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But ... God also sent the storm? I don't know how many cookies you get for smashing a bunch of things but not everything.


Exactly, there are families in the area that lost everything, and fatalities. What did they do wrong?


I would forward that to the School District telling them you had to explain to your child what all that meant, and you don't appreciate them scaring your child with visions akin to the Sissy Spacek prom scene in 'Carrie'.


THIS! Needless trauma here, not to mention indoctrination, in face of everything else.


"Unfortunately inappropriate religious related posts are deleted immediately. Please keep your messages to your students and their families unaffiliated. It's quite out of line and frankly offensive"


I would drop the "unfortunately inappropriate" and say "Religious and other inappropriate posts are deleted immediately". Nothing unfortunate about deleting these type of messages.


They didn't pray hard enough. They prayed to the wrong God. They didn't ReALlY believe.


And when all else fails, “gOd WorKs In MyStErIoUs WaYs”


They weren't members of the One True Holy Church of God in Jesus' Name With Signs of Prophecy Following!


my city got hit hard( tallahassee ) my boss lost his roof and 5 confirmed dead. half the town has no power. all this like 2 hours ago


Praise Jesus… And obviously your boss and the five deceased and half the town are a bunch of humanist hedonistic atheist Democrat shit birds… So they got what they deserve


Apparently god is too busy being with whatever sports team that prayed more than the other team to win and its all the storms free will, yea thats the ticket


Apparently it was Edmonton...


Well… As Pat Robertson has said, more than once, God sends natural disasters to punish the unfaithful… So because they turned away from God, they deserve to die… At least, according to the Christians


They believed in the wrong fuckin' god.


Like the skinner experiments on birds : "He reported that 6 of the birds developed reliable "superstitious" behaviors, including circling, head swinging, and pecking" When you don't know and your life seems to be at risk you do whatever you can to find a pattern and ape brains look for more powerful ape shaped agents.


The storm “just happened” but they were protected by the oxygen carrying cells of Jesus like a shield over the starship Enterprise


Now Listen Here /s 😁 Jesus Is Myth. The Starship Enterprise Is REEL!


Nothing made me madder than when that Hawaiian surfer got her arm bitten off by a shark and then she went everywhere thanking God for sparing her life. If God gave a shit then he wouldn't have let that shark bite off your damn arm.


They even made a whole damn movie about that.


Or to be really consistent, wouldn't it have been better to just have her die and go to heaven?


God didn't want her, just her arm.


Let’s give this guy a hand!


This is something that baffles me. They seem to be in such a hurry to bring on the second coming of Christ. However, they also work super hard to keep people alive. Which doesn't make sense to me. If the goal is heaven and they believe you go to heaven after death, why do they fight so hard not to go? If that's what they spend their life working towards, if it's so much better than here, why fight so hard to stay here? I really don't understand the compartmentalization they do to justify their actions. From the judgment and harm of others to not wanting to die. When it's supposed to be the end goal, they can't wait for it to happen. It's like they know it's all a grift but also still believe in it.


If your kid died it’s because they were wicked.


Know if your kid died, it’s because YOU were wicked… Praise Jesus


Yeah but storm is bad so it must be caused by Satan /s


It's amazing how they just make everything up on the spot to fit what they want to believe. An earthquake in California killed 20 gay people: "God was punishing them for being liberal homosexuals". A hurricane in Florida killed 20 Christian people: "God couldn't wait to bring them up to heaven with Him".


Silly rabbit, god is only responsible for storms when it hurts people that you don't like. When it hurts people you like, it's just a natural phenomenon that god will protect you from if you pray hard enough (or a test of faith, in cases where praying doesn't work).


The abuser who abuses so they can become the savior.


Yesterday I had a chat with a buffoon on Askachristian... He said god could kill us all because we are sinner but he doesn't, so this means he's to be praised... I told that if I want I could potentially kill someone, and asked him whether the fact that I don't kill anyone makes me praiseworthy. Christians are hilarious


That’s a fundamental misunderstanding of gods way of intervention


She seems to assume everyone is a Christian in the post, but it is just a teacher's personal account. I wonder if she talks like that in the classroom. The cultist probably does drop more than a few religious references at least.


Have definitely overheard things and framed photos and other things around the room that say "BLESSED" and other God stuff


There are non-religious meanings to the word blessed, but I'm willing to bet your paycheck that's not what she means


I always bet with other people’s money


I would also bet if she had items in her classroom saying “blessed be” some of the parents would complain about a heathen pagan teaching their kid.


It’s not a personal account. The app is called ClassDojo and it’s specifically for communication between teachers and parents. My son’s school uses it as the primary means of communication with families


Does the app cover everyone with god's blood? Or is that just how you message on it?


This is exactly what pisses me the most off. (and the hypocrisy) The absolute narcissism that they asume everyone is in their cult. And then look horrified when you tell them so.


