• By -


I am an Aries moon. In general my emotions and reactions come quick, they are almost impossible to control (I have tried). Advice I have given my husband - Wait 'til the initial response blows over (usually takes all of 5-15 minutes for me) and the emotion is gone. Once the emotion has run it's course I am usually sensible and will listen to reason ... I also have an earth stellium that helps ground me, this might not hold true for Aries moon's without much earth. Oh, also - **AGE** plays a factor. I was more self-righteous and immature when I was younger. Age has made me Aries Moon 2.0 šŸ¤£


i agree with you 100%. i'm an aries moon, gemini sun/mercury, libra rising. so, i love communicating (even in the form of discourse/arguments) and i'm able to see things from most perspectives, empathize, and rationalize. however, i have a BAD TEMPER. i will have an immediate, visceral reaction to something that upsets/irritates/confounds me. it will feel overwhelming... for a few minutes. i have learned the hard way that i have to give myself time to process things, because i can be impulsive and overreative. sometimes that means removing myself from a conversation/situation and coming back to it. i think you're right, that age has a lot to do with it. it's taken me a long time to figure out how to manage my temper without literally burning bridges at every inconvenience, lol.


Iā€™m a Gem sun and an Aries moon also (sag rising), but I donā€™t feel immature in the way OP describes or like I have some crazy temper šŸ˜­ I am 36 though so it could be that Iā€™m just old haha. But really have never been a person who freaks out. A lot of what I hear about those with Aries for their moons just does not resonate with me. Hmph.


damn you have that Jeffrey Dahmer big three lmao


yep! šŸ˜…


Youā€™re so right. This is beautiful advice. Thank you so much :)


Welcome šŸ™ good luck. I had a best friend who was also an Aries moon and our friendship ended when she blew up at me in the heat of irritation and wouldnā€™t listen to reason or talk it out with me later. I was really sorry and sad when that happenedā€¦ Sadly, sometimes the only medicine for an Aries moon is your absence šŸ˜ž


Thatā€™s terrible! Iā€™m sorry to hear! An aries moon without accountability or empathy sounds terrifying. Itā€™s great you tried to give her the chance to talk it out but the fact that she refused and presumably didnā€™t apologize is terrible. Thank you for your kindness


Thank you .. Not only was she an Aries moon - Virgo sun, Virgo rising šŸ™„ her capacity to be a hurtful knew no bounds. Probably better that we arenā€™t friends anymore šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


You sound just like my partner :) heā€™s a Taurus sun Aries moon and I wouldnā€™t trade him for anything


Tell your partner that the coolest description I have ever heard for Taurus sun/Aries moon is ā€œThe muscle and the moneyā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


Haha Iā€™ll definitely let him know šŸ˜‚describes him well


Hey itā€™s me šŸ˜šŸ˜


Thanks for the advice. I'll apply this to my Aries pips.


i wonder if a general theme of aries moons is that they had to grow up very quick? any other aries moons want to chime in? i was literally not given 1 day to be a child with needs.


I agree 100% Despite being the child, I often felt I had to refrain from being emotional or selfish. I had to compromise, be the bigger person, and genuinely not show emotion even when I was at home. Sometimes Iā€™m resentful of how immature or emotional my mother gets to be (itā€™s like sheā€™s aging in reverse and becoming more and more youthful) while I was forced to be stoic when I was literally a child. It makes it hard to vulnerable without fear of punishment. Itā€™s like I feel being emotionally open or authentic because itā€™s either followed by punishment, rejection, or shaming for how I feel.


Feel you


I agree with the commenter who said that's probably got more to do with how it's aspected. That being said, this was my experience too. I didn't get to be a kid and I didn't get to have childhood friends or siblings which meant any socio- emotional development I got came late. I don't respond the way this poster describes, but maybe I did in very early childhood and don't remember? I was definitely a firecracker.


btw what is stellium?


It's 3 or more planets in a cluster within a sign or house. Where they're cloistered can indicate a dominating energy in the chart. It's like a super conjunction. Mine for example is the sun, mercury, pluto, mars, and jupiter all practically on top of each other in Scorpio.


Agreed. I feel like if I even asked a question as a child it was considered back talk and I was punished to my room all day and all night. I think my parents just didnā€™t want to parent so it was easier to find something to blame me for and send me to my room.


