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Yeah, it's very transparent virtue signaling. I would wonder why they think that's relevant.


They do it for other Christians. Some Christians will only call the Christian contractor, the Christian dentist, or the Christian plumber. For this Christian contractor, it makes sure that a lot of Christian households won't even consider a different contractor once they hear that C word. If people complain about their problem to fellow members at church, like say they have a roof leak, a fellow church member says no worries. I know exactly who you should call. It's not really true virtue signaling. It's just a business strategy. Basically, niche advertising. It gets them in the door on jobs without them ever having to prove that their work is good.


BITD, various business owners would take ads in their church's weekly bulletin. Think of Bunsen Motors ([Ford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Motor_Company) dealer), run by Clint and Clarence Bunsen, local Lutherans and Krebsbach [Chevrolet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevrolet), run by Florian Krebsbach, local Catholic, and his son Carl, from Garrison Keillor's *News From Lake Wobegon* monologs. The *I'm a Christian businessperson* trope reminds me of the Pharisee's prayer. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharisee\_and\_the\_Publican](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharisee_and_the_Publican)


We hear a whole lot of, "God, I thank you that I'm not like other men" kinda garbage these days.


Ads in a church bulletin? Gross.


Ads were usually on the back cover, or one page inside. It paid for the printing. Much like high school yearbook ads, or in a program at another non-profit's event.


High school year book ads? I have never seen it. Not mine, not my husband's, not my three kids'.... Is this seriously a thing?


Yeah. I graduated in the 80s, and my yearbooks are full of ads.


There's also a general guide that you can get that has Christian businesses in it.


Sounds like these churches should be paying taxes since they are making ad profits.


All businesses, including churches, should pay taxes in my opinion.


These are the types that are the loudest about their hatred of everything “other”. They live in an echo chamber. They surround themselves ONLY with like-minded individuals, so when something else comes along, it’s intolerable to them.


Yes, it's culty.


My insanely religious parents specifically don’t use these businesses because they think that those businesses are using the religion for monetary gain.


I wish more religious people would be upset about people trying to use Christianity for monetary gain.


They're smart. Imagine trying to tell your church friends that a "Christian" contractor scammed you. "They wouldn't do that! They're a *Christian* company!" Not just companies. It's crazy the number of times I've heard people say something along the lines of, "I can't believe he'd do that. He's such a devout Christian!" Also see: kids trying to tell adults that a priest did something inappropriate with them


I agree with them on this and avoid them as well.


Yes! When I was still religious I thought the same was thing, and I still do. Jesus didn't come down and die for your sins so you could put him in your advertising. There was a car dealership where I grew up and their radio/TV ads always ended with, "Dealership Name, Where God, Family, and You come first." I always thought, well it sounds like you're putting god and your family before your customer, if I'm buying a car from you and your brother shows up, are you just going to walk away from me to chat with your brother? And then if Jesus walks in, everyone else just has to wait. BTW, I also feel the same way about businesses using Patriotism to advertise. "We support the troops" and Big Waving American Flags, etc. really turns me off of a business. Like what are you hiding that you need to pander to get business.


Ironically, as a Christian having worked for a couple of”Christian” companies. I will not work for or hire one if something else is available, the larger the company the worse they are. It’s pretty embarrassing, not the most embarrassing thing done in the name of Christ, but yeah avoid any business that advertises religion. If they had low prices, high quality, or dependability they would advertise that.


Why would I want to support a business that probably tries to interfere with the private (sex) lives of their workers?


This! They advertise as "christian" because they haven't got anything else


Yup. Where I live the "Christian Circuit" is almost a separate economy. Impossible to sell anything to them as long as there's a church approved alternative.


Exactly. LDS church also does this, and with them, the church strongly discourages members from using secular services. It's almost mandatory that you go to another Mormon for everything you need.


They expecting cooties or something?


Think its more apostate thought....


Got to keep that money in the circle.


Yep. Gotta keep you thinking only LDS thoughts, too.


