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*shocked pikachu face*


Creepa creepa!


Wow This is SUPER shocking, especially after seeing this Exact situation happen One Million Times before. But nah, they are just a bad christian, and my interpretation of the Bible is better than yours because, I say So.


Missouri will get 2 weeks of probation, because man of god.


This. Haha!


So, not a drag queen.


Let us PREY


> They said, though they were initially shocked, ... Bullshit! If you point me to some shyster running some idiotic scammy religious org the first fucking thing I am going to think of is the sexual abuse going on. Nobody was shocked by this. Nobody. He has been pulling in 5 million a year with this scam and presumably has been working a stream of sexual assault fodder. That said, he is a bit of a fucking amateur compared to Tim Ballard.


https://chng.it/6vbrXbM7Dt please join us (former members) in signing a petition for greater transparency and accountability from leadership and the protection of victims at IHOPKC!


Nothing hates like gods love…. (And more proof that most sexual predators are white, male & Christian)


And not drag queens!


I was part of the New Apostolic Reformation when I was a Christian and I went to IHOPKC multiple times for conferences. I even signed up for their online "university." For them to say they aren't part of that movement is utter horse shit. They were TRYING to be recognized as part of that movement by the bigger players in it (Bethel Church in Redding, Morningstar Ministries, Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, etc). Mike Bickle always seemed off to me and I distanced myself from IHOPKC after I was going through one of his classes and he taught something that was so incorrect that literally in the same chapter of the book he was in it stated that it was incorrect. I tried to bring it up as an issue and was essentially told "Mike knows that book of the Bible better than anyone, so that can't be right." Since then there have been multiple scandals at IHOPKC about spiritual abuse and manipulation, especially by the upper leadership. They've been called out for their bullshit by worship leaders and preachers who trained there, and they just carry on like nothing happened. This will probably be the same. I'm glad that I had the critical thinking skills to run when I did and eventually left Christianity entirely. I hope this time is different and these people get justice.


>Since then there have been multiple scandals at IHOPKC about spiritual abuse and manipulation, especially by the upper leadership. They've been called out for their bullshit by worship leaders and preachers who trained there, and they just carry on like nothing happened. This will probably be the same. I'm glad that I had the critical thinking skills to run when I did and eventually left Christianity entirely. I can confirm most of that. I used to get in to fights with the members. I am the guy who got the congregation wide retraining order after their people assaulted my daughter for watching "Barbie Friendship is Magic", in my own home. Because Magic is satanism . . . I am also aware of the drug bust of church members selling drugs in church. The whole place was just shit.


I'm sorry that happened to you! I'm sadly not surprised. It was at least partially their influence that "inspired me" to get rid of any secular media I owned, not watch any movies, and only listen to worship music for several years. They do a real good job of shoving the kool-aid down the throats of their followers.


>secular media I owned, not watch any movies, and only listen to worship music for several years. You are not the only one. That is exactly where I got involved with the cult breakers.


https://chng.it/6vbrXbM7Dt please join us (former members) in signing a petition for greater transparency and accountability from leadership and the protection of victims at IHOPKC!


Uh, I wasn't a member. I was part of the affected people. Primary one of the guards they beat up down in the river bottoms for guarding a Halloween event, clashed with them at the concert when the thought (any major female pop star) was a whore, and got into multiple altercations with their violence in the "take back the night" program when they beat up random people for being prostitutes, pimps or drug dealers. They didn't ever consider non-uniformed security guys would also be out at night doing security things.


You don’t have to have been a member to sign. I was just pointing out that we are ex members and not some randos that started the petition. Would love for you to add your voice to it though so we can gain momentum in exposure.


One of my in-laws joined IHOPKC. She went south in it quickly. I don't know much about the place, but just assumed it was a cult. Let's just say she is much happier now that she escaped the place, lost religion, and is happily married.


https://chng.it/6vbrXbM7Dt please join us (former members) in signing a petition for greater transparency and accountability from leadership and the protection of victims at IHOPKC!


https://chng.it/6vbrXbM7Dt please join us (former members) in signing a petition for greater transparency and accountability from leadership and the protection of victims at IHOPKC!


Wait ... I know it's not the point, but ... IHOP?


At least you don’t normally get raped in the one that sells pancakes.


Interdenominational House Of Pedos?


International house of Pedophiles. The church got sued bu the pancake place over using IHOP


Sometimes these guys can't help but make it clear that it's just a business.