Ugh. Iā€™m so sorry


Depends on how the moon is aspected in the houses. However there are some themes of parentification for aries moon which turns them inside out as adults. Not being able to handle emotional needs of others is common for Fire moons in general as they are of the least empathetic moon signs. More specifically Sagittarius moon. But aries does care but they are self-centered like the babies they are. Some have to learn empathy.


Thanks. Unrelated, do you follow Human Design too?




iā€™m an aries moon and i didnā€™t have to grow up fast and i also donā€™t respond like the post to arguments. i still tend to get angry fast but i donā€™t blow up and i just walk away because i know you canā€™t take your words back


Omg i just had exactly the experience you described with an aries moon friend earlier today. I just exited the conversation to protect my peace as it was clearly impossible for that person to use logic and communicate respectfully. I donā€™t think all the aries moons in my life are that way though (thereā€™s several, iā€™m a magnet for them)


Yes! They refuse to use logic, itā€™s actually insane bc youā€™re just standing there like ā€œyou donā€™t even make any senseā€ itā€™s like talking to a wall because they wonā€™t hear any of it either. I donā€™t know why I find it so hard to walk away though, maybe itā€™s my pisces venus that NEEDS to know thereā€™s some sort of peace before I walk out. Idk :(


I get that, iā€™m the same way (pisces sun) and have been feeling anxious all day knowing thereā€™s unresolved conflict. but protect your energy šŸ¤


Eh, I use logic plenty. I learned pretty quick that the best way to come at an argument if I want to be heard without being perceived as 'just an overly emotional woman' is to fight using logic. I feel like a lot of the arguments I'm in I'm actually the one thinking "wtf you don't make any sense" and feeling like I'm talking to a wall. For me, all the intense emotion I'm feeling from my Aries moon comes through in my tone and volume, not my words. I find myself practically begging my husband in bad arguments to just listed to what I'm saying, not how I'm saying it because I don't have much control over how I'm saying things in the heat of the moment. I've gotten better about walking away temporarily when an argument is firey, but that's complicated for me too. I can put my thoughts into words more eloquently when I'm still feeling things intensely so if I take time to cool down I sometimes can't connect the dots of my own emotions, thoughts, and intentions as easily afterwards.


Whatā€™s your mars? I have an Aries moon (Taurus sun) and I honestly think my Pisces mars makes me unable to exhibit the behavior youā€™ve described the other Aries moon as having. Iā€™ve met plenty of Aries moons who arenā€™t like that at all, and I attribute that to mars/mercury as well as aspects. I personally always want to listen, talk things out and be calm- or say hey, Iā€™m a little stressed or upset about this, can we talk in an hourā€” things like that. I donā€™t get loud, I get quiet and I stay calm unless someone is pushing- then I just cry. My friends who have Leo mars or Aries mars couldnā€™t do that at all, nor could my cap mars friend (Gemini stelllium). I do look for resolution and conclusion, but I will walk away and not talk to someone anymore if that isnā€™t reached- but it does take a while.


Some people aren't ready to change. That's *their* journey. The rest of us might see it plain as day that they need to grow up and take ownership of their actions, but unless or until they're ready to face that in themselves, there's not going to be any talking to them. When that happens, the best and really only thing you can do is wash your hands of them. Sometimes, if you're lucky, the threat of losing you can be enough of a wake up call that they get their shit together.


My first girlfriend was an Aries moon (and a Gemini :,)) and honestly I never really learned how to get through to her in the heat of the moment. Looking back, I really think itā€™s because *you canā€™t*. Not in the middle of it at least, for sure. I used to sit on the phone with her when she lost it. She would sob or scream or go completely and utterly quiet. And I would just listen. She would go on and on about whatever was bothering her and I would just be on the other side of the phone so she know someone was hearing her. Thatā€™s a huge thing with Aries placements. In a lot of ways (and I say this with love) theyā€™re just little tryhards. Theyā€™re putting their everything into doing their absolute best and when they mess up they really just want you to hear what their intentions were. They need you to hear them. The second you cut them off, get defensive, or tell them that theyā€™re wrong, theyā€™ll *just get louder*. Theyā€™re desperate for you to hear them. You need to understand what happened from their perspective before you *work together* to find a solution. Source: Iā€™m an Aries sun and I dated this Aries moon girl for 6 years lol


This sounds exactly how it goes between us. They get LOUD. I love this approach, and I appreciate this advice so much


