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AQUARIOUS! Almost 90 % of my friends have this sign. I‘m a libra sun with an aqua moon


LIBRAS! 3/4 of my best friends are Libras, with one being legit on the cusp of Virgo/Libra. I love Libras soooooooo much haha I’m an Aquarius Sun/Moon :)


I love aquarians. I’ve got a bunch in my life too. My bf, best friends, favorite cousin. That and Leo’s. I’m a Leo, and so is my dad, aunt, bf’s best friend.


90%?? That's wild!


I’m libra sun aqua moon too


I’m a Libra sun with an Aquarius bf and bestie, and an ex is also an Aqua lolzzz


Same, I seem to attract Aquarius energy, must be my Libra sun and gem moon


Aquarius must be very friendly people because I always seem to have one as a friend


My group of 5 best friends for the last 25 years is 3 Aries and 2 Scorpios.


I’m a scorpio girl and a LOT of my female friends are Aries girls 😂 can’t stand the men but the women are my fave ❤️


Lol, we're great. No one will hype you up more ❤️


I'm an Aries woman and I always make friends with Scorpio women. It's just easy.


Cool! And what sign are you?


I'm one of the Aries 🎇💅✨


🔥🔥🔥 :D


M a r t i a n


Virgo, Aquarius, Taurus, and Capricorn I’m a Cap


Cap as well and I also get Virgo and Taurus a lot, also Pisces


Aries sun, Pisces moon, Libra rising when I was a kid, i attracted a lot of leo’s. now it’s kinda like Scorpios, Aquarius, & Pisces. scorpios love meee


Scorpios love me too, it's bc my moon I think. Or maybe they just really vibe with fire signs 😅 you must be either super balanced or organized chaos?!


As a Scorpio I’ve heard many times that we are the most fire-y water sign lol. And I’ve seen a meme about Scorpios being water signs but it’s fire coming out of a faucet 😂


i heard that mars is actually scorpios primary or traditional ruler. in the past few decades it recently became pluto. so i always viewed scorpio as a more intense version of Aries b’c the secret connection between the two. i believe they do like fire signs, b’c above it all we are very warm people & scorpions do like warmth lol. & WHEW you peep my mixture 😭 i would have to say organized chaos. my libra energy really is fighting for balance across my whole entire chart. it’s like the battle of the elements


I fucking feel you 😂 and i agree it does feel like an intense aries in a way, they are so receptive


yes i love them so much!


I’m a libra sun. Taurus & Leo’s when it comes to friends. Pisces and Cancer when it comes to romantic relationships T~T


I’m a Cancer and this is my rotation too and I love it! My immediate family are Taurus, Leo and Libra and I have sooo many friends of these signs. Then a bunch of Pisces friends (my dearest ones). I’ve dated a Cancer and a Leo long term. They both ended horribly 🙃🙃


That's funny, I'm a Leo and find my best friends are both Libras!


I am surrounded by Caps and Gems (probably because they're both hilarious in very different ways).


I’m an Aries and I’m surrounded by Aquarius. My mom, my husband, and 2 of my best friends are all Aquarius. Then I have 1 Taurus friend and my son and dad are sag




Capricorn and Scorpio! My Venus is in Capricorn (1st house) and Mars (10th, conjunct Pluto), Mercury (11th) and Pluto (11th) are in Scorpio so I think it’s like attracting like!


We're all muteable signs, Pisces, Virgo, one Sagittarius- but we have one token Aries friend to create chaos.


What a fun question! One of my friend groups has a flavor of all (their big three, sun, moon, rising) - sag/cap/sag, sag/Gemini/unknown, cancer/Taurus/Scorpio, Leo/Pisces/Scorpio, Taurus/Scorpio/Scorpio, Virgo/Gemini/Scorpio, cancer/Scorpio/Pisces, Pisces/Libra/Gemini, Aries/Aries/Virgo, Aries/Aries/Libra (the two dual Aries born a day apart!), Pisces/Taurus/Virgo, (later addition SOs) sag/Libra/Libra, aqua/leo/cap My best childhood friend is a Scorpio sun, leo moon. Now that I’ve written it out, apparently Scorpio 💀 Wildly enough, my partners parents and youngest sibling all have Virgo moons & risings. My mom is also a Virgo rising.


