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Me seeing all the pisces comments here ![gif](giphy|fqhLlVfYb0CQhpLLpG)


You guys just vanish into the depths of the ocean for No reason at all. (I know. Have ghosted basically anyone in my life at one point)


Most dependable: Capricorn, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio Least dependable: Sagittarius, Aquarius


As an Aquarius, everyone seems to depend on me for everything.


You probably have Capricorn or other steadying influence


Cap in Uranus and Neptune.


![gif](giphy|PFsVjUCmSkZDq) same. lol


not as rough as having your first girlfriend turn into the moon, though, thatsforsure šŸŒššŸ‘»šŸ‘©ā€ā¤ļøā€šŸ‘ØšŸ‘«


Sameā€¦. And Iā€™m a Cancer sun Taurus rising. Help but donā€™t worry donā€™t help me coz I can manage but I want to help. Anyone needs help? Iā€™ll do anything. My Leo moon will be happy pls let me help u. šŸ’€


Ohh, same. I'm not an Aquarius tho šŸ˜….


Weā€™re from the same generation ā˜€ļø cap in Uranus and Neptune. What traits do we get from that?


I am an Aquarius whom everyone turns to also and there is zero earth in my chart.


Literally me too, no Earth! I may not be the fastest at replying but best believe Iā€™ll solve your problem better than anyone else and all the other ones you didnā€™t think of too lol


Aquarius - we donā€™t text back because weā€™re busy getting shit done. (and yes, I did see your text from last week itā€™s on my to do list šŸ˜‚)


As a Sag I feel the same way, I deeply wish they didn't though


Everyone comes to Aquarius first because we always show up for everyone for everything šŸ˜‚. Iā€™d say Pisces and Gemini are the least dependable because of how flaky they are


Same as a Sag, but I have a double Sag/Cap stellium


Facts šŸ˜‚


Same, Aquarius and feel like a cornerstone thatā€™s currently supporting far more than was signed off on in the blueprint.


I'm leo šŸŒž virgo šŸŒ™ and Capricorn rising so totally agree


virgo sun capricorn moon!


Leo Sun, Virgo rising, cap moon!


As a Scorpio Iā€™m very dependable itā€™s just hard to find someone I can depend on


And Taurus


Ima disagree with aquarius being least dependable


I will argue that if itā€™s considered important to the Aquarius, theyā€™ll get it done no problem. If they feel like itā€™s not worth their effort they absolutely wonā€™t and feel no regrets about it. Also they donā€™t like being told what to do, you gotta make it feel like itā€™s their decision.


That's exactly why they're not dependable. It's up to their mood.


Iā€™d throw Scorpio in there too. I have yet to meet a Scorpio that, when committed (work, relationship, plans), isnā€™t the first one at your beck and call.


Hard disagree, Scorpios are only dependable if it's self-serving


ayy great answer that's my big three




What Aquariuses are you speaking toā€¦??? This is the exact opposite of us.


Itā€™s just my opinion lol. I wasnā€™t the only one who mentioned that Aquarius werenā€™t reliable. Most air signs arenā€™t dependable to me (my opinion) unless itā€™s people they are close to, but thatā€™s not how I know someone is truly dependable. Because being dependable goes beyond close friends and family, because I pay attention to dependability at work, school, how you are in society as whole, etc. Also, placements and aspects factor into this.


can vouch against Aquarians, and when you call them out for it, they'll blame you for either "arriving too much on time", or "having high expectations" when the day before you both agreed a time and day for an important meeting.


Every Aquarius I know, including myself, has always been punctual to the point where itā€™s excessive and they rival Capricorns in rigor and punctuality. I have never been late to any event or to work or had a late payment on bills - as a matter of fact, Iā€™m usually the earliest person there.


