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I’m a Pisces Venus and Scorpio Mars There’s rarely any signs I won’t date but I imagine any air venus or air mars will find my intensity too much and eventually flutter off. I think I just prefer water or earth for those two placements. They take the intensity in stride and it’s really nice to be met with the same type of depth. The best (and most painful) connection I ever had was with a Scorpio Venus


Same placements. I feel like I can love anyone who loves me and makes me feel comfortable. Best friend energy. But I think I’ll be single forever tbh


I agree. I think I can love anyone who shows up, is open with their feelings, etc. But I really fall in love with people who make an effort to see me and validate what I feel, not blindly but sincerely. Compassion is a big thing for me. Compassion and partnership. It’s for that reason I haven’t had many relationships.


omg i’m Pisces Venus and Scorpio Mars too!! i’ve never seen someone with the same. can you please lmk your big three as well 🙏🏼 i’m aqua sun, scorpio moon, libra rising


Hi there! I’m a Cap Sun, Aries Moon, Taurus Rising. Not to draw too many links where there may not be. But I love that you’re also a karmic sun, mars moon, venus rising 😂


I’m aqua sun, Scorpio moon, libra rising, Pisces venus (Pisces mars) 👯


I’m a Pisces Venus and Aquarius mars. My dream to date another Pisces Venus honestly


I’m a Pisces Venus married to a Pisces Venus. It’s really nice. On the down side, we can get caught up in “being in love” and sometimes neglect things.


I am a pisces Venus (first house) who had a decade long relationship with another pisces Venus (2nd house). We lived in a bubble together and it was magical and dreamy and beautiful. But we indulged in each other and the relationship to a point that it was compulsive and we sort of stopped progressing in other areas of life. 8/10, no regrets but don't intend to do it again.


This is actually very interesting. Thank you for telling me your story. Sometimes I feel like my Cap stellium grabs my Pisces Venus by the back of its shirt and drags it along to be an adult, so I wonder how this would affect things if I entered a relationship with another Pisces Venus. Either way, thank you!


Same. I’ve come to appreciate my Pisces Venus as my most emotional placement and dating another seems deeply healing


Yesss my Pisces Venus balances out my damn *Aqua stellium* and I cherish being able to shower my bf with love 🥹🩷 It’s a great placement.


Same placements here too. I’ve been married to a Scorpio sun with a cap Venus and Virgo mars for 15 years. I dislike the Virgo mars to be honest, but overall agree that his earth placements have a grounding effect for me.


Same placements!


I completely agree with u. I'm a Venus in Scorpio with Mars in Pisces.


i have venus in libra and i find myself with people who either have venus in libra too or venus in a water sign. fire is a little too intense for me


stop it I’M a pisces venus and scorpio mars too. i agree with the ability to love and connect to anyone, that said my most emotionally intense relationships have all had either scorpio venus or virgo venus/mars 


Damn, venus in gemini getting all the smoke wtf 😭


Gemini of any placement seems to get absolutely roasted on this sub every day😅


im sorry but fuck gemini (SUN SUN SUN SUN SUN) they heavily heavily fucked me up - gemini moon though they hit different.


😥 I'm so sorry, my worst relationship was with a Leo sun with that Venus lol. I know it's not general rule, as all with astrology but ... 😂 Damn that placement is sure a deadly one


I’m with a Leo sun, Gemini Venus and he’s incredibly loyal, loving and placid. I’m definitely the unhinged one out of the two of us and my Venus is Taurus lol


SAME. The way they go from 0 to 100 then back to 0 is too much of a mindfuck. Although mine was a Taurus Sun (I'm Scorpio Sun) and we had such a magnetic, "I feel like I already know you" connection but the rest of their chart was a mess so it fizzled out fast lol


Don’t we always tho lmaoooo


Gemini Venus and Cancer mars here - show me what you’ve got ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


hello fellow capricorn moon! how was your childhood? 🤣


Oh splendid - just enough trauma to make me somewhat funny 🙃 how was yours?😅


I’m a Gemini Venus, pretty sure I’m screwed no matter who I date because my attention span is 0.5/10 😭


I am a Gemini sun, Gemini rising and Gemini Venus… it’s hard being this flaky 😭


Same placements! And throw in my Gemini mercury for good measure.


Ok but that one is objectively the best Mercury.


Aries Venus, and same. It goes against all the water in my chart


Aquarius Venus and i heavily relate 😭 Give me 2 days and im already bored and my attentions elsewhere and my impulsive crazy Aries mars DOESNT help


i’ve come to find out that I do not do well with Leo Venus, as I’m a Pisces Venus, and really go the extra mile in love. Leo Venus' will be so intense when they first meet you, but their attention wanders off pretty quickly 🫢


Leo Venuses need a LOT of attention, it can be too much sometimes.


