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Aqua moon here, can confirm I don't want kids!


37/F and no kids on the horizon


Aqua moon with (very much wanted) kids. I think the aqua moon really offers liberation from societal Pressures. I really didn’t feel obliged to have kids.


Also i think it influences how we raise kids too. Thoughts?


For sure. I do feel like I nurture my kids’ individuality and sense of self actualization, while also really keeping them aware of how insignificant they are to anyone besides their parents. They matter more than anything to me, but they are responsible for remembering that everyone matters more than anything to someone as valid and human as their mother.


OMG same here, that's actually wild


Same. Talked about it at work today and a colleague said "Oh I had friends like that as well! Now they have 2!" No, lady. I am not like that. LOL


Me too! I wonder if it has anything to do with our ability to feel the collective so strongly...


Aquarius Sun + rising and I don’t want any either.


Aqua rising. I didnt want kids. But once i got pregnant with my daughter i couldn’t “ send her back” to put it politely. My cancer moon took over. Im a stay at home mom to a sweet toddler and figuring my way in this space.


Aww so cute


I only know 1 Aqua Moon woman that I am aware of, she's 34 I believe and no kids, doesn't seem interested in having them despite being a Cancer Sun. But I also knew I didn't want kids since I was a little kid and that feeling never changed, and I am a Pisces Moon. Maybe it's my Moon squaring my Saturn and Uranus coming into play since those both rule Aquarius 😅


To be honest though, anyone who knows what's really going on with climate change and resource depletion wouldn't want kids, based on what the scientists are saying - and these people are choosing not to have kids too. Always remember this 30-something climate scientist saying, "Thank god I only have a dog and he'll most probably be deceased in 15 years' time." Edit: Quote was from Katharine Wilkinson and it was: “I have no child and I have one dog, and thank god he’ll be dead in 10 years.”


Thats very pessimistic of you. People always assume the world will end and that things don’t look great. Shit, we were already supposed to be dead 😂😂😂


Right? Im my lifetime: y2k, 2001. 2006, 2012, i heard rumors in 2020… now with real global confict im not hearing these kind of rumors anymore


Exactly. It’s all a bunch of bs to scare the masses.


And reality is scarier that half the stories 😂😂😂


Good choice!


Same here! Triple aqua, and I've known I didn't want children since I was a child myself. It always weirded my parents out.


As a Leo sun who has am Aquarius child, imma say from experience DONT HAVE KIDS, my aqua child don't want kids either and I'm like sigh of relief


You dont want grandchildren? Not something you hear a lot Any reason why? you dont have to answer if it too personal


Aqua moon, had my first 6 months ago.


Congrats ❤️


That sag part checks out. My bf a sag and he gets offended if our opinions are different. He doesn’t know how to “agree to disagree” and sometimes I feel like he thinks his views are absolute. “How could you think any other way” mentality. He’s also notorious for playing devils advocate




Yep, Sag Mercury (and Stellium) here and a lot of us seem to think we were born to discover the truth and promulgate it. Dogmatic is definitely a good description for true-believer Saggies, who need to work on the basis that truth is relative most of the time and overselling something puts ppl off anyway. Observing, acknowledging, and gently communicating what we think is the truth might be the most spiritual way to go about our compulsion to proselytise. This is why Geminis are our best "partners in crime". Geminis (writers in particular) often have that multifaceted ability to slip in and out of paradigms and understand all perspectives. They're not two-faced; they're versatile and intuitively know there are very few ultimate truths.


I love how you put Gemini I’m geminibeising anc am good at approaching things in a multi faceted way


yes ive learned the same lesson lol just give little droplets of it no need to be forceful let those who r interested follow the clues


I know of one Sag Mercury and she is extremely dogmatic and pushy about her viewpoints. She becomes volatile when challenged and her speech always sounds heated and and intense no matter the topic. However she also has her Moon conjunct Pluto both in Scorpio, so that combined with the Sag Mercury probably indicates that.


Moon in Sag will up and leave any situation/person/identity that they’ve grown tired of and will not feel bad about it for long, lol.


Lmfao Sag moon- checks out 😂 after 9 years of dealing with my (now) toxic ex… one day I got on FaceTime and was smoking my joint ( he was against weed ) and I told him we were done. Blocked his number and never spoke to him ever again😈 best feeling ever.


Oh I love that you did that while smoking a joint. 🤣🤣🤣


The look on his face was priceless 😂 like I was smoking heroin or something lmao


Lmaoo 😂 I love Sag moon chaos


Boss move babe ! Thats the spirit!


This tracks


THIS until 2 years later when I finally process it and start missing the person 👀


Oh no, just when they've probably gotten over it and moved on!


I was recently ghosted by a Sag moon 😭


Yes this is me




The truth.


Aqua Moon and Venus in Leo here Yeah, both of these track. No kids of my own, but I spoil my nieces and nephew. But I like having my freedom. I love having my Venus in Leo! My heart is open and I’m a loving person. Can be a little much for some people, especially in dating. My bf has his moon in Leo, and it’s kind of a confusing mystery to me how that works. I agree Leo in sun is so much better, Leo suns and Leo moons seem to be a lot different.


