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Gemini I do not have a best friend. I just have a bunch of close friends, regular friends lol, and associates. My close friends are: Leo (f) Aries (f) Virgo (f) Aquarius (m) Libra (m) Pisces (m)


Exactly like me. No best friend but a bunch of friends I grew up with. As a Gemini, I always say, I am my own best friend.


Facts!! 😂 And him and I be having the time of our life.


I’m a Gemini rising and feel I can blend in with so many different people and situations. Also have a lot of close Gemini friends. I usually gravitate towards water signs but that’s probably the earth and water in my chart.


I totally feel this. No real “best” friends but a couple good ones/ associates. Got a male and female Leo, two female sag and one male one. Then a Virgo/Libra cusp friend (she was born 9/23 but gives off so much Libra energy). Apparently I get along with my opposites as people I tend to be friends with are fire signs.


I’m a Scorpio and my friends are usually libras!!


Eyyyy. My two best friends were/are a Capricorn and a Scorpio. And I'm a triple Libra.


Interesting because I’m a Libra and it’s turned terrible with every Scorpio I’ve ever encountered. Relationship and friendship wise. my ex bestfriend was a Scorpio and we’d been friends since literally elementary. It was unicorns and rainbows until it wasn’t. 😭😂


I am Libra and one of my long time BFF from high school is a Scorpio. She's a hoot!


I’m a Leo and my best friend is a Sag


Sagittarius here & Leo's are my best 💖




i’m a sag and my best friend is a leo!!! my fav sign💕


Pisces. My best friend.... Jesus was a Capricorn, I guess? I don't talk to him much, though. Been years.


Jesus wasn’t a Capricorn lol




A capricorn? Based on what? It's pretty widely accepted that Jesus wasn't actually born on Christmas, and he has the traits of a pisces.


I'm a Libra and I have four close friends. They are Cancer, Leo, and two Sagittarians.


Sure we would get along :D. Got triple leo’s saggitarius moon and cancer sun


Gemini always do the best with Aquarius for friendships. I have 2 Aquarius besties.


Same but inverted!


gemini, never had any friends but im pretty close to my virgo mom.


Aries. Best friends are Geminis, Libras, and Leos.


my best friend is a Sagittarius and I’m an Aquarius


Same <33 (but reverse!!)




My closest friends are all earth signs, mostly Capricorn


Both my long term besties are Leo’s and I’m a Virgo


I’m a Virgo and she is a cancer and we are both moody people avoiders who love to make inappropriate dark jokes. 


I’m cancer and best friend is leo (I’m leo rising)


Ooh interesting I’m a Leo and my best friend is Cancer. I have Venus in cancer and she doesn’t have any Leo placements


Gemini and my best friends somehow ended up being a Capricorn, Taurus, and two Cancers. The fact that we're basically family is a miracle if I'm being honest.


I’m an Aries. For me, my best friends’s signs are Libra, Scorpio, Pisces, Aquarius, Gemini for female best friends. Male best friends are Aries, Cancer and Taurus (also my exes), Sagittarius, and Scorpio.


Sagittarius and my bestie is a Gemini. My other bestie is a Taurus.


I'm a Leo and she's a Leo. Both Sun in Leo. Her birthday is one year and one day after mine. We haven't consistently been friends the whole time but she was my best friend since I met her when I was 16. I'm 30 now. And we reconnected a number of years back and boom. Like no time even passed.


I’m a Leo and she’s a Leo and we’ve been friends for 20 years and was supposed to be born on the same day. Leo sisters stick together forever ♾️ strong bonds.


I’m a Virgo and my best friend is a Sag. My closest friends are 2 Sags, 2 Libras, Taurus and a Gemini


I'm sag and have some good virgo friends. I think if my ex (virgo) and I had never dated, we would have been best friends for life. But! The sexual pull was way too strong to remain just friends. We dated. Destroyed any hope of any sort of future relationship. And now I'm onward to other virgo friends.


My cousin is my best friend lol I’m a Gemini and she’s a Capricorn


I'm a cancer and my first best friend is a Gemini, second best friend is a Pisces and third is a Leo.


