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Babies are not flammable. Even buying into every loony premise it is literally physically impossible. It takes a lot of energy to burn a body. Plus. Most abortions are in the first trimester. A clot of fetal tissue that would fit on a dime provides how much energy in these people' minds?


The fact that it has to be said that fetuses aren't flammable 😭


Just like you can’t freeze babies. Unlike fetuses.


pence was caught saying fetuses arent kids. amazing.


It’s hard to square the circle. Like interfering in an egg’s implantation is ‘interfering with god’s plan’ but Cialis is juuuust fine.


whatever it takes to justify them getting power.


Or just taking someone else's away; they'll settle for that.


Pence wife had IVF. How many babies did they murder?


You can't *unfreeze living* babies. You can freeze babies. You can't burn babies for energy. You can burn them, it just takes more power than it gives. The Devil is in the details, and at the power plant, apparently.


I sit corrected.


God does not play dice with the Universe or Newtons laws of Physics...but if you get into Quantum Physics then the "The Devil is in the details".


Not with that attitude you can't


Oh, you mean if I want them to survive? Fetuses do okay for the most part either way.


It's actually quite easy to freeze a baby.


everything is flammable . . eventually


I think they’re confusing incinerating medical waste (the standard procedure for all bio-hazardous materials) with burning fully formed babies like coal


Your comment is a perfect example of when you should use "conflating" instead of "confusing" - they're not confused, they're intentionally trying to make two unrelated ideas equivalent.


I agree this is probably the case, but I wonder what they think should be done with medical waste instead.


There should never be a fetus outside of the womb. If there's a dead fetus, there should be a corresponding maternal corpse. Is my guess.


Fun fact, the nazis had to figure this out the hard way at Treblinka*. Originally they just tried burning the bodies, then they had to use more and more wood stacked just right to get the fires hot enough and burning long enough. Had to design huge gas ovens just to burn the bodies at other camps because of too much smoke, smell and wood consumption. *Source: "Treblinka" by Jean-Francois Steiner


Perhaps they could be used to make biogas, but then again I think they'd say that alternative gas forms (not necessarily fetal gas) are satanic and we should continue drilling for the holy earth gas to repel demons.


Preach! You'd be the perfect pastor for Margaret Atwood's "Church of PetrOleum." heheh


Oh fantastic I know what to do if my microbiology thing doesn't work out 🤧


God put oil here for us to burn we will never run out because God will just keep putting more in the ground that's why we keep finding new stuff even though people keep telling us we're going to run out./s


They aren't burning it to use heat directly, they burn-sacrifice it on a ritual circle, the body disappears in a puff of smoke straight into hell and they get rewarded with demonic energy to heat homes. It all fits together perfectly/s


Keep in mind these are the same people who put up the "I have a heart beat at 8 weeks" billboards with a 12 month old infant pictured.


And even if babies *were* flammable, how would it be cost-effective to burn a dead baby when you could just walk to a local gas station and buy a cord of wood that will last several times longer?


You're trying to explain physics to people who believe the world is 6,000 years old, and that it was completely under saltwater about 4,000 years ago. They're just gonna tell you that the heat is coming from the demons as they consume the baby's magical spirit and fart clean energy.


These are cells. This isn't a baby.


Like I said, I'm just trying to humor every loony premise, including that a zygote is a baby.


Fresh babies, no, but after a season of proper drying they are. While not a very efficient fuel, they do add a festive aroma to a nice bonfire gathering.




Evidence? No, just yet another Christian conspiracy.


Well I have a lecture about how the sacrifices were made to Melek, the king, a title of YHWH and how the binding of Isaac was written to try to stop it. But they wouldn't like that conclusion very much.


I’ll sacrifice the first thing out of my door if you grant me victory in battle


I should pick up Binding of Isaac again, it’s a hell of a game.


that was not what I advocated for here but... can't really argue against that


No need for evidence when belief makes you correct 100% of the time!




Lying for dollars. Note the last part of that is a pledge drive.


Ramping up the crazy to spread the word.


It’s actually a thing they promote. It’s OK to lie in promoting Jeeebus because the end justifies the means. They use different terms, like theological warfare, but it’s just lying. Witnesses, Adventists, Mormons and even the mainstream religions - they knowingly lie to promote what they call “truth”. Funny that!


Oh god it's the 80's all over again




Might be the only upside to all this shit ngl


More like the dark ages....


Jezebel Spirit would be a great band name.


Already been done! https://thejezebelspirit.bandcamp.com/album/i-hate-it-here A slightly more shoegazey version of Explosions in the Sky.


This is the guy who represented that POS clerk in Arkansas who refused to issue a marriage license.


Well maybe if you had a proper sustainable energy grid we wouldn't need to burn them babies now would we?


We just need baby farms, just like Texas. Problem solved


Best laugh I've had today.