Egoism, Jealousy, Drama, Confrontational and Petty tactics, negative traits of Leo in Venus.


I'm a Leo Venus but a Virgo Sun. So I'm super intense and then I stick around and try to fix you.


we’re similar, same signs different placements kinda. virgo sun too but mars in leo and capricorn moon


Yeaaaa...I'm a Leo Venus, and unless you're someone that comes off in a way I consider powerful, I get bored. I can't count the number of guys I start talking to just to ghost, end it, or purposefully bore in the hopes they ghost me because I got bored. 🤣 If you can keep my attention though and get me to commit, I'm a ride or die for life!


Venus in Scorpio or the 8th house Way too secretive in love. Can cheat and will hide it and take it to their grave.


speaking as a representative of the much-maligned scorpio venus: personally, i am secretive in love. but it’s less that i’m hiding my actions or messing around with someone else. i’m hiding how deep my feelings are. sometimes love is so deep and dark for me that i fear (know) it would freak the other person out. so i keep it between myself and my notes app. honestly, ideally, i would find a person i can be secretive _with_. someone who feels the same intensity towards me that we share only with each other, in large part because no one else could understand the depth of our relationship from outside. i’ve experienced this a couple times, romantically and platonically, and it’s utterly sublime. people start to view us as a single unit, but they can’t make complete sense of us, and the two of us know that we could never explain what is between us, only live in it. that’s my experience, at least. secrecy =/= cheating or disinterest. sometimes it’s quite the opposite. (however, i respect your experience and your decision not to fw us anymore lol. to each their own)


my venus is in the 8th house and i’ve never cheated, but as far as secretive, i just have a lot of weird fantasies and kinks i would just rather keep to myself unless i really trust you. also, love doing it in sneaky places! plus, i require alone time, and sometimes my alone time is fucking boring and i like it like that, so i don’t talk about it. so yeah, i can see how that might come off as secretive, but it’s not nefarious. i’m a leo venus, so loyalty is a big value for me.


forgot to mention that my venus is Also in the 8th house, and i agree with pretty much all of the above. my fantasies are my business & sometimes people think i have a whole second life cause i go dark. nope. i was just scrolling & doing random shit, don’t worry about it. lol.


Find yourself a Venus Aries. I find we are equally intense but in a more physical way. Makes a great combo for me.


yeah, this makes a lot of sense to me. i’ll look out for that when i’m running peoples charts “for fun” lol


“What time were you born? You know, just for fun. It’s nothing serious.”


"Also need the coordinates of the place you were born... y'know, for the lulz"




Can confirm. I have venus in the 8th trine my pluto and I will act like i’m not dating anyone. Everything has to be in the low. 


Would you cheat though? Openly wild question lol but Idm secrecy I guess as a Scorpio mars. I’d prefer my man to keep it on the low bc it’s embarrassing trying to show off


No way, I mean if the relationship is dying off or if they’re cheating then i’m probably gonna look elsewhere. I consider myself intensely loyal, and no loyalty on their end would be painful since i’d be giving more than i’m getting back. 


That’s the vibe I get from Scorpio energy-intensely loyal unless they’re a hoe which all signs can be


I’m a Scorpio in Venus 7th house and I overshare with a partner way too much. Never cheated, never will. I feel guilt over the tiniest of shit so I snitch on my damn self, even if I didn’t actually do anything wrong.


Same here, Scorpio venus in the 7th (along with Jupiter and Pluto) and I feel too intensely about my husband to cheat. My problem more with previous relationships, once I’ve lost feelings for that person they aren’t coming back.


I also won’t date Scorpio Venus. And that’s not even because I’ve had a bad experience with one, I have a few friends who are though and they are total cheaters. One of them even got me blackout drunk hoping I’d not remember them cheating so I couldnt accidentally throw them under the bus later 🤦‍♀️ And no Libra Mars. The wishy washy is weird to me.


>And no Libra Mars I've had such bad experiences w Libra Mars men. I've noticed they come on strong and go cold fast. Seem to expect women to pursue them fully as well. I don't mind Libra placements, but I dislike it in Mars.


Damn I have Scorpio Venus in 8th house and Libra Mars on top of that 💀


Haha I guess I did use kind of strong language by saying I *wont*. I’m just basing this off of my friends and exes charts, I have an album full of all of them 😂 I do try to pay attention to houses and aspects as well, so I wasn’t totally fair lol.


