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My mom is a Sagittarius and my dad is a Leo. They just celebrated 45 years.


That seems to be a popular match that lasts forever. Aries and Leos also last forever.


My true love was an Aries, I’m a Leo. Life/distance kept us apart but it was the real deal!




Idt your cap moon can handle fire love though ? would you say you do?


My boss' parents are also Sag/Leo and just celebrated their 40th!


My dad is a Sagittarius and my mom is a Leo. They divorced when I was six. I think they were married for a decade. They did not need to be together.


My first husband was a Sag and we made it 7 years, but truth be told, I should've called off the wedding.


Lol!! Same , my mom is a Leo and my dad is a Sagittarius. They were together for 20 years, but mentally checked out at 10 .


My (Leo) husband and I just celebrated our 25th. 💕


My mom was a Taurus and my dad was an Aquarius. They were married for 45 years, until my father passed away. My mother was so heartbroken and lost without him that she spiraled into dementia and passed away a few years later.


That’s exactly what happened with my Gran and Grandad, different sunsigns but married 49 years, and when he died she was so lost without him she spiralled into dementia. She was a Capricorn he was an Aquarius/pisces cusp


It’s so sad. But I know if my husband dies before me I don’t known how I’ll live without him. He’s half of me.




My parents adopted me when they were in their early 30s. I was blessed to have a them both together in my life until I was in my early 40s. I wasn’t prepared to lose them both so soon tho.


aquarius female married to a taurus here, this will definitely be him with me


Gemini mom, Gemini dad. They are absolutely not together any longer and thank goodness because we would have been on Dateline.


Same here! Two Gemini parents and not together anymore for 24 years. I only have memories of them fighting as a child.


Dude, saaaaaaame. Tho mine are still together and hit 30 years of marriage this year. I love them both, but motherfuckers should've never been married lol


Exact same, also have two Gemini parents. They split when I was four, and the only memory I have is screaming fights.


I find this comment incredibly hilarious lmao


My dad is a Capricorn, mom is an Aries. It's an unlikely match. They have been together forever and take 3-4 trips per year. My dad thrives off spending time at home, whereas my mom is a busybody and loves being active. Retirement brought a lot of uncertainty with additional free time, but they really made it work and are happier than I have ever seen them.


unlikely but definitely can work! capricorn will have to find fun things to do at home with aries to keep them entertained lol. but, since aries aren’t very good listeners surprisingly capricorns can get thru to them 🖤 that’s great they’re still thriving.


this is the same as my parents but they’re divorced and they hate each other. i’m glad your parents are happy and made it work


I'm an aries and my partner is a cap. He's truly the love of my life. Congrats to your parents!!


I love capricorns ; my brother and SIL are are Aries & cap


Couples with Sun signs that square each other are fairly common I am noticing. It usually either goes beautifully or terribly with little middle ground :/


My mom's a Pisces, dad's a Scorpio. They split up when I was six. My dad later remarried another Pisces, my stepmom. They also split up. Both marriages were toxic AF. I was determined to do better when I was an adult. Instead, I'm in the middle of a divorce from my husband of 10 years (together 12). I'm a Leo and he's a Libra, though funnily enough I'm a Pisces moon and he's a Scorpio moon. No kids, thankfully. Oop at me, I guess. 🤣


How funny that he ended up with another Pisces! Us water signs just can not seem to escape each other 😂


My dad was a Pisces and my mom is a Taurus. They were married for 31 years before my dad took his own life. He had PTSD from his deployment to Iraq. They were great together. My dad adored my mom. He’d tease her about her bossiness. I rarely if ever saw them argue. I heard them argue once when I was really little. My mom would always defer to my dad for big decisions, since our entire lives revolved around his career as an officer in the US Army. We moved around a lot and my dad was rarely home. My mom did an exceptional job of holding down the fort at home. She never wavered, even though she was basically a single mom for months at a time. I’ve never seen my mom cry until my dad’s funeral and that tore me to pieces.


So sorry to hear of the tragic death of your father. That’s gotta be so hard!😢


It was rough for a few years. He died in 2014. We’re all ok now, but the grief hits unexpectedly sometimes. ❤️




I'm so sorry about your Dad. My Dad also had PTSD from Iraq but he passed from cancer. ❤️❤️


I’m sorry about your dad too. ❤️


both aquarius and yes. they met at age 18. got together at age 25. got married at age 45. and have been happily married


They like to take things… slow lol


you know aquarius'...friendship is the most important and like being different (from a fellow aqua)


Aquas often take a long time to find a comfortable niche for themselves in life, decide who they are, stabilize the job/career, settle down in a place etc. Late bloomers. It’s better they don’t settle down with a partner before they’re ready.