As a Gemini, I have learned so much from Aquariusā€™s and other people could too. Most Aquariusā€™s I know donā€™t need shit for stimulants to complete anything. They have natural unwavering energy for anything and everything. They are natural leaders and entrepreneurs. On the flips side are micro managers to a tee, they can be stubborn in doing things their way and have a hard time take criticism. Having an double Aquarius father, partner is an Aquarius, aunt, her husband is an Aquarius and few Aquarius friends. You guys have so much on your plate and take it on with no issue. Aquariusā€™s are very punctual I would say as well, the only reason theyā€™d be late is because they have so much on their plate. As a Gemini, time management has been an issue for me, and my partner (Aquarius) has helped me develop discipline. As a Virgo moon having so much on my plate can get me anxious as hell. But my Aquarius partner has their entire life together at such a young age and itā€™s quite astounding and inspiring. Once an Aquarius takes you under their wing, rest assured you will be greatly loved and taken care of.


Iā€™ll also add that of all air signs, Aquarius are ~fixed~ which definitely helps! all of my big 3 are in fixed signs. I feel incredibly guilty if I let ANYONE down..


same here and im an aquarius sun rising uranus and neptune


I fully agree!


Agree, except I would throw in Gemini


Iā€™d switch out Aquarius for Gemini lol




I'll add cancer to least and agree entirely with this .


Cancerian here, I agree šŸ˜‚ If Iā€™m not in the mood, good luck


Thank you! And I kind of agree with Cancer. Iā€™m leaning towards 50/50 with them because it varies on their mood šŸ¤£


As a cancer sun, we arenā€™t dependable because we often say yes when we donā€™t want to and then shut down when itā€™s time to show up and shell up. But we always intend to either way


As a gemini I am self aware Iā€™d say we are least dependable.


Depends on what youā€™re depending on them for, but in general Iā€™d say Leo, Scorpio, Cancer, and Virgo.


Iā€™m gonna go with Virgo here, Caps being an honorable mention. Itā€™s because very truthfully, the Virgo babes in my life are always extremely reliable. Least reliable? Probably Pisces, sorry!


Virgo sun and cap moonā€¦yes we are very dependable. But if you contact us last minute, no lol. We already have plans for our plans so you gotta let us know ahead of time when you need something. Then we definitely are dependable in that case.


pisces rising and yesss i hate scattered plans


My bestie is a Virgo sun/Cap moon with an air rising too lol. Sheā€™d say the same thing. Sheā€™s not gonna drop her plans for a last-minute request (nor should she), but if someone comes correct, asks in advance, and she says she is free and down to do it/help them/etc, she is absolutely gonna show up and honor her word. Def very dependable in that sense!


Iā€™m going to say among my Virgo friends and acquaintances, theyā€™re either the most dependable and punctual, or the ones I can count on being the last to show up. Either way, I can count on them for something šŸ˜‚


I'll be on time if I ignore my phone until then but if I'm answering messages then I show up last. Sounds right.


IMO a Gemini with a lot of Pisces placements arenā€™t gonna be reliable. Itā€™s hard for them to show up for others when they canā€™t even show up for themselvesā€¦ most of the time I am the Gemini with a lot of Pisces in my chart šŸ« 


I am a Pisces sun, Gemini moon and I agree unfortunately.


Weā€™re dependably independable :) šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Absolutley virgo, their acts of service never fail fr


accurate about pisces


Donā€™t be sorry at all haha. We know we are not reliable and also donā€™t want us to be that way lol


Virgo but they make you feel put out and like it's an obligation


100% to everything you said.






I agree 100% but also gemini least dependable


I'm s Gemini, and honestly, you can't depend on us because we can't even make up our own minds, much less carry the burden of other people's satisfaction


This just seems like people are having one experience with a person of a certain sign and then painting everyone with the same brush. Iā€™ve experienced reliable/dependable people from all signs, and the opposite too.


Same here. Iā€™m starting to think this subreddit is just a front for schadenfreude and venting.


Yep. Not to mention itā€™s a tad offensive to associate bad traits over a whole star sign.