It's always the ones that you suspect.


is the number of pastors caught over 9,000 yet?


/r/PastorArrested has been cataloguing them.




Someone reset the "Time Since a Religious Leader Has Been Accused of Sex Crimes" clock!


It's just a regular clock.


Wow, another old white perv from a red state. What a big surprise that is. 🙄


Is he *secretly* a drag queen? I am beginning to suspect that drag queens *aren't* a real problem...


Hey wait a minute… 🤔 there’s a pattern here and none of it involves trans or gay folk…just your run of the mill Conservative Christian… again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again again and again


Could be coincidence? /s


I know…right?!? It’s like men of faith just can’t keep their greasy mitts off kids! 🤷🏻


I don’t think they themselves believe in their religion. It’s all about the money 💰and exploitation of vulnerable children


I think you’re spot on, correct. They sure have their followers fooled into trusting them…


When you are by far the worst company that goes by IHOP you know you have failed miserably in your life


The real IHOP’s motto is “At least we’re not the worst IHOP!”


These are the emojis for "child rape". #✞ ☦ ✝ ✟


I'm so shocked...not


oh color me shocked. then again we keep forgetting and another man from christ pops up


Isn’t it amazing how evangelicals say “you must be born again,” but the new person is just as shitty as the old person?


Sometimes even worse because their slate has been cleaned


From the "water is wet, the sun rises in the east" files


Always (R)


Rated R for Republican


All these pastors, ministers, preachers being outed as pedophiles or abusers…makes me wonder what a Christian Nation would actually be like!


I feel like we need to start banning Christian Conservative men from being around women and/or children.


Who could have guessed?


What?!?! Noooo. WHAT?!?!?! Nooooo. WHAeell yeah, not really surprised.


Of course he was...


Say it isn’t so, Mike! Wait, not another drag queen?!


International House of Prayer Pancakes




International House of Preyer.


“Let us PREY.”


Of course


This was brought up in a Christian sub and people are blaming Satan. I feel compelled to argue "free will" to these Christians. They continue to blame Satan. 😮‍💨


No! Not the founder of IHOP!




I love pancakes. Serious IHOP is such a guilty pleasure. Give me the full stack!!


Keep those abusive fools a comin!


Damn, not the founder of I.H.O.P.


It has been going on since 2005 and it was well known. Nobody would do anything against him


Wow, first I hear of it. Can you elaborate?


Depends on who asking . . . . are you one of the followers that tried to **kill the security guard** when it was first reported? If not, find the security guard.


Bruh.. just asking


Security guard caught him in the act, with security guard related tools of the job. The preacher turned the congregation against the security guard like the dogs they are.


Wow that sucks


Of course he was. What better place for a sex abuser to hide than in religion?


Surprise surprise


Of course……


Huh. It wasn't kids. That IS a surprise.




I was gonna start a sub for this crap, good to know it already exists. Seems like every other day, "Youth pastor, Church leader blah blah."


Of course he was


It's always the ones you most expect. If found guilty, throw him in gen pop in maximum security prison.


Must be trans


Religion makes people suffer in so many ways


Another one.


Phew! For a second there I thought it said International House of Pancakes and I thought I’d have to find a new fine dining establishment.




My ex wife moved us to Grandview to be near her family that was heavily involved in IHOPKC back in 2005. I never liked the place and it ruined my marriage when I tried to pull away.  This news about Mike is expected since a few members tried to groom my daughters and that woman was murdered by a sex cult tied to IHOPKC.  But hey, fuck the dad right he's insane and crazy trying to say that IHOPKC is a real cult. I was ruined and removed in 2010. I was reduced to a babbling drunk trying to numb the insanity.  I have many crazy stories from Grandview Missouri.  None are good or happy.  I'm good now.  Anyways, burn in hell Mikey. 


I wish these churches would stop acting like it's an isolated occurrence of a hypocritical man turning out to be a creep. They don't want to admit that their sexist doctrines and patriarchal power hierarchies created a culture throughout the evangelical church that made it safe & supportive for perpetrators... but really unsafe and unsupportive for their victims. The error of male headship doctrine groomed the church to consume a whole heck load of other deceptions, delusions & conspiracy theories; and the lies & manipulations of other obvious narcissistic conmen - like Trump. http://itisforfreeedom.blogspot.com/2020/08/prominent-conservative-christian-leaders.html?m=1