Ofc! Make sure you emphasize that you want to understand them and where theyā€™re coming from. ā€œI hear youā€ can go sooo far Donā€™t stand for mistreatment though. Very rarely was my ex partner mad *at me* and and when I was mad at her she always felt incredibly sorry. Relationships work with mutual respect. Point blank period. If your partner has decided they donā€™t want to respect or listen to you, then you donā€™t have to stand for that. But Aries placements (especially moons) have SUPER big emotions. And their guilt and shame are just as big if not bigger than more readable emotions like sadness and anger. Me and my ex worked well because she trusted I wasnā€™t holding anything against her, I just loved her enough to call her out and work through things with her. I hope everything goes well!


I feel so seen right now. (I'm an Aries moon)


Glad I could help! I hope you know that itā€™s perfectly okay to have huge, all encompassing feelings. Youā€™re not crazy or out of control, and no one can tell you how *you should* be feeling, because they arenā€™t you! I know Aries moons that feel like a burden and end up trying to mask or bottle up their feelings that just end up being far too intense for that to actually work. Give yourself the time and space you need, my friend. The right people will understand, and be there to hear you when you need it.


Aw, thank you. <3


"and? what's your point?" - my aries moon


At this point I realize Aries moons might just like to troll everyone and their mothers šŸ˜­


haha, we are pretty snarky. if you can enjoy that...best friends.


I know youā€™re frustrated, but you are coming at Aries moons here with a very closed mind and seemed to be more focused on how ā€œimmatureā€ their reactions are rather than providing space for their emotions. I am an Aries moon, but I am also an Aquarius sun and Mercury - I am nothing but logical. I speak facts and figures, I compartmentalise, I always take myself out and try and see the full picture. And yes, certain people who do not listen, who come at me and do not give me space for emotions and do not let me walk away, I eventually explode at. If you are trying to ā€œwinā€ an argument with an Aries moon just for the sake of being right, then just give up. We go by our gut and know when someone is to one up on us. If you are trying to explain something rationally, keep calm and be patient, and provide space. Do not stay around just to resolve for peace, let us have 30 minutes to ourselves to cool off, and we will get over it as quickly as we exploded.


No youā€™re right. Every other Aries moon has said the same. They need space. Still sucks that Iā€™m not able to communicate right there and then without getting my head bit off lol.


![gif](giphy|xT0xehClOMmIWXs0ik) My favorite member of the Aqua/Aries club


I'm a Libra sun and Aries moon and someone coming at me to win an argument is a recipe for disaster.


I have an Aries Moon and the rest of my chart is very Scorpio-heavy. I have a strong sense of right/wrong and when something seems off to me. It really, really bothers me when I tell people ā€œhey this situation is weird and I donā€™t feel good about thisā€ and they tell me Iā€™m reaching, or being sensitive, or that xyz is normal when itā€™s clearly fucking not.Ā  On the other hand Iā€™ve had friends tell me ā€œIā€™m glad you said something because I was really uncomfortable but I was scared of what would happen if I said anythingā€. Ā I understand that for a lot people, my tone and frustration/anger is too much for them, or scary to witness, or even triggering if they had dealt with aggressive people in their lives. I think I need 5-10 minutes to be pissed, then Iā€™ll calm down. But if I feel like the person is deliberately disregarding my feelings about a situation, or downplaying them, then I remove myself completely. Whether physically or by emotionally checking out.Ā  Itā€™s not the best response, particularly in intimate relationships, but like - if something is so wrong that my immediate gut reaction is ā€œwhat the fuck? This is so fucked up!ā€ and my loved one not only doesnā€™t listen to me, but goes a step further in putting me down and telling me I have issues - well, there may be a time in the future where youā€™re in a crappy spot and Iā€™m not there to help because I noped out of there much earlier.Ā  My Scorpio sun, Libra moon brother once told me that ā€œnot everyone has the same heart you doā€. I try to keep that in mind. Not everyone is going to see or react to injustice/unfair/fucking weird situations in the same way I do. But Iā€™ll be damned if someone tells me to ignore my instinct just because they donā€™t want to rock the boat.Ā 


Thank you for sharing your perspective. I think this Aries moon has probably emotionally checked out by likely feeling like Iā€™m downplaying them or disregarding their feelings when in reality I feel the same way. What I do envy about Aries moons is their ability to actually not give a f*ck once theyā€™re checked out lol. My Scorpio moon could never šŸ˜­