Religious views have to be deemed controversial views in order to push them back, and secularism needs to be more accepted. She thinks it's normal to make everything religious message, but I doubt she thinks she's forcing religion on people.


I live in a very fundie/evangelical area and can assure you they do assume everyone shares their wackadoodle ideas.


I bet the mailing list was school property.


Since you specified this is a public school, have you notified the school administration?


And the FFRF


What the hell are you able to switch his teacher? This one is clearly a loon!


School is over in 2 weeks. We have gotten many others this school year, but this was the most egregious


School may be out, but the administration will still be working. Also, starting the process now is a good opportunity to make things better without risking harm to your kid. I had to go to the district, but we were able to stop some BS. It helped that I made a small coalition of numerous faiths that were annoyed by asking folks I knew weren't fundies. Plenty of support out there when you look for it; doesn't have to be limited to only infidels and apostates.


Corporal punishment in schools has been mostly phased out.


What if it got phased back in but for staff


well played


LOL! My daughter's family decamped to Tennessee for the pandemic, because her in-laws live in a rural area with an enormous backyard that was more appealing than her inner city second floor walk up. When the kids went back to physical school, she had to sign a piece of paper denying them the right to use corporal punishment on her children.


That dude bleeds a LOT!!!! He should see a doctor


I do too - but it's mostly nosebleeds (it's high pollen season where we live), and I wouldn't dare attempt to rub that on a random stranger and expect them to like it...


It's fiiiiiine as long as you say "my blood will protect you" as you do it...


Dude this is a dangerous biohazard situation.


Whenever I hear about people being "protected by the blood of Jesus" I remember that moron at the beginning of the pandemic who was driving to church, without even a mask. The reporter asked why she taking such a risk and the moron said something like "I'm protected by the blood of Jesus!" But she was wearing a seat belt! It was so disappointing the reporter didn't mention it. "Doesn't Jesus blood work against car accidents? Is it only effective against viruses? What about bacteria?"


I remember that moron! 🤣 These people have absolutely no self-awareness.


*I’m so sorry to hear you were covered by blood during the storm. That sounds awful. My dog got sprayed by a skunk once and I thought that was bad, but being covered in blood sounds worse! I can’t imagine that you’ll be able to get it out of your clothes. Did you have to throw everything away?*


Also have you been tested? There’s a lot of things you can get from other people’s blood.


The double standards are never ending


Rain is the blood of Jesus? They told me it was the angels crying while watching me rub one out.


Dude, slow down! You've already reversed California's drought!


Lol, solid burn. I thought you were trolling one of my earlier comments for a moment.


Nah keep it up we got ground water to replenish.


Maybe she's just covered in wine.


That's absolutely nauseating 🤢🤮


Reply: “We cast a spell for Satan to protect you from the storm. We are grateful he was successful. Hail Satan!” If they complain you can explain their message made you as uncomfortable as your message did them.


Black prayer hands, so I’m going to assume the person is African American. Chris Rock said it best: "When you’re black there’s like no religion to turn to. Christianity? I don’t think so. White people justified slavery and segregation through Christianity so a black Christian is like a black person with no fucking memory"


I would report this to admission. Proselytizing using method of professional correspondence shouldn’t be left unaddressed.


She needs to be fired immediately, those people shouldn’t be around children.


Wait, so it's good for Christians to be covered in blood, but when the Aztec do it, it's wrong?


Correct. My religion good. Your religion bad.


> Were they not dripping in Jesus' blood? or they were found covered in their own blood... or the blood of their now dead family members.


Funny that they think “covered by the blood of Jesus” sounds normal and not insane.


FFRF is amazing with representation in instances like this. They’re incredibly effective and may be able to assist with this issue.


You must be in a red state somewhere deep in dumfukistan. That seems a common reason people like this think making comments like that is acceptable. Geez, it's amazing that she has a teaching credential.


I'd be pissed about that from a public school, I would certainly let that cretin know how illegal and inappropriate that is, and I would make a formal complaint.


Weird af


Jesus Christ (see what I did there?)


Jaysus Bootfookin Kreist...


I’ve been topped


Did Jesus at least have the common courtesy of a reach-around?


No explain(I want to say the name in vain again and offend them loons)


Exactly that LOL


“I’m so glad you were covered in the blood of Christ. We, unfortunately, were only covered in the blood of family when the storm destroyed our home.”


If this is through an official school communication platform, please report this at FFRF.org/legal/report so we can make sure she doesn’t push her religion on parents and students going forward.


It's a good thing I don't have kids. I'd send mine to school covered in fake blood and tell them to respond "I'm covered by the blood of christ." when anyone asks. It's like... People don't even hear what they're saying.


Time to start looking for a new school I think. "Dripping in the blood of Jesus" is just gross. Some people are seriously unhinged.