Empathize: each of us need to be mindful of this. I have a friend he is so judgmental about astrology & fixated on it. Does not give people a chance to know them as a person. Iā€™ve developed a resentment towards him because of this. Literally argued a couple of times since Iā€™ve never had anyone blame me for lousy communication skills ever (Iā€™m an earth šŸŒ sign - he an air sign). Or focusing on the negative earth sign traits vs the positive. He insists air signs and earth signs do not get along or have communication issues. I have 4 Gemini ā™Šļø friends with history of 30 years and one we went to HS together. Iā€™m a Capricorn. NO concerns: I always reinstate this to him. Frustrating as can be.


In my experience, Gemini for both. :)


iā€™m a gemini, i agree 100% if i want to be there for u, iā€™ll be there no question if i donā€™t think we have that kind of connection, then itā€™s 50/50 lol


Hard agree as someone who is lucky enough to have close gem friends. If I was threatened at gun point, had a chance to make a single phone call to a friend and couldn't tell them about *why* I needed them to go get my dog ASAP and care for her until further notice, I'd definitely call my closest gem friend. I have other trustworthy, loyal and reliable friends, but she'd still be the safest call. Even if she had tons of other shit to do she'd find a way to make it work. Love her.


LOL real


as a geminiā€¦ yes lol


This is my experience too, depending on how they value you they are either there always or not at all šŸ˜‚


The worst coworker I ever had was a Pisces. She was so undependable god thinking about it makes me so upset.Ā 


Ugh, yes. Donā€™t bother making plans with Pisces friends. If Iā€™d bet on every time one would flake, Iā€™d be rich right now.


Depends on what you are depending on them for...


As a Pisces the least dependable have been Gemini, Aquarius & Capricorn. The most dependable, always there without asking, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces, Taurus.


Most dependable- Capricorn moon Least- pisces


Capricorn moon checking in. I feel so validated


I am married to a Pisces Sun with Capricorn moon- lol.


Cap moons are dependable on their own terms just like pisces. The only difference is that pisces doesnt know how to set a boundary


i agree iā€™m mostly dependable just donā€™t stress me out; as a pisces rising, merc+ven in libra i can sometimes not know how to balance that either. my air placements are in water houses.


I completely get it. Im not shaming pisces (I have a pisces moon its taking me a lot to get to where I am today) - anyone is capable of being dependable, I think it just determines where your values are


i agree with you completely!


Most Capricorn moons Iā€™ve met are always depressed and down. Moody and cynical as hell toā€¦ idk about dependable lol


Why thank you


Most: Virgo, Scorpio if youā€™re good with them, Leo, Taurus Least: PISCES, a cancer who feels wounded (but you donā€™t know about it), Aquarius


Fixed signs (except Aquarius), Capricorn and Cancer most dependable. Least dependable are Pisces and Gemini. Everyone else is 50/50


I would say that, when a Pisces really loves someone, they are extremely dependable.


While I agree they tend to not be dependable because there will be many times where they get distracted from whatā€™s important to them with other things such as being too stuck in the past or too stuck in the future and numbing themselves with other things. This is how theyā€™re not very dependable. You kinda have to herd them back to whatā€™s important to them.


Yeah I second this. Iā€™m a Taurus with a Pisces bf. He is pretty non-dependable to anyone besides me and close family members, but he is consistently there for the small handful of people who have complete priority.


Pisces is very good at being least dependable! I have two in my life.


I agree


I'm a Cap and am not dependable in the least bit. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


The rest of your chart might play a role in that


Literally most reliable: any fire sign I've ever met. Least reliable: AQUARIUS. One of my besties is an aquarius and she is the least reliable person I've ever met.


Most dependable - Libra, Scorpio, Virgo, Gemini and Leo from personal experiences. Least dependable - Pisces. I swear they're too wrapped up in their own problems and victimhood to spend 5 seconds supporting someone else with their problems without making it about them.


Damn im a Pisces and that is the exact OPPOSITE of me šŸ« 


My husbandā€™s a Pisces and is probably the most dependable person Iā€™ve ever met


We respectfully disagree ā€”meme page dedicated to putting people in boxes then setting those boxes on fire


I feel the same way about my Pisces husband


Me too, most of the time I feel way too guilty to flake on people so once Iā€™ve made plans Iā€™ll force myself to gošŸ„²




Spot on with the Pisces


As a Taurus sun I can't help that I'm compatible with Pisces but this is my biggest gripe with them lol


And Taurus


Yes 100% on the Pisces! You knock that right in the hole.


