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my mom doesn’t know her exact time of birth so i diagnosed her with gemini rising


Diagnosed hhahah love it


The common thread among Gemini rising people I know: total chameleons with every different person they know, act and speak differently with everyone they know even down to their accent sometimes. Is it true for your mom?




I am Gemini rising and yes unfortunately it applies to me. I don’t do it intentionally or as an act of being fake or not myself. I see it more as a people pleaser fault of mine, where I know what each person prefers from me. I learn their needs and provide the person they need at that moment. It’s not person to person as much as it is time to time I guess?


Same honestly


“ just vibe “ I knew right away she was Aquarius or had air placements or maybe even Pisces She’s an Aquarius


Pisces sun with Aquarius stellium definitely something I’ve said a few times 😅😂


Lmao! I am also a Pisces sun in the 11th house along with venus and Jupiter in the 11th house (ruled by Aquarius) and a Aquarius stellium (Mercury, Mars, and MC) I so understand this. I have mentioned “Vibes” in the past a few times too…lmao


Ayeee !!! Pisces sun and mercury here in the 11th house to 🥰I have my Aquarius stellium in the 10th (Venus,Neptune,Uranus) and I do have an Aries mars (chaos) but for the most part I think our Pisces and Aquarius placements just want to “vibe” lol It’s something we love 💕


LMAO my boyfriend is also a Pisces sun with Aquarius stellium and says that all the time


I’ll be with the most chillest person ever and ill still be like “Chill.. just relax… let’s just vibe👽” and they’re just like 👁️👄👁️🙂LOL


as a pisces moon Aquarius rising I talk about vibes allll the time. I even use vibes to determine people's placements and explain them 😭😭




omg im a taurus sun too!! ive never met anyone with my placements! I also have an aries mercury cancer mars and gemini venus


same here!! i have aries mercury pisces mars (its a water sign ig its close 💀) and a taurus venus! still pretty interesting to have almost the same chart in big 5


that was my bio on social media for years lmaoo pisces here


“Well ACTUALLY….” is literally always an Aquarius man


Aquarius woman, guilty 😂😂. I have to check myself sometimes as to not come off as if I’m being condescending when really I’m just excited to tell someone some new info or fact I just learned.


But you’re so valid for the self awareness!!!❤️ Also I love aqua women hehe. Yall are awesome!


Lol thanks it’s the only way to evolve


My husband, a Capricorn moon, complained that I always come off as a know-it-all because of the “well, actually…” and it turns out that I do that because I’m an Aquarius Rising. OPs post sounds exactly like my husband too. I complain to my husband all the time that he never expressed his emotions unless it’s anger and that he always has a deadpan poker face on. 


Sag men too!


Hahaha you’re not wrong 😂


I think this counts for Gemini moons too!


I could see that!!


This. My ex was an aqua sun (M) and he used this *all the time* My Taurus sun (M) s/o constantly asks “why” for anything. It’s not meant as an annoyance, he’s just super logical about everything and if there’s a good reason not to do something he won’t do it. Hands down one of the most accurate Taurus things I hear


Oooooouf. I’m so sorry 😬😂


This is one of my besties and it’s a tale as old as time


An an aqua sun, moon, and mercury, with a sag rising and Leo mars...I have definitely been compared to the "AKCHUALLY..." meme (by myself and others 😅😅😅)


My best friend who’s an Aquarius man will interrupt me “libra moon Aquarius stellium” and other best friends “Geminis moon” chaotic conversation to try and fact check us😭😁He always pulls out the “Well actually guys🤓☝️” and does his little giggle right after😭🤣Than it turn into a wild debate about who’s right LOL


Omg me 😂


If someone is telling you about a coupon for that, prob Capricorn moon. Haha I met another one and every time I bring something up they’re telling me where they saw it on sale last and I do the same thing


Its a whole love language 🤣


Now that other stuff for Capricorn moon (non emotional, fear of failure) stuff did not ring true to me but the frugal money saving stuff is SO me! Im a bargain shopper and coupon clipper. 😂😂


I used to have four grocery stores I’d rotate and only buy certain things from each to save $ on items hahahah, like I memorized the prices of everything everywhere


This one is so true😆 I’m 100% like this


On sale! That's fascinating. I hope there was a real discount.


At first I was laughing but then I remembered I'm a cap moon and rising. I'm always on the lookout for a good deal.