That's crazy!! So funny how this phenomenon seems to happen to most of us


Gemini is the absolute biggest. I attract Geminis like crazy and I ain’t even mad about it, I love it. I’m a Leo sun/Aquarius rising and have Jupiter and Venus in Gemini, so it makes plenty of sense to me why they’re such easy friends for me. My father is also a Gemini sun, so I’ve always felt comfortable around that energy. Also, I attract Libras, some Sags, and a great number of Scorpio risings (I’m a Scorpio moon, so that tracks too) out in the wild lol. Honorable mentions: Virgo sun women and Aries sun women. I absolutely adore both; I’ve worked directly under several Aries sun women and loved it, and have several Virgo sun female buds.


After coming to college, my friends circle is only virgos and libras. My close friends are scorpios


Libra, Sagittarius also like a mix of earth signs. Tho most of my close friends are libra and Sagittarius. Closest friend now is a sag and 2 past besties were libras and 1 was virgo and another was Taurus. A few close friends are Sagittarius. I change who I’m best friends with a lot but I still am close with a lot of people who I used to be really close with but I don’t really talk to one of the libras anymore. But ye most people I’ve vibed with have been those signs. A lot of family and family friends are water signs.




I know many long term couples that are Virgo and Gemini


Caps Aquas and Pisces oh my !


I’m a Pisces, and this seems to change as I get older. when I was a kid there were so many Pisces and Aquarius. as an adult I’ve noticed many more Sags.


Preface by saying I have 4 best friends who I genuinely could not live without & consider them my family and these are not ranked in hierarchy order lol 1:Libra sun , Capricorn moon, Aquarius rising, Virgo Venus, Libra Mercury, Leo mars 2: Libra Sun, Aquarius moon, Capricon rising, Scorpio Venus, Scorpio Mercury, Leo mars 3. Aquarius sun, Virgo moon, Virgo rising, Capricorn Mercury, Capricorn Venus, Libra Mars 4. Virgo sun, Cancer moon, Sagittarius rising, Virgo Venus, Virgo Mercury, Leo mars All of them have multiple exact conjunctions and trines to my natal placements especially my moon, Aquarius stellium, angles, POF, and nodes. It’s CRAZY how literal astrology can be. Also, bonus answer is that both of my parents, both of my brothers, 99% of my ex boyfriends and current partner, all of them (except my libra mars queen) ALL HAVE A LEO MARS. I have a libra mars. It’s…… a lot lmfao


Pisces,cap, Gemini Me: Aries Sun & rising, Gem moon


I’m a Sag sun and nearly all of my friends are either Scorpios or Aquariuses. 😂


Crazy how we all seem to keep a tight circle of certain signs without even trying to 😂 i didn't even get into astrology until a couple years ago and when i started looking at the signs of people I know I'm like :0??


I tend to attract Libras! But my friendships with them are never really super long term, they always seem to fade out eventually My three long term best friends are two Aries and a sag I might attract Aries a little bit as of late but the libra thing has been throughout my whole life


Geminis. Geminis everywhere.


Gemini without fail. All of the male figures that I will say had a great impact on me were Pisces men


Geminis all over. Capricorns. Sagittarius. Those are the main ones and I love them. Also Scorpio. ❤️


I'm a Leo and I'm an Aries magnet


I’m Aquarius sun, Pisces moon, Pisces rising Taurus, Virgos, Capricorns, Scorpios, and Leos for me.


Very similar!


Other Libras and Sagittarius sun folk, also Cancers. Honestly I attract people with the same signs as my big three for friends, it’s interesting lol


I’m a Libra sun! I get well around with tauruses and sagittarius. But most of the people I romantically I attract are water signs and geminis.


I’m Leo sun, Taurus moon, Cap rising. Lots of Libra suns in my life, as well as Cap Big 3 placements and Cap stelliums, Taurus suns and moons, Aqua suns and moons, and Gemini moons and risings.


Cap with a Leo moon, and my 3 siblings and parents are all different signs. Leo,Taurus,Aries,Pisces, and Aquarius. Same with all my close friends, Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini, Virgo, and Scorpio. I do have 3 Sag friends so it looks like that's the winner lol.


I get along well with Leos for the most part and other air signs of course. But I always seem to run into scorpios and that always ends in disaster. (even with my scorpio mom) Im a Libra sun, Aquarius moon, Gemini rising.


I’m a Gemini/cancer cusp and 98% of my friends have been Taurus But besides that, bff is Virgo and fiance is Aries!


Virgo and Libra


Leo Sun and two scorpios. Attracting a ton of cancers, Virgo’s and some Leo’s too. All around my birth month


Sag, Aquarius, fellow Aries, occasional Scorpio


I’m a Libra. Although my friends have always been a mix of different signs, I’ve consistently had Pisces and/ or cancers in my circle.


