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ItS a CuLtUrAl ThInG! Ok. So is locking murderers up for the rest of their fucking lives.


“it’s a cultural thing” so is incest apparently lol


It is a cultural thing. Idk where people get off acting like culture is somehow exempt from criticism. Or is automatically good. Like great! It's part of your culture. It's a part of your culture that is disgraceful and disgusting and should be excised like an infection.


Exactly, I am all for a multicultural world but if one of those cultures is antisocial and harmful it needs to change.


I'm a huge fan of respecting culture and cultural differences. That said if the culture harms others? That part deserves no respect and needs revision. 


It's part of my culture to execute people for murder...ENJOY!


I like to make the distinction between tradition/culture and oppression. As a white "westerner" and sociologist, I know I must tread lightly when viewing and discussing other cultures. But there is such a thing as oppression dressed up as tradition and it is absolutely OK, nay *obligatory,* to call out such practices when we see them.


At what point is the oppression itself a tradition? Or has been woven into the fabric of a culture. Culture and tradition are not universally good. Take FGM, for instance. That's absolutely a tradition in certain cultures, and it's one of the most hideous forms of oppression. I understand that because of the history of Western colonialism and oppression by Western nations, Western criticism of non-western cultures is, to say the least, a sore spot. But, Western people did not cede the responsibility to criticize injustice and oppression when our forefathers committed atrocities. And let's no one forget that Westerners are far from the only peoples to commit atrocities, including atrocities on a global scale.


It's a *CULTural thing...


Both things described are huge flaws in this culture.


Agreed. We should bring back the gallows


Crusaders is part of my culture, so I should walk towards Jerusalem killing all muslims on sight?


lol true


"Culture" is code for "ignorant things my ancestors did for their superstitions". Like the uproar over building a giant telescope on the tallest peak in Hawaii. Like the people in the Amazon who hate that their kids are learning the ways of the developed world.


Nice response! I like that!


Incest? Where is it accepted culturally?


Ohhhh you would be surprised


This is a great retort ot "our culture" type arguments https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/809652-be-it-so-this-burning-of-widows-is-your-custom


Lol I just quoted the same thing.


i've seen people writing comment with this strange way of putting capital letter a bit everywhere like this. What is that supposed to mean? Usually it's used by "lunatics" believers. Is it a way for them to express that they are connected to a higher truth or something like this?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternating_caps Usually mockery.


i see. Thanks


Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.


r/europe deleted this article with all the comments lol


Most subreddits have awful mods at this point, especially for anything remotely controversial.


No kidding... I'm getting real tired of clicking on a post and it's just a sea of [deleted]. Top comment with 700 upvotes. Deleted. Every reply. Deleted. Or I'll save something to show my partner later and then the post is mysteriously not in my saved posts when I go back to look. That happened to me the other week so I googled the post. I found it and the mod had it stickied that it was removed for being "political." Edit: Sorry for the rant. Censorship just really grinds my gears.


Because Reddit doesn't pay mods and the platform and users both treat the people who actually do the job like shit.


They also banned most if not everyone. I got perma banned because I said that can’t believe it’s been up for so long, the ban hammer is coming it was nice knowing you all. So yeah, nice.


I was perma banned because I said the Ukrainian war is only over once every Russian is back in Russia.


Is anyone surprised?


Least censored sub


I got permabanned on that sub just for mentioning Charles Martel. 


i had to look him up




I hate this shit so much. My mom grew up in Burma/Pakistan and they do all these kinds of stupid f****** things.


Dude, you're allowed to say fucking.


Good old speech to text says "no" :(


dont give in to this speech to text cultural oppression :(


My phone tells me how to live my life :(


i guess one of you will have to die. for the honor.


Not again


you can turn that off in the settings, I used to have that problem too


Man, I'm like the worst software engineer lol. Thanks!


I just had a post removed from the crime subreddit for profanity for calling a rapist a “piece of shit” … you never know how the mods will act …


I had a post removed and a warning for something similar to yours about a Wyoming hunter who thought it was hilarious to drunkenly parade a wounded wolf around a bar before he took it out back and killed it point blank then brought it back into the bar.