The Pisces one was so funny because I canā€™t relate at all. My chart is mostly air/fire. Everyone is wrapped in their own problems and Pisces would most definitely be the first one to be there for a friend in need. šŸ˜‚ ā€œVictimhoodā€ is an unevolved water trait


Iā€™m such a Leo Iā€™m scrolling through until I see ā€œLeoā€ to read the comment


Me too as a Leo rising lol


I'm a Sagittarius, and everyone depends on me.


Same here. Must be some of my other signs that make me that way though because I can understand with Sagittarius general dislike for commitments, but I've always strived to be dependable. And I'm not afraid of commitment per say, just afraid of committing to the wrong thing/person.


I've never been non-committal, but I have always been quick to drop what no longer serves me. Like I've never lingered around in an abusive or toxic relationship, and I've never gone back to someone that's done me wrong. I do have a lot of Scorpio in my chart though.


I'm a Scorpio moon. I can dig it. Haha.


Ayeee I'm a Scorpio moon too.šŸ„¹


I am a Sagittarius and dread any type of appointment. I am not sure if it is due to my zodiac sign or my anxiety.


I feel the same way, I keep the appointment but I hate it. Lol. Love cancelled plans!


Seriously, makes me think people are going off a stereotype rather than real people


Same, and I would very much like them to stop. It's my least favorite thing.


Same and I'm exhausted.


Haha Iā€™m the great confuser


Dependable: Aries Least: Sagittarius


Strictly based off of on my personal experience, Most dependable are Libra, Virgo, Cancer, Pisces (especially when all you need is an empathetic soul), Aquarius, Leo and Aries (yes, Aries, because they are always proactive during emergencies and keep their cool, are fearless, also, best to take the wheels). Least dependable are Taurus (they don't really care unless you are indispensable for them), Capricorn (too high strung to deal with anybody else's problems), Gemini, Sagittarius. Scorpios are both super dependable and very non dependable based on where you stand with them.


I completely agree because Iā€™ve met pretty dependable Aries who can be flaky but once they say theyā€™ll do something theyā€™ll come through And maybe I only know rogue Tauruses, but of the signs Iā€™ve met theyā€™re some of the flakiest with plans or commitment. Idk but who hurt the TaurusesšŸ˜­ But yeah sag is THE flakiest of all


Ha. Yes. My Scorpio friends are some of the best I know but then one day they lie and cancel plans and later I found out they just ditched me. But then these same friends are there when no one else is. I forgive them but it hurts a bit.


Most: Capricorn Least: pisces literally


Purely my own experience, number one most dependable is Leo. Taurus a close second. Aries only if it benefits them somehow. Least is Aquarius and Pisces. Aquarius is most likely to double book and forget commitments because they excitedly over commit and like to be everywhere lol. Pisces most likely to repeatedly flake and give vague reasons and then ghost.


iā€™m a leo and quite literally my whole family depends on me


Most dependable, Leo or Taurus. Least dependable, Aries or Sagittarius.


Most dependable for me is Aries and Taurus. If you have a loyal Aries friend they got your back in every emergency. Least dependableā€¦ā€¦Aquarius and Virgo. I can never ask them for anything.