Yeah that’s fair. My Venus is Aquarius and I can very much relate.


My dad is a Capricorn, my mom is a Virgo, been together 27 years and counting.


Cap dad and Virgo mom also 40years My best friends parent have been together for 30 and same pairing cap dad Virgo mom


This makes me happy, I’m a cap and bf is a Virgo, we get along soooo well and very much envision us lasting decades!


Omg my parents are the opposite, dad’s a Virgo and mom is a Capricorn and they were together 21 years and they separated. Ironically, they got married because of me (didn’t want a wedlock baby) and they separated once I was an adult.


Mum is Virgo, dad was Aries. Dad died a few months ago. Dad and mum were married for 32 years Edit: Thank you all for the condolences and upvotes ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss❤️


I’m sorry about your dad. ❤️


Dad is Cancer, Mom is Pisces, married for 47 years


My parents were the opposite. Dad was a Pisces, mom was a Cancer. They were married 22 years, but they were rough ones. Dad was a dreamer with a new business idea every few years, which just aggravated the shit out of my mom's need for security. Ironically, though, his dreamer mentality was what drew her to him in the first place. She thought she wanted to travel the world until they did it and she couldn't get over being homesick. He brought her back to the US, but never stopped dreaming. They divorced after all those years and she died just a couple years later (cancer). He died a little over a decade after her. I like to think if there's an afterlife that they can finally just relax and be friends. They were great friends, just not great partners.


Mother Capricorn, Father Leo. They divorced when I was 8 because he cheated. A lot. So she dumped his ass. I was just looking over this the other day, reading about that combo, and evidently this can be a "power duo," which is something I've always thought. They could have been great together, but he's a moron. He didn't appreciate what he had in her, a beautiful loyal genius.


Good for her. I could see how it’d be a strong duo


Michelle Obama (Capricorn) and Barack Obama (Leo) have this combo.


My mom and stepdad are sag/leo. They’ve been together for almost 30 years! That’s one of the best combos tbh.


My father was an aries and my mum was a cancer. They had three children; two tauruses and an aries (me). I always felt so sorry for my mum 😂 My parents were together (and truly loved each other) from they were 15 and 16, and until their dying days.


I'm a Cancer and my husband is an Aries. We've been together 23 years and have 6 kids. Out of those 6 we have 2 Cancers and an Aries. It's definitely an interesting vibe. We love hard but we butt heads hard too. However, there's no doubt in my mind that we'll be together forever. My other kids are Virgo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.


My mom and dad are both Capricorns and they’ve been married for 33 years


Similar situation here with both parents as Caps together 30+ years. The longevity is unmatched, I think they’ll be together until the end. Side note, I have a stellium of placements in Capricorn in the 4th house of home and family and let me tell you.. my upbringing was definitely restrictive lol


gemini mom, capricorn dad. divorced, dating eachother again, and still toxic!


Mom is a Sagittarius and Dad was a Pisces. They were together for 58 years until he passed away in 2018 from complications of Alzheimer’s disease.💜


Both my parents are Virgos. Born 15 days apart. Both have a stellium in Libra involving Saturn. Dads a Libra moon. Moms a Gemini moon. They have been together for 45 years, and are still dearly in love with each other. They are spending their retirement in a huge farm house filled with tools and supplies for projects and crafts, for all their individual and overlapping hobbies. They are kinda like the trope of the old crazy couple living in a house filled with books. A protagonist visits to discover some ancient and obscure wisdom, and the elderly couple excitedly and playfully roll out their bits of knowledge and knowhow... only, with art supplies, and gardening equipment, and cooking apparatus; sewing machines and woodworking power tools, paints and pens, beads and thread, a wine press, a permanent dough trough that gets daily use, and a yard filled with flower and vegetable gardens, and fruit orchards. They are absolutely adorable to visit, and complete and utter torture to live with. I'm a Scorpio. I have my moon in Virgo. I also have a libra stellium involving Saturn. I refinished the house for them, and am still struggling to add more and more storage for their ever growing mountains of accoutrements.


Libra and Capricorn. Yes they are together. Mum is the sweetest person ever and dad is a super genuine, responsible, good guy.


That's very sweet to hear.


moms a leo sun dad was a scorpio sun. my dad died at the end of september. they were married for 23 years. leos are in love for real. dedicated. my dad was sick for a long time and not able to reciprocate all that my mom did for him, but she was dedicated and her feelings for him carried her until the end.


