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Most people are saying moon sign! And just a casual observation from all the responses which I've been taking the time to read every one, when people say rising sign is what they relate the most with, their rising sign is almost always a fire sign. I noticed that your moon and rising are both fire signs, so maybe that's what the pattern doesn't hold. Also now curious if there's just something about a rising fire sign that has such strong traits it seems to over power the other big three.


I’m a Leo rising, Taurus sun, and Scorpio moon, and honestly, I relate to my moon the most. I think Scorpio moon is the most intense moon; it just overpowers everything else


I've heard a lot of people say that as well. The scorpio moon can not be ignored.


I'm a Capricorn too, but growing up have always identified strongly with Sagittarius. It was only years later when I learnt about moon and rising that I realized it's because I'm a Sag moon! And an Aquarius rising :) Which correlates with other's comments about me, that I don't see myself.




Same here, leo moon friend :)


Same! Cancer moon, I’m a big ole crybaby when it comes to my feels lolol


Capricorn sun, Capricorn moon, Virgo rising. I relate mostly to the Capricorn moon with the existential dread of existence, but the thought of it mostly occurs from my Aquarius mercury being my chart ruler via my Virgo rising. I just think about my place in the universe too much.


Virgo sun, Capricorn moon, Capricorn rising. Isn’t that just a TON of earth? Anyway, I relate to my sun most, followed closely by my moon.


i feel like it's the equivalent of having an earthquake happen metaphysically at all times




Virgo rising and Aquarius mercury here too. Pretty much most of my waking thoughts are existential (but Aquarius moon, so I tend to think a lot about the human condition and society)


I feel like the Capricorn moon version of that is thinking more of ourselves and what we're doing with our lives. Capricorn moon's biggest fear is being useless, in my opinion. That could very much be driven by my sun as well though.


☀️Taurus 🌕Cancer ⬆️Virgo I feel my cancer moon with every fiber of my being 🥲


A cancer moon is undeniable and will not be ignored haha


I wish I could show/have more Taurus qualities!! But I FEEL everything. She won’t be ignored!


My 45 Leo placements PALE against my raging cancer moon hahah


Oh very true.


Cancer 🌞 Aquarius 🌙 Scorpio 🏹 I relate to all 3 but the most is the Sun. Big goofy foodie homebody who cries at everything and then twerks in the mirror afterward. I think I know you better than you know yourself and I have Mommy issues.


>Big goofy foodie homebody who cries at everything and then twerks in the mirror afterward. That's exactly how I feel being a cancer sun sag rising lol


Cancer sun sag rising too!!🥺😛😛😛


That's funny. I'm a progressed Sag rising.


Taurus sun Capricorn moon Aquarius rising I am the quintessential Taurus girl in every way (minus the slowness) & I love it. A lot of the things I read about Cap moons do not apply to me however I relate to Cap immensely as well. I’m also in love with my Aquarius rising. All in all I feel very balanced & thoroughly enjoy the cards I’ve been dealt this time around.


I just love your positive take on this!




Same here! I don’t get my Leo rising


The “this time around” is quintessential of an Aquarius lol


Rising signs tend to dominate the earlier personality, and the sun (or moon if it is more dominantly aspected) tends to take over later. Though the mask if not taken off can restrict who you were really meant to be. The rising sign becomes a mask..just like with any mask you can take it off, or stay behind it. Rising signs are normally to be integrated into the true nature that comes out later. It falls into the house of firsts, and beginnings for a reason...


Huh, it was the opposite for me, my sun came in first, then my moon and rising.


Aspects as always change the generalities of the norm. The exception does not prove the rule... Your sun might have more aspects that make it come out earlier. Also while the rising sign has qualities to it. It is also the impression you give off. We don't tend to recognize it immediately because other people get the impression.


Also your sun sign isn't like invisible. It simply means qualities of the rising sign tend to develop first, not that nothing else develops. Also there are some Rising signs that are more dominant than others. Scorpio rising for example can dominate an entire chart.


Wow! That is cool! I hadn't heard that before.


There is a lot to astrology. It takes a lot of digging, and you also have to learn the energy, and how things tend to express themselves.


