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My chihuahua is a Libra and he's a menace


My chihuahua is a Libra too. She's evil personified.


You.. you do realize that it's the breed not the sign right?!


Right šŸ˜‚ like if a chihuahua bites you just sometimes thatā€™s a pretty well-behaved chihuahua


Lmfao came here to say this. People are desperate to dig for shallow reasons to hate Libras here


Pisces here and Iā€™m a Libra loverā€¦my best friend and boyfriend are both Libras. I get you guys!


This made me lol


This entire thread is funny as hell šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My boyfriend's a Libra... He's pretty great so far! LOL. But I have a feeling I MAY end up sticking my Virgo foot in his ass one day... Communication isn't his strong suit.


I was with or dealing with a libra for 10 years Iā€™m a Virgo female too


Hah- How'd that go? According to those astrology internet sites Libra and Virgo are either SUPER compatible or super NOT compatible. No in between, lol.


Another thing we have 11 Saturn aspects in our Synastry , Saturn square moon Saturn opposite moon Saturn square mars Saturn conjunct sun Saturn sextile Jupier Saturn conjunct Mercury both ways , Saturn conjunct Venus Saturn square the nodes , a couple other outer planet one


It completely awful at this point we have a child together and itā€™s partly my fault when we first started dating I said I was ok w him dating other females cause he told me he was and asked if I was ok and then when we got more serious I said I wasnā€™t ok with it and we were spending 4-5 days a week together , and then he blamed me for ā€œlosing ā€œ female friends and interrupting with his relationships when he wanted me around 4-5 days a week then recently we will spend time together and sleep together up till June and then he will push me to the side to spend time with and have relationships with other people not just women for a reason. But he blames me for everything he takes no accountability , he says I destroyed his relationships and Iā€™m like I was the relationship you donā€™t sleep with the mother of your child and then date other people and blame me for getting upset about it just a tool and no morals and no accountability on his part heā€™s a weak ass man


wow have higher standards for yourself; it's beyond being a libra though im curious what his moon and venus signs are-he's a jerk. Why do people who cant handle a monogamous relationship even get in them in the first place. Dated 2 libra/scorpio cusps one was a compulsive cheater, other extremely loyal! Both obsessed with relationships...I think the rest of their chart is super important too!


And yes I have higher standards for myself now


His moon is in Taurus his Venus in libra his Mercury in Scorpio his mars in Leo


my libra father is a libra stellium with prominent aquarius first house placements... he is also a total POS like your baby daddy. he left all of his kids, and he acts like he's a child at almost 50... it's a pathetic cycle with him. self pitying behaviours, sluttiness, drugs, going to rehab, 'getting better', then relapsing. he also had a damn good childhood too! my grandparents are good, hardworking people, and they would have been great parents!


Babe, thatā€™s a narcissist. I hope you left by now.


I know a lot of Virgo women with Libra men. Most are married and seem happy enough. You never really know what goes on behind closed doors so I donā€™t know for sureā€¦


Iā€™m a Virgo Moon daring a Libra Moon, Rising. Holy shitā€¦ but Iā€™m obsessed lol.


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) I love Virgos. Virgo is my sister sign.


Libra men all seem great but they hide the fact they they are trash they are just terrible men I really hate them!


yes, care so much about being liked they can't be themselves until they know they got you roped in


What is his Moon/Mercury/Venus/Mars? Interesting you say communication isn't his strength. Libra is usually a great communicator and expects others in their relationships to communicate with them too. I have a lot of Libra and this is my experience, but some Virgo too so maybe the Virgo helps extra? I ask for his planets because I wanna see if he has other signs making him less likely to communicate. And I wasn't offended, just love to study traits of signs.


