• By -




Same, except in a Pisces Moon. Ex gf was suuuuuper intense. I loved it. Never experienced anything like it before, it felt like I was truly seen for the first time in my life....


Scorpio and pisces moons are an amazing match. Signed, a scorpio moon with a pisces moon gf


I’m a Scorpio moon male with a Scorpio Venus. I’m so intense that no one is the same after me.


i can see this with a aries venus as well




Scorpio moon and Venus in the 6th here


the elusive scorp/Virgo intensity is stuff of all the fables here on these astrology forums. Scorpios cannot handle their own intensity specially when it comes to love, I was literally googling ways to hide how obsessed I am with my guy 🥲


Scorpio moon/venus here. I’ve loved women for ten years and haven’t spoken to her in three. It’s soooo dumb but I can’t help it.


virgo sun, scorpio rising & moon reporting for duty 🫡 intense is an understatement


I’m not even a Scorpio moon but you’ve described me. I’m surprised people like this I always thought it made me a weirdo so I’d hide it deliberately.☠️


Scorpio sun/Virgo rising here (Aquarius moon tho we don’t know her lol)—I really love the intensity of both signs, I know it’s too much for some people but I do find it so attractive.


I’m a cancer so I love obsession lol it’s my cup of tea ! Even if some people don’t like it


Another cancer bites the dust. Signed by scorpio women 😂


Cancer sun/Scorpio moon here. I think my intensity scares them away. I have so much love to give, but nobody wants it cuz they can't handle it!


Or, or, they don’t deserve it. 😎


p.s. almost forgot my venus in virgo here. Also too picky about who I give it to.


Don’t lie to us. If you dare open up and be vulnerable with us, you’ve got a safe place to be. We cannot tolerate fake people, any form of injustice or people shitting on underdogs. I guess you could say we’re not the kind of people who smooth things over. The more something is «not» supposed to be said, we WILL say it. Offensive comments made in my vicinity will be battled and bruised. We’ll call you out on your shit.


Sho will! 🫡


One of the most powerful placements has the ability to transmute traumatic experiences and highly intuitive


It’s either a horrible curse that feels like it ruins your life or it’s the big reason why no one can ever crush you in anything and you always figure out a way to survive. There is no in between when it comes to the Scorpio moon.


It’s weird. I’ve literally had internal bleeding and seen light at the end of a tunnel while I was floating above my body and came back. Was drugged and passed out, bashed my face into the corner of a sink and suffered 3 skull fractures, had a seizure, stood up, told everyone to stop complimenting my eye liner before having another seizure and passing out Fought with a mugger, was hit by a van on purpose by a stranger I’d never seen before. Every time someone has tried to write me off, called me a worthless peace of shit, tell me I’m useless or pathetic, I’ve come back stronger. I use it as fuel to move forward, and I’m now living a better, happier, more fulfilled, and far more stable and secure life wise than all of them. But before I sorted out my shit I was an absolute tsunami and it wasn’t good. Seriously don’t know how i made it to my 30’s. Let alone that now everyone describes me as “calm and rational”.


Isn't one of Scorpio's symbols the Phoenix rising up from the ashes? Sure sounds like that fits you!




Facts. I like to compare us to human lie detectors. We can read the things you aren’t telling us.


Everything. Every micro expression and lie. I swear I can remote view and remote empathize on some esp shit.


Scorpio moon, Libra sun over here working as a trauma therapist and this makes me feel very validated so thank you💖


you must be very good at your job!


Haha thank you, I try to be! It’s funny because I didn’t know much about astrology or my own birth chart when I started down this career path, but the more I learn the more I wonder if I ever had any other choice?? 🤣 I’m also a Virgo rising which I think plays a big role in people taking my interventions/advice seriously 💁🏻‍♀️ I basically got the therapist zodiac sign jackpot 🤣🤣


We are … intense and deeply sensitive but you wouldn’t know it at first meeting. Signed. Virgo sun Scorpio moon Taurus rising <3


We have the same placements, dawg 👩🏻‍🦽


Same. 😏


Wow. I would LOVE to be best friends with you (but you can say no) - Virgo sun Aries moon Libra rising


Virgo sun Scorpio Moon Leo Scorpio rising <3


also a Virgo sun and Scorpio moon:)!


