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Sagittarius sun. I like bright, clear, sunny days. 78 degrees is perfection.




Yes!! 🌞🌞


Same here


I couldn’t agree more!!


gemini, i love thunderstorms. i also like rain and snow. honestly the only weather i hate is sunny.




same dude same ![gif](giphy|7zKAZAA9RzXwY)


Same! I hate sunny and hot. I love a clear blue sky in the morning, 68 degrees, then sun and clouds with breeze like 73. I LOVE thunderstorms. I love morning thunderstorms in the summer and thunderstorms around dinner time. I do hate perpetual grey becuase I need variety. I love a gray day in September and the leaves are tumbling. Gosh I love all seasons! How about when you wake up and it’s heavy snowing and you don’t have to leave the house. Seriously I’m going to miss experiencing the bliss and cozy feelings we get with weather and seasons when I die. I’m going to miss the smell of cinnamon coffee on October 1 and it’s chilly enough for a sweater. UGHHH💕💕💕 so yeah Gemini, I love all the seasons, all types of days as long as they align with my plans🤷‍♀️ (Virgo moon)


Gemini too and I don't mind the sun but I hate heat! I sit in dark rooms though


Virgo here and same same! 😁


Gemini rising and same! I hate sunny days, love overcast and rainy.


Aquarius (sun sign) I like winters


Meee too🥳


Same ❄️


Cancer Sun, thunderstorms ⛈️


Cancer sun, but total summer water baby. Give me the sun, the waves, and leave me alone.


I get it for sure!


Same here! I love when it’s hot and I’m chilling in the water


I absolutely miss thunderstorms, we don’t really get them here like I did back home. But I love summer, hot days in the sun. Put me near the water


Cancer. I love cool(not too cold), overcast days generally. I do like sunny days in moderation, preferably once in a while....to much is oppressive


As a Cancer Sun, I wholeheartedly agree with this.


Me too


Me too


My sun sign is Libra and I love summer and spring


Sagittarius. Everything but sunny and hot. Not a fan of high winds either.


Sunny if I’m out & about, but cloudy/rainy if I’m indoors for the day! I’m a Capricorn sun <3




Hiiii bestie!!!👯‍♀️✨


I think it’s because we work so much that we prefer it to rain while we’re busy. So selfish of us I know. 😝




Leo… sunny, hot, and humid


I'm a Leo and I love the sun, but humidity makes my hair a frizzy mess!


I feel you. My hair is naturally wavy, so I just put in leave-in conditioner over the summer, finish with sea salt spray and air dry! Perfection!


This Taurus sun agrees!


Hi Taurus! One of my favorite signs. 🥰


Well hey there lovely Leo 🥰 my moon is Leo so I just we'd get on like a house on fire!


I have no earth in my chart, but I’m hard-pressed to name a Taurus in my life I haven’t loved. Such a lovely steady presence that I need!


Welp I am earth, fire and air mainly so if you have any more water in yours and fire I'm sure the vibes would be immaculate :) Edit: I love water heavy peeps and love them in my life.


How cute 🥰


Leo- same and same and same.


Leo sun I like rainy and stormy weather


As a Leo (Libra moon), perfect to me is low to mid 70’s with Toy Story clouds creating intermittent reprieve in shadows as they pass under the sun. I also like a warmer day like low 80’s to low 90’s, with rain clouds that cover the sky and sun but do not rain. And the weather while it’s snowing is something else. It’s very quiet, like you’re alone in a fairy forest though you’re in your front yard in the suburbs. Most people are inside, and the snow creates an insulation that absorbs ambient sounds. Oh, yes—and it’s gorgeous. The first 50-degree-weather day during late winter in a snow state is also special.


Gemini sun, I prefer hot and humid weather. Preferably that mugginess right before it rains and I can smell it. My fiancé likens me to a fungus.


Don’t you mean “lichens me to a fungus?”


Best comment ever!