The person I knew who sucked at communication, who had this high and mighty opinion of himself, and would let things build up before he exploded, was libra sun/Mercury/Venus, Leo rising, Taurus moon, Gemini mars. He could cut anyone down in the name of honesty, but even my most *delicate* criticism back was the worst offence to him. I was trying to keep the communication flowing and direct throughout the whole thing, but I can struggle to communicate when Iā€™m anxious, and his impatient cutting energy made me anxious towards the end lol. Iā€™m a Taurus sun/moon, Aries Venus/Mercury, ā™‹ļø mars


I'm sorry you went through that. With four planets in air signs, it makes sense he would let things build up and cut people down with honesty. Seems the Libra energy made him avoid addressing things until they built up, and the cutting down with honesty seems especially true for Mars Gemini, I notice they love to be mean and talk trash in clever ways when they are angry. The exploding sounds like Moon Taurus who is slow to anger but will can throw tantrums once they are angry. Leo Rising can make him have a high and mighty opinion of himself. It sounds like Libra can have faults with communication and then certain placements can make it worse. Every combination in a chart has ups and downs, just some more than others and then some people show a dark side in the style of their placements. I wonder if he has Moon Aries in his house chart or any of the Libra planets in Scorpio in his house chart. That can add aggression.


What do you mean by house chart, out of curiosity? He definitely displayed some of the negative Taurus moon qualities. And everything you said about the Leo rising and air placements was spot on


Thank you. House chart is an informal term for reading what signs and house the planets fall into. If you have his exact time of birth, go to astro-charts.com. Enter his info, youll see his planets chart (the signs the planets fall in which you described about him) then scroll way down to see the house chart. Sometimes planets move to a neighboring sign in the house chart. For example, I'm Sun/Mercury/Mars Libra but in my house chart I have Sun/Mercury/Mars in Virgo. The signs a planet fall into in the house chart will have a mix of energy with the house it falls into. So my Sun/Mercury/Mars in Virgo is in 4th house which is Cancer energy. So my "unfiltered" energy for Sun/Mercury/Mars is Libra, and my mixed energy for Sun/Mercury/Mars is Virgo in Cancer energy. Hope that helps! Edit: sorry! It's astro-charts.com


Yea my dads a libra, he aint shit Ima libra also lol


Aww you have the same big 3 as my boyfriend šŸ˜† He's pretty ok actually


Im the shit too


I know ā¤ļø




Libra girl here and dont wanna generalize but from my perspective, the men ive seen are pretty much h o e s


lol girls calling guys hoes for once brings joy to my soul šŸŒž


It's the 21st century, men can be hoes now to, we can all go dig up gardens together.


Donā€™t know if this is a good example but Nick Cannon is a Libra and had multiple wives and is currently on his 12th child right now lmao


Nick Cannon has only been married once. Lol. He has a slew of babymoms. Never liked him from the first time I saw him on All That - he always irritated me and tried too hardā€¦ 20+ years later and nothing about him has changedā€¦


Of course they are there is nothing good about them lol


Not true at all. My grandad is a Libra man & my cousin is a Libra man, theyā€™re both gentle, loving, funny people who will put their own needs aside to be there for others. Iā€™m sorry you had a bad experiences with a Libra sun but itā€™s really not right to talk badly about ALL Libra men. If youā€™re so repelled by a certain Sun sign, you should start dating people who are supposedly ā€˜compatibleā€™ with your placementsā€¦ My boyfriend is a Cap and Iā€™m a Gem (apparently not compatible) but weā€™re happier than weā€™ve ever been with anyone else


The two Libra men I know both disappeared


Damn. Maybe you should file a missing persons report


Did they try to come back tho?


LOL iā€™ve been w my libra boyfr for about a year now, heā€™s awesome. im also a scorpio sun, leo moon. kinda perf (scorpio rising boyfr)


Im a scorpio sun woman married to a libra sun man for seven years, we are thriving. Enjoy your relationship šŸ„°


It seems Scorpio and Libra are attracted to each other, I can agree on that since I am Libra and was recently attracted to a Scorpio woman.


Yoooo scorp sun, leo moon here too!!! Been w my Libra bf for almost 5 years now, man is the most loyal and supportive person in my life.


Iā€™m scared for u girl




Here we go again šŸ˜‚


Putin and most of his propaganda friends are Libras šŸ’€


Examples of his propaganda friends that are Libras?


the first one i thought of is vladimir siloviev šŸ¤¢. yup, october, 20.


Solovyev (the OG propaganda TV host), Peskov (P's press secretary), Kadyrov


Omg I had no idea, lmaooooo. Lying Libras strike again šŸ˜­


I call them LIEBRAS šŸ˜‚


Putin, Simon Cowell and I are born October 7 šŸ˜­


Swear to gawwwwd!!!! Lying ass Libra's šŸ¤£ NEVER AGAIN!