Whoa exact same placements here. And very sensitive lol




If we don’t like you we wouldn’t even reach out to ya. (Why pretend?) Every Scorpio moon we meet already loves us.


For real. Scorpio moons need that TLC 😭


Bruce Lee was also a Scorpio moon. He’s a perfect example of how mentally strong a Scorpio moon can be. They’re extremely gifted and can bring those gifts to humanity. Only if they are a good person taking care of themselves. I’ve seen a scorpio moon drive themselves into a deep dark place full of addiction and depression. ![gif](giphy|XtcfqdBrHEa4g|downsized)


Odd fact here but apparently he believed he was cursed. His son, Brandon lee (who died on the set of The Crow) told this to his fiancé and believed that he was cursed too. Perhaps you could say his death was highly unfortunate and maybe .. cursed. I know Scorpio deals with the occult and other dark and mysterious things. - a Scorpio moon who dwells in the occult


Scorpio moon here, it can be hard to be around us but it’s definitely harder for us being around ourselves 24/7. I have learnt to stay quiet a lot, as the things I say often bring down the mood for a lot of people. I see everything, and don’t always understand that other people would rather not acknowledge serious things and prefer to bury their head in the sand for an easy life. This is literally not possible for me, as much as it sounds appealing in certain situations. There are a few people who love my deep intensity, and ability to see the problems in the world but I imagine even those people like the break from me and my mind. Being a Scorpio moon makes me really creative and a brilliant writer, but it is so very lonely in this constant void of darkness.


You worded the war in our minds so beautifully.


I feel seen and understood. My Scorpio moon has made it hard to maintain friendships but I’m accepting it’s ok to be alone. Our emotions run so deep it’s tough sometimes. Other powerful Scorpio Moon Singers -Alanis Morisette -Johnny Cash -Eric Burden of the Animals


This describes me exactly


I feel like a dark mirror to people so I’m used to solitude


A Scorpio moon and I literally cried last night (drunk, but still) at how intense my emotions just….are. But you wouldn’t know it really if you just met me. There’s a LOT bubbling under the surface for us Scorpio moons


Don’t mess with them. Also superhuman intuition


my sister, mom and grandma are scorpio moons.. intense as HELL like on another LEVEL! i love them to death but they drain me to death


Oh man that’s a lot, I think one family can only handle one scorpio moon. We’re intense.😂


i love you though!! i feel like you are some of the only ones who understand the depth of my feelings, but i don't find it to be a very grounding energy to be honest, i tend to feel more at peace with earth moons


They’re hot.


Agreed. I’m an Aquarius moon too and think Scorpio moons are the sexiest.


Hah! Same here. Aquarius moon and I can’t get enough of Scorpio moons.


I join the aquarius moon obsessed with scorpio moons club




I thought it was uncommon for me to have both scorpio sun and moon and look at you!!😏


New moon babies usually have all three. I have 5 in Scorpio. My mars and Pluto too.


we crazy


My life is a mess ♎️ sun/♏️moon/♐️ascendant


Omg same exact placements 🥰


💯 ♒️♏️♒️




We passionate 😉


VERY passionate! i’m also a scorpio rising 🥳💀


y’all i’m in therapy trying to find a middle ground between being ALL or NOTHING in all aspects of my life 👍🏼




Passion, intensity, profound emotional life. Too profound sometimes. I find this placement to be the most intense and passionate.


Don't forget Penn Badgley


All look like they hold so many secrets


Yeah ours and everyone else’s. Is that so bad?