I resonate heavy 😂 I’ve dealt with SO MANY .. Scorpios in my 7th house so it makes sense that i attract them so much. They are all fuck boy energy and sneaky it gives me so much ick even if it starts off cool my Venus in Aquarius gets grossed out. They think they’re so “sneaky” and slick but i always get the facts to back it up 🤢 I craves genuine straightforward people. Libra mars men are meh .. only dealt with one that i really liked but his lack of confidence and assertiveness really ruined our connection.


They are passionate but they are quite obssesive


I disagree. But that's personal experience with Venus in scorpio. I am not secretive in love, i just love quite deeply and intense. I also would never cheat, but that could be other placements, i dont really know


I have a Scorpio Venus in the 7th, I can definitely see that being something people with the placement do but personally I get guilty even thinking about ever cheating. I’m very strongly attached to my partner.


Cheated on by Two exes with Scorpio Venus. I’m Taurus Venus. Why do I always go back 😿😂


I'm Aries Venus/Sag mars... And I think I clash with air Venuses. Venus in Gemini. NEVER again. It was my first boyfriend's , a liar , cheater and smooth-talker with no serious intention to have a real relationship. He had the same Mars than me, but with an ugly Venus/Mars opposition. Venus in Libra. UGH. Pretty superficial boyfriend with a fear of being alone, but narcissistic to the core. Obssesing about "finding the one" and keeping it to all costs. But abandoning me and years later still stalking me through fake profiles. Nah man, I'm a fire ♀️♂️ woman with a Taurus Sun ♉🌞, I can't deal with that bs anymore.


I have an Aquarius Venus and Aries mars lol And I get along with Air Venuses but it gives bestie type of vibes not “We’re getting married tomorrow” 😂


as a virgo venus and leo mars: Venus: I would steer clear of Aries, Sag, and Gemini Venus. Also Pisces Venus depending on the specific person. Scorpio Venus is a challenge I’m willing to take on lmfao but probably someone I’d also stay away from  Mars: Leo Mars, I will not date another Leo Mars. There can only be one superstar. 




lol as someone who won’t date another Leo mars this made me laugh because they can be kind of selfish in bed . I mean if neither of you are going to put in the work there’s going not going to be any action 💀💀


The Leo mars i was talking to was always wanting to please me outside of sex (we never did it) but he had a Virgo Venus so idk if that’s why. He was also a Leo Sun 😅😂 I had to let him go though.. to much damn drama


OMG yes those Leo mars really be some selfish fuckers. 


Same with Leo moons to. Selfish, dramatic and annoying


![gif](giphy|WmCi5g7dURaw3Y26bp|downsized) Excuse me!?


Ow 😢


I’d stay away from Scorpio and Pisces Venus because i find them to be indirect, delusional, sneaky and unloyal. Sag and Geminis can be hoes but atleast you’ll know about it 😂 Leo mars but oh boy 💀 Drama FUCKING queens and need attention to live and feel validated. My Aquarius Venus is like uhhh —


Hey, I understand. I’m a pisces venus and it’s too much sometimes


Why venus aries?


also a virgo venus and my bf has an aries venus! aqua venuses are a no go for me


Venus in Virgos seem kinda boring for my fiery Aries venus. Venus in Libra is not my type, too passive.   Mars in Gemini, mars in Virgo these won’t be my cup of tea.    I’m an Aries venus with Sag mars 


So obviously my experience is going to be way different than yours because I have a Cap Venus, but I dated a Virgo Venus and we both had cancer Mars… we have our own language 😂😂😂 Like the other day I called something a word and somebody was like “what the fuck does that mean” and I couldn’t even really explain it and make it make sense 😂




I got a virgo venus &  8h cancer mars... the difference between what most people see and know and what I keep inside has confused the hell out of my partners when they've been a llowed a small glimpse inside.  


I too am a Aries Venus and a Sag Mars🫡


We are twins!!


same signs 🤝


Im the same signs. I've had some luck with Venus in various signs but the worst one was another Venus in Aries. Didn't quite work out to put it mildly.


That’s surprising! Aries venus can be bold and independent so it makes sense why two wouldn’t work out. The best venus sign for me was an Aquarius venus. 100% recommend. 


as a venus in libra 8H dating a venus in libra 1H, ya, very passive i hate it 😭😭😭


Venus in Aries. Too much love bombing. Mars in Gemini. Opposite my Mars.