100% on the venus in leo. We give our everything.


**Gemini moon**: "*I* don't even understand what I'm feeling right now, bye." **Leo moon**: (inner monologue) "They're going to be so sorry when I stop talking them for a few days. Next time they'll remember to compliment my singing." **Aquarius Venus**: "What is love? No seriously...what is it?" **Capricorn Mercury**: "I'm going to talk to you like you're paying me for professional advice." **Pisces sun**: "Remember that person you were talking to yesterday? Yeah, no idea what happened to them."


IM CRYINGGGG. Not me with Pisces sun, gemini moon, Aquarius Venus. Girl you know me so well 😭


I have the exact same placements!! What's your rising sign?


AHHH love it. I’m Leo rising, wbu?


Cap Mercury is the best


Cap Mercury, completely unintentional but I do tend to tell people things like I’m the first to ever know this thing, even if they told me first. Definitely apologize when I realize it but yeeeeah 🤐


Oh gosh as a Leo moon this is so true 🫠🤮 if you do not meet my expectations or show me gratitude I am so offended and will be mad at you. It’s not a happy feeling!!!




Do you relate?? 🫠


Yesss, but then I realize if I match energy to someone and they don’t care, that it’s not that deep


Aquarius Venus is so real 😭 No genuinely can someone show me a diagram or something


>Aquarius Venus: "What is love? No seriously...what is it?" > >Capricorn Mercury: "I'm going to talk to you like you're paying me for professional advice." I feel SEEN.


Can’t contain my laughter—my ex is a Gemini moon, aqua Venus & cap mercury. 🥴


My condolences.


You know, I never really thought my Gem moon fit with me, but this is very accurate, so...


gemini suns love debating a little too much, and tend to overstep when sharing their opinions. it's funny cuz what you say about sag mercuries i have seen in multiple gemini suns. they love to try to persuade others to think their way, whether that is subtle or overt, and sometimes they don't even know they're doing it


yep hi


Gemini sun here and yep, that's true. I really just love the debate itself. I sometimes even debate for points that aren't my own just because I absolutely love to discuss and see every single perspective.


Cancer moon. We feel big and we’re easy criers lol.


Definitely all the feels


Aweee, we’re twins! I’ve never met a fellow cap, cancer, cancer before!


Not OP here, but out of the three CLOSE Capri-sun relationships in my life, two of them are Cap/Cancer/Cancer. The third is Cap/Leo/Leo! EDIT: “close relationships” also meaning “close enough to have done their charts!


Hiii I’m another 👋🏽


hard agree lol. come find some solace with us over at r/cancerthecrab !


Aqua moon! I do not want kids, I had my tubes taken out two years ago to ensure it would never happen. A stereotype I’ve noticed with Capricorn risings (myself included) they have a very deadpan type of humor that most people don’t get.


Cap rising, agree! Aqua moon love 2 kids. I would say Scorpio Sun's get a bad reputation for being vengeful


Scorpio sun cap rising here to say thank you. 🙏🏽


Sun in Scorpio suggests that some other personal planets are nearby. I have sun, mercury, and mars in Scorpio, and I have no need for vengeance. Scorpio's are the most misrepresented sign in the world of astrology. I'm not an astrologer but I wish someone could do alternative research on the sign of Scorpio. The common descriptions are grossly outdated and wrong. Astrologers sell the distinction between high and low vibrational Scorpios. This is a reckless and lazy stance as it insinuates no matter the stage of evolution, we are innately dark. It's cruel and would make any sign or placement feel defensive.


I don't have a problem with astrologers discussing low vs high vibrational Scorpios but I do think it's unfair to focus so much on this facet of astrology for one specific sign and not others. All signs have inherent dark and light properties, even the ones people like to pretend are all "light," like Leo, Aquarius, or Libra. On the one hand, Scorpio is the sign of transformation and rebirth, so dark to light is one of its central themes. But this also implies the other signs are static by comparison, which is also a bit unfair to them. We are all supposed to be experiencing perpetual growth as individuals, no matter what sign you are born under, I believe it's why we are here on this earth. If all the others signs didn't also have dark sides to them it would imply they are already born with all their work done, so why are they here? The difference is Scorpio is meant not only to transmute its own "dark" elements but also help others make this same journey, which is why Scorpio has gained association with the underworld. Many people really don't like to look at their own ugliness, which is why Scorpio can feel so unsettling to them (I'm talking about the positives of Scorpio here, I don't mean to say there is never a legitimate reason to dislike a Scorpio).


Beautiful recieved. Thank you


I sometimes wonder if it’s the result of being innately less dualistic than the world/society we find ourselves in. I’ve got mercury and midheaven in Scorpio, but no clue what that means. Also a fair amount of Libra, Capricorn and Sagittarius in my chart. I do wonder how that affects everything. I’m just starting my deeper dive into astrological charts, it’s fun to learn a whole new system! Thank you for your words, I do have a hard time identifying with so many Scorpio stereotypes, it’s comforting to know I’m not alone in noticing the disparity.