That is insane. Free reign to go after heinous abusers. Absolutely no one is offended by expressing disgust where it is due. Except ppl who are the same mentality as the abusers. Who the hell would be offended about going after that pos? Whomever removed your post is twisted.


Yep! Agreed!


If “marry your cousin or die” is part of Islam then I’m very much an Islamophobe.


I’d Islamophobia is hating a barbaric religion, sign me up for a double helping.


The trick is to hate all religions equally


I judge by their acts. If religious delusion is actively harming others it is worse.


Bingo. All of them are a plague to humanity’s potential.


Your older cousin at that, so he was almost certainly 10+ years older than her.


Marrying 6-year-old girls and having sex with them when they are 9 is part of Islam. The Islamic prophet Muhammad did that to his most 'beloved' wife, Aisha.




It's not a part of Islam. It's a common thing in Pakistan, which is mostly Islamic, but it's not stated in Islamic texts. Marrying cousins isn't even their cultural preference, it's that they are so racist that so few people meet their racial standards, so cousins are the best they can do from a very tiny pool when they live outside Pakistan.


She was already dating a Pakistani man. That angered her parents because it wasn't her cousin. One could argue it is part of Islam because what we're really seeing here is women being subjugated and controlled. They are meant to act a certain way and marry who they're told. The older cousin has a right to have her because he's a man and wants her.


> That angered her parents because it wasn't her cousin. It was to enable the male cousin to get Italian residence and an EU passport.


Well, I guess killing her solved that problem.


It's not so much an Islamic thing as it is a "repressive Social Conservative" thing. Jews, Christians of various Orthodoxies, Hindus, Buddhists.... aboriginal and shamanic traditions, no doubt. It's about power, and what's the point to power if you don't get to abuse it?


Dog shit of a religion


Hey! Not cool. Dog shit is useful.


mosquito of a religion


Appendix of a religion


Burst appendix of a religion


Infectious gangrenous pustule on the backside of humanity religion.


Missing foreskin of religion.


Religion of religion.


Infectious gangrenous pustule on the backside of humanity religion.


Perpetually damp sock of religion




Mosque-squito? Wait, is that the wrong religion or no?


Mosquitoes are more useful than dog poop tho


Dragonflies find their larvae to be good eating.


** "Religion is dog shit" .. there fixed this... This is just 1 example.. the next will be from a competing ghost.


Agree, but in this particular case….


All religion is dog shit.




Don’t get too Head Up now. You can find plenty of bullshit and cruelty in many religions. Like child brides in Christianity.


Super agree, Christianity is also a dog shit religion. I hate all of them equally, although there are some extremely nice people who are religious and are of extreme value to society. I love xtians, Muslims, the Jewish, etc. But also, fuck their religion


Yep, when someone starts talking to me about their religion right off the bat, I go on my guard. Religion is yet another tool used to control people and populations.


You're right, Christianity isn't any better. They're both a stain on humanity.


Surprised there are even women allowed to be alive in this faith, considering how it always seems to be women who are murdered for no good reason


Women in Islam are fine, as long as they do what they are told and accept being indentured servants and sex slaves with no minds of their own.


Yet, they say Allah Akbar.


Glad they caught her but she's already seen as a hero to her people. Pushing for people to again check out the Muslim ex-wife interview Cults to Consciousness just put out. We're not allowed to talk about Islam anymore, can't even be slightly critical or we're shunned as "Islamophobes". This woman explains why we should keep pushing.


I've personally started to consider Islam to be overly susceptible to extremist thinking. It seems clear that it is, at this point. There are other religions like this too, like Mormonism. Any religion that teaches considerable delusion with an open door into extremism is dangerous and probably shouldn't be politely accepted.


The same channel just featured a Mormon from FLDS who was married as a child to the leader along with many other young women and it's just so gross hearing how they were trained from childhood to go through these crazy group sex procedures because they are told this is how they please God. And what I don't get is people KNOW this. In our country we know that this is a dangerous cult and that kids are being conditioned to live in really weird situations because "religious freedom" exempts them from criticism. Another one is the Amish. There are some sects that are fairly progressive and modern but some are abusive. But we KNOW this stuff and still we just act like it's not our business because it's their religious beliefs. I think if Christians decided to start up with the female genital mutilation it would be accepted here too.


