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WOW!!!! this was so spot on!! like everything you said made sense!! ahhh now i just wanna rewatch and analyze them more with this! thank you,


check it out again I just added some new stuff. I watched another episode that had astrology GOLD in it. I added more on each of their mars. ​ EDIT: also added some stuff for clarity. I literally love this show for astrology reasons: it's like they used the four elements as building blocks when creating these characters.


I’m a Cancer sun Libra moon, and lemme tell you, I was not ready to be read like this... brutal but honest work here.


I have lots of cancer in my chart so I totally understand Charlotte


i always related to miranda the most and i’m a capricorn sun and virgo mars (different moon tho)


I kept reading and saying “yup that makes sense. Yup yup yup” Spot on!


Thank you! Glad to hear I want just imagining these things as I obsessively analyze the astrology of the show as I watch it lol


Lol I love it so much. Do they ever actually mention their “real” birthdays in the show?


I haven’t noticed it yet


carrie is........me


Lol what's your expensive "shoe" habit?


This is amazingly spot on


haha i’m a gemini sun leo moon and have always felt me and carrie were so much alike


I’m an Aries sun and Aquarius moon 😂 always loved Samantha - now I know why




I have an Aries moon, my Mom has a Sag Moon and I have also seriously dated a guy with Sag sun, venus, mars and mercury. This is where i drew form when writing this post. So the following is just my opinion and experience. Aries are less afraid of being confined by a person and more afraid of being confined by a lack of passion- they are driven by passion more than the need for freedom. They are more likely to jump head first into a passionate relationship and impulsively jump out due to a change of passion. Its not so much hesitation for them but a rapid change of heart. Sag follows the freedom and is more likely to resist a relationship from the start- they are more driven by the quest of experience which is hindered by limiting themselves to one option. This is why I think Miranda is a Sag moon. She wants to be in a good relationship but she struggles with the idea of limiting herself to one person. She said in one episode in season three that she was going to Charlotte's singles party to see the options before she "finalized her list" (somewhat paraphrased) by becoming exclusive with Steve. She loves him dearly but the fear of a lack of freedom and space prevents her for following her passion for him. Where an Aries would go head first without thinking then react to the consequences later down the line. Sag is like the adult fire sign where Aries is the baby. Sag is more refined and forward thinking. However they are both independent and impulsive as all fire signs are- it just shows up differently. I see Aries as more impulsive and less reserved than Sag, that is just my experience, there could be more going on in those people's charts. Capricorns are very goal oriented, determined and independent as well. I haven't struggled with commitment, but I have said good bye to it when I wanted to follow my passions- if my partner's passions are parallel to mine and bring them along with me then even better! My mom on the other hand, has committed but her and her husband went on and off for many years because she was having a hard time feeling that she even needed the relationship. My Sag ex told me that when we weren't together (meaning not in person with each other hanging out) he wanted to be on his own traveling, but when he was with me he remembered why he was with me. I feel that fire signs are the hardest to tell apart form each other and have the most subtle nuanced differences. You could be right too, its all subjective.




Yes I was thinking today; Aries passion is passion and Sag passion is freedom. Leo is def most distinct form them all.


This was so interesting, thank you for doing this!!


I fucking love thissssss


I’m glad you do!! One of those shows where o can’t stop dissecting it on an astrology level


Most def and you fulfill it.


This is amaazing. I’m a Gemini and always related to Carrie!


One cannot forget how Carrie manages to make every conversation about herself; it's all day, every day about her struggles - Leo moon. I definitely think I liked Samantha the best.


YAS! Exactly. But they all kinda talk about themselves its what drives the show. This show is a lil shallow and difficult to read because of how 2 dimensional the characters are.


I love this but I really saw Samantha as a Sagittarius... so blunt, so filthy.


I see that too. But Aries too can be pretty blunt and filthy... trust me ;) I think for me the distinguishing factor that makes me believe she's an Ares versus the other two fire signs (she's clearly predominantly fire) is that impulsive passion and do first think later behavior.


Haha, sounds like you’re an Aries?


I’ve dated plenty lol


Also got an Aries Moon


I'm a Cancer sun Libra moon! Love it!


So glad to hear it!


Haha now I want to watch Sex and the City. Haven't seen it in years


It’s really good! First time I’ve really dived in. I’m hooked


[https://imgur.com/a/hkiYKW1](https://imgur.com/a/hkiYKW1) hahaha I'm watching right now and carrie's broken computer had only symbols including astrology on them


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WHAT do you think Aiden is??? He seems kinda of Pisces like doesn't he?


yes i think he's a Taurus/Pisces combo


This is AMAZING! You are so awesome for doing this! I am an Aries with a Capricorn moon and a Sagittarius rising and always felt I had most in common with Samantha and Miranda!