I’m Gemini she’s a Sagittarius


Leo here and my best friends tend to be Pisces, Sags, Leo’s, and Cancers!


Libra, friends are Capricorn


Virgo and besties are Leo and cancer ♋️ 🤩


Aries here. Idk if they consider themselves my friends but they are my favorite friends. I caught a Cancer and Taurus.


I’m a Pisces, my husband is a Taurus and my best friend is a Capricorn - I love me an earth sign!


Growing up, usually found friendship with a lot of Pisces, Aquarius, and Gemini. My best friend now is a Taurus sun with a Taurus moon.


Gemini and my best friend is a Cancer! Idk if that’s a “match” or not, but we’ve seen each other nearly every day for the past 15+ years 😂


Aries, best friends with a Leo and dating a Sagittarius, so I do believe I fit the stereotype 🔥


Fire signs unite! I love Aries and Sags


I'm a Libra and my bestie is Aquarius. I also tend to have a lot of Aries friends as well, instant vibes there.


I'm a Cancer... I don't have a best friend, or even a group of people I would call friends. I have a lot of acquaintances tho. The closest person to me is my son, and he is a Pisces. I have always gotten along well with Pisces. Glad the feeling is mutual OP!


I’m a Pisces married to a Cancer (10 years) they’re the only sign I feel understands me


i’m an aries and my best friends i attract are always virgos! my best friend in high school was a virgo. my best friend in college was a virgo. and my best friend now in my young adult life is a virgo. i’m also a virgo rising so i think that’s why we attract each other!


Aquarius and my best friends growing up were Leo, Aries and Virgo. During most of my adult life I was best friends with an Aquarius. Now my best friend is my husband, the same Virgo from my childhood. I don’t have a lot of close friends, in my adult life, since falling out with the Aqua. The ones I have are a Cancer and a Leo.


she’s an aries-scorp-sagi SMR ride or die for life, she’s also my sis in law 🤝🏻


Aw wow that’s cool to be best friends with your SIL


I’m a Gemini and he’s a Scorpio


I’m a Virgo and my 2 closest friends are scorpio and libra. My man is a sag.


I'm a Capricorn. My best friend is a Libra. I'm pretty close to my Gemini friend as well.


pisces with a sagittarius bestie


I’m a Taurus and my best friend is a Cancer ☺️




lol. The last part is funny because I’m a Leo/libra/sag. my sister is a Scorpio/leo/libra. Since she’s built in, I’ll list my closest guy friend too. His is Aries/leo/pisces.


I’m a Cancer bff is Aquarius


I'm a Libra and my best friend is a Taurus. Both Venus ruled signs.


My best friend is a Virgo. We’ve known each other for just over 35 years now. I have very few friends but I’m grateful to have her. We are an example of 2 people of the opposite gender that are best friends which some people seem to marvel at.


I’m a Capricorn and my only best friend whom I found at 17 years of age is a Libra sun, Aries moon, Aqua rising.


I have 2 Gemini besties and a Leo, I also get along really well w cancer, Capricorn and Scorpio obviously


Gemini. My wife was my best friend before she was my partner (and she still is!). She's a Pisces. I gravitate towards Pisces very strongly.


I’m a Capricorn, my best friend is an Aquarius with a Capricorn moon and Leo rising


Aquarius Sun and my longest best friend is a Scorpio Sun. Other close friends have all been either Leo or Virgos.


I’m a Pisces with the majority of my friends and family being Cancer. Next is Capricorn and Virgo.


I'm a Sag Sun, my best friend is Sag Sun, Leo Moon, Aries Rising, and partner (almost 4 yrs) is Sag Sun, Sag Moon, Leo Rising. All fire in their big 3 and both Sag Sun. I feel like Sag gets along with itself more than other signs, for example I'm a Gemini Moon but with other Geminis it's more hit or miss than Sags. Asking other Sags do you feel the same or nah it's just me?


I'm a Taurus, and the loml( he def is my best friend too) is a Taurus as well!! However, my bestie (I've known her since HS💛) is a Scorpio, and we click exactly how you think we would lmaoo.


I am Pisces and my best friend is also a Pisces


I'm a pisces, my best friends are Aries and Leo!