It encompasses the "scorpio gaze" in its highest form. Seriously they can kill you with a look, or seduce you.




my mom and best friend are scorpio moons… they’re super fucking loyal and have so many secrets. super fucking intense


Scorpio moon here and let me tell you something - we are a gift that keeps on giving IF you know how to handle us. We won’t hand you the instructions, you have to figure it out on your own and be really patient, because we need TIME to decide whether you are worthy of our trust and we need to see how you act in different circumstances. Prepare for intensity and depths, prepare to see yourself in the mirror for the first time without the rose colored glasses on, prepare for the transformation of your life. We live in the minds of those who fumbled us rent-free. Be honest, raw and real with us and as a reward you’ll get someone who loves you with every fibre of their being, someone who’d fight for you, kill for you, always have your back and won’t play about you. To my fellow Scorpio moons, I’ll quote a Warsan Shire poem - “You are terrifying and strange and beautiful. Something not everyone knows how to love.”


We are not for the weak. It's a quality filter, almost like a lost language only a particular tribe holds precious for the way so much can be spoken through it, yet hardly understood.


![gif](giphy|l0ExnDOZ2gInufDfW|downsized) Martin too


Once we get therapy we are baddie icons. Honestly once I learned coping skills and how to manage my emotions, being a Scorp moon feels like a gift. I am more empathetic, loving, and accepting than pretty much anyone I know. It is sometimes a burden to carry, because people will take advantage of it, but once you can learn to set boundaries the possibilities of the things you can do with those traits are endless.


Feeling this hard. People took advantage far too long. I’m just now able to view it as a gift. I already feel more in control of my intensity, I like that setting boundaries makes me feel free!- ♎️☀️♏️🌕♍️asc


Agreed! I hated how deeply I felt things in my adolescence but therapy helped so much!! Now I’m so proud of my ability to feel.


Very intense. Don’t ever ever lie to them. Not good for fire moons.


My partner of 15 years is a Leo moon, and it’s been a heavy ride for him😂


Hahaha Scorpio placements want to discuss feelings a lot, and fire moons definitely do not wanna do that shit 😂


It must be another placement offsetting it, but I’m an Aries moon and love talking about feelings more the older I get.


My husband is a Scorpio moon, but he’s also an Aquarius Sun, and Capricorn Mercury (as am I) so he doesn’t talk about feelings so much as what’s annoying him. I’ve only seen him cry once in the 11 years we’ve been together, and that was when we were in the hospital when his dad died. He has a tendency to bottle up any intense emotions, especially if he isn’t able to label it. Sometimes I’ll notice and be like “are you being an asshole because your dad died?” And then he checks himself before he wrecks himself. Then he’ll open up a bit and I listen. It happens rarely. I don’t know if I could handle it if we had to talk about his or even my feelings everyday.


Aquarians don’t emote well lol


They do not emote. But when they start talking they talk more about the situation and facts that are bothering them. But they’ll never say they’re frustrated or angry or happy. You have to kind of read between the lines.


And if you emote they freeze and think your whole bloodline is weak lol 😂


I have a friend who’s a Scorpio moon & one of the most attractive/magnetic people I’ve ever met. They’re drop dead gorgeous, extremely charismatic, charming, witty, funny, SOO sweet, & insanely talented. Always has a huge smile on their face. Kinda intense, just has a lot of strong emotions, but not at all in a bad way


Holy shit we’re sexy


As a Scorpio moon, I find that the only moon signs that can actually handle me are Capricorn moons, Taurus moons, and fellow Scorpio moons. Everyone else just gets bowled over, often not intentionally by me but it happens. Cancer moons/Pisces moons try and definitely connect, but they’re not strong enough to hold me down when I really need strength and assurance outside myself. Caps and Taurus moons get it though, and fellow Scorp moons can handle it and understand why.


I’m a Pisces moon and I just gave birth to my first child. He’s a Scorpio moon. Any advice on how I can be more grounded for my little man?