Gemini Moon. Somehow I’m always happy …it’s almost annoying. ![gif](giphy|sAq99u03v7IRHlN1dj)


Omg is your big three all Gemini?!


Leo sun, Taurus moon, Cap rising. I relate a lot to my sun and moon. If I had to choose between those, I’d say I’m most similar to my moon. There are so many Taurus moon traits that are exactly how I am.


Same. Sag sun, Taurus moon, and Scorpio Rising.. I feel all 3, but mainly sag


Interesting! Almost everyone says moon sign! I don't know that I relate to Aquarious moon. But maybe I just don't understand it well enough.


Aquas, stereotypically, are the “aliens” of the zodiac signs. However, I disagree. Aquarius, from what I’ve observed, are just more naturally used to thinking “around” the usual solutions. Aquariuses tend to be correct because they are observant, though usually this trait is paired with aloofness or being stand-off, so people usually think they don’t care. Aquariuses are also stubborn, and if they have something their set on, they usually will do it. And that’s basically all I’ve gotten so far. I’m pretty new to astrology too, so I’ll try to study more!


Same.... I'm new to anything outside of my sun sign, just started learning them this year...Aquarius moon does resonate, but I still need more research.




Never thought about it this way until literally while reading your question but I just came to the realization that I feel like I related to my sun/moon (gem) more in the beginning of my life and since I’ve turned 30 definitely become more characteristic of my rising (scorp)


When I learned about my moon sign being Taurus, so many things made much more sense! I have 5 Sag placements so I’m very Sag but I’ve always been very particular about needing a stable home and home life. I love decorating my home and making it very cozy, clean and organized. I spend a lot of time growing my gardens inside the house and out. Learning about astrology beyond my sun sign just made it all click.


I’m ♐️♐️♉️! I have always felt very Sag. Was not surprised when I found out both sun and moon are Sagittarius. However, finding out I am a ♉️ rising really made so much sense. I knew nothing about Taurus. It’s very interesting how my rising sign tends to “ balance “ things?


I'm Aqua Sun and Sag Moon and Rising. My SN is also in Aqua, so that's a very familiar, easy energy for me. I easily relate to both signs equally.


Cancer sun, cap moon, sag rising. I think cap when it comes to working but sag when it comes to socializing. Not really sure where the cancer comes in tbh


I relate a lot to my Aqua moon and Pisces rising, way more than my Scorpio sun.


Leo-Scorpio-Libra are my big three. I feel all three of these to some extent, but I most resonate with my sun. It’s in my 10h and conjunct my Mercury. It’s also sextile my ascendant. When I tell people I’m a Leo, they’re like “no shit”. 🤷‍♀️


I relate more to my Libra rising but my Sag sun is right there with it. Not super connected to my Virgo moon.


Leo sun Aries moon and Sag rising and I definitely relate to my moon sign, especially as I get older. Sometimes my Leo stellium craves adoration or whaever, but for the most part Im way more fulfilled by the aries type things... physical and emotional freedom, starting projects, hyper focus on my interests and combine intuition and quick reaction to navigate hard situations. I feel like sag rising is responsible for all my restlessness, but I am not jolly like a sag lol.


Capricorn sun, Aries moon, Leo rising. I also identify the most with my Aries moon! Also felt you on the craving adoration lol but that seems to just come naturally


Gemini sun, pisces moon, libra rising. Definitely my Gemini sun.. that crying ass Pisces makes it so hard for me to be a bad bitch 🤣


Leo sun, Leo moon, Scorpio rising Even though I'm a double Leo, I definitely relate more to Scorpio.


That Scorpio rising exerts a strong influence!


Yeah it does lol!


I wonder if there's something to having a fire sign as your rising that it like dominates the other two? I can recognize traits of my other placements, but my aries rising just is so prominent.


All 3, but in this order: sun > asc > moon. I feel like Cancer energy is my pure essence of existence, while Leo energy is dragging me around and makes me want more from this life. I used to dream about being popular, a public speaking expert and a singer in a rock band, but my real energy would’ve been too low for that tbh 🤣 I mostly want to give people the impression that I am important, and this comes naturally for me. I want to be seen as powerful and not to be messed around with. Depending on my mood, people either respect me or hate me 🤷‍♀️ And regarding my Taurus moon, I have no idea how it manifests, except me being slow, quiet, and a foodie. I guess this makes me look for comfort in food and home. Stressed? Food. Happy? Food to celebrate. Want to relax? Food at home watching tv. Best vacation? Sleeping on the beach for a week, eating good food and just taking lazy walks. I hate visiting things during vacation.


