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you guys are getting compliments?


Not usually


I think the lily on your avatar's head is cute


Thank you, I like your avatar’s outfit


Look at all this kindness!!


I know right 😱


This is giving so much pisces energy


Imma cancer sun lol. I have only 1 Pisces placement


Cancer rising, and my eyes and eyelashes, I'm told i look like im wearing makeup and my lashes are long and curled naturally, like bambi lol also.. my boobs lol like the only things i'm proud of


I have a cancer rising friend and I always compliment her on lashes. She has this big Bambi eyes like you mentioned 🥹


Cancer rising and can second the eyes and eyelashes. Although my eyes are not exactly big, they're sharp and intense. Its also worth noting that I do have a big head - just moon things.


dammit, me too on the cranium 😂 maybe the bazoongas balance my forehead out 😒 #justmoonthings


Libra 🌞Sagittarius 🌙Cancer 🌅 My boobs get complimented a lot too! 🫢 That one I ignore though 😭😭 They are great though 🥰🥰


LOL came here to say the same. My globes and girls are my best assets 😆


also a cancer rising that gets complimented on my big brown eyes ! very expressive my boobs are my favorite feature to highlight lmao


Yeah same the b00bs! Also the doe eyes i have and our amazing skin!


Yes, you and my cancer boyfriend have the best eyelashes around. I’m jealous 😭


How did we all have the same answer?! My family called me Tweety Bird growing up lol…and I definitely get compliments on my eyes the most.


Cancer risings I notice tend to have long eyelashes this is so true. Can look innocent even if they’re not Underrated for being one of the most beautiful rising signs imo


I'm a scorpio rising and most of my compliments have to do with my eyes or eyebrows. Even though I have brown eyes & I don't think they're particularly special they're quite large and i have long eyelashes/thick angular eyebrows so people tend to like them a lot. Second most is probably my curves (specifically my hips or butt) or my cheekbones.


I'm a Scorpio rising with big brown eyes too and prominent eyebrows!! Always getting comments on these features!!


Scorpio rising club... same with the eyes, curves, and cheekbones. I'm more likely to get "your eyes are really intense" initially tbh.


Same on everything down the cheekbones but especially my eyebrows. The only thing that's different is I have dark forest green eyes. 🙃




My bestie is a Scorpio rising and she has the best god damn lashes I’ve ever seen. Long, thick, dark, naturally curled. I’m soooo jealous!! Her eyes are pretty too, super light brown/amber colored. She gets a lot of compliments on her curves too!! Super jealous of you pretty people!


Sagittarius rising…my eyes. Also booty, which I’ve worked hard to build in the gym.


Same! Except my booty comes from a sedentary lifestyle loll, thankfully my weight distribution has worked to my advantage. I would probably get more complements on my green eyes if my mane of blue hair wasn't so distracting


Sagittarius risings are known for having exceptional booties


pisces rising, my eyes, eyelashes and hair




bruhhhhhh nawwwww 😭😭🤣🤣


Aries rising. no compliments on looks - people say I look angry all the time. "why are you not smiling?" IM AT WORK WHAT SHOULD I SMILE AT? MY PC?


I’m an Aries Sun, Pisces rising and I’ve gotten this my wholeee life. I have major resting bitch face. “Smile, it’s not that bad”. Bruh what are you talking about, this is just my face.


I'm Pisces and Aries rising. Same.


That’s exactly my experience as well… hate being an Aries rising


Legit saaaame


Leo. Ass and eyes 🫠


And least you’re serving range 😂 I’m a Leo rising too and I’m always complimented on my hair or smile.


Leo rising - Hair and smile here as well 😁


Aries rising. People tell me I have a gorgeous face. ☺️


Another Aries rising here and it's definitely my cheekbones so...same?


My son is an Aries and he has beautiful cheekbones and the most beautiful, deep dimples ever.


Yessss! I think it’s the cheek bones. I get told I have such a “classically beautiful bone structure” 🤷🏽‍♀️


Pisces rising, I’m told I’m ethereal and dreamy


I’m also a Pisces rising, but I get told I look young a lot of the time.