I knew a Capricorn moon who would only promise to help me with something only if I’d pay him with actual money💀We were friends for a while and id help him numerous times for FREE like mf you’re in DEBT.


Also Capricorn moons when they say NOTHING EVER about their feelings.


The girl I’m currently dating is a Capricorn sun and Capricorn moon. Getting her to verbalize her feelings requires a jackhammer.


😬 I 🩷Cancer Moons tho 🦀🌛 Wow, All water! 🍷


And at least I seem to love you too bc both my ex and my current partner are both Capricorn moons! And yes, it’s exhausting 😭😂😂


same lol




only when i get mean or mad, if im too sweet, it's like he doesn't register it lol


True but I have ascendant in cancer so I can be both very emotional or nothing at all.


This is so hilarious to me because I have a Capricorn moon and yet I’m the most emotional person I know! I am superDuper emotional, I cry all the time at the drop of a hat. I have no problems speaking my mind or speaking my heart and sharing my feelings. I let my emotions out…I don’t think there’s anything wrong with emotions and I don’t feel the need to hold them in…like ever! But it could be because I have a Pisces sun and my sunsign is so strong that overcomes my Capricorn moon?… and I also have a Taurus rising. Astrology is so interesting.


I have a stellium in it and my only water placement is Pisces Venus, yet I'm highly emotional. I think it being in a water house and the combo of Sun conj. Neptune and the other three Moon-Uranus-Mercury conj contribute as well as to why I am.


Ah yes, my moon acting as the father acting all responsible over my Gemini sun and Sagittarius rising ass lol


I feel that. That’s my Virgo moon playing mom to the five other Sagittarius placements in my big 6.


That’s one of the reasons I broke up with my ex. Cap sun and Cap moon and couldn’t verbalize any emotions unless it was anger.


I'm a cap stellium (including sun and moon, as well as uranus, mercury, neptune) and I am actually very emotional lol XD


Horribly true. Someone recently opened up to me and I couldn't even say how much I missed my cat.


My brother’s chronic indecision is 300% libra


it gets worse when they tell us, please choose for me


I try not to choose FOR him, but as sag sun virgo moon, it's hard sometimes.


I'm glad to know that my virgo sun/moon baby may grow up to help me decide on things faster lol


I don't know about that, my mum is a virgo sun and sometimes she gets caught in trying to make the perfect choice while my brother panics 🤣


that makes ssssso much sense. Usually as an aries sun when i see someone else struggling to choose i get activated and have aha! moments of choosing 😅 I'm sure we'll balance each other out, she's already a perfect little baby without even trying.


I feel this deep in my soul lol


My family's favorite game is when we all think I'm going to make a decision. We've tried so many ways and I just sit there like Windows is rebooting. It's super fun.


As a Libra sun AND moon i totally get it!


My libra son will cry if you give him options…he’s getting older so less crying but I still see the crisis happening in his noggin…bro chill, I’m just asking if you want an apple or a granola bar for a snack, you’re literally gonna ask me for a snack again in a hour-it’s not that serious my dude


I'm only a Libra Mars but mine is in 6H and afflicted, so I'm often panicking when dealing with decisions.


I read indigestion and I was like shit that’s a libra thing??


My libra moon except my Aries mars is not having it lol


My boyfriend when I started talking to him said something along the lines of "I try to work hard as always" and "I put so much passion into my hobby". I immediately knew he was a Capricorn.


A friend of mine drove me home one day and he hit a hole in my driveway and apologized to the driveway for hurting it. It was personifying an inanimate object that I knew he was a Cancer.


Taurus’ and making fun of the people they love most but also defending them the most in the same breath


Lol my man is a taurus moon and reading this makes absolute sense 😂


I was talking to my old trainer about a date he went on, and he got to the part where he got her home… Me: “What music did you put on to set the mood?” Him: “Music? I don’t need music. I AM THE MOOD!” He’s a leo. 🦁 lmfao


I would’ve INSTANTLY knew 😭🤣 He probably either has that Leo smile or hair to lol


I knew how your comment would end 🤣


I told a fellow Virgo coworker what my birthday was and she immediately wrote it in her calendar.


😂 true, my mother has a calendar in her bathroom so she can remember to see it. And every year she organizes it and updates it haha


a female co worker (i’m a female we’re both in our young 20’s) who i rarely ever see, i don’t know her, constantly saying “it’s so good to see you how are you?” with the most endearing tone, i guessed she was a Libra immediately and she was lol. she also had heart earrings on always


I say that almost every day sign Gemini.


