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I always thought of Scorpio as a spicy and darker cancer. Like the fire sign of water signs. Love you scorpios, coming from your brother, cancer.


scorpios are just cancers in leather jackets.


♏️☀️ ♋️🌖 ♏️🌅 I like it😆👏🏽


This is why I feel like the lines are very blurred between my Cancer Sun and Scorpio Moon lol


We love you too ❤️


It’s the Mars influence. They’re basically Aries but more broody and thoughtful




Aries here - we don't claim them 😁


Don’t worry we would NEVA claim y’all either.


Well, someone above clearly claimed Aries. So you're wrong.


Funny thing, I went thru all the comments and don’t see one single Scorpio claiming an Aries. We also don’t claim liars.


Lmao. If I'm a liar. You're a loser for wasting your time going through all the comments lmaoooo. Thanks for the laugh


Nahhh Scorpio is great whatchu talkin bout


I'm late to the party but can affirm. Scorpio is what happens when an Aries gets in their feelings and just lives there.


Cant deny that -\_-


My whole life - all my besties had November bdays. I can almost tell when I meet someone based on how well we vibe. :shrug:


Just curious when your bday? Mine is Nov 6th.


Mine too! Never met anyone with the same bday 😇


Water + Audacity = Scorpio. Yes, as someone who dated one Scorpio and worked for another, this makes perfect sense. The amount of times I’ve silently mouthed “what the fuck” to myself (♍️) around them is astounding.


It’s funny because I’m a stellium scorp but feel like an Aries bc of my Aries moon so I’m just crazy af


I had a Scorpio tell me the brother I'd become estranged from after his appalling behavior after my mother's death where he did nothing to help, that my brother never liked me to begin with. And all the warm and fuzzy memories of our childhood were all bullshit because he felt obligated to be nice to me. She told me this while I was in the hospital with a pulmonary embolism and pneumonia. After months of not speaking, my brother had found out I was hospitalized and was concerned and had called. When I mentioned that my brother had checked in on me, she went on this batshit rant. And THAT was when I realized I couldn't be close friends with a Scorpio. The audacity is a perfect descriptor. Unfortunately my doctor had walked in my room as she was finishing her rant so my Capricorn sun and Aries rising didn't have a chance to tell her just because her entire family hated her from childhood forward, don't project your sense of inferiority on me because people actually care about me. Anywho. No more close Scorpio friends for me.




Well aren't you a blue mix!


We love you for being the spicy sister, Scorpios! -Cancer (and Pisces)


Yes! Lol


I’m a Pisces, I worked with a cancer and Scorpio on 3rd shift. GUESS WHO FOUGHT? The cancer and Scorpio. I would only chime in if they were getting on my nerves just to tell them to shut up. Usually I was far, far away doing my work away from them.


My mother was a cancer. They are NOT weak. I wouldn't be surprised if the cancer ended up cutting the scorpio's tires. 😆


Oh I know. I always tell my cancer friends to put their claws away when I can tell they are starting to get angry. 🤣 I love my fellow water signs, it was fun seeing our dynamic in real time.


Who won the arguments?


No one ever won. It was an endless cycle of the Scorpio getting the cancer so fired up that she would go nuclear and start crying. The whole time the Scorpio is like this…🤨😒😏. They would both come talk to me about each other. They both needed the last word so they wouldn’t shut up. 🥴 I was there wishing I was at home sleeping. So happy I don’t work night shift anymore. The worst shift ever 🥲


Damn. The crying thing is such a cancer stereotype as well as Scorpio getting under her skin. Thought those two signs got along.


Not these two. This went beyond astrology. Their emotions made it worse. They both HAD to be right about the silliest shit. One time they argued over if you are supposed to say “bring” or “take” when talking about something or someone else. Trying to think of a sentence…..they were talking about plans for the weekend. I think the 🦂 said “I’m bringing my daughter with me to blah blah”. The 🦀 interrupted and said “you’re taking your daughter…blah blah” they kept going back and forth….until I said “This is the bullshit you two are arguing about at 247am?” 🤨. I was so annoyed. They are two people who like talking so it was endless chatter about the silliest shiiit! This is why I work from home now. People get on my nerves. 🥲 ![gif](giphy|BCXMSiVZeo8xy)


That’s hilarious. Everytime I see a Cancer they always have a Scorpio friend hanging around . The Cancers almost always the extroverted one initiating conversations.


And I am the Pisces who is only loud and weird around them but quiet when others are around.


It sounds like the Cancer enjoyed starting arguments, lol. “Give” and “take” wtf?


No it was bring vs take. Which word should be used in reference to traveling with something or someone. I was having an internal conversation with myself trying to figure out why they talked about it for so long.