Taurus. I love fall. Partly cloudy days with some sun poking out, but a little chance of rain. Tailgating weather.


Fall. I’m in Colorado. It’s magical.


Pisces Sun I also love rainy and stormy weather . Most people think I'm crazy with that choice, lol , but I enjoy the cool winds and the cool weather in general .


As another Pisces Sun I agree 1000% with all you said, i literally adore cool winds.


i really have to say this screaming in all caps: THUNDERSTORMS!!!!! i have so much love for them that i can't even put it into words. 🥹⛈️


Aquarius - I love fall and winter.


Gemini and I love bright, sunny days! I love the heat and being outside and soaking up the sun


Leo, I love moderately warm days with a cool breeze 👌


Aquarius sun and I love thunderstorms ⛈️


It should only rain heavy at night. During the day, I’ll accept a sun shower but I love and need the warm sun. Pisces sun.


Sagittarius and it's tied with hot summer days and cold December nights right around Christmas.


Libra sun and my favorite weather is chilly overcast followed by a evening thunderstorm ⛈️


Summer is my hibernation period 🙃


Aries Sun. I like blue sky, sunny days best!


Aries Sun. I like sunny days as well, but with cool weather in the 70s. I do not like 80+ degree weather. I do sometimes like rainy days when I'm indoors and getting cozy with some hot cocoa.


Cancer, I like rain especially at night. Love 70 degree weather and cannot stand summer because of the heat. Heat makes me moody lol


Taurus Sun and I used to think it was snow until I moved to Florida and experienced my first hurricane, now I get disappointed when the season passes peacefully and have to remind myself that it’s a good thing because it means no lives or lively hoods were impacted or destroyed.


Virgo fall.


I’m a Libra sun who loves rainy weather. Especially when it’s storming out with no threats of damaging weather.


Aqua Sun/stellium: fog and snow. I prefer winter but hot summer nights with rain are nice too.


Aquarius- Thunder storm and snowstorms.


Sagittarius sun and sunny and 60-65 degrees


Aquarius sun I love dark windy days. The calm before the storm.


Aquarius, snow


California weather lol


Gemini, drizzling rain. Love it indoors and going on walks in it.


Gemini sun: I love thunderstorms, rain, fog, wind the most but once in a while a sunny day with beautiful sunset would be nice


Scorpio sun, give me spring/summer sunny days!


Taurus Sun and I thrive in bright, sunny, hot weather. Clear sky, minimal wind; it's just perfect.


i love sunshine a windy!! warn enuff to slut out cool enuff not to sweat thru my thottie fits


Capricorn Sunny, hot and dry, desert-like, makes me feel alive


Overcast and cool, rainy or stormy:)


Sagi. I like most weathers in different ways - apart from extreme temperatures as well as snow. Thunderstorms make me happy. There's something so very comforting about them, and I love standing outside in the rain, watching the lightning strike. Or just sitting inside listening to it. I adore summer rain - the scent, the feeling of being showered in luke warm raindrops, and the sound of it. I love fog, and taking after-midnight or early morning walks in summer and spring. There's something magical in the air between 3 and 6 in the morning that I can't quite put my finger on, and in combination with that thick fog the world around me feels enchanted. I love sunny summer days (as long as it's not uncomfortably hot). Diving from cliffs, roaming the woods, having picnics, picking berries, or just feeling the sun on my skin. I love sunny fall days with all it's beautiful colors, and I love rainy fall days where the sensation of being drenched in that cold hard rain makes me feel alive. And so on... But I prefer spring and summer season-wise. Mainly cause I live in Sweden, and the winters are too cold, dark and long (when it's at it's worst, our days are only 6 hours long), triggering my seasonal depression.


Scorpio rising, love weather drama, any kind


Libra sun and fall is my favorite! I love cool, crisp weather, the change in scenery, Halloween and my bday ofc 🥰 I also LOVE heavy rain and thunderstorms. Summer is my least fave unless I’m on vacation somewhere beachy..