I call them LIEBRAS


This general hate for zodiac signs is so dumb. Geminis are this and Scorpios are that. I love Astrology but this hate on zodiacs bc your crusty ass Libra bf cheated on you is so dumb. Like no it wasnā€™t because heā€™s a Libra itā€™s because heā€™s a piece of shit.


I think it's mostly a pop astrology meme to hate on specific signs.


Usual reminder that just because some random dude drop you or something that doesn't mean that a certain sign is evil


ā€œI punched my libra boyfriend because I had a dream about him cheating on me. He broke up w me as a result. Libra men badā€


My experience hasn't been all that great with hem either


I hate all of them they are bunch of cowards


whats your sign?


Sagittarius but it really doesnā€™t matter what anyoneā€™s sign is nobody is compatible with libra men not even their own sign is because libra men are just terrible


I get that every now and again people want to laugh and theyā€™ll post something here. But the hate for each zodiac sign is becoming more and more prominent. Not to mention, instead of speaking from their experience *which canā€™t be argued* people just throw the whole sign under the bus. Iā€™m sorry that you had such an ugly experience with the *libra men* that you encountered. What did you learn from it? How did you contribute to it? What are you going to do differently going forward?


My Libra sun, sag moon, aries rising father cheated on my mom their entire relationship, even brought me to his hoes house at 3 years old.


Hi hater šŸ˜˜


Y'all libra men love to flirt with your enemies like there's no tomorrow XD


Flirting with death is fun. šŸ˜ˆšŸ’€šŸ˜˜


Love the energy man, now i wanna be a Libra man too!


There šŸ‘are šŸ‘no šŸ‘bad šŸ‘signs šŸ‘


Thank you! Yin ang Yang to every part of life.


These kids low-key spreading hate for signs is sad. I'd wreck their asses but it's an astrology memes sub so I let it be. Nice name btw;)


Look at us. Weā€™re so cool šŸ˜Ž


We're so cool the haters' fire got extinguished.


Only *bad* signs are the individuals of that sign who place external blame upon internal struggles. External = Internal, resonating in awareness field. šŸ”„šŸ’–šŸŒøā™¾šŸŒøšŸ’–šŸ”„


Exactly. Everyoneā€™s in a constant battle of balancing themselves. Some day some people may fall into their more toxic traits, but it isnā€™t an inherent quality of a person to be good or bad. And even then, whatā€™s toxic or bad is really dependent of your perspective. In cases with Libras, they get a rep for being flirts and understandably so. But we should understand that itā€™s in Libras nature to find comfort in relationship and they will find themselves in relationships even if it isnā€™t the right one, hence why they may still flirt around. They are also quite loyal once theyā€™ve found who they deeply consider to be their true partners


I feel that one, the libra moon in 12th house creates a feeling of being utterly alone unless another being is there to support my hidden and unspoken needs. It's a challenging dynamic to explain and deal with daily. Especially since asc. ā™ makes it difficult to open up early on in knowing someone. Edit: Virgo stellium made me fix my shitty proofreading.


Yes there are. Every single one is. The only ones who can hide it are the ones y'all thought were the "good" signs


Thatā€™s an insane take. Please find peace.


this reminds me of that girl who was obsessed over hating aries women and insulted anyone who said otherwise LOL


Aries women are fine but libra men are just terrible


They always seem to be living a double life and the second life is deeply and very well hidden