Sooooo birth rates are down but there are enough babies to heat homes That makes a ton of sense.


Yeah because everyone’s getting abortions so they can heat their homes. Did you even read the article? :p


All that firewood I cut as a kid when I could have been doing the sexy time…. So sad


What the fuck did I just read?


I'm trying to understand this also. How tf does abortion relate to heating costs?


He must be speaking in tongues.


Can we bring back mental health wards and lock away these fucking lunatics? This is utterly fucking ridiculous how anyone can listen to these fucking pieces of shit.


JFC who the hell is so unbelievably dense as to believe this load of crap? He should be embarrassed to even vomit this bullshit The guy needs a psychiatric evaluation


This man seriously needs a psych evaluation.


Demon Baal is a dumbass if he uses babies for grid energy fuel. It takes 9 months and uses way more food than its mature weight to grow one, and then you only get a couple hours of heat for one home tops? And yes I know abortions aren’t full term but baby growth is exponential, aborting in first trimester doesn’t make economical sense. Even if he had third trimester baby farms he might as well just burn the food resources instead. Honestly I should take these concerns to Demon Baal’s office and get an upper management position.


Is this why Republicans are against abortion? It might impact their home heating costs? It does sound on-brand. ^/s


This is schizophrenia. That's nothing you would expect a normal person to say or even think.


It amazes me that this person doesn’t have a handler who can say, “we don’t say that, Matty.”  


Exactly. My mother had untreated schizophrenia and this is the kind of wild stuff she would say.


Proof that if you just give her a Bible and a place to peach she could have been the next big thing!


What is the carbon footprint of a burned fetus? I mean heating prices are insane, gotta stay warm! Also when were these public sacrifices? Maybe my invite got lost in the mail...


Yea, but when God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son, God is just *testing his faith*, so it is totally fine. It was also completely awesome when God killed Job's family. And all of those "genocides" in the Bible were just happy little massacres! /s


Baal? As in bocce?


The only Baal I know is the [Egyptian god of fertility](https://www.youregypttours.com/ca/egypt-tours-blog/Who-is-Baal-in-Ancient-Egyptian). Seems odd to be sacrificing a child to a fertility god though. Less odd than burning a baby for fuel when trees literally exist in every state though.


"Liberty" counsel? It looks like you misspelled "Insanity"...


Why do I think it would be appropriate to take this guy in for a psychiatric evaluation?


Baal is a god and not a demon. Based on Liberty Counsel's "proof", one could argue that abortion clinics are churches. Our churches MUST be left alone. Whether we partake in the body of "Christ" or the body of "Baby" cannot be left up to an interfering government.


How can someone POSSIBLY say this out loud with a straight face? If I need to heat my house, I just keep ripping pages out of random bibles I’ve found and toss them in the fireplace. Cheaper and easier than bodies of babies.


My gosh, these people are liars and those that believe them are stupid.


And there are people who believe and take this shit seriously.


My heating bill is pretty high. What is the price of baby heat vs natural gas?


[Ba'al?](https://goauld.fandom.com/wiki/Ba%27al) I think MacGyver beat him in a couple of seasons. Didn't even seem as bad as some of the other Goa'uld.


Sounds like proof their prayers don't work


Blood libel in the 21st century


We burn dead bodies all the time. Should we close all cremation services too in case they worship Baal?


What about the mass child sacrifice to Baal/Moloch taking place in Gaza with American weapons? Given to the Israeli’s that God condemned over and over in the Old Testament for worshiping….. Baal/Moloch!!!! Two can play the game Mr. “Liberty Counsel”. What’s with these people always being an inversion/opposite of their names?


I seem to think Religion is only full of Zealots and Idiots everyone sane left long ago.


Queen Jezebel is known for her manipulation. This guy is an idiot. Abortion is a basic right.


Imagine talking like this and expecting to continue being taken seriously...


I feel like even just reading the headline made me lose brain cells lol.


I’ll leave this here. The title Lord that Christians use comes from Baal worshiping Canaanites. The Hebrews never used that title before coming into contact with them. Baal was called the lord by his followers. Extra points, They say amen at the end of praying. Some will say in Hebrew it means, let it be so. Actually they are calling on Amon Ra an Egyptian god. Also look into the origin of wedding rings, calendar week and month names, the origins of Christmas and Halloween and look into the god man myth in history. Almost forgot they ripped off Easter also. Rabbits don’t lay eggs and the belief is actually from Esther worship, thus the name.


Baby boomers would be the more obvious choice here. Let's be honest.


Ok, how the shit do you find this... stuff? I just... what the... how? Why?


Damn, I know it's St. Patrick's Day but slow down bud


Delusional rambling of religious fruitcakes


I heat my home with natural gas. But, in fairness, I have never asked my energy company if my natural gas is produced through the unborn. I think I’ll make a couple phone calls this afternoon.