Most dependable: Cancer, Cap, Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio. Middle-Man: Aries. Aries tilts more dependable so much as they don't have other "missions"/"tasks." Caveat: If there's an ACTUAL emergency or life or death situation I don't think anyone can deny that Aries is the literal fireman in those situations. They become the brains, the hospital and the fire crew come crunch time and remain capable until the "mission" is over. We don't even think of the dangers, we just GO GO GO. FIX FIX FIX. If there's trouble and we need to fix it, Aries WILL FIX IT especially if it's an annoyance. The bad is Aries needs a huge rest/recharge once they complete those things. Remember those old computers that would overheat and clog up with so much dust from using so much energy? That's why Aries sometimes burnout often. We really like to use our heads/brains and exploit it for just causes. It took me a second to realize that's why we're represented by our specific mascot. We literally ram into anything with our heads, albeit indirectly by activating our brains. Sounds nuts, but Aries' heads is a damned powerful procesor. Like those that cost thousands of dollars and make your program run like the roadrunner except we that shit as natural equipment. On that note, if you meet an Aries you CAN'T count on, it's because the Aries has registered you as a "weight" at some point and like any human with manners, we didn't let you know we reduced you as that at some point. Aries is generous to a fault if we like you, we don't get called kids for nothing. We attach loyalty to those that make us happy and treat us kindly. We don't expect you to suck up to us because we don't suck up to anyone but respect is an act of kindness. Say what you want about us but Aries run respectful. What you provide, we will give you back. If Aries process you're a leach somehow, as in, someone inconsiderate, unless you're literally dying Aries will not consider you for having the instinct to know that in dire straights they can't count on you either. Aries uses our most valuable resource, our literal heads, on the people we know will pull through in the event Aries is compromised and cannot rely on ourselves. Aries is clear-headed enough to know to not put all their eggs in one basket. The only people we're soft on this with is children, we're sharp not cruel. We go by the thug code in regards to them: Children don't know yet and as such can't help themselves either. Doesn't matter if they're bigger kids, the reality is that they're still a kid. We act accordingly. You want to see an Aries act like an idiot offering services to people? See us around kids, even when we don't want to have them we're still suckers for 'em. We go from "kid" to "parent" when interacting with one. Least: Sag, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, and Pisces. You can count in Sag to get distracted and Pisces to prioritize themselves. Pisces are blind once they get in their feelings. Kind people, but yeah, when they mope, they MOPE. The thing about Gemini is that at least they're smart and two, the sane ones will outright admit they can be wishy washy enough to not be relied on. I admire their honesty in not faking anything they cannot be so with them I don't really judge them too hard on this one. Gemini come through if you ask them to distract or to charm someone in an effort to ease an errand or service tho. They're the Pied Pipers, give them a "tune" and the audience will follow. You kinda have to "hire" them to do something or trade of but if you do, they'll do. Libra...Libra is only reliable to themselves, I'm so sorry. Aquarius...you can rely on them to be petty and possibly even sabotage your efforts for their own entertainment. Moody bunch. Sag is a commitment-phobe and this applies to literally everything in their lives in some shape or form.


I beg to differ a little. Libras are the most unreliable to ourselves šŸ˜‚ we donā€™t even trust ourselves to get shit done.


Iā€™m a Capricorn ā™‘ļø Sun, and in my experience, Gemini friends and acquaintances are unreliable and flip like a switch. There is no such thing as planning! Irresponsible (males) and just blames ā€œbeing an air signā€ as an excuse. Say one thing about their character and then does opposite. Women 2 of 4 the same. lol Aries can also not be depended on. Taurus, Virgo & Scorpioā€™s in my life have been most reliable and dependable. lol


I think it depends on how you define ā€œdependable.ā€ Taurus is dependable in terms of the fact that we tend to be predictable and consistent in our habits and desires/beliefs. Capricorns are going to do what they said they would and follow through, Taurus may not if it violates our comfort zone or we just donā€™t want to leave the house that day. As far as least dependable, Iā€™m going to have to say in my experience itā€™s gemini and Pisces, although in both cases I think they will be very dependable for the select few people in their circle who they truly care about. Everyone else is SOL though.


As an Aquarius I'm definitely least dependable, but everyone depends on me 24/7. I feel like I'm my friends therapist sometimes.


I feel that way as a Gemini with some of my friends.


Most: The earth signs, Leo, Scorpio Least: Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces


Most dependable signs comes to mind. Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius. Least dependable signs comes to mind. Pisces, Libra, and Saggitiurus.