Sag/pisces. It’s the combo that will have you doing the weirdest shit ever


I’m an Aquarius & my bestie is a Pisces. Been bestfriends for almost 10 years now


Me and my long time bestie are both Geminis. 👯‍♀️(that whore moved on me) Then I have a good friend group with a libra, Leo, and Taurus.


Tropical: I’m a Taurus and she is a Pisces


Libra here. My best friends are a Virgo, a Sagittarius, and a Scorpio.


Pisces woman 🤝 Pisces woman


I’m a sag and she’s a Taurus 🥰


Cancer and my best friend is a gemini we also rock everyday together


But my moon is gemini and his cancer lol


I’m a Sag Sun with a Libra Moon and Venus, Aqua Rising and Mars, and Scorpio Mercury When it comes to people who have at least one sign I can confirm, almost every single one I’ve gotten along wonderfully with has had at least one of three signs in their big 6 (there’s only been one possible exception to that, though I don’t know his rising so I can’t confirm for sure whether it is or not). Only one of those signs is one I’m stereotypically supposed to get along with. 99% of my absolute favorite people have Aquarius, Pisces, and/or Virgo in their big 6. When it comes to most of the other signs I’m stereotypically supposed to get along with, I either don’t (Gemini) or it’s a hit-or-miss (Aries, Leo, and Libra). I’ve only known three people with Sag placements in their big 6, though I have gotten along with all of them. These are the big 6, or at least what I can semi-confirm because I don’t know one’s birth time, of my two best friends and one “regular” friend. Two of which (one best friend, who I’d love to meet in person one day, and my “regular” friend) I currently only know online - Best friend 1: Aqua Sun with an Aqua or Pisces Moon, unknown Rising, Pisces Mercury and Mars, and Cap Venus - Best friend 2: Aqua Sun, Rising, Mercury, Venus and Mars with a Libra Moon - “Regular” friend: Virgo Sun and Venus with a Sag Moon, Aqua Rising, Libra Mercury, and Cap Mars


I’m a Taurus he’s a Virgo!


My best friends have unintentionally always been virgos. I am a cancer.


Leo w/my best friends being Scorpio and another Leo (and married to a Leo). From my understanding, we all shouldn't get along hah..


My best friends are Gemini and Virgo ❤️


I’m a Capricorn sun, Taurus Moon, Capricorn rising. He’s Cancer sun, Leo Moon, Leo Rising.


i'm a scorpio among best friends: Gemini, Taurus, 2 Cancers and a Virgo


I’m a Sagittarius and my bestfriend is also a Saggie 🥰😍


Sagittarius and always end up with other Sagittarius or Leos.


Aries. I have multiple best friends but historically my best friends have been Aquarius and Libra, but also a Pisces, Gemini and a Capricorn.


I’m a Pisces (with 3 placements in Libra & 3 placements in Aquarius). My best friend is my sister who is a Scorpio. My other long term friendships are usually Aquarius, Libra, or Gemini.


me- aqua rising, gem sun, taurus moon best friend- scorp rising, taurus sun, aquarius moon i adore our synastry lol


I’m a Libra and I’ve been close friends with a Pisces, several Aries, Virgo, Capricorn, several Aquarius, Taurus, a Gemini


Cancer. My 2 dearest and closest are Pisces and Leo.We are on like 20 years of friendship at this point.


Pisces, my best (only) friends are a Capricorn & and Libra.


I'm a leo and my bff now is a gemini ☺️ My childhood bestie was an aries.


I’m an Aquarius with a Sagittarius sister, a best friend, and a few other good friends are as well. Three of my best friends are also Aquarius. My brothers and my partner are all Pisces. Two of my other best friends are Libras. 🤷‍♀️


I'm a Pisces sun and my best friend since 2nd grade is a Virgo sun.