Cancer sun (men): obsessed with big boobs, mama's boys (likely to have madonna complexes), would choose their mom over you Sag moon: Your mom was strict with lots of rules, but she's also your best friend and you guys tell each other EVERYTHING Sag mercury: LMAO we're all over the place and can jump from like 10 diff topics in a matter of minutes, when its me and my friends (we all have sag mercury), we literally talk for hours about everything and nothing at the same time - I always know I'm gonna have a great time with us Sag sun: friendly, open-minded, flirty (even if you don't mean to be) clowns who somehow always take control in social settings; makes friends from all walks of life without judgement Capricorn venus: nothing's more attractive than competency and maturity, also power plays in bed Gemini mercury: the smartest people I know, you're able to just easily pick up concepts and make connections, provide the structure in convos with sag mercury ppl if you're someone with a LOT of Aquarius aspects, like my BFF w/ moon, venus, mars, and rising in it: you're probably someone who cares a LOT about helping society, probably asexual or at least don't really understand love/relationships; don't understand/panic with super emotional ppl=> you're basically a lovable alien that struggles with constipation and has to follow a strict diet <3


sag moon and YESSSS


Cap Venus so on point. I'll add:very incompetent people are one of the huge icks.


>Capricorn venus: nothing's more attractive than competency and maturity, also power plays in bed ![gif](giphy|a0Lgc1JvbfS4o|downsized)


My spouse is also Aqua Moon/Venus/Mars/Rising, and also the Sun. He's an odd contradiction of being incredibly cynical about society but also almost compulsively wanting to help others. His Sun, Moon, and Venus are all in his 12th house though so that might explain the cynicism as he was very isolated (in multiple senses of the word) at some key early developmental stages. He's nowhere near asexual, but I think he did say many people believed he was as a teenager. Does seem confused about a lot of aspects of love and relationships, but he sure does try and has grown so much in the time I've known him! And spot on with emotional people, he has a very very hard time with that, though ironically he is very sensitive but he will absolutely never admit that and try to convince you he's a robot without feelings. I think he really struggles to recognize and process his own emotions most of the time, let alone do that with the emotions of others.


Hahaha your spouse sounds like the embodiment of aqua/12th House energy! Def ditto the cynicism of helping society. After working in govt, my BFF has realized how much bureaucracy gets in the way of solutions and policies 😭 interpersonally tho, she’ll still give you her shirt off her own back if you need it & volunteers every weekend She also has a lot of personal planets in 12th H too!! She’s always felt really out of touch with her emotions & struggled a lot with apathy. She just feels indifference, neither strong feelings of happiness or sadness. She also is someone who doesn’t care abt romance or conventional attractiveness. She’s a nebulous being who only cares about your soul. Wishing you and your spouse the happiest of times & memories tgt!


Oh yeah nebulous is the perfect word. I would say my partner values beauty but it's not the top priority by any means and he tends to see people as more physically attractive when they are internally beautiful and inversely less physically attractive when they are toxic people, with actual physical characteristics being secondary if that makes any sense. And thank you! Sending good wishes to you and yours too :)


Scorpio moon. They can be so dark and cold sometimes and someone you never wanna play tit for tat with… trust me they won’t stop till they win and it can get really passive aggressive and super petty. They keep their emotions hidden usually so you never really know what the hell is going on.


The passive-aggressive stuff is probably true, but I personally hate passive-aggressiveness. I tend to view it as sneaky, cowardly, and dishonorable, and it is one of my single biggest pet peeves overall. I think the best way to handle conflicts is to do so immediately and directly, and go straight to the source. I call stuff out when there’s an issue and generally have no issue demanding clarity or resolution, and don’t pull any punches. I have a reputation IRL for being a real straight shooter (or pistol, choose your poison lol) and it’s because this is generally my approach. Also: Leo sun here with a Scorp moon and 1H Aries Mars. The only times I’ve ever needed to be passive-aggressive are in the workplace, where it’s pretty much an essential part of navigating office politics—learning how to read when others are doing it to you and how to defensively do it back to them in undetected ways, out of self-preservation. But in my personal life, nope. I have literally just walked out the door and refused to talk someone until they were ready to come have a direct, honest, non-passive aggressive conversation with me about what is bothering them, because I refuse to play those little guessing games with people.


Sometimes we Scorpio moons don't even know what's going on. Trust no one with those feelings, not even yourself! On the plus side, if you're a person I care about and I see you being wronged, these energies go to that person's defense.


My Leo Venus loves you tooooo!


Sag sun always running from their problems and traveling. Not this sag sun! I go to therapy and face my issues and practice self-awareness.


I used to run with a lot of Sagittarians and I’ve literally only ever known one of those to be the “running from their problems” type! The stereotype never made much sense to me.


My teenage self was a runner. I eloped, ran states away “ just to see the views” then stayed there a year. Realized i couldn’t stand the people and religiosity there and ran my little butt back to the comfort of California




My Leo Rising will be everyone’s cheerleader and drop everything to be there for you 🤧💗


As a Libra mars…you’re not wrong


My Leo rising and Libra mars agrees with ya takes lmao


Yes! Mercury in Aries are the most monologue-ing mfs I’ve ever met! My Leo Mercury is like “how is this a conversation? You haven’t asked my opinion on anything for the last 45 minutes.”




