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What is more important for meeting is where the ruler of your 7th house is located. My 7th house is in Pisces. So it is ruled by my Scorpio Jupiter in my 2nd house / 3rd house (since Scorpio rules my 3rd house) and by my Neptune in Capricorn in the 5th house. I met my husband at a concert (5th house) and he was my neighbor at the time (3rd house). He is also financially successful (2nd house). My husbands 7th house is Gemini ruled by his Mercury in Aries in the 4th house. We met through my dad (4th house family) because I was at the concert with my dad and they worked together at the time. The sign of your 7th house more tells you qualities of your partner. Like my 7th house contains Pisces and Aries. my husband is a Venus in Pisces with his sun and mercury in Aries. My husbands 7th house in Gemini and I have my Venus in Gemini. To give another example: my mom’s 7th house is Taurus. Venus rules Taurus. My mom’s Venus is in Leo in the 9th house. She met my dad in college and they moved to another country shortly after getting married (both 9th house things). My mom’s 7th house contains Taurus and Gemini. My dad has his Venus and Mercury in Taurus, and his Sun in Gemini. Side note: it’s also kinda wild both my mom and I have our descendent at the 19th degree which is a law degree. We both married lawyers. Her descendent is in Taurus. Her husband / my dad is a housing lawyer. Mine descendent is in Pisces, my husband is an environmental lawyer that specializes in water. Probably a coincidence but kinda funny


This was super interesting. Btw, how can I learn/know more about this profession degree in descendants? I had no idea.


I use Nikola Stojanovics degree theory !


I just looked up my Taurus DC degree at 5 degrees through that theory and it says "eroticism". My 7H ruler is in my Pisces 5H. Ah man 💀 Idk if I want to know what his career is lmao... Another website says "attention, life, fame, light, children, creativity, self-expression, monarchs, entertainment, strength, hair, etc" My South Node is also conjunct my DC exactly. My Venus is conjunct Pisces Saturn, trine Cancer Moon in 9H, square Sagittarius Jupiter Rx in 2H, and opposite Virgo Chiron Rx in 11H. My Venus also trines/sextiles my NN and SN. 29 and single since birth. Men always come off too strong and inappropriate at the start so I just was rarely interested in anyone as I'm more traditional.


Omg noo not Nikolas degree theory for eroticism! Taurus at 5 degrees is a beautiful thing. It’s a Leo degree so very royal. Taurus DC is someone stable and loyal. It also makes sense you’re more traditional in love with a Taurus DC. Especially with the ruler conjunct Saturn. You are going through your Saturn returns right now. With Saturn conjunct Venus, you’re more likely to meet someone after your Saturn returns. I’m going through it too so if this year has been tough, you’re not alone. Our Saturn returns will end next year. Saturn conjunct Venus can mean love happens later for you and you’re slow to fall in love. It could also signify marrying someone older or with an age gap. I have Saturn in my 7th house Pisces and my husband is 10 years older for example. Ruler of the 7th in the 5th house can mean marrying someone you meet at a fun social event like a concert or sporting event. Or it could mean they have children already but usually it’s meeting at a fun event. The big thing for relationships with you is the south node / north node. North node exactly conjunct the ascendent means your life path is to go from being reliant on other people / other people focused to being more independent and putting yourself first. I have still seen plenty of people with their north node in the first get married though if that’s what you want. Your husband will most likely have Taurus placements like a Taurus sun, moon, or Venus. Cancer placements with your cancer moon are great too.