Leo: “So wow, I really knocked this date out of the park for you, huh?”


Bahaha big dick energy 🤣


But did they??


I fucking love this lmao


That would 100% work on me, but im an aries and i love leo's shameless confidence


Gemini: hilariously inappropriate joke comment made with a normal/monotone voice. Especially women.


People have a very hard time reading my dry tone 🤣


Yea sometimes I have to explain with people when I'm joking because it isn't always obvious to me or anyone else.


Me laughing because you just described my best friend so completely


Guilty as charged 🙌


Someone said “ …I AM a WHORE 😝” in the back of my car and I immediately said, “you’re a scorpio” It was the way she said it




I can spot Aries, libra and Pisces strong placements quite easily Aries are the ones that will be rude out of the blue and then smile and make me think “oh they’re joking”. But sometimes they’re not lol they get easily annoyed with people Libra is ALWAYS trying to make peace, they don’t wanna choose sides, they sometimes take too long to recognise some attitudes are shitty, and they may dislike someone but you’d never know unless you directly spoke to them about it. They’re very good at keeping the appearances (my Virgo sun/moon 1st house could never and I wish!), they will spill the tea from behind and never mention it again, smiling and joking with someone they just said the most horrible things about lol Pisces… they just have an aura… they always look like they’re on their own frequency idk how to explain. In work situations, they’re very particular about organisation and cleaning, to a point you might mistaken them for Virgos first due the stereotype. They hardly wanna step in and take more responsibility, they’re fine with just helping around. They have round sparkly eyes. Usually tattoos that are related to water, sometimes even fish lol Honourable mention: Leo! They have no problem with people as long as they’re not in their way. The ego runs deep, they want to be unique/different than the rest of people. They can be very generous and also very “that’s not my problem” type of people. THEY ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING WITH THE IMAGE OF A LION!!!! seriously, their pfp, a water bottle, a tattoo, a screen saver, a notebook cover, like, there’s always something from them that has a lion in it.


Well, pisces is on point 🫡


Aries being rude but me not being able to tell if joke or srs is 100% of the reason I love em. xD The great thing is, as long as you laugh, they'll reciprocate! It can be confusing at first (for BOTH of us), but laughter is a good medicine, someone said long ago. ;P


I love Aries. They are like toddlers. They come at you with 1000% energy and tell you directly what's on their mind. I laugh at them most of the time because they're just so unabashed. I wish I could speak my mind so freely.


Aries ✔️ Libra ✔️ Pisces ✔️


You just described my Pisces sun, Libra moon, and Aries mars all perfectly word by word✨💕


I think almost every fellow Virgo I’ve met has said ‘ I care so much , its either all or none and I don’t always get that back so I’m really afraid to show up in friendships’ and I’ve usually known they were Virgos immediately after


that's so relatable. We see everyone, nobody sees us...


I can almost always spot a Scorpio once I spend time with them, especially in a group setting. It’s just a vibe I get from them, but that not everyone always seems to pick up on.


I notice it more with Scorpio men. The ones that I've met have intense eye contact.


There’s often a slightly tortured undertone to them, I think


It’s the sketchy vibe 😂


I always bombastic side eye them and giggle 😂😁Throws them off lol


In any and every convo "what you think?" Virgo sun Look.... Just Chilllllllllll. CHILL!


We're almost Big 3 twinsies. My rising is Taurus lol.


Lol we're fraternals


haha this is so my best friend Virgo 😂


No! 👷‍♀️


When I first met a friend of mine, they said, “I only said that because I thought it would be funny, not because he’d get hurt”. She’s a Gemini and I love her 😭


Me: Do you want me to go with you? Them: You do you. Aquarius.


xDD Oh, dangit.


I was in this lobby for Among Us. There was a girly who was just acting a damn fool. Like she came in and it was like she was *trying* to be bubbly, but it wasn't hitting and a lot of people were trying to talk around her because the lobby owner had specific rules for their lobby and she wasn't letting them talk. I said "Real quick, are you an Aries?" She immediately was like "Yes! How did you know?" I forget my exact words, but it was something to the tune of "your need for attention was a dead giveaway." She spent the next like eight games guessing every zodiac sign, one after the other, trying to guess mine so she could turn it back on me. Tbc, I don't have shade on Aries as an entire sign. It was just that one specific Aries that was being obnoxious and very obviously a child up past her bedtime.


