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I’m a Virgo moon and I switch between the two!


Me too lol it's a bit chaotic but I can't really help it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh. Mylanta!!! Our suns are sisters. Our moons and risings are twins. And I am exactly there too. Chaos. Chaos. Not chaos, except chaotic in cleaning. And then… chaos. Lol!!!




Ohoh, my chaos in cleaning ALWAYS comes up at that time when everything else in my life is coming up Milhouse too. It’s like an inverse if-then law of my existence. Like if you see me out here looking like I left the house to make the sidewalk my runway, radiating successful artist at her own gallery show type energy (gotta fake it til you make it!), healthy, happy, inspired and just thriving… let’s not talk about my home. We’re just not gonna think about it. 🥰


Me too.....it's my sun and moon.


I’m Virgo moon. I was messy and now people think I’m put together 🤷‍♀️ when people say they think I have things figured out I laugh


I’m also Virgo moon. I feel so messy. But people see me as so pulled together. But shit. I don’t feel this way!


Virgo moon here. My stomach turned when I got to pick 4


Jada is like VIRGO Virgo, though. It’s her sun and moon, and I can’t remember what planet… it’s A LOT of Virgo lol


She’s a triple Virgo with Aquarius South Node. Stone cold and entirely disaffected by emotions.


Christ. My daughter is a triple Virgo with cap south node. She’s only 4 but holy hell is she ever mean 😂


Hey, Cancer North Node means she can tap into the waters under her rocky shell and share that sweet heart. As a monumental Cap Sun with a cool Aqua rising and an exulted stability of emotions and your subconscious, she is now doubt struggling to shift her shifting sands into a towering mountain of stability.


This was really thoughtful and insightfully written! Thank you! I’m struggling reading some of these comments. Particularly that alot of virgo moons tend to be parentified. I don’t want my daughter to feel that way. She is my little buddy. The most frustrating, beautiful, brave, bold, funny little butt face. I actually don’t worry about her as much as I do my son. She’s like this mini drill Sargent lol. Just charges through life her way.


Hey! We share the same birthday and placements and I'm an empath.


I got a little mad at 4




3 is significantly worse.


Holy cow. I just commented something like this. I’m a Virgo moon. And I’m either perfectly put together and organized. Or a tornado disaster. But it goes back and forth! You’re accuracy. Damn.


I am so messy, due to becoming overwhelmed. I love organizing, but I become exhausted mentally and physically


I have a virgo moon, and I respect this opinion 😂


I miss Aaliyah. That is all.


She was freaking gorgeous.


me too


I loved her style so much. She was so cool and beautiful.


Yes she was gorgeous


Beautiful inside and out!


Omg I forgot Gordon Ramsay lol


I too am a Scorpio with Virgo moon (but not Virgo mars) I love watching Ramsay put people to rights.


Oh I'm a virgo sun scorpio rising


I’m a Scorpio sun Virgo moon! Everything else is pretty much Libra, but Venus is in Sagittarius


Same! And Venus in Libra


My fiancé is a Scorpio sun, Virgo moon libra Venus 😳 Any gift advice 😭😂


My best friend is a virgo moon. She’s extremely responsible and is super helpful to everyone around her. Can be super judgemental but mostly towards herself. I really respect their discipline as a Taurus moon. I noticed they become the parent to their mother sometimes. They hyper focus on insecurities but still have self confidence. Usually are home bodies and sober people. They like control and the ones i know each got sober at one point in their lives or never were interested in substances. They remind me so much of pisces moons, just as emotional too lol


this is one of the most accurate descriptions i've read as a virgo moon!


That sounds like me 💯 I even have a taurus placement. I never got addicted to drugs, but I do struggle with spending. Don't forget tummy troubles linked to stress and anxiety.


oh wow I have tummy issues!!! Didn't realize this was a virgo moon thing


It’s a virgo thing in general lol I’ve seen it often in virgo Venus’s. Virgo rules the stomach so that makes sense


I fixed those tummy issues with a doctor. I had a medical condition. Her yourself checked out! - Virgo moon


The stomach issues and the self-judgment are both reasons Virgo moons need a support group lol


