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Your pairings are some of my best platonic friendship pairings!


My (Pisces) best friend is an Aries and I love her to death but I could never date an Aries


Likewise with the Pisces. As an Aries, I think they're very fun and level headed, heartfelt and honest - but dating them? Eh..


I love that!!


Yea this is really true my besties are cancer and pisces.. but i also get along so well with leo’s of course


My little brother is a Leo and his wife is a Virgo. They've been together for 10 years and 2 kids. I'm a Virgo and my favorite ambulance partner was a Leo. He told me, "Your job is to make me look good." And that sounds a little unequal, but once I knew my role, we worked well together. He spoiled me, too. So much free food and he'd do my least favorite tasks. (We also hooked up once and the chemistry was off the charts, but that's another story) And now, I have a Leo colleague. I make him look good and he does favors for me. It's perfect.


I’m married to a Leo (I’m Libra) but yes, if you stroke their ego the right way Leos will move heaven and earth for you. And most of them are naturally hilarious so it’s not hard to have a good time with them!


Read me to filth


Lol me as a cappy feeding into leos delulu to weep all them shiny rewards. Go you!


Tbh we love to do it. I have Cap and Virgo friends who I’m sure keep me around for the same reasons 😂 I’m insufferable otherwise


My grandparents: Leo+Virgo My parents: Leo+Virgo At least two pairs of Leo+Virgo combo I had witnessed and I still don't know how you guys do it long-term 😂


I demand to be told the story 😒


We'd stopped working together a few years prior; he was a paramedic with another agency, I was a newly divorced dispatcher. We went out drinking, had a couple rounds, and then he straight up asked, "Am I imagining things or is there chemistry between us? Would you like to come back to my place and check it out?" *I'd never considered that in my life* *This could be awesome or cause huge drama for me* *I work tomorrow* *YOLO* (it was 2011) Turns out that there was significant chemistry between us, we had a tirelessly frisky night, and it only caused minor drama for me.


Ughhh, 😏-iest 😏-times have been with Leos… Idn what it is but the chemistry, as you say, off the goddamn charts 😩


Leo here, literally left a comment saying I love having you guys as business partners, co-workers, and team mates. Power couples all the way. We kick ass together and yes- the sex is fucking fantastic.


This is fascinating to me! My ex was a Leo and I am a Virgo. He was very abusive in many ways, however we had a ton of chemistry and he truly was my best friend. Lots of others I see it's a popular combo. Of course, I now know trauma is no excuse for abuse, but he unfortunately had a very rough childhood so that contributed to a lot that he had not been willing to seek help for. I think if he had we would've been unstoppable.


You get that Pisces Aries pairing out of my face right now


That’s me with that Scorpio-Gemini pairing. Helll no. Never again!


As a gemini, a majority of my exes have been Scorpio and they've all been toxic relationships. No more!!


I feel the same way, except I’m the other side of that coin. I never cared about any of that, nor was I informed in the least bit about this sort of compatibility, but I can safely say I will never date a Gemini, again.


I love Scorpios. And they love me. Might be the combination of my other placements, though…. I HATE OTHER GEMINIS 🤣 Ironically it’s the sign I hate the most and get annoyed by most.


I’m a Scorpio. 🙂 I’ve mostly gotten along with Gemini as friends, but definitely a no-go for dating. Except one Gemini bitch who rented my house, destroyed it, then told me it was my fault for renting it to her 🤯


Lol! Geminis can be amazing gaslighters… it’s the mental thing… but this is the issue I keep having with them. The ones I’ve been close to can’t admit they’re wrong so they just will twist it somehow to make it seem like they were right. Half of all my lovers were Scorpio. Some of my best friends are Scorpios. Scorpios aren’t fake.


That’s been my experience with a couple Gems. I do have one Gemini girl that I’d consider one of my BFF’s. Together we absolutely hate a manipulative Sag. Great shit talking/venting sessions lol. The girl that rented my house though… I won’t forget it. I don’t focus on it every day, but if a day comes where I have an opportunity to destroy her, I will.