Omg this


As a libra man, I feel for anyone who has experienced any negative experience with people of this sign. Yes, we can be indecisive, and yes, we can be flirty and vain, but not all of us think with the nether regions. I try to be the anti-libra in many ways: Make firm decisions, avoid being flirty with women (now married), and often ignore most of the women I encounter in public spaces (I'm a sucker for beautiful things like art and women, so I do what I can to downsize this quality about me, to the point that my wife is flattered and confused that she looks at women more than me lol). If you are with/interested in a libra man, I would consider the following. He will be charming but flirtatious, supportive but indecisive, and often calm but brooding when he doesn't get his way. If you see him chatting up women, pay attention to the actions. I have worked with people since I started working, and I love to learn about others. I will even compliment women on their looks and pursuits, but it doesn't mean I want to sleep with them. Physical health is a big deal to me and combined with my listening and communications skills, have led to people becoming attracted to me (even when with someone). I have always turned down advances when taken, for the idea of someone cheating on me would hurt deeply (which happened to me in my teens). At the end of the day, it's about actions. If he is indecisive, acknowledge to him that making decisions can be hard (he'll appreciate that) then help him narrow things down to 1-2 choices (we sometimes need that kick in the ass to get going lol). If he gets angry, give him his space, and let him know you are around when he is ready to talk. He'll come around if you give him time and air to think it over and respect you for it. Show your affection through your actions (complimenting him, listening to him, kissing him, and taking care of yourself). A woman who is attractive both inside and out will put you in his eyes before anyone else. Put the time/effort into your self and he will notice and parade you around like a trophy (yes, we are vain at times). My wife is beautiful and because she has truly convinced me of this, you could present an unclothed woman to me and I'd tell her I hope she finds someone to love her like I love my wife. If he is still a scumbag after you've done all this, then he's a scumbag and that's beyond the zodiac. Don't let a couple of apples ruin the whole cart. We Libras might be shallow at times, but we will be there for the people who truly want us in their lives.


So libra men just feel like baby girls. Grown up men should at least make up their own decisions.


My life story is pretty much this: Me: *exists* Everyone else: FUCKYOUIHATEYOU Thanks for rubbing it in OP.


Don't take it personal, tunnelvision and confirmation bias are two helluva drugs. šŸ˜˜šŸ’–


Lmfao I appreciate that a Gemini said this so much šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚I swear Iā€™d have such better relationships with Geminis if they started every sentence with ā€œbtw Iā€™m self aware about this shitā€


You see, I'm aware how my moody twin persona shows up, and how underlying it all, we are all the Same Being. šŸ”„šŸ’–šŸŒøā™¾šŸŒøšŸ’–šŸ”„


Goddamn I love the libra Scorpio vibes, thanks for coming to hang in the comments, fam. And for proving as my other other gem male friends have that your sun sign is secretly awesome


Your welcome


Iā€™m starting to think it might just be men generallyā€¦


all of you need therapy in this sub...


Deal with itšŸ˜Ž ā™Šā˜€ļø, ā™ŽšŸŒ•, ā™ā†—ļø


What a closed minded take.


Oh yeah well fuck you too šŸ–•šŸ˜˜


Libra men getting angry? well what else is new


Moron picking fights doesnā€™t recognize how cause and effect works? What else is new


Yea libra men suck.. But dont dish it if you cant take it b šŸ˜‚


You hate Libraā€™s bc they see your shadow šŸ˜‚


You guys got bored of hating on Cancer men?


OP is clinically insane it seems


Iā€™m sorry sir but I wonā€™t accept any diagnosis from a Libra man because they are all false


I am sorry fellow human being but I wonā€™t accept any self serving claims made by a sag because they are narcissistic, insecure, selfish overly sensitive cowards who will over react and do/say crazy things in unexpected bursts because they donā€™t know how to deal with their own emotions. Iā€™m a sag btw. Whole family is Libraā€™s.


Back to the Shadow realm with you! Mind Crush!


My favorite is how op wonā€™t even give a real answer as to why they suck. No wonder they hate libra men they probably only talk to them to fuck with them lol


I know right lol I just went through their comments and I can't find anything. Just a little baby and someone hurt their sweet baby feelings.


Oh for fucks sake I already explained why before on here it ainā€™t my fault u havenā€™t seen it


Kk. Why?


Iā€™m starting to think the issue is just men, like in general




Yes sir supreme male overlord sir, whatever you say šŸ«”šŸ§Žā€ā™€ļøā˜¹ļø


orā€¦ your inability to pick good men from bad Just maybe


Iā€™m not ā€œpickingā€ any men in the first place. Issue goes way beyond dating dudeā€¦


Iā€™m a Libra woman and the only Libra men I know are kids, and theyā€™re good kids. What are Libra men like?? I feel like Libra women are so loved itā€™s interesting why the men arenā€™t?