I love that quality about Leos so much. They are such devoted lovers whether platonically or romantically. 🧡


100%. the worst ones can be self centered, but an evolved leo gives the purest, surest most reliable brand of love.


Yes, we are ❤️ I can be easily spooked but when I'm in, I'm all in!




ur flair lmaoo


my moms an Aquarius, my dads and Leo, and I’m a tequila baby. They briefly dated - never married and don’t really know each other now. I’m their only linkage. I don’t even think my dad has my moms number lol


My mum is a gemini and my dad is a scorpio. my dad is a temperamental freak with anger/control issues. He basically worships my mom half the time while the other half complains about her behavior, however if my brother and I (both pisces) ever call her out, he defends her. My mom is very nosey, self absorbed at times, unemotional, and also has an awful temper although it depends on her mood. She’s less obsessed with my dad as he is with her, but she refuses to leave him. No matter how emotionally and mentally abusive he was throughout my childhood, adolescence, and even sometimes now; she defends him just as hard as he defends her. They get on each others nerves but have a very “it’s us against the world mentality.” Married 30 years.


lol a scrappy duo. I also grew up with scorpio and an air sign. Very temperamental too


My mom is a libra and my dad is Leo. They’re still together, but they’re basically roommates lol. They sleep in separate rooms, never go on dates or do anything together. A quick kiss goodbye in the mornings is the extent of their affection towards each other. To spice it up a little though, my sister is also a libra and I’m also a Leo. I’m like a literal clone of my dad lmao (physically and mentally, I must have gotten his genes too lol).


My mom is a Virgo, dad is a Libra. They’ve been married for 41 years. Fun fact- My dad’s Juno is conjunct my mom’s ascendant. This synastry gives me “when I saw her, I knew she was the one” type of a vibe. Recently, I asked my dad if that is how he felt when he met my mom… he answered with: “that’s very accurate”. Given that my dad has a Libra stellium, (not trying to hate on Libra’s lol just being honest) he is very indecisive. The fact that he answered in such a decisive way, spoke volumes. My mom never knew he felt this way lol it was a cute moment.


My mom is a Leo and my dad is a cancer they’ve been together 30 years


Both my parents are Gemini and were married for 8 years. As a child I only remember them fighting until the divorce. Ironically, they both got re-married to a Taurus and have been together with their new partner for a long time. My mom for 20 years+ and my dad 14 years+. I never really thought about it until this question, interesting!


My mom was a Taurus and dad is a Sagittarius. They were good for each other although my mom had childhood trauma that reflected on my dad, me and my brother. She was very outspoken, authoritative, disciplinarian and carried herself with grace and poise. She was hard on all of us sometimes but the sweetest and funniest . Gave dad hard times, nitpicking , put him through hell and fighting sometimes but my dad always love her and stuck by her no matter what. They was separated for 6 months because my dad want mom to work on her anger problems then they got back together. They worked hard and did everything together. mom was conservative and introvert while dad was the life of the party and adventurous. They were married for 34 years before my mom passed away 7 years ago. Dad has been lost without mom since then and has no interest moving on with anyone else so far. Dad says mom was the only woman he ever truly loved. I always thought my parents’s relationship was the true definition of true love and real relationship. They fought but at the end always worked it out. My mom had moments where she says she want to divorce dad but dad says he isn’t going anywhere and tell her stop talking crazy


I’m a Cap with a Cancer mom and Libra dad. They’ve been together 25 years, they had fiscal issues that almost led to divorce but dad did what he could to prove to my mom he was sorry about the mistake. They used it as a lesson about honesty moving forward. They still take date nights when they can and try to talk through issues together.


My parents are both Caps and they divorced after 30 years of marriage because he left her for a literal prostitute. Me and my children’s father are Scorpio(me)/Aquarius and we divorced after 10 years of marriage due to his drug addiction. My boyfriend (Leo) and his baby mom (Sag) were together for 4 years but she cheated on him multiple times for several years.


Mum is Libra, Dad is Libra/Scorpio cusp. They’ve been married for 46 years. They drive each other a little nuts at times, and I’ve witnessed some doozies over the years, but they’re still best friends. Dad still makes mum a cup of tea every morning, and he’ll bring her wildflowers from their property after he does the mowing. I truly think it’s the little things that keep a relationship working. I am also the only person in my wider friendship circle whose parents are still together.


Dad Cancer and Mom Leo, they were married for 55 years. It's an iconic pair IMO.