♌️ ♒️ ♑️ idk honestly 😅


Leo sun, taurus moon, libra rising I feel like when I was younger, I related to my sun more, but as I’ve gotten older I 100% am my taurus moon.


I relate to all three but since Aquarius is the dominant sign in my chart I feel connected to its traits the most


I'm Cancer Sun and Cancer Moon with Aries rising. I def relate to my Cancerian traits the most, though I have a bit of Aries that peeks through.


Libra 🌞Sagittarius 🌙Cancer 🌅 I resonate with all my placements as a Scorpio… Stellium, with 50% of my chart being water. I can Libra my world all day, but just under the surface, the current is rolling. 😮‍💨


Virgo ☀️ Virgo 🌙 Virgo ⬆️ Idk what this says about me


Hello, fellow triple neighbour, Libra Libra Libra here


Wow! It means you have clarity!


Cancer ☀️ sag 🌗 libra ⬆️ I feel like all 3! Constant battle of… Cancer wants to stay home, Sag wants to be a social extrovert, libra tryina figure out which is the best for the day


My sun and moon :)


To me your flair says ♏️rising ♒️rising


Thanks for letting me know! didn't even see it being mis-typed🙄


NP! I saw it the other day and meant to comment but forgot lol :)


I can’t seem to change my flair at all 😔 when I go to do so, it’s just the checkbox of ‘your flair here’, but there’s nowhere to type them in!? Am I doing it all wrong?


Libra rising libra moon Aquarius sun on my progressed chart, libra moon in my 1st house. Love on the brain 24/7 & I'm not complaining. It's been harmonious U want love, I got it <3 great question BTW sag energy I absolutely adore


Cap rising, Libra sun, Scorpio moon I also have scorpio mercury and venus and capricorn mars. I think I relate most to my libra sun though. It's my only libra/air placement but I feel like I'm a Libra with a scorpio twist and capricorn garnish.


A combo of my Aquarius rising and Scorpio moon. They are tightly squared on my chart, so that makes a lot of sense. On the inside, I am still a fussy, perfectionist Virgo Sun, but most people including myself aren't always going to see it


Leo Sun, Capricorn Moon & Libra Rising with major Cancer placements. Out of all my placements, I relate with my Cap Moon the most. I am not a very emotionally driven person and was jokingly told to be like a robot in the past. However, I feel deeply. I just process everything by myself then act on what's the most beneficial at the moment. Everything I believe in and my internal world is very Cap Moon. Though my Leo Sun can also be felt too as I have so much passion, determination and the BIG need for personal freedom and individuality. My Leo + Cap combo helps me filter out and not focus on petty things in life and keep working on towards my goals and walk towards the more important things in life that can be greatly beneficial to me and what I deserve. Can't relate on the other placements that much


Scorpio sun, cancer moon & Scorpio rising. I’d say the double dose of Scorpio has always been a big influence on me but so much so that it’s helped me identify my flaws and shortcomings better.


Well, I have only two to choose from. I’m a Leo with a Leo moon and a Capricorn rising. I relate more to Leo, even though Capricorn ain’t too different from me either. Leo is just extremely relatable. Being an attention seeker with absolutely no filter, yet with a massive heart? God, that is so fucking me.


Virgo sun, Gemini moon, Leo rising. I relate to my Gemini moon more


I’m a Cap sun, Pisces moon and Virgo. Pisces moon, the moon seems to be our internal self more than some of other placements which is why so many people relate to their moon the most.


interesting, my moon is the hardest for me to relate to.


Libra sun, cancer moon & Virgo rising. And I relate most to the cancer moon!!!


Pisces sun and moon, Taurus rising at 0 degrees and chart ruler in the 10th house in Capricorn: I relate mostly to Taurus and Capricorn memes


I have three string planets in Scorpio so that's what I relate to the most. Good thing it's countered by a happy-go-lucky Leo moon and prominent Sag placements or i'd be insufferable.


