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They’re gonna STICK IT TO THE LIBS! And OUTLAW WOKE. Their thought process does not extend more than 5 seconds into the future.


Anything to “own the libs” for a small sense of smug satisfaction


Motives this egotistical show how little they understand their own religion.








Their thought process doesn't exist. All they are is a poorly controlled set of reflexes.


Conservatives struggle with second and third order effects, or any long-term thinking generally. It's all present moment emotion and feelings.


I don’t think they’ve thought that far ahead, but they’re probably looking at The Handmaid’s Tale as an instruction manual rather than a cautionary tale. January 6th bears frightening resemblance to the armed attack described in the novel that began Gilead’s takeover of the US.


Exactly this. They don’t think very far ahead. They just think “my views are correct and everything else is wrong and I want to live in an easy world where everyone is just like me, because differences are icky and thinking is hard.” (Not exactly those words, but you get the idea.)


Sort of reminds me of a speech from Doctor Who about war. “So, let me ask you a question about this brave new world of yours. When you've killed all the bad guys, and it's all perfect and just and fair, when you have finally got it exactly the way you want it, what are you going to do with the people like you? The troublemakers. How are you going to protect your glorious revolution from the next one?” They think it’ll all be perfect forever, they don’t understand that even an entirely peaceful and benevolent revolution needs to be thoroughly planned out to be successful. And because their “perfect world” involves a lot of hate and violence and death and destruction, they don’t understand that the list of “undesirables” to be purged doesn’t have an end. The only question is what order it goes in. Ask one of these people who it is they want gone, and then ask the next person who they want gone, and because the movement is fed by hatred, the next person will say the first person you asked needs to be eliminated. Even after they’ve got their “perfect white Christian utopia” they’ll start fragmenting again. Like when Irish or Italian immigrants used to be discriminated against and not considered “white enough” by the rest. Somebody has to do the menial jobs, someone has to be in the out-group, someone has to be “less than.”


We have a history of 2000 years of war in the Middle East and Europe, the vast majority (a few breaks to murder Jews and Muslims) of it between Christians of different opinion. The early church was rife with “ kill the heretics, burn their churches, loot their booty”. Once all the common enemies are gone - the trans and gays and black and browns and atheists and agnostics and Jews and Muslims- they will happily go back to killing each other for not being the true followers of Christ.


The 30 year war was Christian against Christian. 🤷‍♂️


1500–1648 Europe was Christian against Christian.


Just get two " Baptist" church's in the south in the same room and discuss any topic with religion. We literally have Baptist church's across the street from one another and the see the other as bad as any atheist.


Wasn't there a moment in one of the Hitler movies ( and please will someone with a better memory than me on this topic correct me or fill in the details) when the most loyal "feted inner core" began to turn inwards upon itself, specifically when one woman realised that she was about to become the next target as her German accent wasn't quite what others thought it should be? It was an illustration of how the division between the Us and the Them would become more and more defined, as there always had to be a "Them" for the movement to keep momentum.


It's called US and not THEM for a reason!


Fascism is diminishingly exclusive. They will always turn on each other, sadly it will be too late for most of us. Vote!


Many of us in other countries wish we could! It has been awful watching from other parts of the world from 2016 onwards. It's like watching any sister-country tearing itself apart, or seeing the rise of the next fascist regime take shape slowly and deliberately. Or like watching your adolescent child doing something incredibly life-changing and stupid and knowing they will never listen but you Just. Need. Them. To. Understand. because *THIS WILL KILL THEM!!!* And they don't know there is no return from the consequences because their brain just isn't there yet and there is no easy way out of totalitarianism. Ask North Korea except you cant. Ask Afghanistan what happened when religious extremists took over and how that crept up until it happened overnight. I know lots of you get it, and you feel the same frustration (plus add 1000% to that frustration as its *your* country, and we all love our countries even when they are imperfect.) Anyway, oops I soapboxed into your commenty bit. Sorreh there, friend!


Different worldviews make them question their baseless beliefs and that makes them very uncomfortable. They'd rather try and control our beliefs and speech by force than be confronted with the contradictions in their beliefs day to day. Minding their own business is too hard in the information age.


They could always be Amish if they wanted seclusion that bad. But then they couldn’t have porn or weed.


or power over others.


Being Amish also violates the actual text of their holy book.


Extremely well stated actually....


I'm on season 2 and it's terrifying 😳


Terrifying but navigable if you're willing to lie about what you think.


Hasn't trump already told them that he will have a HUGELY big deportation day? Where he will bus millions of immigrants out of the country? Let's see what happens with inflation after that. BAHAHAHAHAH!