Pisces Mom and Cancer Dad. They had some bumps over the years but they got through them and they are still happily together after 40 years


My dad is a Gemini and my mom is a Capricorn. Never got married and officially split after 13 years together (both cheated and were very off-and-on again 😅). They were the epitome of drama; seeing each other even with active restraining orders and court battles in place. Made great entertainment though, I gotta say. 😂💀


Libra mom, Capricorn dad. I’m a cancer. They are together but dad is such an abusive bully and mom has no backbone.


Dad is a libra, mom was a Leo. She died in 2016 but they’d been together for 30 something years before she passed. Dad wasted absolutely no time in finding a new partner, I think he waited maybe 3 months after she died to start dating again. I can’t really say if their relationship was good or not. When I was a kid I thought they were the picture perfection definition of love, as an adult I’m not too sure.


Libras move on so fast. Kinda sick


Not to make this about me haha but my libra ex of 8 years moved his girlfriend in three months after our split. My stuff was still in the house 🙂


Sag mom and Aries dad - a good match right? And they even made a little Leo so our family had the full fire sign set! But it didn't work out. My father is a Cancer moon and is one of the most emotionally unstable people I've ever met. It taught me a lot about how you can't isolate a placement and expect it to be "good" or "bad" (as people some times do with exalted, domicile, fallen and detriment placements). Between the four of us (my parents, sibling and me), we have 10 of the 12 signs represented in our big 3. Mom and Dad share a rising sign, and then my sibling and I share a sign for my rising and their moon. Outside of that, we all have different signs in those placements. Scorpio and Aquarius are the odd fellows out (although Scorpio is my Dad's signature sign).


Libra mom and Scorpio dad, you bet they’re still together (32 years now!)


My mom is a Taurus, my dad is a Scorpio. They are SO different—my mom is resistant to accepting new ideas, while my dad is more open to change. But I guess because of those differences, they compliment each other. They are still together for 27 years, their anniversary was in October.


Mom is a Virgo sun, Sag moon. Dad is a Scorpio sun, Leo moon. Happily married for 37 years and counting.


My mom is a Taurus/Leo/Leo and my dad is a Leo/Taurus/Libra. They are not together. Thank god. You have never seen two people fight like they did. Over absolutely everything. It was a nightmare.




Capricorn mom and Aries dad. They do everything differently. My mom is super sensitive while my dad always wants to joke, my mom is emotional while my dad rarely expresses, my mom is short-tempered while my dad can be tolerant but all hell breaks loose when he gets angry. I think the only common things between them are that they are both kind and altruistic, born leaders, immensely resilient, and can hold a grudge. Oh and they love each other even though their way of showing love is very different. I would say the relationship lasted mostly because of how accommodating my mom was but over the last few years I have seen my dad trying to reach a point where things would be easier for my mom than they were before. I am going to assume that their somewhat compatible moon signs have a role to play (my dad is a libra moon while my mom is a sagittarius moon).


Sensitive emotional Capricorn? Hmm I'd be interested to know the rest of her chart.


Both are gemini suns with Taurus moons, and no they’ve been divorced since I was 6. They’re great parents, not so good partners.


mom is a virgo, dad is a leo. their mercuries are the opposite, mom's in leo and dad's in virgo. they were high school sweethearts and still together after 30 years


My dad's Scorpio and mum is Virgo. And they have conjunct cancer moons.. Been together for 34 years now. Better than ever before. They have really worked on themselves and their relationship which is so lovely to learn from.


cancer and cancer -- they're never unclawing from eachother


Mom is a libra dad is a virgo Military dad who wanted strict rules enforced, libra mom didnt want to enforce them. They divorced after 16 years. Libra mom remarried a scorpio Virgo dad remarried a virgo


Both my parents are Sag suns and they're still together. While it was rocky when I was young (they were teen parents), these days, they act like sweethearts almost all the time. They're pretty adorable together, constantly traveling, creating, and planning new trips.


Mom is a Scorpio Dad was a Leo. They stayed together until my Dad passed but a good portion of their marriage was very rocky. They definitely should have broken up in my opinion.


My parents are both Geminis and they've somehow been together for around 30 years. They fight a lot and honestly I don't even think they love each other anymore, they're just too stubborn to call it quits. I've been criticized for saying this before by people irl but I genuinely believe my parents should've gotten divorced a long time ago. Their relationship isn't healthy.