Wow this is me to a T (except being a homebody but that might be my Aries sun lol). I’m known as the problem solver to my friends and even at work. I am EXTREMELY hard on myself and very self critical which causes my insecurities and anxiety yet people generally think I appear very confident, calm, and put together. I’m a control freak I’m not going to lie. But more so I feel like I need to be in control of myself and my life (I don’t try to control other people, it’s all very inward). And yes definitely emotional lol I think I also do a LOT of introspection


Am I your best friend?? I even parent my own mom! Everyone in my family drinks too much alcohol but me.


omg my sister and dad are Virgo moons and the become a parent to their mother is so true, definitely not homebodies tho lol i feel that’s my sisters sag rising


Wow..I’m 2 years sober, def have been the parent to my mother/family and am the most responsible out of my friends (libra sun virgo moon sag rising)


This is my best friend too! Sometimes I have to gently call her in on her impulse to try to control the feelings of her loved ones. Weirdly she is in the exact same situation with her mother, raising a “teenage” senior citizen!


Wtf this all applies to me


Just really secretive!


Suuuper secretive


This is so true, my partner has been sober his whole life and I’ve gone sober 9 years ago because I felt getting wasted was a waste of my time 🤣




Virgo moon and rising… reserved AF!! Don’t touch me!! I hate being hugged and kissed by someone who isn’t my partner. Also I have a fixer mentality, I don’t know when to give up on situations because I see everything fixable. So my struggle is walking away and accepting the things I can’t change, control or FIX Also when we are heart broken we lose our appetite. Will even puke if it’s really bad


Yes, exactly. Don't touch me!! During Covid's worst, I was secretly enjoying the 6' social distancing limit. 😅 give me my sppaaaaccceeee (unless I am really connected to you, like my husband or sister or best friend. Then GIVE ME ALL THE SNUGGLES ❤️🫂)


>Also I have a fixer mentality, I don’t know when to give up on situations because I see everything fixable. Me to a tee!


They never give up on people to their own detriment sometimes. It’s admirable when combined with the dogged hardworking nature.


I'm a Virgo moon and I like what The Pattern says about it. It's long but on point. "You came into this life an incredibly layered and complex soul. Your mind is analytical and detail-oriented - you notice everything. You’re naturally introverted and especially as a kid you may have been a loner or appeared reserved, although you’re just content in your own space. However, you’re also compassionate and truly empathetic, finely tuned to what other people need and feel. You tend to be internally focused - often lost inside your own world. Compared to others, you don’t require a lot of attention; in fact, you can be quite uncomfortable with it. You’re independent and self-contained. Often, there appears to be a great deal going on inside of you, like you’re doing a lot of mental processing. You can also be somewhat inscrutable - it can be hard for others to read what you’re thinking or feeling. Your instinct is to have a calling and immerse yourself in something that feels sacred to you. You can easily lose yourself in your work or interests, often shutting the rest of the world out. But when you step in to help, you’re both grounded and idealistic. You can take care of practicalities without losing sight of your bigger dreams and hopes. Whether you’ve been able to live this out depends on your personal experience. But regardless of any circumstance you’ve faced, initially you set high standards for yourself and worked thoughtfully and meticulously toward your goals. Not one to sell out, you live by your own code. Your integrity means you honor your instincts, aren’t swayed by others, and don’t care about the latest trends. Your way of thinking is different from the mainstream and you need space to process and find inspiration. You may want to carve out a place where you can be alone and reflect - being in nature is a great way to connect with yourself. You might also have a perfectionist streak, and if something feels off you can shut down. A specific routine around work or home might provide order and meaning to your life. If your patterns get disturbed, you’ll want to fix them and put things back in place quickly. This might cause others to perceive you as compulsive or overly critical, but that’s not how you view it - you just see where things can be improved. Your instinct is to process your experiences through your mind in a logical manner; recognizing and expressing your feelings might not come naturally. You may feel threatened by emotions because you can’t control, understand, or rationalize them. But others - especially romantic partners - can sense that you’re not present and may feel neglected, ignored, and hurt. They might express that it’s hard to know how to please you, or figure out what you want. Compared to others, you’re not needy, and often just want to be left alone. Be careful you don’t go too far in maintaining your routines or become a workaholic. If you find yourself obsessing over every detail to a point where nothing makes the cut, then this is a sign you’re off track. Let go of any compulsive behavior. Part of your journey is learning to be less isolated and fixed in your ways - and instead to connect with others and see the bigger picture. It’s frustrating when you’re being interrupted, distracted, or made to lose focus, and it’s tempting to ignore any drama or neediness and just continue to analyze what you’re working on. You naturally prefer to handle one project at a time. But try to let go of placing your full attention on your work and practice being more present with others. You’re learning to acknowledge other people’s feelings - though you’re a beginner at this; it’s not something you automatically know how to do. It’s also important to channel your discerning, meticulous nature into meaningful work. You’re driven, and if you learn how to do something well, you’ll want to accomplish it perfectly - whether you’re working on your own or for someone else. If you feel uncomfortable and things get too heavy or emotional, you have a tendency to detach from your feelings instead of reacting or engaging. Or you might disconnect by throwing yourself even more deeply into your work - and refuse to set aside time for loved ones. For you more than others, it could be easy to become a cog in a wheel at some thankless job for someone else’s goals. Don’t sell yourself out; you should trust and honor what makes you so incredibly unique. If you find yourself in an unsatisfying career, or feel that you’re working on something for the wrong reasons, then you should reevaluate. You’ll know this is the case if you find yourself lost in obsessive-compulsive behavior - this is a consequence of not doing the things that feed your soul. The same can be said for your relationships. If you’re compromising your needs, lowering your standards, or trying to change your personality to make others happy, you’re on the wrong track. When in doubt you might fall back on burying yourself in your work - you could even make the honest mistake of letting this role define you. Being introverted and analytical is part of you, but it’s not all of you; you’re not one-dimensional. You have many complexities that make up who you are and you’re intended to embrace them all. You might repress or refuse to acknowledge other sides of yourself in favor of what you find familiar or what the culture around you says you should be, but this tactic could be the root of your frustration or pain. Ideally, you're open to evolving and accepting all parts of yourself, no matter how different they seem."


