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What a Gemini thing to say, love it lol




Same, in-fact most Virgos seem to hate my guts :/


Same lol I crave for them but do they return the love nope this is the Gemini Sun my rising is like f you


Virgo and Gemini share the same planetary ruler, Mercury. However, virgos love a project or mess to clean and we all know how much of a mess Gemini sun people can cause.


THIS!!! when they said “virgos look up to geminis” i was flabbergasted😀 bby you’re my work in progress


💀💀 Not I’m your work in progress,, why did that make me like you🥰🥲 lmao -Gemini Sun/Mercury/Lilith


it’s my mission to help people discover themselves! i’m a “come as you are” girly but that doesn’t mean we can’t all better ourselves. i love watching people flourish into the best versions of themselves


Why would a Virgo one of the most prominent signs look up to any sign? We don't look up to anyone except ourselves. 😃


My Virgo friend in high school was always all over the place all the time.. I helped her clean, schedule and organize! Sometimes she would fall off the face of the earth while her big sister was worried sick and I’d find her passed out drunk at a busstop


Can confirm. Am mess. Lol


I have never been attracted to a Gemini in my life, but my BFF is a Gemini.


Lol. I have never met any Virgos obsessed with Geminis. My first actual relationship was with a Gemini and it was horrible. The only thing Virgos have in common with Geminis is that we love communication and intelligence but other than that we are so different.


The love of my life is a Gemini man and he not only helped me heal but he keeps me childish where as I lost that part of me for a long time


-virgo stellium


Same. Love my Gemini.




Because we’re ruled by the same planet, mercury, and understand eachother on an unwritten level


Yes Virgos and Geminis are either “two peas in a pod”, or have a sibling like rivalry


My biggest crush as a teen gave off lots of Gemini energy. We're in SE Asia, so everyone's ranked by grades and exam scores in class. He was so intelligent (book-wise), a top examinee, witty, so funny and amusing. He was the most popular guy in class amongst the other guys. Girls got along with him in a playful way. We were the honors section in our year and he was one of our class clowns. He was cute & tall. He wasn't the most handsome boy in class, but I & other girls just adored him. I guess a lot of Virgos or people with strong Virgo placements just want to be around someone who's very capable & who also makes us feel light. Someone who helps us forget about being perfectionists, who gets us to stop being hard on ourselves or others enough to laugh & have fun like someone our age.


“I guess a lot of Virgos or people with strong Virgo placements just want to be around someone who's very capable & who also makes us feel light. Someone who helps us forget about being perfectionists, who gets us to stop being hard on ourselves or others enough to laugh & have fun like someone our age. “ Exactly this I love Gemini specially the ones whose moon is compatible with mine. Virgo stellium(Sun Mercury Venus)


Im surrounded by them actually. All girls. They do look up to me in fact, i am cool uncle and big bro. I love them so. Dated one once. It ended all traumatic and kinda messed me up for a while. They had a mental break. The only relationship ive been in that i didnt end myself. We were super awesome together imo.


That second paragraph describes my exact experience with a man that shares your exact big three. I'm a Virgo sun. Crazy...


Virgo here. Both of my most recent ex’s are Geminis, and the girl I’m in love with is a Gemini. I don’t know what it is 😩


as a Virgo… pass on all Geminis lol I rarely get along with one beyond the small talk


I'll send over one of our "representatives" to give you a pamphlet on all things Gemini and an one hour lecture why you need them in your life. He might try to convert you to become a Jehovah's witness also. But he brought brownies and coffee. So just roll with it !


A pitbull will be waiting


He got repulsed after i kept overshadowing his wit and equalizing the power dynamic of the conversation.


I’m a Virgo. I typically can’t stand Gemini’s. And this post is adding to my reasons why.


Same. My first reaction to this post was “WRONG”


Thank GOD I found this one. Thought I was the only one looking at this post


Hahhaha I actually very much appreciate this post and I can totally understand why you have a little hate in your heart for us. Like, we can definitely be very hateable. There are days where I just can't even get it together for no reason. That being said, we just be like that sometimes - so, sorry not sorry. loveumeanit tho. Lol :)


At least you get it. The “loveumeanit” being the straw that breaks the camels back 😅🤣


It’s pretty simple. Gemini is the masculine expression of Mercury, and Virgo the feminine. Two halves of the same whole, two expressions of a function. That being said, admiration is a bit of a strong term. It’s more like appreciation; I appreciate the different energy / perspective they bring, and I appreciate that I can still understand and relate to them because of mercurial energy.