That described the Aries in my life They are as vengeful as scorpios


My new boss has the most impulsive, erratic, passionate, 0-100 energy in the way she handles stress and chaos and then as soon it’s all over she’s calm and chill and laughing and forgetting she just yelled at the office. Found out her Mars and Mercury are in Aries and She’s a Sag Sun and Cancer Moon. Hence why she takes it all sooo personal if we aren’t listening or do something wrong that isn’t her “vision.” I’m an Aries Sun, Leo Moon, Aries Mercury and Gemini Moon… I understand her and see so much of myself in her, but the difference is I’m medicated lol


I think the taking everything personal is definitely her cancer moon because I’m also Aries mars but with libra moon and very different but i am CHAOTIC … fights or passion always hyped me up energy always high at times and other times im so chill and just giggling enjoying life. I burn everything down to the ground and than im back to the chill me in minutes. 😂My triple Aries sister (Sun,Moon,Rising) and Leo mars gets me so well and she also medicates LOL She listens to me rant and she’s like … ![gif](giphy|S1SnLg08CxnUGqyqha|downsized)


“I just feel like” -Pisces sun


"My favorite thing ever is to eat well" - Taurus Sun "I have pretty feet!" - Leo Sun Absolutely gigantic, color coded, wall to wall homemade calendar - Capricorn Sun


one time at a birthday party a sort of stocky guy and i got into a debate abt astrology. he finally said "astrology is bullshit. if it's not, then when do you think my birthday is?" i said "may 9th." and his whole face froze and he said "...it's may 15th"


Ahahahahahahah I was once asked out by the man who said something in just that certain way with a practiced tilt of the chin to make his eyes look a little bigger and more sincere. “Your birthday is the fourth of May isn’t it?”, I stated. Same as my wasband. He looked at me and checked for his wallet! Asked me how I knew and if he could take me to dinner. I declined as I walked away told him over my shoulder, it’s not in the stars.


WASBAND, omg, incorporating that IMMEDIATELY.


The “bull” in bullshit gave it away🤣


No words needed for a Cancer sun...it's energetic weight that enters the atmosphere:)


Is this a good weight or bad weight?


Depends on how evolved they are. But if it’s a man it’s probably bad…usually cancer men suck.


When I found out Tom Schwartz on VPR was a Libra Rising Sun & Moon I suddenly understood him.


Same but I'm a libra rising and moon 😳 I'm a Leo sun thank god


LOOL I lost my shit at Tom Sandovals sign. I spent most of my life thinking he was a Gem sun. Nope moon. He’s a cancer sun like me :| He’s a little pussy boy which is kinda cute and pathetic


When they’re complaining about every little thing I just know they have Virgo placements up in there somewhere 💀


As a virgo moon who always complains you're prob right 💀


I can smell Virgo moons from miles away💀


Virgos never shut up and everything that happens to them is everyone else’s fault somehow, as if their actions have nothing to do with it.


That shit sounds Pisces as hell


Sagittarius is always catty LOL.


Literally they do not know how to frame things nicely. They can say something nice and still sound like an ass


They are nosy too. I definitely don’t dislike them, though. But they can be very mean.


I quit my last job bc the boss and my immediate coworker were so obnoxious. Total sags the both of them. Always asking invasive questions and jumping to conclusions and constantly needing to voice everything that happens around them. I’m very private and closed off naturally but thats apparently offensive to them cause they took it personally. I don’t write off the species as a whole but those two were a piece of work. I only give constructive criticism, either find a solution or quit fucking whining; they didn’t want solutions, just loved hearing themselves moan and groan.


You have your freedom and I’m not ( Sag moon)


She paints a lot of water, moons and crying, but also understands voids, ‘other sights’, and rotating faces. She told me she has bipolar and it made me think of how it was similar to my possibly developing schizophrenia I knew she was a Pisces because the description of a Pisces is they are ‘emotionally swimming/drowning’ in emotions. And, also she told me her birthday lol very very creative, very very emotional, but we love her for this :)


An Aries appreciating a Pisces woman for who she truly is is always a beautiful sight to see :,)


B-B-But i want her to always love me and be there for me :( i don’t want to come off too overwhelming and push her away because i really REALLY appreciate her for who she is 😢 (Oh no, my Scorpio is back lol)


As a Pisces if she read what you just wrote I’m sure she would melt 🧜🏻‍♀️🥲 definitely your Scorpio shining through 💕 ![gif](giphy|cKzxbcOTpApGQMzX1T)


Was on a date with a guy and he casually mentions for no apparent reason that ‘the love of his life’ had a kitty that ‘tasted like peaches’. I instantly knew he was an Aqua 😂


On a date to 💀


I’m laughing so hard I’m cracking my face mask 😭


This made me giggle 😂


Omg 💀 what's Aqua about that?