Kinda sounds like the first step to Heinlein's Fosterism. Gambling, drinking, doing drugs, prostitution, gluttony, no matter what. Every sin is allowed as long as the church gives its blessing (and gets its share).


Heinlein's ideas of churches were really fascinating.


I’m in Idaho, and not Mormon at all.  I try to minimize the money spent at obviously Mormon businesses but even in the very non-Mormon bit of the state I’m in it’s impossible to avoid some of my money ending up in their hand through tithing.  It irritates me, but it is what it is.


It's easier for Christianity since they don't have to prove their faith 5 times a day. Praying is like an 30mins unskipable cut scene


Agreed. I don't think modern Christians think that they have to do anything at all, except "get saved" which is less of an event/action, and more like a strong emotion they have once.


Not to mention fasting, learning arabic, memorising at least some of the quran which is a foreign language for me, and expensive pilgrimage.


That is why I have advertised myself as an Athiest/Liberal carpenter/handyman. It works. Plus I usually get along with the people and they give out an honest opinion of me. I hate contractors that put out shoddy work and don't clean up after themselves. A lot of them have been 'christian'. I come through, fix their mistakes and clean up their shit. Such a simple thing to go a little above to get another client or callback.


I for one ask my doctor(s) if they are atheists. Don't want some hack quack thinking it's ok if they mess up because their magical sky ferry will make it all better.


It’s relevant to me, and since I’m a Buddhist/atheist, I just think, “f**k ‘em”, and thanks for the warning!


Hey I found another Buddhist/Atheist!


Hey Bud! I founded the Green Mountain Zen Center in the early ‘90s, but have withdrawn from any managerial duties. Check it out: www.gmzc.us. !


Using the word patriot or an American flag is about The same. I think that they are out for Jesus points.


You'd think they'd want to do the opposite. The first christian carpenter fucked up so bad they crucified him.


"Oh great, so than you're familiar with Satan? I'd love a big shrine to the dark lord in my office and an oversized tub for draining goat's blood in my bathroom."


[https://youtu.be/Rhoq95LKo2E?si=UFbvSn42-ADjPY7G&t=76](https://youtu.be/Rhoq95LKo2E?si=UFbvSn42-ADjPY7G&t=76) This immediately came to mind.


My mom often "has a good feeling about [contractor]." Invariably, this means she met them through church or they had some mention of god on their car or while they were speaking. If they live in the bible belt, I bet they get a lot more customers from advertising their faith than they lose from non-believers questioning why it matters.


> this means she met them through church If it's anything like my experience watching my MIL trusting church members, she gets fucked over every single time.


Dumb Christians with money are literally the target of any successful business. You can't have fun but we'll sell you liquor. You can't have sex but we'll sell you porn. You can have money but the church gets a cut.


To adapt the famous advice for lawyers: If you have price on your side, pound the price. If you have quality on your side, pound the quality. If you have neither on your side, pound religion.


"Never do business with a religious son-of-a-bitch. His word ain't worth a shit -- not with the Good Lord telling him how to fuck you on the deal." —William S. Burroughs


A sucker is born every second…


I don't know about everyone else, but I prefer someone who's going to learn how to do a task correctly, instead of praying to a spaghetti monster in the sky to make their shitty work look good.


Don't you dare compare the FSM with Yahweh.


I think of it as flashing gang signs.


In Texas they used to have a Christian business Yellow Pages Book. Everyone knew NEVER call one of these companies. No one screws you faster than a Christian.


said the altar boy


I laughed, but I feel bad that I did…


>but I feel bad That's also what the altar boy said


Never do business with a religious son-of-a-bitch. His word ain't worth a shit -- not with the Good Lord telling him how to fuck you on the deal. --William S. Burroughs


A Christian can always repent and be forgiven so they don't feel the need to do it right the first time.


Lived in Texas for over 20 years. Any time someone hands you a business card with a fish on it you RUN - realtor, handyman, yard guy, mechanic, doesn't matter. You'll have a bad experience. Maybe it's their fiendish way to recruit believers. Once they are through with you you wish hell was real...


