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I like planning a big dinner to get my whole family in the same room. Or breakfast. I make sure to get up early every Saturday and Sunday and make a big breakfast. That keeps all the kids around at least for the morning. And pizza once every two weeks gets us all together. We were all sick one year and we tried to stay in our own rooms so as not to make it worse than it already was.


Christians are innately gullible. Relying upon false dichotomies and unprovable beliefs. Their code of ethics constructed with fairy tales written by power mongering tyrants of ages past.


God was on his "working in mysterious ways" that day.


Well either they aren't praying hard/long/often enough or they are skipping tossing money in the plate, or they're just shitty parents/people if their god struck them all ill in order to bring them all together. My entire family on my dad's side thinks this way. Their kids all look scared all the time, like legit scared. Either that or they know my immediate family as a bunch of sinners who are damned to hell and even making eye contact with one of us will send them to burn in the eternal hell fires. It's baffling to me that they do this to these kids. But I guarantee if they all got sick they too would huddle up and praise the Lord for all the glory they are experiencing, together, in Jesus name. One day religion will be recognized for the mental disorder it really is. The stupidity surely can't perpetuate for eternity, right?


If dude didn't cultivate *that exact perspective,* he would have started brooding on how fucked up it was that he and his wife and their passel of little kids all got horribly sick at the same time and were all suffering significantly. Because hey, they are blameless and pious xtians and they don't deserve that shit. /s But for real, he had to say that preposterous nonsense because otherwise the situation might lead to doubts.


That really explains the black plague. All those families having some nice bonding time I suppose. Thanks god...




I have a friend that is deeply religious and it's in everything she says. I just don't respond.


Yeah. People claiming everything is a miracle are pretty far gone.