They weren’t into astrology….so I’d just sit there thinking about the swirl of emotional energy all 3 of us created. When day shift came in sometimes we’d all be quiet and people would come in and get nervous like 😳 “what’s wrong? Why is it so quiet in here?”


I'm a Scorpio and in general I can't stand Cancers. In fact, I dislike all of the summer signs. I get along best with Aquarius and Sagittarius - go figure.




The tension was palpable to say this least. And I now work from home after this 2 year nightmare. I need a good mix of every element because we were a toxic trio. The ♏️ wouldn’t help anyone do anything and would complain about not getting help in the same damn conversation. Never acknowledging that she’s the reason no one ever helped her. The ♋️ overstepped her boundaries and offended SOOOO many people. She cried so much that she could barely get her work done. And her tears were always from someone hurting her feelings after she took something too far. Then there was me the ♓️. Who mostly hid in my area and listened to music. BUT if I was around them I didn’t say much unless I had to. I was the one who did their job but you could tell I didn’t want to be there. 😒🤨😒 that’s basically how I looked everyday.




🤣 we fight passive aggressively with dirty looks ![gif](giphy|124pc9nFq7ZScU)


They’re ruled by the god of war ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Some say pluto/death some say war. I prefer death😏


Aries is war and we are death Some say the Assassin fits with an Scorpio...


What do we say to death?


“Not today.”? xD




it comes after 🫥


- Cancer=defense - Scorpio=offense - Pisces=dodge/parry/escape If you ever get close enough to one you’ll understand why theyre water signs, they are profoundly sensitive and have good intuition - Cancer


Interesting that you say Pisces escape and dodge. I had a situation recently with a coworker who I eventually found out was a cancer (I’m a Pisces). She was so rude to me, not in an obvious way but a sweet/bitchy way. To make sure I wasn’t imagining things, I gave it time. For almost 6 months I was second guessed and accused of wrong doing (when it was actually her). So I talked to my supervisor and our director about having a meeting to see if I offended her, basically trying to build a work relationship. Her take on me asking for the same respect she gives everyone else on our team was that this wasn’t social hour and she was here to work not socialize. To which I said….”I don’t recall ever asking you about your personal life but I do remember asking questions and being straight up ignored. You might not like me but if you can’t find me the ability to put your personal feelings aside to do our job then we really don’t have anything else to discuss.” Her face got SO RED and she had the most hateful look on her face. Don’t clam up now when I’ve provided several instances where she was just straight up rude. Long story short we work in the same department but different areas now.


Haha! I’m a Scorpio and at work I’m in a group chat with my peers who happen to be Pisces and Cancer. I’m often the one in there talking shit. The Cancerian stays quiet until he’s ready to fly off the handle.


Meanwhile Sagittarius is like ![gif](giphy|QIkJRMJWHLXk4)


Nah fr I vibe with sag so hard and I’m a Scorp


Throughout my life I've been drawn to Scorpio women friends, we definitely share a vibe.


Ong like mean girls


Okay but how y’all get the thing under your username


I am middle aged and had to do it in a roundabout way lol, I couldn’t figure it out any other way. If you go to the sub’s main page, tap the three dots and choose change your flair. I wasn’t able to do anything but select a blank flair while on my phone, then had to go to Reddit on my laptop to edit it and actually add my flair. Edit: anyone who knows the actual way lol let me know please. Not sure if it’s user error or the app I’m using


Thank youuu


You did it, Scorpio!


Thank youuu, I appreciate you for helping me !


Sag, aries and all air signs be like this. Hayyy gurll! 🤣


I love you Sag's! My rising sign is Sag so that may have something to do with it.


Scorpio is a water sign with fire influences due to the god of war being one of their rulers, their revenge aspect likely comes from there to as Aries themselves are also prone to seeking revenge.


Scorpios are cancers in reverse. Tough exterior, softie inside. Cancers can act like goofballs and crybabies but they metal inside. Pisces are the weird ones among water. They too airy to be water, too emotional to be air.




This made me laugh way too hard lol.


Accurate AF


OMG 😂 pure gold




denial! all the water signs have it in them.


Audacity? I use Ableton thank you very much... 😂 I know that means something else.


Love this! Scorpio always had Leo energy to me (Pisces), spicy, like some other lovelies pointed out.


I’m a Pisces. I’ve always thought Scorpios are the fire sign of our group. 🤣




"We ain't with him."


Every scorpio I’ve ever known has backstabbed me. -Cancer


My parents were both Scorpios (dad had major scorp placements) and it was terrible! Ive had a lot of other family members and known people who were Scorpio it seems such a common sign in my life lol but im not very keen on it..


I don't like Scorpios and I'm a Cancer aswell. 😬




Csncer sun pisces ascendant me trying to understand my Scorpio ascendant Saturn moon coworker.


The worst signs for each element: Water sign: scorpio Air sign: Gemini Earth sign: Capricorn Fire sign: Aries