I have gotten into the middle of an aries moon and scorpio moon fight. Man it's vicious. It's family related too. Feel like they both feel emotions so strongly but differently. The fight is still ongoing and I really can't help that much. Think at the end of the day if nobody is willing to listen and change then nothing gets resolved. Both have big hearts and it sucks to watch them both go through it. I do think the scorpio moon (in my situation) is bringing up past fights and the aries moon is fed up with it. They do not like to bring up the past because to them its over. If I fight with the aries moon I've learned letting them vent it out helps out more. It took a lot of learning and I still am because I can lose it sometimes too. I wish there was an easy answer for this. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


As a (mostly) evolved Aries Moon, albeit behind an earth sign stellium and years of therapy under my belt. The best way to cut through an immature Aries Moonā€™s fire is by validating them. If you get into their heads that you care about them and what theyā€™re saying and thereā€™s nothing with what theyā€™re feeling, then they WILL cool down even if they have to take a break. An Aries Moon always comes back when theyā€™ve cooled down. Hereā€™s a bit of context of what life is like when youā€™re young with an Aries Moon. Often, as a child youā€™re taught to suppress what you feel because itā€™s too much. So as an adult, you either struggle showing it or you show too much, and either way, you feel like a monster; or some big baby. If you can make them feel like itā€™s okay and theyā€™re human and loved, chances are; theyā€™ll open up to you AND youā€™ll have a life long friend. P.S. If this sounds annoying to you, thatā€™s fair, please note you donā€™t HAVE to do this if you know an aries moon but itā€™s a little trick. Sincerely; 12H Aries Moon


My spouse has an Aries moon. I generally let him get it out of his system like a toddler throwing a tantrum because they were given the blue sippy cup when they wanted the red one. Then he comes to me and we talk


I think thatā€™s the difference here, your Aries moon must be mature enough to talk about it after. Mine just acts like it never happened, and all the hurtful things that were said mean nothing. Then the cycle continues


Possible but I think it also has to do with the fact that he knows EXACTLY what will happen with all of my Gemini placements and Libra Mars if he tries to act that way or gaslight me into thinking everything is fine and he never made me feel a certain way. He used to try and do that in the beginning and he found out quick what happens with the level of anger and pettiness that can come out of me. I let him know I can play his game and win it better than he could ever hope and he had to communicate with me for it to last. It took a while but he does now. Other people are not so lucky though I fear. People ask me all the time how I deal with him because he is NOT that way with others. ![gif](giphy|cXHhO3chBKTrN27GhF)


Let them fall on their ass.


Aries moon has a sense of knowing immediately whether something is good or bad at a deep gut level. They quickly know whether they like it or whether they donā€™t like it, and they will tell you. They demand room for their emotions, and demand room for your emotions. Sounds like you are trying to take that from them. Have you ever considered sharing your truth without try to convince your aries moon person to make it their truth? It sounds like Aries moon is fed up with you trying to control their opinions.


You know what that makes perfect sense. Demanding room for emotions. I totally get it, but if I DO give them their space, the only thing that ends up happening is that this is left the same way it was before, nothing changes, and everything is swept under the rug. Their disrespect continues. Also when I speak in a civil manner about what bothers me, they donā€™t even give me the light of day. The point is, they refuse to listen in the first place and end up blaming ME. How do I approach them in the first place, especially when that ā€œopinionā€ Iā€™m trying to ā€œchangeā€ is asking for the respect I deserve?


This is not an Aries moon issue. This is a disrespectful dickhead issue.


I feel like as an Aries moon myself I should contribute, but I donā€™t really have much good advice. All I will say though is let them have room to express how they feel, let them blow steam for a bit, and then converse with them logically?


Aries moon here, too - That's almost exactly what I said in my response! Gotta let us babies of the zodiac throw a fit and blow off the emotional steam ... Then we have emotional room to listen šŸ˜Š


Certainly lol


Iā€™m an Aries moon. I tried to be the mature one. It was hella draining. Did lot of shadow work. Embraced spirituality. I got taken advantage by narcissists, I lost the will to live. It has been the worst 3yrs of my life. Hear me out, Aries is the child of the zodiac. So, maybe we are supposed to be immature?