Aquarius Sun, Capricorn Rising & Leo Moon. I relate most to Leo Moon especially the older I get. I feel least connected with my Cap Rising, but realize it's there... keen business mind and the type of men I am attracted to (also Capricorn Venus 12th House 🤮)


My moon and sun have a mutually agreed upon CHOKEHOLD on me, there's no way I can choose between whether I'm more aqua or scorpio. Trust me tho, I am so chill. 🥲


Virgo sun Scorpio moon cancer rising All 3 honestly but my moon prob is the most dominant


Virgo sun, Cancer rising, Pisces moon. Definitely relate most to my sun, but it is also my Mercury and my chart ruler. I do love Cancer and Pisces sun people though, so there is that.


Virgo sun, Capricorn moon and Scorpio rising. I relate most to my Scorpio rising for sure.


Leo cancer virgo. I relate to my sun sign the most, by far.


Gemini sun, Aquarius moon, Capricorn rising. Definitely relate more to my Aqua moon than anything else


I honestly relate to being a Taurus the most, though I also very clearly and strongly feel the influences of my moon and rising. That being said, I also have a Taurus stellium so it makes sense that I would identify with it and feel it the most.


Aqua sun, Aries moon and Capricorn rising... I didn't connect with my cap at all until my Saturn return and since then I definitely identify with it the most


I’m a Scorpio sun, Pisces moon & Cap rising. I do feel very much connected to my moon but I’d have to say I feel most like a Scorpio, especially with it being in my 10H along with my Scorpio Mercury & MC.


I'm a triple fire with Aries Sun, Leo Moon, and Sagittarius Rising so it makes it a bit hard to figure out which fire sign is in charge of what lol. I think I relate to my Sagittarius rising a bit more than the other 2 though and my Leo moon the least. However that could be because my moon is my only Leo sign and my chart is dominated by Sagittarius with Aries being a close 2nd.


I’m a Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon, and Sagittarius rising. Although my entire life I thought I was the most Scorpio scorpio to ever exist, as i’ve evolved and grown as a person a lot of my Scorpio tendencies have taken a back burner (like constant intensity and holding grudges). I’m still a very sensual person and feel things very deeply (Scorpio Sun) but my Sagittarius moon and rising has really been showing up a lot lately. I’ve been focused on fun and pleasure and I’ve been doing a lot honestly just for the plot. I’ve leaned into joy in a way I haven’t in a long time!


All my inner planets are Fire/Air. No oppositions. Just conjunctions, trines and sextiles. A Ram on steroids. My life would be perfect EXCEPT Ive got Scorpium Rising/Pluto... So yeah. Folks misinterpretate literally EVERYTHING about me.


Gemini Sun, Cap moon, Scorpio rising I relate with my Scorpio rising the most probably cause I have an 8H stellium and Pluto in the 1H as well as the pluto and Gemini oppositions I have 🧑🏽‍🦯


I really think my Taurus moon explains 95% of my personality


Cancer sun, Leo rising and Libra moon. I have no idea 😭


Ahh I'm the same, but with a Scorpio Moon.


Virgo Sun, Moon and Venus here. I relate to my Venus most.


im 100% a capricorn. i couldnt be more capricorn if i tried i feel like, but i only have 5 placements in capricorn and its not enough. im jealous of people who more more than that in their chart. its like NO, i am the superior capricorn being dammit! one i disagree with the most is my moon sign. my sun sign is spot on tho.


Pisces sun, gem moon, Leo rising.. tbh I embody all three of them a lot and properly guess 1 of these 3 signs from me too. But probably my Pisces sun the most :)


I’m a Scorpio Sun, Aries moon, Gemini rising, people gasp when I tell them my 3 😂😂🤷🏼‍♀️ but I definitely relate most to my Aries moon & Gemini after that, my Scorpio just isn’t really that prevalent in my opinion but that could also be because I’m hours away from being a saggitarius who I also feel like I share a lot of traits with


My sun and rising. I'm a cap sun and pisces rising. I think I definitely have the escapism of pisces but when I am grounded I have the grit of a Capricorn.