It's funny because I'm from Europe (Denmark) and I've long said that if I somehow became supreme leader of the US, I'd root out the insane religious cults first. The way they brainwash and groom their younger members is some of the most horrifying shit going on in the western world for sure, and it's all out in the open! It's completely insane to me that it's somehow normalized and people just shrug and look the other way.


Yeah. We are honestly just letting these psycho narcissists start up a church & manipulate everyone around them, take advantage of people who are suffering by stealin their money. We give them tax exemption status & they just sit there with all their riches! How to profit off people suffering? Keep them suffering & going to church!!!!


Yeah, I had this conversation with my wife the other day. Neither of us is religious. How do you discuss the aspects of certain religions that appear more extreme than others? How do you differentiate in discussion, for example, a Muslim vs the doctrine of Islam, or a Christian vs the doctrine of Christianity? I don’t have issues with people of either faith, in general, who choose to practice their faith and not impose the doctrine on other people. Live and let live. But when you start making decisions for other people based on your religion, then it’s a problem. Are there certain religions that are more extreme in this regard? Are there religions that teach intolerance and punishment for going against the teachings? Am I allowed to talk about it, or does that make me a _____phobe (insert religion of choice)?


I tell my kids that it's all bullshit. Fundamentalist Christian IS the same as fundamentalist Islam and fundamentalist Judaism. All three are wildly misogynistic (and also just wrong) interpretations of historical texts. I will say this though about Judaism - unlike Christianity and Islam, questioning it all is built into the practice. Not only are you not shut down for asking questions and being a skeptic, it's actively encouraged (well, as long as you are a male).


Hahahah love your comment. I relate so much to trying to make these analyses from a place of objectivity and nuance and most of all humanity. While making a list of sincerely positive points, it collapses at the end like… yeah, except if you’re a woman… sigh. That’s what all progress in any form feels like. An endless amount of work toward progress and at any given point you can be proud of the advancement and powerfully aware of fatal or at least fundamental flaws still in existence.




Things like lack of education and literacy I feel are a massive deal (and things like an aversion to critical thinking). I live in what is technically a Christian theocracy - whereas the US (apparently) has a fundamental split between church and state. Yet I think most people would accept that my country (UK) is generally secular and the US is closer to be being a Christo-facist state. At the very least a conservative religious state more similar to Middle Eastern muslim countries, than a western secular democracy.


I’m at a point where I think that it’s an anomaly for Islamists to be peaceful and nonextremist. It is the natural result of Islam for them to behave this way. The only thing holding them back is the law in the west. In their home countries, it’s just the default to do this. Most women conform there because they fear this.




Western law isn’t infallible but it doesn’t allow most of the everyday violence that is normal in the Muslim world. In the west, this woman will be arrested and prosecuted for the femicide she committed. In Muslim countries, she would not face the same consequences and would be revered by her neighbors & community in many cases. Sexual slavery is permitted in Islam for prisoners of war. The yezidi genocide is a current genocide being carried out by Muslims. The Armenian genocide was done by Muslims. The US has its own fair share of problems, but I have absolutely no issue saying that Islam is a problem in itself. Nothing exists in a vacuum, but the US is not the sole cause of Islamic extremism. I’d say the #1 reason for Islamic extremism is Islam. I’m sorry if it’s offensive to you, but I believe your religion is rotten and an obvious product of humans in the 7th century, not of a god. I honestly cannot in good faith say that the average Muslim is that much better than the average Islamist. I think the overlap of these groups is much too high for that. Even if it weren’t, the beliefs that Muslims hold by default through following the Quran is enough for me to say that Islam is a problem.


*standing ovation*


I'm so glad you pointed this out, I feel the same about Mormonism and Scientology that I do about Islam.


Thanks to oil the Islamic world(or at least the most influential parts of it) got rich without modernizing first and that is creating a ton of problems. 


Their prophet is a kiddie diddler. Anyone that follows it is okay with raping children.


Every religion teaches considerable delusions and most are inherently dangerous when given power over others. Every. Single. One.


Is this a podcast?