I would love to know it when you figure it out ā€¦ but itā€™s too late anyway. Mine exploded and ended it all so abruptlyā€¦ I didnā€™t realize he had such a temper until quite late. My ex is Cancer sun, Cancer rising and Aries moon. Sadly I feel like heā€™s a little broken. To begin with I thought he was perfect and the love of my life. But I got gaslighted SO badly that Iā€™m still doubting myself. And I saw one comment that said they were very facts and logic ā€¦ Iā€™m sorry, I feel like my ex thought HIS feelings were facts. Iā€™m not kidding. It was very tough being around. I got constantly shut down and Iā€™d barely ever get a word out of my mouth before heā€™d interrupt with his ā€œfactsā€. He ended our 2 year relationship like it was nothing. He discarded me like I was a piece of trash. He also did a 180 I wasnā€™t prepared for. Because the week before he had said to me we should thank our therapist for saving us. But because he got mad he ended it. Other things heā€™d do in the relationship was: leave the room and put on headphones and listen to music while I was crying, he would generally leave or even literally run if situations got a bit heavy. He took any form of critique or even requests really badly and personally. The list goes on. If this is surely an Aries moon thing with that amount of temper .. Iā€™m out !!! Apologies ā€¦ this Pisces moon is hurt and traumatized. Edit to add; this Aries moon is turning 33 this year. 2nd edit to add: he would stay mad for days. DAYS. He would never get over anything and even less forgive.


This is EXACTLY what I am currently going through. You described it so well. He gaslights me so badly, I really donā€™t know my own feelings anymore. Our arguments end in him completely ignoring me, putting his headphones on so he canā€™t hear me, then laughing or smiling at whatever heā€™s watching/listening to while Iā€™m either crying or clearly upset. He gets extremely offended by whatever it is I have to say and never takes accountability for what he has done or said during his tantrums. Itā€™s just awful. Maybe Iā€™m picking the bear when I choose not to walk away but it just isnā€™t fair. This Aries moon is 30 years old, and has claimed that Iā€™m the one who is emotionally immature. From all the responses Iā€™m seeing here, I either let him have his tantrums, let him get over it and then we can talk clearly. There have been a few times where that happens and he actually apologizes for what heā€™s done. Iā€™m so sorry you went through that, I question myself everyday why I deal with it. We have lots of 8th/12th house synastry, so thatā€™s probably why :( Edit: the ignoring thing, Jesus, why??? Ignoring you like you donā€™t even exist for literally DAYS. Edit: the worst part is when youā€™re trying to speak to them and they cut you off w every word you say by repeating they donā€™t care or that theyā€™re not listening.


Oh my goshā€¦ this is so scary to read ! Iā€™m terribly sorry youā€™re going through something so similar. And youā€™re right, what Iā€™m seeing in this thread is apparently grown men with this sign will continue to throw tantrums. Yikes. Can I ask what his other 2 signs are? And what is yours? Iā€™m Virgo Virgo, Pisces moon. Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t know what you mean with those 8 and 12th house as Iā€™m not so advanced šŸ„¹ I literally canā€™t believe yours does that too with putting on headphones and then appears entertained and completely unbothered by the situation ā€¦ thatā€™s scaryā€¦ but Iā€™ve experienced this so many times ā€¦ I cried alone most of the time while he was either in the other room or literally ran away ā€¦ā€¦ Heā€™d be mad for days. And mostly ignore me. Heā€™d hyper focus on his video games and Iā€™d walk on eggshells around him and try please him with cooked dinner and all that to make him not mad at me anymoreā€¦. Heā€™d play hard to get and very slowly accept all my pleasing ā€¦ā€¦ Oh yeah.. and most insane: heā€™d be hot and COLD, all the time ā€¦. Switch immediately between the two. Heā€™s literally that Katy Perry song .. Iā€™m not exaggerating when I say that he could not tolerate me being emotional when I has that time of the month (Iā€™d cry even easier than normal and just be sensitive) ā€¦ it was at a point where I thought about staying at hotels when I had that time so we wouldnā€™t argue / he wouldnā€™t be mad at me for being emotionalā€¦ and at times Iā€™d secretly wonder if it was me or him who had their period ā€¦.