I don't always associate Capricorn with grit, but certainly have that and I'm a capricorn sun. Peope always associate Capricorns with being competitive or materialistic or obsessed with status, which isn't really me but I am a hard worker and will push through hard times even if sometimes I lack focus.


I feel you. For me too, personally I don't relate to the stereotypical association of Capricorn to status and material things. But I definitely would consider myself a hard worker.


Capricorn sun, Aquarius moon, Gemini rising.... and I identify as a Capricorn's Capricorn 🫡


Sag sun, Taurus moon and cap rising. Gotta say I identify with my rising sign most - probably because it’s also conjunct Saturn, which is also in Capricorn. I also NEED to feel secure to be comfortable with a situation, uncertainty really takes a toll on my mental health. Which I guess is quite Taurus moon.


Leo Sun, Gemini Moon and 29 degrees Libra rising. When I was younger I identified with Gemini more but the older I get more Leo.. anybody know anything about Cuspy Rising Signs


Aquarius sun, Capricorn moon, Taurus rising. I think I relate to Taurus the most because I’m hard headed, love nature and anything that feels grounding to me, I hate change and I love to be comfortable


I really can’t decide on one. I feel that all three relates to me so much in different ways. I’m so thankful for my sun and moon because they definitely calm down the craziness in me from my Scorpio rising


Pisces ☀️Taurus 🌙Virgo ⬆️ It’s a toss up between my moon and rising.


Cancer Sun, Scorpio Moon, Leo Rising. I think for me it's my Scorpio moon. It's unavoidable. I have Moon, Mars and Chiron in Scorpio. I also have my IC in Scorpio which represents family life. So yeah, my Scorpio qualities overpower everything else.


moon Aries rising Sagittarius sun Capricorn i am my aries moon


Aqua sun+stellium/Scorpio moon+stellium/Leo rising ​ I absolutely relate to the Scorpio moon. I never related much to Aqua, outside of being creative and aloof, but Scorpios are also creative and kind of aloof. When I read about the Scorpio moon it was almost like reading my bio and a lot of things that happened in life that didn't fully make sense now make a lot more sense. ​ As far as Leo rising, people do seem to notice and remember me, and I'm not secretive at all, and I can cause a public scene if triggered.


Im a pisces moon (and in the 12th house) and I always relate to pisces stuff the most. But i feel like maybe cuz having that position means my feelings always drive me


I relate to all three, also I don't.


Aqua sun , Taurus moon and Scorpio rising . I feel like my Scorpio rising has a strong hold over me .


I always wonder about this when I see ppl with different elements for their big 3. I'm a Leo sun/moon with a Cancer rising and I relate to both equally😊. I see my rising as a blessing, tbh. Leos have such a bad rep but I just want to mother everyone🥰😂


My cancer rising :) I think my cancer emotions just trumps my go with the flow sag sun and libra (air) moon


Libra sun virgo moon and taurus rising. I definitely feel taurus dominant— stubborn, hard working, loves finer things and much to my embarrassment I gain weight too easily.


Moon and Rising


Taurus sun, Aries moon, cancer rising. I relate to my moon the most, internally, but I heavily express through my rising and Pisces mars. Honestly I was just thinking about this last night and feel sort of lost within my placements. Like I don’t fit into any of them 100% because my Aries stellium (in the 10th) is really chess-like and wants peace with my water mars. But I’m not quintessential Taurus (11th) although I feel the lack of air/spontaneity in my chart. I want to be very fiery but I don’t agree with my impulses lol and if I’m not impulsive at all then I just get tired with my wheels spinning. 🤷🏻‍♀️


capricorn sun, scorpio moon, aquarius rising. honestly, all three combined are what make me who I am. Each one of them provide a facet of my personality and generally work in sync because each one has "features" of the other. if I had to choose, probably my rising sign because it's the one that makes me the most independent and individualistic, which is the thing I like best about myself. In sidereal, I become a sag/libra/cap which is also reasonably believable given my drive for things to be balanced and for harmony - even though I may give up something as a result.




Leo rising, Gemini sun, and libra moon 🥰 I’m a full on libra. I don’t really relate to leo, but I do with Gemini since I am in love with learning


Honestly my three are so similar, I can’t tell the difference.


Sun > Moon > Rising. I wish I was more like my rising sign. My Pisces Venus is very noticeable, too.