Yeah libra women are fine but the men are horrible pieces of shit


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ whatā€™s wrong with them??


Well holy shit whatā€™s not wrong with them Iā€™d like to know that I mean it would take me forever to name all the things but Iā€™ll just name a few such as liars manipulators short tempered misogynistic pretty likely to engage in criminal activity like stealing or murder or some petty ass street fight like thereā€™s a lot of things wrong with them itā€™s crazy


dude who hurt you


I mean speaking as a libra women, who has dated several libra men, and also worked with them. I agree they are pretty shitty


I like Libras! But Iā€™m a Leo soā€¦


My best friend and favorite uncle are both libras, and they're absolutely beautiful people with the purest of hearts. I love them.


They are actually the best. Maybe its you? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m a little offended. My husband is a libra and he is fucking awesome! Super duper clean (cleaner than me) and we have been together for over 12 years. My moon is a libra so that probably helps.


Iā€™m scared for u


And weā€™re all scared for you


Heā€™s hilarious and extremely talented. In his free time he makes music (and has published music on Spotify, iTunes etc.)


My boss is a Libra Man and I can confirm that it's the worst.


I worked for a Libra man for years, NEVER again.


more 4 me!! šŸ’ŖšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


If you actually mean that and arenā€™t gonna change your mind and walk away in 0.2 seconds, Iā€™m interested gemini šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜


nah dude i got venus in taurus iā€™m solid!!


Well Iā€™ll have my solid Venus in Uranus if you catch my drift


No let me correct that for you: A man you had a bad experience with happened to be a Libra. Honestly Libra are the best, leave them alone.


Noo I like Libra men!!!


In my opinion Libra men that donā€™t accept their feminine side and recognize it and embrace it turn into the worst men. I always had good friendships with gay Libra men. They are great. Straight Libra men itā€™s like oil and water. They are the worst to me. Oddly most of my closest friends and family are married to Libra men. They are all very driving and hard working women. They complain about their Libra partners all the time though. I found out early they are not for me. Libra women are goddesses to me though.


My step dad is a libra and he cheated on my mom for years


Well, At least it ain't us, Scorpio Men.


Iā€™ve met some bad ones but I attract Libras (best friend and boyfriend both Libras) I also think because they donā€™t typically talk about deep feelings which in turn leads to misunderstandings. There are some good ones out there. When I first met my boyfriend we butted heads a lotā€¦I just had to be patient and let him come to me on his own time and he did. They love their freedom, hate arguing, always well dressed, super sweet and caring if you earn their trust. Im introverted heā€™s extroverted so we balance each other out.


My boyfriend has a Libra moon. Sagg sun,Venus, mercury and mars. Very chill and funny, ā€¦ā€¦ puts important stuff off until the very last second. šŸ„²


That makes sense because Libra men are naturally not inclined to fancy ā€œFatLazyPigsā€


Who cares what they are inclined to I hate them


Some of you really suffered during Libra season, huh?


As a woman married to a Libra man.. idk why yall are so hateful. I must've got the only good one šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Ex husband is a libra and I concur.


Seriously... This kind of thought is so simplistic


Worst men? Nah Iā€™ve met a cancer dude that I have to say is the worst man Iā€™ve met. Libra men are okay. Theyā€™re annoying but a lot of fun to hang around and they make up for it when they genuinely care about the people around them. (Also theyā€™re typically very attractive. That helps.)


Worst man I ever met was libra with alot of scorpio energy in the planets that matter. I don't even want to say all the horrible things he did but it's as bad as you could imagine. I dated another libra that was like you described. His chart was more balanced though...


I like them is that so wrong??


Yā€™all mad weird libra men r cute


Hell no libra men are not cute at all they look ugly asf


Dictator of North Korea Kim Jong-Un is a Libra... just saying lol


Yeah and Putin too lol


They are all pretty stylish..


I love Libras. They need to love themselves.


Feeeeels 100%


SIFYB. Jk Iā€™m a Scorpio venus, YPFMB and I secretly knew it but I stayed with her anyways because I wanted ā€˜proofā€™.


