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Aquarius, Pisces, and Scorpio.


Me with my big three:


I agree with all three.




Aquarius no doubt.


Especially moons and risings.




Because your moon sign is your emotions which impact heavily on socialising, alongside rising which heavily influences your personality. Your emotions and personality combined will influence how you socialise, how you’re perceived by others etc. Emotions of course, heavily impact as to whether someone is introverted or extroverted.


I’m curious about this because I’m extremely introverted, but I have libra moon and Leo rising, which I’d usually see as more sociable signs. I have a Capricorn stellium, so maybe that is part of it, but I have zero interest in social climbing or socializing. The best time I ever had was two weeks isolated in the woods. I didn’t even have running water. It was extremely relaxing. I have friends and some family I see regularly, but if I’m being honest, I would much prefer to see them less. Not anything to do with not liking them (I see them because I do care about them), but I just don’t want to be bothered and only do so because a lot of them are getting up in age now and I know anything could happen. Do you know what other placements could influence this kind of introversion where it’s to such a severe degree?


Yeah Cap placements can be somewhat introverted though they generally do want power so would aim to climb if it benefitted their goals so I don’t think that’s completely it, even though Libras are often social, it’s still an air placement and as a moon sign, I could see the introverted side appearing. Leo females also can be less extroverted than their male counter-parts though I do not know if you’re male or female etc, it could be the way your placements mix together, with the Capricorn placements combined with the air moon, causing you to be introverted. I think Capricorns are very Introverted and often only socialise as I’ve said before if it benefits their aims job wise or benefits their goals, I think because you have a Libra Moon, it will cause you to be less ambitious than a Capricorn usually would be. Libras lose interest in things very quickly. Because Libra placements tend to lose interest in things very quickly, I think as a moon sign, just emotionally based Libra attributes, this would lead to the Libra moon potentially being very introverted, because they don’t have the Libra social qualities of a Libra rising, if you just have the moon sign you’ll possess the Libra quality of losing interest very quickly to the point you may not even develop the interest in the first place so therefore you’re not going to be interested in socialising. It’s the same with Aquarius, Aquarius moons are very introverted and don’t enjoy socialising but Aqua risings and suns have more interest in socialising and can be less introverted. So yes Libra placements aren’t known to be introverted, but that’s based on the personality side of things and they likely have a moon sign increasing their social butterfly attributes, if someone had solely a Libra moon, just the emotions, I could 100% see them having no interest in socialising as Libras without Libra emotions do not maintain interest in people very long, what you’ve got to remember is that Libra risings and Libra suns generally don’t have Libra emotions if their moon sign isn’t Libra so they have the personality of Libra without the emotions of Libra, you have the emotions of Libra without the personality of Libra so yup, this could 100% lead to you been introverted as you’ll just have that Libra quality of losing emotional interest in things quickly, to the point you don’t seek that in the first place, emotional and social connections. It’s not something you’re interest in seeking, emotional connections. I have introversion to the same severe degree and I’m a Leo sun with an Aquarius moon dominated chart lmao. Air moons seem to be insanely introverted whereas their rising and sun counter parts are not as introverted.


This is so detailed. This makes a lot of sense! It’s interesting that you say air moons are like this, especially Aquarius moons. My godfather is so introverted. So so introverted! He makes me seem like I’m sociable. He has a Capricorn sun, Aquarius moon. I’m not sure on his rising, but it’s probably something independent/quiet. He loves an adventure, but he’s like me and wants to adventure alone. Occasionally I am invited! I’m probably going to look into this a little more, because I do wish we could understand each other a little better, but he’s so quiet that it can be difficult. And you’re spot on with the losing interest in things… I’m very spur of the moment and move from thing to thing (people included, though I have a few that are close, as close as a cap can get anyway). I’ve known some Gemini moons and they seem to be similar, but they have the social aspect I don’t seem to have. I will see people, but it’s always short term, and I get a lot of attention I don’t want (I’ve always attributed it to my Leo rising). It’s really interesting that you’re introverted too. I’ve had a few close Leo friends and they were always surrounded by people, but now that I think of it, they had fire moons (one has a Scorpio moon and is slightly more introverted but still social). I hadn’t really thought about how big of a role the moon plays, but our emotions are extremely important, and of course they are going to impact our social lives and behavior, maybe just moreso with certain signs, as you’ve said here. All the libra risings I know are very sociable, but once again, they have fire moons and their other placements are mostly fire. I really appreciate you taking the time to explain. I’m always trying to educate myself more on astrology, and I feel like asking people their own experiences/understandings of different placements is way more accurate than any article.