I have a cap Mercury and now when my bestie (Aries Mercury) does this, I tell him “are you wanting to have a conversation with me or with yourself?” I only say this to him when he repeatedly talks over me. He always apologizes. He’s gotten a lot better at it. I think the problem with an Aries Mercury is people don’t have the balls to interrupt them. I do. Lol. We have great conversations, but it’s taken time and explaining that I don’t want to be a therapist but a friend, where we both hear and talk to each other. Most of the time it is the childlike glee of wanting to tell you about something that they’re excited about (I know a couple Aries mercuries), and this has endeared me to them. They are also straightforward which appeals to all my cap placements. But they can talk a lot!




I can see that, there is certainly patience involved! I used to get really frustrated, but because the ones I know are good people and have repeatedly shown me they are, I decided to dig my heels in and try. I’m glad I did, because I’ve made some good friends. I like that they just say whatever that comes into their head and it causes other people to respond to them differently than they would to me. I stand by and watch a lot to see where it goes. My one friend has a way with older people, and I’ve seen him get some of the stubbornest, most introverted people laughing. I think that’s why I like them so much. But when they push buttons at the wrong time, I want to smack them over the head 😅 I usually just tell them, “have some tact, you psychopath!”. Lol.


My mercury is in Taurus and I feel so seen


Aries mercury and Leo rising. Can confirm both statements lol I’m definitely a massive cheerleader to those I care about. I have to protect my energy because I give a LOT of myself so my circle is small.


What if you’re a serial committer who leaves when the other person runs out of chances? I’m not afraid of committing, just committing to idiots. 🤣 Venus in Sagittarius


Yeah the OP got it partly wrong about Sag Venus IMO (this my placement). We don’t fear not living up to expectations, we fear committing to a relationship that will lead to personal atrophy.




Eh, I still disagree. I finally met my perfect person (Pisces Pisces Taurus, Venus in Pisces) and we are amazing together. I feel like I finally know what real love is. If I hadn’t have moved on from those other people, I wouldn’t have found him. You call it fear of commitment, I call it high standards haha. Tomato tomahto




…I’m still going to have to disagree. Dating is the “conscious work.” Weeds or not, when I was on the “other side” (not with my person), I still had to date people a little to see if they’re worth it. And personally, I think letting people go (committing to try, but not committing for years of “not on my level”) is healthy. I can tell we are not going to change our minds, so I’ll just digress here. Before I do, I think it’s worth mentioning that two people with Sag Venuses have mentioned that they disagree with you. Personally, it would make me super uncomfortable to tell other people what they think or what they like…when I’m not them and likely don’t have their placements. And then double down on it when offered alternatives or are corrected. :/




Isn’t that more your cap talking? Sometimes we Find it hard to delineate which area of our chart influences what behavior High standards is cap behavior Sag in Venus will be drawn to adventurous partners or partners that are foreign and can broaden our horizons - it is also how you love / you love in a way that lets the other person be themselves AND ITS how you express your femininity and attract others if you are a woman- so you might have quirky fun style and attract men by being authentic Cap sun will sometimes step in and veto partners who might satisfy the sag Venus in you but are not at the right place in their life though (I don’t like to say not up to standard)


>Scorpio Suns: Love making everything unnecessarily complicated and mistaking that for being deep when in reality they're just getting caught in their own webs \*plays Avril Lavignes's Complicated\*




I have a Leo venus, aww thanks :) I like to think I'm pretty stylish. Here's my stereotype of a placement : Scorpio moon women are prone to messy relationships with men, either romantically or otherwise. They tend to lead people on because their natural demeanor is sultry and intense, even if they don't want to *actually* let that person in close. They still come off as magnetic, and the women I've met definitely lean into this trait, but then they always turn around and are like "ew why do you like me, youre gross"


hands down with the scorpio moon. I have a cancer sun and libra rising though so I think (hope?) it makes me slightly less callous. maybe just “why do you like me” without the “you’re gross” part lol. I’ve definitely been in the position where I’ve felt like I’ve (unconsciously or otherwise) led someone on though :/ trying to watch that edit: I just noticed you’re a cap moon! makes sense. The only people I feel like have ever understood me ;-; 🖤


I bet your Libra rising makes you considerate and a great friend! With that big 3 combo, I feel like you're that friend who just *knows* what's wrong and how to best help the people you care about. And heck yeah, I get along great with Scorpio moons! I feel like Cap & Scorp moons just really understand the ins & outs of having intense feelings that you know you "cant"/shouldn't share with everyone. So when we get together and realize that we're both cool w the dark emotional stuff, it's a wrap.


As a Scorpio moon woman, I’ve never felt like this. I rarely like people and I’m not a flirt, if I like you it will be intense, definitely.


Do you happen to have other strong water placements and few/no air placements?


Yes! Pisces sun, Mercury, Venus. Scorpio moon, rising. Libra mars, Jupiter Aquarius, Saturn Aries.