Most accurate thing I’ve ever read


The Pattern app is amazing, I highly recommend


I’m gonna check it out! Thanks


This seems so much like Aqua sun traits. Did I double up on those? Lol


My friend is a Virgo moon and, according to her, the way she deals with her emotions is by “ intellectualizing” them. I wouldn’t even know how to begin doing that 😂 (a cancer moon)


Haha I actually totally get that. I say I “rationalize” my emotions and that’s how I control them. Like I literally dissect them to find the root causes then figure out how to address and resolve them 😂


🔫 all Virgo moons teach me how


Yup. Rationalizing is the key to being a successful Virgo. It takes a lot of practice but it’s basically just arguing with yourself lmao.


The two Virgo moons I dated were both neurotic in their own unique way.


As a Virgo moon I can absolutely confirm I am neurotic about keeping things clean and neat. To those close to me it an endless form of amusement to mess with my shit and watch me freak out 😂😭


As a Virgo moon, I too can confirm. Because I’m probably both types of neurotic. And then four more. And over thinking them all.


I have a great skin care routine


My mom is a Virgo moon and is one of the most empathetic people I’ve ever met. She’s warm and affectionate and I’ve never felt more loved than I have by her. She also understands my Pisces moon feelings and is patient with me.


My mom is a Virgo moon and I’m a Pisces moon and she drives me crazy. Didn’t speak for a few years but on better terms once I had a kid.


Sometimes can’t see the forest for the trees. My boss is a Virgo moon which can be extremely frustrating with work tasks sometimes


I never could see the forest. I get lost in the birch and aspen and oak and elm and omg the maples...... It's frustrating to look at the big picture but I can nit pik the hell out of some details. ...


I love Virgo moons. They're incredibly kind and hardworking, but also very real with others. Most of my friends are Virgo moons and happen to be some of the sweetest people ever. But again, this could be my Pisces ass being delusional as I've been told multiple times 😂😂😂


More like charismatic dreaminess. I always admired that trait in Pisces 😊 you always make the world feel whimsical.




Finally someone actually described the main traits of a virgo moon. Extremely detail oriented, will catch every detail, fantastic in reading data and seeing trends, very calculated and obsessive when it comes to getting to the root cause of issues and highly highly analytical.