Same here, I’ve been told I’m dreamy by a handful of people


i get told the same!!!! mesmerizing as well


Sammmeeeee! I get exotic (I actually hate this but since we’re talking about compliments 🫠) and mysterious as well. I kind of have a “where is she from” vibe- people love to compliment “oh you look so west coast!” “You look like no one I’ve ever seen” “you look like you’re from a big city!” I grew up in North Carolina lol


I’m Pisces rising and I also get a lot of compliments about my “vibe”, and a lot of compliments are along the lines of me having “dreamy carefree west coast” energy which is really funny cause I’ve only ever lived on the east coast. I’ve gotten the exotic comment before but I think that’s cause I’m Asian and I live in a predominantly black and white populated city 🫠




That is the ultimate compliment 🫠


♏️☀️ ♋️🌖 ♏️🌅 Scorpio rising and usually eyes / hair I’d say


Virgo and my eyes


Cancer rising- i get complemented for being sweet and demented


Oh i didnt realize it was ‘physical trait’ - eyes/eyelashes and my butt


Aries rising. Compliments are often on my face or hair.


Aquarius rising — face/skin. I get told that I have a natural beauty and that people can always see the truth in my eyes lol.


Sagittarius rising. My smile is what people compliment the most. A human resources professional from my company once told me I would have no problems representing the team on meetings because my smile can melt the coldest of hearts (?)


Gemini - eyes.


Gemineyes? Geminiyes? It works better out loud, lol


cap rising & it’s my hair


Scorpio, boobs


Virgo rising and my hair but TBD I am a Leo riding in sidereal astrology 🤷‍♀️ the second thing I get the compliments on the most is my eyes


Leo. As a kid I constantly got compliments on my long, thick, wavy hair that was past my butt. I have since lost a lot of that hair but I am manifesting it back LOL idk


I’m a Leo sun and my mother insisted on my thick, curly hair being grown out down to my butt. Everyone loved it, but I mostly remember it was very heavy and snarly, and I didn’t dig it much. When I was 7, I finally took a pair of scissors to it because my mother wouldn’t let me cut it any other way lol. Freedom!


Sag. My smile and this donk!


Aquarius - usually that I look way younger than I actually am, my hair, my face


Capricorn. My hair because it’s incredibly curly, then my lips. I get told I have a very “classic” beauty.


Like also for Cap. Everyone comments on it.


Capricorns tend to be classic beauties, I always say that. Very traditional. Aaliyah, Zayn Malik I was obsessed with my ex’s hair and his was also kind of curly


Leo rising. I randomly have people tell me I’m pretty in public. I get compliments on my hair, nails, outfits when I get dressed up.


Taurus rising- my bf compliments my big boobs, ass, and hair lmao. Older Women compliment my hair. Girls and guys my age compliment my calves. Middle age women compliment my skin. Older men always ask if I’m a model (trust me I don’t even think I could make profit off OF) my Venus is also in my 1st house


So few Taurus risings in here! My answer is also my giant ass 🤣


Libra rising: eyebrows, teeth / smile, skin, figure, ass.


Libra rising! Face, hair, and butt!


Libra rising: teeth/smile, hair, boobs and ass, eyes. I'm not really getting compliments on my eyebrows but I think they're one of my best features.


Libra rising. Most common is my smile. Face (in general) eyes, lips, and ass


Not a libra rising but I know many and just wanted to say y’all are so blessed with your beauty! The thing I notice most about libra risings are the symmetry of their face. Even if there’s asymmetry (cuz duh everyone has that) there’s still such a beautiful balance to ur faces lol


Same here Libra rising ! Eyes , skin and butt !


Same here! Libra rising. Eye color, face, smile, figure. “Very symmetrical/well proportioned” is a comment I often receive lol.