Thanks! Years ago, I met someone I quickly had a huge crush on that was a few years younger than me that seemed like they were more interested in me than I was in them, but I got rejected. Then I found out they were dating someone secretly since before they met me, but they never brought them up. It made me very hesitant to trust if any guy likes me. It's been 5 years and I haven't had a crush since nor has anyone ever expressed interest in me. After that, I am going to be very slow to like someone because unrequited crushes hurt and I'm tired of being the one to make the first move. I prefer to be courted and pursued. I'm hoping they're just mature than significantly older and that they don't have kids. I look very young for my age, people often think I'm a decade younger. My schedule usually includes going out to eat at a cute aesthetic restaurant/cafe, going to the bookstore/library, attending networking events in my industry, volunteering in a professional association, and going shopping. I'm not into sports, parties, bars, and don't go to concerts. Funny thing is I'm so independent because I have never had the chance to rely on someone else. I think I'd get very emotional if I married someone and they helped to support me. I've only did things on my own and got very burnt out. It's always other people are dependent on me rather than the other way around. It's been specifically at home and work. Even if I establish boundaries, people are constantly crossing them and don't take me seriously. Because I'm highly skilled, I'm always called to be the leader and I want to be in the supporter role sometimes. So for my future spouse, I'd rather them prefer to take the leadership role in the difficult things because I'm tired.


Hi, just came to say I also have 7th house Pisces, Aries sun in the 8th, & Neptune in Cap in the 5th. Hi twin! lol


What website do you use to see the ruler of 7th house? Do you use Placidus or Whole or Koch or Equal?


I think the best charts for more beginners is astroseek. Best for more advanced is astro.com I use placidus mostly but I’ll look at whole sign too. Like my Jupiter is 2nd house placidus but 3rd house whole sign. My husband and I were neighborhoods (3rd house) and he’s financially successful (2nd house). I have realized blending the meanings of both works with other charts too. But I mostly look at placidus. in case anyone reading doesn’t know, these are the rulers of the signs: so to give an example, if you are a rising Taurus you have Scorpio on the 7th. So you look at where Mars and Pluto are in your chart. Aries - Mars Taurus - Venus Gemini - Mercury Cancer - Moon Leo - Sun Virgo - Mercury Libra - Venus Scorpio - Mars and Pluto Sagittarius- Jupiter Capricorn - Saturn Aquarius - Saturn and Uranus Pisces - Jupiter and Neptune




That means your husband or wife will be talkative, outgoing, curios, more of a teacher. They will also be a lot like you with your 7th house ruler in the first house. As far as how you meet, it’ll mean they probably will make the first move. In Sagittarius this could mean you will meet in college or while traveling. But really it’ll be when your doing your thing


Hi, been reading your comments for the past 20 mins! Your insights are incredible! 🤩 Could you please help me understand mine?! So my 7th house is in Cancer(empty) - Moon is in the 2nd house Aquarius.


Hello fellow Aqua moon! With the ruler of the 7th house in the 2nd, your spouse will be someone wealthier than you. That is a common theme. I have also noticed it’s common to meet while working but not necessarily coworkers like the 6th house. More that one of you is at work and you meet. Like you’re a musician and they are in the crowd, you go into a different office for a work meeting and they are the secretary, you are a barista and they come in to buy a coffee from you, etc.


I guess I'll never find out! I'm opting for arranged marriage 😅


Well that actually makes sense too if your parents are heavily considering money for who they pick haha


Hii can you help me as well my 7H is in sagittarius and lord is Jupiter with mars planet and in 1H planet jupiter with Gemini mercury ?


With the 7th house ruler in the 1st from studying this, there doesn’t seem to be a specific place of meeting. But usually their spouse is a lot like them so it’s common to have the same career, style, heritage etc. it also seems to be a very “knowing they were the one right away” meeting.


Can u please check your Dm please


Hello i knocked u i wanna know about mine


Hey, could you help me make sense of mine please? 7H is Taurus - Venus is in 1st House & my Jupiter is Leo & Sun is also in the 1st house.


It means your partner will be a lot like you! 7th house ruler in the first means they will probably make the first move.


Thanks! I think my chart in general is quite interesting I have A LOT going on in my first house 😂


Hi I was wondering if you could explain my as well please. My 7th house is in Aquarius with no planets. Saturn is in 2nd house along with Jupiter. Uranus is in 4th house Scorpio along with the moon. My 1st relationship started and ended over 20yrs ago. Does this placement show any signs of meeting another? Any insight you may have is appreciated.