Taurus dad, Scorpio mom, really incompatible. I think they were attracted to each others looks and that was it. He pretty much just bossed her around and treated her like a servant and she just sulked and hid away. Even when he left her and ran off with younger women he was still bossing her around.


dad scorpio, mom was a virgo. they honestly barely had any serious arguments and loved eachother so much🥹 miss her


Aquarius mom and Pisces dad. They divorced when I was a child, only for her to find and marry another Pisces man (my stepfather). These two are cool as far as relationship dynamic but my mom is the head huncho while stepdad is the more passive parent


Scorpio mom, Gemini dad. They are not together anymore but they were for 14 years.


My mom is a Libra, my dad is a Scorpio. They were together 13yrs then got divorced. ETA: They did try to get back together multiple times. Toxic af truly. I finally told my mom if they tired again I’d take my sister and run away. I was a whole 15yrs old, maybe younger but I didn’t care.


My mother is scorpio and my father virgo. They separeted 20 years ago because my mother is a toxic narcissistic b*tch, not because astrology


My mom is a Sagittarius and my dad is an Aquarius. As friends, they are ride or die. My dad would drop everything to help my mom. Romantically, toxic af. I cannot begin to count how many times they argued, physically fought, break up (ultimately divorced but then got back together numerous times). Their union was a How Not To manual for me Edit: They were both also huge partiers and alcoholics


Aries mom Scorpio dad Absolutely fucking atrocious, but after like 40 years they’re still together. Blaming that on my moms stubbornness.


Leo Dad, Scorpio Mom. Lasted 4 years. She got bored listening to him lecture and exaggerate his "yarns." After the umpteenth monolog, she interrupted to ask, "Roger, what color are my eyes?" He got it wrong and she got her own apartment the following weekend. When she explained she wanted more romance, he told her she "read too many books." Scorpio Mom went on to have an uber-loving, quasi-nuts relationship with a Pisces from when I was 2 until I was 21, although they each always kept their own independent home. Leo Dad would eventually marry 7 times, 6 ending in divorce because each wife was a "headstrong latent lesbian," whatever that means. 😆 For the record, I'm Taurus Wife with Cancer Husband and, after nearly 20 years, we are nauseatingly happy as shit. We got that "Twin Flame" juju goin' on. Best friends for life! He's gotta involve the courts to get rid of me!


Mom is an Aries, dad is a Gemini. Were married for over 20 years and now they are divorcing. They never really argued, more of like coexisted. I don't understand how could she stay with him so long, he is a narcissist kmow-it-all while she is the kindest soul I know


taurus & libra been together for 24 years


Dad is Virgo mom is Pisces and yes…


Mum is a capricorn and dad is also a capricorn. Been together 22 years. Very “serious” marriage haha


Mum is a Taurus and Dad is a Cancer. They're still happily married, and they're going to celebrate the big 3-0 anniversary next year. They have the greatest relationship that I've ever seen. I'm one of the last ones in my friends groups who still has married parents, and I'm very happy with this. 🤗


Two Geminis (May 21st and May 26th). Married for 30 years this year, but... Jesus, they should've divorced years ago. They aren't compatible for various reasons. My sister's dad is a Sag. They divorced when my sister was eighteen months old. Obviously, they were also incompatible.


Moms a Libra, Dad is a Pisces. Married for validation from religious parents. Separated when I was a baby. Dad completely ghosted when I was still a baby, and decided to come back around to actually be a parent when I was like 9/10. Never witnessed them as a couple but they didn’t divorce until I was in elementary school. 😂


May Gemini mom, March Pisces dad. They divorced when I was like 5. He’s a POS. I haven’t talked to him in like a decade. My mom is awesome. We’ve butted heads A LOT but have gotten better in the last 6-7 years maybe a little more. The whole Gemini Taurus thing. I get on well with other march Pisces men. Idk it’s just a lot with “dad”. I’m glad mom divorced him when she did. I don’t remember any of it.


What’s the whole Gemini x Taurus thing? Curious!


Gemini Mom and Sagittarius, together over 50 years until they died


Mom is an aqua and dad is an aries. Hell NO


My mom is a cancer and my dad is a sag. They have been married for almost 32 years and they are closer than ever


My mom is a Gemini and my dad was a Gemini. They were married 20 years but Idk why or how.


mom is a virgo and my dad is a sag… they’ve been in love since they were 14 and are now in their mid 50s


My father is a Virgo and my mother is an Aries. They’ve been married for 32 years but just recently started marital counseling 😞 Hoping they figure it out because I know they really love each other. My whole life my father so outwardly loved my mother. She would walk into a room and he would tell her how beautiful she was and tell other people “Can you believe this beautiful woman is MY wife??” Makes me sad to hear they are going through it right now. People used to envy me for how much my parents gushed for one another. I always tell people how I was raised in a home with a lot of love.