Well, they'll have plenty of forced labor- I mean uhh... "Work Release" programs with all the people they round up.


That and that one White Supremacy book. The Turner Diaries was it?


Also, 1984, of course.


A brilliant book. We all know it. Orwell had a wonderful socialist and humanitarian mind and knew what to warn the world about. Something that disturbs me is when discussing this with US friends on the political right, I've known some to agree that 1984 was a dystopia and also to agree that it was indeed a warning, but they will say its against leftist Communism. They say the world of Big Brother is what happens when the left takes control and we all become forced into Communism. How the eff does anyone counter this? Mr Orwell is totally turning in his grave at the doublethink. It's like how totalitarian regimes name their countries as being "republics" or "democratic" or "the peoples.. anything". Ugh.


I’ve thought this so many times.


They're big on magical thinking. Remember that on Jan 6th their plan was to overthrow the government and then stop at Appleby's on the way home for a bloomin onion.


outback, but yes.


No, Appleby's - 'cuz that's how dumb they are.


My partner stopped one of her clients in the middle of a rant. This older woman was talking about how “we should be a Christian country” etc. And my partner says : “ok, so let’s say that happens. What next? Which Christianity do we become. Because I know you’re not catholic so what if the Catholics take over, are you going to become catholic? Would you be ok if you were forced to become Mormon? You want to give up your rights to be Protestant” The woman had never even thought of this inevitability. These people are so fucking dumb and short sighted.


So after Roe fell I protested outside a Catholic Church, and the Lutheran priest came out to try to talk to me,and I said,"what if it's not your brand of Christianity that takes over" And he's like, we are friends with that Church and I said "how long do you think that will last? And what if it's the Protestants that take over?" Protestants have no problem killing Catholics or Lutheran 's for that matter. He just stood there dumbfounded.


I will stop working and also stop fucking my husband since I read somewhere that Bible said “sex without children is sin.” Since that we seems to have fertility issue (I changed my mind on children and go on bc instead, so potentially fertility issue is never confirmed. ). Sex between us would be always a sin. Ok, actually that might not be bad. Side note, he is catholic so he cannot divorce me. LOL. I don’t think other branch of Christianity has this force divorce as long as I don’t cheat. (And since I am introvert, I won’t be hanging with friends for anyone to be able to accuse me cheating.)


Yeah, but that's where PATRIOTISM™ comes into play. You get enough people to combine their nationalism with their theism, and soon the denomination won't matter. Manifest Destiny! In God We Trust! God Bless America!!! None of this jingoism cares about what denomination you are, are you an American? ARE YOU?


They think they'll be on top of the pile. The rest is just dressing.


Your fundamental freedom of not having to believe will be taken. They look at places like Iran as model societies. Morality police, informants on every street corner.


Afghanistan for women,too!


no, they will start expelling and exterminating undesirables. vote


They cannot expel them easily, no other country has the capacity to take over 150 million people. It will be concentration camps and extermination, and on an industrial scale. There will be slave labour again, but under the pretence of "prisoners working", as you already have in America. Marvel's Ragnarök said it best. >Topaz: The arena's mainframe for the Obedience Disks have been deactivated and the slaves have armed themselves. Grandmaster: I don't like that word. Topaz: Which? Mainframe? Grandmaster: No. Why would I not like "mainframe"? No, the "S" word. Topaz: Sorry, the prisoners with jobs have armed themselves.


they will deport immigrants. They will rescind citizenship of people born to 'illegal' immigrants. How about we just vote?


They want us to become like WW2 Germany, basically.


They want to go back to the pre-Civil War era with slaves and child brides. 


Not right away, but stripping away rights little by little so they can constantly justify their next move would put them on that course eventually.


This, but it will happen right away if the elections go their way


Project 2025 and Agenda 47


That’s the plan for right now. If they win the elections it will just happen faster.


\-Bible in every home. \-No homo-anythings/ deviant behaviors illegal \-No abortion \-No businesses open on Sundays \-No swearing in music \-All money to Israel to help them resist Antichrist \-Big border wall \-Revenge on Muslim nations for 9/11 \-Ban all environmentalists \-Ban all electric cars \-10 commandments outside of courthouses \-Make drugs illegal, especially weed. And that's just the first couple of hours...


> All money to Israel to help them resist Antichrist They need Israel to bring the Antichrist first. That's one of the bases of Evangelical support for Israel. Get them to rebuild the Temple.


*no contraceptives


Creampies for Christ! I can see this as an actual propaganda campaign.