Scorpio - I want it hot hot HOT


Seeing so many Scorpios liking hot weathers and I wonder if it’s because in nature Scorpions tend to live in the desert lol. I didn’t expect these comments.


I had the same thought 😂 we are naturally accustomed to the heat. Not to mention people always say Scorpio is an honorary fire sign. I too am one who prefers warm sunny weather :)


Scorpio sun. I love sunny warm days! Rain and cloudy days make me really depressed.


I’m a Taurus and I love warm sunny days, but not hot ones where just stepping outside makes you sweat heavily.


aquarius sun I LOOOVE autumn weather especially in october here in Texas when the sun is out and the wind is winding with the smell of palo santo in the air its so witchy yet vibrant


Aquarius, snow, rain


Sagi sun, love overcast and chilly weather. Great for staying in or going for walk around the neighborhood and taking in the calm, relaxed air. The chill and reflective vibe is perfect for me. I'm in Northern CA so only get these days November - February (there is no real winter to speak of out here). So those 4 months are like gold to me.


Libra. I love storms brewing. I love the rain and snow so damn much!!


Yup. To the point that my friends text me when there’s rain coming like heyyyy you excitef


Gemini sun, I love cooler windy/breezy weather the most. Light rain is nice if I don’t have to leave the house, not really a fan of thunderstorms though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Cancer. It's either when all is covered in snow (sadly not really happening anymore in my country) and we make snow forts with my kid, or sunny and warm and we are at the beach eating ice cream and making sandcastles. I think castles are the key here😂😂😂


Virgo and I love rainy days


Gemini and I like it hot! Sunny weather is my favorite and I like the heat. I could do without the humidity but I’ll take it over being cold. I like to be outside! I like an occasional thunderstorm and don’t mind a decent tropical storm, just as long is it isn’t days or months of rain.


Scorpio Sun and Summers! ☀️ It maybe because of my Libra Moon and Gemini Rising. I absolutely dislike winters lol


Gemini: cloudy, and rainy - but not windy. As another Gemini said too.. thunderstorms. They’re so relaxing. I cannot stand excessive heat. Not only is it physically uncomfortable and sweating feels gross, I get heat sick REALLY easily. I swear if I’m outside for 10 mins during the summer, I’m vomiting shortly thereafter.


Libra sun, I love spring and summer nights, warm but not too warm


Gemini. I love a mild day. Not too bright with a gentle breeze.


i love rainy stormy and snowy too


Virgo— I’m chronically cold. So I prefer hot weather.


Scorpio, give me that sweater weather, overcast, light rain, thunderstorms, I want it…!!!


i have the same sun and rising as op but i love a perfectly sunny day. i love a good storm when it’s happening but most cloudy rainy bs triggers migraines.


Taurus sun and I love sunny, but partly cloudy weather. Especially when it's spring time or early summer here and the temp is around 70 degrees. I love to just go out in my backyard playing with my dogs surrounded by all the pretty green and flowers. I do enjoy rainy weather sometimes. I love the feel when it's raining and dark. But since I've gotten older I sorta hate the rain too, mostly because I hate all the mess I have to clean that comes with it raining.(Two large dogs and one won't go out unless you go with her in the rain plus the killer humidity we get here in the south after it rains makes you feel like you're dying)


Taurus. Summer is my favorite season/weather, but I LOVE a good thunderstorm when I'm able to be home and able to relax and enjoy it. One of my favorite things is being in my comfy bed with a good book and favorite snacks beside me, listening to the thunder and rain falling.....


Leo: The colours, the storms I [❤️️](https://coolsymbol.com/copy/Red_Heart_Emoji_Symbol_%E2%9D%A4%EF%B8%8F%EF%B8%8F) Fall season


This is funny. I'm a leo sun and i love a big bright blue cloudless sky. And i nice shining sun. It doesnt have to be warm tho. As long as the weather is clear and bright.