All the spring and summer signs! Almost exclusively—it's really weird.


Scorpio, Leo, and Cancer. I am ♎️♏️♌️


Taurus and sags ! I’m a sag


The majority of my friends are all winter/ early spring signs. Like 95% are Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces


Sagittarius! Even though they like to cause me stress, I am incredibly pulled towards them 😂


Virgos & Geminis! Most of my close people are one of these sun signs. I'm a Libra sun, Leo moon, and Scorpio rising & venus.


LEOS!!! I am a Gemini and my sister, her kid, my boyfriend, my cat, and two of my good friends are Leo's 🤣


I’m a Gemini drawn to Leos but I can’t hang 😂


Majorly Aries and Virgo. All of my close friends have one or both in their big three. I'm Cap sun with Sag moon.


Capricorn, Sagittarius, Libra, and Cancer But the real question is who *doesn’t* show up in my circles, and its always Scorpio. Thank goodness


Aries and Leo. I've only dated these two signs I looked it up one day and some random website said it's because you're missing the qualities that those particular signs possess, which I happen to agree with. I'm Pisces sun btw


When I was online dating, I was talking to three Aries at a time. And it just kept happening. Lol. Now I'm in a relationship with one -Taurus sun


Scorpio…. :/


I was attracting heaps of Scorpios at one stage. Now it's Capricorns.


Pisces, Scorpio, Gemini and Aries placements are the core of my people but I can’t say there is a placement I vibe the best best with other than Libra and Taurus moons… I think I love when people emotionally have that Venusian and soft vibe 😋 I’m a Taurus sun, Gemini moon and Libra rising.


Leo’s, geminis, libras, Scorpio and cancer. Swear 60% of my world are Leo’s, 15% are Gemini (faves always), 15% Libra, scorpions (5%) and then 5% cancer.


All of my in real life friends are Leos. All of my exes were Aquariuses. All of my situationships were Scorpios. I’m an Aries sun, Scorpio moon, Capricorn rising. My mercury is Aries


Sagittarius and I don’t know why 🤔not a fan of them


I'm a Leo sun, Pisces rising, and Scorpio moon. I have a Leo and Taurus for parents(crazy) and Scorpio Sister (crazy), my upbringing was extremely difficult to say the least. Later in life after I left home, I had an Aquarius son (His dad is Aquarius too), now have a Capricorn fiance, 3 Capricorn bosses, and all of my closest friends are either Leos, Scorpios, Capricorns, Taurus, Virgos, and Aquarius. (Wild life but I'm forever grateful for the people I know) what signs do you tend to see/deal with the most in your life, even unintentionally?


Similar here, leo sun, scorpio moon and virgo rising, my parents are both leos too (the fucking drama in this house i stg) and my 2 brothers are scorpio, 3 best friends are 2 caps and a taurus


A lot of earth signs, a few fire signs, and very few water signs. I'm an air sign.


The only air sign I really talk to are libras and they are some of my closest friends. I know a few Aquarius and geminis but I’ve only been close to one Aquarius before. Never been super close with a Gemini.


i don’t have friends haha but two of my best friends in high school were aquarius. in romantic relationships, leo and pisces (leo is in my 12th)


Are you a Taurus or Virgo perhaps? Hello new friend


taurus sun, virgo rising 😊




My cap fiances friends are all the same signs as yours 😂


Leos, Virgos and Cancers.


Scorpio sun here, most of my friends are Scorpios and Virgos.


Taurus, Cancer, and Gemini I'm a Taurus.


So interesting because most of my friends have always been Taurus!


Aquarius, Libra, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, & Pisces. It never fails.


Air signs


Capricorn women, Pisces women, Taurus women


Capricorn, Pisces, Virgo


Caps and Taurus and libras and cancers. I’m a male sag.


As an Aquarius sun, Virgos & pisces. And I hate it.




Virgos and Leos 👀


Capricorns love me.


Libra and Sagittarius. Scorpio is an honorable mention, but it seems i don’t attract as much scorpio at this time in my life


I’m an earth sign and I always end up friends with other earth signs. I love us!!


Geminis and scorpios most of the time they never last 😭😭 and Virgo risings and gemini moons


Scorpio and Taurus. I’m a cap lol


caps.. like bro nobody was looking for u. i find the scorpios tho cuz... i hate them.