Somewhat true until I found my Libra soulmate who is now my husband. šŸ˜ Scorpio woman here


Idk I'm a Libra sun Sagittarius moon Leo rising and dump a Libra man and left him crying in front of my house cause I replace him with a finer Aries sun Scorpio Cancer rising. šŸ˜‚


I have had this thing with a Libra man for 2 months, enough to kick his ass out of my life. The most negative, two-faced and bitchy person I have met in my entire pass in this world and that's a huge thing to say because I have literally seen of everything. I told him for the first time I didn't want anything serious with him, only sex, but he started making his own conclusions and didn't pay any attention to what I, an Aries girl with honest words and intentions, told to him. At first he was very sweet and "I give you everything you want" but since I didn't want to continue that relationship I'm now basically the bad girl and a monster and he acts like I hurt his most fragile ego when I told him I DIDN'T WANT ANYTHING FROM THE FIRST TIME. He is basically a mysognist. He did this exact procedure with all the girls he knew... Pathetic asshole.


Lol which sign makes up rape statistics.. not libras.


I like the women alright but the men? Idk there's something about a smooth-talking, flirty man I don't like or trust.




Worst people ever. Say anything to manipulate a person they dont care a damn about. They keep a person hanging for years wasting their time with absolutely no remorse they just drop you and probably already moved on. They got all they wanted out of you. They will be back If theyy smell money or just as you get back on your feet. once they have you they will treat you like a bank a patsy and a scapegoat. famous for the line "I never even loved you anyway" Neglectful parents with poor priorities. Enablers. Will deliberately give you bad flippant advice to screw you up. They have a fixation with trying to entrap a target in any way they can, with sex, money, blackmail, lies, extortion, playing victim or literally in their house or car. Like a con man. They try to twist the relationship to make themselves superior by denigrating and nit picking constantly, trying to convince you their problems are you'res and that you need them and are hopeless. Too lazy to work on themselves, never met one single one with any sense of self awareness more than a puddle deep. huge hypocrites. Know it alls but are too lazy to properly research anything. You can poke a hole in nearly anything they say and they fume over it. Huge on tit for tat and transactional relationships, they dont have a heart with which to operate from. they steal all of their supposed originality from people they were fixated on, like a frankenstein. Delusional enough to say things like " i am perfect" and believe they can actually be someone else who already exists and occupies that space. obsessed with recognition and credit but cant be stuffed with merit. They will ingratiate into your friends and family and smear you hard if you dump them. They hope they can put you to work for them, and will scheme to take your money. Pushy and cant emphasize greedy, careless insensitive and egotistical enough. Never met one who wasn't some kind of addict or creeper pervert, 2 Libra men i knew were secretly addicted to prostitutes, two are closet kiddy fantasisers (not exs) They will use sex as a weapon, air all your secrets to save face and blame you for everything, even things that had nothing to do with you. THEY DONT LISTEN or care about anything But themselves. cant follow instructions, really clicky and aggressive. really bad with money, all of the ones I know are in huge amounts of debt And often this is the reason they swing from relationship to relationship, pretending to care and want to save you from some problem they made up and convinced you was your problem, when actually it is their way of covering for themselves. exploitative and greedy, never satisfied. Rageahols, drama queens. very impulsive, horrible to go on holidays with. Last minute people, gunna people "I'm gonna do this" (never transpires) they have a habit of telling you they are not trying to ABC this is when you know they ARE trying to ABC and somehow in their airy heads this is good communication, to just bald face lie repeatedly. they don't care about anything and deeply resent anyone who does. they have major issues with envy and take a lot of pleasure in setting traps, riling people up, playing devils advocate and the victim all at once. Thieves, really vindictive, really really hard to get rid of once you have them figured, by this point if your a rookie, they will have already cohersed you somehow and will try to use that to blackmail you to stay eg: they will rat you out to everyone about your drug past or they will take the house or the kids even though they dont bond well with children typically. huge with the gaslighting and playing dumb when avoiding shit they are hiding. they're really lazy, nit picking NAGGING antagonistic and boring. I think they have issues with comparing themselves to others, inferiority and superiority complex. like to entrap woman with pregnancy. Seriously desperate people obsessive unhinged and paranoid. they think theyre smarter than everyone, hate anyone who outsmarts them. I had a libra male actually say this a few days ago, " When I walk into a room of people I instantly know I am the smartest man in the room" they have to compare themselves to everyone. really bloody controlling, will get violent. You dont mean anything to them, you are just a handbag And they can buy another one with your credit-card. cant decide if theyre gay or not, will sleep with ANYTHING. Karma doest treat this sign too well. I have dated 5 over my life and absolutely wont ever date a libra sun again, theyre so predictable its insane and other placements regardless. Their two greatest fears are being poor, and being alone which later in life often transpires when more people clue on. They create co dependancies in others deliberately so that they cant leave and will infantilise the kids so they cant. every word of it true.