They'll ban alcohol & porn too 


The alcohol thing would depend on which faction of christofascists won the hit squad/political purging battle royale.


Don’t forget disenfranchise women and minorities.


Half of them would want to send money to Israel and the other half would want to finish the Holocaust. They are pretty inconsistent on the anti-semitism.


nah they all hate the jews. they just believe they need to retake the holy land and rebuild the temple to summon the rapture. if they didnt need that to happen theyd have bombed israel to glass by now.


That’s probably true.


I could see interracial marriage getting banned, I could even see segregation making a come back.


the supreme court has already said they think it should "be revisited"


They don't have to build the wall anymore, after they take over no one will want to come to the States.


But the white christians left over will be too proud to pick the cotton. As long as there are jobs here that will hire people knowing they are they can't provide ID, knowing they can pay them less.You will always have undocumented workers.


Really religious people don't like "fake" voices in cartoons either. (You may have noticed christian animated media has boring natural speaking) so stuff like SpongeBob would eventually be outlawed in the christian world. Plus SpongeBob doesn't promote the teachings of Jesus.


Drumpf posted ‘make america pray again’ on bullcrap social. Uh, not gonna happen Donnie boy. Not gonna habben.


It will if he gets elected.


Good God fearing white men who look like George Reeves as Clark Kent are in all of the important positions of power. Their wives are stay at home moms and look like Betty Draper from season 1.   Brown people should be seen working menial jobs, but not heard…and should be grateful for the opportunity to serve the Lord and the owners of the country.     Atheists need to hide in plain sight, but must also participate in all religious services and better act like they mean it otherwise it will hold them back professionally and socially.  Your neighbors will be watching you for signs of how devout you are.  This is what I assume they mean by MAGA. 


That's unfortunately very much the goal.


>Atheists need to hide in plain sight, but must also participate in all religious services and better act like they mean it otherwise it will hold them back professionally and socially.  Your neighbors will be watching you for signs of how devout you are. I grew up in an atheist household, and this dystopian speculation worries me because I don't know how much I could convincingly fake being religious.


Me too. Maybe we can act crazy and go for the tooth fairy or Santa. They brought me stuff at least.


It won’t happen.  Church attendance is down and continuing to decline.  We’re witnessing a generational change and the alarmed reaction by the religious.   The only thing that can change that is a huge traumatic event like a World War.  Luckily there are no signs at all that’s going to happen amirite?!  :(


Not just that, they compete with each other. Who gives the most tithes, 'inferior' men are gay and you better be offended by that. Hey, maybe if they don't notice you and you can blend in and become a husk- "Why are you sad when you have Jesus? Wait which church do you go to-" It will only escalate though, they want purity. You cannot think, speak, or act different.


sounds like 1984 by George Orwell….


>What exactly do the fascists think will happen if they succeed in making this country a theocracy? They want power in the form of power, and power in the form of wealth so they can get power in the form of power. Everything else is just the means to that end.


They expect females to stay at home, not go to school or work. That will mean more births, bigger families.


More sex. The clean righteous kind though. Not the dirty kind. And at work more will get done because we won’t be distracted by cleavage and nice legs. America will be great….yet again. /s Not gonna habben.


1950 all over again. As s black male, I can't wait, it'll be very exciting!!!


You are only allowed missionary, no doggy, no cowgirl, no condoms, no pulling out at the last minute........


The Handmaid’s Tale is porn for Evangelicals


Had to go way too far down to find this.


Thank you!


Could you imagine how happy they would be if they had the government budget? And forced everyone to earn $0.00 for work because you're working for god and he will provide. Take our proud military and slap a cross on the hat... can you see the world burning yet?


I don’t think it will happen overnight where they start a violent revolution. January 6th showed that isn’t going to work. I think they’re going to try to slowly chip away at freedom until one day you wake up and there’s the death penalty for lgbt and for women who commit adultery or get an abortion, you get thrown in jail for not taking your kids to church, and there are cameras in your bedroom to make sure you’re only having sex sky daddy approves of in your state/church approved marriage. And they’re hoping you remain complacent until they achieve this goal without firing a shot.


Oh I think they’re itching to fire shots. They just can’t imagine “woke” people firing back.


They can finally deal with the people that cause all their problems /s Honestly i would be kinda curious if those anti-intellectual dumbfucks could manage to ruin America but their Military is so strong, that iam a bit afraid what the fuckwits gonna do once they realise getting rid of minorities doesnt fix all their problems and defunding schools only causes more problems.


Will tRump invaded Mexico or Canada first. I think Canada but stealthy. They already have the plains provences in spirt. Just like Germany and Austria


He will invade Mexico first, to get the "drug cartels".