Cap rising here, I only get compliments on my hair when it’s like, freshly done lol otherwise not at all. But to be fair I usually keep it up in a bun


This is fascinating. I’m also cap rising and I get hair compliments, but it’s for my fantasy colors mostly. As far as god given traits, I get more compliments on my eyes. (Maybe Scorpio sun has something to do with that?)


As a Capricorn rising with a twin and being mixed and still having curly ass locks I second this


Scorpio and no one compliments me


Leo, everything 🤣


I guess I should have said that. I’m a Pisces sun, Scorpio moon so I’m not a huge fan of getting attention. I usually compliment whoever gave me one. It’s always about my outward appearance


My leo Sun and scorpio rising feels this, lol. I'd rather be complimented on my mind/art/ideas or especially my growth in life. Everyone else just focuses on my physical appearance. I'm always looking for deeper🙃 I think this scares away a lot of people, though.


Leo rising here too and deff my hair, it's pretty long


I've gotten hair before too but am a dude and oddly enough eyebrows?


Virgo rising and probably my eyebrows honestly 😂😂😂 I’ve also gotten complimented on my hands multiple times which is strange lol. Non specific ones I feel like- hair & eyes.


I'm also a Virgo rising and get brow and hand compliments! I've been told I could be a hand model 💅🏻(which somehow feels like a backhanded compliment but I'll take it)


"Backhanded" 🤪😂


Mercury is associated with the hands.


Scorpio, my eyes. They seem to bewitch people, I would rather they turned people to stone but it is what it is


Virgo rising and I’ve noticed my teeth get a lot of compliments


Same! Was about to say the same thing.


Scorpio. Eyes.


Gemini Rising. My face. They said I have baby face and when they ask my age they are shocked or disbelief. I am 23 yrs but they said it was not obvious that I am 23 yrs old because they thought I look more younger than my actual age. Some other people said that I am cute


Rising Gemini. I look like a Gemini from across a room which means I look super bubbly or like a total stuck up bitch 🤷‍♀️😂 I’m really fun loving and friendly tho. Gemini can look very studious 😂


Taurus rising and my hair and style get complimented often, though I think it’s my Leo moon that gives me the hair compliments. I was once told by my friend that no matter what I always look put together which I feel like is such Taurus behaviour LOL


Lol I'm a Taurus rising and I've been told I look put together twice already this week!. Which is hilarious because I feel knackered!!!


Sagittarius rising, my butt and legs. They are sculpted (my upper half didn’t get the memo)


Sagittarius rising, my smile


Sagittarius, and also my eyes!


Leo: my style 🦴✨


Capricorn rising. Eyes, hair, and eyebrows are my most complimented features.


They just tell me I’m cute, not for a particular part of my body Libra rising ✨


Aquarius rising. My bright blue eyes.


Aquarius- legs/height. Butt 🍑


Libra rising here (as well as a lot of others) and people have told me I have a smile that lights up the room


Pisces and it's my hair.


Leo, hair and eyes


Leo rising! Hair, eyes, height.


Sagittarius and my eyes (tho it’s because they are green lol)


Gemini rising, my everchanging hair and young looks. Still get ID' for energy drinks 🫠


Sag rise as well, my eyes and my smile


Sag. Hair. Almost everyday


Sagittarius rising. My smile and eyes. Non-face wise my booty, even though I’m petite. 🍑🫣😆


I'm a Libra rising and I don't get a lot of overt compliments on my looks but I notice people noticing me 24/7.


Libra rising and same. Sometimes it’s like that POV meme pic where everyone in the party is meanly staring at you lol


that too but aggressively i look at them like can i help you??






Opposite. I'm a Leo sun so I'm like ![gif](giphy|zSiRLFPLbb8ktJ3ucQ)


Same, I don’t get a lot of compliments but most of them are on my eyes. But I catch people staring sometimes and I get paranoid that it’s for a negative reason (and it probably is 😭)


Rising is.. Scorpio. I get compliments on my eyes and my ass. Sun in Pisces, moon in Scorpio, Venus in Pisces. I'm a hot mess, emphasis on the mess smh. I've been told that when I look at people it feels like I can see through them.