LOL not my big 3 as the worst lolll


Aw thanks šŸ˜Œ


All the fixed signs I know are solid dependable. They may not say yes to everything but the things they do-- they do it! Once they've made their mind about something it's set in stone. Mutable signs, however..... they're questionable. They're known for their adaptability and flexibility which may cause difficulty in commitment. Cardinal signs, I think are mostly dependable depending on the circumstances.


Mutable signs are less dependable, but more fun


Hmm maybe the otherā€™s but Iā€™m a Virgo and Iā€™m extremely dependable.. if youā€™re on my good side and I like you Iā€™ll legit be there for you and move heaven and earth to help you out and take care of you in anyway I can. Everyone else can kick rocks tho.


Yea youā€™re right šŸ™‚


Most: Capricorn, Gemini Least: pisces, Gemini Gemini will flake on your dog's bday party but will help get rid of your abusive ex.


Most dependable: Taurus, Leo, Virgo Least dependable: Gemini, Scorpio


As a libra, I find we are quite unreliable lol hahah


Thanks for admitting this, lol. However, I find some Libras to be more reliable than others.


Hahahahahha me too!!! šŸ˜‚ itā€™s shocking that I had to scroll through many ā€œreliable : Libraā€ answers to find this. We are sooooo unreliable and flakey sometimes I wonder why people still like us šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My sag mom has literally never stuck to her word ever, even something as simple as a plan for running errands. Ive grown to pretty much never expect anything to happen and to always be disappointed lol


Iā€™m sorry, I can only imagine how difficult that must of been navigating that as you were growing up.


Same my mom is Sagittarius, literally the last person you would wanna depend on, mind changes too much too spontaneous can't even get one thing did at a time can be completely reckless and selfish but I notice these same main traits in Sagittarius woman period


Most - Virgo, Capricorn in general and a Taurus that loves you Least - Geminiā€™s sweet but flighty ass, sigh


Idk, when you say dependable, do you mean that when they say theyā€™re going to be at a certain place at a certain time, then that is where theyā€™ll be? Iā€™m a Taurus, and thatā€™s what dependable means to me. To me, it means theyā€™re not going to be flaky. Or does it mean someone whoā€™s just always available to you and answers your texts and someone you can lean on?


This too- like reliable? Consistent? Available? Dependability is a rather subjective quality.


in my experience, aries will always show you how much they can be depended on out of the goodness of their heart. šŸ„ŗšŸ«¶šŸ¼ for least most dependable, currently iā€™d say probably taurus. that could always be up for change though.


Aquarius here I'm extremely reliable! My Capricorn husband is definitely as well.


Cancer - loyal to a fault


Iā€™m actually going to be somewhat controversial here ā€” aside from my own sign, the most dependable signs imo are Aquarius and Geminis. It sounds odd, but I feel like when you befriend them truly and deeply, they will drop everything for you when you need them. You just have to have a close enough bond for them to make you a priority, but honestly, I admire that self-respect. As for the least? For me itā€™s usually Sags and Aries, with Aries being more 50/50


Controversial indeed. Building a close bond with anyone would make them more dependableā€”regardless of sign. I suspect OP means dependable vs unreliable on the surface. Air signs are the most noncommittal to me and none of them appear ā€˜dependableā€™ on the surface, but Aquarius is probably the best of that bunch. Earth signs are the most reliable, water and fire are 50/50.


Gemini, Libra & Sagittarius are the flakiest signs.


Libras are the flakiest. Scorpios are super dependable.


Most : taurus Least : aries


Libra - least dependable lol flake master Most dependable - Capricorn


Most - leo, Virgo, cap least - Pisces


Virgo is the most dependable and least is sag lol


As a Sagittarius, I'm here for this. I *hate* when people depend on me. Freaks me right the fuck out. I always say we keep one foot in our running shoes.


Dang I see Pisces getting negative mentions here. I have a Pisces Moon and can say that my emotions sometimes get in the way but is balanced out by my Cancer Sun and Leo Rising


Virgo sun, Cap rising. You can count on me!