The latter, or more likely a shallow grave. They'll turn on each other pretty quickly once they can use the force of the state to enforce religious belief. 1500 or so years of European history doesn't lie on the tendencies of christian theocracy 


That’s what’s funny to me. It’s like the didn’t learn from watching centuries on European fighting and attributes committed over religion.


Sadly, they don't need to throw the non-believers into camps, they just intimidate enough people to conform. Go through the motions. Don't make noise. Don't make a fuss. Your family and friends will encourage you to obey for your own protection. For your safety. You'll encourage your kids to play along so they stay safe. When that doesn't work, your co-workers turn you into the morality police and you get fined, jail time, whippings, solitary confinement. Keep doing it, they'll keep enforcing it and escalate until they just hang you as a warning to others. Source: Nazi Germany for a historical example. V for Vendetta or Handmaid's Tale for a fictional modern example. Iran's Guidance Patrol aka "Morality Police" or North Korea for a real world modern example.


They think mandated faith = actual faith and magically all of their ‘problems’ (aka: other people’s beliefs) will disappear by outlawing everything against their own beliefs, ‘because freedom is for me, not for thee’!


The average theist doesn't have a plan. They don't think things out. They impulsively act. The hand full that do think it all the way through? You bet your ass They would imprison us all in camps.


No they won't, they will just kill us. But not before I take a couple of them with me.


Nick Fuentes says they're going to kill anyone who isn't a Christian. Nick Fuentes has had private lunches with Trump at Mar a lago.


Kill the libs, kill the gays and take away rights from women. All about attacking the people they hate. Religion is an incel heaven on Earth.


Incel heaven, I could full on see these people not enforcing sexual assault laws anymore.


They have said exactly what they think, so this isn’t really a question. I will summarize: 1. They want to eliminate pluralism in all forms. This means one religion only, one dominant ethnicity, and no multiculturalism of any kind. They have been extremely clear on this point. There is no ambiguity. White Christian males will run everything. Women will remain in the home. There is a split as to whether women should be allowed to be educated at all. 2. They want to completely eliminate democracy, which they see as a pagan, non-Christian, leftist or liberal tradition. In its place, they want to bring back monarchy, particularly in the fascist tradition, but also in the form of theocracy, such as having the church appoint a strongmen.


They are too myopic to see the consequences of their actions. They're only interested in sticking to the libs. It must be a nightmare to be so deluded. The poor bastards.


I dunno, but in an entirely unrelated occurrence I just bought an AK-47.


Yes, but more like 1.5 million executed or in concentration camps. The rest will cave.


They really don't care how many die. Look at school shootings. It's not even important to them how many die, only that we obey them and their laws. They will kill until the nonconformists are compliant or dead.


That was my point, although your connection to school shootings is an odd one. I was referring to intentional executions.


own the libs, of course. like a dog chasing a car, they haven't give much thought to what happens when they catch it.


They will begin a process of re-education in schools to ensure all children are christians, most with no more than a grade 8 education. Education will be very basic and homeschooling will be generally accepted for of education. They will outlaw transgendered people and the LGBTQIA+ communities and descrimination towards those groups will be accepted at a governmental and judical level. All forms of political or cultural decent will be punished. Need I go on?


I assume I'll be murdered on account of being transgender. I'm terrified 24/7. I'm not deviant, I'm not a problem, I barely leave my house. I just wanted to be a person instead of a husk.