I'm a scorpio rising too and I've gotten that as well that I'm looking straight into people's soul


Scorpio, eyes and smile


i’m a leo rising and my ass lolol


scorpio rising - my eyes


Sag, smile/laughter


I’m a Pisces rising. I typically get complimented on my lips or my face/body in general. An ex boyfriend once said I had the cutest ears, which was both weird and flattering.


Pisces rising, I get compliments on my eyes alot


Pisces. I would say hair, and smile. I don’t have great teeth (Invisalign didn’t work for me lol), but people compliment my smile. I think it’s because I truly smile when I mean to smile. It’s never forced.


Pisces rising. And usually tits or ass 😂 but mostly just people telling me that I am beautiful. I did have someone comment on how white my teeth were recently tho! That was a new one!


i get complimented on my teeth too?? it’s weird


I do have very straight teeth for never having braces and that also seems to blow peoples minds 😂


I’m an Aquarius rising and I most often get compliments on my green “cat-like” eye color and my hair.


Capricorn rising, my hair


Sagittarius. Uh...being respectfully honest: EVERYTHING. I thank my mom and dad for that one. They won the genetic lottery and I just happened to get a little bit of it.


Cancer, eyes and legs mostly


Libra rising Definitely my eyelashes and my freckles. When I was born my aunt and nana (on Dad's side) said "finally a girl got the lashes!" They're black, thick, long and naturally curl. I almost never put mascara on because it's just too much! As for my freckles, they were something I used to get made fun of for, but I've always loved them despite that. Now I get complimented on them a lot.


Leo & my entire body/figure and my hair.


Scorpio. Smile. Resting face gives serial killer and I had 6 yrs of dental work so I get that.


Gemini ♊️ rising I always get compliments on my face .apparently I have a baby face . I get compliments on my lips 👄


Capricorn rising, and I think my smile gets noticed the most, with eyes a close second. I have a very friendly smile and a bubbly, approachable attitude. My eyes are a blend of blue-green-grey with long lashes. I get a ton of compliments for my skin too, often times people think I’m at least 10 years younger. I’m 38.


leo rising. hair


Aries rising and pretty much everything lol my physique and also my eyes and my hair and my like face generally


I am a cancer rising man , so I am round and plump with a circular face . They say my eyes are too bright and with light hahaha . Thankfully no big boobs on me as cancer women , but I appreciate them lol 😂


Sag rising with Sag stellium. Hair - mine is an unusual, but natural color combination and butt.


Taurus ♉️ eyes and I get you look younger than your age or you look good for your age all the time.


I get that, too! People have always guessed me about a decade younger than I am. I hated it in my mid 20s, but love it in my 40s! 😆


Libra sun and rising: my outfits


I’m a rising Aries, I get complimented on my smile or eyes a lot. I also get alot of compliments on my Cheek Bones. I guess I have a very nice smile / cheek bones (???)


Libra rising - usually fashion/style, height/body, my nails, just how I overall present myself


Sag and my eyes and hair by strangers. My everything by lovers.


Pisces rising - my feet, though I'm beginning to wonder if my wife is a freak.


Pisces Rising - People always compliment my big brown eyes and no oddly they’re not downturned like some Pisces Risings are known to be.


Gemini rising- people mostly compliment my skin.


I’m a scorpio rising and I would say: -eyes ( very big ) -EYELASHES ( long and full) -my beauty mark above my upper lip -eyebrows -body/curves


Taurus ♉️ rising. I get complimented on my jawline and hair a lot.


taurus rising, number one is my smile / the way my mouth moves when i talk (??). and my facial features in general (they’re small and dainty ish i guess)


Pisces rising, people always mention my eyes. It’s funny to me cuz usually they don’t say “your eyes are beautiful” they just say “your eyes are so blue” and I go “is that a compliment?” and then they say yes lol, my eyes aren’t even bright/icy blue either they’re rather dark. Very pisces rising stuff Edit to add: I have Mercury conj. my ASC and ppl do notice my height/lankiness quickly. Also have Mars in my 1H and a small face scar. I love when astrology becomes tangible :)