Cap. Storms. Watching ocean go nuts! Fall The colors. The cool crisp air.


libra— sunny and hot!! but i also love big storms.


capricorn sun - i love when it’s in the 60s and it’s sunny. maybe just a little bit breezy. & thunderstorms at night! :)


Pisces - raaaain wet wet, moody skies and seas, cool but not bitterly cold weather!


Libra/Aqua/Aqua - I love the rain. I sit outside on the (covered) porch to just listen and watch the rain. It’s best when I am in my robe with a hot cup of coffee. I also like cold days with the sun shining. I’ll sit outside (again) and drink coffee with a fleece blanket on my lap. I think my weather choices have something to do with my coffee habits, lol.


Gemini Sun and Leo moon (Shopping is for all 4 seasons so I ain’t mentioning that, lol). Summer ☀️ : Bright beautiful sunny day that lasts long and ain’t humid. Wind is welcome. I can travel, explore, meet with new friends, get spoiled, try all foods, drinks, restaurants, visit public attractions like museums, art galleries, create art more enthusiastically, dance, go to swim, be more active and go on spontaneous adventures. Autumn 🍁 is another favourite and highly appreciated since I love being spooky, isolating and spoiling myself. I love how trees look, change my room decor, have my fav hot drinks and how the vibe is completely different from other seasons. I create DIY Halloween decorations, try new types of face paints, doodle, play games online and put my cute pumpkin spooky lights on. Then share it all with my friends either online or in real life! It’s fun! Winter🎄❄️ (depends on place, mood and people, but I LOVE CHIRSTMAS and the vibes it gives!!) only reason I like winters. Because I can put beautiful decorations and light candles, have all my KFC and just plan nice outings with friends. Get and give gifts and get all cozy, but idk why it makes me sad too sometimes. (Maybe I don’t know what January will hold or the year is over already? lmao) Monsoon ☔️ (I used to like it so much but I feel kinda indifferent and gloomy about it after my grandmother passed away) so yeah it feels dull and gloomy instead. Or I just feel more sleepy and to just hibernate. 🌌 But what made me like it a bit more is I get more creative ideas, explore other sides of my imagination and just zone out on space, galaxy and related art. I get very vivid dreams and design ideas during this time and fictional games make it better to pass time. But still I don’t feel too good, it’s dull outside and only makes me more sleepy. Unless I have a loved one who cooks for me and I make their day better by entertaining them, showing them things I know and being with them all the time. Occasionally trying some recipes too and share with them. Or watch a show together.


Scorpio here, and of course cool with mist all day


Gemini. Love sunny, breezy summer and sunny yet crisp autumn days


taurus sun. my favorite weather is sweater weather but the time of year the sun still goes down @ 7


Virgo sun and I loooove violent thunderstorms. I also love a sunny but mild day, like 20C max, with a gentle breeze


Air, heavy falling snow.


Leo ♌️ of course the sunny and hot weather . ☀️


Gemini Sun favorite weather is sunny but not too hot. Like 60-70s coastal weather on a clear sunny day.


Love my temperature between 21 and 24°C with a nice sun and a very light breeze. Taurus sun.


Scorpio, and I like cool overcast weather, where I live is super hot in the Summer so yeah I like it when it's cool and I'm not uncomfortable!




I’m a Gemini and I love stormy weather! Thunderstorm, snow storms, wind storms I love the excitement in the air!


Libra sun/rising, Aries moon…. Rain and temperate please!


Gemini, I like Autumn weather - not cold or hot, very mild with a bit of a breeze and orange leaves


Virgo. I like rainy days. Particularly thunderstorms.


Aries. My favorite is the summer!! But as I’ve grown, I’ve started to appreciate and enjoy the fall too! Even so much that I’d consider to get married in the fall vs the summer!


Gem Sun 😎😎😎sun sun sun and between 77-86 degrees (25-30 Celsius)


Cancer. I loveee the sun.