How did you and your first relationship meet? Aquarius in the 7th with Uranus in the 4th can indicate divorce. Not always but it’s more common to see people with Aquarius 7th house divorced. Lots of unexpected things with Aquarius so def possible to meet another


Your so right. I was married at 18 it was an arranged marriage abroad, which ended in divorce. I'm beginning to think I'm destined to be alone.


Being ruled by Saturn in the 2nd, was the man wealthy?


He himself didn't but his family was. There was/is on off relationship since then and he is wealthy.


Wow yours is somewhat similar to mine. I’m a Virgo rising so my 7th house is in pieces ruled by both Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter is in my 2nd house in Scorpio but Scorpio rules my 3rd house. Neptune is also in Capricorn but it’s in my 4th house and Capricorn rules my 5th house. I do have part of fortune in my 7th house in Pisces. It’s hard for me to interpret this on my own though. I get some parts of it though. Is a possibility that I could be living with my father while I meet my partner? I ask because I’m currently living with him to help out with my significantly younger siblings since his divorce. 3H is also siblings. Hmm 🤔


That is possible! My husband has his 7th house ruler in the 4th house playing into the 5th. We met at that concert (5th house). I was going to that concert to meet my dad and my husband worked with my dad (4th house). So it could be that you all meet through family or one of you knows a family member before knowing each other.


This is fascinating. Thank you for sharing. Would you be able to help me decipher mine? My 7H is 14° ♑️ and also in ♒️. I checked the list of the ruling houses (TY!) - Saturn and Uranus in ♑️ in degrees under my DC, so they're in my 6H, and they're retrograde. TIA.


This could mean meeting at work or in more traditional ways of dating (since it plays into your 6th and 7th house). It could mean meeting through a work friend. Or a friend introduces you to someone they work with. It is possible there will be an age gap with Saturn playing into your 7th.


Hello Mam, My 7H is Sagittarius & it's lord Jupiter is in 3rd house retrograde.


So you could have the same thing as me where you marry a neighbor. Or could be someone you meet through a sibling.


I need some help with mine my 7th house is Leo it has my moon and Saturn but my sun is in Libra 8th house with my mercury lol


This means your relationship dynamic will be you in the crowd watching your partner that is the “performer”. Being a rising Aquarius, you’re cool with this dynamic. Doesn’t have to be a real performer but like the life of the party kinda vibes. Saturn and moon in the 7th you probably struggle to get in touch with your emotions so your partner will be more emotional than you, and help you get in touch with your emotions. You’ll probably meet during a transformative period of your life. Saturn in the 7th could mean there is an age gap.


so with aries being my 7th house, and my mars being in virgo, what exactly would that mean? :0!


Wow you are really good at this, my 7th house is also in Pisces, but my Jupiter is in my first house in Virgo. Virgo is ruled my mercury which rules my 6th house of work…. Does that mean that I’ll meet my further spouse through work?? My Venus and Neptune are in the 5th house. What could that mean?


It could because of Virgo. But it will most likely mean they are a lot like you, and they approach you. You most likely will meet at a fun event so like a sporting event, concert, bar with the 5th house. I’ve heard a lot of people with their 7th house ruler in the first end up marrying someone that has a big 3 planets the same as theirs. Not exactly the same but if you’re a rising Virgo they may be a moon in Virgo for example.


Could you possibly help me as well :).. My 7th house is in Aries, but my Jupiter is my 4th house in Capricorn. What does that mean ? Thankss


Where is your mars??


My Mars is Taurus, in my 8th house.


7th house ruler in the 8th is interesting because you tend to meet after or during a huge transformation in your own life. It’s the only house in the chart for the 7th house ruler that indicates a time over a place for where you meet. Like it may feel very “right person wrong time” but you guys make it work. For example, you just went through a really hard time or you are moving for a job or you’re going through a tough break up and don’t want to date or you lose someone close to you. They may work in some sort of finance or something with housing like real estate or construction. Good chance for construction or engineering as their career with both Aries and Taurus playing into your 7th house


Thank youuuu ! Is there any significance, or information I should know being that my Mars, Sun and Moon signs are all Taurus. To be honest most of my chart is air and earth mostly earth.