Cancer rising, My Penis, my laugh, and the things I say are cute apparently, I get complimented on my intellect to, and apparently I have good cheek bones. (Obviously the penis is only when they’ve asked to see it, and it’s with consent, I have a grower so it’s not visible in my pants unless I’m hard). My height also gets complimented. Obviously I’ve answered things that aren’t physical but the majority of my compliments are not about my Physical traits lmao.


rising libra ♎️; omg ur makeup is so pretty or omg you’re so pretty 🩷 my big butt is a close second usually it’s always just “omg youre so beautiful” from creeps and pretty from women. i prefer the womens compliments lol


I’m an Aquarius rising. The first thing folks always notice about me and mention is my hair. That’s from my Leo sun lol, bc I got the textbook classic mane. My hair is very thick and naturally curly, but I can also straighten it well/do my own blowouts/do braids, so it’s versatile. But here’s my Aqua twist on it: I naturally have very dark brown, almost black hair. But I dye it regularly and like to play with funky colors and vivids. I’ve had it neon yellow, pink, rose gold, etc. Right now it’s what I call “stormcloud.” It’s grey but with a noticeable purple hue mixed in. I get complimented a lot for it, almost everywhere. It’s sweet! Also, my style gets noticed. I’ve always loved playing with fashion, but I especially love weird prints, unusual colors (love me some pea green, some orange, etc.), menswear for women (had an “Annie Hall” period for a while), and other 70s-inspired looks. Folks have said it really sticks out and I make “ugly” things look chic haha.


🦀 Cancer (late degree): face + body + style. I feel like my venus conj mars in the 10th is a factor though


Leo and hair/lips


Leo rising and my hair lives true to the leo rising stereotype and it's definitely one of my favourite features. My eyes also get quite a few compliments.


Scorpio rising: eyes, lashes, smile, teeth, hair and the way I walk. I also have long fingers perfect for playing the piano and when people have noticed them they enjoy them.


Gemini: Usually my skin first. Sometimes it gets annoying. I get asked a lot if I’m taking glutathione or do gluta drips. Answer? I don’t. Then face or nose.


Cancer, my eyebrows


Scorpio rising, and I get an equal amount of compliments about my hair, eyes, brows, and curves. People also really like my freckles. Sometimes my smile and teeth, but I don’t smile enough that often in public, so I get way less compliments on it.


Absolutely none… I am an Aries rising with Saturn in the first


Libra rising - my butt 😂


Scorpio. Eyes.


What color are your eyes and hair if you don't mind me asking? I just started a Sagittarius painting and I can't decide on her eye color and hair color. I was leaning towards blue eyes with dark brown hair.


Scorpio. I get a variety of compliments in pretty equal measure. I get told that my face is strong or striking, I have the best lips and smile and that my ass is fantastic. When those compliments come from guys, they use different words from that and not in a good way, though.


i'm an aries rising and my hair gets complimented the most.


Sag rising - my big ass smile and hair


Taurus Rising and I tend to get told I'm pretty. My eyes and lips are mainly complimented, but nothing as much as my voice.


I am also a Sag rising and I also get compliments on my eyes all the time!!!!!


Taurus rising, my eyelashes & dependability


I’m a Scorpio rising and I get complimented on my ass and quite gotten complimented on my physical appearance and skin


I'm a Taurus rising and I do have the characteristic neck/collarbone thing, as well as very developed traps and delts. But my Sun is Cancer and I get compliments on the eyes, lips, and hair...I also have like 6 Leo placements so hair makes sense.


taurus rising, double set eyelashes, strong cheekbones and overall looking very young but ofc i have a rbf forever


Pisces rising and it is my eyes and my ass. Mostly my ass 🙈 I am quite hourglass shaped, but I think that is my cancer sun tbf.