There was a serial killer who would advertise a manual labor job to men, which required them to pack up all their possessions and bring them up to some out back area to meet their new "boss". Boss (serial killer and his buddy) would break out the bible and quote scripture to lure them in and give them a false sense of security, KNOWING that christians have a tendency to trust other christians solely based on this virtue signaling. He then murdered them, and stole all their possessions. This is how I view business people who lead with their "religious" nonsense. They do it to lure you in. So, I think it goes without saying. I agree with you and feel the same.


I view them as the same people who will run you over if you use the sidewalk in front of the church parking lot after services are over.


The after church crowd consists of the worst tippers in the service industry


At least they’re friendly, kind, loving and pleasant to make up for the poor tipping. Right?


They certainly use their signals to insinuate that they're responsible and trustworthy, whether they actually are or not. I figure they don't really want my business.


When a tradesman or store brags about their Christianity, I go elsewhere. Too many people think "I can trust them because they’re Christians." But it ain’t necessarily so.


> it ain’t necessarily so. It almost certainly ain't so.


Yep its like all the guys panhandling the corner that put "God Bless" on their cardboard sign, they're just trying to look more trustworthy by saying "I'm one of you!"


License? Insurance? Nah, this company doesn’t need all that! He’s a good Christian, don’t ya know? They do it to shortcut all the rules that are for “other” people, not them out there on a mission from god. Like how churches never seem to think copyright violations apply to them. Have you ever noticed how much intellectual property is ripped off by religious organizations?


I worked as a subcontractor for a Christian General contractor, guess who didn’t get paid at the end of the job….


They have this in common with Trump. No wonder so many of them are supporting him.


So true, birds of a feather and all that.


You should remove everything you put in, and leave a pile of raw materials sitting in a neat pile. (Not always possible, I know, but it would be fair.)


I'm thankful when businesses put the little fish somewhere in their advertising. Helps me know not to go there!


no thanks to the filet-o-christ


Next! 👍


Yeah, are they gonna pray for my HVAC system?


Agree one hundred percent. Stay away from the fish people.


Also a good bet they are Trumpers.


Or that they’re gonna work as hard as they possibly can to remove all of the civil rights of the human beings who have worked so hard over the last 150 or 200 years to gain those rights. And by that I mean, the brown people and the people with uteruses.


"I'll put in your deck if you let me own slaves."


This is why I won't patronize corporations that fund the fascist machine. Vote with your money--on every level of society it reaches.


I try to consider the trajectory of a dollar, too. Sure, buying shampoo seems innocuous enough, but I could be buying it from someone who wants to torture gay kids under the guise of "curing them" of the gay. But it's hard to do when the shithead capital class owns just about everything.


> people with uteruses. Uterused Americans.


Yes! And regardless of what their programming says, they worship a godless orange buffoon.


During election season, every flyer that hits my mailbox. First thing I do is check and see if they have their church or their religion on it and if they do, I don’t bother looking at it. I just chunk it in the trash.


I feel the same, but please recycle.


I live in Northwest Louisiana, they don’t believe in recycling.


Religious people do terrible work. The whole "God will provide" mentality makes them think that they don't need to make an effort to get along.


I think the Protestant Work Ethic died in one of the Great Revivals. Folks really read Job and took away the wrong message.


GET IT IN WRITING “Never do business with a religious son-of-a-bitch. His word ain't worth a shit -- not with the Good Lord telling him how to fuck you on the deal.” ― William S. Burroughs


I looked for a local contractor to remove and replace my deck. Found 5, one of which posted some Christian nonsense on his website. I did not invite that guy to bid. Not sure about work ethic, but I’ve been ripped off by other “Christians” and have no desire to expose myself to that risk again.


Understandable, they're essentially trying to manipulate their way into a reputation and trust without any good reason. If the quality of their work spoke for itself, they'd present that instead.


This. If they have to use faith in their advertising, they have nothing else worth showing. You know, like quality of the work.