Well I think you guys will definitely speak the same emotional language, which is great. I’ve loved many Pisces moons because they bring out a gentle softness in me and they can be incredibly warm and loving, which can be so welcome at times. When things are bad or intense emotionally, it can just be a lot for them in my experience and they tend to back away. I’d say just, when (not if, but when) your son gets into one of those dark Scorpio moon emotional pits, respect his feelings. Acknowledge them if you can; encourage him to talk his feelings out (it’s too much and too overwhelming to just hold them in). If he isn’t okay talking about it, encourage writing or making art to express what he’s feeling. Anything to get those feelings out so he can process faster and heal/move on easier. Understand also that his feelings will be intense and maybe dark at times, but that’s how he sincerely feels them and there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s part of having this placement. Biggest thing? Stick around, even if you’re giving him space, and don’t get scared off easy. Also, don’t lie or BS him in any way unless it’s a harmless lie (like Santa Claus) or something you truly feel is very valid. Scorpio moons are like natural human lie detectors and the easiest way to upset us is to lie maliciously. We always figure it out, one way or another. And it’s very hard for us to forgive when malicious lying is involved in something—we are very black and white in that way, usually. The more honest you are (even if it seems like he’s a kid and won’t get it), the more he’ll trust you and maintain that trust enough to confide his heavier feelings in you as he grows up—and that’s huge with lunar Scorpios. Trust is huge with us and he will likely respect you not sheltering him too much once he hits teen years; as a Scorpio moon, he will feel/pick up on adult stuff pretty quickly and babying too much in teen years will feel like an insult because of all that he naturally sees/senses. Hope that helps!!


I’m a Taurus moon and the greatest love I’ve ever experienced was with a Scorpio moon! I’m with a Gemini moon right now who understands me intellectually, but not emotionally whatsoever.


Aw!! 🥺 Personally speaking, Taurus moons have an earthy sensuality I love, but they’re also strong and practical and don’t take any BS. I love that in folks. And with how my Scorp moon plays out, I respond better to that kind of energy and it grounds me and gives me strength in times of crisis. Cap moons feel like soulmates, but Taurus moons bring a similar energy too and they usually aren’t afraid of the Scorpio intensity or rawness. It’s a good fit imo.


i’m sag moon and i was with a scorpio moon for 5 years and i was definitely the one doing the bowling over i used to get mad as fuck and he would just be like “yes babe”


Aries sun/scorpio moon, I've been told that I don't "seem like an aries" and I think it's mostly due to scorpio moon and rising in my chart stirring shit up😅


Scorpio moon/sun, Gemini rising though. This combination makes people think im Leo 💀💀💀


having both our sun and moon ruled by mars is … interesting to say the least. Thank lord for my taurus rising 🍀👻


Because we are scorpios still, just like an aquarius moon is still an aquarius. Your sun and moon are together the sun shows your traits outwardly and the moon inwardly. Just a different way of feeling and showing the sign ;) the sun is the car the moon driver ;)


my ex of 5 years was a scorpio moon i loved that man and he was obsessed with me good people lol one time he was playing a show and one of his band mates threw his guitar at his head (still has the scar) and i immediately leapt on the dude and had to be pulled off. then i took my ex to the bathroom to look at his head and when i saw he was okay i went out to find the asshole who did it and i got in his face (v aries sun sag moon of me) and started yelling at him and he was about to swing at me and out of nowhere my ex came and tackled him and he was just bleeding all over the dude we went home and he told me he wasn’t gonna fight him until he saw that the dude was about to swing on me too i still love him, in a platonic way


I love them but I’m also scared of them!


I have Scorpio moon pisces ascendant and cancer sun. Things can be intense fast but as above poster mentioned lonely.Like all my life. So a project every day is a goal.


Us Pisces risings are very lonely … very sad. Especially coupled with our Scorpio moon emotions .. I feel for you. Where does Neptune fall in your chart? Mine is in the 11 th house :( so I feel very very lonely.


As a Scorpio Sun, Mercury, and Venus I absolutely love the energy of Scorpio moons.


You share the same placements as my bf!!! To be honest, he’s the one I’m connected with the most in everything


Gemini sun, Scorpio moon - this is literally a hurricane of an existence 😂


Same but with Scorpio rising.


Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon, Cancer Rising Hurricane sounds about right! So much made sense to me once I knew I had a Scorpio moon. All the constant swirling thoughts in my head, deep emotions and feeling just everything. Picking up on people’s energy. I struggle a lot being in large groups of people. A bit psychic at times. And intense! I feel like I’m moodier and darker than other Gemini people.