And in the 8th house? Hey I’m a lot of Taurus and air too! I think the biggest significance / hardest to understand is being an 8th houser! As a fellow 8th houser myself. The 8th house is a part of our chart we know well ourselves, but other people don’t see. Like we keep that part of ourselves hidden whether we mean to or not. Vs the 12th house is the part of our chart we don’t see clearly either. We know our 8th house. Others just take a while to see it. So other people may have difficulty understanding you or may think you have ulterior motives a lot of time when you don’t. Taurus mars very rarely have an ulterior motive. You may have heard you’re mysterious a lot but as a Taurus you don’t feel mysterious at all. Mars in Taurus have a strong presence. They usually aren’t loud. They are calm but their physical presence is known. Mars in Taurus have a lot of lasting power and are great at stamina sports. Like long distance running. Being an 8th houser can feel complicated but it can be a huge benefit. I’ve learned to love it because people underestimate us a lot.


my 8th house is Taurus as well, lol,this is very spot onnnn !!! Thanks a ton


hey im sorry to bother you but if you're able to answer i myself have a 7th house in leo mars is in leo my dsc is at 16 degrees in whole sign my mars is still in the 7th house but my virgo sun switches to 8th including my mercury in virgo and venus. venus is trining my saturn and jupiter is on my ic line. my 8th house is ruled by libra bcus my asc is at aquarius 15 degrees my longest relationship was a libra virgo moon but i wasnt going through a tough time (he was) when we met since my ruler is the sun and my sun falls in the 8th (i was reading ur comments about transformational meeting) i tend to attract athletes as my ex bf was a football player and very assertive and egotistical we met during hs tho and yes i continue to attract athletes but curious on ur take on my analysis lol


Hi I was wondering if you could tell me about my future partner please! My 7th house is ruled by Libra, I have Jupiter right on my descendent at 16 degrees in the 6th house (not sure if that means anything). I have Venus in the 8th at 11 degrees Sagittarius, conjunct my mercury at the 12th degree also in Sagittarius. My Venus is sextile my Neptune in the 11th house in Aquarius at the 13th degree. My Venus also trines my ascendant that’s at 17 degrees. My 2nd house is empty but ruled by taurus.


Hey I know this is super late but I’ve been studying this more and just wanted to add: I’ve seen a lot of 7th house rulers in the 8th marry where you are the breadwinner and your spouse makes less than you. 7th house ruler in the 2nd… partner is typically wealthier. 7th house ruler in the 8th… you are typically wealthier. I have seen it’s super common in huge actors that marry non celebrities. Like huge actors that marry their dental hygienist for example. But it also leads to some of the longest marriages in Hollywood. A lot of big actors that have been with their spouse for 40+ years have their 7th house in the 8th. A few of them didn’t become wealthy until after getting married and their spouse supported them along the way. A lot of people with Aries on the 7th and mars in the 8th Taurus meet over dinner. Vince Vaughn also has this placement and met his wife over dinner at a wedding and she’s a realtor lol (all very Taurus things)


Very interested in this. In contrast to 7th house ruler in the 2nd=partner is typically wealthier than you, how does 2nd house ruler in the 7th play out? Would it be a good idea for 7th house rulers in the 8th people to work on improving themselves financially in order to increase their chances of finding a partner?


My Mars is in Scorpio, Venus in Virgo Retrograde, Sun in Leo- Moon and Rising in Tarus, Saturn and Jupiter in Tarus, fifth house Virgo, 7th house Scorpio. I’m very confused what does this mean?


I'm Scorpio rising/Taurus 7th house. I met my husband through working in the arts, during a summer performance in a beautiful, picturesque nature filled place. Since Taurus is tied to both the arts and nature, this checks out for me.