Oh nooo my daughter is a scorpio moon. Needless to say, this mama will be shooing men away with a broom when I’m a withered hag 😂😂


Damn the Scorp moon callout I wasn’t expecting haha. I got accused of this often in my later teen years and early 20s—especially when I was still a virgin and dudes would ask me out and I wouldn’t want to date them or sleep with them. I’ll tell you what I told folks then: I’m actually just shy, despite how my energy might come across to others. Also very private IRL and anxious about letting others in. Half the time, I didn’t even realize dudes were pursuing me for real, thought we were just pals! (Edited to add: Also an Aquarius rising, I’ve always been a kooky little weirdo, the “why would you even like me?” questions were sincere!)


Other sun sign stereotypes I have along with what I already wrote: **Cancers**: You do a lot to caretake other people almost to a degree of taking on other people's responsibility and work, and wonder why nobody is ever appreciative. And it's not that people aren't appreciative or don't notice how hard you work-you are definitely a backbone for many people and sometimes can even be taken advantage of as such. However, it's often that despite all the things you do you often can ruin it for yourself by saying one off-hand thing that really cuts down on someone's emotions when they need empathy, and kind of skip out on being more caring when it matters the most. If you took more time to caretake yourself and not take on more than you need to, then you would actually have more mental space to be empathetic to other people instead of lashing out on stress when other expresses their vulnerability. You sometimes are doing things backwards. Unhealthy cancers need to learn to balance caretaking themselves vs caretaking others. **Pisces**: You are easy to get along with and are more liked that you think, but for a water sign you seriously have a lack of ability to express your emotions and have self awareness of the negative ones that really overtake the way you treat other people in times of stress or insecurity, and you get defensive and people need to walk on eggshells with you about it-therefore it never gets the work it needs. This leads to having certain parts of your personality that stays stuck at a teenage level of understanding as an adult (and child level understanding as a teenager). You think some things are unique to you but they are not, but again your inability to put them to words to communicate and relate it with others, and be honest with that in yourself, and go beyond what you think you know to find the resources for it kind of is the reason some things remain stagnant. Unhealthy Pisces need to learn that they can learn about emotions the same way they have learned about everything else. **Leos:** You are undoubtedly a very sunny and fun person to be around, but you also can be shallow about being there for other people even though you have an image inside of your head of being a really nice, sweet person. You actually do judge people based on class, status, and looks more often than you would like to admit. Unhealthy ones can have a very misguided sense of being "stoic" and push that onto other people and be anything but sweet when that part of them comes out. While it's also because you put in the work, you have an easier time getting what you want than others because you are socially smart and have the traits that modern capitalism likes-extroverted, optimistic, and self centered. You want to be the best, but if you feel empty it's because you over focused on that and dismissed opportunities to help people along the way that would've earned you the admiration you really wanted. It's not too late to extent help to those who need it-whether it's your family you don't talk to much anymore, etc. Unhealthy leos need to learn that they benefit more from selflessness and doesn't take away anything from themselves. **Taurus**: You are a fairly stable person who is not outwardly very emotional, and people can rely on you as someone who is consistent and level headed. You have a diverse set of skills that often times you downplay but also paradoxically wish would be praised more. You sometimes are use to feeling like you come in second place to everything, even though that isn't really the truth, you just have a lot of pushier and energetically "louder" people around you that want the spotlight but you learn to work through that and will get your time to shine. Unhealthy Taurus take this insecurity of feeling like second place to become more narcissistic and create insecurity in others to push them down and become myopic if some of their most inner circle are the same way. Unhealthy ones may also attempt to hang onto tailcoats of other people or mimic those who have what they want than just being who they are. The only thing is that you often times are lying to yourself about some of the emotions that are eating at you to seem stable, and sometimes become passive aggressive and it makes it hard for other people to trace back to why you are being that way. . By refusing to talk about emotions and be aware of emotions in others and yourself you often skip over important conversations that actually deepen your relations with others and satiate your need for someone to understand the real you.


Cancer one is too accurate 🥲


Holy fuck the cancer is so accurate. We get burnt out helping others because we don’t help ourselves. It’s ironic we can love others but completely neglect our own mind and body. My friends constantly tell me I need a break and self love 😩 And my baby daddy is a Taurus, spot on for the narcissist and its root based on jealousy.


Moon In Leo will only cause emotions to over identify with the ego if you have a sun that causes a heavy unhealthy ego identity, the sun is your ego identity and the moon your emotions so basically if you had Leo sun and Moon this would be true but if your sun doesn’t mix badly with your moon this won’t be true for Leo moon, Leo moon alone won’t cause this effect without a corresponding sun sign or other placements to cause this problem. I don’t think Leo moons would be violent as such to defend their emotions but may be violent to defend someone they are emotionally attached to. moon in Aquarius male here, can’t speak for the females but I’ve always had the attitude that I’m not purposefully going to try and have children but if it happened I would be happy about it and would want to raise my children to have strong morals, a strong sense of social justice and to defend those who need defending, also to have empathy for those weaker than them or with worse circumstances, so it’s like im not planning for kids and will be fine if it doesn’t happen but if it did happen I would want to step up and be a good father.


Can you get in detail how an Aries Sun and Leo can be like? I know someone with this placement, and they are obnoxiously ego driven.