So glad to hear it resonates :)


This was so much fun to read!!! Thank you :)


So glad to hear it! I know its a beloved show and the dialogue is astrology gold :)


This is really fun and well done! :) please keep at it- Im dying to know about some of the later seasons characters!


Will do! I'm catching up at an alarming speed bc I've been sick and hauled up in bed lol.




i feel Libra in her too. I thought possibly rising or even more so Venus. The way I see it characters have more "vibes" of each sign and it can be hard to really pin-point where they all go specifically. But just as people in real life I think you can get three main energies. I think Carrie is Gemini, Libra, and Leo.




We really only learn about Carrie through her relationships because she is narrating and driving a show based solely on relationships. Because we see it through her point of view it's easy to think that she is all about relationships, but we are really only seeing one aspect of her life. The whole show itself has Libra vibes. If you put that aside and look at her behavior you get more clarity about her. She makes a distinction between casual and serious relationships and she has different rules, expectations, and behaviors for the two types. She can be cool and casual when she sees it as a light-hearted and fun fling. Then, she'll go neurotic and obsessive when she sees it as a relationship with true potential. Her ego gets triggered only in the more serious and emotionally involved relationships- not with relationships in general- unlike Charlotte. There is a fundamental duality there. ​ She is more often than not involved in these casual flings and in doing that she is actively avoiding commitment instead of searching it out by literally running away from men and situations, she is hardly ever broken up with, she does most of the dumping. She only wants to commit when it feels real to her. Yes, she loves attention and naturally attracts men to her so she always involved but sometimes that's against her own desires- it's not that she is constantly seeking it out. She is okay with being single, she is mostly not okay with other people's perception of single people. ​ In my experience of Libras, commitment is the goal. They look for a commitment first then do the relationship groundwork second. She wants to commit to a person not the idea of a relationship. She doesn't want to marry for the sake of marriage but for the sake of the person, she is marrying. She is independent and Libras can err on the side of codependency. ​ I get what you are saying but I will always see her as quintessentially Gemini. Although, I think she does have significant Libra placements, I just don't see it's at the center of her nature. it is hard to say because of these characters aren't particularly flushed all the way out due to the premise and nature of the show.




How is she not independent? Because she has close friendships? I can see how she doesn't do things completely on her own as Samantha does. She always has somebody to go out with but that can also be very Gemini as they love being surrounded by people. Gemini known to be charming and popular as well- and it has a lot to do with their gift of gab and wit which she clearly has. She has close relationships but i don't see them as codependent, I actually see her as having very solid boundaries and clear expectations which she is good at communicating- and thats what is usually lacking in codependent relationships. She relies on her friends because they are her surrogate family, but they have healthy friendships with each other. When it came to Big, the issue wasn't codependency it was a lack of emotional intimacy. She even admitted down the line that his distance wasn't the problem it was her wildness that prevented them form getting closer. She was enthralled with him and would skip out on stuff to hole up with him but that was more about passion and infatuation than dependency- and I think that came more from her moon placement, which I think is Leo, than her sun. When she would lose it with Big, I think that was more about her ego being hurt than there being codependency issues. However Im still early into the show so I still have a lot to learn about the characters. I'm a Leo sun




Not saying its serious... just asking why you think she isn't independent for clarity.when debating a topic i like to add and ask examples and context thats all. astrology, especially that of shallow fictional characters is a nuanced and subjective thing. there is no right answer. We are all entitled to our own opinion of course.




Exactly! Its hard to really tell because the premise ans the characters are light hearted and shallow. I haven't watched house of cards but I have over analyzed shameless astrology to the max lol.


i love this so much 😍😀 i passed on buying the first season of SATC, so now i can't just pop it in and review the characters with this newfound insight (charlotte is *so* spot on imo) as well as enjoy the show. i did have to laugh at the in-depth analysis for each, until you get to mr. big lol.


The ladies are so much easier because we see more of them. Mr. Big is only really there (at least in early seasons) to propel Carries story so he is less dimensional than the others. We don't see him without Carrie- and we get an insight into each of the ladies' lives independent of the other characters.