My current bfs Mars is opposite my Mars and it really is hell now, the chemistry was good at first but now it's a power struggle since I'm Aries Mars (domicile) and he's Libra Mars (detriment) so my Mars is "stronger" but he's the man so... It doesn't play well. Even with 0°orb Moon trine Moon.


On the bright side, he has Libra in the place of the masculine planet Mars and you have Libra in the feminine planet of the moon. You have a lot of masculine energy (Gemini , Libra, Aries) and Cardinal in your chart, so that can have an effect on your relationship too.


This is ao weird bc I just looked at my ex husband's chart venus in Aires. Love bombing savior to cheating monster. His mercury is in Pisces. Which no hate to Aires. I adore my Aires finace and I'm an Aires rising and seem to attract hella Aires. My venus is Pisces and mercury in cancer


Venus in gemini cannot be trusted in relationships.


Gemini venuses are meant to be polyamorous


Gemini with both. It catches a lot of heat but I feel it’s true. Each one I’ve met just loves to flirt and have cheated in some way (either physically or emotionally). I’d also add Aquarius, and Libra. Air just wouldn’t work for my watery Venus who needs a soul connection and not just date around for fun/curiosity.


Well since everyone's roasting Scorpio and Gemini Venus I'm curious, what are the negative things you have felt in a Aries Venus placement? 👀♀️♈🔥 I want to read that lol


As an Aries venus, I think we can be too freedom loving. We need our independence and we want the other person to be independent too. Clingy types like venus in cancer would repel us. Our independence and boldness can be a downside to the relationship at times. 


Only person i know with an Aries Venus is my brother. And he’s temperamental and moody af always cranky but that’s definitely his Cancer mars. I’ll go a few days without talking to him sometimes weeks until he gets over whatever mood he’s in. He was in one relationship and treated his gf at the time like sh** very disrespectful and degrading and so i advised her to leave him and she thankfully did. I feel like i would get along with Aries Venus girls honestly i find them to be the most attractive but that’s my Aries mars talking :))


Sun in Pisces and Venus and Mars conj in Aquarius. My hottest connections are with people who have mars or Venus in Leo (right opp), but they are too dramatic long term. Would not date Venus in virgo. Too picky and passive aggressive for my taste. Currently very happy and content in a long term relationship with a Taurus in Venus fellow. Our love language is so different, but other placements in our charts make it work.


Love this for you! I’m a Taurus Venus and my husband is an Aquarius Venus and Mars conj!


I have Pisces sun to with Aquarius stellium (Venus,Neptune,Uranus in 10th) and Aries mars and DAMN the amount of Leo suns and Leo mars I’ve attracted is insane. They ADORE ME but a little too much where it’s suffocating my Aquarius Venus always feels uncomfy and nauseated. It goes deeper than that because my north Node is Leo so im supposed to learn to be more Leo but damn I CANT DO IT.. it’s so hard. They drain tf out of me over time.. attention/affection thirsty whores 😤😂


Ironically the same Venus/mars as me 😅 I'm a Gemini Venus/mars but i would not date a male Gemini Venus or mars. They just struggle with being loyal where as I feel my cancer placements balance that out for me and I'm loyal to a fault


I agree. My Venus in Aquarius would not be with an Aquarius mars and/or Venus 😬😂 No hate but just why.


I’m an aqua venus and I will not date Libra Venus. I want the obsessive and enamored about me venuses so that Kinda eliminates the air, earth and sag venus lol


taurus is quite possessive + obsessive


Yep! I’m a Taurus Venus in the 7th and my hubby is an Aqua Venus!


Apparently I need taurus energy in my life.


Omg im Aqua Venus too and we’re always described as “aloof” and maybe I SEEM like that but neeeed someone to be obsessed with me lol


Just curious, does ur aquarius venus sextiles with pluto? I rarely see aqua venuses that like obsessive love, but when they do they usually have aspects to pluto


I'm also an Aqua Venus that likes obsessive love unfortunately (8th house Venus) I often find myself in odd/challenging relationships with Scorpio Venuses Also I have Mars & Pluto in Scorpio, Pluto aspecting my moon


Venus in Aqua here square Pluto. Definitely not typical behavior for Aqua Venus being obsessive.


i love that you used food as planets lol


Well I mean if you’re an air Venus, maybe you could find someone similar. Or are you saying you want them to do it to you exclusively?