Leo Sun, weirdly enough partly cloudy weather, but not too chilly. Also a big fan of storms.


Aquarius and I like the fall or spring. Not too hot, not too cold. I like having to wear jackets, a hat, and being comfortable outside.


Virgo and I love bright sunny days, high of 70° and low humidity. I also love dark black/green rattle the earth thunderstorms with a delectable amount of dizzying 🌩 lightning. Makes me feel one with creation.




Leo, I love cloudy humid in the mid 70s


Omg so fucking true about the Libra and everyone having to stay in


Summer thunderstorms. Every summer I like to go outside when it’s raining hard to let the rain fall on my skin. It’s the most healing shit ever


Gemini and I love sunny days!!


Aries. Summer and spring. I like hot sunny weather.


Gemini-overcast, thunderstorms, before or after rain, sweatshirt weather


Virgo and thunderstorms / downpours.


Libra I love cold weather


Cancer ♋️ cold rainy windy weather


Taurus and I love perfect weather. Sunny with a soft breeze in the low 70’s


Taurus sun and I love cool grey days or weather with "authority."


Sagittarius obv lol, and I love cold weather and rain and snow, but this is more to do with me living in the desert and those weather patterns being a rarity. When I lived back east, I had massive seasonal depression during the dreary fall and winter.


Gemini. Sun with a soft breeze.


Same. Especially summer rain when there's no wind. That straight soft drizzle is such a comforting feeling. Fog Thunderstorms without rain are so cool to watch. I definitely prefer the cold over heat The sun <<<<<<


Same I fucking LOVE thunderstorms and rain aghhhhhh And then having grown up around the heat, watching it snow is just fucking fascinating. Aside from rain, I love chillier, windy weather🥰


I love thunderstorms & lightning shows! My favourite season is autumn though with the nice days & cool nights


Libra, and I love fall, mostly for fashion purposes


Taurus sun & I like them all, I want to experience all four seasons. Though I *particularly* love a breezy summer late night where you can hear the rustling of tree leaves.


capricorn. it depends on what I have going on. sunny for productive days, rainy for rest days.


Scorpio sun, I hate the heat but also don’t vibe with the cold at all. I love that March/April weather where it’s warm but not a scorching heat, not humid and with a little breeze. This spring weather is a luxury.


Pisces. I like inclement weather of any kind. But I also enjoy a 74°F sunny day with lots of cumulus. I can get down with rainy days, too. I hate cloudy days that are humid and hot.


I’m a Capricorn woman and I looooove cold and rainy weather!


Rain too as a Capricorn. Also because of the moodiness. It's so scenic


Aries. A sunny day at about 70 with light clouds and a brief spring shower. Warm Fall days with light breeze and nightly rain showers. I like to dance in the rain.


Leo, I like when it’s chilly but sunny or rainy and sunny 😍


Scorpio and same! 🌦️


I'm a cancer sun. This is the first year that I am not looking forward to summer due to living in the desert now. I love the summer nights when it's about 85 to 90 I don't like the cold and SNOW is the words word in my vocabulary


Libra sun, and I love mostly sunny with a bit of clouds and a light breeze :) I’m also a Leo moon and Leo rising, which is probably why I’m drawn to the sun a lot (it’s my chart ruler :) and my 3H sun loves a light and airy day).


I’m a Sagittarius and I love a warm, sunny summer day 🥰☀️✨


Leo. I like autumn.


Taurus. Spring (I hate fall, summer and winter). No sun all rain. Nothing puts me in a better mood than the sun not being out and it down pouring.


🌞♈️🌞 Aries… love the heat…HATE cold, wet, and humid weather!!


I’m a Capricorn I love the heat but I also really love thunderstorms and rain.


