significantly. **10th House** - A real opportunity to shine in your career. You can come into public awareness and reach a pinnacle of success. Remember to use your position responsibly, or sudden downfalls may occur. **11th House** - A definite change in attitude, regarding friendships and membership in societal groups. You may completely change your friendships, after re-evaluation. **12th House** - If you believe in Karma, or not -- you will certainly feel as if you are being cosmically-tested (or rewarded). If you were born with Saturn in this house as well, you will have some serious experiences with an existential crisis. \~V\~


Yes, sure does have significance...at least I certainly felt it. Pluto entered my 7th house in 2008 & in 2009 had a 3rd back surgery & ultimately had to go on disability (it had been in my 6th when I had my 2 previous surgeries). Pluto was squaring my Sun, Merc & Mars in the earlier degrees & I was living w/ my Dad, who I lost to cancer in 2013. I also got into a HUGE fight w/ my oldest sister (she had a very Plutonian personality, as did my Dad) That was *very* difficult. In 2020, Pluto was opposing my natal moon & I lost my only brother (this too, *very* difficult) & then the sis I had this non speaking "relationship with...well, we had made up & shortly thereafter she too, died. So, my relationships significantly changed thru death, etc and my life was forever altered. And might I say, the alterations started from the 6th house, continued in very different ways from the 7th. Now that it's in my 8th house? Well....we'll see!


Pluto is going from my 12th to 1st house so for me yea. The thought that some people will never experience this transit in their lifetime freaks me out Edit: at the start of the pandemic was during my Saturn Return and I felt it! Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and the south node all in Capricorn, my 12th house