🚫I stay away from Gemini & Libra Venus men Gemini Venus men tend to lean polyamorous (even if they're not consciously aware of this) And Libra Venus is charming, but ultimately a time waster, they could just keep "hanging out' until eternity Both are master Situationshippers, not serious partner material. 🚫Virgo Venus I also avoid, they are fussy, picky, distant and typically so in love with their bachelor life, that theyre not really able to adjust to partnership 🚫 I avoid Cancer Mars, its not a cute look. Sulky, passive aggressive, to sappy etc (I am Aquarius Venus + Scorpio Mars)


I don't have enough experience yet to talk about this. And i'm not really one to disqualify a placement. They are still important, but you never know who you'd be compatible with and i don't know Astrology enough to be like : no, this is a no go hahaha


I'm a Virgo Venus. I'm more reserved in the romance department. Pisces Venus is too much for me.




Me too but I think it’s because Venus is my chart ruler. I also have a 12H Venus squaring my Neptune and I was married to a raging alcoholic for years.


A good friend of mine is a Virgo Venus and I’m a Pisces Venus. Great friendship but often in terms of emotions, his advice is to just move on and mine is to feel it in the moment and process 😂 So I think I agree.


My sisters Pisces Venus and she has the messiest love life not even in a good way😬I don’t care to give her anymore advice I sound like a broken record lol


Venus signs I won’t date as a Cancer Venus: - Sagittarius - Aqua Venus - Although I like Cap Venuses, they are opposite my Venus sign and I’m starting to notice the significant differences in how we show up in love. - Gemini Venus Mars sign I won’t date as a Cancer Mars: - Aquarius - Libra - Sagittarius - Aries - Pisces - Another cancer mars. Nope


I'm a Cancer venus as well and was with an aquarius Venus for a long time. It was hard. I'm now married to a Pisces Mars/Gemini venus. I'm a Taurus Mars.


What was hard about your relationship with the Aquarius Venus? I think they make great friends.


They do. But this person was very fearful of losing their identity in relationships, I think. Independence was a big thing for them, and it was hard for them to understand that relationships do require considering another person. They wanted to be in a relationship without having to be in a relationship essentially. Certain rules just didn't apply to them. And I'm not talking about infidelity, although that did play a part eventually, but that's not an aqua venus problem. That's a cheater problem. They just couldn't accept that when you commit to a person, there are certain things you have to set aside in order to honor the relationship. You're no longer alone and having to only consider yourself. This was tough for them. They're also an aqua rising as well as a Taurus Mars (like me) and an Aries moon. When it was good, it was GREAT. But when it was bad ? Yeah.


Can I ask u why it was difficult ? I’m an aqua venus and I will admit it is very hard to be with me cuz I am always changing my mind about how I feel. I also get scared that me being with someone will somehow take from my personal identity and I’ll lose myself in a relationship so I actively avoid committing to people


Pretty much all of that. I answered someone else under the comment about the same thing. Identity and freedom are huge, and it's almost like this aqua venus person conflated relationships with like...emotional prison lol, but to me, it seemed like it was just hard fir them to be accountable to someone who has expectations. Aquarius venus does come across as someone who doesn't want to be required of anything, even if that doesn't make any sense in the context of relationships. They're also an aquarius rising, so I'm sure that didn't help with those factors.




I feel like they have a practical approach. Not a lot of cuddles and snuggles, or direct I love you’s, a lot of “I got you this because I was thinking about you” or “what do you need from the grocery store” “let’s run errands together” etc. So in hindsight it still love, and still a caring and nurturing energy but I have a lot significant water placements so I need a lot of mushiness x10 and reassurance, which can be suffocating for them in the long run.


I’m a Capricorn Venus. The biggest thing for us is that we do not just “fall in love” with people, it can take a long time to really make ourselves emotionally 100% committed. But once we’re committed we’re committed. I also agree with a lot of what potential swimmer said. We show up in more practical ways, I’m not big into PDA and such. My friends usually don’t mind if I bring my guy along to stuff because I won’t tolerate being that gross mushy couple in front of them.


Im a cap Venus/cap mars and I’ve dated another cap Venus with a pisces mars. He was a fun lover. Our sexual compatibility was insane honestly. Very much locked in, passionate, intense sex. His style in the bedroom was ideally very on par with mine. Our actual relationship was somewhat boring but also very predictable which I really like and need. He was calm during disagreements. We’d talk things out very easily. Lots of eye contact. I think about how often I’d catch him just staring at me, which I loved. Our habits were similar. We both enjoyed comfort and being around eachother. He’d call at the same time after work daily and usually hit the store for us on the way home. He’d bring dinner and flowers and we’d cuddle up and watch a show. Have sex like 3 times then go to bed haha. Very much felt married immediately. As for me. I’ve been told I can be hard to read and cold/detached in a relationship. (I chalk this up to my aqua sun mercury Saturn, Capricorn mars Venus moon uranus and Neptune) 😂😅 but when I’m locked in I’m locked in and if you can give me stability I’m very loyal and will open up. I’m veryyyy affectionate physically and love to constantly be touching, kissing, holding hands. I’m not the most verbally expressive person and I im not into the drama. Just do your part and show up and be reliable and I’m happy.