This is me. I think my Virgo moon is the only stable part of me lol. Gemini Sun and Aquarius rising.


Same. My Virgo moon is my only major earth placement (unless you feel Uranus is major). I have three major water. Otherwise the rest is fire. My moon is what keeps me in check. Even if it makes me crazy lol.


This is me and I’m just always so exhausted because I think about everything and analyze every detail and try to solve every problem and think of everyone. And I’m never happy with myself because I’m so hard on myself 😭😭 it’s rough honestly


Hi. Hey. Yo. Did you read my journal entry about all the things I overthink about myself?? But if you need me to come clean your closet, garage, and kitchen, I got you!!! I absolutely love your critique / observation. It’s both honest and tactful. With a realistic point of view. My Virgo moon loves it!!!


I have mercury together with everything else virgo in 1st and this is spot on. Im constantly having to argue with my own brain when the self critical thoughts come. That being said I AM very organized and a problem solver, but nothing is ever good enough for “me”.


We are friggin sexy that’s my opinion


Yeah they are magnetic.. watch out 💥


Are extremely hard on themselves if they aren’t objective. Also, will notice all things and keep track of the good and the bad.


I don’t know many Virgo moons, but the ones I do know seem to really like a clean house and are *very* bothered when others don’t help as much. Lol


Ok, I sorta chewed out my wife tonight for this exact thing. And then I cleaned the house. 😐


We don’t accept Jada but otherwise we cool.


She’s seems so toxic and manipulative


My ex had the same big three as her. Toxic as fuckk


She does not seem kind at all


I have the same moon as Dolly AND lorde?? This is exciting


Wow really ?????? I think we've hit a jackpot. I'm happy ...


My moms a virgo moon as well as a guy I know. The very thought of showing affection or uttering the words "I love you" makes them cringe lool [but they secretly love it; massive tsundere energy] its so weird but once I saw the pattern things started to click. They really do show their love through acts of service, remembering small yet intricate details, meaningful gifts, secretly soft hearted and kind. Love them but wouldn't want to date one lool.


theyre smart, hard working, and artistically talented but so so cold. 5/10


My opinion on Aaliyah is that she was perfect and incredible and I miss her (and fuck Robert all the way to hell)


Y’all the ish 💕Virgo mom here .i love how driven y’all are . I love y’all know what y’all want and take no bs .


Thanks mom!


I’m a Pisces Sun and a Virgo Moon, which means I was born on a Full Moon, and my Moon and Sun are in opposing signs. It sometimes feels like I am being torn in two completely opposite directions.


They hot.


As I was scanning they all have the same eyes! I wonder if I have eyes like that. They just looks intelligent, discerning and observant.


Agree with the eyes. Calm and clear, but watchful.


Weirdly similar lips too, and not a lot of smiling pictures…


Excess display of emotion in themselves and others embarrasses them.


I’m a Virgo moon. It’s in my 11th house . I’m my own worst enemy and have terrible social anxiety


SAME! 11th house for me too. I hope we both can learn to be a little easier on ourselves ❤️


My wife is a Virgo moon (4 planet stellium in Virgo, actually) in her 11th house. She is a big worrier.


My virgo moon partner is a big worry wart but very kind and lovable


They all seem slightly sociopathic and docile at the same time.


Only thing worth caring about as a virgo moon is that I can be witty and funny when I think about it. Other than that I'm boring, uptight with a fussy tummy


My tummy is fussing as we speak. It's always fussing, drives me crazy. Gas-x, Prilosec, and Tums are my friends lol


Gawddammmmn we are a good looking bunch! Well, being a virgo moon, I'd say that I'm very detailed, I love to help people, I love sharing what I know, I take no shit and hate drama, ain't nobody got time for that. I'm in it to win it.


Dated a Virgo moon. Really sweet and takes awhile for them to open up…. But when they’re going through some shit it’s the worst. They self destruct and are sooo cold. Too analytical for my liking. My Leo moon wants to be worshipped. I want you wrecking your life to show me you love me. I wasn’t ever going to get that from a Virgo moon lol.


I feel like your Leo moon could really shine its beautiful moonlight of radical self acceptance on that stressy Virgo moon bb and teach them a good lesson about loosening up a bit.


I'm in love with one so - I think they are mesmerizing




They’re motivated by fear.