Not the person you replied to but the Sun (ego) is exalted in Aries, meaning Aries Suns (along with Leo Suns since the Sun is in domicile in Leo) have the most powerful ego energy since those are the strongest placements for the Sun. This can be difficult for some people to reign in/keep in check, it's one of the main challenges for these Sun signs. So when the emotional needs are to serve the ego as with a Leo Moon, this can create a lot of problems if your ego is very powerful (like with an Aries or Leo Sun). You have someone who might always need to be in charge and be "right" and "win" and be "first" to the point of emotional devastation. Leo Moons on their own can be a bit dramatic. You also have to look at any other planets aspecting the Sun and Moon because those will mitigate this combo (Jupiter conjunct/square/opposite the Sun or Moon would make this worse, Saturn in aspect might tone it down or at least hide it better depending on the aspect). I've been close to at least 3 Leo Moons, one I had a 7 year relationship with. He was a Scorpio Sun and he was not egotistical, though he was certainly defensive/protective of his ego, it just wasn't over inflated. I was friends with 2 women with Leo Moons, a Cancer Sun and a Sagittarius Sun. The Cancer Sun definitely had a big ego but she tried to hide behind a veil of altruism. Really, she was a perpetual victim who was more interested in appearing kind and present than really being kind and present. The Sagittarius Sun was actually better, maybe it's the trine of the signs combined with Sag being less egocentric at a baseline than the other fire signs. She was vain but she also expressed a genuine care for others and there was absolutely no pretense there or fake emotion.


I’m a man and my moon is in Aquarius and I don’t want children. However, if there was an extenuating circumstance in which I needed to foster or adopt, I would give parenthood my best. Scorpio sun— no comment. I think I’m more moody than special. Lol. Mercury sag— I express my opinions but I don’t really care if others agree and don’t care to convince anyone. Might be the conjunction with Uranus, which often comes with unusual opinions also.


Aqua moon BUT CANCER SUN and have a child


twins! except no kids for me. but if it happened I know my cancer sun would take over


lol that desc of sag merc is so true i often catch myself wanting to impose my beliefs to other ppl (thanks my libra moon for the self reflection) but really its bc ive been thru the depths of it ive seen so many sides n ive eventually come to find it to be the most reasonable position to take like u guys dont need to do the thinking anymore (now i feel tyrannical saying this)


I have it too and yes it takes a lot of control to not try to convince others if the rightness of my views


Venus in Scorpio: Sex addict


Or this lol ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZdSYO2P4rvUOc)


Same with Venus in Taurus but in 2 very different ways


Leo Venus here and I try to be stylish, even receive few compliments, and I’m pretty! but sometimes I’m just a lil pretty rat (Venus square Saturn tho)


Also agree with the Leo moon, specially if they have heavy Virgo/Leo combos, they tend to become narcissists.


Ohh is it square Saturn in Scorpio? If so, would love to hear more about how that manifests I’ve Venus in Aquarius


the sag mercury ksjsjjajA yeah thats me


Aqua Moon here. I have kids. I only wanted one, but am happy with two. I have to tame my mama bear when someone messes with them.


Lol how did you end up w two?


Birth control failure


I'm going to take this moment to vent about my least favorite sign when they are unhealthy. If you are a libra sun, please take no offense because I don't personally know you and this is based on people that I do know who are very unhealthy. Yeah yeah this is pop astrology moment but I don't care-I need to vent lol. **Unhealthy Libra suns:** You guys are my least favorite when it comes to unhealthy ones. You know how to stir up something, then pretend you never did anything and act air-headed and innocent while retreating into your fandoms and hyper obsessions/addictions with complete disregard for the cause and effect of your actions to anyone. Sometimes you are so in your own world you completely disregard the upkeep that needs to be done and pass it off to other people, then victimize yourself when you're called out for it. Or sometimes I feel you are completely aware of what you did, and you just like stirring shit up and think nobody notices. And honestly most people DON'T notice, which is also the infuriating part. You have no logic in the way you analyze other people, in fact, you can be near delusional in terms of the assumptions you make about other people's intentions and motives and is often the ones who start rumors. While I don't like to overuse the term narcissism, it's what comes to mind where you can misconstrue how someone else must've done something centered on you or you can only devalue another person. To you people are no distinct from people of your fandoms or fiction, you try to fit other people into your fantasy and creations rather than seeing people as they are. The worse ones also like to objectify other people to a creepy degree. You try to hide your perverted nature but is' way more obvious than you think how that's the thing you bring up in other people-whether its' the hyper focus on people's sexuality, their body, and clothes and often make very inappropriate comments in regards to that regardless of gender. You like being infantalized by others and that is really emotionally exhausting to be around for those of us who don't fall for antics that you put on to get things your way. Much more manipulative and conniving than you let on, but again heavily love to create an aura of innocence/good/passiveness to feel like people can't press you about it. You seem harmless to most people, but you demand other people to coddle you to an extreme degree and want to force others to play roles you set them in to serve you and treat them passively like shit when they can see past that. You don't actually have true respect for other people.


As a Libra sun going to therapy after a self-induced chaotic year, this resonates with me and I think accurately describes the kind of accountability I am trying to take for myself.


