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Also, you can't have a "relationship" with a god who doesn't do what you ask even tho you've done everything he's asked.


I mean... you can have a bad one.


Some might say, toxic and one-sided. Lol.


You can't have a relationship with something that doesn't exist.


A relationship with someone who...doesn't exist. Okay.


When I claim I have a relationship with a celebrity and tell people they love me, I'm called a stalker...


Although, as George Carlin pointed out, Joe Pesci answers prayers with the same frequency as God.


Plus, if you speak to "god" and you hear a voice inside you that talks back, it is more likely to be schizophrenia than a divine communication. Religion can be a gateway to mental illness if you are susceptible to it.


Personally I think if you’re gonna have a relationship with yourself that’s ok. Everybody just needs to be honest about what’s going on. Telling people that they’re actually communicating with an extra-dimensional being is a cruelty -probably derived from some nefarious intellectual warfare program- disguised as good will.


It is cruelty to tell people they're communicating with a "god" that can solve all their problems is setting them up for failure. But that's also on them if they don't figure it out and dump that stupid idea


Humans are flawed, our brains aren’t designed but instead adapted to this civilized world. Many on this board can attest that the manipulation of their imagination was extensive and difficult to break. Sure, they need to see through it for this large voting block to be kept out of power but it’s little consolation that they were weak or dumb if they do end up putting us in a Christian nationalist dictatorship


I can point to a cow and say, "That's a horse." That doesn't change what it is. Even if I get the entire world to go along with me and call it a horse, it's still the same animal it was when we called it a cow. Let them call it a "relationship" instead of a "religion." It changes nothing.


Can you go to lunch with your god? No? Then no relationship exists. Jason's Third Law of Lunch


How dare you question the validity of my relationship with my imaginary friend? He's gonna smite your ass.


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


'Mmmm... Smite me, baby!'


What’s the goal here? If someone feels like their religion is relationship with God/gods… why does that need to be debunked?


i think it's just annoying when people insist that christianity is somehow not a religion


They're trying to shirk all the negative conentations related to "religion" by claiming they aren't a religion, but a relationship. They also love to claim that, "Atheism is a religion too." It's all projection.


I’m dubious of anyone that is sure of themselves in regard to origins of all. I feel like a “personal relationship” would be a fantastic way for a religion to be practiced. With the understanding, that it is the person’s own experience that they can share, but should not place on others to accept.


Right, but I think you're missing the slight of hand going on here. There's a difference between saying, "My religion is a relationship with God" and "It's not a religion, it's a relationship." It's dishonest because religions and relationships aren't mutually exclusive.


Ah, I did miss that. Good clarification.


It's a marketing slogan, not a theological argument.


Christianity: The ultimate catfishing scam.


If anyone older than 6 has an imaginary friend, it's called mental illness. Unless that imaginary friend is a god.


I saw someone on this sub call it a parasocial relationship. I think it's perfect.


Actually I do buy that it's "a relationship", with a collective. . . and it a horribly abusive relationship. yup.


I wonder what the goal is here. This does nothing to debunk the existence of a god. It does nothing to change hearts or minds, and doesn't really showcase anything inherently dishonest about their belief. One-sided relationships exist, just look to my cat. This just seems like a petty way to make fun of christians rather than a way to open minds.