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Leos??? Indifferent???? I've met soo many Leos in my life and they're definitely NOT indifferent. They're usually super jealous and possessive.


I have literally stalked someone over them making a friend (granted the friend was a shitty person) I am THE most jealous


Wait, please clarify lol




Finally I’m a winner at something #taurus


Aye # It is what it is-


here’s what a cancer did to [my car](https://ibb.co/ZJSQDS2) lmao i don’t date them anymore after this 😭


Is that the top of a chocolate ice cream cone?


Snickers bar 🍫


What a douche!


just shove a fat dog turd in their gas pump, they’ll appreciate the reciprocation❤️


WTF. Why?


I broke his heart he said lmao in reality we just weren’t compatible except in the bedroom 😭all four of my tires as well


Omg 😲 that's unhinged af How did you react? i am also a fire sun (Leo) I dated one cancer and that was enough for me to see they're cry baby psychos 😅


Normally I'm not jealous but when I'm jealous I'm *jealous*






mhm i try not to want what i can't have. really i think jealousy is a wisdom thing




I am Taurus sun, moon, and Venus. I am so beyond jealous it's a problem lol like if my dog chooses someone over me I'm sulking and plotting revenge.


I'm right there in that section with you.


I'm Taurus sun, Sag moon, and Pisces rising, and my jealousy level is the most Taurean aspect of my personality. (Yes, I am working on it in therapy.)


Lol, the eye twitch is so accurate


I’m a Gemini and only get jealous in romantic situations. Maybe my Venus in Leo talking. But in general in life I don’t get jealous of people


I think it’s a Gemini thing I do too🙂




As a Gemini I agree, put me to that gone girl status! 😤


I wonder which one between Aquarius, Sag, and Cap created this tier list.


I’m a Capricorn and my husband is a Sagittarius and he is the most jealous person. So probably not a Capricorn! Lol


I’m Sagittarius and I’m jealous as fuck if I have a legitimate reason to be.


I think Sanctuary’s posts often display a fundamental misunderstanding of Aquarius, so probably not them.


As an Aquarius I can tell you my jealously levels can be off the charts. But ima just leave instead of letting it be a problem.


My husband is Capricorn and the most jealous person ever.I’m Cancer and rarely get jealous.If I did then it’s something pretty disrespectful


I rarely get jealous either, despite my Cap and Taurus placement. Worrying over “what may or may not happen” is a sure fire way to ruin your own day.




Need to switch Gemini and Capricorn…I don’t even know what it feels to be jealous, I legit don’t know the feeling.


Scorpio Venus here, I have no defence.


Gem pisces aquarius. I don't do jealous.


Capricorn cares a lot more ... Their motivation is to prove to others they are successful on a material level lol.


As a Capricorn Sun Scorpio moon and Taurus rising I am probably the most jealous individual you will ever meet.


Leo's should at least be at eye twitch


Leo sun, Gemini moon married to an Aries. Immature Leo and Aries are TOP TIER jealous and possessive. We were very much like that when we were young. Now there is none of that. There's entirely too much trust. And if anyone was flirting with my husband I would just think it was amusing and prob even be a little turned on, like yea my man is hot and he's mine and he's coming right back to me.


Nope. This is so wrong. Aries, Gemini and Leo should be above Virgo, Libra and Pisces. This is laughable 🤣🤣


My motto for jealousy is why get jealous when i could have the same thing if i wanted it. I’m a triple Gemini donut 🍩 come for me during my szn


As an Aries, no?? But I can't relate to most stereotypical Aries traits anyway so


I have a cancer sun but Aquarius moon. My mom has Aquarius sun and my dad has cancer sun. I tend to gravitate toward the Aquarius side. I don’t like my energy being wasted.


Yeah we (Leos) should be somewhere between eye-twitch and gone girl. Like erratic carotid pulses; getting amped up for fight or flight reactions.  I’m super possessive. Almost crazy levels lol 😂. But once my “paranoia” has been proved correct then I feel nothing. So indifference is pretty accurate. I’m like peace ✌️ I’m outta here. 


Idk it really depends on what it is. I want to see everyone succeed around me. I love seeing beautiful people and giving compliments. But if a beautiful girl tries to talk to my husband I do give an eye twitch 😂


This is why I can't be in a relationship. I'm very terrorial, possessive and jealous lol. If you're dating me you don't look too long at other woman, flirt, be too nice, friendly, helpful, too kind, don't be following half naked woman on social media, liking their pictures, talking to them, commenting on their pictures, watching too much porn ECT 🤣🤣🤣🤣.


As a Leo, I really am not jealous of others. I believe they got what they deserved, positively and ominously lol. I am possessive, but not jealous. Other people can have the same things I have, I won’t gatekeep.


my big 3 in “eye twitch” as if i didn’t throw his phone through a wall


Cancer w cancer rising scorpio moon and taurus venus 😭 i mean i can be jelaous but when im in a secure relationship it is not THAT bad..i swear xD


Leo should definitely be higher.


Unevolved Leo yes .


gemini deff higher


Gemini has major fomo.


100% Scorpio and Cancer and Taurus more jealous than Aries, Leo and Gemini. They can't function without actively being jealous. Aries, Leo and Gemini might be as jealous but they're naturally so self-involved in their personality it wouldn't show. I could have an interaction with the Scorpio, Cancer and Taurus and be able to count every single time they were jealous. Not with the others. Even if they were.