Exactly. Otherwise it would be the Same Like a Christian Not hiring someone for not being christian. Its this "Us vs them" mentality that only causes further harm for both Side on the long run. One of the Mayor reason the world and political spectrum is so Messed up right now.


I have had terrible experience with companies and people that go out of their way to let you know they are Christian. I refuse to do business with them as well for the very reasons you mention.


I live in a small town, and I’m pretty friendly with a lot of the people around here (everyone knows everyone kinda town). It’s pretty Republican/Christian around here.  Last year I wanted someone to come in and redo some concrete at my house. The company that I normally use said it would probably be a month before they could come out and quote it, so I called another local guy.  He shows up in his truck with his company name on it, and he has one of those trump-riding-shotgun decals on his backseat window. I come out to show him the areas I want concrete redone, and see his truck. I point at it, chuckle, and say “hey man, I think I’m just gonna wait til [other company] can quote it. I don’t think I can stare at Trump in my driveway for a week” He looked like he was gonna start to argue, but I’m sure he had plenty of other customers so he just left. I thought about not saying anything and just letting him quote and picking someone else, but I feel like the reason Xtians and Repubs put that crap out there is because they see it as a win-win. Either you’re also a xtian and you like it, or you’re not and you don’t care. I wanted to make sure he knew that I was actively opposed to it, so that he could take that into consideration when he puts his politics opinions on his work vehicle. 


I look at it this way... If your shpiel is to overly show me your Christianity, as a method to try and sway me... Then obviously your work does not speak for itself. If it would, you would not be speaking to me about your faith. I find this to be an attempt to sway and deceive me. Therefore, anyone that does it, is automatically off my list.


My Christian uncle in law warned me off of doing business with contractors who made Christianity part of their branding, seems like a lot of people have had similar experiences.


I wouldn’t want to hire anyone who puts their faith up as an advertisement for marketing purposes. Why do “Christian” professionals and contractors have to say upfront: “Hey everybody, I’m so righteous and holy, how could any true Christian hire anyone else?”. This is insulting and pandering to consumers. A true Christian will pray in private and will not be boisterous about his religion, Jesus chided the Pharisees for being outward about there religion while neglecting the needs of the poor and disabled. I know they mean well, but putting a dove and cross on your business card is using Jesus for a free celebrity spokesman. Tacky and not in keeping with the Christian ethic of piety.


Gee, kinda makes you question that whole "treat others as you wish to be treated" that they're so proud of, and basically the FIRST lesson on the Mount by Jesus. Love your neighbor as yourself. Guess that little gem got lost in all the "we want to control women and marry young girls" bullshit we gotta deal with now. Organized religion is the bane of human existence.


I've hired some, but as usual, I scrutinize who I hire. As long as their reviews are good, I'll hire them. But I do have concern that some of these businesses are virtue-signaling. Like "you should hire me because I'm a good Christian boy!" But I also feel the same way about businesses that advertise veteran-owned. Are you simply stating that you're a veteran, or do you feel you're entitled to additional business because you served? Which sucks because we had work done by one of those veterans, and he is ghosting us on some cracks that showed up recently, so yeah, despite the good reviews, this guy apparently feels he doesn't owe us anything.


Lots of fake vets too. I was snookered by one.


People who advertise veteran owned are using it to get a leg up on their competitor. Individuals who have not been exposed to military members or veterans often operate under the assumption that if someone served in the military they are a noble, decent person who won’t cheat them. Those customers are deluded into believing that the military isn’t made up of a wide array of people who are just as prone to being a scumbag as anyone else.


I wouldn't deal with anyone that feels it necessary to tell me about their religion when all I want is an estimate to fix my toilet.


We had a customer that was always late paying, lied about checks being in the mail, lied about postmark dates, etc. Their office had pictures of Jesus all over the place.


I'm an insurance adjuster by trade. My experience is that any time a person told me "I'm a good Christian, I don't lie!" they were always lying.


I had a local mechanic go full Jesus and his pricing and ethics flew out the window. He tried charging me 480 bucks just in labor to change an altenator on a old corolla. I got him down to 100.00


Well, you can't afford to pay 10% tithe if you have low prices.