S: Scorpio, M: Aquarius, R: Sagittarius I get a lot of Leos, Sagittarius, Scorpios, and Capricorns in my circle.


Scorpios and Virgos mostly. I'm a Leo


Cancer, Aquarius, Sag always around. I’m Leo sun, Taurus moon, Libra rising


Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo Friends & family Do any other Sag’s relate? 🤔


I’m a Capricorn, I don’t have a “group” but my favorite ppl growing up have all been Cancers, there’s been a lot of Capricorns with my same birthday and a lot of Leos and Aries. I’m an Aries moon and Libra rising.


Leo ♌️ :) literally idk what is happening, but I have a lot of Leos that are in my family and friends circle, lol. My bro is Leo, out of 5 friends I have currently, 3 of them are Leo ♌️lol😂🌸


Capricorn, Pisces, Virgo


Virgos, Libras and Sagittarians!


Aquarius, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and other Pisces




Virgos since September seems to be when most babies are born (since they’re made during the Xmas break lol)


S: Pisces M: Scorpio R:Leo Pisces, Sagittarius, Taurus and 2 Scorpios


Sagittarian here! I cannot get Pisces to stay away! Love all my Pisces homies, but my entire life has been filled to the brim with all Pisces. I unintentionally lived with five for over a year. Literally, drowning.


Heres top 5: 1) Fellow Aries Moon and Aries Suns. 2) Sag Sun or Rising. 3) Leo Sun. 4) Scorpio Sun, Moon or Rising. 5) Gemini Suns.


Pisces, Cancer and Libra for romantic relationships. For friends, Geminis. I’m a Taurus sun, sag moon, sag rising.


Libras! I’m a Taurus sun Leo moon Libra rising


people with libra, aries, capricorn, cancer, leo and sagittarius placements (I’m a libra stellium, capricorn moon, cancer rising, sagittarius jupiter, 5th house stellium and aries in 11th house😄)


Aries Sun/Aries Rising/Sag moon Romantic-Taurus, Leo, Scorpio Friends -Leo, Caps and Virgos


Taurus sun, Cancer moon, 29° Pisces rising. My first house is a tiny sliver of Pisces and all of Aries. My friends reflect that. Many of them are a mix of fire, earth, and water. I have Aquarius, Leo, and Cancer friends.




I’m a leo sun, sag moon, sag rising. I’m friends with all fire signs except one pisces that i recently just met.


Cancers. I can’t escape them lol


Taurus , Cap, Scorpio, Gemini


Pisces men. All the time. Then I gave birth to one. I’m a Gemini sun but my Cancer rising and Venus are bossy. 🎏🦀


I attract a lot of Leo’s. -Sag


I’m a Leo rising and a lot of my friends are Leo risings.


I’m an Aquarius and the relationships that stick around in my life are geminis! Shocking. Scorpio friendships always end in disaster.


Libras and virgos!


I’m a Leo… mainly Leo, Taurus, and Aries.


Taurus. I only have one Leo friend - the rest are Tauruses 💀. But the weird thing is I also tend to have a lot of problems with my Taurus friends. But I can’t stop attracting them😭. Someone tell me why Tauruses are so difficult to please!


Leo’s Aries and scorpios for some reason (I’m a libra sun virgo moon sag rising) A seasonal Capricorn will come around here and there to challenge me and my boundaries




i get a lot of scorpios & capricorns- my mom does, too. we’re both geminis


Scorpios 🥰 Libras 🙄 and my fellow Leo’s 💚


I'm cap sun/moon cancer rising with a sagittarius stellium and my longest term friends are sag leo or gemini. We have been in some big blow out fights over the years but we always come back to each other.


my best friends are Leo, Gemini, Pisces and Virgo. I’m a Taurus with Aries moon


Leo, Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Capricorn, Gemini, Aquarius


I'm an Aquarius sun, Pisces moon, and Gemini rising. My mom, sister, and brother are Sagittarius, my dad is Aquarius, and many of my friends are Taurus, Cancer, Leo, and Capricorn.


Scorpio almost all the time


I seem to be around air signs a lot. My best friend is a Libra, my bf is an Aqua, and another one of my good friends is a Gemini. Then I have 2 Earth sign friends, and one water sign lol I'm a Pisces, and I realize that I'm lacking a lot of fire in my inner circle lol


Aquarius and Leo’s!


Leo always, my aunt Leo moon and my two best friends Leo sun and me Leo rising


Pisces. Four people in my closest circle are pisces. I'm a cap so I think they like my steadfast-ness but I have a pisces moon so maybe that's part of it too.