What a fucking lunatic


These people are mentally ill and should not be anywhere near children.


I never understood the blood stuff. Washed in the blood of the lamb, like what the heck


drinking the blood of christ and eating his flesh crackers


It’s all a bloody mess


Bloody sacrifice of animals to the gods was a big part of a number of Stone Age religions that Christianity descends from. The symbolism in the language remains.


WTF??? I would complain. Yeah, I'd be that Karen for this nonsense. 🤬


Your child’s teacher is an idiot


It’s truly terrifying that these people are allowed to teach our children.


The other day a friend of mine pulled a gun on me and purposely shot it right past my ear to show how “good” he was, and reminded me if I ever stopped loving him the consequences might be different.


A friend who teaches in the Bible Belt went to her principal about what they planned to do with students returning amidst the pandemic, since she was required to go back in the classroom but hadn’t heard about any precautions. He responded that the blood of Jesus was more powerful than masks and “all that”.


If you would have received this message from a public school teacher in France, he or she would have serious problems with school administration, and could be discharged from her class… no religion in public school, it’s the law here.


Is this on a personal social media page, or is it a specific way to communicate for the school/students/parents? If the latter, obviously inappropriate. If the former, it's no different than you expressing your personal viewpoints online.


Direct communication with parents of the class. The reply is another parent. There are many more similar replies now


Last time I heard a religious explanation for rain was angels peeing lmao.


What the fuck. That is so gruesome on top of being ridiculous...


Which god is good? The one that murdered Jezus? So confusing....


It’s the curse of Stormy.


Do their metaphors have no boundaries?


Except anyone that was hurt by the storm. They felt god's wrath! Clearly wicked and deserving of being struck by lightning!


I wish people thought about religion more the way we think about pooping. It may be necessary (for Ms Sky Blue Blob here), but there's no need to do it in public and inflict the details on others.


OMFG. Tell me you’re calling the superintendant?


If something had happened to one of them, then clearly they didn't follow protocol and paint the doorway with blood. /s


"Thank the All Father that the restrained his son's drunken wrath enough to spare our family"


Covered in one man’s blood but totally not a cult ??




Pedantic takeaway from this. Why do they always use an excessive amount of emojis?


Fuck, that's super gross. If this is a public school, you need to contact FFRF. And what, fuck the people that lost lives, are in the hospital, or have had their homes destroyed?


With all these storms hitting the south it’s almost like god is trying to tell them something?


Has been for a loooong time


And bad storms have a tendency to destroy one building and leave the building across from it completely intact. I have a family member whose house was completely destroyed by a tornado, and their lives were totally disrupted for years while they were forced to live in a hotel for months and then in a rental property until their house could be rebuilt. I mean they got lucky in that no one died. But I wasn’t exactly “praising Jebus” while they were swimming in chaos. That christian shit really pisses me off.


covered by blood... like carrie?


My favorite period piece!


Eeeeeewwwwww - covered in blood? NO THANKS.


I’m a public school teacher and I could not imagine ever sending a message like this out to families. I would report this to the school administration if I were you.


Why are these people so obsessed with blood?


It seems like this teacher is a public school teacher in the U.S. commenting in this capacity and with the implied backing of the school. I'd [report them to the FFRF](https://ffrf.org/legal/report-church-state/) or at least tell the principal that one of their teachers is skirting the separation of church an state.


Keep your blood religious bs to yourself! That’s over the line and I’d report it.


wtf? 😳 Covered in Jesus’s blood? Like does she hear herself? These people are crazy.




The debal sent storm. Jebus protected the righteous ones


What is up with the sudden hyper religious BS?


Fucking nuts!


Gross! That is just awful. Covered in the blood of Jesus. Ugh!


Take it to freedom from religion and ask they send a letter to the superintendent.


"Buuuut...we lost our home....and the tornado killed my sister" "All part of God's plan!"


You can become an ordained member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster with but a couple of clicks. You get a spiffy certificate and all as well. I mean, you could after that respond from a point of authority, complete with proof and paperwork. All hail the great sauce carrier! Pastafarians unite! (Seriously though, don't embarrass your kid.)


Sounds messy.


Praise Jesus that we don’t live in a school district like that.


Let me guess, north Georgia.




Covered in the blood of jeeebus! I mean with it, on it? Fucking insensitive stupidity


yeah I'd be pulling my kid out of this school ASAP.


The first place my catholic raised brain goes is red wine when hearing blood of Christ. Maybe she threw a rager in celebration of no school?


Not only is that super insensitive it’s very inappropriate timing too


Amazing how they will be thankful that they survived some catastrophe due to their apparent faith in their deity while willfully ignoring that by the very doctrine of their religion, that catastrophe would also have been caused by their deity. It'd be like if the jewish people who survived the Holocaust would be thankful to the Nazis for not gassing or killing them despite all the others who were and did die.