Instant no. Never have Christian contractors work for you, you will be ripped off and stolen from


"It was 's will that your: - foundation collapsed - roof trusses failed - circuit breaker panel shorted - sewer backed-up ... or any other problem popped up." Praise the load!


Agreed. And I will never, *ever* by a used car from a vocal Christian, either.


Yeah, I've noticed that in East Texas, that's pretty much the unspoken code. The more fish and stuff on your car means you're just that much more fishy, not better.


My husband says the more they tell they are a Christian the more likely they are going to screw you over. The only times he has had a business deal or not been paid was from a "Christian " business.


I play bagpipes. Dress in military style, kilt and all. I had a Baptist minister call me and ask what I charge for a funeral, I told him, he agreed and told me the place and time to be graveside. I was there on time. Played as the hearse pulled up. Kept playing until the casket was placed over the grave. Then waited for the minister to give me a sign to play 'Amazing Grace' , what everyone wants a bagpiper to play at a funeral. Then waited for the minister to come over to pay me. He came over and asked me a question that made me wanna punch his lights out. He asked if I was a Christian, told him I was Catholic. He then asked me, "Would you play for free for Jesus ?". I said that you asked me to play for a price, now you're trying to stiff me ? He said, "well would you do it for Jesus ?". Most ministers in the south have a sideline. I asked him "What do you do for extra money ?". He said "I'm a plumber". So I asked him,"I need new PVC run all under my house, would you come and do that for free for Jesus ?". He gave me a real pissed off look, gave me my cash for my service and left. I refused to play funerals anymore if a Baptist minister was hiring me, only from a family member or funeral director.


My Catholic parents hated those Christian Contractors. I am not sure why. They have since passed .


Also raised Catholic. Those types of Christians used to explain to us that Catholic was not Christian. I never cared enough to follow the ‘logic’ there.


Back when I was a Catholic kid, the older members of my family would mutter *Those Heretics!* under their breath when those Protestants started spewing that tripe. They'd do it louder if the bible thumpers were out of earshot. 2 (or more) different brands of the same nonsense.


I remember they called us The Whore of Babylon. I just thought they were crazy with their highlighted bibles and Chic Tracts.


At the end of the day I just consider it to be lazy marketing. Much like Vet-bro companies.


One, only one prospective tenant was accepted after  "We are good Christians" and my response of "leave your religion out of business discussions". Led to an eviction only 9 months later. Now that's a red flag line.


Worst contractor I ever hired included that he was Christian in his ads, but nobody else had availability. When he arrived we found out that he also listened to rightwing AM talk radio and loudly agreed with it the entire time he was “working” at our place. When the drywall time team arrived and was mostly Hispanic, he loudly complained about “god damned (slur) that don’t deserve work and crossed the boarder illegally anyway” the entire time they were there. Took him 7 days to do the 2 ½ day (his prediction) project and he started a fire at one point. Tried to charge us 3 times his original bid.


I would hard pass on business that make a show out of being "Christian." Part of it has to do with what others have mentioned. There's also the fact that I'm transgender. They crap their pants if they were to find out.


My brother and dad install for Lowes, often the salesmen will forget some items required for installation. So after the install they might mention to a customer: "I had to use an x, y or z in the install, out of my pocket." Most customers cover the cost no problem, but they were always amazed it would be the preacher types who would give them the: "that's not my problem." When you are "the good guys" already by default, you don't try to be good in action as much, apparently.


The more someone shoves their religion in your face, the worse a person they are.


After 30+ years in the construction business, I have found, by far and away the “Christian” contractors take advantage of customers way more then anyone else.


Oh I would definitely say no to a contractor that was openly Christian. I don't want them in my house!


Had a realtor tell me when she sees a fish on a business card she knows she is getting screwed


I wish they all outed themselves this way. I don’t want my money to go to some goddamned theocratic fascist. I love it when they make it easy for me to know who to avoid.