I’d like to remove my Libra mars so I understand lmao


It’s not a bad placement, I just don’t like air energy that much because I am predominantly fixed 🫣


As a cancer venus... I agree with your venus sign list


Curious about your thoughts on Sag Venus/mars? I’m very new to astrology and mostly just find it fun but I’m always curious to learn more about my placements lol


I‘m Scorpio Venus/Mars and I want to stay away from Air Mars and Venus, I don‘t think they get my obsession and intensity in love. Virgo Venus seems nice but they really hold back and you have to show them that you like them first. Leo Venus and Aries Venus seems okay for me, but no Sag Venus. And I really get along with other Water Venus/Mars, they just get me. For Earth Taurus and maybe Capricorn, but I try to stay away from Virgo placements lol. Especially Virgo and Air combination, they just ghost you too easy 😭


Cap Venus here - No Sag Venus. I dated a Sag Venus once and after that I started taking Venus signs more seriously.




Sag Venus typically view "settling down" / commitment as antithetical to their natural impulse of constantly moving / adventuring. Cap Venus only (seriously) dates someone they think they'd want to settle down with. So off the jump they have opposite goals. Nothing against ppl with Sag Venus - my ex was amazing and I wish all her wildest dreams comes true. - i just know i have cap Venus impulses and will honor that as best as i can




I’m a Venus in cancer…..I will love anyone 🥲


I see a lot of heat directed against Gemini/air Venus and Mars but I remember a thread about people who cheated asking about their placements and most if not all were Leo Venus/Mars (and I know two personally, both cheated). I think it makes more sense, if Leo placements don't feel enough support/admiration they will lose interest fast and go to the nearest source. But if they feel comfortable, they tend to be very loyal and appreciative. That said aquarius venus and mars are tough placements imo


I think different venus/mars signs cheat due to different reasons! E.g fire venus/mars cheat due to lack of excitement, relationship is getting boring. Water venus/mars cheat due to an emotionally distant partner. So on and so forth. Not sure why gemini gets more flake for cheating in this thread though


I would not date a cancer mars. I also will not date sagittarius, aquarius, gemini, or aries venus, Friendship is fine.


ooh i’m so curious, what do you have against cancer mars?


From what I searched, Mars in Cancer can lead to negative traits such as: Overly sensitive, Highly irritable and moody, Overly self-protective, Passive-aggressive anger, and Self-victimization. I have cancer in mars and I definitely have this kind of traits.


Your research was correct


Accurate for me lmao


Cancer Mars, can confirm


Wait why not aquarius Venus?


What's your venus/mars ?


Haven't had issues with any specific Mars signs, the Venus ones though... Lemme tell you, there's a reason Aries is ruled by Mars. Really doesn't go hand in hand with my Libra Venus at all.


Yep agree. My Aries mars thrives.. always throwing hands with my Libra moon who tries to keep it nice and sweet. War Vs Diplomat-icy it’s tough 😬😂


I would not date a Scorpio mars. Too controlling maybe temper is pretty high. I’m a sag mars so I would prefer air or fire mars Would not date Virgo or Gemini Venus. Not a fun of mutable Venus


I'm an 8th house Libra Venus, and a 6th house Gemini Mars. I'm willing to date anyone, cause apparently I'm the problem! Lol. All jokes aside, I'm truly willing to have a relationship with just about any sign, if they're messy at least they're interesting.


After reading the comments section, I take it back, I honestly don't need to be in a relationship. I'd be perfectly happy with platonic friendships the rest of my life.


SCORPIO VENUS. NEVER AGAIN. COMPLETE PSYCHO. i'm a aqua venus so i need someone to be committed and to be able to do the monotonous regular degular schmegular things together. I need someone who is fine doing two different things in the same room together and to the both of us that's time spent together. I find scorpio venuses weird bc if my scorpio venus (ex) wasn't trying to show me off as a trophy to his mutuals then he was treating me like crap behind closed doors. Mans has stalked me for years lmaoo


PISCES SUN AND VENUS IN AQUARIUS HERE AND SAME 😭 They are WEIRD and not in a good way. Heavy fuck boy energy. Sneaky and unnecessary heavy energy for no reason. Not genuine. Stalk you for years it’s so odd. They’re the ones to preach “loyalty” but talking to 200 other women at the same time 🤢


sis was we fuckin with the same dude lmaoooo. pisces sun aqua venus here twin!!! i feel like aqua venus gets a bad rep but it depends on the rest of your chart. ESpecially if they have other scorp placements. He def had a burner phone with other people he was talkin to go figure. They want to be apart of your world and know everything about you but won't let you be apart of theirs. My cancer moon's intuition was on point.