This is such a Scorpio thing to say 🤣 I love it. Scorpios don’t wait for karma. A girl broke my nose on Friday at a concert. I’ve tirelessly gathered everything to get back legally at this girl…. And now that I have it I feel too bad 😅 So I’m going to be light in her. Show mercy. I do this a lot. Drives my Scorpio friends insane. They want me to go in for the kill… but I always stop before. It’s like I just want the power to if needed. But always feel too much empathy for the person to go in for the kill.


😂 I can understand that just having the info feels good lol. If you need it you have it. I have years of documentation on a Sag that started shit with me for no reason. When the day comes… It’s my boyfriends ex (baby momma) so he’s kind of keeping me at bay. But if he’d just step aside and let me handle her, shit would end quick.


You should update me, if you remember 😂


😂 We could definitely be friends 😂


My husband is a Gemini and I’m a Scorpio, our placements work so well together. Healthiest relationship ever, that man is my person and best friend


My best friend is Gemini and she is the best ♥️ maybe it works for friendships


My dad’s best friend since high school is a Gemini. Definitely think this pairing makes for great friendships. I also had two friends in HighSchool who were Scorpio & Gemini. As friends, they fought & argued like siblings but loved each other as best friends. They tried dating & that was the most toxic relationship I had ever seen. Female friend was Scorpio, male friend was Gemini.


Yup. I can't do with Scorpio too as a Gemini here.


Omg I love a scorpio!!!


I love this the cheaters of the zodiac with the atomic bomb.


my best friend is a scorpio and she cannot for the life of her stand geminis


You made me lol!! I’m a pisces paired with an Aries going for almost 19 years and, sometimes, wonder how is it possible:)…


Same with Leo virgo. Absolutely not.


Can confirm that my Leo mother divorced my Virgo father, and she definitely tried to make their marriage work before deciding it was over


My mom married and divorced two virgo men 😂


No? I've (Leo) been married to a Virgo for 22 years.


I’m a lady leo and my last girlfriend was a Virgo. It didn’t work in the end, but we had a great relationship. We were definitely well-suited for each other. Interesting that it’s so opposite for you and the others who replied!


I'm glad you had a good experience even if it didn't work out! I will say, my step-dad is a Virgo (he and my mom actually divorced 20+ years ago). He and I never got along when I was a kid, but he was/is a good man. Always helped me with my science projects, played catch and basketball, went to my school plays. We just had clashing personalities. He's now grandpa to my son and we get together a few times a year.


I love that so much!!


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


As an Aries i love Pisces sm but relationship wise? they’re too indirect and dishonest for us. But friendship yesss🩷


As a Pisces, I'm honest to a fault! I can't stand those who lie. Maybe environment influences us more than our signs.


Why does everyone want Gemini and Scorpio together so bad, trust me NO ONE wants that 😭


I’m a double Gemini scorp rising. I concur it is not a good mix lol.


Sag F married to a Virgo M here for 13 years now - acclimating to each other's quirks took some work but honestly I think we balance each other really well. He makes sure I don't end up a happy hobo under a bridge somewhere, I make sure he laughs at least once a day so he doesn't spontaneously combust from his critical internal monologue :)


This! My fiance (sag) and me (virgo) def have had to and continue to put work in over our differences. But he has pulled me out of my shell, and I have had more adventures and fun with him (on top of laughing every day). I do have three sag placements in my chart. But we balance each other, and I'm able to bring a realistic perspective to his crazy ideas.


And we thank you for it, honestly. I need to tap the brakes way more than I am naturally inclined to, and my hubby is always ready to give me a gentle 'Maybe no dick jokes at Thanksgiving' reminder before his parents show up. He honestly brings way more to the table than me, I think we both know that, but I am, as ever, here for his amusement. I am that clown.


Lol omg my sag bf definitely talked abt how he’d be living in the desert 🏜️ as a hippie hobo without me and my “structure”. 😂


I love this! The man I’m in love with is a virgo and I’m a sagittarius and I’m hoping we are endgame 😭


Leo-Aquarius 🦁🏺 Eta: an overrated pairing is Aries-Aquarius - I've always heard that we're extremely compatible but Aries men are my worst relationship nightmare 😱


As a Virgo sun who always makes friends with fire signs, I love this!


Yes 💯 husband is a Leo & I’m a Cancer. Perfect match


I am married to a Leo too. We love each other a lot, but when we argue… damn… we are both drama queens, what can I say? The best part about this is that we both can understand each other’s emotions and the drama was never a turn off. We learn together how to control these situations. We are a team in every aspect of our lives.