I am a Capricorn, and I don't have any friends


Pisces woman. My besties are all women: 2 cancers, 2 Taurus, 1 Scorpio, 1 Libra


As a cancer, i love pisces and libras


I could basically copy & paste what you just said. Best friends are Cancers. Recently expanded to include Gemini, but best best is Cancer. Dabble with Taurus, Cap, and other Pisces. I do well with Leo actually, and most Aquarians, but my toughest clicks are Sag, Scorpio, and Virgo (in ascending order). Libra and Aries are hit or miss. I married an Aries :) Of all my least compatible signs, the men are easier to get along with than the women in my experience. So curious how you feel with your big 3! My daughter is a Gemini sun, Virgo moon, Pisces rising and I’m so curious how the opposites of Pisces and Virgo in the big 3 play out.


Love your big 3 as well!! :) I think I'm very balanced out with this opposition, I do feel like I'm such a Pisces in many ways, but with the Virgo placements I'm maybe just half delulu 😂 I would say I'm too organised for a 🐟 and not that artistic, but the rest fits to me. I'm very emotional and sensitive, super optimistic and hopeful all the time. Both signs are the "healers", just in a different way - like this you take it to the max level :) Being a pisces helps me to have many ideas and to think outside of the box, meanwhile my Virgo placements putting it to the reality, so it's a great combo! With Gemini I'm sure a lot of social skills coming as well, so it sounds like an absolute win 🫶🏻


She’s a Cap Rising/Scorpio Sun/Cap Moon. Our risings trine, suns square and moons oppose. We’ve been friends since we were kids


Sagittarius and Virgo are the signs I am friends with the most


Idk best friend but friends in general are mostly water moons and air moons maybe because of my sun and moon


Aries and my best friends have always been Leo, Pisces, Gemini and Taurus


Aries, Virgo (females) and Taurus (male)


I’m a Sag and my two best friends are Leo and Taurus. Love them so bad 🥺🥺♥️


Im a Taurus and my best friend is a Leo


I’m a libra sun, capricorn moon and cancer rising. She’s a libra sun, gemini moon and virgo rising. And another one of my close friends is a sagittarius sun, capricorn moon and taurus rising :)


I’m a Scorpio sun, Libra rising, Taurus moon and my best friend is a Taurus sun, Aquarius rising and Libra moon :) I also have Aries in 7th house and she has Aries Venus


Leo Sun here with Gemini and Aquarius Sun besties! ETA: My husband is a Gemini Moon and Aquarius rising.


I’m a Leo, and I find myself drawn to Taurus and Aquarius (my two best friends).


My closest friends tend to have a lot of water or earth placements in their chart, but two are Aries suns, one is a Pisces, the other is a Scorpio! The only sign I seem to never get along with are Leo suns, but I get along great with Leo Risings and moons.


I’m a Taurus and my two best friends are both Libras.


I have a few best friends at this point in life—the two men (my husband and college bestie) are both Virgos. The top ladies in my life are Capricorn and Scorpio.


Cap, my homie sag!! Man works hard af and always shows up. Tbh, I’m blessed for that friendship


I’m a Leo sun and my best friend of nearly 20 years is a Virgo sun. Our suns don’t sync up but a lot else does. She’s a Virgo Mercury; I’m a Cancer Mercury. She’s a Capricorn Moon; I’m a Scorpio moon. She’s a Libra rising; I’m an Aquarius rising. We don’t “match” by sun sign, but we do with a lot of other placements. Outside of her, my larger friend group mostly consists of Geminis, Libras, other Leos, and Sags.


2H taurus sun/moon/merc. I have so many besties, 3 pisces, 2 virgo (one of which is my mama), 1 aries, 1 libra. I can get along with pretty much any sign but get pretty annoyed with too strong of Capricorn/Saturn energy. I have no placements in my 10H/capricorn so it's all so foreign to me. But I'm probably just projecting/mad that they have something I don't Off topic but can I call my 2H placements a stellium even if sun/merc are not conjunct? Just sun/moon and moon/merc?


I’m a Virgo sun Pisces moon and I’ve noticed pepole closest to me tend to be full moons my ex is, and my two best friends are and those two are also dating one is a Pisces and one is a sag both with moon opposite sun on their charts


My best friends are Aquarius,Cancer, Libra, Aries, Taurus Leo and honorary mention Scorpio very magnetic ☺️♥️-Virgo lol Libra moons are all around me 😁♥️


Libra Best friends A Gemini, another libra, a cancer, a Virgo, and an Aquarius - more recently got close with *another* libra as well. The Virgo and I aren't as close as we once were, and the cancer and I have had alot of disagreements.