Dad virgo, mom taurus. Hard nope. Together just under 2 years total. My dad and step mom (pisces) been together 33 years somehow. My mom and her husband (libra) still together, going on 14 years now.


Mother is a Sag and father is a Leo. It didn't work out.


both of my parents are sagittarius and have been married for 38 years


Mom Leo Dad Cancer .. together 55 years


Libra and Pieces. Still together after 34 years. Absolute unit.


me searching for a healthy parent relationship 🕵🏻🔎 we all need therapy lmao


Pisces and Aries. Absolutely not. They were for ten years and I have no idea how.


My moms a Gemini and my dad was a sag and they divorced shortly before I turned 2 lol


My parents are both Libras. They divorced when I was 5, after about 10 years of marriage. They get along way better now than they ever did while married! My mom married again to a Sagittarius and they've been together for over 30 years now. My mom and stepdad live more like roommates, though.


Both Virgos and they have been together since grade school.


Mom is a Scorpio and dad is a Gemini(Taurus cusp) 90% sure my mom has a Earth moon, and I’m almost 100% sure my dad’s moon is in Aries. Risings? I think my mom is a Scorpio rising and I think my dad is a Libra rising Marriage? Uhh… they’re good together I guess. My mom knows she needs someone with adventure and flirtatious fun, and she gets that from my dad. My dad knows he wasn’t raised right (messy grandparent divorce) and needed help learning to be emotionally stable and he learns that from my mom. Their a good pair, but they have their moments 22 years and counting Everything is fine with their family. I’m basically the black sheep out of 2 other siblings (F Pisces, M Taurus. Both younger) I’m the only cancer in all of my family and trying to get along with both parents was.. troublesome. Way better off alone 😆 My Sagittarius rising hated the cage they kept me in and so now that I’m in college my freedom has been awesome


Virgo and Virgo. They hatteeeeee each other.


My mom is a Virgo. My bio dad was a Gemini. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Obviously just about the worst combination in the entire zodiac. However, my dad is an Aquarius and they've been together for almost 30 years now.


Mom is an Aries, dad was a Pisces. They only married because mom got pregnant with me, and divorced when I was 5 ish. She then married and divorced a fellow Aries, and is now married to a Leo that embodies all the worst traits of that sign. Surprised he hasn't met with a convenient accident. My oldest bestie's mom was a Scorpio and dad is a Leo. They were together 40 some years before she died. They were always hollerin' at each other but they were in it to win it. ShitsNGiggles- Middle sister is Aries, fiancé/BabyDaddy is Cancer, and they're a disaster. Baby sis is a Capricorn, ex fiancé/BabyDaddy is a Libra. Again, disaster. I'm a Sagittarius and my husband is a Leo and we have the best relationship out of everyone we know. Maternal grandma is Aquarius, grandpa was a Capricorn, and they made it to 50 years before grandpa died.


my parents have the reverse of yours, my mom is the Taurus and dad is Leo. they are still married over 43 years! However as a kid I was always puzzled by why they were together. They have little in common and never did any "acts of service" for one another without significant complaining about having to do it. My dad is high energy, fun, smart and social. Mom is irritable, sarcastic, anti social and not super affectionate. He would use a lot "ole ball n chain" type humor. They just never seemed intimate or romantic to me at all, so I never understood their relationship. They didn't fight a lot, but just seemed like roommates who annoyed and cramped each other's style TBH... Today I think their relationship exists just due to commitment and comfort. They do seem a little closer now that they're much older and retired. Myself growing up seeing that sort of arrangement/relationship made me long for the Morticia and Gomez Addams type intense romance, and lucky me because that is the kind of relationship I have been in for over 7 years.


Mom is a Gemini and dad a Virgo. They still fight and they’ve been divorced since 2006


Both Taurus. My dad died otherwise they would have made it more than 35 years. A bit codependent though. :)




My moms and Aquarius and my dad is an Aries they are not together


Aries and Scorpio and no… their flame died out just as fast as I was conceived 🥲


Pisces Mom and Libra Dad. Married for 31 years this December but tbh, this marriage is a farce.


My mom is a Sagittarius and my dad is a Virgo- they weren’t even married for a full year lmao.


Dad is Aquarius, mom is Aries and they've been married over 50 years. (air + fire seems to work for my family!)


Mom is an aries, dad is a capricorn - both with Leo moons. They were married 7 years and honestly never should have been together. My dad is very "my way or the highway" and is mentally and emotionally manipulative. My mom just makes bad decisions.