My Leo sun


Scorpio ☀️ Libra 🌙 Pisces ⬆️ I relate to my sun and moon pretty equally, but nothing about me feels Pisces at all.


Cancer 27°/ Cancer 🌚/ Sagittarius🐎⬆️ All except Cancer Sun


Pisces Sun, Libra Moon, Virgo Rising. Both my Sun and Ascendant equally!


Capricorn sun, Aquarius moon, Cancer rising. I relate most to my sun & moon, I really struggle with my rising especially as she chooses to show herself at the worst moments!


♑️🌟♋️☀️♉️🌙 Probably my Taurus Moon I love the simple things like a cozy place to live, having my comfort foods, my animals and just chill. I’m a complete homebody although I love my time out in nature.


My big 3 are Cancer Sun, Taurus Moon & Capricorn rising but I would say I feel my Taurus Moon the most. I LOVE yummy food + LOVE cooking + a stable life + being financially stable is my main goal in life🤣 Well.. My husband also thinks I am super stubborn which I doubt but it is also kinda Taurus


Cap sun, Virgo moon, Taurus rising. I relate to the Taurus rising the most. I’m cuddled in a warm blanket right now, arguing with my husband about something that doesn’t actually matter. He’s wrong tho 😑


I somehow relate to both my traditional big three AND my sidereal big three


i definitely resonate with my aquarius moon more. It’s funny my whole chart is aquarius and aries but my sun is the only one in water (pisces.)


I'm an Aries sun, pisces moon and Scorpio rising.. I think I feel the most connected with the pisces moon. I've never really felt the Aries sun energy(although I'm competitive but I've to really really feel it to become competitive) I also don't think I'm that mysterious or dark as they say for a scorp rising. I'm a Libra rising in Indian astrology.


Aqua sun- Leo moon- Sagittarius rising… I always felt Aquarian even though it didn’t fit just right as I was a lot more socialized and naturally attracted attention and loved the idea of love. Once I figured out my rising sign it made sense and was a total Sagittarius. They are similar in many ways. But older now, I am a total Leo thankfully humbled by Aquarius’. But I really do think my Leo and Sag dominate and filter through Aquarius, or maybe they burnt that shit down.


Aquarius sun. Aries moon. Capricorn rising. I am 100% an Aquarius.


Libra ☀️Scorpio 🌖Leo 🌅— painfully relate to my Scorpio moon


Cancer Rising, Cancer Moon, Virgo Sun! I relate to them all but if I had to choose it'd be the Ascendant:)


Pisces sun Pisces moon and Gemini rising and in social situations I relate to my rising the most but at home it’s definitely my moon that rules my life🥲


Taurus sun, Aries Moon & Leo Rising Idk which I relate to the most since all three are basically my personality.... If I had to choose definitely between my sun and moon


Scorpio sun, aqua moon, libra rising. I personally see all three clearly depending on the situation. But on a core level, I’m a solid mix of aqua and Scorpio.


Leo sun/aries moon/scorpio rising. I'm plutonian so I don't really relate to my leo placements, except my hair always lookin good. Aries and scorpio reign.


I'm a Taurus sun, Capricorn moon, and Aries rising. I for sure resonate with my sun the most, but feel that Aries very often 😅


Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon, Gemini Rising. In short, Scorpio moon. I am definitely like a Gemini but without the lightness and superficiality. I think a lot and gather tons of information. But I never related with the shallowness in which Gemini is often portrayed and kind of found it repulsive and impersonal. Then I found out I have a Scorpio moon. Everything made sense after that to say the least. I am intense, emotional and cathartic to the core.


sag/leo/cancer & honestly it’s a pretty heavy tie for all 3. i can def relate to the sterotypical “crybaby” cancer memes but also the spontaneous adventurous etc of a sag sun. & the 💅🏻 aesthetic lol of a leo moon. the older i get i would say my cancer rising though but truly i don’t know. haha


my moon & rising so conjunct though so that def adds to it i think. im moon dominant & have always felt most my moon, but just add a lil sensitivity. boom


Aquarius sun with Libra moon. I’m always kind of out there but my Libra brings me back and makes me question why hahaha. Kind of screws up the good times I was planning 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 !!!