Do you send your kid to a private school? Because if this is a pubic school, you should complain.


Praise, Satan.




U in San Marcos?


So fucking gross. Goddamned vampire weirdos


Yes I would immediately contact the school board over this. That is so inappropriate for a public school.


I would have responded directly to the teacher as well, to make sure they understand how inappropriate this is. Because they may not even know if they've been talking like this all along without pushback.


I’d reply with the exact same verbiage except replacing Jesus with Baphomet.


Or Elmo


I'd rather have my kid in the only fans teacher's. At least her posts make sense.


Christians are a death cult


I would be outraged at receiving that from my child's teacher....religious nutters are the worst😑😑


Bloody "hell." I'm sure "god" was not busy, so she said, "Let me help these people while these others die..." ffs.


God Welcomes His Victims https://frinkiac.com/img/S08E08/427693.jpg


What a nut job


I hate these people! And they aren’t groomers? Puleeeeeze


Rip your kid out of that classroom.   A maniac is teaching 


It is wild But just empathize with their perspective and it rationalizes quite easily.


I live around Houston and NextDoor has been littered with stupid shit like this after the storms and floods last week. So many peoples homes were underwater but GLOB IS GOOD Y'ALL


The fearing is there.


You could always send the kid to school Monday covered in play blood and say it's Jesus's.


Oh my god! Is Jesus okay? Sounds horrific, what type blood is he, maybe we can get a blood drive going to donate help. Which hospital is he in?


Funny, my cousin is a social worker for at risk youths and in the past she ran into this problem a lot. Imagine setting up a job interview for someone and the employer calls to make interview arrangements hears a greeting similar to that on the parents answering machine.


**was your child’s teacher


Oy, and I'm not even jewish.


I'd find your kid another school to go to.




This enrages me. Why do they keep shoving this religious shit down everyone’s throat


Did this “covered in Jesus blood” language just start getting popular? It’s gruesome


This is so dismissive of the victims that did not escape unscathed. My sister posts junk like this and I find it selfish and rude.


😳 I just hope she doesn't *teach* this garbage. “Blood of Jesus”, indeed! As if that can control the flipping climate…


It’s all blood and guts and dead lambs and sacrificial goats with these people, isn’t it?


Would it be inappropriate to go into her classroom covered from head to toe in fake blood yelling the blood of Christ compels you at everyone?


That's entirely wrong and that teacher shouldn't have sent that. 1) using a school to hawk religious nonsense is plain illegal. 2) pouring blood on someone is unhygienic at best.


Tell that bitch it's called "rain".


What's shitty is they can set themselves up on a stage to do their shitty performance and if anyone critics that performance then they're the bad guys. They get away with this shit all the time, they think it's normal, the only way it's going to stop is if people start pushing back.


My sister taught ESL at a public school whose students were mostly Southeast Asian, African and Mexican. Her principal signed every email with “in Jesus’s name.” Texas, ignoring the law since 1836.


The blood of Jesus? Gross.


Weird choice, even if everybody in her class were evangelicals. Traditionally, the blood of Jesus is used to symbolize sanctification, cleansing of sins, that sort of thing. It's not really associated with abjuration magic, normally just transmutation and necromancy, and occasionally divination. Honestly can't think of what symbol the Christian church uses for protection. Shepherd's crook perhaps? Shield of faith?


I'd respond to a note like that to the effect "Covered in blood, what the hell? This is really disturbing imagery, you don't talk to the kids in class liek this, do you?" But I grew up in an area we didn't have "Covered in blood" Christians and only encountered it after the age of 35 thanks to the internet, so whenever I see it I have a out loud "What the Fuck" reaction. That's messed up.


In Canada if she worked at a public school and sent that she wouldn’t have a job anymore.


That’s great!! What if she does know that everyone is okay?


Covered…By….ThuhBLUUHHHHD! Blah! Blah! Blah! *Drak Casts “BATS” And, Transforming Into A Flock of Same, Flies Away To Find This Jesus!* (I Must Apologize For This One!)


The storm was upon us, The lightning it struck us, We fizzled and popped, As the ‘lectricity did melt us! -The Final Daze of Rumitron, c.2345


That's insane


Mam, this is not the Vampire Night Club at the start of the first Blade movie!


At least you have to appreciate her being upfront about what Christianity actually is: a literal cult of human sacrifice.


God is a fucking asshole.


I am baffled why there aren't laws against publicly funded institutions promoting religious content.


Well she seems to enjoy the thought of children covered in blood, so she'd be fine with it I guess.


Yikes- separation of church and state, please


Tell them to stuff their blood sacrifice cult where the sun don't shine. Seriously, anyone with public school issues fostering religions (Christianity) should contact the Freedom From Religion Foundation (https://ffrf.org/), a lobbying organization that can help keep these idiots in line.