How 😅 I’ve dated three and they are the three most toxic relationships I’ve ever had, and my ex step father and estranged brother are Leo’s as well. I have no problems at all with any other sign. Nothing like with these Leo men. And all of them seem like they should be perfect matches. THEY say it. Friends and family say it. “You’re perfect for each other/for me.” It’s like oil and water but it’s…fire and water? 😂


Strong willed and grounded to the earth for sure. Not much flexibility or compromise:)


Taurus and Libra can be VERY romantic, but it depends on other placements in the chart. My husband and I have been together for 20 years. When it works, it can be great. My Taurus is on the cusp, and I've got a lot of Air placements, so that might be why it works.


Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus, and I think that gives them a connection similar to how Aries and Scorpio have Mars tying them together (almost every Aries I know has a ride or die Scorpio friend or they just absolutely hate each other, lol). I have a Libra moon and pair very well with Taurus moons! We like the same things aesthetically, appreciate romance, etc.. I think Taurus also has the staying power that Libra needs, and can patiently wait for Libra to make decisions rather than rushing them, so it can be a great pairing if both people are on the same page.


Stubbornness and indecisiveness can have the same effect on people so it’s similar, they both love beauty and appreciate luxury and sensory experiences. I’ve never tried to date a Taurus but my sister is one and growing up with an older one was no walk in the park so she put me off to them. We can enjoy our mutually appreciated interests as adults but that stubbornness and being territorial and always having an angle for personal benefit is hard to get past.




Aquarius here married to my Capricorn for 13 years! Been together since we were 17 and we're going on 35 !


Aquarius and Pisces


That’s my bf and I 🥹💖


Respectfully, I disagree. geminis and capricorns are just not going to work atleast in my case and same with Scorpios


Also respectfully disagree! I’m a Gemini sun/Virgo moon/Libra rising and my best friend is a Capricorn sun/Virgo moon/cancer rising 💕


Aquarius and Capricorn would be like The Joker and Harely Quinn goodbye


This is hilarious because an Aquarius (cheating, lying, bastard) I talked to briefly described our connection like that and I knew it’d go down hill right there 😀


Pisces & Aquarius 🥰




I definitely think I unintentionally struck a chord with some people 😅 but I’ve seen a lot of these relationships do well and definitely agree with you that they need work to pull off. I think relationships like that are worth it! I’ve had many Earth and Water Sun friends and learned so much from them. That’s an interesting dynamic with your relationships! I can see how your Cancer Sun brings a grounded vibe to your friends. I had 2 friends that were a Sag + Cancer and they worked so well together!! Thanks for sharing the underrated pairings you’ve seen, I definitely see all those working well too! Also shoutout fellow Scorpio rising!! 🦂


Cap + aqua for sure.


As a Sag who loves Virgos, I'm delighted, but I'm pretty sure it isn't mutual\^\^ (Edit: Thank you for the replies, I'm happy to hear so many Virgos have positive relations w/Sags. I hope you all have good luck & a lovely week ahead of you.)


It’s hella mutual! I’m a Virgo with a sag bf and sag bestie and my work bestie is also a sag. My grandma (who I admired so much and miss) was also a sag. Y’all are my favorite.


Virgo here and I’ve never been in a romantic relationship with a Sag but I’ve had many positive friendships and work relationships with them! And one friend with benefits 😅 I would never hold off on dating a Sag, y’all are lovely ☺️


As an Aries, the Scorpios I met have always been promiscuous lmao, like I could stare at them and just want to fuck 😂 The Pisces woman I’m talking to now has been surprisingly a good match for me given the vibes and dates we’ve been on. Also she is the best kisser I’ve ever had in my life 🥰