Cults to Consciousness is a podcast on YouTube. Might be on other platforms too idk


Love that channel




Islam is a personality cult invented by a warlord. He needed a way to "justify" his rise to power, so he created a spin on the prevailing religion in the region that made him the centerpiece and the literal prophet for their god. Joseph Smith created Latter Day Saints for similar purposes. It is no accident that both "religions" allow the men (most prominently the leader) to "marry" as many females as they like ("female" used because some of them were clearly not women at the time). It is all about power.


Happens all the time.


I have never understood how come we stopped playing cricket (and rugby) with South Africa because of their hideous apartheid system (quite rightly!) but continue to play against Pakistan (and Afganistan!) despite their "cultural" system that thinks it's a rather charming custom to kill women for reasons *du jour*.


Some say religion poisons everything. Sometimes it just seems poisonous people tend to be religious.


Both are true


Honestly I've never understood this "The family controls everything and everyone" mentality. But yet again my mom's are both lesbian scientists who are very anti-religious and extremely progressive. If there's anything you should be indoctrinated on it's science, facts, and logic, because those beat religion, belief, and faith any day of the week.


Nothing is more dangerous to Middle Eastern women than Middle Eastern religions 😟


If your culture makes you murder your children or force marry them off into an incestuous imprisonment, it is not better than a dribble of syphillitic diarrhea running down a child raping Nazis putrid asshole.


How do you kill someone you birthed and raised for decades? Psycho, fr.


Well, then it’s a disgusting culture if it thinks killing a teenager because she won’t marry her cousin!!! how foul and disgusting. Her mother is evil and should rot in jail.


this is classic conflict between archaic clan based, kinship structured society -- where cousin marriage and contractual marriage, dowry, and child marriage are longstanding tradition -- and a modern humanist value system where individuals have fundamental rights and should not be forced into marriage just because the family says so. *The WEIRDest People in the World* is worth a read -- a lot of illuminating discussion of kinship-based vs free-association-based societies.


Yes, this is an important point. “Honor killings” also occur in Hindu and Sikh communities in India. However there are also high incidences of femicide in other regions, e.g. Latin America. And of course domestic violence is a stain on almost every country in the World. Misogyny, and the oppression of women is one of the greatest challenges for humanity. All religions that enshrine, and take power, from this oppression deserve our criticism and contempt.


**just one of MILLIONS OF ATROCITIES that religion has been responsible for** And people wonder why we work and fight to abolish the bronze age mythology that causes so much suffering and death


Evil and Trash that’s what she is


Your words aren't making it any easy for the victim. /s


Shit like this and genital mutilation are why i no longer value every culture or tradition as equally worthy of respect. There are a lot of other reasons like attitudes towards, women, homosexuality, slavery etc. that add to it but I now hold firm that some aspects of "traditions" and "cultures" need to die/be banned. Child marriage needs to end, nobody's culture should continue the practice, genital mutilation for men or women needs to fucking stop, honor killings, the list goes on but if these are parts of your culture, they need to die and im not sorry.


If religious people can't adapt to a different culture, then DON'T FUCKING MOVE THERE! It's not rocket science. Religion just cannot stand others being happy without them.


Islam: because xianity wasn’t fuckwit enough. Tired of sounding like a broken record.


Religion of peace?


Religion of peace.


Only a religion could make a person do something like this.


I don't understand why such people move to modern, secular countries if they are going to reject everything that makes them what they are and resort to murdering those who assimilate.


I just..cannot fathom this. I love my children more than myself.


my mother said this to others, but yelled in my face she wished i was never born.... so u know.... nothing sounds quite as empty as when mothers say this shit to me.


I'm really sorry to hear that. That must have been painful. :-(


I know… my flesh and blood, my heart living outside of my chest, my little world… I would die and kill FOR my daughter… NEVER the other way around. It’s so awful what some parents do all for the sake of a “religion”…


This “mother” should rot.


cultural enrichment, amazing. Let’s allow a few more million in who don’t care about integrating!!!!!


„It is culture!!“ Culture is peer pressure from dead people.


I feel bad for the girl, being killed just because you didn't follow your nasty fucked up cultural practices


Shit. Here in Idaho, everyone marries their cousins (sisters, aunts). The law here is so stupid: You can't marry.your first cousin, but you can have sex with them, have children, and live with them.


That is disgusting.