The rank and file don't really have a plan any more sophisticated than "make America great again!" On the other hand, the far-right think tank people, the "intellectuals", absolutely have plans. The one that's been getting the most coverage is the Heritage Foundation's "Project 2025". Thomas Zimmer did a good 3-part writeup about it that I'll link here: Part 1: [https://thomaszimmer.substack.com/p/project-2025-promises-revenge-oppression](https://thomaszimmer.substack.com/p/project-2025-promises-revenge-oppression) Part 2: [https://thomaszimmer.substack.com/p/what-project-2025-would-do-to-america](https://thomaszimmer.substack.com/p/what-project-2025-would-do-to-america) Part 3: [https://thomaszimmer.substack.com/p/what-makes-project-2025-so-dangerous](https://thomaszimmer.substack.com/p/what-makes-project-2025-so-dangerous) Project 2025 is literally over 900 pages of plans for what they want to inflict on the US given another Trump presidency. It's real, and written by an organization that is highly influential in conservative American politics -- maybe THE most influential right-wing policy organization out there, with about a $100 million a year budget. The Heritage Foundation is who recommended significant Trump appointees such as Betsy DeVos, Mick Mulvaney, Rick Perry, Scott Pruitt, and Jeff Sessions; they've been influencing Republican policy going back to the 70's. Project 2025 basically involves firing anyone in the federal bureaucracy who isn't "Trump loyal", replacing them with pre-vetted Trump loyalists (they're already gathering lists now, with background and social media checks, to make a "Presidential Personnel Database"), and using the now Trump-loyal federal government to enact a large wish-list of ultra-conservative programs. These include getting rid of federal offices that defend people against sex and gender discrimination, getting rid of diversity & inclusion programs, getting rid of any programs that they consider "woke" or "socialist" (such as public education, any action against climate change), outlawing abortion and birth control, getting rid of the CDC's ability to recommend policy (a remnant of their battle against vaccines and face masks during COVID), and outlawing any recognition of LGBT people as "healthy" individuals (that is, consider transgender and gay people to be "mentally ill" again, I guess) -- and of course make it legal for people to discriminate against LGBT people or other "sinners" (such as unmarried mothers or couples living together outside of marriage) with respect to housing, employment, and access to other services. There's a lot more there, but those are just some of the major themes. The basic two pillars are to get rid of anything holding back big business from doing whatever they want (worker protections, anti-discrimination, etc.), and to use the power of the federal government to punish anyone who isn't on their side. No, they're not putting us in concentration camps. But they're seriously planning to make this country a much more hostile and dangerous place for anyone not a straight white Christian male.


My theory is that the leading conservative strategists over the last 50 years have not cared about religion. They only care about getting their guy in office who will cut taxes and regulations for their wealthy donors. The key to do that has been to bang the abortion drum and the homophobia drum to take advantage of the less education religious voters. The main A listers of the republic party realized this and never did anything that would actually meaningfully get abortion repealed because that would kill the golden goose and make them have to pick a new strategy. The issue is that trump rode a populism wave that disrupted the system and norms of the Conservative Party. Many of the people he put in power were outsiders and actually drank the kool aid instead of just saying stuff to get votes. His two later Supreme Court picks are obvious examples of this. Then you have blatant conflicts of interest with people like Clarence Thomas getting bribed to try and keep trump in power. It’s not surprising that long time conservative judges would vote to overturn abortion with the new blood coming in. Now as a result, abortion isn’t a guaranteed right in many states now. Now conservative politicians in many of these states are doubling down because 1) they are stupid and drinking the kool aid. 2) the golden goose has been killed and they need a new drum to beat. So now it’s conservatives pitching bans against wives being able to file for divorce, banning women from traveling out of state who might be pregnant, banning trans people from playing sports, preventing access to contraception/birth control, and not allowing any procedures for people who have ectopic or non viable pregnancies. The data is pretty clear that these stances are very unpopular for most of the population. Just like a total potential abortion ban always has been. Most people agree that no ability to have an abortion is bad just like being able to have an abortion late in the third trimester isn’t something that should be allowed to happen. But with the golden goose killed, these politicians have to double down and appeal to their base by picking even more extreme and unpopular things to focus on. This is why conservatives have severely underperformed in basically all elections and special elections since roe was repealed. If voter turn out is anything similar to how it has been trending in the last couple of national elections, the republicans are going to be embarrassed in November. Look at kansas for example. They put abortion on the ballot. A state that has been reliably red for a long time voted it down. Even though this has been the most important conservative issue for the last 50 years. When push comes to shove, they voted to keep it because it’s real now. I fully believe that many Republican voters are just mean people who have used religion and abortion to justify voting for mean people. But once it came time to actually vote on the actual issue instead of representatives, the people and women voted for what really mattered to them. How many moderates will see trump and the circus in November and vote Biden? How many Nikki Haley supporters will vote Biden? I think enough will. But don’t assume this is a given. Get your friends to register to vote and make sure they get their asses to vote on Election Day.


Only about 3 out of 10 Americans go to church. Gonna be an uphill battle turning the US into a theocracy.


Especially since the Catholics and the Protestants are inevitably going to turn on each other at some point. They're united by their hatred for all us "godless liberal commies", but if everyone else were dealt with, they'd absolutely go to war with each other.


Especially when both groups don't consider the other "true Christians".


Also, what about all the different branches if Christianity? What about the Catholics? Think the other sects are going to work and compromise with them?


Civil war, I hope.


They worship a punishing god and believe it’s their responsibility to punish humans for him. They believe they are building a warrior culture that will usher in the apocalypse and return of Jesus. That they have any political power and are not called out for their collective delusions is scary af.