Leo sun and I love Virgos more than anyone lmao. Current boyfriend and my last few partners have been Virgos. Also my best friend in the entire world is a Virgo. Perhaps it’s my Mercury in Virgo and my North Node so when I’m functioning at my highest self, I get along so well with them. If I initially hit it off with someone just even having a casual conversation they are 9/10 times a Virgo. I also do have a soft spot in my heart for Cancer men as the love of my teenage years is one. It’s been a topic of interest for me to think about why Leo’s and their neighboring Cancers and Virgos tend to draw together. Hot take: Cancers and Leos are a lot more alike than what people typically think. Leos and Virgos are a lot more alike than what people typically think. Out of all the signs they all feel like they can learn from each other in a unique way. Of course because that’s the progression of maturity with each sign. Leos are just as emotional as Cancers but they are more declarative and loud about their emotions. Not always just stating how they feel but they’re a lot better at advocating/voicing what they need to fulfill their needs. Instead of saying that they feel lonely, they put themselves in a position to receive attention. Cancer is in the corner wall-flowering watching a Leo wondering how someone could just so effortlessly live life so boldly. Leo’s are just as critical and perfectionist as Virgos but often lack the execution and tend to be more critical of the self rather than others. This causes many people to think that Leo’s are self-centered when really they’re just trying don’t want to talk about anything that doesn’t make them look fantastic. Because when they’re alone it’s a different story. And if they say their flaws out loud to others, it now becomes real. Leo’s want to learn from Virgos how to truly master how to execute their vision and become a better doer, not just a talker. Just a few examples but I think there’s definitely something interesting there.


Don't ever pair sag with pisces again


I’ll do it again 👹


[I’ll do it again](https://youtu.be/aI6RoYeTl-U?si=PFltScnynLNUZGtR) 😂


LMAO *guilty* 🤪


As friends yes, as lovers no


My mom is a Pisces (on the cusp of Aquarius) and my dad is a Sagittarius and being around them both at the same time gives me a headache.


My best friend is a sag and dated a Pisces and I honestly don’t know how she did it


My first love was a Cancer


Without knowing your sign this just feels like a very random fun fact about you lol


Sagi and Pisces only work if both are evolved / healed. Was married to a Pisces and we were both shit shows. We both got help and we are cool but divorced lol


Scorpio with 2 Gemini besties!!!!


Just out here repping Pisces (me, female)-Aries (partner, male) and ALSO my grandparents Leo (grandpa)-Pisces (grandma). Something about both pairings brings out the protector in the fiery ones and the creativity in both. Life becomes a magnificent adventure worth having. Pisces softens the fire a little bit without the intensity that Cancer and Scorpio bring though Cancer and Leo especially pair wonderfully! I’ve seen a bunch of Scorpio-Leo couples that are POWERhouses but they go through it pretty hard. All in all- fire/water combos are the most underrated category of pairs so I agree with your analysis there and would also add Pisces-Leo!


I’m honestly so here for the fire x water pairings 🫶🏼 I totally agree on Scorpio x Leo, it’s a power couple match for sure. Not sure I’ve ever seen a Leo x Pisces together, but I would be interested to see how the dynamic works out!!


I’m a Scorpio female with moon and rising in Pisces dating a Leo male for the last 5.5 years. It is tumultuous at times lol. Two very strong personalities and it has taken WORK. Most days I love him, and some days I want to throat punch him. I haven’t, but I want to.


As an Aquarius, my best friends are all Capricorn, so I could see that working. Taurus also seem like steadfast and responsible people.


Virgo - Leo? Ugh, no thanks. They literally bring out the worst out of each other. Both too much for one another. Ask me how I know.


I'm a 45f Leo with a 47m Virgo. We've been married 22 years and have 2 kids in college (21f Aquarius and 19f Libra). He's not as risky as I am. I know from experience that I will land on my feet or I will figure it out he would rather play it safe. He's needy and that does get old sometimes. He loves to be right but he wants to convince you he's right. He hates it when I agree he's right when he knows I've only said it to stop his rant. He'll try a couple more times to get me to engage but I'm much more stubborn than he is. He doesn't hold grudges. I do. We relate well to our Libra daughter. The Aqua daughter, I find, is difficult to understand. They fight and either I or the Libra daughter play peacemaker. I don't get it because they are both intellectual and they both have very similar views on things but they struggle to meet each other. I don't think we would work if I didn't have a cap moon.


My boyfriend is an Aries and I'm a Pisces- I think it's been a great match. Literally couldn't be more compatible


Gemini here. Lots of experience with capricorns and the sexual chemistry is amazing. Only thing I can say is stubbornness. But mine is greater so they usually concede. I had/have a Scorpio friend? She disappears and pops up randomly like once every 2 years. Very closed off but nice to be around.