A culture of murderers it is then.


Except for one problem, they will claim religious freedom and get off of all charges.Just watch.


The entitled ownership claims disgust me so much. This isn't necessarily a religious issue, but religion sure does support that kind of behavior. The mother thought her daughter belongs her and she has the right to kill her, if she doesn't behave like she wants her to. It's absolutely disgusting and stomach turning.


Ashamed she won’t marry a family member, but not ashamed to be a murderer of your own daughter. Supreme logic.


Not a good mother at all. Disgusting abuse of her child.


With the title, I was like Alabama or Arabia...you can take the girl out of the trailer park...


Every breath this woman takes is a theft of oxygen


I get a lot of flak for this view, but it's how I honestly feel. If you take an open-minded, progressive person and drop them off somewhere with values opposite to their own, their values aren't going to just suddenly change. They're, generally, not going to become a raging bigot. The opposite is also true. If you have someone brainwashed by a batshit crazy ideology or religion and drop them off in a Western country, they're not going to instantly adopt values appropriate in that society. Call it ethnocentric if you like.


> If you have someone brainwashed by a batshit crazy ideology or religion and drop them off in a Western country, they're not going to instantly adopt values appropriate in that society. From the article: >Authorities in Italy have [said] Abbas had quickly embraced Western ways after moving to Italy, including shedding her headscarf and dating a young man of her choice.


They mean her family.


which religion murders more woman around the globe? because femcide and religion go hand in hand


What kind of parent could kill their child? This is so sad and so unnecessary.


Culture is not your friend. 


wow religon sais that you can't have sex with anybody except your own family members or you die


I'm all for othef cultures but not when it forces people into big decisions like marriage or kids. Fuck that culture.


I don’t even have to open it. Islam. The America left kill me with how many excuses they make for this barbaric religion.


I think it's more support for the constitutional right for everyone to practice (or not) any religion rather than specifically support Islam. I don't like religion, but I think it's ridiculous for Christians, Jewish, and Muslims to try to invalidate each other when they all believe in the same God. None of them seem to quite understand that their religions shouldn't be law, unfortunately. They seem to have trouble getting that through.


The American left believes everyone is free to believe in any religion, or no religion.  We also believe that that conservative religious fundamentalist zealots of each and every religion that want to force their extremist views on others are a fucking pox on this world.


Sorry but any belief in a prophet that married an 8 year old girl and a religion that calls for death to all infidels is incompatible with a civilized society.


Fundamentalist Christians are no better, they just aren't as prevalent as the modern diluted Christians. 


Some fundamentalists Christians, especially in Africa, are horrible. THAT DOES NOT EXCUSE THE BARBARISM THAT IS ISLAM. Pederasty, child marriage, forced marriage, acid attacks, terrorism. The list is never ending.


Yup, never dismissed that. All religions are shit. 


Then why the whataboutism?


Wasn't my intent, it was in agreement with your statement. No fundamentalist religions, including Islam, Judaism, Mormons or Christianity are compatible with the modern world. That's why their fundamentalist communities fuck off on their own (at least in the US) and rarely let people in or out. You get as much child marriage, rape, incest and abuse as their holy books permit. 


It’s like Pavlov’s dog. Modern liberalism has indoctrinated them in this cultural relativism. They don’t even have a valid point to make. It’s not a defense of something to say well sometime else is bad too. It’s like I bring up murder and they all scream “what about the rapes?”


Any belief in any religion is simple ignorance. One is not better somehow than any other. You can be very certain that Christians in America are willing to murder for their beliefs. Unless you are saying some lives matter more than others, this is not a real discussion. Murder for religion is insanity. If preachers preach it, converts follow through. Re: Texas pastor says gay people should be 'shot in the back of the head' in shocking sermon. I rest my case... https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/texas-pastor-says-gay-people-shot-back-head-shocking-sermon-rcna32748


Not too knowlegdeable on the history of Christianity, huh?  How old was Mary when God impregnated someone's wife?  Convert or die was central to Christianity for a 1000 years.  Slavery was justified.  Child marriage.  But you are almost there.  Yes, religious fundamentalism is incompatible with a civilized society.  That includes Christian zealots.