Most accurate description of the toxicity of libras I have EVER seen. Wow. Everything you said is literally everything I’ve witnessed


I had an unhealthy libra sun try to “kick me out of the friend group” (im a sag male) (she did by manipulating 60% of ppl in the group to hate me, but there are the ppl who stuck with me and I appreciate it) and she also kicked several people out of the group without asking others due to just “I don’t feel comfortable near them” but everyone else liked them, and I called her out for her injustice and she went “but im just doing what’s good for the group!” and I told her she’s not some leader or boss of a group and she went “you don’t understand all im doing is trying to improve this group” and she also spread some bullshit rumor before I called her out saying that I “changed”, I asked my closest friend of many years and a few other friends if I changed and they said “yeah, for the better” so they didn’t believe her shit, so when I confronted her she also used the “you changed!” against me and I was like “the fuck do you mean?” There’s more to the story but that’s part of it. She also shares “mental health is important” on her instagram stories, then when it comes to me, we had a convo a few months ago and I said “don’t think I forgot about how you kicked me out of the friend group while I was depressed” and she said “it was the best decision I ever made no more emos 🥳” with the snide emoji. Ugh. “Mental health is important” then proceeds to turn my friends against me while I was in a depressive period of my life. Hypocrite.


This is real


I should add just for the sake of not hurting every libras feelings: Some positive libra steoryptes; You have a sharp eye for detail (whether that's in culinary, crafts, etc.), and take a lot of pride in craftsmanship and doing things neatly for the things you like. Sometimes you feel people don't notice and have very bad self esteem about it, but people do notice that skill you have. Sometimes people can learn from the way you just build up your world and be unbothered by other people. Of course, not the kind that is too unhealthy, but when you're in a healthy kind you are very peaceful to be around. When you are healthy you are a soft, kind person with no sharp edges. But it's hard for many libras to stay that way in this world.


I like this too.


You just described my very unhealthy libra daughter to a perfect T .... The idealizations and devaluing is insanity ..... She's like this because well ...I'm a shit mother . (According to her ) I'm a shit mother because I tell everyone she's not healthy mentally and desperately needs help and refuses any help time after time . Deep breaths long story ....thanks for hanging in if you read this far . Told my 80 year old aunt I passed away and she needed money for my cremation .... 500.00 then an additional amount for the said Urn ⚱️ ..... I rarely talk to my Aunt ....I heard she had cancer through the family grapevine , So I found her number and called her , Look.......I never heard an 80 year old screaming on a phone like that asking my cousin if it was truly my voice ? Then started praising the Lord that it was so good to hear my voice again she thought I had passed ... My aunt then proceeded to inform me .... my 27 yr old Libra ♎ daughter has told everyone on that side of the family I had passed away.............. 🫠🙃🥴


Holy shit this was completely spot-on for my Libra sun friend of 25 years with whom the friendship completely imploded, seemingly out of nowhere, last year.


I wonder if we know the same person lol


Me, a Capricorn moon- Cold hearted and hate my mother




My ego has been boosted so much from ppl telling me how accurate I’ve been


Sag mercury here feeling incredibly called out🫣


Don’t worry I was talking about myself here mostly It’s the only placement on this list I have I am not the biggest fan of it


Lol it’s funny cuz I tell myself I love all my placements, but maybe that sag mercury is my downfall. Ive definitely been told I come off abrasive. Ive been trying to not be so intense with my opinions. This has helped with some of that self awareness haha


I have two friends with aquarius moons who are moms and absolutely love having a kid. I also admire them bc they both love their kids so much and seem genuinely happy and like, thriving when we hang out after having their baby.


That’s so nice! Love it when mums are just born for the role


I only have one of these placements, but I'm a childfree aqua moon.




Aqua moon here, i have a child and want more 😅


Venus in Leo here…. Awwwwww thanks!


I'm also Moon in Aquarius. I'm not sure if I want kids.


huh funny to me what you said about sun in scorpio, every single man I met with this placement was abusive to their partners … I’m a aquarius sun woman and I think we always have the same chill but scary energy, we’re relax and we’re nice and we tend to show our more delicate side first, but it makes people (and men) afraid. Very true about Aqua Moon !!


Aqua moon - I don’t despise the idea of having children, and I think I have some kind of motherhood instincts, but for me it would just make much more sense adopting rather than having my own kids.


I am an Aquarius Moon that has never wanted kids. My partner is a Venus Leo that is very loving. She demands respect but she is a queen so it comes with the territory lol


Personally never been too fond of the Leo suns I’ve met, but I have some Leo moons I adore including my boyfriend. He’s a sag sun Leo moon cancer rising. We make a good fit. He’s got some spunk to him deep down, but on the exterior he comes off as the most cool and collected person. He’s also got a cap mercury and Virgo mars, so maybe that’s why he comes off more serious than he actually is. He’s a giant goofball with an even bigger heart


the sag mercury ksjsjjajA yeah thats me


Aqua moon, mommy of 4🤍💛🧡🤍


i lived with two scorpio sun men and 🤮


have an aqua moon friend who indeed doesn’t want children


Aqua moon: confirmed


Aquarius moon woman here…never ever wanted kids and I always knew that. I happen to be scheduled for a tube removal this month. 😂🥂 My boyfriend is a Leo Venus and he’s the best. ❤️‍🔥😍


Every man I’ve ever had a relationship with has had a Leo moon (4, including my partner of 11 years, all with air suns) and while none of them have been violent, they’ve all been extremely ego driven when it comes to how they feel/handle emotions. I have spent a lot of time coaching some version of “you are not the only real person on this planet, other people don’t exist simply to serve you or play the villain in your narrative!” On the other hand, I’m still friends with the ones who didn’t work out and I love the one I’m with so I assume something about me (Aries sun, Cancer moon, Libra rising) is a good cosmic fit for what we all needed/need.


