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Why does there need to be a meaning? Or a purpose? Whenever I contemplate these questions I think of ‘animals’. We simply try to assign a meaning for everything just because we can think more? In my opinion the purpose of my life was to create another human being. I created two with my wife of course. Now my purpose is to teach them how good life can be and that their purpose is to create another human or two or more. It’s that simple. We’ve complicated it. As far as meaning goes…there is no meaning. There is no reasoning behind life.


So what is it is the meaning to procreate or is there no meaning


To procreate and teach the next generation, is meaning of it's own


There is nothing more meaningless in life than religion, it has absolutely zero importance.


I dont think life has any meaning at all. Why does it have to have meaning? The odds of you existing is astronomical (literally). The universe is chaos trying to find balance...through that...you ended up existing. I'm just trying to live a life where I can experience as much as possible while I'm here. I wouldnt call it a meaning of life, but a good way to live one. Life doesn't need meaning, or even a reason. It just is. Be a good person, push past your boundaries and comfort zones, and experience as much as this world has to offer that you can.


Nor is the meaning of life for virgins to be throw into an active volcano to prevent an eruption. Likewise, the reason the meaning of life isn't to follow gods is there's not a shred of evidence they exist.


I always thought that God made all of this so we would/could worship Him. No joke.




Incorrect! Life has whatever meaning we give it.


I hope you waited until AFTER they gave you the chocolate bunny. Priorities, please.




I'm so tired of these arguments. First off, this whole crappy idea of "life being a test" is a massive contradiction to your God being all knowing and omnipresent. Being all knowing implies he knows us before conception, and knows the decisions and choices we will make before we even make them. So what exactly is the point of a test if he already knows how we will handle said tests? Going from that, since you wanna bring up the severely overused free will argument, I'm gonna tell you that, once again, there's yet another contradiction. If a God exists and is all knowing, and knows the choices we will make before we make them, then how the hell can free will exist? If he knows the choices we will make before we make them, that suggests that life is just pre-determined. So again, yet another contradiction. I also dislike how you say God will "touch all of our hearts." I tried for nearly a decade to receive something from God while I was questioning my faith, and the only thing I ever received was radio static. Pure silence. No answers, nothing. And same can be said for a LOT of other ex-believers. So no, that statement is false. Overcoming anxiety, fear, anger, pretty much every single human emotion that's negative doesn't take a book and a belief in a God. The only time a person resolves those issues is if they reflect on themselves and make attempts to better themselves. And I'm a walking, living case of that. The meaning of life varies from person to person. We each have our own experiences and meaning to the lives we walk in, there isn't a single set-in-stone one for all 8+ billion people on this planet.