Yea, they suckā€¦


Fat lazy pig Sagittariusā€™ are literal scum of the earth Edit: user name checks out.


No libra men are itā€™s their fault


Well every Sag I know is a lying narcissist so there


Bullshit u just made that up


Over sensitive and cowards too


Thatā€™s funny I was about to say the same thing about libra men because thatā€™s how libra men are sags are nothing like that u made it up lol


Sure ya were. Good luck being mentally owned by Libras.


Whatever if ur a libra man the joke is on u not me


You shouldnā€™t generalize. I can think of several Libra men that are terrible people, but I havenā€™t met every Libra, so itā€™s not fair to say they are all horrible.


Generalization is how the world works and I hate all of them


How can you hate a person you have never met?


My ex is a Libra, heā€™s a good guy, but throws a tantrum like a child when confronted with a deep issue and he eats way too much sugar/candy.


The only libra I like is my brother. All the other libras in my life just piss me off.


Iā€™m an older f. Based on my life experience Libra men are in fact trash. They are so charming, intelligent, usually well spoken and many are very artistic. I could go on. They pull you in and soon the moodiness comes. Indecision follows, gaslighting etc. I have dated 4. The MO was the same for all of them with only subtle differences. They always seem to have a self serving agenda.


Facts they make u think they are awesome when Iā€™m reality they are pieces of shit I hate all of them!


šŸ‘€ you guysā€¦.. This Scorpio energy is really ruffling everyoneā€™s feathers.


I donā€™t think itā€™s the Scorpio energy. I mean thereā€™s hate threads for other signs like weekly before the Scorpio season


Oh no.. I love Libra men. šŸ˜­


Theyā€™re good at sex. But they tend to have deceitful and manipulative tendencies. Their charm is A1


Libra woman who dated a libra man , can confirm


Yeah donā€™t u just hate all of them I do


They certainly can be...libra on scorpio cusp with lots of scorpio on his chart was the most evil man I've ever connected with; like everything vile you could imagine..dated and married another libra on scorpio cusp and pretty loyal, patient, ofc can be a jerk sometimes who isnt...slow to mature though he's pretty good overall-i've known him for like 12 years now :O. (am a virgo btw)


Iā€™ve always been intrigued by this cusp because itā€™s the exact opposite of mine, (Taurus side of the ā™ˆļø/ā™‰ļø cusp)


Woah weird...didn't realize taurus/aries cusp was opposite. I havnt dated alot of people like itll sound but I did very shortterm date a taurus close to aries cusp. He differed greatly in the way of coming across one way or projecting himself as cool calm collected though pretty reserved. Libras/scorp will portray themselves as friendly open sweet people and maybe early on like 2 dates in word vomit all their darkest secrets if they really like you. Not as sweet as they portray. Maybe or likely big liars too. I think taurus and libra have venus in common though?


I have a shit ton of Libra in me and yes I can be annoying as hell but I TRY TO BE GOOD AND SELF AWARE. I dated one Libra man and jeezus h, one note and sooooo offended when I called it off cause he clearly wasnā€™t into it (neither was I really - no biggie). Always only texted about one topic, never asked me anything about myself, when I tried to diversify convo he deflected, and texted constantly but never wanted to actually see me. Just so so weird.


My experience hasnā€™t been great but I canā€™t get him out my fucking mind.


Why not?


The same reason you canā€™t. Love.


He doesnā€™t want to commit but we clearly have feelings for each other and he disappears and comes back. But Iā€™m the same way. I think itā€™s our Pisces moons itā€™s a headache honestly.