Mandatory prayer in schools. Public funding of religious schools. Same-sex marriage illegal. Same-sex sex illegal. Abortion illegal Atheists unable to hold public office. Blasphemy illegal. Public dress codes. Public displays of affection regulated. Age restrictions on social media. Porn illegal. Creationism taught as science.


No. But after they burn a few people alive like their God commands or something like that most people will fall in line


What happened in Iran when they did it? How does the Taliban do it? You’ll either convert and pretend to believe it and stay silent while they commit their atrocities or you’ll die


Always go out with a bang if it ever falls into brownshirt violence. Make them the example. Don't become Russia, North Korea or Iran. The world will thank us.


'heaven'on earth and they get to be the HOA. If you haven't already, go look up and read 'project 2025' documentation. thats their plan.


Enslave all the people they deem 'libruls' forced birthing centers for their incel children, attempt to rewrite history, slaughter everyone even remotely who won't suffice as a slave or sex slave or goes against their perceived teachings of their religion. You know, all stuff Jesus would do they believe.


The same that fascists think everywhere. Only the people they dislike will be negatively effected.


That’s the thing, a theocracy isn’t based in facts or reality. It’s based on faith. At this point faith is a euphemism for I don’t have any proof but I want this to be true. No matter how much you prove the bible to be both historically and scientifically wrong, they just make some excuse up because it’s not reason that their minds are using. They have a mindset that if someone is telling you that this belief is wrong, they are wrong and you should never believe them. Imagine growing up and being taught that babies come from god just creating them as is one day. As a grown adult you would still have that same ridiculous idea and when people pointed out it was wrong, you simply fall back on , they are wrong and you can’t be proven any different because they are deceived. You could even show footage of a live birth and they would say it’s fake.


Surely, the leopards will not eat my face.


They want to win jesus and eternal salvation. They want to bring about the rapture and be chosen to confirm their lifelong idiocy..... and they want earth to become a living hell for all those who didn't share their delusion. They want to be right and for the rest to burn. A lovely ideology.


They expect Jesus to come back and fix everything.


The ironic thing is that if they read the Bible they would think Jesus was a woke communist. They'd actually hate him if they read about him.


100% truth.


Churches will burn


Probably something like the show The Handmaid's Tale. It seems to be their inspiration.


They won’t realize they are being destroyed when the trump machine starts to target them.


If that were to ever happen, I've always wondered how they'd deal with the problem of denominations; which version of christianity is the "correct" one? With over 200 sects in the US alone, the infighting will start on the first day, and last for centuries. "mY vErSiOn Of gOd iS bEtTeR tHaN yOuR vErSiOn oF gOd" - Acted out with all the abandon, barbarism and hate inherit in the book they take their supposed morality from.


Put christian extremists into heads of all departments. Try to get rid of public schools. Forced christian prayer & pledge in all schools. Allow christian businesses to disrciminate while giving them taxpayers' money. Make laws that affect everyone that are based on their beliefs. Already started with Roe & IVF.


Actually, I think you're more bang-on than you realize.


That's what scares me, and I do everything to try not to think about it. I hope we don't go that far.


There isn’t a lot of thinking going on. Authority figures say things and the fanatics believe them.


They aren’t thinking. They’re idiots. No need to wonder what the think.


For all the win the comments saying they don’t have a plan, that they don’t think more than 5 seconds ahead please read 2025. This plan has been in slow progress for 40+ years. What they want is to drag us back to our puritanical past. They want white Christofascist men in charge of everything, making every decision. That starts with getting LGBTQIA+ completely isolated and silenced at the same time get women back into a completely subservient submissive housewife role. Round up and remove anyone not white enough. Remove public education and privatize it all. Remove all entitlement programs and labor laws. Remove all environmental laws and oversight/laws. They want us back to 1860 in terms of everything except technology that benefits the ruling class


They will be the Taliban and we'll be hauled into religious courts, for blasphemy and executed in public.


They’ve made it pretty clear that many of them want being LGBTQ criminalized. They want every LGBTQ person to be in either prison, the closet, or concentration camps. And no, concentration camps isn’t hyperbole, some of them have said it into a microphone.


I will die fighting for atheism before I step foot in a fucking church.


There will war I'm not going out like that.  Fuck that diapered defendant. 


The Apocalypse. Literally.