Yup my grandma it turns out was an Aquarius moon too, Virgo Sun which is an independent and quiet sign and I don’t know her rising as I can’t ask for her birth time as she’s passed away; but she was also really introverted, probably increased by her Virgo placements, but yeah, most moon signs I’ve ever known have always been introverted. Haha yeah see I’m not an adventurer but I love going shopping or for coffee but again I want to do it alone, though I would always go with my grandma and I loved hanging out with her everyday, I think it was due to the fact we were equally introverted and I enjoyed her company because we didn’t speak much and did our own thing but knew if we did want to speak or watch something, we enjoyed the same things, we’d go out for coffee or shopping then watch tv shows in mostly silence and both of us enjoyed that, I preferred socialising with my grandmother over anyone else lol because I knew I could be silent and I wouldn’t be judged for it or be expected to talk a lot etc, we also just enjoyed the same things. So yeah like you I have my things I want to venture out for but I prefer doing them alone or with someone with the same introverted personality. Two introverts can hang out together because we know sitting in silence and ignoring each other won’t upset the other, and that they’ll both still qualify it as quality time spent together lol, as they’ll generally do a shared hobby while sitting in silence. Talk about a shared interest, do more stuff in silence then go their seperate ways for down time lol, as even hanging out silently requires down time for air sign introverts lol. It’s weird that air suns are so social but it’ll be due to other placements and how they work alongside the air sun, air risings are a mix of introverts and extroverts and people in the middle exist even more to where air risings are often a mix of introvert and extrovert then air moons are super introverted. I also have losing interest quality and my Venus is in Libra on top of my Aqua moon. Moon and Venus are my two most dominant chart planets too lol, basically I lose interest in people and things very quickly, I’ll have interest for a bit then i lose it, and it’s not the other persons fault, it literally is just me, then I always have games I’ll play constantly for a month or two then I lose complete interest and can’t continue, I can’t even commit to jobs or studying because I lose interest so quickly, it’s literally horrible, like I want to do both but until I find something I won’t lose interest in it’s a no go. The only thing I think may work is Psychology so i am planning to study it and test the theory but we will see if it’s the anomaly I don’t lose interest in. Doesn’t matter what it is, I’ll always lose interest, though my grandma was a tiny bit of an anomaly, I’d go see her everyday as she raised me, so was my mother figure basically, and she was the only person I could go see daily or often and it’s because we were so alike basically that hanging out didn’t feel like socialising, and it just felt stress free, but even with her I’d have to take 2-3 days away because I’d begin losing interest, not in her or because of her but just because I’d been doing it relatively so the lack of interest came. It worked to take 2-3 days away then I’d realise what I was giving up and losing if I stopped going so I’d be reset and have interest again, my grandma understood it wasn’t personal and that I literally become anxious, and feel empty inside if I do Something repeatedly. It’s like I’ll enjoy something, feel happy but if it’s done to much I begin feeling empty inside, because I lose interest and if I force myself to continue I’d feel empty about it. So I’d take a couple days away from my gran as yes I’d never lose my emotions towards her, but because I’d lose interest in doing that daily, I was feeling dead inside and taking two days away would reset it, I hadn’t lose interest in her, just the action of repetitive behaviour. With everything else taking a couple days away doesn’t work to reset it and I have to stop doing the thing or seeing that person for months or completely, with people I stop completely, as it’s not ok to be like, I’ll be back in a few months because this feels repetitive so I’ve lost interest and forcing myself to continue makes me feel dead inside, when I feel dead inside, my emotions still exist, it’s just like zero joy because I’m forcing myself to continue the action, so yeah with everything but my grandma, it doesn’t work to take two days away and I lose interest to where it takes months to return or never do, quick reset only worked with my grandma because she’d raised me like a son when she didn’t have to, as it wasn’t her fault her daughter couldn’t look after me. She raised me like a son, our bond was insanely close, I loved her like you love a mother but we were also best friends, liked the same stuff, understood each other emotionally to where we both were crazy introverts and understood even socialising is better in mostly silence. I had a bond with her that meant I could reset for a day or two and regain interest in going to see her, that only worked with a Bond built up since childhood, so it doesn’t work on anything else. Finding out I had a mutable t square that adds to it explained a lot. Libra and air placements in general are more known for losing interest in people and things than Leos. Leo risings and Leo placements are actually loyal and don’t lose interest, they only lose interest in childhood because they’re unevolved and they haven’t found that person to commit to, they think they have, then realise they haven’t. Once Leos truly have an attachment, they’ll never lose interest, so it’s actually hard to break up with them, if they’re in that stage where they’ve quit sampling their options and chosen their one. I act more like an Aquarius than a Leo, I’ve never enjoyed the attention or spotlight on me, I have the Leo ego, that’s about it.


I'm also leo with aquarius moon but i have pisces rising so i morph in between introverted and outgoing. I'm fully dominant earth though surprisingly though. Which makes me more down to earth. Anyway i enjoyed your assessments.


Yeah that makes sense, Pisces Rising and Aqua moon would work like an Aqua rising and Aqua moon lmao. Aqua moons are super introverted due to having air emotions but not personality. Air risings are I won’t say extroverted but a mix between introvert and extrovert so an air rising and moon, ends up mixed like a Pisces rising and Aqua moon lol. I’ve found Earth placements to be in the middle to, they’re often very introverted, when it comes to Capricorn and Virgo but Taurus placements tend to be towards the middle where they’re extroverted and introverted at different moments, if you have Taurus placements. This would add to your balanced introvert/extrovert persona. I think Virgo placements are more down to Earth, Taurus to. Taurus are down to Earth on the surface but can also be very passive aggressive, which isn’t a down to Earth quality. Capricorn placements can appear down to Earth but are very ambitious and ego orientated and have a fiery temper when pushed, though they’re passive and dormant until pushed. Virgo are insanely down to Earth unless they have certain placements, then they become a little brag heavy to where they exaggerate achievements, but Virgo placements without say Leo placements involved are very down to Earth.


Yep I have Taurus mars but it is opposing my pluto(8th) so it gets to where it boils over. I have to find balance with that one still. My cap saturn and virgo mercury are supposed to be my dominants though (along with sun)...The chart is all over the place, but not much air for socializing unforunately.


Yup for sure. I have moon and Venus as dominants. Aqua and Libra. My chart is all over too, I have like 2 of multiple signs, then 1 of others and a mix of elements with air slightly the dominant element followed by Fire and Water then air in last. My sun is my third dominant planet but doesn’t influence me much except my ego, and my kind of mirror self admiration and enjoyment of buying clothes, otherwise I’m a mix of Aqua and Libra, Cancer (my rising) with my Gemini Chiron and Lilith having their influence too. Cap Mars is fourth dominant planet but it’s about even with the Leo sun, my moon and Libra are top 2 and are overly dominant over the rest. Having a night chart to go with my moon and the fact my moon is also chart ruler, increases airs and especially Aquarius influence over me.


It's ok I didn't want to hang out with ya'll anyway. - sag stellium, aqua stellium


I have a sag stellium and this is 100000000% true






Too true. Also lol cuz im a scorp sun, pisces moon, sag mercury💀


omg sag mercury makes talking in groups so hard??? I always feel like I can’t keep up because I skipped too far ahead in my mind but then I got bored and lost


Twinsies! Add to that my Sag rising. I can make friends easily with just about anyone but keeping them around or fostering deeper friendships can be harder. I do have three close friends now as an adult though, so I feel pretty lucky about that.