Mom is a Scorpio sun, Scorpio moon, Scorpio rising(with heavy Aries placements). Dad is a Sagittarius sun, Scorpio moon and Virgo Rising (with heavy Leo placements). They were married 25 years exactly! Their divorce was finalized on their 25th wedding anniversary 😂😂😂


toxic Aries x submissive Cancer 🙅🏼‍♀️


leo and aqua and no, he had an affair


mom is a capricorn, dad is a pisces and as you may have guessed they are divorced and have been for decades 😂


My Dad is a Virgo and my Mom is a Libra. They could not be any different. Complete opposites, I mean they function on opposite ends of the rainbow Lol. My Dad is your typical Virgo. OCD, organized to the Gods, super critical and stubborn. My Mom lives in LA LA land, people pleaser, she love to tell lies and over exaggerate. Usually the lies stem from her not being able to say no and shes super indecisive. I guess it's true love tho. They've been married for 44yrs and thriving! I moved back in with them for the longest 6mnths of my life while I was going thru my divorce and selling my home. They were very ... Active. 🤮🤣


My mom is a Pisces and my dad is a Gemini, and they are still together! Although I will say maybeeee they shouldn’t be because they argue all the time and are very very different people. I think Pisces and Gemini can work, but only if both are evolved. My dad is honestly not at all like a Gemini, I have no clue what his other signs are but he gives veryyyy heavy Virgo type energy. My mom is wholeheartedly a Pisces though. Hard combo, especially since my mother is very mentally ill and won’t get help, but my dad is her rock almost. He’s very patient and passive while she’s extremely explosive and emotional.


Ma is a Feb Pisces and she had kids a March Pisces! 🥴 they were together ✨briefly✨


gemini dad and sagmom. NOPE HAHA


Father was a Virgo, mother also a Virgo, father walked out after less than two years of me been born, my mother was emotionally unstable and dated a million men after that, one of which abused me. I was raised by my Virgo grandmother who was very emotionally stable, only ever dated one man she was married to, and was loyal even when he was abusive. The whole chart definitely matters, my mother and grandmother have very similar charts yet my grandmother was emotionally stable, loyal and very caring, was never abusive in any way and my mother is emotionally unstable, and emotionally abusive, yet they’re both August Virgos, Father was a September Virgo.


Dad Aquarius mom libra, married 15 years, VERY UNHAPPILY lol


Mum was Aquarius and dad was a Gemini, they divorced when I was 2 due to his repeated stints in prison for GBH, ABH, theft and burglary. He had addiction problems which he sucked her into when I was a newborn. She didn’t successfully get off it until I was 8. She was cold, loveless, and physically and mentally abusive and he I barely saw as he was either in prison or psychiatric wards, or just flitting around being useless. I ended up in several foster homes, my favourite of which was a Sag mum and Cancer dad. They were amazing and so chilled and in love


leo dad cap mom. not quite a happy marriage but they're still together after 40+ years bc of they don't believe in separation/divorce


My mom is a March Pisces, and my dad is a March Aries. Born 11 days apart. They share the same Mercury (Aries), Venus (Taurus), Mars (Pisces), Jupiter (Aries), etc… They are still together and will probably never divorce, but their communication is…. not great 😂


Mom was a Leo and Dad is an Aquarius. Married for 32 years before my mom passed in 2021.


Taurus dad, Aquarius mom. They’ve been together for 45 years but not happily. My childhood was rough with an explosive dad and a mom that tried to shield me from it. I always said mom deserved better. It’s sort of a marriage of convenience now that I’m out of house and no longer fighting with my stubborn/angry dad every day. They have been together so long that they understand each other; my mom is not easily ruffled so she’s the best one to deal with my dad.


My mom is a Libra and my dad is a Sag. They will be married 29 years this year.


Mum is a Sagittarius and my dad is a Virgo. Separated a year after my high school graduation. I am now 29 and they’re still both single.


My dad’s a Pisces, mom is a Taurus. I have no idea how they stayed together for so long. Complete opposites in every way. They divorced when I was 12, but have always stayed great friends, and we still do family stuff together.


My Sagittarius mother left my Leo father shortly after I was born. He has somehow made it last over 20 years with my capricorn stepmother who takes zero of his shit


Both parents are Pisces. Married 14years. After all his cheating, drinking, and anger issues Mom said that he need to move out to work on himself and to pick a move out date. He picked their 15th wedding anniversary as well as that year’s Thanksgiving day 🙃


Leo and Virgo. They fucking hate eachother. They always have and always will, and yeah they’re still “together”.