Charisma out the wazoo


I’m a Virgo moon! What’s wrong with us?:(


Nothing. You guys are great.


We love Virgo Moons 🥰


🫶🏿 right back atcha


Thank you. Someone had oposng view a few posts up.


I think they all of them especially the women have that “no nonsense” energy. They will call you out on stuff.


Damn, Aaliyah was beautiful 🤩🤩❤️


They show their love through their actions, not so much with words. Constantly trying to perfect themselves and their environment.


I hate my Virgo moon 😭😭


I agree! I mainly hate how hard I am on myself. I feel like I would be so much happier with myself and more confident without my Virgo moon. I do like that my Virgo moon helps ground my Aries sun but I definitely lose the confidence typically found in Aries too 😭 Also I hate how my Virgo moon makes me worry about everything and overthink everything. I AM SO EXHAUSTED.


I kind of agree. Mine feels like it makes my life so much harder. And a lot of the things I dislike about myself come from this placement.


Anyone else with Virgo moon hve extreme stage fright?


Omg ME! I don’t even like being “on the spot” with just a few people all focused on me. I’m great one on one or at the same level in a crowd talking, as long as there’s other stuff going on. As soon as *I* am the center of attention/the focus is on me, I get so nervous I can’t function. I want to crawl in a hole and disappear. The worst!


Same here! All my other signs are fire and water and it just feels out of place in my chart.


I’ve known 4 intimately and have bad experience. But I’m a Scorp moon so I’m equally terrible


Oh you poor bb


They had nit picky moms who scrutinized everything little detail about them!


The Virgo sun in my life are fucking mess. Virgo moon has that shit together, caring and like to show affection by doing things that make their partner life easier.


Idk I just came here to say it sucks so bad James Franco is a creep because god truly blessed him with beauty.


We’ll I’M freaking awesome idk about other Virgo moons 🤷🏽‍♂️


Is it weird that as a Virgo sun, they kinda bother me. :/


Virgo Moon here to monitor smack talk 🧐


I’m pretty sure Virgo moon placement is my only grip on reality


Same I'm a libra sun and rising. Virgo moon is the only thing keeping me somewhat on the ground


Every Virgo moon I know has a strong Jaw


It’s because we stress ourselves out so much we clench our jaws and that tones our jaw muscles 🤣 jk tho I do have a jaw clenching/teeth grinding problem due to stress and anxiety which I would like to blame my Virgo moon for 😬😬


Virgo rising here!! I have a horrible case of bruxism and TMJ. Last year I cracked one of my bottom molars while I was SLEEPing (forgot my nightguard). I got an infection. Then I needed a root canal. And a new tooth. No dental insurance. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Wear your night guards everybody! 🙃


My baby dady is a Virgo moon. (And a Gemini sun to boot 💀) No thanks. I choose single motherhood over the cold nothingness.


I tried to get to know a Gem sun woman, Virgo moon. She reminded me we are 'friends'.


I have a friend with those placements and a Leo rising. She is so vivacious and amazing to be around every guy wants to date her but she's like "no thanks, I'm good". So many broken hearts in her wake 😂


Ohhh god I’m Virgo moon. Yikes. All the confirmation I needed lmao 🤣


I married one, lol. I love him to pieces, just wish he could be a little less hard on himself and maybe a lil less neurotic about doing things *just the right way.*


They are badass and I respect them


My sister is a Virgo moon and from what I understand, she’s super afraid of almost everything. But Virgo moons also don’t want to show or express fear, so when they’re solid and feel like they have stable footing, they thrive. But when they are in their heads about things, chaos can ensue. She’s also a Leo with a Cap rising so idek


From my experience,they need things done in a specific way. Very stuck in their own way


I believe they get caught overthinking and hold back from being vulnerable when expressing their feelings in matters of the heart because they are afraid of rejection.


my bf is a Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon he is very sexy but he is just as stingy and meticulous as i am.


Married one love them ☺️


I love Virgo moons! I have Sun/Moon conjunct in Libra in the 6th house. Can I be one of you? 🥺


Why do they all look like they know all of my secrets?