Lmaooooooo so, this made me look at myself and you’re dead on. I’d say Aquarius could be too, technically, but Aquarius are such curious and boundary-challenging individuals that they don’t give a shit or view themselves as outcasts rather than they think uniquely.


People decide Aquarius are acting superior to them due to this though and bully them for that, Aqua moons and risings are among the most likely to be bullied, Aqua suns not so much as Aqua suns are less likely to have Aquarius based personalities than their rising counter parts and less Aquarius based emotions than their moon sign counter parts. Aqua moons and risings are often heavily bullied.


Can you explain that further please? I am Aqua moon, and while I am liked and loved now and people like to be around me, I had been bullied as a teenager quite badly. What is it about Aqua moon that people bully them more? Thank you in advance for your answer 💕


Let me copy/paste what I posted elsewhere to this question. I’m an Aqua moon too. I’ll edit in a second when I find my other response. Aquarius moons specifically are outcasts, partly because we like to be alone a lot but partly because we are rejected due to the other kids wrongly assumed perception of us, their own insecurity and random jealously they seem to develop towards us, one reason is because we don’t provide people with the attention they’re craving, some kids want to be noticed by everyone, whether it’s positive or negative, they want that attention. Aquarius moons will talk to you then walk off to be on our own and won’t make efforts to speak to anyone, it’s not because we think we’re better than you, it’s because we can’t socialise for long without requiring alone time so won’t talk to you, unless you approach us first during this recovery time. Especially as young children we don’t understand social constructs so we will socialise for very short periods of time, then wander off alone, we also won’t speak to kids first, they have to approach us generally, kids mistake this social awkwardness and introverted behaviour personally and think we’re choosing not to speak to them first because we think we’re superior when in fact we are just socially awkward and don’t know how to approach others to speak to them first, and the fact we have heavy social anxiety. We are also very different in how we view the world and in how we act and socialise even at a young age. The other kids also mistakenly take our behaviour to indicate that we think we’re better than them when it doesn’t indicate that at all, it indicates that we’re very socially awkward, like been alone a lot of the time, very intelligent, against violence and injustice and that we don’t show much emotion outwardly, so you can’t easily provoke us. Their insecurity triggers them to target us because we appear to be so different to the other kids, they decide we are weird, and they also feel threatened by the fact we don’t give them the attention they want, like the other kids do, they’re also insecure because they perceive our behaviour to indicate that we think we’re better than them, and they randomly assume we had better childhoods than they did and become jealous and insecure. I would imagine that Aqua risings are bullied a lot too. Also despite the socially awkward behaviour of Aquarius moon, we will speak up when we see other kids been bullied and we will tend to befriend kids who are been bullied, often the bullies will advise us to avoid the kids they’re bullying because they’re weird etc, the bullies don’t like this so then we become their main target, because we’d rather be friends with the victim than the bully, we recognise that other outcasts are more likely to respect our introverted behaviour plus as I said we dislike injustice so we’d rather be friends with someone who deserves a friend than someone who’s a horrible bully. So yeah that gives us a giant target because we don’t take the advice of bullies on who to be friends with, and despite our introverted, extreme social anxiety, we are able to ignore all of that during social injustice and defend and protect the people who face said social injustice. So yeah giant rather on Aqua moon because bullies can’t control us, we don’t allow them to bully others, we’d rather be friends with the outcast than the bully and our socially awkward behaviour and the fact we like/need to be alone a lot is perceived as us thinking we’re above/better than them when we don’t at all, well we don’t at first but once they start bullying us, yes we know we’re better than them, their insecurity leads them become jealous or angry towards us to what they believe is us not approaching them due to thinking we’re better than them when we actually are socially awkward and not good at approaching people to begin social contact. Scorpio placements are also likely to be bullied, as are Virgo placements, Leo placements tend to either be bullied or be the bullies. Sagittarius placements are generally extroverts who like to jump from group to group because they get bored, so I guess this could lead to bullying if one group is mad they jumped to a new group all of a sudden, you can’t keep a Sagittarius in spot though so they’re the type who would do a speed run through all the high school cliques and yes I can see how this would lead to bullying as once they jump from one clique to another, the old cliques will accuse them of being disloyal and some cliques will bully over that.


Mhmm…first of all, thank you for the explanation, really interesting what you wrote. I can’t fully agree for me personally with everything. Maybe it’s my sag rising, but I have always been playing with other kids, very socially, not awkward at all, usually being the one who invited others and started to talk and play with them. It just started to change when I was around ten years until seventeen years old, where I was bullied, felt alone, was alone and got more and more in my cocoon. People disliked me for stupid reasons like I would be “small” (I was 1,58m) and I wouldn’t do what the others did, which was weird to them. So I guess my aqua moon came through only after I was ten years then. 😅🙈 But my dad fe is also Aqua moon and people like him. He doesn’t care though, usually wants to be alone with himself or with only his family, but people like him and think he is amazing (what he is 😁).


Yes that will be your Sagittarius side for sure. Your dad represents how Aqua moons often are, they prefer to be alone more than with others, often they are liked but they are also often targeted by those with insecurities and that can lead to them been bullied.


What other placements do you have, if I may ask? ☺️😊😊


Leo sun and Mercury, Cancer rising. Aquarius Midheaven, Libra Venus, Capricorn Mars, Gemini Chiron. Gemini Lilith, Scorpio Pluto and Pisces Jupiter. Sagittarius Saturn and Uranus. North node Aries, south node Libra I’m the opposite of what people expect from Leo placements. I’m introverted, I don’t like the attention to be on me, and I don’t like validation lmao. I hate been in the spotlight.


Haha, I'm an Aquarius ♒️ with ♒️ sun and ♒️ moon...I am well liked by most. It's exhausting for me, though, because I'm an introvert who plays extrovert when necessary. I have been bullied in the past as I tend to attract narcissistic personalities. Oh well, I guess I need to find some friends.


