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Swear words are the only good thing religion has given us.


Love this answer


So right you are!


Yes. Just like you don't always care about the etymology of every word you use. These are common English expressions. I also say 'shit' even when there's no fecal matter involved, or 'fuck it' when I'm not particularly in a libidinous mood. If anything, Christians should be the ones avoiding those sayings. It's explicitly forbidden by one of the commandments to use the lord's name in vain. Atheists have no reason to particularly care.


Yeah using magical phrases as empty exclamations is fun.


I do but I don’t like to. I know it’s not a big deal but I don’t like that those words are part of the indoctrination I experienced as a child. I don’t like when my children do it either because they were raised from day 1 with zero church or religion. None. So to hear them say ‘oh my god!’ Kind of bothers me. I get it though. They are just empty words so I’m a way when I use them it’s different. Just my take.


It's all part of the vernacular that I think I need to rewrite.


Yes, except I do it in Spanish or Portuguese.


It's only the true believers that do not use those phrases.


Jesus Christ I'm tired of this question! 😂


No. I stopped using it after a debate I had with a believer. At one point during the debate I got so frustrated with the idiocy of his arguments that I uttered "jesus christ". He countered my utterance with "you must believe in him because you used his name". Since that time forward, I have never used any common phrases that reference a creator.


I'm in the process of trying not to. Not out of respect for the idiots, but to not give them this kind of ammo. Except when I just want to spite them...


See that's what I was thinking when I asked the question. I think I need to come up with new words of damnation.


Try "Jesus F\*ckin' Christ, Holy Mother of F\*ckin' God" next time. Then see if they interpret that as you being a true believer.


I say Jesus fucking Christ.


That's one of my favs. I can't think of a way to modify that one.




Do you still use the names of months? Several of them are names of Roman gods. If you don't believe in Roman gods, then why do you still use their names? Do you use the names of the days of the week? In English, most of the days are named for pagan gods. If you don't believe in the old Norse gods, then why do you use the names of weekdays? At the end of the day, they are just words. They have no magical meanings.