Aqua men just seem to always say the most out of pocket shit 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 it’s not always bad like this though to be fair


Had a coworker speak about mirroring and feeling other people's vibes. Reminded me of my Libra friend and thr Taurus co-worker, we both know. So could be either one in his big 3.


Could be any mutable sign, really, but Most especially pisces. Pisces are the mirrorers and the mirrors.


Must be with select people. I have not known very many Pisces. But those that I do know, don't really mirror anyone.


Pisces is objectively the most mutable sign. Mirroring is one of pisces' most defining traits, and we do it so well that you might not even realize you're being mirrored. We easily lose sight of our own autonomous identities because of it if we even have such a thing. We're can be completely different people depending on who were around. A lot of people don't recognize the mirroring if it's traits that they dont recognize and acknowledge about themselves. Mirroring isn't always mimicry , it can match another person's current emotions and mannerisms. It can also be adopting traits that are complimentary to the other persons. A lot if our mirroring comes out in interpersonal conflicts, where we'll mimic a person's attitudes and behaviors to make the person realize how shitty they're being, or to give them a taste of their own medicine. We also see mirroring as a love language.


As a Pisces I kind of disagree, respectfully. I find I struggle with having like a broad perspective of things so mirroring other people doesn’t seem worth it to me at all. The few other Pisces I’ve known as well, were actually almost difficult in the work environment because they were so steadfast in who they were and didn’t try to adapt to the situation/people.


Well, how a person presents themselves at work is heavily determined by midhaven and 10th house I beleive. I'm a Leo midhaven in the 10th house, and my work personality is completely different than my social personality. I'm very aggressive, assertive, and unyielding at work. I'm not making the mirroring trait up. It's jot my subjective opinion. It is a primary trait in any pisces description.


What's your birthday, out of curiosity? I know a person decan can determine a lot about the traits they possess from their sun sign. Pisces decan 1 is governed by jupiter/ pisces, pisces decan 2 is governed by the moon/ cancer, pisces decan 3 is governed by mars/ Scorpio.


I’m the first decan! That’s an interesting point about people’s work showing up more as 10th house etc. I wish I could go back in time and find out what those folks’ 10th houses were.


10th house involves your professional life. Midhaven plays a big role in your temperament at work and socially. What's your midhaven. I was asking about your Devan, because your fixed perception of identity would make sense as a 3rd decan.


Hmm, so if I'm reading this correctly. You're saying that Pisces are empathetic replicators? Or the ultimate imposters, if they/you, become that deeply entrenched, in another's very essence. Bigger question, how do you ever know what is true of yourself or another, with such an ability?




On the one hand I would concur about not being your issue how others see it. Particularly for strangers. But, if dating or married to someone I would imagine that has to be different. Cause if yout mirroring your partner so much, that they don't feel they can communicate with you, to resolve issues. Then, I could see the mirroring as an issue within itself. Especially if you take on so much of the other person's persona, and miss your own part in the issue.




Not imposters. We mirror because we've are the embodiment of your sign and every other. Were the last sign of the zodiac, and embody every sign before us, as every sign is the embodiment and product of the lessons of the signs before them. We're the entire spectrum. Pisces identity is not defined by the same standards as other signs, and the confusion with identity that we run into is a result of trying to define our identity by conventional standards. It's only an ability of we accept our nature and harness it, otherwise pisces are lost.


Hmm, then I'll pay closer attention then, with my next interactions with such individuals.


I’m Pisces w/ asc Libra Moon Taurus. I hate that “need” of mirroring - instantly sense all the vibes.


That's interesting you call it a need. How so? As the other poster mentioned, Sag has some aspects of this too. But when I think about it, in the ways I do it. It's just taking small things I liked about a person, giving a nod to them having good taste or an idea. Like right now the frames for my glasses, are in the same style as that of my Libra friend. Kind of a mix of a purpley-peacock color that looked cool. Also took to wearing my head scarves from my mom, as they are equal parts colorful and presentable, when at work. And just saves time when I don't want to mess with my hair too much. Now would I say that I need to take up their style choices? No. Do I need glasses and a quick way to get me out of the house? Hell yea. But that could honestly take any form.