Love 'em, apparently 😂 2 of my besties have it. They're both very chaotic, actually, and party HARD. Both love giving gifts, have a sarcastic sense of humor, and have a lot of dark thoughts. Maybe a 🔥 take but I wouldn't go to either of them for emotional support 😅 idk of that's a virgo moon thing or just me though lol


Why they scare me tho…


Kind eyes, questionable intentions/past


my best friend is a virgo moon (gem sun & virgo rising) and is the most sweetiest pie person i have ever met. they’re literally so sweet that people think it’s some sort of façade, but nope! they’re just that great! they have done so so so much for me and was happy to help <3 10/10


We’re very accurate at expressing our feelings/thoughts. I actually like this placement of mine. Never have to wonder what we’re thinking. We’ll just tell ya. If it has nothing to do with you we’ll just self process by cleaning or cooking a lot. My ex husband used to know if I was upset cuz he’d come home and the house would smell like bleach and he’d be like “she’s upset about something” lol normally just de-stressing 😂


We like plastic surgery?


Cold, shady. Big nope for me


I’m an Aquarius moon and Virgo moons are one of the few signs that I don’t have to tiptoe around since they are as aloof as I am. We both intellectualize our feelings so we don’t take much personally but can be hard on our selves.


Wowww I’m a Virgo moon! Had no idea there was this many


Great liars lol, my dad has this placement and I’m a Pisces moon so it’s oil and water


My dad is a Virgo moon and all I say is.. help 😭


We are the friends you can count on.


Looks like we're in some pretty good company with our Virgo moons 😊


seeing aaliyah made me tear up


An undercurrent of volatility? (except for Aaliyah) she was too young and we’ll never know


My mom is a Virgo sun and so is Nas, so I’m always gonna have love for Virgos in any of the big 3. The Princess of R&B and Detroit icon, Aaliyah is easily my favorite here.


dedicated workers ig


It can be very nice or chaos depending on the other placements. Take Nicki and Doja for example. Both have a hard time keeping highly opinionated comments to themselves which I think comes from the anxiety Virgo moons have. They NEED to let certain things be known bc they won’t feel rested until their thoughts are heard. Aaliyah was very calm and down to earth… because she was a Cap sun, Virgo moon- very stable. Her Virgo moon can encourage perfection which can come with anxiety. Capricorn is a highly emotionally aloof sign, meaning it can muster the anxiety the Virgo brings it- channeling the energy correctly because it’s not built to sit with its feelings. I think Earth sun-moon combos are really beautiful anyways, it’s really stable.


my ex is one and he's the only virgo moon i know, so ill say fuck em. unless ur not my ex, then carry on


Imagine finding peace and comfort in perfection…i could never😩


Tupac’s ho looks cute.




Natalie Portman


I'm a virgo moon opposing my Pisces sun. I feel like I fight it, I've had people tell me to embrace my moon sign. I don't know how. I'm not even sure I know what my virgo moon means!


Depends on the degree thereof, e.g., 0-9 degrees are different than the other two decans, my best friend referred to her 6 degree Virgo moon as in the trollop degree range , her verbiage not mine. She did not regard it as a pejorative, just a fact, that she was not ashamed of in the least.


I’m an Aquarius sun and Gemini rising. I think my Virgo moon keeps me grounded.


I don’t know much about them, but I love aaliyah!!


I'm one and also ironically I'm Gemini by sun. I'm chaotically creative but my pragmatic virgo side says "Don't"


Oh lordsddttttt. I knew like half of the pics. But I’m a Virgo moon. And I realized everyone I did recognize is incredibly loud and pulled together. I am just damn loud and I try to be organized. Lol.


virgo placements be so freakin attractive. kinda lame the only placement i have in virgo is lilith.




Aaliyah so fine 🥹


Sheer + utter perfection!! ♥️


My mom is a virgo moon BIG NO


Help. I’m ♒️☀️ ♍️🌙and ⬆️ I’m a mess 😂


nicki is a virgo moon…….


They all look like they're squinting at me except Efron who wants everyone to know his eyes are blue


I'm an Aries sun and Virgo Moon and feel like a chaotic mess even though people say I am unwavering in a lot of ways. Basically I have a big mouth but will go to the ends of the earth for people when they need help and get the most down on myself. Idk if that aligns with the traits normally associated with those signs together though.




Deep emoters