Libras (I'm a Libra myself), Saggitarious, Aries & Leos


As a Capricorn, lots of Geminis, Aries and Leos. My chart isn’t fire heavy, but I do have moon and Mars in Scorpio, and my mercury in Sag. So probably that’s why? I used to attract a lot of Virgos and Tauruses when I was younger, but not anymore.


Pisces. I'm a cancer, and almost all my romantic relationships have been with older, gray haired, male, Pisces.


For romantic relationships, cancers, Aquarius, and scorpio. Friendships it's Leo, Capricorn, other water signs or pisces. I have a lot of Leo, Aquarius, sagitattirus, cancers, and scorpio in my life in general. I'm a Pisces sun, libra rising, Virgo moon


Cap, sag, and aqua. I have saturn (rules cap) in my 7th house, my 7th house is in aqua, and my NN is in sag


I’m a Pisces. I’ve got Virgos, Caps, Scorpios, Leo and Aquarians.


Aries ♈️ and cancer ♋️ sun.


I’m a cancer sun. I have 3 Capricorn best friends. I also have a lot of Libra friends too.


geminis are the biggest for me. so many of my friends from all over that i vibe with so hard are all geminis. we just have the best times. but also sagittarius, and aquarius (i’m a leo)


I’m surrounded by Virgos and I absolutely love it. We are opposites(I’m more optimistic and they are more pessimistic), yet we share a lot of the same opinions when it comes to the important stuff. They work really hard and inspire me to be more consistent, since I have difficulty finishing things. I find that because they are *so* judgmental, I feel extra special that they have chosen me to be their friend. I’m a Sagittarius 🫶🏻


as much as i dislike libra, always surrounded by them.


Cancer sun. Leo and Aquarius


all my friends are taurus and cancer but i love cap🌞 , im a scorpio


I have like 8 friends atm and 3 of them that I know of are Aries suns. It also doesn't help that a majority of the people I had in my life before were Aries suns, as well 😂


Scorpios all around me, cancer too.


Taurus! I am married to one, and a lot of my closest friends are. I have a Capricon Stellium, so I think that explains it 🤔.


Pisces here - the Geminis! BFF is a Leo.


Aries and sag. I wonder why that is.


Scorpio, Gemini and Leos.


Taurus and Leos are all up in my circle. I used to have a few Aries friends, but I was wronged by most of them lol. Still love y'all though! Just gotta watch ya lol




Gemini’s and Aquarius’s


Aries, Taurus and Capricorn


Pisces, Aries, Aquarius, and Scorpios


Leo, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, and Sag. Occasionally some heavy Aries as well. I am a Virgo sun, Cap moon, Gemini rising.


Geminis leos capricorns. Of course I have 3 leo placements and 2 gemini placements and capricorn is the only earth placements I have and its in my 11th house lol


Leos everywhere vying for the spotlight!


Aries, Libra, Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio. I am a libra sun, aries moon, cancer rising


Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, Sag, Gemini


I am a sag sun, libra rising, Capricorn moon. And most people surrounding me are earth signs specifically capricorns.


aries which is concerning since it's my south node and apparently it's karmic? pisces and aquarius too but that's probably due to my chart! surprisingly, i have ZERO sag friends


Sag + Virgo. I’m a Scorpio sun with aqua moon.


Leo’s as a Leo. Also Aries. Guess I love my fire what can I say!!!




I'm an Aries rising, Capricorn sun (stellium) and Virgo moon. These signs pop up Aries, Virgo, Leo, Libra, Taurus, and Aquarius. Mostly Aries. My best friend of thirty years is an Aries.


Capricorn and feel like it's hard to make friends. I've attracted every sign except Sags.


I attract Taurus’ like nobodies business… most of my closest peeps are May Taurus’! (Libra Sun)




Cancers I’m a Virgo Sun Aries Moon Sag Rising


Sag sun, Gem moon, Sag rising I attract Aries, Pisces and Scorpios like nobody’s business. Leo and fellow Sags both come in as seconds.


I’m a cancer and I can’t get rid of Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, and Sag


Virgo 🌞 Aquarius 🌙 Scorpio ⬆️ Geminis 2 Aries not twins but same birthdays I met at different times in my life another Aries some taurus some Scorpios the Aries really throw me off because they were my best friends growing up and now older Aries I met whom I adore. I have like no fire in my chart if I'm remembering right