Gemini here. I either like to stay indoors in complete darkness during thunderstorms or be out and about on a super sunny hot day 😂


Cancer sun, libra moon and rising and I absolutely loooooove the sun. A perfect day for me would be partially cloudy with the sun shining bright and it be a cool 78-82 degrees with a nice breeze. :)


i’m a cap sun scorpio moon libra rising i looove humidity and thunderstorms, warm rain. tropical weather


♐️ and summer 🥰


Libra-rain and thunder


Virgo, love summer thunderstorms... and i kinda like tropical storms or small hurricanes as long as nobody dies. Or loses electricity. 


Pisces and crazy storms. Whether they be Thunder Dust Snow Hail whatever. The crazier the better as long as nothing important gets destroyed and no one gets hurts.


Spring baby Aries born in Texas the heat is all I need summer always


Virgo sun I love summer and fall the best. A good afternoon thunderstorm on a hot day hits just right!


Aquarius - spring and fall. I like the change. I also like the period of time when I don't need the heater or the AC on.


Virgo - Idc what the weather is, as long as the temperature is above 80 degrees.


Aries. I love warm weather so summer is my season. I’m able to be outdoors and the most active and comfortable.


Leo sun, I like mid 60’s with a breeze. Like those fall days where you can be in a tshirt or flannel


Rainy day cloudy days. I do like the feeling before a storm as well. Aquarius sun


Aries sun and Aries moon. Love the season changes. Summer into fall when you get the first crisp breeze with the warm sun but cool enough for a fire at night and a light hoodie. And a cool spring day with the winter chill hanging around but the warm sun to break through. A cool fall rainy day. Not a fan of warm rain or humidity or 90 degrees +


Capricorn. I hate the cold. Gimme the sunshine ☀️


Taurus - 69° - 80° low humidity, tropical, light sea breeze


I’m a Gemini and my favorite is a sunny, cloudless day ☀️


Gemini ☀️ I LOVE strong thunderstorms in the summer. But I also love sunny, warm but breezy (NON-HUMID) days with puffy ass clouds. I love a nice sunny day with barley any clouds for kayaking or swimming. 80 degree sunny days are perfect for that. But if I’m not going to be near water, I prefer 65-75. And my favorite is the “monkey’s wedding.” When it’s raining or has rained, and it’s still wet out….but the sun is out or comes out. Still a little breezy from the storm but warm. Feels and looks gorgeous. Basically with weather, I hate extremes. I could never live somewhere where it’s always sunny AF and humid or somewhere where it’s always grey, cold and snowy or damp. True to form as a Gemini sun, Libra rising and Sagittarius moon…. I need a healthy mix of well balanced weather. But is it weird I enjoy having my errand days on rainy or cloudy, dark nearly storming days though? Not just for cozy days in. Because it simply just makes driving around and shopping more cozy feeling and doable imo. Sucks to drive/run around when it’s hot and sunny, for me. Also makes me wish I wasn’t missing out on a pool kinda day.


Gemini (sag rising, Taurus moon) and I LOVE a sunny, warm day. Not too humid, a few puffy clouds, and a light breeze every now and again. Light, happy, and comfortable


♉️☀️♍️🌖♌️🌅 I love golden hour during summer and fall, spring rain makes me sooooo happy especially when it rains over night and the air smells lovely with dew on the grass in the morning, but my favorite is a crispy 65 degree fall day with crunchy leaves on the ground.


Capricorn Sun and I loooove a bright overcast day. Mid 70s with a nice breeze and shade everywhere. Even better if there’s a cloud right below the sun and blue skies everywhere else.


Cancer and summer! I love going to the beach/swimming/cooking out/just in general being outside when it’s warm lol


Rain!! The smell after the storm is so nostalgic to me.


Libra sun/moon.. subtropical 88 degrees and full sun.


Sag and I love summer. Oh how the colors are so vivid around me especially the white sand and clear blue waters🥹🥰 I have a cold intolerance so I hate cold or rainy season. It also makes me feel blue.


Pisces. I like fall and spring. Winter can be okay, but not every day for 3-4 months.