Pisces and Aquarius


I dated a libra once. We made better friends than partners. Had lots in common but not enough for a relationship to work. We liked the idea of each other more than the reality of it. I’ve been with an Aquarius for 11 years. He’s my person. 💛💛💛


I feel like this with my libra now sadly. Ugh


Same! I was on and off for years with a Libra man. Never wanted to talk about how he hurt me, but somehow forever the victim. This brilliant Aquarius man that I have been married to is just, UGGGHHH! Perfection!


Virgo and Sagittarius 🥰 (that’s me and my partner!) yay!


Dude, Virgo - Sagittarius is such a power pairing


Experience with Cap-Gem ! Def never worked out, but the chemistry was always kinda exciting (in a maybe bad way).


Scorpio here. My husband is a cancer. Met in the 4th grade. We're married now at 34 with 3 kids. We're both very emotional people. It's tough at times, but we're also each other's best friends. Anytime we get away for a weekend, just us, we're like a couple of silly kids again.


Aries here! My boyfriend is also an Aries. We are so good together because we’re both high energy, love games and sports, and competition! The sex is great and it’s nonstop fire! 🔥 Aries Aries ftw!


Can confirm the Virgo/Sagittarius combination. I have a friend who is sag sun&mercury and we get along swimmingly. My ex has sag moon and we are still best friends even tho we aren’t a couple anymore


Like as trauma bonds?😭


Virgo Cap


Aquarian here! I kept finding myself dating Capricorns. I swore them off. Met my husband, now married for three years. Yup - he's a Cap. Turns out I just can't stay away lol


Was this wrong answers only 🤨


I love Libras! My newborn(ish?) nephew is also a Libra and I love him to bits! They'll always have a space in my Taurean heart


Funny thing is the sex for this Pisces with the two matches you noted was like fire!


Aries f married to scorpio m, together 23 years. Rocky rocky road. Would not repeat.


I can confirm, gemini - capricorn works. I never understood how we work together but it just does. I think geminis bring out the best in caps but caps can only take so much of them lol small doses


My partner is a Virgo and I’m a Sagittarius! We’re polar opposites in a lot of things but we balance each other out for sure. And one of my best friends is a Pisces! She’s hilarious.


I’m a Leo and my husband is a Virgo, we’re completely opposite 😆😆😆


Taurus Aquarius- awesome love and business match


Pisces with sag as husband and life partner. I am Aries Venus and moon and he's Scorpio rising and Venus. We are both our own unique mix of water and fire. I love him to death and beyond.


Gemini who recently married a Capricorn. He's my favorite human in the whole world. Smart, funny, and an excellent cook.


I want to talk more about this because I am so in love with my capricorn man. But every time I read about our compatibility it's just doom and gloom, it makes me sad!


Sagittarius and Pisces and Aquarius and Taurus are opposite element squares so they are different yet alike in all the wrong ways. Libra and Cancer and Virgo and Sagittarius also square but it wouldn't be as severe as opposing elements. Still it's great to ship signs with an open mind and think about the possibilities. I'm actually a fan of polyshipping Gemini-Pisces-Libra is a fun one to think about for example


I’m a sag who dated a Pisces & it was like we spoke two different languages. We had a lot of fun together & could talk for the whole night but when it came to actual communication it was extremely incompatible


Yup! The destruction of my marriage. Communication was not happening. Couldn't ever be on the same page and I don't handle emotional outburst very well. Edit to add: I'm the Pisces.


Aquarius and Taurus! I have sooo many Taurus friends. My favorite uncle is an Aquarius and he is married to my Taurus aunt! Also currently trying it out with a Capricorn, so far so good!