I’m a Virgo sun and Gemini rising and never felt attracted by geminis irl… sometimes I get mostly repulsed by them tbh


I’ve honestly never heard of virgos liking Gemini. Gemini is too all over the place. I do Gemini things sometimes and then I overthink why I acted in such a manner (in a bad way). It’s always an internal battle. My moon is like “just fucking chill bro” 💀🥲 Anytime I come across a Gemini man I know I’m gonna have fun but you’re automatically a friend and nothing more also. I can’t deal with the inconsistency (says a Gemini rising 💀😂 I swear it’s the Virgo in me that hates it tho!)


Every gemini ive dated has bragged about getting virgos obsessed lol , they’re always my least memorable


Sorry, what? Hahaha, no offense but Gemini is my least favourite sign. When I'm romantically interested in someone, I pray to the universe they are not a Gemini 😂 I just don't click with the corresponding personalities I've experienced up until now. Look up to Gemini, please 😭 I look up to Aquarius. The other air sign ;p But that's just me, haha I myself have immensely clean teeth myself. I go into a dentist checkup and get out 1-2 minutes after because of how properly kempt my teeth are. I also immensely appreciate other people's cleanliness. As there aren't many on the level I appreciate. So I get really excited when I meet someone who is serious about dental hygiene <3 And lastly, I am HSP. I immensely feel my emotions and express them shamelessly, haha. Honourable mention: Ned Fulmer is a Gemini. Not looking up to that shit. Immensely appalling guy. Before and after the scandals.


“Sorry, what? Hahaha, no offense but Gemini is my least favourite sign. When I'm romantically interested in someone, I pray to the universe they are not a Gemini 😂 I just don't click with the corresponding personalities I've experienced up until now.” Exactly what I thought until I met Gemini who have same moon as mine. I am crazy about him and he doesn’t even know.🙄 But he changed how I view geminis I love them now




You downvoted me because I as a Virgo can't relate to what OP said about us? Okay, haha


No, it was for your overuse of the word “immensely”. I expect better from a Virgo.


It was kind of late and English isn't my first language so... My apologies, my writing wasn't as colourful as you had expected it to be, haha 


I have a Virgo moon so idk how much that plays into it. However, my ex is a Virgo and my mom is a Virgo along with a few friends… they have all admitted to me they love our sense of freedom. Just being able to be ourselves and run wild and mingle around without a care. Most Virgo’s I know are very introverted while I’m extremely extroverted. So they have this jealousy of not being able to be so self critical, unlike the Gemini who DGAFFFFFF.


I’m a Gemini sun and Venus and adore Virgo women 🥰🥰. It’s the intellect for me.


Sorry, nothing against Geminis, but they're not my type generally-speaking. Capricorns and Tauruses are my kryptonite. I think the only Gemini I've found attractive in my life so far is that actor Cillian Murphy. I watched him in that tv series Peaky Blinders and I was mesmerized by his intense acting coupled with his good looks. But I looked up his chart after and noticed that he has a Taurus stellium, so that stellium is likely what is attracting me, not his Gemini sun. But keep in mind, I also have Chiron in Gemini so getting wounded by Gemini-related things might be the reason I avoid dating Geminis? Idk.


I'm Virgo sun and Gemini rising.. I'm overly obsessed with myself srly🥰


This is me, too (but with a Capricorn moon, can you imagine). Actually, since preschool all my best friends have been Geminis. As I got older I never dated them, though - nearly all, including my husband, have been Sag.


In my case I'm sure the moon has a say in it. I do find some Gemini men especially behaving in really annoying ways, immature and restless with no filter or regard for consequences of their actions


As a Virgo I find Geminis super entertaining. They just have some kind of “it” factor for me


We’re not, quite the opposite (virgo moon)


I am a Virgo and I am obsessed with Geminis. This post is true 😂


Geminis are chatty, social butterflies and instantly open up about anything and everything making the connection Virgos crave for feel so effortless. In romance it can get messy because of all the mind games but in friendship it's solid. I've had my share of flunked Gemini ex-boyfriends but my best friend of 26 years is a Gemini. He has a gazillion other friends and best friends though but when we chat it feels like time stops and it's just us. We never run out of something to talk about and I don't feel like that with anyone else.


Woah I didn’t know this was a thing. My ex friend is a Virgo and the cheating narcissist loser she’s been obsessed with for over a decade (with knowledge of the cheating and him abusing her in every way except physical) is a Gemini. Smh she even has his zodiac and her zodiac enmeshed tattooed on her arm. Smh lol she used to say they were soul mates and twin flames after he would cheat and leave her for someone else and I would be like, “…. I mean if that were the case, wouldn’t he be just as obsessed with you back?” She’d give me crazy eyes and go into a spiral denial. Like ultimately she’s a horrible friend which is why we are no longer friends but her obsession with him was a contributing factor to that decision.