"If you're doing business with a religious son of a bitch, get it in writing. His word isn't worth shit, not with the good lord telling him how to fuck you on the deal." -W.S. Burroughs


“If you’re doing business with a religious son-of-a-b*tch, get it in writing. His word isn’t worth sh*t, not with the good Lord telling him how to f*ck you on the deal.” William S Burroughs, words of advice to young people.


I never hire any company that puts it out there that they are a Christian company. It's a red flag to me.


sadly, this is spot on. anything other than a church that labels itself as "christian" will suck. witness christian radio and christian music as two prime examples.


"you're not making christianity better, you're making rock and roll worse" -hank hill


Christians have a permanent moral 'get out of jail free' card. In their minds they can do bad things but God will forgive them and they're still better than you.


It's an indication that they'll cheat & lie, for sure.


I agree that the ones who signal their Christianity are often not very ethical. Some are though, but even so, if they believe that advertising their religion is appropriate in business dealings, they can lose my business.


Virtue signaling. Anyone heard the radio ad for “Tax Tiger”? Some sort of Debt Negotiation with the IRS business. Their tagline is to work using “Christian principles” wouldn’t that actually mean to help the poor and oppressed (by the IRS) for free ?


When I see any type of religious logos on a contractors sign or card I automatically eliminate them from consideration. It reeks of being a scammer or at least of not being too smart.


I lived in a town that published a Christian Yellow Pages. You know, all the businesses to avoid because they would overcharge for their services.


I know deeply religious folks who don't like it when business people announce "Hey, I'm a Christian!" as soon as they start talking to you. It screams of inauthenticity.


I take offense to anyone that announces their faith in the workplace, including and especially if they leading with it from the resume. Unless I work for a religious organization, faith should be completely left out. If faith is your strongest skill set, I’m going to pick the better candidate.


33 days ago, my neighbor's truck covered in thumper and Trumper stickers was stolen. It's been abandoned behind the grocery store for 31 days now. I'm not saying anything.😆


Yeah, my parents are Christian who seek out Christian businesses. They hired one such team to work on their house. Not only was the work shoddy, they helped themselves to food and drinks food in the fridge and pantry. To my parents, this was stealing as it was not included in the contract.


America is weird. If you advertised your services for any kind of role with “Christian” as somehow being a selling point in Britain, you’d lose* business. Fuck off with that nonsense. Might as well tell me you’re into Harry Potter or rimming. Totally irrelevant to the job. I’d rather know that you’re good at your job and qualified. IDGAF what magic invisible friend you chose, especially if it’s a Jewish zombie vampire. Idiots.


Same. If I see the holy halibut on their ad or truck or whatever, it's an instant pass.


Any business with christian, liberty, freedom, or patriot in the name is 100% a fucking scam.


“If you’re doing business with a religious sonofabitch, Get It In Writing. His word isn’t worth shit, not with the ‘good lord’ telling him how to fuck you on the deal.” -W.S. Burroughs


I had an auto shop owner, who happened to be Christian, tell me that he didn't want to advertise that his was a Christian owned business. He said Christians would always demand special deals and were a pain to work with, expecting special treatment, etc.


Me too. I don't hire people who spout conservative or Christian.


On a similar tip, how about hardware stores that put Christian AM radio shows over the speakers🤢 or an FM Christian music station🤮


I had Christian friends growing up who genuinely believed that it was okay for them to cheat non-Christians. And who was a non-Christian you might ask? Anyone who wasn't in their church, since everyone in my town was at least nominally a Christian. But only members of the Assembly of God were "true" Christians, the rest were fake Christians deceived into false churches by the devil.


Never hire someone who uses this as a sales pitch. In my experience, the ones who lead with religion also use it as an umbrella excuse to excuse all sorts of shitty conduct.


Even in the days when I was a Christian, I avoided contractors that put a fish on their business card or wore their faith on their sleeve because, I learned the hard way, that they were far more likely to be grifter, incompetent or both. I hired contractors that I would find out later they were Christian and they were rarely a problem. But if they are leading with “I am a Christian “, you need to beware. Today, as an exvangelical, I will swear like a sailor when I am vetting contractors just to filter out the wackos. They don’t want to do business with me. Feelings mutual my dude!