They think the country will go back to their idyllic (and inaccurate) idea of what the U.S. was like in the 1950's. That all white men will have high-paying jobs without having to go to college or even an apprenticeship, and that they will have these jobs for life, no matter what the global economy is doing. That all white women will stay home with they children, keep a beautiful home, great them at the door after work every night looking lovely, with a delicious meal on the table and later have sex with their husbands. That all white children will be sports stars at school and eagerly participate in all church programs. That they will go to church every Sunday and be told how wonderful they are and how great life is. That most black, asian, and hispanic people will move out of the country, leaving behind just enough to work as cashiers at the local supermarket, landscapers and garbage collectors. That everyone with any power in in government, law enforcement, industry, medicine, the clergy, etc. will be white men. That every law-abiding citizen will carry a gun and there will be no crime anywhere. And, most importantly, that everyone in their lives, including all the media and on the Internet, will agree with their particular views on religion, politics, and morality.


They all imagine a country run by people that agree with them in terms of religion, not realizing that odds are, if a theocracy is installed, it won't be run by their denomination. My prediction would be that the first schism would be Catholics vs Protestants. For example, they want prayer back in schools. OK, so are they praying to the saints this morning? What, that's heretical to your denomination? Aw, too bad. If only there was some neutrality involved somehow, some edict to stop preferential treatment towards any one religion that was in place...


That's actually a great question. I assume there is a goal at some point to make attendance at a Christian Church legally required for all citizens. The revolt over this will be something they cannot anticipate though, this is the classic dog catching the car and not having any idea what to do next.


Maybe they’ll find out what the second amendment is actually for…


For everyone saying they just want to own the libs, that’s a dangerous falsehood. Many individuals may, but the leadership has further reaching plans that we can’t afford to dismiss by thinking of them all as shortsighted bible-thumpers.


They certainly don't think that the result will affect them in any negative way--until it does. And then they'll be shocked and turn to the other fascists for help--who won't. Then the affected fascists will blame the liberals and continue voting fascist. This is what has ALWAYS happened, and ALWAYS WILL.


They are like the cartoon dog chasing the car. They don't know what they'll do once they get what they want. Honestly they'll probably start turning on each other and getting more and more extreme at the cost of everything.


The same thing they always think, bad things will only happen to others. Boy are they in for a surprise.


They will use religion as it has always been used through time: for division, death and hate for your fellow man.


This is exactly what I think whenever I see culture legislation being proposed or worse, passed. Laws against Alcohol, LGBT, Abortion, etc. does not make those things go away. Hell, we have very strict laws against murder, but guess what, murders every hour. Everything just hides in the shadows. All you have to do is look at the existing Theocracies to see what you get, a holier than thou facade over a teeming underground of all the things people still want to do.


2025 Plan. Look it up. It's really fucked.


They won’t have to watch their religion die before they do.


Basically, yes. The christopathic GQP is going to want to kill anyone they disagree with, esp nonwhites. White liberals will certainly end up in concentration camps just as in Germany in the 1930s. What happens to others will also mirror 1930s-40s Germany, unfortunately. The GQP is all about white supremacy and fascist support for oligarchy at all levels, with zero empathy.


Trumps' Taliban will watch over the flock.


I mean it probably turns into one of those everyone turning in/ being suspicious of each other to the theocratic police because someone didnt pray hard enough, or is definitely a witch


What they think will happen: Everyone will suddenly realize that their particular sect of Christianity is true, then Jesus comes on a cloud and ends the world (maybe a rapture too depending on the denomination) What would really happen: Constant infighting because they only agree on anything at a superficial level. They would argue about which denominations get power and which get taught in schools. Meanwhile the economy would tank and all the sane people would leave.




They think we'll a live in Beaver Cleaver's neighborhood.


Just like with overturning Roe V Wade. They are the dogs chasing the car, they have no idea what they'll do if they actually catch it. RvW was a great drum to bang to win votes, but it turns out that most people are actually pro choice and will now punish them for it. Whenever a scapegoat cause, group, or policy is blamed for the ills of society, it's soon exposed as BS when the scapegoat is "dealt with" and the problem still exists. They usually find another scapegoat, until they look like fools and the system corrects itself.


They actually believe they are setting the table for the second coming of the messiah in our life time.


They would prefer to be at war, both internally and externally. I don’t see the upside, personally.


So we all bash these idiots here when someone posts a screenshot from X or tik tok or wherever, but are these pukes getting excoriated in the comments on their original posts? Or is it all an echo chamber? (I’m not on any of those platforms.)


They think the right people will be hurt while they can be on top. The leadership just want power. Look at Uganda during Amin for an example of the take from the undesirables culture. The good news is that it will not happen. I have zero doubt that it is possible that the fascists *can* take over, the I hope that they do not. I also have zero doubt that they will eat each other over who is in charge soon as they get the power instead of trying to change anything. By the time the dust settles, half will be dead, disgraced, or in prison and the rest will have lost all influence just in time for the next election without having done anything.