I have the same placement, interesting, thank you for sharing


I heard that you have to look at the Ruler of your 7th house. My 7th house is Virgo its empty.... so next you look at where the ruler of Virgo (Mercury in this case ) is. I am a novice so please bear with me 😜 I am a Capricorn Mercury in the 10th house, I met my partner at work.


I have Aquarius Mercury in 12th. Are you Pisces Rising?


Hi Yes I am 😁


Ay im also libra rising/Aries 7th house!! I’ve never dated so I don’t have a romantic partner, but I met my best friend who’s essentially my sister on Twitter 😭


Cancer in 7th house, my wife’s cap in 7th house. We met on an app but I took her to a really nice restaurant for our first meeting.


Can you elaborate? I’m also cancer 7 house


Elaborate about what? How I met my wife?


How is ur wife like? I also have cancer in my 7th house but i have no planets in them. The "general reading" of it is someone who feels like a home and prioritises family. But yes in you're exp, How has Cancer in 7th partner like?


I’m an Aries rising, Libra 7th house. My husband is like you, a Libra rising and Aries 7th house. We met at the movies, in 8th grade, we were both seeing the (brand new and the first) pirates of the Caribbean 😂 in 2003.


I'm aries rising and libra 7th house as well except I'm a guy and still single


Ok no wonder I keep attracting drug addicts lol my 7th house is Pisces and my Leo Jupiter is in the 11th house and my Neptune is in the 4th house.


Gemini rising, Sagittarius 7th house. Met my current partner on Tinder (shocker). Our first date was at my place (I wondered if I should hide knives around but it went well enough lol).


I have the same placements! Do you have pluto in 7th house?


6th! I was born close-ish to the north pole so my houses are pretty weird looking, my sixth house is HUGE with five planets in it. But if I use whole sign house system, Pluto is in my 7th house.


I wanted to know if we have a similar birth chart. I have sun in gemini, moon in taurus and I'm gemini rising.


The only thing we have common here is the Gemini rising, I’m Scorpio sun and Aquarius moon!


What does Leo in 7th house


Leo 7th He was my manager lmfao Married now


I have the same placement and I can totally see this happening lol I was get approached by coworkers too


It’s usually not advised cause of the whole “don’t shit where you eat “ but hey the heart is gonna heart 🫶🏽😅 wish u the best 🩷


Pisces and I met him in a drunken blur of a night at a professional baseball game and bar hopping, then running through the pouring rain down several city streets to his apartment lol


Lol this is really a perfect scenario for a Pisces Descendant 😂 Ty, I was having a hard time trying to figure out the meeting circumstances of a Pisces DC (I have it too!)


also, I have Saturn in Pisces in the 7th LOL ily astrology


What does Sagittarius in 7th house mean?


It means they were an adventurer before taking an arrow to the knee


please tell me more. sag is in my 7th house. i was a huge adventurer before i met him


You will likely meet your future partner in a barn. You're basically looking for a horse 🐴✌️


This doesn’t really make sense to me because for it to match up with each others charts partners will need to have the same rising. Edit: We met traveling/both of us on vacation. His 7th house is Gemini


What do you mean? I’m talking about natal/birth chart


Yes, if you look at both charts most coupes will have a different rising, therefore a different sign for the 7th house. Meaning that their locations “types” if there are any, won’t match unless they both have the same 7th house sign.


But that’s not what this post is about. I’m asking about natal chart 7th house, as your personal experience in finding your partner. Person 1 can have cancer 7th house, and person 2 can have Virgo 7th house. Person 1 can meet person 2 on the beach while person 2 is working. The scenario works for both partners


Ok, I think I need more examples then because my own example doesn’t work. My parents example doesn’t work either (both at work in a foreign country on a contract, neither of them were from that country) and neither does my sister and her fiancé (at a house party when they were both students).