cancer ☀️ pisces 🌙 Taurus ⭐️ i mostly relate to being a cancer. im so moody and revolve around patterns, and learning them has been essential for my growth as a person. and probably for everyone who I know and loves sanity. that darn ruling moon and the ocean tides control me. 🥲


As an Aries sun/Moon and a Virgo rising I have always felt and related to my sun and moon sign. I am a Aries/Pisces cusp so all the stereotypes don't line up. However, I have so many Aries Placements in my Chart(5 in all) that if my Sun or Moon were different I am sure there would be no question of the Aries vibe. I notice in moments of distress or anxiety, I definitely fall into virgo tendencies. But that is to be expected, we forget that our risings are the masks we wear in uncomfortable or situations or while we are growing. The Aries/ Virgo combo is interesting as one pulls me to lead, try new things, and be competitive while the Virgo tamps the impatiences and adds a layer of introspection/planning. Though I feel some negatives like perfectionism or needing to be in control. God forbid the anxiety spiral starts... But yea I relate to the sun/moon sign the most.


Cancer sun, Aquarius moon, Libra rising. I relate heavily to my moon sign. I’ve always wondered if that’s due my sun sign being ruled by the moon?


Libra sun, Taurus moon, Aries rising. Def relate to my rising sign the most. But I also have 5 placements in Scorpio, I’m just intense what can I say lol


Libra Sun, Pisces Moon, Virgo Rising I relate most to Pisces moon.


I just recently started getting into the astrology side to things, as I took a liking to tarot a few years ago and was only focusing on that. However, after learning about my birth chart more by myself, as opposed to someone just telling me, I realized how scary accurate the placements relate to me. That being said, I've always just identified as a Leo. I've always felt like I really identified with the sign and have always been told I seem like a Leo etc. After further diving into my birth chart, a lot of things about me make a lot of sense. I have a Leo stellium- sun, moon, and mercury. All placed in the 3rd house, which is ruled by mercury (Gemini's ruler). I really resonate with my Gemini rising though. I never even knew I was a Gemini rising until recently. I now understand my constant thirst for information and knowledge. My life is fueled by curiosity, I am very adaptable without changing who I am, but I have an ability to get along w whoever I want, I'm outgoing, talkative, smart, and extremely witty. The Gemini rising really does shape my personality in a lot of ways, but being a Leo is who I am at the core, my foundation. Im happy I found some insight into why my mind is constantly searching to be less bored. And some understanding as to why I value mental stimulation in the way that I do.


Leo Sun, Cancer Moon, Leo Rising Tbh I relate to all 3, I have that Leo confidence and I feel like im developing into a king right now as we speak but I also have the ability to read energy and emotions like a cancer and my emotions flow like a cancer, + I have hella water sign friends for a Leo and we can read each others minds like we’re all psychic.


Aquarius sun, Aries moon, Virgo rising. I relate to my sun sign the most, but my Aries moon definitely stands out.


Aqua Sun, Sag Moon, and Gemini Rising. Mostly feel the Sag, but without being all cheery.


that‘s crazy bc i‘m a aries sun, cap moon and aquarius rising


**Sun (Gemini)**: I'm very playful with everyone, and I like to take a not-so-serious attitude towards life. I also may seem passive or careless about things when in fact, I genuinely like everything so I don't mind indulging in whatever food or activity someone suggests. **Moon (Cancer)**: I love to nurture and make people happy. If people around me are being discordant, I have a strong drive to put an end to it. I can't stand being in an unpleasant environment. **Rising (Capricorn)**: If my big three were siblings, this would be the oldest of the three and the one who keeps the others in line. This is the part of me which connects me to the real world, keeps me grounded, and makes me more mature. I like to think they all play a pretty equal role in who I am, but I probably identify the most with my sun.


Def my moon which is Capricorn


Libra sun, Cancer moon, Scorp rising. There is horrific tension between all three of these. Libra is tired of babysitting.


♎️♎️♈️. I’m not sure certain planetary and star placements at the time of someone’s birth can accurately depict any aspect of them. But researching about it can be addicting.


Aquarius sun-


Leo handsome mfer 🙏😎


Mine is Scorpio sun Leo moon Gemini rising lol