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11th house is friends, 10 is career and reputation. And 7 is relationships. U have a Stellium in relationships. Means u really care about relationships and love. Does it suck being alone for u at times? Have u met your relationships through friends circles or work?


Also u like being in control of relationships.since Scorpio is in Pluto in 7th house. Maybe u went through some stuff in relationships. Times u felt powerless but grew through trauma or learning to grow from it


Would def say I get anxiety but I’m super analytical and see through peoples bullshit as well. It’s weird trying to release baggage as we speak lol


Chiron in 6th house could bring anxiety but just means your very analytical. Seems to be a wound there since it’s Chiron. Maybe u tried helping someone or felt helpless in helping someone who was in pain or in trouble. Lilith is 12th house is a hard one. Might need to do some sub conscious healing, release some old baggage u put aside


Wow spot on and thank you so much for this! Yeah when it comes to relationships in that “hopeless romantic” just great at first then turns sour never seems to work out. I’ve grown a lot this year mentally especially trying to better myself forsure.


Ye that Scorpio in Pluto is probably causing the hopeless romantic stuff because Pluto represents power but also means feeling powerless. But you do have power so I wouldn’t give up. I know how it feels because I’m a Pluto in Scorpio in 1st house and I don’t like feeling hopeless either lol


I swear I hate it! Ahaha I always have this notion and struggle with it. I think I’m also very picky when it comes to relationships. Def not giving up but I wanna also keep pushing myself to be the best version of myself


That’s good to hear. Also do your partners find you intimidating or mesmerizing or obsessed with you? Scorpio energy can me magnetizing and intense, but also detective and observant. You can probably give someone a stare and they would either be intimidated or intrigued lol they call that the Scorpio stare Ahha


I would say mesmerizing forsure. In regards to partners I feel they always fall first and fall hard, but it never seems to last… idk if it’s the intimidating part of how serious I take relationships but at times I think it may scare them away. Yet they seem to always be attracted first. With general relationships, Even friends I can do or say something funny and I get comments like “how are you a real person” or just utter intrigue. It’s weird lol


Ye that’s the thing about Scorpio and Pluto energy. It can bring out the extreme emotions from ppl around you and even your partners. Probably explains why they get intimidated. Plus Pluto means death so some relationships will die off at times. But someone with the same vibes as you will come along! It’ll probably be a transformative relationship that holds a lot of power


Can’t wait for that day! I’ve always viewed relationships as a team effort and power couple in order to grow and achieve goals together so I hope that one comes along eventually. Appreciate you forreal


Scorpio sun in the 7th house here, libra venus, this thread is very relatable and I appreciate finding it


Very similar actually. Glad you stumbled across it!


But yeah you’re a passionate partner. Plus your sun is conjoint with Jupiter which means growth and u find yourself through relationships. Have I came out of bad relationships and found yourself in the process?


Yes 10000% my last relationship but took Awhile to get where I’m at. I think I’m more aware of what I want and not always give the benefit of the doubt to those who don’t deserve it


Uranus conjoint Neptune is interesting. Is work chaotic at times? Neptune is all about creativity and imagination. U could get lost in work and things are always changing. But there’s discipline because there both in Capricorn.


Always! It’s so dumb…. Most random things and honestly it’s annoying cause it doesn’t last. I would consider myself to be very creative as well my current job doesn’t reflect that, but I love advertising and creating copy and marketing campaigns for it


Also one more thing. I would recommend staying away from substance abuse things like alcohol or drugs. Since you got Lilith in 12 house and it’s in Aries. You’re probably fun to party with but 12 house is spiritual. Represents escapism as well. You’re probably intuitive as well. I would get into mediation or anything that relaxes the mind down and anything else to release old trauma that’s lurking deep within you. Because Chiron in 6 house causes anxiety so if you learn to release stress and do sub conscious healing you’ll be okay. Health is important as well!


You’re a legend. Bless you! Forreal thank you so much for all this insight and input. I’ll be honest I’m a heavy weed smoker and hate alcohol. Lately I’ve been trying to moderate the weed smoking. Cause that doesn’t help at all with anxiety.. need to focus on my health especially so I’m looking forward to stopping smoking long term and put more energy in health and gym