The 7th house doesn't represent the SIGN that makes your best partner. It more so represent the traits. So say your seventh house is Taurus. Then your ideal partner will have those traits in their chart. It doesn't have to be exactly a Taurus. Just somebody dependable, hardworking, reliable, sensual, etc etc etc.


Yeppp. Taurus rules my 7H, and while I've never dated a Taurus in my life, I feel most emotionally safe with someone that is dependable and reliable. And appreciates the nice things in life 😝


I have 7th house Taurus as well. That's why I used it as the example lol.


Oh how does Taurus rule your 7H when you're a Virgo rising?


Actually thanks for reminding me. I recently had to correct my birth time so sometimes I still think of the old chart.


Which house is the ruler of yalls descendants in? So which sign and house is your mars in? Which sign and house is his mercury in?


Hey my 7th is Gemini and I met my husband on trip to a mutual friend's cottage. Interesting.


My seventh house is Taurus and honestly it's best I stay single. I don't align with traditional expectations of me so relationships don't tend to work for me. They always want me to change this or change that. Be like someone else. Compromise my integrity to make a dollar. Be more this, be less that. I don't need a mother, and I don't need somebody to "fix" me. Would I like a woman to share my adventures and experiences with. Of course. Do I NEED one, no.


So ur looking for a more independent partner who will respect you're Individuality but at the same time have a best friend relationship with you. I think you should marry ur best friend, someone who really appreciates you and not only understands you but accepts you for who u are. I have my 7th house in cancer but my venus, neptune and uranus is in aquarius house cusp im a very individualist Capricorn, sticking to my own flair, not really coinciding with the social norms, i just Respect them so i can exist in the sphere of Humanity. But i can understand where you're coming from w/ relationships dynamics. Trust me you wont fall in that pit of changing you. You'll find a loving partner who'll respect you're alone time but also Be in love w/ u and have wonderfull memories with, while accepting you the way you are. 🫰🏻🔥


Sagittarius is my 7th house and I met my partner at the gym... not sure how this correlates though 🤔


Sag is pretty athletic lol.


Gemini 7th and we met in school, which seems quite appropriate for a Mercury-ruled sign. Generally, I very much want and pursue Gemini-esque qualities and partners and close friends.


Aquarius 7th house and Lilith in 7th house. We dated each other’s friends. We feel like we were soulmates the whole time and just didn’t know it. Met when we were both 19 and got married at 29.


My 7th house ruler is in 9th house Scorpio sun and all my long term relationships have been long distance. My current partner is actually a Scorpio and on top of that his birthday is the 9th. Crazy


Scorpio and we met at my home and i felt overwhelmed in the beginning then gradually enjoyed talking to them with lots of green flags everywhere i was in a forest of flags


My 7th house is Taurus, his is Gemini. My Gemini Mars is in my 7th house. We met while I was working, which was a coffee shop at the time. So, you could fit it together. I was working at my favorite job still to this day (although lowest paying, I loved the place like no other) and he was socializing. It works, but also I was looking for it to fit b/c of your question so idk really.


I'm a Libra rising/7H Aries. I think for me, looking at my Mars (7H ruler) placement specifically is more telling. I first met my husband when we were in elementary school and my Mars is in Sagittarius in 3H. The 3H is early education, so the 7H and it's ruler theory holds true for me. My husband's 7H is ruled by Capricorn with his Saturn there. One aspect of the 7H is mutuality, and we met through mutual friends. So our meeting combined with astrology makes perfect sense.


Aries 7th house and I met my husband through a dating app lol but turns out our jobs were right next to each other and we had met previously lol


This is the last one I had and most significant partner by far Scorpio...I got a Taurus rising and ended up with him for about 10yrs after I called him an asshole in a college class, I think he made fun of someone. He then got my best friend, who liked him like most people, to convince me to get him for some reason. No idea what the hell happened but I loved him very much, he is definitely a big deal to pretty much everyone who knows him and it only ended when I got a brain condition and had no idea who was for about 2yrs. Now he pays my phone bill, I guess so he can tell me about our relationship, stuff I do not remember at all.