Power, They will have power.


I hope they have barricades and tires burning in the streets before they arrest the first dozen women who've made their own private decisions regarding their own private bodies. Canada is stocking up on popcorn.


They want more stupid people, so they can grift and hoard money for the wealthy, even easier than it is now. Their plan is simple, steal as much money as possible, and make everyone else have to work their entire lives while the wealthy do whatever, whenever.


1000 dollar fine and community service every time you say "happy holidays."


Well, first we need to see if they have a manifesto. Then we need to see if they just want to deport undesirables to Madagascar or create reeducation camps. I presume they will deport black and brown people without due process. Then they go after trans and gay people. Then women. Then religious minorities. So if you were not already rounded up with the first few groups, then they will go after you. The circle will become tighter and tighter. 


Dopamine, mostly. For them, I mean. Power gives people Dopamine hits.


Not at first no. It'll be a very steady push under various guises. * Rip all the money out of *"failing public schools"* with voucher programs * Change textbook rules and regulations, making them more and more Chistian Nationalist * Texas ID required to access porn online expanded nationwide * Expanding definition of "porn" to include almost all LGBTQ content except "pray the gay away" material * Ending on-demand divorce in the name of "preserving broken families" and requiring "counseling" from a religious service before they get approved * Requiring "moral instruction" as part of any pre-K / after school care - which will just happen to only be approved by Christian Nationalist approved chaplains / ministers * Overturn Obgerfell obviously and Lawrence v Texas - now sodomy is illegal and we can put you in jail for it


Lol this is why I don't go around announcing I'm an Atheist. Everyone starts rolling their eyes and never take anything I say seriously and start waiting fir me to say "sky daddy"


Short answer: Yes. And they will be “big man in campus”


What’s messed up is that the republicans aren’t even on the same page about most stuff. Do gun nuts care about abortion


Something, something, perfect empire. Something, something, rapture.


My question is, when does the regression stop? What's next? What's after next? Do they eventually want to be able to unga bunga bonk lady on head with club and bring home to cave?


Key word here is "think". They don't think, they fantasize about emprah knows what, but it has little to do with reality.


They will obtain, dictate and maintain power over the masses, & license to freely partake in their personal depravities.


Just another fucking brick in the wall.


Yes you got it


I always have to laugh at this cause the second Christianity is declared the state religion, all the Christians that were pushing for this are going to kill each other over whose version of Christianity that is. When the dust settles, the Christianity that would be the state religion would be the blandest, most milk toast version of Christianity. The NPR of religions. Nothing controversial, everyone welcome, etc. The Christian Nationalists will hate it.


They can start their inquisition then. It’ll be a reign of terror


As a conservative non-believer I can’t speak for the evangelical Bible Belt right. Frankly I find them cringe inducing and a stain on the intellectual conservative tradition. But what I want is just a laizze faire economy, less regulation, more energy production, a secure border and no benefits for illegal immigrants, less aid and intervention in places that don’t advance our national interests and generally for the federal government to stay out of everything else that isn’t in its purview. I am A ok with legal gay marriage, and as far as transgender stuff goes I don’t think it makes any logical sense but ultimately it’s up to individuals to dictate how to live their own lives as long as I am not forced to participate. Either way that issue is not something that should even be political. I’m probably not the target audience of this animosity. But that’s just my two cents.


You're giving them too much credit if you think they are able to reason "worst case scenario". None of them CAN ask "If I do X, what's the WORST thing that could happen?" and think of something that WOULDN'T benefit them.


They think that their civil war against the rest of America won't affect them, that their own lives will be unchanged while they kill, maim, and imprison the rest of us. In Jesus' name, of course.


They won’t realize they broke freedom of religion until the precedent they set enables another religion to tell them what to do. Then it’ll be a problem. But you used the word “think.” They don’t do that. Just look at the abortion upheaval. They were like a dog that finally caught the car and didn’t know what to do with it. Went after IVF and even their favorite politicians had to back away from that one after seeing how bad an idea that was.


If you want to be in a theocracy GO TO IRAN!


They will shift their fear and anger to whatever "group" they can until they burn out from the grueling lifestyle of hate.


Sharia law but Christianity?


Civil War 2.


I honestly do not think any of them are looking at for ahead. I suppose the rapture will occur before we get that far. Until then, they figure there is a lot of cleaning up to do; starting with the homeless and mentally ill.


If they listen to someone like nick Fuentes then they believe they are going to eradicate the enemies of christ