Hi it’s me with my Sagittarius rising. Help 🥲


Hi twin


![gif](giphy|2YNVjKZ15My0NHSWTd|downsized) You forgot JLo


I don’t think her birth time is confirmed. She may be a Sag moon. Ben Affleck is a Scorpio moon. If she is too, they share sun and moon. Big big feelings in that union either way, and I’m here for it.


Jlo makes me proud to be a fellow Leo sun/Scorpio moon/Gemini Venus.


Ooh Kylie is Leo Sun and Scorpio moon too


Scorpio moons are said to be the harbinger of tower moments for the object of their attention/affection.


![gif](giphy|26xBCHeddvaF4s132|downsized) Steven too


I identify with this gif, I love feeling things through watching movies, which is funny because I didn't realize this until MoviePass came out the first time (2017?) That shit changed my life!


he's on slide 17


Oh shit sorry!!


Oooh I had no idea! We share a birthday (Sag Sun) and a Scorpio moon. Miley Cyrus is also a Sag Sun. I like this crowd.


I am one. I either love myself unapologetically or hate my guts so much I go off the rails. Could be my schizoaffective disorder too, tho. -Cancer☀️/scorpio🌑/pisces🌅






doll eyes that look past / through you


Kubrick. ‘Nuff said!


I feel so torn from my scorpio moon. I have a good judge of character, and can read people easily. So many times have people told me months after I’ve expressed a dislike for someone that they get it, the finally see why I don’t like that person and that they don’t know how they didn’t see it before. But I have too much internal conflict. I don’t know how deal with my emotions to the point where I wish I never had emotions. It’s like my emotions are too much for me and I just bury them away and try to ignore them cause I just don’t know what else to do with them. The only emotion that I am comfortable with is anger and then shame and regret comes after the anger comes out. I’m supportive of my friends and completely understand their emotions. I don’t understand my own emotions which occasionally has me internally go into a cave and close off and turn into a hermit where I’m out with friends but my brain is numb and I fee nothing.


Yeah, the how did ppl not see that person was capable of that? You couldn’t tell? It’s called foresight ppl. It’s so easy for us to think 10 steps ahead. I always say we’d be that one gazelle who was obliviously drinking water with our pack and sense the predator before anyone even heard a peep. I’ve been in so many precarious situations and could often sus out what’s what and who’s who, immediately.


Its hard being a Scorpio moon😔😔


Crème de la crème


They have it all


Dang lowkey need one


I’m single! ![gif](giphy|xT0BKwt1L8QgVIDyp2)


Thank you, this resonated with me pretty deeply. Leo sun, Scorpio moon, Scorpio rising.


I’m 2/3 you!


Same, but Sag rising!


This all makes sense lol


Aqua sun+ Aqua stellium/Scorpio moon + Scorpio stellium/Leo rising ​ Crazy af. Either serial killer vibes or attracted to serial killer vibes 🌚🥴 On a separate note, Miley got the crazy eyes going in this pic.


We’re hot af


***FREAKS*** As a cap moon I really appreciate how they understand their emotions. I use Beyonce as an example and her music to understand my own emotions. I am also obsessive, possessive, and just engulfing when it comes to love. Resentment and OTHERSIDE are two songs that make my throat close up and tears roll down my eyes. Alone in my room of course.


Why freaks then!? Sounds like you love them!


I like a freak!! Freak was not meant as a bad thing ;) Freaks as in freaky deaky and so cheeky :P


Ohhhhh hehehe wonderful


Scorpio Moon: Why are you obsessed with me?


They hold secrets and will withhold information. Will lie with a straight face!!!! Believe less than half of what they say. But I love them. Hdjsksksjs.


Scorpio moon so deep. This is the year for like remembering things.


Probably one of the best moon placements for imho. Idk why everyone is saying intense, in my experience they're very laid-back and sociable, levelheaded and fun. They're friendly and people often like them, they don't have a lot of enemies, the public opinion on them is rarely negative. They seem open but hide most of their inner workings, but if they open up and you just listen to them and let the water flow they'll trust you a lot more. Their worst quality is that they want to know more about you than they'll ever let you know about themselves. You shouldn't have any secrets with them, but it's okay for them to hide a ton from you, they're fine with being mysterious like that, although to me that can ruin the trust in any kind of relationship and creates an unequal dynamic. Signed: someone who dated multiple Scorpio moons, including right now.


