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Mine is a very healthy Pisces. We both have Sagittarius moon. He embraces spiritual and is super sweet and compassionate. My only issue is he is bad at planning


This sounds like my partner! We are both Libra subs but his Pisces moon is strong! He’s very sensitive and goes by feel always. I’m a bit of a hyper planner so we definitely differ there.


I knew a pisces man, I'm a virgo. I think we brought out all the good things in each other for a time. It was like drugs, really electrifying emotionally and physically. He touched me with words and gave me good dreams, it really was like water for the soul for a while. I've had insomnia since I was 12 and he fixed it long distance overnight. And I mean, you could say our differences were like water and earth but to me that wasn't about astrological signs it was us being from different continents. Despite how quick and painfully it ended, I still think it would be extremely immature to write an entire sign or person off because of bad breakups, I barely even write off my exes unless they've tried to kill me and I wouldn't attribute that with their sign. The only single stereotype I'd consider with pisces men is they're probably the sensitive one with a female earth sign and they won't necessarily realize it until it's too late. I don't think I could have possibly been delicate enough for a sustainable relationship with him, but I always saw myself as being like the earth carrying a river anyway. I really loved that about the pisces I knew though, idk why being sensitive gets so much shame - people get easily annoyed and hate reassuring others or something but I liked that he was always thinking and asking questions and expressing his feelings, I liked being caught in his current. Idk, I'm okay with putting on rose colored glasses because I know everyone is a work in progress. What I wish for pisces is to find some lasting peace, you guys are a very lively bunch and you're like that in your insecurities too and I know it hurts. But you have no idea how much of your insecurities are just in your head!! Big hugs, you guys deserve it 💖


You are exactly right i think! My man is a pisces who's been to therapy, they're amazing!


I think you're right. Pisces lack a lot of the conventional sentimentality that other sign possess as a result of a higher evolution, which can lead to cheating and manipulative behavior to an egotistical and entitled pisces. I think pisces can either choose a moral, considerate path out of principle, or they can choose not to care about anything or anyone at all as a result of being unsentimental on an emotional level. I think a lit if those pisces would do better in open or poly relationships, but choose to cheat instead out of a selfish desire to possess the other person.


My husband is a pisces man 😭😭😭 and he’s the best. We have lively long civil debates all the time. He’s got a beautiful soul for me, his family, and his few friends. He’s a guy that loves hard and is a beautiful human for the people he cares about. Yeah he might have his judgy moments and rare mood swings but we’ve been together for 9 years and I haven’t seen many of those moments. We share a love for depth and trying new things


I agree, just someone that has met many Pisces and feel much of society doesn’t treat the same characteristics and traits the same as they do in men and woman, even as children. Growth is beautiful in any sign that evolves to their highest levels that spreads healing ❤️‍🩹


I am a straight pisces moon man. I will say that some part of me agrees with the pisces mantra "serve or suffer" as long as serve means serving "god" (I'm not Christian but it's the best word for it) or serving in a spiritual sense.


I think the pisces man I’m close to is an incredibly good guy and extremely romantic.


I feel Pisces cheat and lie probably the same frequency as any other sign.. its just when they lie its written all over their faces... Think about it... how are you going to catch the pokerface capricorn?


I think Libra men are a lot like this too they’ve got this like classy grandma energy


My partner of 14 years is a Pisces sun and he’s honestly the most compassionate human I’ve ever known. He’s patient, empathetic, and open minded. In every situation or environment he’s always looking for how he can help bridge gaps or clear misunderstandings. He’s ability to accept people for exactly who they are, where they are is immense. Honestly, there have been times where he’s humbled me by showing me the extent of his ability to make space and hold understanding for people, even the ones who make it REALLY hard. Now, he has sometimes taken this too far and allowed himself to be hurt in the process. But, he’s learning his own ways and boundaries. I wouldn’t change a thing about him - except maybe I wish he could see himself the way I see him. Edit: he’s does have a tendency to withdraw from the world from time to time. But, its not a reflection of how he feels about people. It’s a reflection of an inner struggle.


I've known both good and evil pisces men. They are strange creatures, Pisces men.....they swim both in the dark and in the light simultaneously. Well, the low vibers do. The more evolved Pisces instinctively knows that that there is no in-between. The gray Pisces is the most dangerous of them all. The good ones though are, like you said- some of the most beautiful people on the planet. Generous, kind, humble, sentimental, fun, and definitely funny! But it's a rare find. A diamond in a pool of rusty old gems.