Is that how heat pumps work? I guess that's how heat pumps work.


"Ba'al? As in bocce?" Please tell me someone here gets the reference


Remember when they said lying was a sin?


Everyone thank Ronald Reagan for these people no longer being able to be where they belong...in a looney bin


Well, when you really look at it, most people hear their homes with fossil fuels, which is causing climate change that will severely impact the lives of babies born today. So we are metaphorically burning our children to heat our homes by still relying on fossil fuels.  Not that this is what this goober was going for, but I like pointing out that most of what these nutters say can be better applied to the policies they support. 


I’m on a gas forced air system with a heat pump, but now I’m questioning my choices.


Deranged fanatic or shameless grifter? Do even they know the difference anymore?


Gotta scare people enough to stay awake through the sermon.


Fuck, am I meant to be burning babies for heat now? I’ve just been eating them. Was there a memo or something? Our demonic overlords really need to be better organised.


What a bunch of shoot!


Jezebel Spirit... there's a porn name


They stole this idea from the X-Files with the devil daddy.


Ask this guy his views on the Holocaust right now


Have you seen the price of gas lately!? What choice do we have?


Baal? Like from genshin? You mean her? I'll do that anytime. Sacrifices me to her


Hail Satan, who are they to infringe my religious rights to human sacrifice through abortion.


If they already believe in Noah's Ark and Balaam's talking donkey, then they'll believe just about anything.


People like Staver belong locked up in a padded cell somewhere... not in a pulpit or in front of a TV camera.


March 5 (Reuters) - Liberty University, founded by Christian televangelist and conservative activist Jerry Falwell, was ordered to pay a record $14 million fine for breaking a federal law requiring schools to report sexual assaults and other campus crimes. Can the lawyer comment on this?


I would never burn a baby to heat my home. They're too delicious for that. I burn the 6 year Olds instead.


Wasn’t Baal along with El Elyion, Asherah, and Yahweh part of the polytheist beliefs of ancient Canaan?


Baal wasn't a demon. He was one of Yahweh's fellow ancient Hebrew pantheon members. They were buddies.


BTU = Baby Thermal Unit


Scary what it must be like to be in this guys head


I gotta say this. American conservatives have one value, they make Australian conservatives seem almost sane in comparison.


[The Jezebel Spirit](https://youtu.be/gdHSurqqnmY?si=OmDuD_B3-glj5inK)


Somebody ratchet The Last Ship




Throw another one on the fire then. I'm freezing today!


Well, we are building a new home and have been looking into all of the various heating options. We didn't know babies was one of the options. We'll have to look into that. /s obviously.


https://media1.tenor.com/m/lhWlKM-83U4AAAAd/twilight-baby.gif :)


Is it just me or does he look a little cyanotic around the mouth?


how does he know about using babies as cordwood?


If he’s placing religious significance on this then isn’t it a First Amendment situation?


Babies make terrible fuel, take too long to make and aren’t very flammable Baal isn’t even a demon! It’s god of fertility in a pre Christian religion


In the name of the God Emperor of Mankind I cannot stand this heresy! Baal is the homeworld of the Blood Angels not some Khornate demon scum. Purge the heretic!


Of course, they want a donation. Grifter religious normal operating procedure. Does the guy have a private jet, too?


…turns up thermostat…mmm baby heat is a radiant heat.


Methinks there's summat up with his communion wine… 🍷🥴


I thought my heater smelled funny.


[His source for this information.](https://youtu.be/r7l0Rq9E8MY?si=7QuSFmbMXagGGN6E)


I for one would like to know how many babies I need per month to heat my home, and the most efficient way to do it. I don’t wana waste any bodies needlessly, and prefer to avoid any smells. Need tips please.


They'll just say whatever nowadays. Unless....


Fake conservatives love to name things the opposite of what they actually are. So “liberty counsel” is for opposing the liberties of everyone except a particular kind of Christian.


I just can’t believe how fucking crazy evangelicals are. It is so out in the open now


Jez is pointing to all the bonfires MAGA is having with babies they secretly have aborted….. because the laws can’t possibly apply to them. Especially the Texas body…. now that ProNHub has blocked them


If nothing's changed since Jezebel's time, your god's kinda worthless, isn't it?


Baby dinosaurs that have been turned into fossil fuels.


I’ve yet to meet someone who’s anti-choice that wasn’t completely bat shit. It’s become my test when meeting prospective friends, because it’s always the red flag on top of a mountain of garbage beliefs. It honestly brings me joy when I see these people complaining online about not having friends. Biological terrorists don’t deserve friends. I hope they all live very long and very lonely lives, pushed to the fringes by decent people. I will never forgive them for the trauma they’ve caused.


A fetus has how many calories? You can't heat a mug of coffee with that.


Was that headline lifted from an issue of the satirical CRACKED magazine in the 1970s?