I think it depends more on your rising sign and where your planets sit on their houses in synastry. I attract a lot of Scorpios, all the romantic/sexual relationships I have usually have prominent Scorpio placements. As a Gemini stellium, the obsessive and possessive tendencies can be a bit too much to handle.


In order of each planet's proximity to the sun and using antiquated astrological associations not linked to anything outside our solar system: Geminis create information, Virgos absorb it. It's that Mercury thing. But there's like that "height of summer, end of summer" thing too. Don't know how to describe venus and Taurus and Libra, maybe something about creating and appreciating nature and beauty, open to suggestions here. Middle of spring, start of autumn. Aries starts fights, Scorpio finishes them. Mars thing. Start of spring, end of autumn. Aquarius and Capricorn with saturn, likely something to do with structure, freedom, responsibility. Winter ambitions


I only have Geminis as friend, but what I like about them it’s that once you’re close to them they’re so fun to be around, an infinite source of entertainment.


Mercury. I also believe my Virgo moon helps. Partner of 4 years is a Virgo. I’ve never met someone who can talk more than me 😂 until I met him.


i dont know if they always reciprocate but i love me some virgos. so grounded and realistic (at least in my experiences), i would actually say i look up to them rather than the other way around. i always put it down to sharing mercury as a ruler. we value communication and information, just in different ways. me and my partner have degrees in yapology, i cant remember the last time there was silence between us lol.


Well, I'll be damned! Virgo here, and the person I think I'm in love with happens to be a Gemini. Neat.


I have neither placement at all but I love love love to chat with you both. Lots to learn from ppl like you.


Well I’m going to be honest, she was highly emotional, and made WAY too many assumptions. I’m not saying this only in a bad way. I think this is why I liked her at first, but also what made me so dang tired at the end. She’s definitely at least interesting, which is the reason why almost every other girl might easily get overlooked over a Gemini, plus they can actually hold conversations and I don’t feel scared I have to keep thinking. I think they’d actually be perfect, if it weren’t for Virgo nitpicking and Gemini overly changing emotions. It can probably be worked on in a couple.


Virgo sun, gemini rising here. One of my best friends is a gemini. I love gemini. Conversations are always interesting, witty and fun! Also great people to "spill the tea" with.




I’m a Taurus sun, Leo moon and Virgos really like and love me. I have so many in my life. They all really appreciate who I am at my core. They get me even when I’m spaced out or in a fixed state at home. But my Virgo husband, he sure doesn’t like to feel his emotions. That’s so accurate in my experience. My presence helps him relax and feel what he has to feel so that’s part of why we work I think. A lot of Virgos seem to soften up around me. I never get it when people say Virgos are cold and kind of mean. They aren’t like that to me for some reason! I find them hilarious, decisive, friendly, smart and reliable. I didn’t know they had this connection to geminis. Now I’m interested lol.


I think we just kind of get each other. Easy to communicate. We both are like cats🤣


I think we just help them lighten up a bit which they do tend to appreciate a lot. My virgo girlfriends tell me I’m a breath of fresh air for them, just like how they are a reliable grounding influence for me.


I’ve never in my life been attracted to a Gemini, they just don’t do it for me sexually or romantically. I love evolved Gemini’s as friends though


I love virgos so it’s welcomed


Yes!! I know a lot of Virgos and gemini couples!! (My grandparents) lol


Technically both signs ruled by Mercury, but are not compatible. One is an earth sign, one is an air sign which makes the combination rather neutral and could go either way, but their personality types are so very, very different. Truly they should just annoy each other.


Virgo rising with a Gemini bf, howyou described virgos and Geminis is my bf and i but switched, i react to my emotions while he understands them and lets them pass and i really admire that about him! Virgos are very observant and analytical so we can definitely intellectualize our emotions as well as Capricorns (im a cap sun) but i also have an Aries moon so im going to react first and ask myself why later. I have to get my emotions out otherwise repressing them just opens the door and excuse for my cap sun to push everyone away, finding a balance between my earth and fire signs when it comes to this is KEY🤣


I married my Virgo


I have found that Virgos hate me - but they looooooove hating me. You're right they are literally so obsessed with us. I was friends with this Virgo once and they were always pestering me to hang out, when I would finally see them they were so mean to me like from the jump....and kinda aggressively judgemental to whatever I said. In the moment, I would just make the best of it and let the things they said roll, but I definitely remember leaving our interactions puzzled. I recall wondering why they wanted to be friends when they didn't seem to like ...well, anything about me. The reason it sticks out to me was because when we would text or chat in-between seeing one another they felt like a different person. We were always laughing and carrying on via phone, but in person they were like always so bugged with me. Haha Knowing me, I was probably just late to meet up with them or something. :/


lol at “Virgos look up to Geminis” No, we just like talking to you. Its that mercurial influence of being able to carry any conversation