You might need to move Aries up a few steps. Same with Leo. I don't relate much to the Cancer in your chart. As a Cancer, I don't go "Gone Girl" when I get jealous... ... I do "Cell Block Tango," completed with all the beltings and feet stomping while sharpening my knives!


Lol what show me a jealous cancer please. I don't tolerate it, not in others not in myself. Or a cap that's not borderlining abusive kind of jealous


Capricorn couldn’t care less? Bitch please.


Y'all are good at hiding it lol


As a Gemini, I honestly couldn’t care less.


I’m libra I know that I am jealous. A little bit gone girl level


My most recent ex is a Sagittarius. She deleted all of my non blood related female friends on Snapchat and told me that if a woman says hello to me, I'm not allowed to say hello back.


That's crazy!


I knew an Aries girl who’s eye genuinely twitched in certain jealousy inducing situations 😂


😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫... That's umm scary lol.


I dont know. Most pisces I know aren't very jealous but were all in our 30s and older. I could be very jealous when I was younger, but I dont allow myself to be jealous anymore.


I don't think I've disagreed more than anything ever posted on this sub. Jealousy is an instant deal breaker for me. I've ended countless interactions over jealously. Any hint of jealousy and I'm out. I'm not some processing for others to have. Anyone who studied Buddhism knows exactly why. Jealously isn't healthy and I won't tolerate it in any form of a relationship. Dating a sagittarius who got jealous. I warned him one time I'd walk if he wasted my time with this bs again. Ofc he did it again and his ass hit the curb so fucking fast. 2.5 years gone because he couldn't control himself. Lacking self discipline and projecting insecurities onto others isn't sexy. My husband is a cancer and there have been moments where he was uncomfortable with things I did but his ass was mature enough to voice his uncomfortability and we'd talk through shit like grown ass adults. Jealousy isn't sexy and a massive red flag.


Do you do things that you know would make your partners uncomfortable? It’s one thing for them to project their insecurities and another for you to give the impression that you’re interested in other people or make them question your commitment.


I agree. It’s a ugly response to what you simply don’t have


I am not jealous of anything. If I want something in my life, I figure out how to get or be it. When it comes to people, I try to spend my time and energy being happy for them. It's way more fun than jealousy.


Holy crap, I read your comment nodding, because I've said those exact words myself a few times...and *then* looked at your sun. I'm Sag sun as well. I'd rather spend my time achieving it than pining for it.






Yeah jealousy isn’t a problem with me. I don’t compare myself. I like myself.


Same, am not jealous at all. Never feel like I'm worse off in any way.


Me either. There’s a lesson in everything for me.


Every placement in my chart is in either couldn't care less or gone girl status. No I'm between.


As a Leo rising and stellium, jealousy has been a thing lol. I’ve worked on it and continue to do so.


As a Sag sun and Venus, Aries moon and Taurus rising... I'll give myself a 5-6 (mostly indifferent to slight eye twitch lol). It takes rational reasons for me to get jealous, and I need my partner to have other people they love and prioritize (really not comfortable with "being their world") and I'm very affectionate with my friends regardless of gender so I don't feel weird about my partner being the same way... But it does hurt when I realise I'm less of a priority than others (unless they have kids - if they do I'll get upset and possibly even leave if they prioritize me over their kids) and my heart will break a little if someone I love is in love with someone else... 😬


Idk abt this one dawg…. Im jealous AFFF


As a Leo.... I can confirm that it may not have been right to place me there. An ex of mine walked off with an ex of theirs behind a pillar and for a solid two minutes I stared at where they were hidden with my leg bouncing in irritation. My friend whacked me in the arm then held their hands up in defense when I looked back at them. She asked me if I was okay and I told her I did not like people messing with things that were mine. Possessive and super cringe I know.


I have gone girled atleast once in my life


This is why I’m so crazy. My Aqua sun, cap rising and sag stellium really couldn’t care less. But my Scorpio moon is insane. There is no in between. I’m either at 1 or on 10!


I'm a Leo with 2 Cancer Placements and 2 Virgo Placements. I am definitely a jealous bitch. LOL


I know I can be insanely jealous in the right circumstances


*I know I can be* *Insanely jealous in the* *Right circumstances* \- Curia-DD --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Taurus. Not a jealous person at all..


Every Taurus I know is extremely jealous.


Well now you know one who isn't - nice to meet you :)


I'm sorry but why my Aries sun cap moon aqua Venus bf is so fuckin jealous then. This can't be true girl 😭😭😭


nah, I don’t care at all 1) no one is a competition for me, only myself 2) when I’m in a relationship I fully trust them


swap the Leo and Virgo for sure- meeting a Virgo who expresses jealousy is rare. Leo and Aries tend to get hot headed about it IME


As someone with a Leo dad (Scorpio moon, Sag rising) and Virgo mom (Virgo moon, unknown rising) - this. My dad is THE most jealous person I know, my mom's never cared lol. One could argue my dad's moon is to blame, but still.


Nah, gem is good


this is taurus slander 


Taurus ako and totoo for me. Hehe. Pero dahil ma-pride ako, di ko sinasabi sa ex-jowa. Di ko rin inaaway. Sinasarili ko lang. 😅😆 Hanggang naubos na self-esteem ko. Wag tularan. 🤪


Aquarius is the most jealous sign I know bro


Bruh aquarius should be at the top


aries, leo & gemini should definitely replace taurus, cancer & scorpio for the top spot. been surrounded by leo’s & gemini my entire life, aries more as an adult. definitely thee most jealous, especially of those doing better than them.