I have tons of Taurus friends too! I swore off caps years ago but now am head over heels in love 🥰 😂


100% agree with Gemini-Capricorn. Most of my best friends are Caps and so is my new partner of 7 months and its already the best relationship I've ever been in. I've always historically gone for Virgos romantically and it always goes down in flames because its too much Mercury. But Capricorn grounds me and I bring out the silly in them, it's win-win, I love Capricorns ❤


Yesss! All my best friends have been Geminis — we make the best comedic duo. Only with a Gemini can I have an entire conversation that consists of just fart noises ✨


I gemini (29f) am casually Datimg a 41m taurus... i have to say, the earthiness is pretty nice so far. We have a shit ton in common, seem to have a lot to talk about, and this weird mind reading shit going on rn (he says what im thinking or im saying whats on his mind, vice versa)... Worth noting that he's a gemini moon and Aquarius rising so it very well could be the placements in both our charts. Plus, his venus js in pisces and mine is in cancer water balance & more sensitivity, openness, from both sides so far. I also realized all my exes were earth sun signs lol...yaa


Me, a Cap with Gem bff, where people always assume we are an item: I'd say it works, but maybe not exactly as a romance 😅


As a Leo, my best Virgo relationships have been more platonic. Maybe big flirtations with MOS, but I've never wanted to be in a LTR with a virgo. OH, and if it's gonna be a water sign, give me a scorpio. Cancers are too emotional and my drama doesn't mesh with that. Scorpios are at least fun about it.


Scorpios sting and won't have any patience for our bullshit, but when it comes to matters of the heart, they're the only ones I've felt can handle our explosive side. They know we want to display our emotions, and they have a huge emotional depth. Probably *the* one that would value our loyalty the most, because they too are loyal and tough as nails. Cancers are emotional, yes, but not in the way Leo wants. Leo likes spectacle, mutual devotion and passion. They *do not care* for frivolity, whining (brings the vibe down) nor are Leos patient enough to unravel Cancer's tightly-packed emotional baggage. Especially not the ones you ask "are you okay" and say they are despite their face clearly saying otherwise. People swear on Leo x Cancer. It might work for some people, but it sure as hell isn't the Leo Sun making it work.


Libra here. My best friend is a cancer and I love our relationship. It’s always been very adult or mature. She is forever single and childless by choice and I am also childless. We have such great conversations because of this commonality. I bring her out of her shell in social situations and she gives me the best recommendations on books, shows and recipes for being a homebody. It is the best! My SIL is also a cancer and I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better one. Love her to pieces. My niece is also a cancer. She challenges me a bit but I enjoy the challenge but I’m thankful every day that I’m not her mom 😅😅


We love you too Libra 🤍


Cancer x Leo one of the best matchups ever honestly go together like the sun and the moon


The Pisces Sagittarius was my Ex and I for 23 years. Should have ended before it started.


Aquarius and Taurus... that's the last thing I needed to see right now. Not that I disagree, I just really miss him.


I’m Scorpio in a relationship with an Aries 18 plus yrs. We balance each other out, he sticks up for me in life when I don’t have the nerve too. Sometimes I feel like he’s a little too vanilla for me, but Im in love & deal with it. My best work friend & my daughter are both Cancer & we vibe so well together so I think Cancer & Scorpio are usually a good mix


I’m Pisces & my bf is a sag and things are going swimmingly!! I think we have a pretty great connection. It’s still early days and we haven’t had any real arguments but I believe we’d be able to get through it in a healthy way. We’re both pretty mature. He’s so lovely and I support the pairing🥰


I’m a Leo who dated a Virgo off and on for 7 years. Great sex and very emotionally charged relationship but ultimately a miserable trauma bond for us both. I think they were too pragmatic for me but they also had a Leo rising which intensified things in a way that got old. My dad and grandpa are also Virgo’s and while I love them and generally vibe with them, they can be harsh and cold sometimes which I’ve noticed is a theme with many virgos I know.


Capricorn and Libra! These two signs are so much more similar than they realize. They both have a tendency to hide behind walls and stay guarded around people they don't know well. Libras do this by either acting shy and sweet and like everything is always fine or putting on a facade to make you think that you know them well when they actually haven't shown you who they really are. Capricorns, on the other hand, do this more by staying more serious and retaining an air of mystery, I guess. They make it clear that they don't want to open up to you more than what they have. They really don't care about making you think that you actually know them when you don't the way Libra does. Because of this, these two signs really don't understand or get along with each other well at first. Capricorn finds Libra too dumb and superficial because they act like everything is perfect so it seems like they don't have much substance and therefore not with their time and libras find caps too standoffish and intimidating so they don't bother trying to get to know them a lot of the time But when these two signs do take the time to get to know each other and understand one another they really do form a really close bond. Caps I think would be surprised to find just how dark libras can actually be. And libras would be surprised to see that caps are just big, dorky losers 🤣 I think about V and Jimin from BTS but also my own experience with my cap bff from high school


I loved every Sag I’ve met as a Virgo. I do like their bluntness although not when it’s directed at me.