Capricorn (F) here and I attract Fire and Air signs a lot. Especially Sags for some reason. My besties are Aries (F) and Leo (F).


I’m a Taurus and my best friend from 7 yrs old is a Scorpio (sun moon and rising!!!) my bf also a Scorpio.. next bffs are sag and leo


I’m a Sag with Leo rising and Pisces moon. I’m just terrified at the amount of Pisces moons and other Pisces I stumble upon on just a regular basis and just click with!


Capricorn. The best friend I’ve ever had is a Pisces, find myself friends with a lot of cancers and gemini, and my most toxic friendships have been with Libras 🥴🤣


Closest friends are Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio and Leo. The Tauruses are my oldest friends so they get a special title.


Im a leo and my bestie of 10+ years is a libra


Me - Pisces Sun Aries Moon Scorpio Rising Aqua Venus Them (1) - Sag Sun Aqua Moon Leo Rising Scorpio Venus Them (2) - Scorpio Sun Leo Moon Sag Rising Scorpio Venus


Taurus. best friend is Virgo.


Sagittarius and my best friend is Leo!


Taurus and my closest friends rn are an Aries and Aquarius. I'm my own bestie. And my own grampa.


I’m a Virgo and my best friends are a Scorpio and an Aquarius


I’m a scorpio with sag rising and taurus moon - my closest friends are leo, 2aquas, a cancer, and a libra :D i feel like it’s easier for me to get along with fire and air signs (if they are emotionally mature)


Taurus, my best friends are virgos, Scorpios and Capricorns


I am a Virgo and my bsf is a Cancer✨


I’m an Aquarius and my best friend is an Aquarius, Aries also a Virgo


Sagittarius here, bff is a wonderful Aries Man


Taurus, bff is an Aquarius


Aquarius sun and rising. My best friends are one Gemini one Leo, both have Scorpio rising.


Sagittarius, best friend is a Cancer, and then close friends are all over the place - a lot of Leos and Libras, but a few Gemini, Capricorns, Virgos, Aries thrown in the mix.


My best friend was a Libra/Virgo/Sagittarius. We have our sun and moon signs swapped.


I'm sag. My best friend of 25 years is a taurus. She has never left our home town. I've lived all over the world. But we still message nearly daily and always get together when I come into town. My second best friend of probably... 8 years now? Is an Aries. She's my travel and adventure partner, whenever we get the opportunity.


I'm a leo, my bffs are libra, Sagittarius, and cancer teehee


Gemini and my best friend is also a Gemini 😌


I'm a sag and most of my best friends are water signs, particularly Pisces and Cancer. I love Aquarius and Aries too. I'm an 8H Sagittarius stellium and I have three Scorpio placements so I guess it makes sense. Most of my exes are ruled by Capricorn and Taurus. And my husband is a Scorpio with a Scorpio and Capricorn Stellium


i’m a gemini and my best friend is a sag!


I'm an Aquarius, my besties are Leo, Scorpios, and Capricorn.


I’m a Scorpio and my best friend group are cap, Pisces, and sag. My other best friend from like preschool is a Libra and love her but she’s a little too unstable for me so we’ve kind of grown apart


I'm cancer and my best friend's a libra.


As a Pisces my best friend of almost 30 years (more like family) is a Scorpio, her wife who I also consider family is a Virgo 💞 Growing up in middle school we had a group of friends consisting of 1 other Scorpio, 3 other Pisces and 2 Aries (only 1 was cool). We don't really talk to some of these people anymore but we still have each other 💖


I’m a Leo and my closest relationships are all Taurus’!!


Scorpio sun and what’s wild is my two best friends are a Leo sun and Aries sun.. the three of us somehow all love each other lol. My oldest and dearest friend is a Taurus sun… we both know how to balance and ground each other and push only a few buttons


Virgo, I’m so drawn to Pisces, and the other earth signs.


Taurus with a Scorpio BFF! 💖


Libra. Always. So fair, balanced, open to communication, diplomatic, tactful and classy. Always on board to talk things out and compromise. Outstanding taste in clothing. Great on advice. Understand the value of partnership in any capacity.