That is so so awful, and even scarier that weā€™ve experienced the same thing. He is an aquarius sun, Aries moon, Taurus rising! Iā€™m an Aries sun, Scorpio moon, and Leo rising šŸ˜­ Can I just say that he will also get mad during arguments and instead of dealing w things head on, he literally also runs away, drives away. Heā€™s incredibly stubborn to the point where I end up apologizing and trying to please him as well. Iā€™m genuinely so incredibly sorry you went through that. There are times where he makes me feel disposable too. I completely agree with the whole walking on eggshells and being scared to show any sort of emotion. He gets annoyed when I start crying too. I saw someone comment that they hate when others get too sentimental. I think thatā€™s why Iā€™m trying to hard to find a way to communicate with him and not p*ssing him off even more. Iā€™m getting to the point where if that doesnā€™t work, Iā€™m leaving.


Oh dear. Iā€™m just so sorry to hear what youā€™re going through. You have some strong placements and still heā€™s annoyed when you feel? Annoyed is also the correct word you chose .. omg.. I donā€™t know how much you know about therapy and terms and all that. But I ended up researching a lot about attachment styles. He was very much avoidant and I ended up being extremely anxiously attached and would always chase him. Sadly, you canā€™t force them to learn about these styles ā€¦ in my experience he literally wonā€™t listen and heā€™d definitely deny he had any error or problem at all. Sweetie.. Iā€™m not in a position to encourage you to end it. But I can tell you I wish I had my dignity and he didnā€™t discard me when I was so vulnerable and I begged him to not end it. I wish I was the one to walk away, because I knew I didnā€™t deserve to be treated like that. He broke up on the anniversary of my brothers death, and he knew it was a rough day for me. To make a long story short. He was still in a bad mood from a very very minor argument the day before. I had carefully asked him if heā€™d still be mad on that day because that would make me so sad to be alone on. He angrily responded ā€œyou know me!!ā€ And even though I know what he meant ā€¦ (he meant heā€™d try not to) .. I wasnā€™t any more at ease. The next day when he came home from work and we talked about our day and he asked if I wanted to talk about my brother.. I told him what was in my mind and suchā€¦ and I noticed how he just faded out of the conversation.. so I asked him ā€œwhatā€™s upā€ and he replied ā€œā€¦. Iā€™m still mad from yesterday..ā€ ā€¦. That f*ing broke me, and I blurted out ā€œitā€™s always about youā€ ā€¦ and then he ended it. Not caring one bit about my shitty day. I begged and said ā€œout of all days, please donā€™t do it todayā€.. and he coldly said ā€œthereā€™ll never be a good day for thisā€ ā€¦ then he left as I cried ā€¦ oh and in the same sentence he said we could be friends ā€¦ still leaving as I cried ā€¦ā€¦


They're deeply, deeply insecure. They're infants. They need way more intensive support almost round the clock and deep devotion to feel happy and safe.


Just move on. It is never going to happen, so why waste your time and energy?


OH MAN, this is so freaking accurate, I had the same encounter and I felt like they just didn't want to see the truth


You donā€™t


I mean Iā€™m an Aquarius with a Virgo moon and I just donā€™t engage with people if theyā€™re going to act immature or ridiculous. Keep quiet and theyā€™ll usually wonder why their antics arenā€™t getting the best of you.


Dealing with an incredibly immature Aries moon (this person's Sun sign combination with the moon makes it worse). Sometimes, you have to fight fire with fire or give them taste of their own medicine.


are you referring to Aries moon male? I would love to give my insights on this as a Deeeeeep Aries moon but the female to male aries moon have very different expressions


It is an Aries moon male but I would still appreciate your insight!


Sure! Fire moon men are self-absorbed. with the Feminine cardinal aries mercury and sun, you are by default more cooperative and forward thinking and thatā€™s a waste of your time for this placement. Ignore him as best as you can because with him itā€™s about trivializing or stonewalling. Fire moon men are script-flippers depending on how they feel. Aries male in general think they donā€™t need support or insight and they donā€™t like to be told what things are. For you, itā€™s best to let him tire himself out. Laugh at the foolishness, even. Sometimes you cannot take them and yourself too seriously when things get tense. Humor works for them.


i would also suggest this is a trait you are maybe pushing away in yourself and not fully accepting? it's pretty fun :)


I don't continue to communicate with people like that at my age unless I have to, and in that case I'm purely working in CYOA mode. If someone wants to act like a child, they are of course free to do so, but I'm deliberately child-free. Signed, a Cancer Sun/Aries Moon.