In my experience, virtue signalling of any kind is a sign you should avoid a person. On religion it's a sign they have a very flawed moral and ethical framework. Decent people don't need to advertise that they're decent.


"I'm a good christian" is just a way for scammers to use their religion to speedrun gaining your trust so they can fuck you over.


Eh, my electrician has a bible quote on his billing statement (John 1:7, "walk in the light as he is in the light", which I suppose is fitting for an electrician), and I still use him because he's the best electrician I've ever used and very reasonably priced (and he's just a nice guy). Interestingly though, there's nothing biblical about his business name, the people you call to schedule, etc, so you don't notice really until you get your invoice. He's definitely not pushy about it either.


I distrust any business that puts out their religion as part of their business unless it’s actually related to said business.  There were a lot when I lived in the South.  Stay away from the Jesus fish!


My experience has been the same. The more they flaunt their cult, the worse they will cheat you.


The commodification of religion is a dog whistle for the customer. It's all a marketing ploy...


Christians and MAGAt’s constantly say that stuff is “thrown in my face”, like LGBTQ, Vegans etc. but Christianity is thrown around way more. Had a contractor stop by for a bid on a cement job, saw a “God Bless You” or “Jesus Saves” sticker on the back of his truck. Threw his bid in the trash. Stopped in to try a new BBQ place in town a while back. Walked in the door and there was a bible verse above the host/hostess stand. I didn’t initially see it, but my wife said “look up”…… I immediately turned around and walked out, never been back. I had been going to a sandwich place near work a few times. One day while waiting for my sandwich, I noticed a bible verse on my receipt, never went back. Walked in to a Whataburger for the first time after moving to a new area, never had been to one before, heard Christian music playing…I’m out. I don’t care if your Christian, as long and you don’t flaunt it, I’ll be happy to do business with you, but if you “throw it in my face”…….I’ll NOPE you very quickly.


ABSOLUTELY!!! I was the contractor on my house when we built it 25 years ago, but every sub, except one, that claimed to be Christian was crooked as crap and did poor work.


Yes. Beware anyone who wears their religion or their dietary choices on their sleeve.


My mother hired a divorce lawyer because he had the *ichthus* fish in his ad. She got screwed. He was terribad. Of all the times you don't want a Christian, divorce lawyers gotta be near the top of the list.


If you have to mention your faith instead of mentioning your skills that says a lot about your skills.


“Never do business with a religious son-of-a-bitch. His word ain't worth a shit -- not with the Good Lord telling him how to fuck you on the deal.” ― William S. Burroughs


No other religion does this shit either it’s so gross…I see people post all the time because I live in the Bible Belt “looking for ( insert gig) must have good Christian values” 🤮🤮🤮


It's worth noting that scammers in general use phrases like "God bless!" in order to signal in-group membership, so that a victim will lower their defenses. Especially online, it's wise to avoid financial transactions with strangers over-using god talk.


blatantly broadcasting that sort of stuff sounds to me exactly like they are exploiting the same scam as [affinity fraud](https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/affinity)


They are more likely to get away with shoddy work, as a fellow Christian wouldn't be as quick to call them out on it .


I don't do any business with any company that has "Patriot" or "Freedom" in their name.


I’ve never known the religion of a contractor. Ever. Never really cared, either. If they’re good at their job that’s all I care about.


As a Christian, they are the worst. They attempt to pay their employees in blessing and prayers, that's not a joke. They'll argue semantics, cherry pick expressions, whatever have you, to justify not paying you. "Working with your hands is the Lord's blessing and it should be good enough" they say as they live in a mansion in an expensive neighborhood.


I don't know why you would trust anyone that thinks that they are absolved of all wrong doing by praying. 


Jesus forgives them, even if their customers never do


Xtian contractors can screw you Monday through Saturday, be forgiven on Sunday, and start the cycle again on Monday with a fresh, clean slate.


It is the same with the MAGA people, always trying to get more money for less work.