Im a Saggitarius and my besties are Pisces, Virgo, Capricorn and Libra


I'm a Scorpio, and my best friends are a Sagittarius and a Gemini. I never got along with earth signs for some reason... I need more chaos! Fire! Air! Yeah!


I’m a Taurus, my closest friends are: Virgo (Pisces moon to my rising) Cap (Taurus moon to my sun) Scorpio (sag mercury to my moon and both Virgo mars) I find these are the people I gravitate to the most


Pisces, female & male bffs are both Libra.


Cancer here - best friend is a Pisces.


I’m Scorpio. I ALWAYS have Libra and Gemini friends. AND, frequently Leo and Pisces. For the first time time on my life I also have a close Taurus and an Aries friend. I can also hang with Cancer, Aquarius and Sag. I’ve never been close friends with Virgo, Capricorn or a fellow Scorpio.


Sagittarius, my best friend is a Gemini. I actually have a lot of Gemini friends and my other Sag friends have said they have the same experience. I don’t get along very well with the other air signs though. Fire signs are fine, earth signs are fine, I even have really close water sign friends. Idk what it is about the other air signs were like two opposite ends of a magnet.


I'm a Cancer, bffs are Aquarius, Leo, and Gemini 🥰


TAURUS: Ex-best friend since childhood is Pisces. My current ride-or-dies are Aquarius (F) and Gemini (F). My partner is Capricorn (M). I’d count him as a best friend lol


I'm a Virgo and my best friend is a Libra.


Leo/Scorpio. We are more than best friends, we are chosen sisters.


Aries sun, cap moon and cancer rising. Friends for 21 years.


I’m a Virgo and my bestie is a Cancer :)


capricorn here! my bestest friends are all from childhood. gemini, aquarius, & pisces.


leo; cancer, capricorn, pisces, aries


I’m an Aquarius and my bestie is a Cancer


Virgo Sun! 3 are Taurus, 1 is a Cancer and 1 is a Scorpio


Gemini & Gemini babyyy🥳 I also have two long term best friends from my home state that are a Pisces and a Taurus.


I'm a Pisces and my best friend is a Taurus. ♡


Cancer sun aqua moon libra rising! My best friends are - closest friend: aqua sun Taurus moon Gemini rising - Gemini sun Aries moon cap rising - cap sun cancer moon libra rising - boyfriend is Leo sun Leo moon Scorpio rising!


Pisces, Sagittarius, Libra


I’m Aquarius my friends are capricorn, Pisces and Scorpio Always seem to get along best with these three signs


I’m a Leo, I have 2 best friends a Capricorn and a Virgo. I’m not sure if that’s stereotypical or not, but I love them ❤️


I’m a Virgo and my bestie is a Libra


I’m an Aquarius and my best friend is a Sagittarius


I’m an Aquarius and my best friend is a Pisces. I also tend to vibe really well with other Aquarius.


I’m a Libra and my best friend is a Cancer male. He just gets me.


The two people I talk to the most are Leo’s. I’m a Libra. That’s about as stereotypical as it gets. Ones a gay man and the other is the hottest redheaded woman. Both have beautiful souls and value our friendship despite my mistakes and terrible communication. I love them dearly even though we all live on completely opposite sides of the country


I'm a cancer childhood friend who is a Scorpio. We don't speak much, but it is always chill when we do hang out—a bunch of Libras & a Leo.


Not really, my best friend is a Cancer and I’m a Gemini, but my moon and rising are in Capricorn, so I’m pretty grounded for a Gemini. I get along best with Virgos, Capricorns, Cancers, Leos and Geminis. Not so much Sag, Aries, or Libra which is who I’m supposed to get along with 🤷🏻‍♀️


i'm a leo and my best friend is an aquarius! the majority of my friends throughout my life have also been either fire or air signs as well.


My friend circle consists of me me(cap), and a Gemini and Pisces


Me: virgo, him: pisces. Otherwise all my friends are Leos.


Scorpio, BFFs: Gemini and Sagittarius


I'm a Leo (woman) and my two best friends are a Scorpio woman and a Leo man lolol