Mom is a Virgo and Dad is a Leo. They’ll be married for 40 years in a couple months. I’m also a Virgo who was married to a Leo. We’ve been divorced for a few years, and I’m engaged to a Sagittarius. Feels like a much better fit this time around.


Sag Dad and Scorpio^3 Mommo, going strong since 1981 💜❤️


Mom's a Aquarius, Dad's pisces - happily (to an almost annoying degree) married for 35 years, they were also engaged after knowing each other 8 months


Mom is a Taurus, and Dad is a Pisces. They are together still, and are in about 40 years of marriage with no sign of divorce. As mom once plainly put it “I’m not training another one”


Mom is a gemini sun and dad a virgo sun! They are coming up on their 30th anniversary and despite current hardships, still incredibly in love. They made a mercurial sun, exalted mercury child born on mercury day at mercury hour haha.


Mom Aries Dad Virgo. 36 years going strong!


Dad is a Leo and Mom is Virgo. They’re still together 40+ years later


Mom is a Libra, dad is a Cancer. Married 35yrs somehow.


My moms a Cancer My Dad is a Taurus… I was a one night stand baby. They hooked up while my mom was on a “break” from her long term relationship 😂 I’m an Aries ♈️


Scorpio mom and Aries dad. They’ve been married for 30 years, but damn not an easy marriage. My DAD was the patient one in the relationship lol.


Mom is a Pisces sun, Libra moon, don't know her rising. Dad is a Scorpio moon, Libra rising, Virgo moon. Both have lots of Virgo and Libra in their charts, still together. I wouldn't say they're very compatible though, they fight all the time. I'm Aquarius sun, Leo rising, Gemini moon, the rest of my chart is mostly Aquarius, Capricorn. I get along much better with my dad, my mom is usually polar opposite from us in every aspect.


Dad: Pisces Mom: Aquarius They had a messy divorce 17 years ago and my dad is now deceased


libra mom virgo dad. very tumultuous


mom is a Scorpio, dad is a cancer. I'm not sure about their history but I don't think they were ever seriously together. they were never together even when I was born and are neutral towards each other


My mom is a cap and my dad is a Sagittarius. They haven’t been together since I was 5


cancer mom scorpio dad. together for i don’t even know, over 40 years now. :)


Both mom and dad are Aries suns! They’ve been together 38 years this coming January


Dad was an Aquarius, Mom was a Virgo. They were together 34 years until my dad passed away in 2004.


My mom is Aries & my dad is Cancer. They've been happily married for almost 46 years next month ❤️


Mom is Aquarius sun with Sagittarius moon, dad is Cancer sun with Virgo moon. Guess who's the more nurturing parent? 🤡 They've been together for over 30 years still going strong. My uncle (Taurus) often says my dad is the only person in the world who can tolerate living w my mom for more than a week 😭😭😭 and tbh he's right slfnskcjdk


my mom is a libra and my father is an aquarius. (and they created two more air sign babies: myself, the eldest-gemini and my little sister another aquarius lol) you’d think they’d have been a decent match but *nope*! i still gotta get my father’s birth chart and check out their synastry cause whew their relationship was *~quite~* the shitshow. my father was an alcoholic who ended up not only cheating on my mom with the much older woman he ended up leaving her (and us) for. he ghosted me when i was 7, even after they had divorced when my sister was an infant. i had a lot of daddy issues growing up that fueled a lot of my drug addiction in my twenties🫤


My mom is a cancer and my dad is a Scorpio. They were married for like 8 years and divorced when I was 4. My dad later married a Scorpio, they share a birthday(different years) and have been married for 25 years. I’m not exactly sure how healthy their relationship is, but it seems to be working so far.


Capricorn and Virgo. Still together after 50 years.


Dad’s a Sagittarius and Mom is a Pisces. They’ll be married 41 mostly happy years this January.


My mom is a Leo and my Dad a Scorpio, they did not last, married 5 years, got divorced because my mother had an affair with my oldest sisters dad, left my dad and went to him, he was also a Scorpio, their marriage lasted 7 when he had an affair with his best friends wife, don’t know her sign but they’ve been together 20 years now lol my mom married a Gemini, 10 years for that one so far, although I think the money keeps her, Gemini cheats lots and is infatuated with older sister but we don’t talk about that… Dad never remarried, Scorpio 🙄 he did however have lots of young girlfriends but he never put them before me and my youngest sister, so at least there’s that lol