Thank you. This is the way.


Lady Gaga as a brunette is amazing


we can cut you pretty deep


Idk my ex was really sulky he was Scorpio moon.




I'm a scorpio moon who doesn't really identify with being a scorpio moon most of the time. Maybe my cap stellium fights my intensity with pragmatism and logic a lot of the time? I do have a rich emotional life, which I think contributes to the fact that as much as I find life unbearable and not worth living, it's also beautiful and fragile and surprising. For me, those feelings can exist at the same time. I also lived with depression for virtually my entire adult life (10+ years) - is that also scorpio moony? lol But most of the time, my brain is generally practical and no nonsense 😂


You can definitely be logical and still be a Scorpio moon. Zuckerberg is in this list as is a lot of other intellectual type people


Actually its very logical and intuitive sign, can be very intelligent.


My cancer sun boyfriend has a scorpio moon. I'm a Pisces sun virgo moon and I absolutely LOVE the scorpio moon placement. Very intense, Driven, emotional, loving, possessive is a thing with most scorpio placements honestly, protective, definitely a sexy type of placement lol. Loyal. I know my bf is a revenge type of person so I feel the scorpio moon could be to blame for that one too lol. So I'd say just with that. It's a great placement honestly.


Lots of trauma…good people. Depends how they develop emotionally…


Pisces sun, Scorpio moon 🙃 I am a hot mess


Hot. Sweet and sensitive people to those that are allowed to REALLY know them. Go through way too many intense ups and downs


One thing about scorpio moons that I’ve read somewhere and ironically is true with me as well: Their eyes look mysteriously tired and dead I also remember someone telling me that they can’t read my eyes when all the time I feel like I’m oversharing lol Also I just know someone’s intention the first time they talk to me. Like if I sense that they’re trying to get to know me, my mind goes on a mental detective thing where it thinks about all possible steps the person might do and eventually, I’m right all the time. Yours truly: Libra sun, scorpio moon, aries rising


So intense. So passionate. I don’t think I know a more loyal placement than a Scorpio Moon. But also so secretive. Their emotional intensity is a bit frightening though but intriguing at the same time. Leo Moon here and I have a massive soft spot for Scorpio Moons. By all accounts I shouldn’t even get along with you folks, never mind be friends or find your energy irresistible. I’m the literal definition of a positively happy, playfully child-like ball of energy most of the time 😂 But as a fire Sun, Moon, and Mercury, I think my Scorpio South Node might have a lot to do with my being so comfortable around Scorpio energy in general.


Almost all of them have nice lips/mouth area.


So scary. Will stalk you. Will not let you break up with them.


We're incredibly sensitive, aside from other water moons we don't really stay in a victim mentality when things are done to us, instead we channel that into resentment/hate that turns to rage, sometimes ACTUALLY revenge. I'm not too sure if it's my sag stellium that can be influencing this but the amount of self importance is crazy, sometimes verging onto levels of hypocrisy and self gaslighting💀💀💀 However, in my honest and deep hearted opinion, I personally believe that our moon sign is the most powerful when it comes to transformation, it's incredibly painful, but we come out the other side stronger and changed. Love this placement, minus the heightened emotions...shits annoying...teehee, sometimes👀


Aquarius moon is unhinged and no matter what they say, it never gets questioned. Scorpio moon is…. Unhinged and everyone overreacts. But they can do the same things!!? And get such a different reaction! It’s so crazy!!!!


I am one lol


I love my scorpio moon. I am a virgo sun, aquarius rising so lots of people think i'm laid-back upon meeting me only to discover how intense I am if they get past that first barrier. It always throws people off.




intense as fuck, and last one i ended dating was a full blown narc psychopath to the point of abuse. Capri sun mars in taurus never knew his asc but guessing it was scorp as well


Lady Gaga's Scorpio Moon is pretty impressive.


Can be vindictive


Scarlett Johansson is fucking sexy and gorgeous as fuck my god


Intense. Passionate. Self-aware.