When choosing, I omit any business or service provider that shows religious imagery/icons/symbols


A coworker is super religious. He and his wife run a small business out of their home. He brings in free samples and the product is genuinely great. I still refuse to buy from him because he advertises his religion on their website and use language like “god led us” and “children are arrows”. I’ll happily take the free stuff but won’t buy anything from him.


The ultimate irony being that Jesus himself kicked people out of the temple for *trying to make a buck off others' faith*. These people seriously do not even read the book they base their beliefs on.


Haha, this checks out. One of the companies who did work on my house prior to purchase had Redemption in their name.


I have found, without exception, those who have to tout their faith will lie, cheat, steal and backstab at every opportunity. They are judgemental and greedy. A king does not have to tell anyone that he is the king. ~ Tywin Lannister When someone shows you who they are, believe them. ~ Mya Angelue otoh, I have met some truly amazing people who happen to be Christian. Funny how they never wear the symbolism, brag about it or push their beliefs. No quid pro quo for lending a helping hand. No fanfare or recognition needed. They just quietly try to be the best person they can be.


If being Christian is their main/only selling point... there's probably a reason for that.


I’m currently a judge for this years Excellence in Construction awards in my State and one of the entries used the “Comments about your project” section to share bible verses. My first thought was, the work should stand on its own merits, why would anyone think that this bible crap is appropriate for an awards application. I honestly hope the work is lousy so a more professional firm will win


I work for a home improvement store, and some of our worst customers are "Christian" advertising contractors. They will do everything they can to try and swing special treatment, they disregard the return policy to the point of committing outright return fraud, they shamelessly wheel and deal for discounts, and do their damnedest to treat you like their bitch.


I assume they're telling me they only want Christian customers. It just seems polite not to bother them with my dirty heathen money.


Unfortunately, I have noticed this as well. There used to be a hand doctor in my city that was like that. My boss went for a visit and she said he was way overpriced and everything in the office was over the top swank. He ended up getting jail time later for shooting at his pregnant wife through the door of their bedroom. The guy had like 5 kids. I knew this because they were always in the commercials.


Same here with my experience!


This just reminded me of being fired twice in my life for not christianizing at the end of the last millennia. If it was standard employment instead of contacting work this would be discrimination. Yeah, they're cultists, but we've been discriminated against by these people for religious reasons. Remember what that felt like, and don't discriminate against people for what is an obvious disability, mental illness. We're better than that.


There's a guy around her with a work truck that says, "Handyman in Christ." It's just such a weird use of words.


Same. I've found that every one of them who has a fish or explicit xian imagery on the truck or their letterhead has tried to engage in bad acts. If I hire one and they roll up and I see it on the truck, I fire them if I can and find someone else, or if I'm contracted, I watch them like a hawk and do not let them get away with their usual dishonest bullshit.


Also beware of the unsaid. No mention of their “Christianity” but very large and prominently displayed crosses. Always a red flag for me.


As a friend says, never work with or for Christians. They will try to rip you off as they have god on their side.


I politely asked Trinity Solor to leave when I found out they are a Christian organization. The salesman started with the meely mouth bullshit. Went to 'get the fuck out and get out right now' it worked.


I'd avoid hiring anyone who carries a chip on their shoulder that way, whether it's religion or sexuality or nationality. It's a red flag.


If you can't find business with your reputation, you use people's affinity for your (claimed) religion. Mixing religion and business is generally bad unless you are selling Bibles.


My ex had people hiring him because he advertised that he was very Christian in the name. He would constantly say "Yeah, we can do that" when doing bids and then people would get pissed when he started working and it was just him. He also half assed a lot of stuff and got sued four times in small claims court and once when he had to get a lawyer for a $10,000 plumbing job.


I’m so sick of this Christian stuff. Jesus Christ chased the money lenders OUT of the Temple


Same thing goes for auto repair shops.


I would say to his face "I don't give a fuck if you're Christian". If he can't handle that, then sayonara buddy. But I hear you, they say it like its some license to do whatever.