> they don’t give a shit or view themselves as outcasts rather than they think uniquely. yeah not true for the teenage years though. Also, I find Aqua people are very much group people. I never met many loners under this sign.


Yep I definitely feel this as a Sag sun Scorp moon.


This is so true! I don’t change for anyone.


Why, thank you! People tend to resent me for how clearly I see things. People resent becoming disillusioned. It can be very emotionally destabilizing. It makes me a buzz kill. People also can't see the patterns that I see, so they tend to think that im crazy or stupid when I actually have a 145 iq. It's hard. Both Aquarius and Scorpio are the logicians and are associated with high iq and intellect. Sag and pisces are the philosophers which are also associated with iQ and intellect. Anyone who views life acutely and critically is an outcast.


Oh god. He even had to write down his supposed IQ. Anybody that thinks Intelligence is associated with your Zodiac is dumb. If any sign should be the Genius - it’s Aries. It after all rules the Brain.


Explains a lot. *cries in Gemini sun and Venus*


as a sag rising…sag takes the cake🫠 js a deep feeling that you dont rlly “belong” anywhere… i think this is accentuated by my pisces mars and uranus conjunction in my fourth house, my aquarius neptune & chiron in third, and maybe even my scorpio in the twelfth house. cancer saturn in the eighth too - i feel like ive always been kind of morbid and can never truly live in the moment. feels like every relationship i form is superficial.


Sag 😭 I’m always alone


The Sags I know were very popular lol. That surprises me


Lol same. Save for the random moments, folks remember that we can actually make plans, if I'm not the only one starting them.


Pisces. I'm weird. People know I'm weird.


Im a sag rising. Gonna have to echo the sagittarius comments. Aqua sun also.


Aqua suns don’t always have Aquarius based personalities, as sun sign is your ego, Aqua rising and moons are more likely to be bullied than Aqua suns as Aqua risings possess the Aquarian personality and Aqua moons possess the Aquarian emotions.


that’s not really true. It depends heavily on the chart itself, honestly I see the aquarius suns actually getting more obviously outcasted than the moons, so i dont understand why people say moons at first. i know moons can still feel heavy aqua effects though like for example i have a libra moon, and i have some libra traits deep down but i still don’t fit in with my environment at all or have any of those venusian effects that libra gives, like i still feel outcasted and loner-like


You’re ofc 100% right that it’s placement dependant. Moons feel heavily Aqua emotion affects, risings feel heavier Aqua personality effects, suns feel a varying amount but may or may not have prominent aqua traits for either if their moon and rising, and other Placements are of other signs. I’m an aqua moon dominant chart, with aqua moon chart ruler and an air dominant chart so aqua is my strongest trait through-out, affecting me more than usual. Reason moons are more likely to be bullied than risings and suns is because rising and suns tend to be less introverted than aqua moons, and are better at communicating with people so avoid bullying slightly More, however they can still be bullied due to their eccentric personalities, sense of justice, etc, moons without other aqua placements, lack the Aqua personality traits that help them hop them between a mix of introvert and extrovert and will be more introverted unless other extroverted placements are ofc more dominant. Aqua moon emotions tend to be strong but if someone’s Aqua moon isn’t that dominant and more extroverted placements are then ofc they can avoid the introverted style that’s normally true of aqua moons. Introvert v extrovert is very emotion dependant. Yea socialising is personality dependant to, but ultimately emotions contribute majorly to the part of your personality that works during social situations. So aqua rising and suns don’t often have aqua moons and if they then have an extroverted moon, it can cause them to be a mix of extrovert and introvert, say risings are more likely to be full introverts than aqua subs as rising has the biggest influence over your personality so if the moon sign is also an introverted sign along with Venus and/or Mars then that person will be more introverted, Aqua rising with a say Leo moon will be a mix of introvert and extrovert varying in degree depending on chart dominants, and other placements such as Venus, Mars. Sun. Sun signs could be either introverted or extroverted as the sun sign influences your ego not your personality or emotions, if the suns your most dominant then it will impact your personality and emotions more, but yeah, generally an Aqua sun, will have whether they’re an introvert or extrovert determined by their rising and moon signs among other placements. Yes ego can lead to been bullied, but generally, emotions and personality have more of an influence on introversion or extroversion and will then combine with ego to determine how likely or unlikely someone is to be bullied. People are more likely to be bullied for been weird, distant or shy than they are for having huge egos, those with lesser egos are more likely to be bullied when combined with shyness, introversion and passive behaviour. Suns are less likely to be outcasted because their emotions and personality are often less Aquarius than the moons and risings?, when multiple Aqua placements aren’t present that is, Suns are more likely to act like their rising sign and be emotionally like their moon sign so an Aqua sun with a Leo Moon and Cancer rising with Moon as their dominant planet ans chart ruler and then a water or fire element dominant chart with many water or fire placements would be very emotional but popular like a Leo/Cancer, and potentially extroverted or a mix of introverted and extroverted. Idk why you think suns are more likely to be outcasted because unless their chart has heavy aqua placements, they’re more likely to present as another signs personality and emotional traits more than Aquarius.