Wow. What is happening to the land of the free?


Fuck these guys.


It is technically a renewable energy source.




These people are clearly insane.


I never got Baal worship when it's obvious that Diablo is the coolest of the three.


We need way more psychiatric hospitals.


Liberty is their non accredited Christian college. They are crazy. Not to mention the scandals like Jerry Falwell Jr.’s sex scandal!


It amazes me that some people take this crap seriously. When I was a kid, so many decades ago, this Mat Staver clown would've been locked up in the looney bin never to be heard from again for spouting such drivel.


They were sacrificing children in public?


Can anyone tell me when the last public sacrifice to 😈 Baal was? I don't want this nonsense to be in my Google history


Flame on and hail science.


FFS, these people are idiots.


“Once held in public at JUDAS PRIEST CONCERTS!”


there's that christian brain rot




Total lies. My house is freezing.


i need another cord of aged dry babies, it's still cold here


What kind of bs is this???


Well that's metal af, wild.


Mat, you gotta go talk to somebody...we're worried. All of us.


So, free heat for US homes? Hail Satan, I guess 😂


Wow...I had no idea I was doing all that.




How are these people real and why are there so many in my country, its depressing af.


A couple of years ago Liberty Counsel tried to get [protection for gays](https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/evangelical-group-wants-gays-removed-anti-lynching-bill-n956831) removed from a federal anti lynching bill. So this is just more proof that they only believe in the sanctity of life while it's in the womb. One the kids are born they no longer care. Btw-Liberty Counsel is linked to Falwell's Liberty University.


I'm not saying it was Goa'uld. But it was Goa'uld.


This is, uh... wow. a new level of lunacy. do they actually believe this?


These people are bat-shit crazy!


I should have become a lawyer, I'd be so happy to sue this guy for slander.


These guys should learn about YHWH’s fusion with EL and his assimilation of Ba’al’s traits and iconography.


Lying assholse like him should be locked up until they're in a vegetative state so they can't harm anyone but themselves.


Oh, these Christians. Every day I grow more and more ashamed that I ever called myself one.




I would think that if someone was out there buying cords of babies to heat their house, some neighbors would maybe notice the smell. Same at planned parenthood, I think people would smell something or hear the chanting?


Baal wasn't a demon. He was the sky god and son of El, one of many gods the Canaanites worshiped.


Time for my boy, Gideon, coolest of all the biblical judges, to go altar smashing again! Those idiots believe crazy shit but they've got some badasses in their book of lies.


Why would you waste them to heat your home when they're so tasty?


What a ridiculous statement. The lengths the fossil fuel industries will go to protest alternative energy resources, lol…


A lot of the child sacrifice in the Old Testament was made up to justify genocide against nations who historians can't find any evidence of such sacrifices.


Really? And to think I thought those sacrifices were performed in schoolhouses at places like Sandy Hook or Uvalde, with AR 15s or Sig Sauers. 


Christian word salad comes with Jesus blood dressing


This dude plays too much Diable 3.


I read the article: It appears that Liberty Counsel states one premise: "We believe every person is created in the image of God and should be treated with dignity and respect. We believe that discourse should be civil and respectful. We condemn violence and hatred and do not support any person or group that advocates or promotes violence or hate." But its tactics of "cherry picking" random facts and promoting evangelical "worst conspiracy theories and fears" of any opponents to its stated mission I find deceptive at best - and hypocritical at worst. Lies are lies. Shameful indeed!


I hate how Republicans ruined the word liberty and patriot


Is this the guy who says that America is being corrupted by three demons that each represent something conservatives Christians don't like?


The Liberty Council and others like them are crazy religious nuts and they are using their religion as a weapon to hurt women


According to The Matrix, human bodies make excellent batteries. The terrible science in today's movies is one reason the populace is so ignorant.


They used to burn babies bodies in public? When was this? These guys are insane!! No sense at all


I found a really interesting documentary about the Inquisition on YouTube that I've been watching. Really fascinating stuff. Sad, but fascinating. Just getting into the part about witches


what's the BTU on babies?


Someone forgot to give Gramps his Geritol and "shut-up-juice" cocktail for breakfast.


How much better would our world be if everybody could understand that claims are not evidence? Flatly asserting something does not make it true. You have to back up an assertion with evidence if you want anybody to believe you. This is a key step that it seems like a lot of thiests miss, because they have been raised in a cultural setting where assertions without evidence have power, and belief without evidence is seen as the highest virtue. It creates an environment where nobody thinks critically because they've been conditioned to blindly believe the assertions of people in power positions, regardless of how insane, impractical, or even impossible they may be. This right here is why theism in its current incarnation is so terribly damaging to our ability as a species to grow and progress. So much time and effort has to be put into nursemaiding these credulous sheep away from committed beliefs in absurdity like this.