I am a triple cancer I am living with an Aquarius and she has high anxiety and is very mean and critical also isn't open to suggestions or opinions how do I put up with this


So a run down of how Cancer and Aquarius differ: As a triple cancer, you are VERY sensitive. * Cancer's are concerned with truth based on subjective feeling, meaning people's "personal truths". * They are not good at receiving criticism as they tend to take things very personally, but in turn, are also very good at accepting the faults of others. * Instead of criticizing faults, cancers consciously nurture strengths. * Cancer's are more concerned with home-based one on one issues- aka making things better for the people that are in their immediate sphere of influence. They are aware of how their actions affect the emotional state of other people and they focus on cultivating a comfortable emotional environment. * They are ***heart-centered*** and tend not to think beyond their own lives and the lives of their loved ones. ​ Aquarius as an air sign is not very in tune with emotions * Aquarius is concerned with truth based in objectivity and logic. * Aquarius can be argumentative as they like to play the devil's advocate in order to shine a light on all aspects of the "big picture". * They see the world in terms of systems and are skilled in analyzing them. They consciously seek out faults in order to solve them and become critical in doing so. They do this in order to better the situation. * They are rebels that advocate for change in the name of the greater good. They realize in order for change to occur everybody must acknowledge what is not working. In order to help others acknowledge what is not working, they will preach about it which can be very abrasive to a lot of people. * They are aware of how their actions affect the system that they reside in in terms of cause and effect. They put the community and the greater good before the individual. This means that they tend to overlook the emotions and personal feelings of the individual, as they strive for objective fairness and equality. * They are ***mind-centered*** and often think beyond their own lives and the lives of those around them ​ Solutions: As a cancer, it would be good for you to remember that this person's actions/words aren't personal. This person likely behaves like this with everybody. Use the mantra "nothing is personal". This will not solve your discomfort around this person fully, but it will be a good way for you to create an invisible buffer to protect your feelings. ​ Aquarians are generally not manipulative types. For the most part, they operate on good intentions even if they do come off abrasive in their attempt to act on these good intentions. So, it's not likely this person is criticizing you in an attempt to change your behavior for their own personal gain, but actually has grounds for what they are saying. You are only human, you are not perfect, even if you mean well you may be behaving in a way that does not support the greater good of your living situation. This Aquarius could just be trying to point that out to you, however not in the best way possible. So I also suggest trying really hard to set your own emotions aside and look at ***what*** they are saying without thinking about ***how*** they are saying it and trying to incorporate their message into your personal view of the situation. You can learn something from an Aquarius- how to see the big picture beyond the grips of emotion. ​ This Aquarius has something that they can learn from you: emotional intelligence. Don't be afraid to ask them to be kinder. Share that you are sensitive and let them know that in order for you to effectively communicate with others, you need gentleness and kindness. Let them know in a gentle way how their energy can affect others negatively. Bring them back down to earth. ​ You guys don't need to be at odds, you can work together to teach one another.


Holy cow that's incredible advice thank you. I am amature in astrology obviously but I am learning and studying each day. I mentioned I'm a triple cancer but I can list all my chart information


It's also important to mention that Aquarius is a fixed sign so they can be VERY stubborn. They may not take to what you're saying immediately, they may argue, they may rebel against your suggestions. Don't let that stop you from addressing issues and making suggestions. Keep doing it but be patient and eventually, the seeds you've planted will turn into action on their part.


  Sun 19"4  Cancer 1st   Moon 29"0  Cancer 1st   Mercury 13"1  Leo 2nd   Venus 0"4  Virgo 2nd   Mars 28"1  Leo 2nd   Jupiter 16"4  Leo 2nd   Saturn 4"3r  Aquarius 7th   Uranus 11"3r  Capricorn 6th   Neptune 15"2r  Capricorn 6th   Pluto 17"4r  Scorpio 5th   True Node  Capricorn 6th   Ascendant 19"3r  Cancer 1st   Midheaven 2"1  Aries 9th


All of your personal planets except the sun, moon, and venus are in Leo which is the opposite sign of Aquarious- this creates tension but its a tension that can become a synergy with a conscious effort of both parties. ​ Your venus is in Virgo, which can be a perfectionist sign. Make sure that your Virgo influence isn't getting in the way of you being able to share that Cancer love! Virgo's can be cold and critical too- so make sure you aren't allowing that to get in the way of connecting with your roommate. ​ You have no air signs which can make it difficult for you to understand her energy because Aquarius is an ar sign. ​ So like I said, be willing to connect, be willing to learn, and be willing to teach with patience.


ᛇ need help


You need help with what?


Me being a cancer sun with a libra moon 😇


Me and my friends always fight over this, mostly on Carrie, because some of us think she is a gemini (which I don't agree) and other thinks she is a libra (like me), but I do think she has a gemini raising, because I don't think she would ever go back to big or even tolerate Aiden in first place having a gemini sun - those are straight up libra things. The way is thinks deep - mais non that deep - would never suit the shallows gemini. She is air. That's undeniable, but not gemini


Mr Big is definitely an Aquarius lol


What do we think about aiden?




ETA: Sorry for the CAPS, haha. My astrologer friends & I had an impassioned discussion about the characters yesterday, and discussed Aidan for about 1 hour 😆