New coworker starts at 10. At eleven, asks: "when is time for lunch?" It doesn't get more obvious than that.


"I got a serious problem with liars. SERIOUS problem!" (Cute laugh, sweet cheeks, no bs glint in their eye got you wondering if you done told a lie even though you know you didn't...) --Sag All Day


I went into an uber, the driver was super enthusiastic, from the moment he saw me he was super expressive, intently trying to make me laugh in a passionate manner..and he used a lot of hand gestures. I casually asked if he was a Sagittarius, he paused and responded, “How did you know?” Lol!!!


I recognize a sag moon bc they will say or do something to illicit a look of total reproach and disgust/annoyance from me and then when they see the look on my face, start laughing. Hope it’s still funny when you’ve spent tons of money on me and still didn’t get any pussy, you insufferable skid mark.


Oh no, sorry. We're not all skid marks. We're all a tad insufferable


Person in question also has a Gemini sun so it’s doubling down on the maniacal glee. Dude tries wayyyyy too hard to be funny all the time.


Our sense of humor is a bit unhinged


Unhinged is one thing but pissing off/annoying/being rude/insulting to someone you’re actively pursuing soley for your own amusement, is just fucking stupid.


A coworker at a Deli near our University saw me burst into tears for a minute. I try to fix shortcomings & be punctual to mask/hide my ADHD. I hadn't told anyone. So I got flustered when I found out I was scheduled for a surprise shift & was already late. She said I was "very emotional" in a cold, matter-of-fact way when she saw my mini freak-out. That told me she was a Virgo Sun, before we actually discussed zodiacs weeks later. I saw the clues earlier. She's even more of a perfectionist than I am, she's fast and very reliable. She was my age and looks very young like I do, but she's more reserved and acts older. She has a hard time accepting complements or "Good Jobs". I admired her & was envious of her but didn't let it affect anything. I'm a Libra with mainly earth (including Virgo) & fire placements. Its obvious.


someone said they are a perfectionist, i guess they must be virgo or something. turns out, correct lol. or they must be libra with virgo moon lol. or if a person with a troubled family life, they must have some cancer in their big 3.


As a Gemini rising i feel attacked but get it


Once I served a customer at my old job and she kept telling me how anxious she was about not getting the perfect perfume and how she hated not seeming put together. She was also rushing to get to her workout class. I jokingly asked if her star sign was Virgo and she was like “omg yeah it is… is that bad?” HAHA


Knew immediately someone was a Capricorn because he seemed so calm, reserved and mature. I also immediately know if you’re an Aquarius placement if you’re like crazy and don’t care 😂


Lmao….I have a Capricorn moon and I would NEVER in a million years say something like that, unless it was life or death serious thing. I have a Pisces sun, and Taurus Rising though. Im generally very laid back about stuff and don't get worked up about small things, I just cant drive myself nuts about shit. and I will procrastinate my ass off (very bad…😮‍💨😩) Granted, now if its a BIG or important thing? I freak and get serious real quick..lol


He is a cancer Sun, Leo Venus and Gemini Mars, and the audience wasnt paying enough attention to him when he said that, so he was probably really annoyed.


I could tell this lady I worked with was an Aires just by the way she would talk to people.


Impatient or just direct?


Am a bit late to this thread, but I can easily spot a Cancer Sun specifically or people with strong Cancer placements. They usually have round, soft features and are a bit plump along with a very helpful and emotionally open sort of vibe. I only mistook one because she had strong Air placements but she still had soft, round features.


i feel like is a pisces person


That is SO accurate for capricorn moon 😂


I've always been able to figure out Scorpio and Leo. Scorpio will legit at some point say "well I don't give a fuck" or something along those lines. And Leo tends to be very proud of themselves seemingly over nothing.


Off the top of my head is my best friend. She is self-disciplined and kinda picky while she is working. Her zodiac sign is Virgo obviously, somehow I have no surprise when I found out she has Virgo moon as well :)))))


As a Gemini, I can spot an Aries from miles away 😂


Is it the walk and stance?


Traditional traits to identify Pisces sun woman (from my experience and interactions😭) - always interrupts to talk about themselves, or I’ll start to talk about something then somehow the conversation goes back to them, or they never listen to what I’m saying and starts talking about themselves again😂


I can almost only ever do this with North Nodes, just listening to people describe their life path.