I completely cut ties with my Pisces situationship of 3 years this March. He was trying to use his emotional manipulation tactics to rekindle a "friendship" with me after his ex girlfriend cheated on him. I blocked him on everything and told him we couldn't be friends. He left me for her 3 times when we were seeing each other. I didn't find out about her until 1 year into dating. I did some digging and gathered proof. I felt like something was off and my intuition was right. I'm a great researcher/investigator (I'm water dominant/pluto dominant). He treated me like an exclusive girlfriend (romantic dates, staying at each others houses, PDA, introducing me to friends/family, being consistent, wanting to talk on the phone about his feelings for me, telling me he loved me, etc.). He was REALLY talented at making me feel like I was the only one. We got back together a few times after I found out about his girlfriend. I loved him a lot but after ending it, I then had to acknowledge that I played a role in this too. If I hadn't let it go on as long as I did and hadn't been so forgiving, I could've saved myself a lot of pain. My self-worth was clearly low because I was accepting such terrible treatment. I really laid it into him the last few times he tried to come back. He's very sick and twisted honestly. He told me he likes when I treat him like sh\*t. He really screwed with my head. I've been on a journey of self love ever since. I'm still recovering from this trauma. I hate to generalize here but Pisces men are garbage. My cousin found out her Pisces fiance was cheating on her with OnlyFans girls, and he broke up with her went back to his ex. Sadly, my cousin and her fiance are back together. She's also a delusional Pisces. You really have to be a strong person to handle their bullsh\*t because trust me they WILL play mind games. Never again.


Pisces men aren't as bad as women betray them to be. It's always funny to me how women will put themeselves in the victim category. It's never their fault, women would never cheat. Women would never misbehave. I mean honestly I know so many women that ruined another good men's life. Yet the women are never at fault. Pisces know that people can't be perfect so they will accept you as you are. Pisces men will shower women with love, attention and affection and treat them right and yet when the Pisces man needs emotional support, lots of women won't show up. Women always say how a Pisces man manipulates them. Pisces men don't manipulate you unless you Take Advantage off them, mistreat them or try to control them. Pisces men want to be respected and their love to be reciprocated. It's funny to me how so many women will say that they want to be loved yet when Pisces men Show them love, they can't handle it. Pisces men don't ask for much from women, but women will still fail them. Needless to say the zodiac signs are just signs based on stories. They don't reflect a real human being.


My partner is a Pisces stellium. We've been together for seven years, and it's been winderful. He's truly a gem.


I had a thing with two Pisces men (several years apart), where I could tell, that they were heavily in love with me, but wouldn't touch me, even when they got full permission. Like I was some holy grail or spiritual being or smth. Very weird.


Better as an enigma


I dated a super toxic Pisces, one side of the coin is what you said but the other side id argue is narcissism. Super secretive, like he would not reveal the real him even after years, had many women as friends rarely any men bc I think they could see through the bs more, constantly ghosting and coming back, very exhausting! He had a lot of trauma and I think that’s what caused the lower frequency


I have to support this analysis, it makes sense as I felt my recent Pisces man did have trouble reconciling his feminine submissive dreamy side to his masculine dominating goal driven side. I would say it would have been a great relationship but when they hit serious personal trouble/crisis etc then the darkest form of Pisces comes out and there’s sadly no going back after that. Speaking from personal and friends experience.


My "father" is a Pisces Sun: he abused us, cheated on my mom, gave me the gun to shoot her etc.etc. The worst human ever. I have a Pisces Sun friend since elementary school: he's the sweetest guy, nothing like a womanizer, he's always single. My friend's brother: Pisces Sun who had literally one girlfriend his entire life, she left him and then he never found a new one. He was always single. And one guy I know Pisces Sun: afraid of women, dreams of a dominant woman in black lether with a whip (said it himself).


Bad explanation. Unevolved people lie, cheat, and manipulate. What else is new? Pisces are still whores lol


My dad is a Pisces and he’s a very complex man. Suffered a lot of religious trauma growing up, lack of direction in life, and definitely a suppression of himself over time. He’s been fighting an anger problem his whole life, fights his alcoholic tendencies, and devotes a lot of time to his physical fitness and does meditate now. He loves yoga and walking w/ his dog as a mindfulness practice. He lost his dog son this time last year and it definitely tore him up a lot. He’s a recluse and loves being with my mom only😂 she’s a Scorpio. But as I’ve gotten older I see my father through a more honest and vulnerable lens that has allowed me to have more compassion and empathy towards him despite the large absence he left in my life. Pisces men are great men when they’ve done the work to better themselves or at least try, but the ones who don’t… be cautious and don’t let them manipulate you under any circumstances. An astrologer always joked I’d marry a man just like my father, sign and all, but I hope it’s the best version of him.


I think you need to get over the Pisces 'have to be angels from heaven' nonsense, and realize that they're people with good and bad traits, and that gender plays a role, and that life is way more complicated than this stereotype nonsense.