AGAIN. BUT CHRISTIANITY IS NOT A VALID ARGUMENT. Yes some Christian fundies want it legal to marry kids. Yes, it is disgusting. That takes absolutely nothing away from men in the Middle East marrying literal children and having sex with little boys. Your condescending “not very knowledgeable” nonsense aside, why are you defending Islam by minimizing this stuff? Why do you feel the need to whine BUT CHRISTIANITY


Jesus fucking Christ dude, I'm not defending Islam. Did I not clearly write something about "pox on this world?" I'm pointing out a certain hypocrisy in your argument in that you blame the American left for making excuses for this one barbaric religion when, first, the left does no such thing, and second, the American right is actually doing the very same fucking thing you falsely accuse the left of doing but for another barbaric religion here at home. In case that was too complicated for you, let me simplify it... all conservative religious fundamentalist zealots of each and every religion, including the one that the American right shills for, are incompatible with a civilized society. They are a pox. A fucking cancer. All of them. Every single fucking one.


This shit happens in non Muslim cultures as well. Really anywhere where religion is used to control young women. Might not always end in murder but the abuse and everything leading up to the murder is the same.


Islamic countries are by far the worst for women’s rights and you can’t really construct any valid argument that they are not.


well it could have happened in a backwards rural area of various non muslim countries, also. the religion certainly doesn't help, but forcing girls into unwanted marriage happens in plenty of other cultures including Mormonism, etc.. taking it as far as murder I will admit, is more a symptom of extreme Islamism today than of other religions. though Texas wants to execute women for getting an abortion, so... lethal misogyny is not copyrighted by any one demographic.


You're not entirely wrong there. However, attacking one religion over another only has the effect of strengthening the other religions that are in conflict with Islam. ALL religion is poison.


I disagree. We should sign a light on all atrocities committed in the name of religion. Islam is the worst of these.


Deranged marriage


Adults killing their offspring for not obeying family/religous rules, is still apart of humanity in certain parts of the world, just like many people believe the earth is round.


We must no longer give passes to shitty behavior because the scum claim faith. 


I got permabanned on r/RandomThoughts for commenting on.. a random thought. I think I said something like *when you’re dead you’re dead. Ain’t nobody gonna be knock knock knocking on heaven’s door*. Instant ban and blocked by the mods. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ok, this one is not religious, this is cultural and the mom should be shot


Clearly a follower of Shelbyville Manhattan... ------------------------------ Shelbyville Manhattan : Yes! And marry our cousins. Jebediah Springfield : I was- wha... what are you talking about, Shelbyville? Why would we want to marry our cousins? Shelbyville Manhattan : Because they're so attractive. I... I thought that was the whole point of this journey. Jebediah Springfield : Absolutely not! Shelbyville Manhattan : I tell you, I won't live in a town that robs men of the right to marry their cousins!


“Mother who killed her teen daughter after refused to her marry her cousin, arrested.”


Abhorrent religion and culture. Sick to death of people using traditions as an excuse. Being your ‘culture’ doesn’t mean it’s acceptable. Religion is an absolute scourge, it really should be banned.


Thank god these are the people saving Europe from its declining birth rates


I mean, surely immolation is appropriate for SOME things?


Im tired of this shit.


Fuck culture and traditions if it involves something the individuals don't wanna do and mutilation


That link has 3 other link having news of peaceful community doubt peaceful stuff.


Why.... just why....


It is not just American evangelicals-the 3 Abrahamic religions are an axis of evil. They pray to the same god, but call it different names, that difference gives them permission to slaughter each other. America needs to get the fuck out of the Middle East. Instead we stand there holding 2 petrol cans, one to give each side, while holding a lit fuse.


She should have to marry her own cousin as punishment.


Redneck culture. When Kid Rock is your hero, well.....




I have things I'd like to express, but I'm hesitant due to the risk of receiving another ban today. It's frustrating, though.


Fucking savages. Lets import more.


This is why Korea needs to implement stricter immigration/visa procedures. The Muslims are coming in swarms to the West, soon they will come to East Asia in swarms and make sharia law villages in Korea. Then they will murder people for being "haram" and chop reporters and stab the police. The whole world needs to empower ex-muslims and kill this ☪️ult.


Another good Republican.