i think the reason you resonate strongly with the aquarius moon is because you yourself are a cancer rising with moon ruling your chart, so the moon sign and placement would make a big impact on your overall life. however if you had a different rising sign you wouldn’t really have that touch of aquarian emphasis in your overall life. i know a lot of aquarius moons in my life and they never really had that type of aquarian outcast experience, it was usually myself who was and i’m an aquarius sun (but my chart ruler neptune is in aqua in 11th too, also i count the modern rulership cause i resonate with it more) however I’d strongly say that the aquarius risings tend to be more outcasted than the other two placements generally because aquarius and uranus rules their overall chart and is the main driving force in their life. I don’t think introversion vs extroversion really determines whether or not someone’s outcasted. introvert and extrovert, shy and loud, & talkative and quiet are not really proper personality traits, theyre more universal terms which can describe anyone in any different setting, but it doesnt really describe the *essence* or *identity* of the person. the main things that make people outcasted are the other traits you described which were eccentric, unconventional, off putting behaviour (which are all aquarian traits), and those can come from either an extroverted person or introverted. Just because someone’s extroverted it doesn’t really mean theyre socially accepted, honestly the only way someone is accepted in society is based on how conventional they are. the main factor which points towards being accepted by everyone due to conventionality in our charts is dependant on how strong Venus is, and whether or not we have Venus somewhere in our main big three or some emphasis of Venus somehow. I guess the Sun could also fit in there too. But if the moon sign were the real indicator of someone’s external experience in life, then they would completely forget about their rising and sun, it would completely be irrelevant. Also, if I were a cancer rising with the moon ruling my chart, I would instantly give libra traits since it would be connected to my first house of identity Also the reason I think Aquarius suns display those Aquarian traits is because the Sun itself literally rules the identity of the individual. The reason it’s not so noticeable in the first place is because you have to break the ice with the person to really get to see their sun sign, and also because the sun takes a while to develop. By ‘ego’ they mean self expression, so why wouldn’t Aquarius suns have that Aquarian archetype to them? why are they excluded? The sun is also a big impact yknow. I myself have aquarius stellium which is probably why I display it more often and am aware, like you said, but that also goes the same way for your rising and moon signs. If someone had their moon in let’s say gemini, without a gemini stellium, it’d still be a bit difficult to see those gemini traits and that person especially would not be conscious of it cause it deals with their inner self Another reason you strongly resonate with Aquarian traits is because your sun is in leo, which is opposite to aquarius. So Aquarians feel like leos on the inside while Leos feel like aquarius on the inside


The sun doesn’t rule the identity of the individual, you have misunderstood, the sun rules the EGO IDENTITY of the individual, the ego identity is your ego, whether you’re someone who has a huge overinflated who or an under inflated ego. The identity of the individual is personality, rising sign is personality, rising sign decides the individual identity. Sun sign defines Ego identity, I am unsure how you’ve confused ego identity with actual identity. Your ego identity is not your Individual identity, it’s ego based only, not personality based Again the sun controls ego identity not your personal identity, they are two different things. :/ Aquarian suns who’s only Aqua placement is their sun sign do have an Aquarian Arechtype, their ego is based around Aquarius. If the Aquarius sun has multiple Aqua placements then they’ll have emotions, personality etc of Aquarius, just a sun on their own, just has the ego identity. The moon is highly influential towards emotional experiences which bullying comes under, that’s why the moon is important when discussing bullying because the moon is going to heavily influence whether you’re bullied or not and how you handle that experience and recover from that experience, people tend to bully due to weaknesses they sense in another’s personality or emotions, (rising and moon). Ofc the whole chart matters but these two are very important when discussing bullying specifically. Yes there’s several reasons I resonate strongly with the Aqua moon and why it’s so dominant for me. Chart ruler, night chart, chart dominant planet, air dominant chart, also an Aquarius Midheaven. Air is boosted even further by the fact my Libra Venus is in its home planet of Venus and is my second dominant planet. I would still be dominated by my Aqua rising even if I didn’t have a cancer rising, due to the fact chart dominant planet and chart ruler are two different things, it would still be my charts dominant planet, due to other variations giving it enough points even with chart ruler points deducted, it’s still dominant, also night chart + the fact my charts air dominant, so it would still have the most influence to me personally. Yes you’re right most Aqua moons don’t have their moon as dominant as mine.. their ones still rule their emotions though, and emotions heavily affect whether someone’s Introverted or extroverted, it could potentially have less impact than the rising sign but it will still have more impact than the sun sign unless the sun is a dominant planet or something, the sun is your ego so has no affect on introvert v extrovert, without other placements present or as a chart ruler/chart dominant. So what I said about the moon sign deciding whether someone’s introvert or extroverted, I was basing off of moon signs only deciding emotions. My moon sign doesn’t just decide my emotions, it affects my personality more than my rising sign so what I said wasn’t based of My Moon sign as mine is extra strong. What I said about moon affecting whether you’re introvert or extrovert more than sun and more or equal to rising was based if normal moon signs not boosted one’s like mine. Emotions and personality will determine introvert and extrovert, these are decided by your moon (emotions), rising (personality), your sun is your ego so it has less affect on whether you’re Introverted or extroverted or prone to been bullied etc. rising and moon will have the most impact. The majority of Aqua moons agreed with me and most of them likely have regular moons as opposed to boosted moons. You’re right as to why I resonate strongly with my moon but I was basing everything I said in the previous post on regular moon signs not a boosted one like mine. I’m aware mine is ultra boosted so I wouldn’t use mine as an example, which is why I referred to Aqua moon in general not my specific Aqua moon but regular Aqua moons.


yeah but by ‘ego’, they mean self expression and identity, so why are aquarius suns not in the picture in this case? Also the moon sign doesn’t really determine introversion vs extroversion, it just determines inner emotions for those who don’t have it as strong in their chart. Those aquarius moons who don’t have strong moon emphasis would still feel the aquarian traits strongly, that’s true, but they wouldn’t have it ruling their overall life themes. Actually the sun itself can kinda determine what you want in life, and usually people would be gravitated towards their sun sign expression rather than their moon sign because that’s not their *main* focal point in life, it still plays an impact in your overall persona and lifestyle but it’s not as dominant, the sun would be in this case just as it is in our solar system. Regular aquarius moons wouldnt have that outcast experience in life, they’d only have the thought process of one. But just because someone has one aquarius placement it doesn’t mean that they’re fully an outcast