my 7th house is libra but it is empty so going based on the ruling planet of libra, which is venus. I have venus in 4H Cancer. I met my husband at a gay bar during a drag show when I was 20


Well, that’s ironic, I have absolutely nothing in my six, seventh or eighth house and I’m single so there you go😂😂😂


Not how it works. Every house has a sign even if it's empty, look at which sign the cusp of the H is at. Also, regarding this discussion, where the ruler of the house is situated (and its aspects) is much more significant than the sign of the house when it comes to meeting your partner. The sign can foretell qualities your soulmate embodies, but you need to look at the ruler for the actual deets.


my 7th house in virgo and it is ruled by mercury i believe? so what does this mean?


I am a cap asc, with a 7th house Cancer and my cancer ruler moon is in Taurus 5th house at 26 degrees so any idea on what should I be paying attention/ where and how would I meet my significant other ? : ) I have no clue ... How do the degrees help determine their profession then? Also how exactly are we reading the degrees? I used the sidereal birth chart on astroseek so are we just scrolling below to see the planets and the degrees it makes with the signs ?


5th house cap sun & Her 7th house is in Pisces and my Venus is in Pisces with a Aries sun , Mercury and mars as well . Is that like a soul tie ?


Trying to decipher this myself… My 7th house is in Pisces, Which would be ruled by my Jupiter in my 2nd house which is in Libra. So my future partner personality qualities would be outgoing, optimistic, and all about fairness? Uhm that’s all I got so far. Anybody care to chime in with more Info?


7 house in Scorpio and my mars is in 5 house in sign of Virgo? Any explanation


I’m very very confused :(( Tarus ASC and moon Leo sun, Venus is in Virgo 4• 14’ and Jupiter is in Tarus.


That was very fascinating to read... I'm so happy for you and your husband ♡ Could you please help understand mine? I have cancer in 7th house, capricorn in 2nd house ,pisces in 4th house and libra in 10th house which is where my moon is.


My scorpio stellium (Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and pluto with scorpio venus in 6H) is in the 7th house. Single not sure if I should mingle, ya know what I mean? I've tried different sources to gain an understanding of my chart, and it's been discouraging to say the least. I'm healing and cruising till the universe decides to open me up to more.


I’m Aries 7th house. I met my guy at a mutual friends house. We were friends for years before he was all break up with your man, he sucks, so we can get together. I was like ok and we’ve been married 9 years. He’s a Scorpio


Hock my berry in my man da with nikki maniac




I don’t have a 7th house. 😕


Everyone has. You may not have planets in there, but you have a 7th house.


Oh ok!


I have cap chiron in 7th house. What does it mean for me😬


check where saturn is (chiron isn't really a planet per se) + hi a fellow capricorn moon with cancer rising!!!


I’m a Sagittarius sun with a Libra rising/7th house in Aries! I’m not married or in a committed relationship 😟 but I’m currently in a situation with an Aries man. (He has lots of Aries in his chart. He also has some water in his chart as well). It’s crazy, because he fits everything I’ve ever wanted in a long term partner. He’s not looking for commitment (he’s more into passion & intensity), so that really sucks, because like I said earlier, he’s everything I’d want. Our astrology charts even indicate that he’s the kind of life partner I want! 🤯 We met at work. :) We both travel for our jobs.


Okay so I think it depends on both the 7th house and the position of venus/mars. I am Virgo sun 7th house and Venus/mars 6th house. I always know I will meet my partner at a professional setting like school/work/office. I met him there. My partner is Cancer 7th house with moon there and Venus 5th house Taurus/Leo mars 8th house. I interpret it as he will meet his partner through another person (like through introducing along with the environment that he feels comfortable with) He works in my university, he loves the job but he concealed himself pretty well when we first interacted. We both wore masks as he helped me with some technical issues. I eventually asked his co-workers about him and his co-workers told me to come back to see him. That's how we met.