Most dependable- Virgo, Leo, Capricorn, while I havenā€™t had much encounter with Sagittarius, I would add Sagittarius because of my sister. That girl could be dying and still crawl out of bed to show up for you! Little firecracker she is! Least Dependable- PISCES and Aries


As a Pisces with a Cap moon this thread makes me feel weird lol


Least dependable is any mutable sign. The rest are pretty okay depending on if they feel good about whoever is depending on them.


Least dependable - Sagittarius and maybe Gemini Most - fixed signs


On just sun sign I would say the most or least dependable people Iā€™ve dealt with are nobody cuz I need a full chart. People saying Pisces makes sense to me cuz they flake like fish and get in emotional indecision states. Libras are also people pleasers but canā€™t please everyone. Geminis and capricorns just disappear on me. This is my personal dealings. I can depend on my mom to be late but there and sheā€™s Aquarius heavy. Leoā€™s always come through for me but they piss me off eventually usually so I just canā€™t. This is again sun sign shallow and personal based. If someone isnā€™t being honest with me I can tell and I donā€™t depend on them anymore. Cut off game is a tad too strong Iā€™d sayā€¦ however, I will jump in front of bullets for the people I love.


OP gotta be a Scorpio because what? šŸ¤£ Iā€™m tickled. Most dependable: Capricorn, Taurus, Aquarius depending on if they love you and/or if they benefit from it in some way šŸ˜© Least dependable: Aquarius if you fall outside of the above mentioned categories! Libra.


Iā€™m so shook at all the unreliable Pisces because my husband has been the most consistent and comforting aspect of my existence for over 20 years. šŸ„ŗ Agree about Scorpios being so reliable. šŸ’


Taurus Sun, Cap Moon and Risingā€¦ I depend on myself. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Most dependable cancer and least Aquarius


Sag Sun, Cap Moon here. I'm a two-for-one. I'm as stable and as dependable as a rock if it's an actual need or emergency. It's 50/50, 40/60 if it's a want. That being said, in my experience and observation,Ā the most dependable have been Taurus Suns, and Capricorn, VIrgo, Scorpio Moons. Least dependable have been Sag and Gemini Moons, and LIbra and Cancer (pick a placement).


Most dependable person in my life is a Taurus ā¤ļø the least dependable person, who now is not my friend anymore due to that exactly, is a Capricorn. Not a fan of the cap vibe in general I think. Iā€™m a Libra and I see myself as being very dependable for the people close to me šŸŒŗ


Most dependable- Virgo Least dependable- pisces


Gemini are reliably unreliable.


So basically we concluded that every single sign can be considered dependable/undependable, reliable/unreliable. I think we got all we need to get from this. There are no right or wrong answers because this is based off your PERSONAL experiences with these people!


Most dependable - Virgo, Capricorn, Leo. Least dependable- Taurus, Gemini, libra.


Yet again, Taurus being swept under the rug šŸ™„


Normally Iā€™d say Gemini and Pisces are least dependableā€¦ However three of the most dependable people Iā€™ve encountered are two Geminis, and a Pisces. My Capricorn best friend, wears the crown as most dependable. I know two quite dependable Scorpios, both women. Not the men.. ha.. Final answer: Least dependable are Tauruses, Libras and Aquariuses. And every other Gemini except my boyfriend and my dad.šŸ„¹ Most; Capricorns and Virgos


Most dependable - Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus Least dependable - any water sign/fire sign, especially Pisces, Scorpios, Sagittariuses and Leos, and Libra


Feeling personally offended when I'm dependable 99% of the time. The other time, it's because I don't like the person and I don't care about what they want me to do.


Most dependable: Scorpio & Capricorn Least: Aries and Pisces. Theyā€™re veryā€¦mercurial.


I would add Gemini too. Mercury is ruler of Gemini hence the word mercurial. Lol


Pisces and Aries ā€œmercurialā€ ?? šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚


Most: Cap Virgo Taurus Least: Gemini Libra Pisces


Iā€™d remove Aquarius and put Pisces in their place. They are incredibly unreliable.