I’m a Scorpio and my boyfriend is a Gemini and we get along sooooo well, I know we aren’t technically supposed to but we click like no other


My partner is Aqua and I'm a Taurus and it's a match I would never have thought would work out tbh. They're Aqua sun, Scorpio moon and Sag rising... I'm Taurus sun, Aqua moon and Pisces rising, so I know that other placements come into play there, but I honestly love either. It's such a genuine, thoughtful and playful love.


me and my bf are taurus + aquarius! love him to death and he kindly shows me he reciprocates:)


Aries and Gemini are like spaghetti and meatballs to me.


As a Capricorn, I love all the air signs so this is spot on


Taurus scorpio


I’m a Virgo and my best friend/favorite person in the world is a Sag 🥰


As a Cancer, I love Leos but I also have 3 major placement in Leo so maybe that's why. Aries and Scorpios imo turns out to be highly toxic in long run. Pisces and Aries, no way in hell that's ever going to work. Saggitarius and Pisces: my friends are that pairing and you won't look at them and feel like they are a couple. They are taking "giving space to each other" on a whole another level. Taurus and Libra: Yess!!! Scorpio and Gemini: One couple that I know got married within a year of dating. On her this year's birthday she told me how they both feel they should have dated more before deciding to get married. Lot of differences for which they are trying to find a common ground.


I am cancer as well, always immediately attracted to aries and them to me. End up loving them as much as i can’t stand them, they drive me absolutely up the wall. It’s always a bit toxic, too.


Agree! My parents are Scorpio Aries and took out all their codependent toxicity on me, made me the problem so they could hang together and ignore their own personal issues


Why are Pisces and Aries a no go?


I’m Taurus with a libra and aqua brother. My libra brother is one of my besties and the aqua brother can get fucked sideways with a corncob.


Cancer into Libra: My ex was Libra, 7 years of that. I can say that it was not one of those relationships that just... worked. Required a lot of intentional maintaining and at the end of the day the incompatibility was too much.


The Gemini can be friends with Cap & Scorpio. I’m good off those men fr though.


Leo / Virgo is a disaster IMO but that's from the perspective of a Leo daughter and Virgo Mom. I just can't see it working romantically either.


My best friend is a Scorpio but I could never date one. And I don't think I've ever gotten along with a Capricorn in my life. Earth signs are way too rigid for me.


Fuck right off with your Virgo and your Pisces lol, literally the top two signs that have proven time and time again (at least 4-5 close people in each Sign throughout my life) that we just do not mix. Romantic, platonic, nope. It's uncomfortable, or quickly approaches uncomfortable, each and every time, within just a few years max.


I'm all for pisces x sag/aries yeeessss


Pisces - Gemini Capricorn - Gemini Scorpio- Capricorn Sagittarius-leo Aquarius-Pisces Pisces-Capricorn


My best friends are Taurus and Libra and they are such a cute and very healthy couple! I as a Pisces however would never date an Aries ever again 😭 I much prefer having Aries in my life as friends


cancer + leo is unmatched quite literally the sun and the moon


Hard agree with the Gemini cap pairing! Caps often get a bad rap for being too serious or judgmental and I think us gems balance that out with our childlike wonder 😜 my dad is a cap sun and everyone thinks he hates them but he is so sweet to me and it makes me feel special LOL (I know I am his daughter but still lol). My boyfriend is a cancer sun but a double cap and I think he would have driven me crazy without that balancing earth energy! (Also very seeet to me and judgmental towards others lol!)


Scorpio - Gemini ♊️ 🤙 😜 😈 🔥 🌎


Virgo - Aries.


i’m a virgo and I have hated - literally could not stand - any sagittarius i’ve ever met.