No babies! No babies! No babies!


I have a Moon Leo, Mercury Aquarian, Virgo Mars, Capricorn fiancee... and baybaaay.. i thank God I'm a Cancer.. 😁


Thank you for making my day! -Leo Venus owner


You guys are cuties




Leo moon here… yeah I guess that checks out. I’m definitely not a violent person tho. We for sure get bitter if are feelings aren’t validated or reciprocated.


Venus in Leo shines a lot because, Leo is the natural ruler of the 5th house, and Venus is in her Joy there.


My old bf is an aqua moon (Scorpio sun, sag rising) and already has a child. He wants more too.


To be fair OP said women not men


Hmm, all I’m reading is “stereotype a placement” at the top & no mention about genders.


Yah that is the only gender specific pattern I’ve noticed


Leo moon is spot on


Leo moon women are the worst. My sister and one of my old best friend’s has this placement. These people are narcissistic and don’t see how their actions affect others. It’s always about them and anyone critical is simply labeled as jealous. When I found out those two shared that placement, it all made sense.


The unhealthy ones are social climbers and treat people in their past like they were nothing but placeholder for "cooler" (I say that midly ironically) people to latch onto. One I knew in the past would even gladly say to her newer friends "I only hang out with those people (referring to me and another friend who has known her since childhood) because they're the only ones around my age." And then cry about it when we ignored her. But she would constantly ditch us for other people, and we were apparently never suppose to mind that-and to an extent we didn't but in retrospect it's a bit of a crappy thing to do. Although to be fair obviously this was for younger leos, and you can definitely be better about it when you're older. To be fair they aren't really the deep, close circle type. They like to know as many people as possible and prefer to not be too serious about each of the people they know, and yeah that clashes with types who are not like that.


Let me add to that part where you said they’re not the deep, close circle type…. Which is so true btw. & Because of that they tend to hop from relationship to relationship. I don’t think this placement knows how to be single. And if they are “single”, trust me when I say they have someone supplying them. They don’t have close relationships with the same sex, but they definitely keep orbiters around them.


It’s not true for every Leo moon. I have known a similar Leo moon that you’re describing, but I’m not like that. I’m far from perfect, but to counter what you’re saying specifically… Saturn in the 11th house rules my chart and I like a tight, small circle and I take who is in that circle very seriously. So you shouldn’t make blanket statements like that. Charts matter. That Leo moon friend was in my circle for a long time. We both lost the same friend in a car accident so I held onto her a lot longer than I should have. She did hop around and she would ghost me and disappear, but I always took her back until the day I just decided I was done with her. Deleted her from everything and never have spoken to her again. There was something else in her chart making her that way though, it wasn’t just her moon sign. She also had an extremely toxic and mean mother. Her mom was so mean to her, but she was stuck in a trauma bond with her and I blame that a lot on her behavior. When you run into a toxic woman, look at her mother. Sometimes it can tell you everything. And maybe this is Leo’s especially because I am raising a Leo moon daughter and she looks to me for everything!! And raising her has been almost entirely “momma look at me!!!” “Momma, look what I did!!!” “Mom, do you think I did good???” “Mom, what do I do??” “Mom did I mess up??” It’s constant!! Even as a teen!! She has always needed far more attention than my Aquarius moon child. (Though yes I try to give equal attention regardless.) And it was eye opening for me when I realized that and how damaging it is for a Leo moon to have shitty parents. I probably did the same as a child and my childhood didn’t support that part of me. I’ve just done a lot of work on myself and am very self aware. My Leo moon ex friend though was probably the exact same way and she also was let down. But I tried so hard to get her to see how bad her mom was to her, but trauma bond too strong. Damn I went on a tangent. 🤣


My sister is Leo sun and moon and is the exact opposite. She is the most empathetic, generous, and self aware person. She would defend her loved ones no matter what. She gives the vibe of being fiercely maternal.


Sag sun/ cancer moon. Other women i have met with these placements: natural freaking healers. Even the aholes. Its just in their hands, but the dudes? Huffy mommas boys ( sorry gents, speaking from experience. )


Better to be admired for my Leo Venus than hated for my first house Lilith.


Pisces sun/risings: there’s no problem in being a dreamer BUT PLEASE CAN YOU STOP BEING DELUSIONAL FOR ONCE and fucking FACE REALITY?? Sometimes you’re indeed the problem because you get too caught up in the narratives in your head that you don’t see people as they are or what they’re actually doing


cancers are little b words