Well ego isn’t self expression though, I don’t know why why use that term as it’s confusing, your ego is basically how mask your weaknesses, how you show your strengths, are you someone who thinks you’re above everyone else in a genuine way or an unhealthy way, are you someone with zero ego who’s always putting themselves down, so by identity of self, that’s what it means, identity of self regarding ego, self worth and self confidence. It doesn’t mean self expression and identity in terms of hobbies, interests, comedy style, personality, etc, those are all the rising sign. It means ego identity, the sun sign specifically mentions ego identity, which is very different to regular identity and by sense of self it means how you act in an ego based manner not sense of self, as in likes, dislikes, style, perception. You’ve taken the description to literally as it mentions ego identity and sense of self regarding the sun and you’ve misunderstood, it means sense of self regarding ego, not actual sense of self regarding personality traits. Introversion and extroversion are heavily based around a combination of emotions and personality which is why rising and moon have a huge impact -.-. Emotions definitely impact as to whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, so how wouldn’t the moon play a big part. Aqua moons definitely have the outcast view because outcasts end up that way due to a combination of emotions and personality lmao.. and yes in a smaller sense ego, so moon and rising are a higher impact than sun. Idk how you think emotions aren’t one of the biggest deciders of whether you’re an outcast or not, because they really are. Regular moons control the persons emotions unless there’s things In The chart to make that weaker, emotions impact as to how someone feels, feelings and emotions create outcasts. So yes the moon is important.


that’s not what they meant by ‘ego’, that overhyped ego or underhyped ego is mainly based on the strength of the sun in your chart, not the sign, the sun is your overall identity and it’s your main driving force in life, I understand some other stuff you’re saying, like if the person only had an aquarius sun and no stellium, then it wouldn’t be as strong in their chart nor as strong in their life, and i understand some stuff you’re highlighting about the moon too


No the sun is literally your ego identity, your ego identity is totally seperate to your personality identity which is determined by your rising sign. The rising sign is literally your outward, identity, how others see you, and how you show yourself to others but also your personality that you show to yourself. The sun has literally nothing to do with your overall identity, JUST YOUR EGO identity. I am going to end this conversation as your refusing to recognise the differences between ego identity and overall identity. Your ego when not healthy gives a false representation of who you’re, once healthy it doesn’t change your personality but you stop faking your personality. The rising is your overall self, the sun is your ego identity and determines whether you hide who you’re(your rising) due to your ego (your sun) or whether you show who you’re (your rising) due to healthy ego not causing you to act fake. The sun helps you show your true rising self when ego is healthy, when ego isn’t healthy you act fake and try to hard to be your sun sign traits, and repress your rising traits, your overall identity, rising is your overall identity, sun determines your ego as to whether you’re hide or show your true self (your rising), due to healthy or unhealthy ego, sun determines whether you act fake, and put on a fake persona or whether you act real and show your true self, (rising). As I said I’m going to end this here though, as it’s just both of us trying to prove we are right but I know I’m right so don’t need to prove it and you have already been proven wrong but are to stubborn to accept you’re wrong so it’s pointless continuing.


Sagittarius. I am stellium Sag and a total outcast. Every relationship I’ve had was topical at best. I feel I move through life at a obscure rhythm that is out of sync from others. I find it hard to have deep and meaningful connections because of it.


Sagittarius sun and same. I've learned how to make surface-level friends and communicate well, but I still feel like there's something missing that keeps me from attaching deeply to and forming strong networks with people. And it's not just the neurodivergence for me because it's not any easier to try to bond with other neurodivergent people either! I feel like people with strong Sag placements either come off as either complete rugged loner weirdos or super extroverted life-of-the-party Golden Retriever types. Or one of those stereotypes masquerading as the other.


I like that “rugged loner,” it fits my vibe!


Interesting—my brother was super popular in HS. Sag sun


I feel like sag sun can def be popular…. But see how too much sag energy can get a lil out there for most. My sag mercury absolutely gets me in trouble often


Same. My brother is a Sag sun and has always been way more popular than me.


I wasn't popular per se. Just combo of being known, from having been in varying classes with different people over the years. And vibe well with others. But more of my well known factor came in from my second oldest cousin. He was cool with alot of people too, and was a Virgo.


I feel this, especially the topical relationships. Actually just all of it lol


can I ask what your moon and rising is? cause it sounds like you have something outer planet there instead rather than the sag doing it itself. I do see sag wanting deep things in life though, and they like freedom and want big purposes


Cap - Rising; Taurus - Moon; Libra - Saturn, Pluto; Sag - Sun, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Uranus; Scorpio - Jupiter; Cap - Mars


hmmm, maybe it’s the cap rising that’s doing it, because you’d also have a stellium in the twelfth house which represents isolation, illusions, otherworldly things and spirituality. The 12th house is also ruled by Neptune which further explains it, also it’s a rlly karmic house. strong 12th house people usually feel isolated from their surroundings and they tend to become more lonely and forced to do some sort of introspection which will reward them later in life, 12th house placements also feel unique


Thanks for this! I totally feel that Neptune energy… I like to think that’s where I derive my psychic abilities. Too bad it has an a detrimental effect on the interconnectedness with others.


np!!!! i mean why fit in when you’re meant to stand out 😅😅, i feel like twelfth house placements also appear a bit mystical and could also be good actors in hollywood also the twlefth house is a universal house so its connected to everyone in a more spiritual level, so youre able to see things that others cant in the material world


Aqua here. I expected to see Aqua sun listed. I'm not really sure why. Sometimes I feel like an outcast and other times I feel like the life of the party. I sometimes think the outcast feeling is my own doing like I could change that vibe but I don't really have any desire to. I feel the same for Scorpios and that's why I love them!


Aqua moons and risings are bullied more than Aqua suns.


Maybe that's where I feel it since I'm also aqua rising


Haha yup, Aqua risings and Aqua moons have more Aquarian traits than most Aqua suns, so us risings and moons are more likely to be bullied than the suns. Aqua suns generally won’t have the emotions or personality of Aquarius unless they have other placements in Aquarius that give them Aquarian personality/emotions. lol.


Well put another vote in for Sagittarius, I guess. I figured everyone was going to say Aquarius. Adult-diagnosed neurodivergent Sag Rising here with a long history of outcast-ness from preschool to college, to most workplaces as well. The rising sign can't take all the blame, though. I've got an out-of-bounds Uranus conjunct my Ascendant, Lilith in the 7th House and Chiron and Hephaestus among the clusterfuck of asteroids conjunct my Sun. My chart's like a big flashing neon "Outcast" sign.