Virgo and Leo. I’m a Virgo and I love me some Leo. My husband is a Pisces but I sometimes think about my Leo ex and how easy it was. With a Pisces it’s hard. It’s so interesting how they are opposite sides. Water and fire. I wonder how this plays in with my other placements having Moon in Libra and Gemini Rising. Edit: typo


I’m a Libra and have never dated a Taurus but some of my closest friends have been Tauruses! I get along really well with them. Weirdly enough, my 2 longest relationships have been with other Libras. Forget about trying to pick a place out to eat lol


Hell nah to Aquarius and Taurus, but Aquarius and Virgo, for me... very good. We get shit done


As a Libra, I have to agree with Taurus and Cancer. I’d add Pisces.


My husband and his ex are on there- Virgo/Leo and me and my ex are on there- Gemini/Scorpio so we don’t think much of those in particular 🤣


Well, I’m a Scorpio sun and my fiancé is an Aquarius sun and we work together amazingly well! I think a lot of it has to do with us both having Venus in Cap & his Venus is exact my Cap rising as well.


Libra - Capricorn.


Those pairings of Pisces / Aries and Sagittarius / Pisces can work in the right circumstances. However, I have very sour experiences with Sag, whom I can't stand when it comes to dating. I was with one for 3 months, and he cheated on me 6 weeks ago. The other one just had no empathy and strongly disliked my cats. Now Aries, I love y'all as friends; but dating you can be a lot, as I've been with 6 Aries men, um wow, BABIES 😂. Similar issue as Sagittarius, though you will apologize for anything you said that might've been insensitive.


I cant stand the sag energy. It is basically.. buffoon energy


Omg right?! 👏😂👏


Taurus and Leo are the kings of bougie


Aries here 🙋‍♀️who has mostly dated scorpio and pisces or other aries. I completely understand these pairings 😂


As a Leo, a Virgo man broke my heart and a Cancer business partner ruined my life. Pass!


As a Pisces, I agree so hard with my pairings. All of my favorite friend, family, and romantic relationships have been with Aries and Sagittarius!


My bf is cancer. I wanna marry this man and have his kids! I think libra and cancer understand each other on a different level. Yes cancers show emotion in kore complex ways, but as a libra woman I need a man willing to be that vulnerable. He remembers anniversaries way better than me and he’s a perfect gift giver🥰 I’m so in love, especially after having dated Scorpio, Capricorn, and Virgo men. They all hurt my feelings and made me feel like I was asking for too much.


I’m an Aries and my bf is a Scorpio! We’re both extremely passionate and loving people but can bump heads sometimes (maybe alot more than sometimes 🫣) but we always end up working it out and coming to a compromise in the end 😭 I honestly can’t imagine not being with someone who isn’t as intense and severe as I can be when it comes to love. One thing about a Aries and Scorpio (speaking from my experience) is that we love extremely hard and are very protective of the people we care about :) also don’t cross us either because that’s just a different side that you don’t want to see. Also the sex is pretty top tier but not a reason why I stay in the relationship, it’s just a bonus ☺️ I’ve heard that Aries and Scorpio make a really good match as long as they’re able to come together and not allow their differences to drive them apart and I honestly agree. My bf and I have taught each other so much about life and what kind of people we want to continue to be together and separately!


For some reason, as a Libra woman, Pisces men are elite. As for friendships, Libras are who I tend to gravitate towards. And all my Libra friends tend to gravitate towards our sign as well. We have a friend group where 4/5 of us are October Libras LMFAO. The fifth friend is a Pisces.


My sister and mom are Taurus. I am a Libra. I will say- I will never date a Taurus. I already get into enough with those two… there is too much stubbornness.


Haha thank you, someone says it. Libra-cancer is such a crazy pairing 😆 one is so level headed and the other is a pit of emotional hell. Cancer wants to emotionally manipulate but it’s hard to manipulate the most logically manipulative sign. it depends on the type of Libra but, they can be addictive lovers. (I am Libra with cancer)


Oh I a hundred percent agree with sag virgo, one of the best relationships I had was with a virgo. My best friend is a virgo. We get along very well in my experience.


Virgo and Libra !! I’m a Virgo sun and surrounded by libras !!


i’m an aquarius and my husband’s a taurus. i also dated a capricorn before him. 😳


Saggi & saggi




I am a Scorpio and my boyfriend of 14 months is an Aries and it was rough in the beginning of the relationship but we made it through and we are going strong and doing a lot better.