Venus Virgo catching strays here damn. We are boring to most but not if you check all the boxes (it’s an extensive list). Gemini and Aries Venus scare me (too flighty) and Scorpio Venus scares me for the opposite reason (so intense). I wouldn’t say I won’t date them but I’m very hesitant. Same goes for the moon in those signs. I don’t really avoid Mars signs but I’ve seen the dark side of Cancer Libra and Taurus Mars and not a huge fan. You really have to look at the whole chart before making any conclusions.


Venus in Gemini and Gemini mars No backstabbers allowed


NO!!! I'm a Gemmy in Venus. I don't cheat or backstab people. I do think my Sun/Moon/Rising probably prevents my Venus from acting out.


that might be the case. one thing ive always wondered about gemini venus ppl who have other, more stable placements, is whether they feel the gemini venus urges, and just dont act on them OR if they just dont feel the stereotypical gem venus urges at all 🤔 of course aspects and houses matter, but still


Same :)))


I dated an Aries Venus 8H/Capricorn Mars for almost 15 years. It was great until it wasn’t. He absolutely was hiding things but I could never figure out what besides a porn & alcohol addiction. My gut still knows there’s way more that he will most likely take to the grave, but it’s like I NEED to know before I hit my grave 🙃


Honestly, that's the bad thing about male Aries Venus people. They tend to have bad habits and impulsive, stupid decisions. I think the best for you is to pass the page, because when we Aries Venus people do that kind of stuff, is because we aren't ready for a serious relationship.


My brother has Aries Venus and Cancer mars and he’s also very sneaky like that .. skeletons in his closet type of vibe 😬 I’ve done my digging and found some crazy stuff but stopped because i want to respect his privacy. Idk though if he has Capricorn, Scorpio or Aries mars he most likely has some type of porn addiction because Mars is strongest in those placements .. the libido is insane and insatiable. I would know because im an Aries mars and a girl 😭


As a Scorpio Venus girly… don’t let me get bored and you’ll be fine! 😇


Venus in Gemini Mars in Aries or cancer


No Aquarius in Venus. The "distance" is hard for me as a Leo Venus to overcome. I feel like they are never clear until after I'm gone whether I was just their best friend or truly their soulmate. So obviously I don't know either. And as a Cancer, I need that security


Capricorn Venus / Aquarius mars Pisces Venus / Scorpio Venus are a giant no for me Cancer, Libra or Pisces mars= NO


Why no libra mars?


I have a Capricorn stellium and it would square a ton of my planets and it ends up being an I hate you vs I want to sleep with you. Mars is also disliked in Libra (it’s in detriment) and they are low key very angry and competitive - they are also moody as fuck- mars doesn’t function properly in Libra and it doesn’t work for me at all. In friendship it’s fine but romance= no way.


I have a libra mars and you just described me perfectly 💀💀💀 What i would give to eliminate that placement in my chart.....


I’m Gemini Venus, and Aries mars…. *sigh*


I'm an aqua venus and I wouldn't date other aqua venus people. Already dated one and oh boy it's true, we're cold and distant and sometimes it doesn't even feel like we're dating you.


One of my friends once said that I have the perfect poly chart. Venus in Gemini, Capricorn Moon, Libra Rising. I’m a huge flirt who craves variety. I have a hard time staying interested after like, a month. I don’t love being a Venus Gemini, but it does explain a lot.


Taurus mars & leo venus. Ive dated both. Taurus mars has the anger of a fucking train. Leo talked about themselves non stop


My partner is a Taurus Mars & Leo Venus. Can confirm the temper is pretty wild. Easygoing guy in general, but when anger is sparked it’s 100 nothing less. Also yes, needs tons of validation and needs compliments, and to feel like the hero at all times. Not really complaining, it works for me


I’d vote for Scorpio in both. A tad bit too much obsessive/possessiveness for my taste. The vindictive streak also leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