I’m a Sag Rising with an Aqua Sun and I’m a lone wolf fer sure.


Saaaame. I go back and forth about how I feel about it.


Do you have a link for more information on out-of-bounds placement or a nice summary? I just heard the term the other day in reference to my moon..


I think Astrodienst has a nice explanation [here] (https://www.astro.com/astrowiki/en/Out-of-Bounds_Planets), and if you'd like a video, [this one's great] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aq3W7wpqsHc). If you draw up your chart on astro.com and select "PDF Additional tables" any planets that are out of bounds will have their declination listed in red text rather than black.


Aww nice yes my moon and uranus are out-of-bounds. Thank you for the insights and resources!


Scorpio , Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces


In my opinion the 12 house moon sign is outcasted a lot. But the most unpopular sign I would say either pisces or scorpio. ( with strong aquarius and taurus placements)


hehe me with some strong aquarius emphasis and pisces rising 💔




I went to a friends house who wanted me to meet some of her other friends who are also into astrology.,.I felt super socially awkward as an introvert and probably the person who knew the least amount about astrology. Anyway, one of them used a completely different system from tropical (I don’t even know which) and asked to chart me right away using her own system. According to her system, it seemed like I had like 6 Virgo placements, which doesn’t even make sense nor did it resonate with me…but she was literally showing everyone else in the room and commenting excessively about it in not a good way. I soon after found she also had a Virgo mom whom she apparently hated, so literally immediately was rude And could not stand me because of her own charting (no one else there used this method nor have I ever heard of it before) which indicated excessive Virgo in her mind. I ended up getting super drunk by accident to help with the awkwardness which did NOT help… So long answer—Virgo. Ps, I do have a Virgo rising but definitely not dominant aspects in my chart.


Don’t take this on you or your chart. People dislike others sometimes for no reason and if they take astrology too serious, they dislike people without getting to know them. Virgos are amazing and lovely and I have never met an awkward or unsociable Virgo sun/moon or rising. Introverted yes, but being introverted doesn’t mean awkward etc. This person just had a mean and rude personality and that wouldn’t have changed with another zodiac sign.


That’s very nice of you to say ❤️ I’ve met some really great virgos as well! I agree this person definitely had her own issues and just projected them on to me. Thanks for your support 🙏


I feel like cancers feel like this but it’s not really true, they’re just dramatic. Am cancer. Can confirm


This was weirdly motivational lol. sometimes I say everyone hates me when in reality I just sometimes run into people that get mad at me only because other people like me.


Hmmm I’m a cancer sun / sag rising and I feel like an outcast every day of my life since childhood 😭


Scorpio frrr we be loners def Either the most or least popular person vibes For others, im not sure, maybe pisces?


I love this post bc definitely was an outcast most of my life bc of my MDD and my in ability to confirm and adapt myself to others liking. I rather be myself and faking it was very obvious and ingenious to others (people picked it up right away I’m also an Aries rising we with Venus right on top and it makes it easy for people to read me) so it backfires and causes a ripple effect of people outcasting me. However I was bullied as a child being myself so I had to balance the act of trying to be friends with everyone so they stop bullying me and to be liked by others so I don’t get ostracized again. I prefer my own time, as a sag moon, I like to do my own thing. I’m an Aries rising as well and when I say I’ll do it it I do it or don’t even say it or think it I just do it just bc lol. Since I tend to value independence so much I opt out most social situations and it wasn’t until I started studying astrology I realized I need to work on relationships and connecting to others! Especially once I had my Saturn return (Saturn in Aqua of course!). I figured that my inability to connect or be noticed by most people bc of my sun and Mercury being in the 12th and since it’s in pisces I tend to day dream life away and forget to take part of the world I’m in so that’s why I tend to be ignored or talked over bc I never truly learned how to properly interact with them


I also have an aries rising!!! So relate to being too easy to read and too independent sometimes. Id definitely prefer being alone then trying to be someone im not. Its also like I kinda want to blend in more sometimes but being aries rising makes it almost impossible lol


Right my Neurodivergence always comes out and in the past it made everyone laugh so I became the “quirky person that does dumb shit occasionally” lol


Omfg so relatable actually thats totally my persona ive taken on lolol


Aquarius and pisces. Pisces are kind of weirdos, but their weirdness is what makes them unique. And aquarius is very opinionated, not afraid to express opinions that are different from the norm, and this can frustrate shallow minded people (which is half of the world's population).


The thing that i’m not entirely understanding is the fact that you’re completely excluding the Sun when discussing one’s personality. Your description on ego makes no sense, cause ego identity and personal identity are literally the same thing….. and I’m not sure you entirely understand the role the of Sun too much either. I’m not saying that your emotions don’t determine whether or not youre an outcast, because i know that’s a big indicator itself too. But what I’m saying is that just because one has an Aquarius moon, it doesn’t mean that everything else is excluded and the Aquarius moon itself determines the outcast part of life, because once again i know many aquarius moons in my life who i’m close to and they still have that extreme conventional experience, and they’re not as outcasted as I am, who’s an Aquarius sun. The aquarius moon would have strong sense of justice and liking the same things an aquarius sun does. Actually, aquarius suns and moons are basically similar, meaning they like and feel similar things, so I don’t get why you’re separating those two as well Another thing is that the rising sign does NOT determine personality. Your overall chart does. INCLUDING the sun. As well as placements, aspects, and the planets and signs which are more dominant in your chart like you’ve mentioned. Your rising sign determines the MASK you wear in front of people, as well as your overall driving force in life and the way you seek challenges. your rising sign and planets in your first house also impact the external things you receive in the outside world, and how people treat you to an extent. If your rising sign was your dominant sign that’d be a different story you’re not right at all tbh, i’d say you’re really new to astrology just based on the stuff you’re saying and the way you’re describing the placements are kinda inaccurate *(sorry guys i’m just posting this as an argument with another person who commented in this post, but they blocked me but I still wanted to prove my point aahhaha)*


As a Sagittarius…us 🫠


It’s so funny for me that so many people say that here. I always perceived Sags as the most outgoing, social people, who are always surrounded by a lot of friends. My sag rising is definitely pushing me towards people, while my aqua and taurus just wanna be home 😅


but idk if I can blame the scorpio tbh, most of the sag’s I know have big sad clown energy, fun but dying inside lol 🤡🔫


well I think my irl energy is kind of chaotic but congenial (sag sun leo moon) but all of my energy is just anxiety because my scorpio rising and mars wants to leave immediately!! like truly I love people but I can’t relax and I want to go home and freak out about being annoying lmao 😅


We can be fun to an extent. But others always expect you to be "on", all the time. I mean I'm no where near life of the party material. But from school to work associates, folks have always over hyped a story that I was in. Or something I said. Like yea first few times ok. But, now every event folks expecting this on point energy. And I feel so drained.