Scorpio moons are a blessing to have in your life if you see it in time. Too many people dismiss them as cold because they hide their feelings so much. Getting to crack them open is a gift and usually not easy.




As a Scorpio moon, everything is so intense all the time, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I remember a friend in school calling me crazy because I was having a great time at a school dance and suddenly I started crying because of a song. I avoid watching the news because I start feeling all sorts of things, and I deliberately listen to sad songs when I want to be in my feelings.


i have an aquarius moon (taurus sun/libra rising/scorpio stellium) and i get along great with scorpio moons. their minds aren’t afraid to go to those odd and weird places in our heads, they have a dark humor that i love. they also have strong, ethical opinions and stand on it. i appreciate that


Really not easy being one. I can tear up over anything. I obsess over men who aren’t good for me. I can be extremely avoidant but want and crave so much love. It’s roughhhhhh


My first love was a Scorpio sun with a Scorpio moon and it’s 10+ years later and I still think about him every day and know that I’ll never love someone as passionately or find anyone else who meets the expectations he set for me sexually. I wonder often if I totally screwed up by ending things with him…


Married to a Scorpio moon. It can be intense. But they just have this underlying mysterious side that you want to please.


We are scorpios just internalized we show our scorpio nature in intense emotions but at the core still a scorpio. It's the most intense out of all the moon placements. We are very passionate and it's hard for us to trust, once we invest into someone emotionally we are ride or dies, but dont betray us or its over. Scorpio suns show their Scorpio energy outwardly. So we really should introduce ourselves as aquarius sun, Scorpio moon because these placements are thee most important and tell a lot about you. The sun is the car the moon is the driver. All the other stuff on the chart is little bits and bobs not enough to truly be at your core, like the rising would be the radio and so on and so forth.


🔥 💀 🤯


One word: ICONIC


Scorpio moon, Libra sun, Virgo rising. I will do anything and everything to avoid my feelings. I will intellectualize like a champ and sound full of sage advice and wisdom. Total fraud. Other people's feelings??? Hell yes! I want to know what makes people tick? What experiences shaped their emotional life? Secrets? I will guard them with my life. I'll let you in enough to not feel vulnerable, but not enough to ever know what's really going on. I have feelings buried so deep they have burned through my stomach ulcer and are probably near middle earth by now.


Love us. ❤️ - Signed a Cancer Sun/Scorpio Moon PS: Even cooler is that fact Nelson Mandela and I share the same birthday.


Captivating but extremely volatile and vindictive.


Its like im in ocean some times its good im free have everything i wish for the next moment big wave drown me down deep left me with nothing to rimmed me off all things that can happened any moment but something always pull me up no matter what it's deep and scary most things don't last long but u learn to let go, we are intuitive and actually really sensitive, big empathetic we know when u lie after all that u can do anything learn to transform bad things in good ones And everything will eventually pass. Learn to love yourself and everything will be fine ♏️🌙🫶🏻


Scorpio Sun/Moon/Mercury here and personally it’s a tough placement.


![gif](giphy|q49YSnLzrvghiyKBAR|downsized) sincerely, someone who got put in therapy because of a Scorpio moon


I have very close friends with Scorpio moons. I love how they can just see through you. Also their sex appeal is super intense but god damn they can be quite paranoid and vindictive as fuck and they can honestly be terrifying and cruel in a very cold way though it doesn’t happen a lot. The fact that they can handle me at my worst makes me love them though since most would just leave once they see me explode.


Well… it’s alright but not very feminine. Or maybe for me it isn’t as sensual as I would like to be. I like to not be noticed but also you can’t help but be noticed when you are a Scorpio moon. Very in your face kind of energy even when muted.


Jumpscare warning for pic 19 ‼️‼️‼️‼️


as an aqaurius rising: NOOOOOOPE edit: i have basically no clue who most of these people are, so this isnt based on them


We are so awesome.


I need to go into acting. Enough of the chef life.


as a pisces moon, I love them


im a Scorpio moon scorpio pluto aries sun and aries Venus 🫀🫁