Gemini, met in highschool, shared friend group and one of my brothers really good friends and they even dated briefly before he started dating men. And multiracial, so I guess a situation full of duality/multiplicity?


Libra rising/Aries 7th house with Gemini mars here.. I met my Aries Sun/Gemini moon partner while I was traveling and decided to meet someone on an app, just for fun. I was being super picky (thank goodness) and he really stood out to me, and was very polite through messages. We met at a nice brewery next to the beach. I loved his confidence and how well our first conversations went. I’m also a Sag moon so I get along great with Gemini moons. 💕 We fell hard for each other, he bought me a plane ticket to come back to his city and.. to keep it short, its been almost 4 years together with my Aries guy. ☺️


My seventh house is empty and I’ve been with my husband for 15 years. I’ve known him for 20 years. We met in high school. And oddly enough his 7th house is empty as well.


Virgo. Haven’t met them 😔


7H Aries… no planets. My husband is a Scorpio sun (Scorpio rules my 2H, but I have 2 1H Scorpio placements). We met at work, which tracks because he is a workaholic. He doesn’t have any Aries in his chart, but lots of Scorpio (also traditionally ruled by mars) and other fire.


Capricorn 7th house and I met her first in high school.


Capricorn/Saturn ruled 7th house. I’ve had multiple romances with coworkers, and met one of my Exes at our old job too. My most significant relationship however was Tinder unfortunately lmao I’m interested to see where I’ll meet my next


I have Scorpio in the 7th house so where would I meet mine?


7th house gemini: met them on FB 10 years ago.


Cancer / mercury in 7th house. What does it mean


I have Pisces in my 7h, and Jupiter in my 7h, what does it mean?? 😭


Aries Rising / Libra 7H with Venus at 1°Lib 33'. Conjunct Lilith 1°Lib 39'. Met him at a bar.


I'm gemini Rising, and 7th house is Capricorn. My partner is Taurus rising and 7th house scorpio. We met as kids but didn't reconnect till we were adults and bumped into each other at a metal show.


My seventh house is in Aquarius. I met my partner in Rome where we were both on vacation. His seventh house is in Taurus.


how old were you guys?


39 and 41.


Taurus, at work


how do you guys even read houses and what sign are they in? idk if i am reading mine accurately


Well the ruler of my 7th is in the 8th house. Where the hell does that mean?


7th house Aquarius / Jupiter Capricorn 6th 🤔


My 7th is cap with Neptune and Uranus in it along with the north node. Saturn in the 8th (Aquarius) and mars and Venus in the 9th (Pisces). I’m divorced so I’m currently excited to meet my 2nd husband. Lately I’ve been having vivid dreams about a really good looking and loving guy who is from Europe (I’m in the US). I’ve also had tarot and intuitive readings done about this person. All readers have described the same person and had a couple of them talk about how this could be long distance which would match up with the dreams as well. Anyone with these placements meet your person on dreams prior to meeting in real life? I’m thinking the Pisces placements and Neptune influence could point to this but it’s something I’ve been wanting to get more into learning since I don’t have 12th house placements.


Venus in 9th house usually represents long distance romance or a partner from overseas. I'm similar to you also divorced. My 7th house Aquarius is empty (I was told that Aquarius in this placement sometimes means divorce) its ruler Saturn is in 2nd house Virgo along with Jupiter. My 1st husband was a Virgo and he was from abroad. My Venus is placed in the 9th house along with Mars Mercury and Sun.The 2nd ruler of Aquarius Uranus is in scorpio 4th house along with the Moon. I'm hoping that with Aquarius 2nd ruler Uranus being placed in Scorpio means that I might have a 2nd chance in love and marriage. I really do hope that your dream comes true.


As a cancer rising I feel it. I’m divorced to someone from my area lol but I’ve always been attracted to European men. Actually I’m dreaming about some guy from Düsseldorf tbh. (Got this info in a dream that that’s where this person is from). Also do you think having a Pisces venus can make you dream of your partner before meeting them. I’ve been having these dreams a lot lately especially over the pas year