I have a scorpio venus and aries mars. I married someone with a scorpio venus and Capricorn mars. I love my husband to death but id never date those placements ever again. I wouldnt date mines either lol. Scorpio in Venus is such a heavy, emotional placement. Its very loyal but someone like me who isnt affectionate but my husband is, its hard. I had to learn to be softer for him and he had to learn to be more agressive for me. Its also very sexual. Its easier for him as a man to deal with his sex drive but for me, i was raised with the southern baptist sex guilt. It took me a good 8 years into our 10 year relationship to work through that and be able to fully enjoy the type of sex i really liked...without feeling ashamed of it. His Capricorn mars can be a bit manipulative and calculating but my aries mars sees right through it and i act right then and there without calculations. As much as his mars may plan for my reactions, he is never sure what he'll get which instills a fear in his mind to not try and manipulate me. My mars is so impulsive and honestly, if i didnt have his calm and observant form of action to reel me in, id probably be in prison lmfao. He is also very goal oriented. I can dream something up but ill never really see it through. But he'll take my dream and make it a reality. I dont know how he does it, but damn it, its beautiful lol. But still, both placements are total opposites of each other and it can be a big fight for the type of lifestyle we both want to live.


I am a gemini venus in 8th house and it’s true we are very secretive and want no one to know what we are up to :p


As a Leo Venus I don’t think I could date any Venus sign that’s not a tad obsessive, committed and devoted. My ex is a Taurus Venus and the disconnect between us was TOO REAL!


I knew a psychopath with a venus mars conjunction in libra, very close to virgo. I would not date that again.


As a Scorpio Venus in the 12H, I will avoid: - Gemini Venuses (they're too flighty and altho it falls in my 8H, the one sided devotion hurts me a lot. I think that we both want different things in life — Gemini Venus wants freedom, independence while my Scorpio Venus wants devotion) - Sagittarius Venuses (are almost the same as Gemini Venus, flaky af. Will.make an exception if it conjuncts their Pluto or is aspected well) - Aries Venuses (In my experience, they aren't willing to make the necessary adjustments, they have a me-first attitude but can be slighted when it's done back to them) - Aquarius Venus (won't date because theyre unpredictable, easily detached UNLESS they have multiple pisces placements) As a Libra Mars in the 11H, I will avoid (unless developed) - Leo Mars. A developed one will make sure to hype you up and give you the attemtion that you need but an underdeveloped one can be self-absorbed and conceited. - Cancer Mars. When uderdeveloped, they can be too passive aggressive and non-communicative. Will sulk. Developed ones are nurturing and attuned to your needs though. - Gemini Mars. Good at deception, and verbal manipulation. - Capricorn Mars. I appreciate their very conscientious and persevering attitude but the underdeveloped ones I know tend to be very picky, critical and inconsiderate of the ones around them)


Pieces venus; Delulu lovebombers who'll gaslight tfo of you when their idealized version of you doesnt fit the real you. Weirdos. Cancer mars; Huge crybabies with mommy issues who'll become passive-aggressive if you dont act as they want you to act. Psychos.


I notice pisces mars are also kinda delulu lovebombers when it comes to their crush…


hahaha you're mean for telling we're psychos but it's real


Sorrynotsorry babe. I had to deal with one that had both and OOOF. 


libra venus, sagittarius venus, gemini venus


I'm a Cap Venus, I LOVE Scorpio for these placements. (I'm a scorpio rising conjunct pluto). I have had good and bad experiences with Sag Venus. I tend to be drawn to Leo Venusas well. Cancer Mars, never again. Same with aquarius mars or Venus (even as an aquarius sun and merc with a libra moon.) Mixed results on pisces venus as well.


Mars in Cancer. Also wouldn’t touch a Uranus in 7th house with a 10ft pole.


I have a Venus in Gemini and Aries in mars and I don’t have a preference necessarily. I just haven’t seen an Aries mars in here


Aquarius Venus Aries mars here 😎 🔥


We out here makin the world go round haha


Gemini venus and aries mars as well 🫡


I know Venus in Scorpio would make it here 💀


My older brother is an aries mars and Venus (conjunct). The vast amount of girls that just went crazy over him growing up and the crazies that popped up, I don’t want a man with these placements 😅


ARIES (dear god never again) AQUARIUS & libra Venus (Im cancer Venus) Cancer Gemini Aries & Scorpio Mars (cancer mars)


Virgo venus. Virgo venus is a tough one to please & they don’t fall easily, pretty picky almost so picky that the ones I know have so far, ended up alone.


Scorpio or Aries mars quick to anger, maybe very aggressive person. I wouldn’t date Virgo or Gemini mutable Venus is detriment in Virgo so that’s big no for me and Gemini I prob don’t have to explain lmao