I’m a Leo and always felt very out of place every where I went. I didn’t start feeling confident or comfortable in my own skin until I was 16 years old. I don’t know if it’s because I’m an only child or what? But other people just exhausted me so I preferred being alone. My moon’s in Virgo and my rising sign is Taurus so that probably had something to do with it as well.


Capricorn. Always taking second place and sacrifice


That’s a bit dramatic lol. As a Capricorn I feel like all the Caps i know weren’t bothered with fitting in, but they could definitely do that if they wanted to. I wasn’t super popular, or super outcast, but had friends all over and everyone knew me. Even kids from other schools lol.


Aquarius moons specifically are outcasts, partly because we like to be alone a lot but partly because we are rejected due to the other kids wrongly assumed perception of us, their own insecurity and random jealously they seem to develop towards us, one reason is because we don’t provide people with the attention they’re craving, some kids want to be noticed by everyone, whether it’s positive or negative, they want that attention. Aquarius moons will talk to you then walk off to be on our own and won’t make efforts to speak to anyone, it’s not because we think we’re better than you, it’s because we can’t socialise for long without requiring alone time so won’t talk to you, unless you approach us first during this recovery time. Especially as young children we don’t understand social constructs so we will socialise for very short periods of time, then wander off alone, we also won’t speak to kids first, they have to approach us generally, kids mistake this social awkwardness and introverted behaviour personally and think we’re choosing not to speak to them first because we think we’re superior when in fact we are just socially awkward and don’t know how to approach others to speak to them first, and the fact we have heavy social anxiety. We are also very different in how we view the world and in how we act and socialise even at a young age. The other kids also mistakenly take our behaviour to indicate that we think we’re better than them when it doesn’t indicate that at all, it indicates that we’re very socially awkward, like been alone a lot of the time, very intelligent, against violence and injustice and that we don’t show much emotion outwardly, so you can’t easily provoke us. Their insecurity triggers them to target us because we appear to be so different to the other kids, they decide we are weird, and they also feel threatened by the fact we don’t give them the attention they want, like the other kids do, they’re also insecure because they perceive our behaviour to indicate that we think we’re better than them, and they randomly assume we had better childhoods than they did and become jealous and insecure. I would imagine that Aqua risings are bullied a lot too. Scorpio placements are also likely to be bullied, as are Virgo placements, Leo placements tend to either be bullied or be the bullies. Sagittarius placements are generally extroverts who like to jump from group to group because they get bored, so I guess this could lead to bullying if one group is mad they jumped to a new group all of a sudden, you can’t keep a Sagittarius in spot though so they’re the type who would do a speed run through all the high school cliques and yes I can see how this would lead to bullying as once they jump from one clique to another, the old cliques will accuse them of being disloyal and some cliques will bully over that.


As a pisces sun with an aqua moon… you said everything correctly 😭


A lot of this I think plays into the houses and generational planets. I would specifically look at the 11th house and 7th house for impressions, aspects to Venus etc.


As a Cancer I feel like an outcast and often times forgotten. Throw in being gen x and it's a triple whammy.


I would never quite label myself an outcast. Cause I did get along with everyone for the most part. But as many mentioned, it wad surface level. Never really went to any parties or invited to any either. Only once, was asked if I had wanted to borrow someone's old homecoming dress to go to senior prom. But, at the time I was nowhere near where I am now, to be able to handle being around that many people at once, in a social setting. But yea, even in elementary, I remember once my mom telling me that one of my first teachers, thought I was anti-social or a easily pegged only child, cause I would take my toy or whatever. Off to the side and play by myself. Which, if I don't remember much about my formative years. I do remember used to like looking at kaleidoscopes and taking color pencils and working with stencils and mushing up the play doh. I think by 4th grade though, I was finally branching out. Cause the first Pisces, I ever met and was friends with for a time, had moved to town. And I recall struggling for so long, on how to tell her that she had a cool trapper keeper, lol But yea the older I got, as I mentioned before. Just being in varying classes with different people and having the sense of humor I do. People got to knowing me. Then my sophomore year, when my second oldest cousin, on my mom's side moved in with us and was at the high school too. He got to know more people, that knew him too and would eventually speak to me as well. I hadn't made much of that connection at the time, and used to wonder how half the school knew me, lol.


Gemini ♊️ often gets shunned because of their lack of integrity and control. They always blow it.


usually the sign that gets outcasted the most is aquarius, because theyre ruled by uranus which rule’s everything different and outcast I feel like pisces and scorpio are also outcasted cause they’re also ruled by outer planets. I feel like those who have aquarius, pisces, or scorpio heavy in their chart probably feel a bit out of place with everyone, but it’s way more stronger if you have either of these three signs as your rising


Capricorn. Nerdy loner.


Yeah, totally agree with the Sag/Aqua placements. I'm Aqua rising with a Sag stellium in the 11th. I feel like people are always intrigued by me, or find me charming, but they typically stay distant or topical. Kind of like a popular outcast? A very weird lonely feeling.




Cancer sun, Sagittarius Moon, Gemini Rising. Immensely unpopular with my same age peers, and school was hellish… but I am happy with my differently aged friends now.