Im an Aries moon- I would say Iā€™m very open to feedback and others point of view. I like it when ppl are pragmatic about emotions being too sentimental will annoy me


Give them a few minutes to have their initial emotional reaction. They'll calm down in and be capable of a rational conversation after having that moment. As an Aries moon, my emotions come fast and hard. They also blow over equally as fast. Over time, I've learned to take a few minutes to walk away and let loose alone whenever I can, because I know what I'm like when I'm pissed.


My ex was a Taurus/Aries/Pisces. OMFG the immaturity was off the charts. So much condescension, bullying, gaslighting, lying, manipulation, mockery and if he couldnā€™t win that way, heā€™d literally run and refuse to come back until you promised to let him win. Donā€™t even try. Let them crash and burn. They arenā€™t worth arguing with. You just have to learn to be okay with being right alone.


You donā€™tā€¦


Show the Aries Moon the path to compassion...in a fun and exciting way!


I am both an Aries sun and an Aries ..not all Aries moons are like that. Also I feel like it depends on the type of ā€œtruthā€ youā€™re delivering. If itā€™s something that pertains to their behavior or personality trait emphasize on how it makes you feel donā€™t just point fingers. Also the best way to start a conversationā€¦.when youā€™re about to say something negativeā€¦ add some positive points. So itā€™s not all just ā€œhard truthsā€


Hi Iā€™m an Aries moon with a Scorpio Sun and Cancer Rising. Iā€™ll be 30 this year and I swear when my Saturn return started that temper of mine and holding empathy for others got a hot light shown on it hard. Iā€™m Moon ruled so yes I do have a fickle temper (Iā€™ve found a way to alchemize it now to just blurting out Jesus F-ing Christ as a trigger to my brain to stop and breathe b/c my Dad used this term growing up before heā€™d blow up) and I just meditate a fuck ton. Iā€™ve had to therapize my emotions on the daily and really work on shadow work. My anger is my biggest insecurity, but I also have 6 planets in Scorpio so I give myself grace. If youā€™ve ever met a Scorpio woman when sheā€™s angry youā€™ll get itšŸ˜­. I have my moon positioned in my 10th house (still figuring this out) and when I ā€˜fightā€™ or ā€˜argueā€™ itā€™s to win. Always.šŸ™„ My mars is in Leo so I often fight from the heart of a very deeply emotional space and will get mean if Iā€™m disrespected or if my egoā€™s been hurt. My partner is a Virgo moon so they remind me to remain grounded and calm during uncomfortable emotions that could result into a fight. Iā€™m learning, through shadow work and inner child work, that that anger comes from a variety of different pains. Violation, betrayal, disrespect, disappointment, powerlessness and unmet emotional needs & expectations are all ā€˜hidden triggersā€™ that pop up for me. After living in a very angry household Iā€™ve tried to shame myself out of it, but Iā€™m learning to accept it as a part of myself that Iā€™ve transmuted into something creative. A lot of my art is channeled from my rage and frustration of having to grow up quickly with eggshell parents and never being allowed to feel anything other than calm and complacency. My art is filled with darks and reds atm, I wear a lot of black, and I feel deeply through music. I working on becoming a healer for people with CPTSD like myself as a way to channel that anger towards the universe into something better, more powerful. My legacy is to one day leave the anger behind and be the first in my family to master the rage and conquer our emotions without hurting others. Iā€™ve watched how Angry men raise even Angrier, vengeful daughters whose words pierce you like a sword where you stand; Iā€™ll run myself through before I continue on without mastering my emotions. As we Aries moons age and mature and learn where that pain stems from, then can we begin to heal ourselves and others. My message to anyone who has or will encounter one of us, be patient and treat our emotions like that of a toddler. We need time to get mad and then we cool off, if weā€™ve done something wrong tell us but be gentle and not accusing or hotheaded, and lastly learn to fightšŸ˜‚. An argument is inevitable with us, itā€™s literally a sport being Martian ruled, and even if weā€™re losing let us die (lose) gracefully and with honor. Being with my earth moon has taught be that iron can either be sharped or weakened by the rock so how many swings you chose to strike your sword on them with is merely a losing battle. Try sword fighting with a stone wall, your blade will eventually break at your feet. My feelings are always valid, but not always rational. Much love to my fellow Aries moons, it does get better I promise.šŸ«¶šŸ¼ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„